Answered Prayers from the St. Jude Novena, 2019

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St Jude Novena

Thank you for joining us in praying the St. Jude Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered during this novena, please share those with us all below!

We will continue to pray for you & your intentions. I hope this St. Jude Prayer has been a blessing to you :)

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  1. I prayed that my brother .gets tuition fees and am happy that st jude intercede for me and it was done..thank you jesus

  2. Thanks for the hug I had from my son when I dropped him off at the airport. I am reminded that maybe I am the impossible situation that needs to be changed. St. Jude and JMJ, thankyou and pray for me.

  3. I was looking for a job and had applied to an airline, but it has been a long time I didn’t know anything about them (more than two months). When we started with the novena to St. Jude they called me for an interview and on the fifth day of the novena I had the interview and something that seemed impossible (the manager warned that 700 people had applied) and I managed to get the job. Thank you Lord for the community, Thank you St. Jude for the novena and thank you to all the people for praying for our intentions. God bless you all.

  4. Thank you St.Jude for some answered prayers.I prayed that I would get something from Jesus today at church that I needed,so I wouldn’t quit on my faith,or stop going.I got hit in the head lol from a fallen paper from the ceiling,before that occurence-I prayed to God that I needed to start using my vocal gifts from God,but didn’t know how..well I picked up the paper that fell from the ceiling on my head .and it was all the choir practice songs!!!!Ok God,time to start singing FOR YOU in choir!!!!!And had a wonderful day at Mass-a very special annointed homily and a great successful group that I signed up for there afterwards..and other prayers answered too-thst mean alot to me!!Thank you St.Jude and I KNOW -YOU are also working out answeringany ofy other prayers..thank you!!!!

  5. 2019 has been a year of ups and downs with all the plans and dreams concerning my relationship with my partner. Broke down and split up out of no where. I have been praying for restoration to our relationship and to God be the Glory, we now talk as friends, understand each other better and tolerable of each other. We are not back together officially but i thank God i have my friend back. It is my wish we will get back together again if it his will. May his will be done as he saids in the good book. What ever you ask in my name i will honour it.

  6. St. Jude,
    Thank you for increasing my faith and my belief that happiness is on the way for my daughter. God’s will be done.

  7. My husband got his visa for uk on the 6 th day of the novena .i thank st Jude and almighty god for all the blessings we received.

  8. I had to turn my son-n-law in for child abuse. My 10 year old grandson was coming over to my home and telling me of how badly he was being treated by his father. I talked it over with friends close to the situation and prayed about it and got my answer from the Holy Spirit to go ahead with it. This, as I expected, caused a divide with my daughter and her two sons. I haven’t seen or spoken to my daughter or my grandson since March of this year. I have been praying to St. Jude for help. My son came and told me that my daughter texted him a really nice text and he let me read it. She put pictures of both of her sons in her text, they looked great, and asked my son Ryan if his son Rhiley could come over to her house and spend the night some time so her son Jake could get together because they were so close before all this happened. Jake was my grandson who was telling me about his father hitting on him. So this text was requested to be kept between my son Ryan and my Daughter Jessica. To not include me but it’s a step forward and I know my son will stick up for me when he ever talks to Jessica because Ryan does not like or trust her husband Eric.

  9. Thank you Saint Jude for interceding on my elderly parents behalf in regards to their banking and making it easier for my sister and I to act for them. Thank you for the banks understanding and accepting the poa. Thank you for making it possible to get a vehicle to drive them to and from medical appointments, and thank you for blessing my father with great people who watch over him and care for his health. Thank you for making it possible for my sister to take my parents on a vacation, and thank you for guiding my brother-in-law through his marathon safely. Thank you for blessing my family and helping my husband file his va papers and sending through the right people who will help him. In Jesus name amen.

  10. Praying to get out of Debt & pay all of my Bill’s off and For my new business venture to go through this week & to find a husband (best friend). . St. JUDE Saint of impossible things please pray for me. Lord Jesus please hear my prayers.

