Answered Prayers from the St. Jude Novena, 2021

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Thank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Jude Novena! If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, please share those with us all below.

We praise God and give Him all the glory. He is a good, faithful and present Father.

Please do not give up on hope if your prayers have not been answered. The Lord is near. We are praying for you!

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  1. Dear St. Jude, I humbly pray to be blessed with a job offer by November 18th so that I may leave a toxic and hurtful workplace and look forward to a future renewed with hope and God’s blessings. Please bless me with hearing back from the company I’ve been corresponding with, confidently completing my interviews, and finally being chosen after a long and discouraging search. Help me to feel peace and trust in Jesus’ plans, removing obstacles and fear. Amen.

  2. Thank you, St. Jude, for your intercession, and praise Jesus and our Father, for his healing mercy and grace.

    At the onslaught of this novena, covid was ravaging my daughter’s family; my 13-year-old granddaughter had covid pneumonia & bacterial pneumonia, but our collective prayers, united with St. Jude’s, brought her through and she has returned to school! Please, continue her healing, that neither she, nor her family, will realize any long-term effects from this virus.
    I pray, Lord, you will heal others from it.

    Thank you, too, for mom’s successful surgery; may she enjoy a hasty recovery.

    Continue to pray with me, St. Jude, for all healthcare workers; for the conversion of my children & grandchildren; for the state of our marriage; for my brother’s reconciliation; and for our nation & world to rely on God, our Father.

    All glory is our Lord’s. Amen.

  3. I have been praying fervently for my husband’s work and health – halfway through this novena he dislocated his shoulder and now has his arm in a sling, it is a strange answer to my prayer but definitely from God! He will now be resting plenty and have more time for prayer and reflection. Thanks be to God and for St Jude’s intercession for giving us what we need, even in the most unexpected way.

  4. Dear God, thank you for answering me even before I called. I have truly seen what you does to those who seeks you. Thank you San Jude for your great power of intereceesion. No single day I didn’t see your help. Please help me to make others know of you. Please don’t leave me even after this novena. Glory be to the Father, the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

  5. Thank you Lord and St. Jude for hearing my prayers. My husband is healthy my son’s job is going well. Thanks to everyone for praying for bmy intentions. I prayed for yours too.

  6. Thank you Saint Jude for your intercession and the prayers of all the faithful here. Our son has started putting his life together post prison and drug use. He is working full time and spending his money on useful things. Please keep prayers coming for Alexander.
    God Bless All

  7. Thank you for praying for/with me for my intentions. My prayers have been answered in that my son has asked me to pray with him every morning to thank God and ask for God’s forgiveness and mercy. He had seen the light and the goodness of our Lord.

  8. The you, Lord for the resolution of 1 of 2 of my work-related problems. Thank you, St. Jude for the intercession.

  9. Thank you God and St. Jude for interceding for my son’s wedding to be blessed. It was highly blessed on many levels.

  10. I thank God for his healing mercies for my father, for a positive feedback regarding by husband’s studies and for a positive response to my visa application. Thank you Saint Jude for your intercession. Amen.

  11. Thanks to St Jude and to Jesus Christ…. I’ve an appointment with an employer tommorow plus other potential jobs… Pray for me that I may get one of them

  12. Saint Jude interceded in Jesus name and according to God’s will on our behalf and brought an end to a legal injustice against my family and I. It has been going on for years with no end in site and today it has ended. Thank you saint Jude for obtaining our miracle for us.

  13. Thank you Our Father for I am at peace and trusting you with my intentions. Thank you for the progress with my prayers for employment. I pray that it pleases you for me to close a job contract that I have been praying for.
    Bless all those who said this Novena with me. Amen Amen Amen Amen

  14. Praise God and thank you St. Jude, after many prayers and many years, I guided my daughter to rehab, through the grace of God. Prayers please for her conversion and sobriety and all of her extended family and friends. May the long journey be led by Christ. Thy will be done.
    Abundance of work and also physical goals of being healthy are being achieved thru the grace of God and for his glory.
    Prayers for balanced budget and pay bills and earn enough money to live responsibly. Show me you, Lord. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Thank you, St Jude, my patron Saint

  15. Thank you Lord for granting me the safe delivery of my beautiful baby girl that I prayed for. Thank you St. Jude for your gracious intercession.

