Answered Prayers from the St. Anne Novena, 2022

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Thank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Anne Novena!

If you’ve had your prayers answered in any way throughout this novena, please share those with us all below. It adds to our hope to hear how the Lord is working in your lives!

We are praying for you every day.

Please do not give up on hope. Jesus is with you and you are not alone!

God bless you!

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  1. I have prayed sever
    Al novenas and I was going through a situation with a utility company to reconnect a utility that was turned off due to nonpayment and there were other factors. After praying the St. Anne novena the situation was resolved and I am thankful to St. Anne’s intercession and to God. I continue to pray the novenas because we have so much to ask God and the saints for help with. To God be the glory.

  2. I always pray the St. Anne & Joachim novena and my prayer intention for the last couple of years, when I joined to pray the St. Anne & Joachim novena, was for my sister to find a husband. She got married this July. Thank you God for listening to my patron saint.

  3. I prayed for three things one for me and two for others!! All were answered on the day and before the end of Saint Ann novena!!
    “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.Matthew 7:7

  4. Hello all.
    I did the Novena to St. Rita. My niece was very sick and admitted to the hospital for two weeks. God did His wonders. Eventually the results came negative! My niece completely healed and was discharged healthy than before.
    God also did again for me. I did Novenas for a Catholic Man. Yes we are in love and planning to settle soon. Please pray for us! Thanks for the Novena prayers. God is good all the time!

  5. I prayed that God may give me a job where they need his love to be shown and I have applied for a new job since March! The last day of the novina (Tuesday) I got a call and by Friday I was hired! He has also helped my boyfriend and I in our relationship that we are both now ready to take the next step!
    God is good!

  6. My foot was in bad shape I was in a boot. After the novena my foot was healed, no more boot. Thank you St. Anne

  7. I prayed the St Anne Novena for strength to handle a situation with my grand daughter . I realized that as her grandmother my only duty was to pray for her and be an example to my daughter who is also a grandmother now. Sometimes the best thing we can do is turn our troubles and worries over to Jesus. St Anne spoke to me loudly and clearly and told me to pray every time I felt the urge to worry. My faith has been ignited with hope now that our prayers will be answered in GOD’s time not ours. Thank you St Ann for you intercession and example. It is so comforting to know a grandmother’s prayer is very powerful and that Jesus must love his a lot!!!! Thank you St Anne.🙏🙏🙏

  8. My grandson has suffered since he was a teenager with terrible anxiety and low self esteem. I have been praying for years for him. He now takes a medication that has changed his life. Thank you St. Anne for being his grandmother too. Thank you Jesus.

  9. Good morning: I prayed this novena every year but this year made a difference because I actually landed the job I wanted. I am teaching 8th grade resource (special education). What a blessing. Thank you St. Anne for interceding my prayers to my LORD JESUS CHRIST.

  10. So many of my prayers were answered!!! My daughter stopped smoking, she was awarded 100% custody of her son after a contentious year-long court battle, and she and her family have begun praying the rosary, while working on their annulments to return to the Catholic Church!!!

  11. I prayed this Novena prayer last year for St Anne to intercede for me that my daughters and son may find the right partners and this prayer was answered as my youngest daughter is married this year and expecting a baby this August. I believe in praying the Novenas. I believe the rest of my children will find their partners at God’s appointed time. Our God is an awesome God. Thank you to St Anne and her daughter Mary for all the answered prayers.

  12. Thank you God and St. Anne – I was finally able to close on my home. So many miracles along the way – from the start calling the manufactured home place where they just got confirmation that 4 were coming in this year, to finding a house to rent that allows both dog and cats, then finally closing 2 weeks ago.

  13. I have been praying to be healed of IBS and digestive issues. Although I have prayed for this at Holy Mass and during other Novenas, the healing came mid point in this one to St. Anne. How grateful I am for her intercession! Thank you, St. Anne.

  14. My son has started dating a super sweet girl and is so happy. He just graduated from college and has had some bad luck with dating. I prayed that he can find someone who he can share his life with and he has started dating someone during the novena.

  15. I prayed to get an IELTS waiver for my graduate school admission. A few days during the novena, I was given an alternative. I am very grateful for the intercession of St. Anne.

  16. I’ve pray the St.Anne novena my son was facing 40ty years in prison..but only got 15th with time serve..with his mental state the most he’s goin do it 5 with the grace of god..