  11. The reply was truly short of a miracle for my family. Just the week before my dad had been very adamant about NOT letting home health come into their home to assist with my moms care(she has alzheimer’s). When we started the novena, within a day he agreed and a nurse is now coming into their home 2x a week. Such a blessing!! THANK YOU St Jude

  12. Peace be with you
    I thank the team for always sending us the prayers.

    About answered prayers-
    I have went for three interviews last week and I strongly believe that one of those jobs will be mine
    As I continue to pray through St. Jude I ask of you to please pray for me as well thank you

  13. I broke my right fibula while hiking with my daughter. The doctor told me it was borderline requiring surgery ( a metal plate would be screwed into place). I asked St. Jude that I wouldn’t need surgery if it was God’s Will. On my second doctor visit he told me surgery wasn’t necessary. All Glory to the Lord. Thank you, St. Jude

  14. After prayers this novena for 6 days, my prayers were answered. I had been praying for my transfer from my current office to a new office out of frustration. On the six days I got a transfer letter very positively and I thank God knowingly that even the unanswered prayers will definitely be answered. Let’s join and thank God for fulfilling my prayers.

  15. Thank you God for bringing Cupcake home!! It was not the way I would have liked but it’s not my will but Thy will be done!!!

  16. Good morning, my client surprised me Friday night with a brand new SUV. I have been in shock this whole weekend. When I drove it home I thanked Jesus, Saint Jude and all Saints for this miracle. They have been so good to me since I have started working for them. I’m a nanny and do housecleaning for them, they treat me and my two boys like family.
    Thank you Saint Jude, Jesus and All Saints for all the miracles of our lives and miracles of our good health that You give us each day.

  17. St Jude together with St Anne, St Theresa and all the Saints and most of all Our Blessed Mother Mary who is always praying for us her children, in Jesus name thank you for all your prayers and intercession
    My son and his wife tested for pregnancy, there’s a faint line shows as positive,a chance that they might be pregnant,need to test later to confirm, I have trust that with all the prayers and intercession, it is confirmed
    God will provide, thank you so much for all who prayed in this Novena too
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen, Amen

  18. I have been praying for my son, John, who is very sick. Once again, Jesus put his healing hand upon him and is bringing him through another life threatening crisis. Thank you St Jude for your powerful intercession … and the prayers from all.

  19. Holy st jude i thank you for all my intentions which was granted to me and my family and specially two son’s thank you blessed mother amen

  20. We fervently prayed that our mortgage offer be accepted. Thank you for answering our prayer. As we go through with our mortgage , we continue to pray for hassle free process until we exchange contract. In Jesus name, we Ask, we Believe & we Claim. Please continue to pray for us, St. Jude!

  21. From my childhood I was given a strong sense of right and wrong as love for Christ. But despite that I fail and suffer guilt. St. Jude and the other Saints as well as Mother Mary must tire of pleas but also must know their help is appreciated.

  22. Our family had some members who needed to reconcile. I prayed multiple times per day for their relationship to heal. Midway through this Novena to Saint Jude, my prayers were answered. I continue to pray for all and thank for the intercession for all prayers.

  23. I have been praying to St Jude, that my wife, who is atheist, would become less antagonistic to Christianity. She lost her iPhone earlier today and was getting worried as it was her work phone. After looking for a while, she said “I want you to ask St Anthony to help”. Within minutes of my prayer, the phone was found and she said “I will give a donation in thanksgiving”

    I realise people are praying for very profound reasons and this may seem very trivial but an atheist seeing prayer being answered is also an answer to prayer.

  24. I prayed for financial help for my son because he worries so much it affects his health. He received an email from work that the payroll service had the wrong pay rate and his check Friday would have the difference to make up a year and a half of the lower pay. Thank you, Saint Jude and God for hearing my prayer and graciously answering with this blessing!

  25. John Paul

    I recently had stem cell therapy to both knees & have been praying that the stem cell take hold & regenerate the cartilage in my knees but I won’t know for at least another 3 weeks & success in 3 months. But I enjoyed this novena & shared it with friends, hoping for success.
    Thank you St Jude

  26. My grandson who has been struggle with heroin addiction for years has asked his mother for a Bible! He’s been in jail twice and is serving a warrant at this time. This is a huge breakthrough because up until now he hasn’t wanted to commit to trying to be clean! Thank you to all who have been praying, and to St. Jude. And please don’t stop yet! St Jude is my patron saint.

