Answered Prayers from the St. Jude Novena, 2021

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Thank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Jude Novena! If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, please share those with us all below.

We praise God and give Him all the glory. He is a good, faithful and present Father.

Please do not give up on hope if your prayers have not been answered. The Lord is near. We are praying for you!

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  1. My sister had chemo, radiation & surgery for pancreatic cancer. Her pathology report is all clear! Tumor removed & all surrounding areas clean! It’s a miracle! Thank you St. Jude! And thanks to God!🙏🏻❤️

  2. A friend who had a life threatening scoliosis back operation, not only survived last week, but the doctors said the operation was 100% successful. She went from 65% bending over to being able to stand straight, although recovery is painful and there will be weeks of healing. It was a miracle for my friend! Thank you St. Jude, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Padre Pio, St. Marianne Cope, St. Joseph and most of all Jesus!

  3. A friend who had a life threatening scoliosis back operation, not only survived last week, but the doctors said the operation was 100% successful. She went from 65% bending over to being able to stand straight, although recovery is painful and there will be weeks of healing. It was a miracle for my friend! Thank you St. Jude, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Padre Pio, St. Marianne Cope, St. Joseph and most of all Jesus!

  4. During the start I prayed for my brother to get job .He has secured a job . Let’s thank Our might God together.lets keep him in prayer to trust God always.

  5. Since I started praying novena I have been to get a job and happiness with my family but today I received a call for a job offer with one of the best bank in my country.Thank for praying for me and I will keeping thanking God for the wonderful he has done for me today

  6. My dad received good news that right now Doctor removed cancerous tumour on his bladder and he did not find anymore tumours. Thank you Lord, Amen

  7. Thank you St. Jude, I asked for the job of District commercial officer, still on the process but God is opening for me more influencial people who can help me. Thank you St. Jude

  8. I thank God for blessing me. I prayed for my daughter and her fiance that they may be peaceful. I also received financial breakthrough. Thank you Lord

  9. I have been praying for a healing of my eyes. I’ve already had surgery in one eye and was terrified of the prospect of the same thing happening in my good eye. I struggled greatly with my vision last week and was sure my MD would tell me that another surgery was in my future. Not so! He looked at my scan and said that my right eye looked very good! He is even hopeful that my vision will improve over the coming months. I know this is due to St. Jude interceding for me! Please, St. Jude, this journey isn’t over for me yet. Please continue to pray for me!

  10. As from day 2 my prayers were answered. Got a new school for my daughter and was able to get part of her fees. Together with my cousin imported a car and took so long in being cleared but now it has been cleared. I had a meeting with my inlaws and it ended well without fights like before and my fiance went back to class after skipping two weeks. Thank you God for answering my prayers and st. Jude for interceding for me.

  11. I prayed for job openings for my daughter. She is a researcher in autism with a PhD., in neuro-biology. She received an invitation for a first interview at the University of Alabama. I thank God for answering my prayer through St. Jude.

  12. I ask for my Lords guidance everyday and I can feel him touch me through out my day.
    I prayed for help in finding a new place to live. I’m on a number of waiting list that have on the average 25+ people ahead of me. Yesterday, I received a call that there is an opening at my most favorite place of all. They asked me, if I was still interested and I said; yes I am. I immediately, thanked Jesus for helping me, because I felt him touch me and I know all things come through Him. He’s my best Friend!
    I thank, Mary, St. Joesph and St. Jude, plus all of the Saints and Angles, for interceding with our Lord in my behalf.
    I’m so Blessed,

  13. I have been praying for a loving man of God to come in to my life but having prayed this Novena made me realize that I want God more than anything right now! This prayer made me realize that I am His before I am anyone else’s and currently there’s nothing I need more than to be in union with him.

    I decided to get a purity ring as my sign of love and commitment to Christ. I trust in his mercy and timing and that he will work everything for the best but for now I am His and He is mine.