  16. I’ve been praying for my son to spend less time gaming abs online and he has reduced his time greatly as well as praying for my other son to stop using drugs and for both of them to have spiritual, emotional and physical health. They both seem at peace lately and happy positive- praise God!!!

  17. Thank you for the st. Jude novena.
    My prayers were answered one of the debtors who owed me money partly paid and promised to clear the balance. I also got a few business contracts confirmed and am hoping to close on more sales, thank you Jesus and St. Jude may he continue interceding for us

  18. St. Jude,

    Thank you for all your blessings as I started my new job this week and will be moving forward while forgetting the past. I trust in God and you to watch over and protect me. Amen

  19. I have been praying for several years now to God our Heavenly Father and Creator asking if it be his will to send me a helper. A divine partner, a Soul mate and man who Loves God and who will love and care for me a widow and my family. I have been chatting with someone one who lives 140 miles away from me. We met on-line (Silver Singles) to be specific. Our conversations are respectful, decent, meaningful, teaching moments, enlightened and reverencing God Most High. I am thankful to God for this friendship, I also appreciate your prayers with this Novena. All things work for good to those who wait on the Lord God and Love Him. Thank you my Father. Amen Alleluia Amen.

  20. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ.I prayed for a job and my prayer was answered with more than one job.Grateful to God and all who prayed novena with me.

  21. I received a good grade on my exam and continue to have an A in the class. I owe it all to the Lord and St Judes intercession.

  22. My sister had her pacemaker replace and she and all our family were very worried as to the outcome. She came through it very well and is on the road to recovery. Praise be to Jesus and St. Jude.
    Thank you.

  23. Thank you St. Jude for answered prayers. My two sons have changed a lot. There are now gentle than before. They are now realizing that to be in debt is bad. Thank you once more. We give glory to God.

  24. My niece had surgery to remove a blood clot & brain tumor. I prayed for her clear direction and healing, and strength for her husband. Praise God that she is moving forward calmly. Thank you, St. Jude, for intervening. Thank you, Guardian Angels. Thank you, Jesus & Mary. I am humbled that you hear and answer our prayers.

  25. God answers prayers. My aunt’s Ovarian cancer CA21 dropped from 1970 to 8. And she is responding very well to her chemo treatment. May God Almighty make her healing permanent, Amen.

  26. Thank you, St Jude for your intercession and for all of you praying this Novena, I’ll be able to get my Medicare card soon! Please keep praying for all of our intentions and petitions!

  27. I pray the novena of St Jude for my son.
    My prayer was answered
    Jesus delivers my son from his bondage
    Praise the Lord

  28. One of my petitions and the one that initiated me in this Novena is the urgent need of my cousin to get the US visa for her daughter and her children to flee Venezuela, where there’s tremendous turmoil and humanitarian crisis. If she doesn’t get this visa, her daughter is willing to cross the border by foot even though she’s expecting a baby and well advanced. Yesterday we learned that she got a call from the US embassy to discuss her visa. I trust St Jude will tale this case to a happy completion. St Jude, pray for us

  29. Favourable outcome of
    Esophagus and lung scan of my husband when the worst was expected🙏
    Recovery of our daughter in law Mary after 2 weeks in ICU and life support and total organ failure with prognosis of very low chance of survival, has now recovered and is back home to her family. Praise God! Thank you St Jude for your many blessings.

  30. St. Jude thank you for answering my prayers. Please continue to look after me and my family and our needs. I am truly grateful for all your blessings. Amen

  31. I am feeling much better lately,
    More energy and enjoying life again.
    Thank you all for praying with me
    and for one another.
    God Bless.