  27. Thank you St Jude ..for answering my prays my son is more relax and i am communicating better with ..he is more settled in his job thank you thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  28. I am ashamed to admit I have not been able to pray any of the novenas i’m not making up excuses but I take care of my 88-year-old Mom Who is bed ridden and has Alzheimer’s at this moment there is no time for myself please pray for my mom and for me thank you and I appreciate everything that you were doing Thank you

  29. I have a 7 year old great granddaughter who was diagnosed with stage 3 brain cancer in July this year. She went through a series of radiation treatment. She finished her treatment and on 10/16 when she had her follow up examination she was found cancer free. This occurred at the end of your last novena but before the current one. Hopefully at her next Dr appointment she will still be cancer free.

  30. My son included me and my husband in celebrating his birthday and it was wonderful. My ex-husband and his wife was present too and it’s been over 30 years since I have spoken to me ex husband since it was a bitter divorce. My son was happy that there was no drama and everyone especially my ex husband was civilized. I’m thankful to God and praying it’s a new chapter of positive things to come. Thank you God, blessed Mother, and st Jude and everyone’s prayers.

  31. Divine Mercy, Blessed mother Mary, St Jude, St Antony and Padre Pio thank you all for answering our prayers and especially for giving me the moral courage to help my husband during his time of ill health. He is much better now and even able to walk and drive. I thank you all for hearing my petitions and prayers. I continue to pray for a miracle which is that he will one day come off dialysis; Jesus I trust in you. ❤️ Sacred heart of Jesus hear my prayers.

  32. I prayed for the father of a dear family to be released and exhonorated from captivity and a issue which was blown out of proportion. St. Jude listened to my plea and God worked his plan for this family. Thanks be to God.

  33. One of the many intentions we’ve been praying for is better employment. I just received work I have an interview this Thursday for a position I applied for before the Novena began.

  34. Before praying the Novena I had a lot of negative situations but during the time I prayed so many positive things happened. I was able to pay all my bills, my family has got along and my relationship with my sister is getting better. My bad has cancer and the oncologist told us that his treatments are working and only has 20 more to go! I have had other little things happen which are blessings. Thank you St. Jude for the blessings!

  35. I have been praying for my grandson, Brandon, to control his anxiety. He had a presentation to do in college and he had himself so worried to the point of not wanting to face his fear. I prayed this novena and thank St. Jude as Brandon faced his fear and done it. He said once he got in front of the class that he wsn’t nervous a bit. He saod he felt very strange and totally relaxed. He received a perfect score. Thank you St. Jude and the Lord Jesus Christ. There iss powewr in prayer.

  36. Thank you St. Jude for keeping my Dad healthy so far after being diagnosed with liver cancer. Continue to pray for him as he undergoes radiation and pray for us as we go through this journey

  37. Wed., 10/23/19, I was on my way back to my sons house after taking my two small grandsons to school. I noticed an elderly man a bit anxious and calling for someone that was locked inside their home. I asked if he needed the use of my phone for he didn’t seem to get through with his phone. There was a person on the inside of the house but neither one could hear each other. I went to them and noticed that the person inside was locked in behind a locked iron gate and a wooden door with two locks. I intervened and put my hand as far as I could through the locked iron gated door to push the wooden door opened. I know it was Divine intervention that I with much force was able to get the wooden door opened. I thought it was an elderly lady on the other side of the door but it was a teenager, she was very stressed out for she was trying to opened the door for quite a while. I thanked God for using me to help this grandfather and granddaughter in their time of need. I also thanked St. Jude for I had prayed the novena before I left to bring my grandsons to school!
    I believe in prayer and Divine intervention!