    Thank you for the prayers! Much love and God bless

  14. On the 8th day of Saint Jude novena, I got money and I cleared most of the big long outstanding debts I have been battling with. I thank God for making a way where there seemed to be no way and for God’s provision and blessings.
    Thank you for praying for me and with me.

    Thank you Saint Jude for your intercession and impossible causes which where answered.

    Thank you Annie and John Paul for posting the novena.

  15. Praise be to God! My first prayer intention (accommodation challenge that we have faced for months) was answered just 3days of starting the novena. We have faced rejections from landlords and agents for no reason, not that we have bad records, we are just a new migrant. We have money to pay, but no one wants to accept us. But God did it for us. It’s remaining references to complete the contract, and I know God who started it will complete it and hand the house key to us. Amen 🙏

  16. I joined the nprayer on the third day and prayed all the prayers I had missed
    I was praying for a job.
    I got an internship position.
    I am so happy
    St.Jude has always been my patron saint.
    I love you Jesus,I love you God,I love you all the angels and saints.
    Thank you Jesus praise you Jesus.

  17. I give praise to The Lord through the intercession of St. Jude for easing a health problem
    Thanks also who have prayed with me
    God bless you

  18. Thankyou🙏
    My dad is 95 today.
    He is gentle and so very sweet natured.
    He feels ready to go home.
    Please pray that he is met with his mother who waits for him…
    And our Beloved Christ.
    And m7ay he rest in this….the deep abiding and endless love of our Holy Father…..Amen
    Thankyou and Thankyou 💝

  19. Need God’s graces for my Autistic son’s living program: caring, compassionate, regular staff; help with all the logistics of his programs (many problems); help with behaviors.

  20. Unbelievable. My crisis marriage is now in a state of hope and repair. Things that seemed impossible to change suddenly changed. Still a lot of work to do but I now have the miracle of hope. Thank you St. Jude for your help and all glory to God.

  21. Thank you Jesus and all prayer warriors my daughter is healed celebrated her birthday the 25th .Thank you st Jude please cont to pray for us .Amen 💕🙏

  22. I have been out of work for a while but before the end of this novena, I have a job and I know God will answer all my prayers through the intercession of St Jude.

  23. At the beginning of the St Jude Novena, I was called for an interview. Everything went great, I was told that there were two more people that they needed to interview, and I would get a phone call. St Jude please answer my prayers, I am in need for a less stressful environment. Please everyone pray for me, I’m waiting for this miracle to happen 🙏🏾

  24. Please pray that a married man will stop pursuing me and that I will have God’s strength and protection. This is a desperate plea and prayers are needed.

  25. I was praying for my son to get permanent full time work because he was coming to the last few days of his summer seasonal work . He got a call late yesterday that he can start his full time job on November 8th !! Thank you Jesus and thank you St. Jude for your prayer intercession!!

  26. Thank you so much St. Jude for the answered petitions/prayers! I trusted and believed in you and this novena and just simply answered all my intentions! You never failed me! St. Jude continue to plead for us! In Jesus and Mary’s name, Amen 🙏

  27. For my family, praying that the Lord helps with their mental health. Show them guidance, love & strength to get through their journeys. Amen

  28. At the beginning of this novena, I asked you to pray for my son to find a good job and be able to support his family financially instead of draining our savings. I also prayed that the Holy Spirit descend upon him.

    Well some prayers have been answered already. He has been offered a job with a delivery company which includes benefits! Thank you Lord, St Jude and Pray More Novenas Family for praying with me!🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️

  29. Please pray that my nephew unites with his mother, he hasn’t spoken to her in a long while and now he has 3 daughters, she has met only the oldest. my heart is broken for her. Also kindly pray for another nephew, his dad passed last year, he lost his mom many years ago, he has totally shut himself off from the family. I pray every day that he will move into my home and make a better life for himself while I help him get back on his feet. He has not spoken to any family member this entire year, He has an older brother who lives in Japan so it’s difficult to communicate with him,
    Thank you so very much. I LOVE your novenas.
    Have a great day

  30. I am so grateful for the complete and final resolution to a business contract that seemed almost impossible to reach. Finding a win-win solution that truly was the highest and best for all concerned was definitely the Lord’s work. Thank you God, Jesus Christ and St. Jude. Amen!