  17. Thank you to everyone that prayed the St Anne novena with me. I prayed for my sister who’s living with kidney failure. Her blood work has been very low for many weeks. This past week they have improved. Both of my parents grew up in the church of st Anne in Haiti. I was raise by most people to call St Anne grandma. After this novena not only St Anne is my grandma, St Joachim is my grandpa. 🙏 Marie

  18. I have been praying for a good friend in Chicago for he and his wife for jobs to support their family. My friend had knee surgery and then fell tore a ligament off the knee he had surgery on. He had to retire from the job he was employed at. Now that he is much better after two years they both have been looking for work. After praying the St Anne Novena both have been blessed with great jobs and now will be able to catch up on things financially. I give all the praise to our spiritual grandmother St Anne for answering their prayers and mine. 🙏🙏❤️

  19. St Anne, thank you so much for inspiring my husband (after 20 years!) to read the Bible with me, spend time connecting with me, and deepen our relationship with God. You have all of my gratitude. I love you, spiritual Grandmother!

  20. My son did great at his Ironman. Thank you all for your prayers. I know it was prayer that kept him up for this grueling race of 140.6 miles.

  21. My prayer was answered through the Holy Spirit Novena 3 days after we prayed it I found an apartment I’m late with this post because I was moving thanks be to God and the Holy Spirit. Thank all of you for your prayers also.

  22. I am an independent contractor and never know where my next job is coming from. Work had been very slow when I started this novena. Somewhere in the middle, the work just started to pour in. So grateful to my spiritual grandmother, Saint Anne, for taking my prayers to God. Love these novenas! Thank you for helping us to pray. God bless!

  23. My wife is hospitalized with severe pneumonia and suffers from multiple comorbidities. Thru prayer by many and the intercession of the saints she will be discharged tomorrow. Praise Jesus, St Anne and St Joachim and our Blessed Mother.

  24. I was scheduled for surgery on Sept. 7, but during the novena, I got a call to move the date up to August 26, St. Anne’s feast day. She is my patron saint. I understood that as a good sign of her interceding for me. The surgery was successful and the biopsy results were normal. Thank you, St. Anne.

  25. My wife and I have been without either of our vehicles operating for quite some time and had to depend on one of our daughters to take us places. I prayed for St. Anne to intercede on our behave and now one of the vehicles are back to operating. Thank you St. Anne.

  26. My husband was diagnosed with an agressive form of melanoma.
    I said the novena to ask St. Anne to please help him suring his surgery and also to please not let the cancer have spread. During this novena my husband had a successful surgery and the doctors felt the cancer was contained to the area where the cancer was discovered. Also thankful that my daughter received word that her biopsy was benign. Thank you Saint Anne.

  27. My college student daughter wanted to transfer to a school supported by a church we do not believe in. After praying the St Anne Novena, she told us she has decided to continue her education at her current school. Thank you, St. Anne, and thank you, God, for her change of heart!

  28. I had a pain in the knee that had been there and I was already considering going to the hospital to see a doctor. On the day for healing prayers during the novena, I particularly prayed for healing of the knee pain and I was healed and had absolutely no pain by the next day.

  29. I received a Baptism in the Spirit this past Saturday. The pain and shame of my past went away and I am more free to move forward into mission. Thank Grandma Anne for your prayers! All praise and thanksgiving be to the Holy Trinity for helping me to be more open and more filled with your Spirit!

  30. I too am a grandmother of 11, so proud to have been given the gift of grandmother. My prayer intentions are for my granddaughters to have a relationship with Jesus and seek him. I know God will watch over them but as of today its on his time. Thank you so much for this novena. Love

  31. I prayed for seizure freedom for our 4 yo granddaughter, and although that has yet to happen, we have just learned of a new surgery/procedure that gives us hope for a seizure free future. Praise God, and thanks to St. Anne for her intercession!

  32. Praying for the mental and physical healing for my mom who had a stroke. The stroke impacted her right side and took the ability for her to speak: I pray to God for speaking Voice to return and her body to be fully healed.

  33. Through the Sts. Anne and Jochacim novina I prayer for that my son in law would get a new job before his severance and benefits ran out. On the last he accepted a job offer with benefits. They have 2 children with health issues and the new job came just in time.

  34. I always pray for many things in my life. I know my prayers have been answered, sometimes just not as I would have liked. I always try to pull one special thought from each novena. I have even flagged one part of a novena so I will never forget the powerful words. Thank you for allowing me to follow. I don’t think I would do this on my own.


  35. Thank you St Anne , multiple graces during this novena, impossible mortgage granted to my daughter who has been left with two children and was being made homeless, 1 of many graces

  36. Thank you St. Anne for helping me with a very difficult decision. After working 10 years in a job that has become toxic and emotional, I had the courage to leave. All the heavenly hosts, including St. Anne, helped me find a job surrounded by prayerful Catholics.