  32. We still have roof over our heads 🙌🏼
    COVID free🙌🏼
    JorDan is moving forward🙌🏼
    Boys are safe🙌🏼
    Thank you Heavenly Father 🙌🏼

  33. I prayed for my marriage which seemed to be over, that my husband and I would be healed of all of the wounds we inflicted on each other . With St. Jude’s prayers, mine were answered and my husband and I are working together to bring our marriage back to life. Thank you and God bless you, St. Jude!!

  34. I am currently paying to stay in a long term hotel which is very expensive. I sold my house the first week of September. I couldn’t take care of it anymore. The housing market for one floor condos is very slim. I am disabled and need a unit that has a garage underneath because I can’t move my car when we have a snow storm and I need a washer and dryer in the unit. I found one that was perfect but so many people were looking at it. I put an offer in, the highest I could go, but someone else got the condo. I was so disappointed and getting nervous that I wouldn’t find a place I could afford. I started to pray to St. Jude and the first day of my saying the Novena, I got a call asking me if I was interested in still buying the condo. Apparently the people who planned to buy it changed their minds. I will be closing on the condo in two weeks. Thank you Saint Jude!

  35. A tenant who owes me rent for the past 3 years with me thinking I will not be able to collect paid me for all she owes last week when Novena started.

  36. A tenant who owes me rent for the past 3 years with me thinking I will not be able to collect paid me for all she owes last week when Novena started.

  37. Peace be with you🙏🙏🙏

    I am so thankful to our almighty god to the intercession of the blessed virgin mary and st Jude for my answered prayers . My mom visa is approved for almost a year of waiting and my daughter got job finally after 2 years cuz of the pandemic. Thank you so much .

    God bless you🙏

  38. Praise God, through the intercession of St.jude God blessed me with a new job opportunity , thank you Lord for your blessings and protection.Amen

  39. Thank you for all the prayers. I passed my exam with 100%. Still praying for my son and my cousin. I believe that my prayers will be answered when it is the time to be answered. Please continue including me in your prayers. Thanks

  40. I prayed for guidance in my life and God answered by telling me who exactly my future spouse would be and how old I would be when I married them! I am beyond grateful of this gift!

  41. I have been in a season of anxiety and depression for many months. I’ve felt hopeless and overwhelmed by the ways I’ve been wounded. My friend suggested I pray a novena for healing. Every day since I’ve prayed this novena, I have experienced great peace and healing. I have a renewed sense of hope and trust in God. My prayers have been answered. I am in awe of what God has done thanks to St. Jude’s intercession!

  42. My intentions included the resolution of two final court cases after my young husband was killed in a tragic accident nearly 3 years ago. During this novena, one case unexpectedly decided to settle, and the other is closer to resolution, allowing us to finally move forward in peace. I praise God that these two “impossible causes” are being resolved and bringing our family closer to emotional healing and closure.

  43. My daughters have opened a small window to communication with each other. This is the beginning of their hearts softening

  44. Our son has succeeded in finding a housing solution for he and his dogs. Thank you Lord. Praying they transition seamlessly. Amen

  45. I prayed to Lord Jesus Christ n St Jude for a successful surgery on my daughter’s pet dog to remove part of his liver. The surgery went well n his home recovering, forgot to mention he’s 15yrs old. He’s doing fine n acting like a young dog. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ n St Jude❤

  46. Thanking God for our lives,journey mercies,favours,good health,guardiance and protection in the family and praying for same.
    Thanking st Jude for his intercessions in our various needs and petitions and asking for same. My prayers were not answered in a particular form but God saved me some cost in the cause of saying this novena. Thank you st Jude for your intercessions and asking you to intercede for me on my other needs especial for my daughter to meet a good man that will marry her as fast as God’s will
    Thank you Jesus for answered prayers and thank you st Jude for your prayers and God’s blessing on John Paul and annie for praying for us Amen

  47. My best friend had major surgery this week to remove a growth and it came back good. Praise God for answered prayers!