  31. Prayed with the intention of getting a rented house to shift. On the last day of the Novena we got the assurance. Praise the Risen Lord! St. Jude continue to pray for us

  32. On day 9 my I intention for my daughter was answered! I want to thank you John-Paul, Annie and all of those who pray the novena prays. My daughter has been so overworked, unhappy and unappreciated at her current position. We discussed her leaving but she would need to make no less than $16. Well I prayed the novena to St. Jude and asked that she finds a job that will pay her $20 an hour. I am so thankful to say that she texted me today and told me Apple offered a position starting at what?? Yes, $20! Thank you St. Jude! John-Paul and Annie I pray that you and your family will continued to be blessed and all the desires of your hearts will be answered. God is so good and with Him all things are possible if we just ask!

  33. A lady on the Trustees committee has been very uncooperative, disrespectful, not responding to messages and thinks she’s in charge. She’s been this way for the past 6 years and I asked St Jude that she either resigns or we vote her off at the next AGM . Last week she said she’s resigning. It’s been too hot in the kitchen so she has to get out.
    Thank you St Jude !!

  34. Was praying for promotion and transfer to Nairobi.i have been shortlisted for promotion interview.pray for me still

  35. At the start of the Novena I had an admission letter for my son to University but not a single nor sure where I was to get the money. Today I have quite a good portion required for the start of the semester. Thanks to St. Jude for you intercession. Thank you all who prayed for me and with me.

    MCK Uganda

  36. My heart has been filled with the lord and the signs I received last week from a baby I lost through a miscarriage I had two years ago made me weep. I found that when I pray and open my eyes to nature all these signs and angel numbers appear to me. The older I get, the more I see through Christ’s eyes and I do feel like these novenas aid in this. Thank you!

  37. My son in law who had suffered a heart attack and types of chest pain issues like a heart attack on two occasions us now free of all symptoms and doing well. Thank you Lord and thank you sing Jude her answering our prayer.

  38. God does answer our prayers in His way and His time. After praying for so many years and with St. Judes intercession, I believe God placed the start of the answer in front of me 3 days ago. Unfortunately, I didn’t see it, realize it or understand it until the next evening when suddenly I could see it clearly, but too late. I am humiliated and humbled before God, but I now know to continue to pray to have faith, and to have my eyes, ears and heart open to His love, mercy and grace.

  39. Am thanking God for his Divine directives in my Life and business.
    Before,am not focused on how to handle my business.but since l started calling upon God’s seeing changes. Thanks and God bless you.

  40. My sister is feeling better after her pain therapy. And our sons ate getting better as well as my brother. Answer to prayer. Thank you God for everything. Thank you Jesus for everything. Thank you St Jude for evey thing.

  41. Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers! I was in lots of pain, but through this intercession I got relief on the fifth day. Praise the Lord!

  42. I wish to thank God and St Jude for answering my prayer intention through this novena.My last son just called to tell me that he has got a job with a bank.Praise be the name of Jesus.RN.E says:

    God has heard my prayers.My son got a job we were praying for

  43. On day 2 of this Novena, the Lord started answering my prayers. My father received news that he does not have Alzheimer’s and his memory loss has not changed much in the past two years. My brother has had a breakthrough in his perspective around my mother. On day 8 my neighbor was kind and I have faith our relationship may heal.

  44. I prayed for my mum to pass her exams and to get a job. Which was answered on day 7 🙏🏾🙌🏾 praise the lord‼‼

  45. A friend whose vaccine exemption was denied had appealed it. On Day 7 of this novena she found out that she had won her appeal and can keep her job! Thank you, God, through the intercession of St. Jude!