  38. I have to renew my passport but when I checked the on line calendar it is fully booked, checked October, November, December 2019, the dates are all red and gray that was the 4th day of the Novena to St. Jude I was so sad, I have to travel by January 2020 for a family business that is long overdue. On the 5th day of the Novena, I tried again and all of a sudden the October calendar showed a white background with blue numbers the feeling is like I’m in heaven, in cloud 9, which means I can set an appointment. I hurriedly click on October 28, and finish my registration. Thank you thank you St. Jude for your intercession. Thank you for the miracle. We still have one more day to pray together tomorrow and I will be with my appointment to be able to renew my passport. I believe.🙏🏼❤️

  39. My wife had a sizeable blood clot in her leg from an ablation procedure. I prayed for the intercession of St. Jude during the novena – a recent ultrasound showed that the blood clot completely dissolved. Thank you St Jude. All praise and honor to Our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

  40. Thank you Saint Jude .. Saint Therese..Divine Mercy of Jesus …Mama Mary and Saint Pio…for the answered prayer to my brother to pass the certified mechanic exam…and so with my personal requests…All glory and honor is yours… This is Pj from Philippines…

  41. Hello everyone, I’ve been praying at least 4 or 5 novenas since my daughter got sick in August. I didn’t see hope and was very overwhelmed in so many areas in life. I have a lot of crosses and burdens that I carry and I loose faith at times. I’ve struggled with my faith because I get weak and know that God can do anything and everything, his our merciful father, so I question why his not helping and my daughter cries why God did this to her and doesn’t help her. I try to explain that this was not Gods doing and he will help….

    With a grateful heart today I’m happy to say that some of my prayers are being answered. My daughter is starting to get on her feet since she had her shut down in August. She is happy at times, even laughs at times, she started to drive again and has a interview for a part time job tomorrow, it’s important that she get back out in society again, out of her bedroom and start taking care of herself and want to. She’s in a 2 year relationship where they both need to mature and grow still but his a good guy which I already took in as a future son in law and try to help him. He has his own struggles with anxiety and depression so I pray for a mighty healing for him .

    Please keep Melissa in your prayers, this is a prayer that I thought I wouldn’t witness. My heart is still worried for her future but I can now see the light. One moment at at time , one day at a time….and continue to give thanks and praise to God.

    I had a financially Blessings after months of being denied for unemployment to care for my daughter. It finally went through yesterday, I have a huge debt that I’m worried about, I’m hoping with the grace of God this will be the year that I can start to budget and make payments to pay my debitors and see a Light of this 28 year debit that has grown through my whole marriage, mortgage, vehicles, credit cards and credit limits and gambling … Gambling was my escape when my beautiful sister passed away my other half. God gave me the grace to sign myself out of all casinos in Ontario last Dec.

    I pray that all my other prayer petitions for my marriage and family members who are very sick especially my parents and my nephew suffering mentally/ emotionally with addictions be healed in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you God and the Holy Trinity and Mama Mary and all Angels and Saints and you all for praying with me. May God continue to bless us and show mercy on us and give us strength and courage, wisdom, knowledge, to forgive, to be emphatic, to be sympathetic and to know and show love to our brother and sisters in Christ. A special thank you to John-Paul and Annie for reaching out to us all and spreading the Word of God and given us alight at the end of the tunnel when we didn’t see it yet. God bless you all Cathy 🕊🙏🏻❤️

  42. Thank you St Jude for praying for me and answering my prayers for financial help to be able to pay some of my bills to current this month. Thank you in Jesus Name. You are truly the Saint of the impossible. I will continue to pray for help to get me caught up. My heart is so full of thanks and gratitude. Thank you from My Family and I. Amen

  43. I have asked that God take away my pain, my children’s pain, my sister Jeanies pain and Robin Reed. My pain level is a lot decreased. I don’t know about the others but I will call them and find out. Thank you St. Jude. Please answer the rest of my requests. Amen.

  44. My friend was diagnosed with Melanoma a year ago. Her son was in law school. I prayed for healing for her and he would pass the bar. He passed! Thank you St. Jude!

  45. An half hour after praying this novena for the first time my prayer was answered about a home I was in escrow with. I asked that if it was Gods will I get it. I backed out after a phone call soon after praying novena. God intervened. This home definitely would have not been good for me our family. Thankyou God and Thankyou St Jude for praying for me to our Lord. Also a family member returned

  46. I was able to pass my interview for promotion. Now I will await the next step of appointment. Praise be to God always.

  47. I want to thank St Jude for interceding on my behalf because my documents where stuck at school and I couldn’t continue with my registration with NMC UK but after 2 days of saying the novena I was finally able to get my documents and submitted it for verification. Am so happy to be apart of this family because it has helped me to grow closer to GOD. THANK YOU ST JUDE.