  37. I was praying for a job during school hours so I could still bring my child to school. As I was finishing this Novena my friend called me about a job with the hours that I needed. I got the job.
    Praise God. Thank you St. Anne.

  38. My novena was dedicated to my daughter, who was taking her nursing boards. While doing the novena, she took and passed the boards. It’s been a long road to get to this point, and this novena was integral to taking her over the finish line.

  39. I prayed that my son gets a home close to his chilrens’ new school. He found one. Thank you Saint Anne. Please continue to guided and bless my family.

    Thank you Saint Anne.

  40. Every year I pray to St. Anne for my husband’s family for healing. They are not close and have only visited a few times in 30 years. During the week of the novena, they visited almost daily. This is a huge MIRACLE! Never give up on prayer. Thank you, St. Anne and Joachim and Our Lady!

  41. I was wondering if you could add the Chaplet of Saint Gertrude the Great for the holy souls of purgatory her feast day is November 16th it wouldn’t mean a lot to me unto the holy souls of purgatory thank you and God bless you always you are also in my prayers

  42. Thank you so much Saint Anne for all your blessings , Love and giving me hope ! My prayers they uour intersaison are always answered !
    May god Bless everyone!❤️❤️❤️😘😘

  43. The first time I prayed this novena I really felt for the first time in my life that I had a grandmother. This has changed my relationship with my own grandchildren.
    Then from my recent novena to St.Anne I have now the sheer joy of being a grandparent and am living in hope that my other son who is infertile will be healed and receive his heart’s desire.
    Thank you St. ANNE.

  44. Still working on a good job for my son, as an engineer, times are scarce
    these days. we are believing! Prayers for my driving, as I have not driven
    sinse the covid! What a a healing!

  45. I prayed for my brother to receive the Sacrament of the sick in the hospital. Finally my nephew requested it and he did. Thanks be to God 🙏🕊

  46. Thank you St. Anne for helping me overcome my negative thinking and outlook on my life. Thank you for hearing my prayers and continued love for me and all your spiritual grandchildren.

  47. I haven’t particularly obtained the grace I’ve been praying for in all the novenas, but I hope that the Lord will fulfill my innermost heart’s desire, some day.

  48. I am so grateful for the intercession of St Anne! Not only did my son find a lovely woman to share his life with but I’ve also met a kind and gentle man who loves spending time with my family! Thanks so much for blessing my family with new opportunities of love!

  49. My son went to his college orientation on Monday and Tuesday only to find out that he is unable to register for any planned classes (he is starting as a junior), as all of them were filled. He was disappointed and wanted to change gears and stay home. We prayed to St. Anne, and on Wednesday, day after her feast, he was able to register for 4 classes, where there was only 1 spot available in each one–as if waiting for him. None of these were in his original plan, but nonetheless will continue to move him in direction of becoming a doctor. I shared this with him, and he will include prayers to St. Anne as his spiritual grandmother. Unfortunately, he has not had relationship with his earthly grandparents.
    Thank you for bringing this novena to us! It is a powerful prayer tool for our families!

  50. I have been praying for the success of my board exam. Now I am a licensed professional Teacher. Glory to God and to St. Anne.

  51. After having a miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy this year, my daughter in law found out she is pregnant. Also, I prayed to find a loving partner and St Anne’s intercession has brought that about too. Thank you God and St Anne.

  52. Ever since returning to the Catholic Church and discovering this wonderful site, I have been praying each novena. One of my recurring prayer requests is for my annulment to go through. It’s been 2 long years and apparently I needed the spiritual intercession of our blessed Grandmother, St. Anne!! Thank you Jesus and Your faithful Grandma for answering my 🙏 prayer!

  53. Ever since returning to the Catholic Church and discovering this wonderful site, I have been praying each novena. One of my recurring prayer requests is for my annulment to go through. It’s been 2 long years and apparently I needed the spiritual intercession of our blessed Grandmother, St. Anne!! Thank you Jesus and Your faithful Grandma for answering my 🙏 prayer!

  54. I have been praying for the rift between my daughter and son to heal….on Saturday we all had a wonderful day together. Thank you Saint Anne

  55. Thank you Lord and St. Anne for answering my request for a new job. It came just at the right time and I feel it is the perfect opportunity to help serve others.

  56. I prayed for a family whose baby was on life support.and potentially brain dead. She is now off life support and was taking a bottle. Praise and glory to God and the intercession of St. Anne.