  48. I was waiting for my passport to come due to a trip coming up in 1 week; my passport arrived earlier this week! Praise God

  49. My son and his girlfriend have both stopped using and are going through detox and rehab. I prayed this novena for them and St Jude has answered my prayers.

  50. I was being harassed by someone in my home who would not leave me alone or get away from me. The police could not help and the court kept postponing my date and I eventually had to get a lawyer (who I couldn’t even afford) which broke the bank and depleted my savings. Safety matters more than money and I knew God would take care of me. I held Jesus’ hand the whole day at my 7 hour hearing and kept reminding myself that they didn’t even believe Jesus and ruled against Him. I began the St. Jude Novena a few days before the hearing, and I have prayed this specific novena about 4 times in the last few years, each with specific intentions. I finally won that day in court for a restraining order, but he is still in my house until the 1st due to the law- and he may not even leave. I am praying this novena with confidence that whatever happens was meant to happen and I trust St. Jude as my gracious intercessor to help me get rid of this fear once and for all. God bless you all!

  51. I had been praying for a friend in the medical field that had previously been denied a religious exemption. It has been overturned and approved! I continue to pray for my daughter. Thank you St. Jude!

  52. I prayed for my friend, Mary Ann, who was undergoing a colonoscopy to see if her colon cancer had reappeared. Her colonoscopy was yesterday and showed diverticulosis with no polyps or evidence of cancer! Thank you, Jesus, St. Jude, and all the wonderful prayer warriors!

  53. Praise the Lord! I applied for my visa and it was taking long to come through due to staff shortage and I offered my petition and received news today on the last day of the novena that my visa has been granted. Thank you St Jude for your intercession. Thank you Jesus.

  54. In Thanksgiving for hearing and answering our prayers dear Lord. Thank you St. Jude for taking our intentions to the Lord.

  55. I prayed that my cancer would leave my body after 1 year of chemotherapy and losing my father and caring for my mother. I received news that my cancer is gone. I’m so thankful and believe in prayer. So many prayers from family and friends and my prayer has been answered. Thank you

  56. I was praying for clarity in making a decision about the rest of my life and what God is calling me to do and I have received so much clarity and peace about it all

  57. I thank God for his Mercy over my life, for pray answered. I asked God to unite me and my Ex if it’s his will for us to be together. I love him so much and I can’t stay with out thinking of him, is only my creator that knows how much I love him. Even do he has not said anything but I believe God that if it’s his will for me then he has done it for me (faith challenge) and if is not he should give me the grace to carry on even when is difficult for me amen.

  58. My prayers were answered and my daughter got the covid vaccine finally after refusing to get it this whole time! Thank you!

  59. Prayed for peace in our family. Received this blessing during novena. Thank you st. Jude dear Jesus, his blessed and Holy Mother and all the holy angels saints and apostles in Heaven. Thank you for all our blessings. Amen

  60. I’ve been STRUGGLING financially and fell behind on some payments last month which I asked to pay this month hoping to buy some time. I didn’t know where I would get the money. I applied for a £2k loan but despite being pre approved, could only get it in 2 months. I was desperate and prayed for a miracle because that’s what it would take. I was paid an extra £2k with my salary yesterday. I have no idea why or how. It’s exactly the amount I tried to get a loan for to cover my debt. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the notification of my salary come through!! God is good! Thank you St Jude!

  61. Thank God for answering my prayer request through the intercession of st Jude concerning my exams.
    May his name remain forever Blessed.
    Thank you Jesus.

  62. I strongly believe that my prayers, as imperfect they might be will be answered, God assured me not give up. Thanks to Anne and Paul for providing this platform. Praying that God grants you your heart’s desire. Amen

  63. I’ve been praying to be able to do more Catholic work (as a filmmaker) and on the ninth day I got a job offer to work for a Catholic Institution.