  48. He called the Parent Coach – voluntarily – and maybe she will help him see what is best for our boys. A thin shimmer of hope. Thank you, St. Jude. Please bring my impossible situation to a peaceful conclusion soon.

  49. On the day we offered prayers for the unemployed and under-employed, I received an email for a job interview and hours after the interview I received another email asking for my references. I was under-employed for a long time, but I never gave up and to get this opportunity is truly a blessing for me and my family. I am truly grateful to God, Mother Mary, St. Joseph (personal Novena), St. Teresa (Novena), and St. Jude (Novena) intercessions. This is my 3rd novena and I will continue to pray them, even though nothing happened in the first two, I never gave up, I just kept praying and believing, so if your prayers have not been answered, keep praying, keep believing, your blessing is on the way. God has not forgotten you, He will provide for you as you wait on Him. Thank you St. Jude for your intercessions.

  50. Thank you St Jude for sharing your gifts of praying for the impossible with me. I believe many of my prayers were answered. Thank you to all who prayed for me too.

  51. Bless Wayne and the world.Please St.Jude intercede for my grandson to be kinder to his parents and that he make the necessary touchdowns in order to break his school record.

  52. Dear St. Jude, my sister passed her teacher exams after 3 failed attempts! Thank you St. Jude for praying for her on this matter! She works so hard and always helps when anyone asks her for help. Shes a good person and a great mom to her 2 girls. St. Jude, I pray that Jesus continues to walk with her as a single mom and keeps her and her girls safe, happy and healthy. Thank you St. Jude. Thank you JESUS. Thank you GOD

  53. Please St.Jude intercede for my grandson to be kinder to his parents and that he make the necessary touchdowns in order to break his school record.

  54. Just as the Novena was starting (day 2), I got word that my friend’s husband had taken a bad turn re: his chemotherapy for liver cancer. In fact, they were getting ready to admit him to hospice. I prayed for Ron’s miraculous healing (and I still do). He is not healed if his cancer but he is well enough to not only not go into hospice but he is now home. As my friend says, they have accepted this is a terminal diagnosis but they are praying for more months and years together as a family first. To me, his going home is answer to prayer.

  55. Dearest St.Jude intercede for me and got my job back, an I know my mammogram results that I have been praying for will come back clear without any density also. Along with all my others prayers and for all who prayed.

  56. Thank you St Jude for answering my prayer for financial respite on the first day of this Novena. Jesus answered your petition on my behalf. God is good and nothing is impossible with God. To Jesus, Mary, You and all the Saints, I Love You. Amen and Amen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  57. Good evening my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus’ Holy Name.

    Indeed i feel so glad to share this with you all.

  58. Dear St. Jude, pray for my family, children, marriage and husband. He has fallen away from JESUS & GOD & into the hands of Jezebel. St. Jude, this family has been torn apart & I fear its impossible to repair. If it’s in GODS will to repair my family, I would greatly appreciate a miracle right now as everything has gone out of my control & is in GODS hands. St. Jude, I thank you for praying for me & my family.

  59. My granddaughter who has been struggling with a class she needs to pass to continue her nursing program has gotten that straighten out.

  60. Dear St. Jude,
    Through your intercession, please help me to stop worrying about Matt and to start trusting in the Lord’s help. Help me to be more patient, loving, and trusting with my husband and his daughter. Thank you!

  61. Thanks you for your intercession . I prayed among other things to pass my driving test and I did.! Thank you Saint Jude

  62. My BIL is doing better… his cancer pain was very severe. I am thankful to God & St. Jude, even though my faith is weak.

  63. Thank you St Jude for your kind intercession to heal my child from her illness
    The road to recovery has begun . keep her healed and I thank Jesus of having her healed as per the Bible wherein it states that nor herb nor application but the lord is the one who heals

  64. I have been praying for more clients. My prayers were answered on Wednesday thanks to St. Jude’s intercession. I start with my new client tomorrow and I am looking forward to it.

  65. St Jude! Thank you for all the blessings. My prayers have been answered. May you always be there to guide my family. Shine your light upon us and lead the way. Thank you for bringing me back and renewing my faith. May the Lord bless us always!!!