  46. I prayed for my son & his family. They were facing homelessness at the end of October. A true blessing was received…they have a new home and will be able to move very soon. Thank you St. Jude and mostly, thank you God the Father; the Son and the Holy Spirit.♥️🙏♥️

  47. Hello everyone
    I was praying for my sister to get pregnant, she’s almost 40yr no baby in her life. She got it unfortunately she got miscarriage when the pregnant is 1 month old

  48. I experienced tremendous improvement in my studies; understanding complex content. ,getting solutions to complex problems. I no longer feel overwhelmed but rather motivated and hopeful towards my studies.

  49. Dear St Jude, Thank you for accepting my intentions and petitions. I started off the Novena asking for my blood levels to improve and it has been under control this week. So many Thanks and praise to Jesus for his healing hands upon me.

  50. Granddaughter overcame her anxiety to get a job. She started last Friday. May all be better for her. Thank you StJude and Jesus

  51. My prayers have been answered for my husband to get the call for his surgery. He is scheduled in one week to have his surgery. I ,thank you St. Jude and Jesus Christ, Our Saviour for answered prayer 🙏 I pray that his surgery will be a success and that he will have a full recovery without any complications. Amen

  52. This beautiful novena to our Lord through the intercessory of St. Jude on Day #8 provided the blessing of a healed medical issue for my son that was very concerning. I love this novena! Thank you for sending the novena to me as the timing was just the novena I needed. Praise our Lord!

  53. Thank you St. Jude for helping my son in law get an interview for a job, he lost his job during COVID. Thank you forgiving a family members chance to live after finding a brain tumor. Thank you St. Jude helping me thru my husbands chronic and debilitating illness.

  54. I felt a lump in my right breast after taking the Covid vaccine. I was scared and prayed for two days for healing before booking for an appointment at the hospital. After two days, the lump was completely gone. I couldn’t feel anything. God you are the greatest healer. Thank you for putting a smile on my face always. I will never leave you.

    Thank you also for the financial blessings and favour. Take glory, and honour now and forever more. Amen.

  55. Thank you all for the prayers for my granddaughters dad, he is making progress. He has started trying to feed himself. Pls continue to pray for him because he has a long road to recovery. Thank you all so much. Prayers for you all too..

  56. Wyatt came home from the hospital Oct. 26. A genetic test found the mutation causing the seizures. Medication is working. Praise the Lord!

  57. My friend who is in a lot of pain left her house and came to see me and said she was feeling much better. I told her I have been praying for her and she responded well something worked. I take that as a response to prayers by St Jude.

  58. Thanks to St Jude and this Novena for giving me the strength & courage to face the 5 year date yesterday marking the tragic death of my daughter, Julie.

  59. My whole family did/finished this novena right before the “pray more novenas” one started. So I am doing this one in thanksgiving of my unborn grandchild being healed from cysts on the brain. The power (of these novenas) is unimaginable!!
    Also, prayers for all of you in desperate need of anything seemingly impossible!

  60. Thanks so much for these novenas. They are very helpful for increasing my faith. I have had two surgeries this year and am praying for a good recovery. Just this week I have seen much progress and I am so very thankful for these prayers. I know with all the prayers promised to me I cannot possibly have a poor outcome, still my recovery is going much slower than I had hoped for. Thank you so much! And my prayers for all our participants.

  61. My friend’s day who had a debilitating case of COVID felt well enough to go to his men’s group breakfast three days after beginning to say this novena.
    Thank you, St. Jude!

  62. My friend received his residency! An impossible thing, made possible through trust in the Lord. Praise God! Thank you for your help St. Jude!

  63. Thank you dear St. Jude.
    On the second day of my Novena to St. Jude, my prayer was answered. A travel arrangement came through which was taking a very long time.
    I am so very grateful.
    Thank you dear God, thank you dear St. Jude, and thank you to all who prayed for my intentions.