  64. Most Holy Apostle Saint Jude,
    Thank you for all of your prayers and intercessions.
    Please watch over and pray for my son.
    Please pray for my sisters, family.
    Please pray for those in my healing prayer. Please pray for all saying this novena. Please pray for Annie and John-Paul.
    Thank you dear saint for always being there.

  65. I have been saying the Saint Jude Novena everyday with all of you…my friends. I prayed that my daughter would be healed of the anxiety of driving. Saint Jude …through Jesus Christ, helped my daughter drive today… she was able to go places and not have a panic attack. Praise God. I have also prayed that any melancholia & depression that she feels goes away and she has been feeling so good this week. Better than ever… Saint Jude has answered my prayers for my daughter. I also must thank him for helping to stop degrading intrusive thoughts that she sometimes gets. Only once did she get that this week and for only a minute. I have never prayed to Saint Jude before of asked him to intercede for me and my daughter. Praise God… I will continue to pray for her and everyone else…. Please , I ask you all to continue to pray for my daughter… she is turning 21 on Oct. 31st. that she is healed of all anxiety and depression and especially any intrusive degrading thoughts. May God bless each one of you through Jesus Christ our Lord Saviour Refuge and tower of strength … and through Saint Jude who has shown me mercy and interceded for me.

  66. My brother-in-law has struggled with addiction most of his adult life. He recently finished trade school in his 40’s to find a better career, but the road to a job in his field has been difficult. The setbacks and disappointments of the job search caused him to wonder why he wasn’t good enough, and he started drinking again. Today, on the ninth day of the Novena, he got a job offer.

  67. I have prayed so many Novenas for so many intentions. God has answered one of my prayers through The St Jude Novena. My son has been offered a different job! Thank you St Jude for carrying my prayers to God, who has granted this one. 🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻

  68. I thank God that through this Novena I have managed to pass my exams highly and topped some of the exams in the whole Uganda

  69. Thank you, St. Jude, Blessed Mother, all the Angels, Saints, and Holy Souls, who interceded to Our Dear Lord, helping me with my back pain, and the doctor and staff who administered the epidural. Love Margie

  70. I’ve been praying for my daughter who had her second child on 9/27 and became very ill with covid on 10/9. Half way through the first day of praying the Novena to St. Jude, she texted me and said it was the first morning she woke up and didn’t feel like she was going to die. Thank you St. Jude and thank you Jesus!

  71. Dear St. Jude, you have helped so much in the past, and I come to you today to pray for a successful interview and job offer for my son-in-law tomorrow. Thank you for interceding in this .

  72. Doctors have diagnosed the autoimmune disorders attacking my daughter’s body. May their treatments keep them from any further damage.

  73. I have been praying for a young family staying with me to find their own apartment. After the 1st day of the Novena, they found a perfect one they could afford. I continue the novena in thanksgiving for St. Jude’s help.

  74. Thank you Saint Jude for interceding for me. Up until a few hours ago I had less then a dollar in my account and out of the blue a dear friend of mine sent me some money, she knew I am goin through a hard time but not the full extent. To say this money has come in the knick of time would be an understatement. Unemployed and on chronic meds, this is a true blessing. I continue to Pray for a job.

  75. Our grandson Brandon successfully had his kidney transplant a week ago. Had infections but antibiotics has been working. With all the prayers he’s home and with more prayers will be completely healthy🙏💙
    Blessings to St Jude🙏

  76. St Jude has helped me as did St Joseph. I have been praying for my family. The first of October our checking account cleaned out by hackers as we were about to pay our property taxes. The saints helped as our bank returned our money within a few days. We had to open a new checking account. Social security informed us it may take one to two months before they sorted our automatic deposits. But St Jude prayed and our deposit was in our new account this morning. No problems. I thank St Jude and the Lord.

  77. My last born son Lulama is addicted to drugs and alcohol also had a habit of pawning l am left without vaulables in the house he steals to get drugs he was working as a result of this problem he quit the job l also wish for my elder son Arthur to reconcile with his wife Violet whom l have s great relationship lhave been praying for this seriousl issues but it seems that l don’t get answers