  66. One of my prayers were answered during this novena, I have been looking for a milk cow since July, and every cow I looked at had something not right or the owner dident answer questions, on the 3rd day of this novena cow was found by the 5th day it was bought, and everything went fast and smooth. I always say if something is God’s will, it will feel easy to do, so Thank you st Jude for the jersey cow

  67. Dear Saint Jude I thank you most sincerely for your intercession in praying for the mother who was struggling with her new baby. She has made so much progress and is much better form. Praise be to God.

  68. Midway through this Novena- my wife was offered a great job and negotiated a great starting rate. I also received an increase at work that was unexpected. Deo gratis!

  69. I have been praying with this Novena group for about a year! I have prayed for my children to get good jobs with good stable companies. My prayers have been answered! My son just called to tell me that he was offered a regional supervisor job with a company with benefits! My grandson has a great job also! My prayer now is that they return to church! I will not stop praying Novenas as I believe they work- FAITH

  70. Thank you St Jude for your intercession. My son has met a girl who loves God and seems good for him. Continue to bless this relationship so it may grow. Thank you Lord Jesus for your continued live guidance and protection for my husband, myself and our family. To God be the Glory. Amen

  71. I want to thank God for answering my petitions to St. Jude. I was experiencing severe knee pain and not able to walk without assistance, cane or walker. I saw an orthopedist and received cortisone injections and the pain is tolerable and I am able to walk on my own. Praise God and thank you St. Jude.

  72. I prayed that my arteries would all be open and when I went for my angiogram they found them all to be open. Thank you God and
    and St Jude.

  73. I have prayed the St Jude Novena with and for my sister and friend. Mute first one found and bought the house she prayed for against the odds and my friend sold her house after being listed for a long time. I have received spiritual graces from praying for loved ones but these two recent favors I accredit to the intercession of St Jude. God bless,

  74. Please pray with me St. Jude for MES to get the job at the hospital and for AV and MES to get engaged. I promise I will encourage devotion to you and my beloved St. Anthony, Blessed Mother and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thank you for prayers previously answered.

  75. On the very first day. After praying for a seemingly impossible situation. My prayer was answered. I have continued the Novena in Faith and Thanksgiving!!! I will say Nine day Thanksgiving Novena to my Dear Spiritual Friend Saint Jude. He has helped me whenever I needed Him !! Thanks Be To God The Father God The Son and God The Holy Spirit Jesus Mary and Saint Joseph I love you. Save Souls

  76. Last year, I prayed the St. Jude Novena the cycle I conceived our little girl after almost 2.5 years of trying to conceive. This year I prayed for my little girl who ended up needing surgery. The surgery was successful and we are going home today.

  77. Prayers of Thanksgiving for David and John having positive results on their leukemia tests and for going home a week early.

  78. Our Statewide annual crusade is coming alive this November. To the glory of God I gave the theme of the crusade titled “He Can Do All Things”.

  79. Thank you St Jude for answering my prayers!!!
    You are always there for me and my family.

    Love you with all my heart ❤️ 🙏

  80. So Grateful for miraculous healing of a lung & throat disease that had completely altered my life this past one and a half years with struggling to breathe & have not been able to do many things that I enjoy doing in life Two days after starting this Novena to St. Jude I felt like the constriction in my chest/throat was lifted. Thank you God! Thank you St Jude! 🙏🏻

  81. Thank you lord ,I have experienced your presence in my life before and since I started saying the Novenas. I will worship your name forever and ever Amen.

  82. For over a year and a half I’ve been praying for a job to reunite my family. On the first day of St. Jude’s novena, hours after praying the first prayer, I received a call for an interview!!!! I don’t have the job yet; however getting an interview is closer than I’ve gotten so far. Please continue to pray for me so that an offer follows soon. Thank you John-Paul and Annie. Your novenas bring me inner peace and closer to our merciful Father!

  83. Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers during this novena. I have a dear friend that struggles with alcohol and refused help until this novena. She is now in treatment and accepting God’s grace to live one day at a time!

  84. Lust, not expected things as there, financial, argue about what right, not put God and trust him no matter what, my kids do not have that relationship.