  64. I prayed for the suffering of my grandfather to end after living with Parkinson’s and dementia for the last four years. On day 8 of the novena, he passed peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his family and loved ones. Thanks be to God!

  65. St. Jude heard me and took my prayers to Jesus. One of my petitions has been answered. My friend had been hospitalized for a very serious infection that was drug resistant. He had been in the hospital for 2 weeks when I started this Novena and his health was declining. Over the last nine days he has made slow but steady progress. Tomorrow he is scheduled to be released. I am so very grateful!

  66. My husband got home from the hospital after 11 days from Covid Pneumonia. I recouperated at home, alone, with a milder case of Covid Pneumonia. Thanks be to God! It may take us some time to fully recover, but my husband is back to working from home, so I am very thankful as sick as we both were.

  67. Prayers were answered, my daughter’s pregnancy is going great and baby is growing. My friends surgery went well. Thank you for your prayers.

  68. I was diagnosed with Prostate cancer back in early March and just had surgery to remove the cancerous organ. My prayers and intentions have been for Our Lord to provide me His grace and mercy to see me through this trying and difficult time. Even in my time of doubt and frustration, I have always felt Him by my side, helping me through this process. The surgery was very successful and the pathology report couldn’t have been more favorable as no other cancer has been detected anywhere and radiation treatment is not necessary at this time. Thank you Lord for not straying from me, even during the times that I may. Thank you St Jude for providing me with the direction and guidance needed to persevere through this ordeal. I know I have ways to go, but knowing God and St Jude are with me will allow me to heal and move forward! Thank you for this wonderful Novena! I’m very grateful and thankful!! May God be blessed and as always in Jesus name I pray! Amen 🙏🙏

  69. The family has been set free from shame and ridicule. Those working against us inadvertently end up working in our favour. The Lord’s name be praised

  70. Day 8 of this Novena, I was saved with a date for my court case hearing. Thus as indication that very soon all will be history. Thank you God, St Jude for Annie & John Paul’s ministry.

  71. For the first time, after four different rehabs and currently in a fifth, our son has realized that he cannot maintain sobriety without God. He shared this on the 7th day of this Novena. Thank you, St. Jude!

  72. I prayed for me to get pregnant & today October 27th 2021 we received the best phone call saying we are expecting. Thank you St. Jude for listening and praying to god to answer our prayers.

  73. My wife suffered mightely here on earth with her sixth cancer as her penance for not accepting the priest’s offer of first communion and final absolution. She was given her purgatory here on earth and then was accepted into heaven.

  74. Part of my prayers have been answered, thank you St. Jude. I just read that Pope Francis has accepted the invitation to visit Canada to help with the reconciliation process with our First Nations peoples who where harmed by the residential school system. Praise be the Lord!

  75. My grandson was working at a job that wasn’t going anywhere and because of what his job required him to do he was beginning to show some issues with his lungs. Last week he was hired by a company which deals with the path he wants to be involved with. Thank you St. Jude and our loving Father for helping him through this.

  76. I am underemployed and I am praying to receive a better career based job, so I can provide for my daughter and I. Please help. I am in dire need of better employment. In Jesus name Amen. St. Jude please pray for my daughter and I

  77. I will pray for your family 👪and son Brian I have to get evaluated for Pyscologust with Dr Hasguard and Dr Santos. This is really UNGERT because my son Brian will be stand by you Brian before my Daughters get theirs hands on my wife money on it. I have get evaluated by Pyscologust to tell I am ok and Dementieva. I have great Gaudian Angeles and all Angeles and all of Saints, JESUS CHRIST AND MARY INACCURATE AND THE HOLY SPIRIT AND GOD, MY GAUDIAN ANGELE, OUR LADY OF GUALOPE, SAINTS TERESA’S