  57. St. Anne’s last year’s novena. I prayed for a personal health issue I’ve had for years. On the 4th day of the novena I received my miracle.

    Anne is my middle name, my baptism name. I have a small prayer card that I daily pray to St. Anne.

    Last year, on July 26th, our brother-in-law, past away. We miss you!!

  58. I pray all of the novena’s. I was losing faith. It had been 5 years since my company had given any type of pay increase, including cost of living. We have already lost over 1,000 people and were (and still are) behind on all cases. I work for state agency.
    We finally got that raise we so desperately needed.
    The other prayer I have been praying is to my numbers (health wise) in order. My A1C is too high (sugar). Please pray for me that I lower this number. To show me what I need to change to make this happen.
    Thank you

  59. I prayed that my granddaughter’s one year scan would remain cancer free and her results were clear. Thank you.

  60. My prayers were answered, I prayed for my daughters success in her exams and she took 4 awards. She was healthy through out the exams, other times she was always ill during the exams. Thank you st Ann. I also prayed for my husband to be called back to his contract and he has started already. Thank St Ann.

  61. I haven’t gotten a complete answer to my prayers. My three-year-old triplets are not talking yet. I noticed some improvement during the Novena, and I have this peace and joy that I never had before. I know it can only come from God.
    Thank you all. Please keep praying for my triplets

  62. I have been praying this novena to St Anne every year for 2 very special friends of my daughter. They both tried for years to conceive. So this year I prayed once more. I couldn’t believe when my daughter told
    Me they are both pregnant. Thank you At Anne

  63. Dear friends
    I prayed this novena, and although I did not have a specific request except for continued Blessings, we have been going forward in our lives with more peace and contentment. I started a new job and my husband has started a new business and they are both being Blessed more and more each day!!! What would we ever ever do without our Faith!!

  64. I have prayed several novenas over the last year asking for a permanent home. I have been settled in an apartment with my sister since May. Thanksgiving novena a must.

  65. I have had quite a few intentions answered and I’m so grateful. C made it through brain surgery. She still needs loads of prayers. M had an answer to her health issues. B got a job.R started back to therapy . J. Came through a tough time. We had an unexpected and much needed money windfall .
    At times it’s hard to keep faith that in the end Jesus knows best I will keep praying for my faith and for all your intentions. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  66. I was praying to find a new job that would meet all of my needs and for my daughter to be able to live on campus to attend college and my prayers were answered. I started my new job in August and my daughter will be entering her dorm in August! Thank you Father.

  67. God answered my immigration prayer for my kids. Their application got approved. I haven’t seen them in years. I’m so thankful to God. I believe him to see me and my kids through in the second phase and give us divine speed. Thank you Jesus.

  68. My master’s thesis supervisors finally gave me a go ahead to complete my report and be able to graduate soon after a big setback.

    Thank you so much St. Anne and St. Joachim.

  69. Praise and glory to our Lord God mighty and gracious. I have some positive news after praying to St. Anne and an important prayer has been answered. PRAISE TO GOD IN HIGHEST AND THANKS TO ST ANNE AND ST. JOACHIM. Not forgetting Mother Mary.

  70. Thank you St. Anne for connecting me to my life partner. I was introduced to my first novena (St. Anne Novena) by a priest. Even though it was my first time praying a novena, it was an answered prayer. After the conclusion of the novena on the 18th of April, 2021, I met my husband on the 18th of May, 2021. He is everything that I prayed for and I am grateful to God and my spiritual grandmother (St. Anne) for answered prayer.

  71. I haven’t gotten a clear answered prayer in particular however, partaking in this prayer to St. Anne many doors are opening in terms of me getting a job opportunity and also my sister getting a better job. I do believe that my prayers will be answered soon. Thank you St. Anne.

  72. My nephew has gone through many procedures including 4 brain surgeries. He is now in Rehab and slowly improving. Thanks be to God for healing grace and answered prayer. Thank you for providing the opportunity of praying these novenas. Thanks be to God!

  73. I have been praying for my husband to get more involved and develop a deeper personal relationship with the Lord. He will begin attending a prayer group at our church parish beginning soon. I really believe this will help him meeting fellow Catholic men parishioners. Thank you for all you do with sending these Novena’s.

  74. I had been praying the St Anne novena for my 5 daughters to find good, God seeking husbands. One daughter I told part way through the novena that she was included in my prayers, she wasn’t best pleased, saying I’m happy as I am, I don’t need a relationship now….little did she know that a lovely young man, from our church, a good friend of the family, was also praying the same novena …..on the last day of the novena he asked her out….she said yes!! Thanks be to God. Thank you St Anne for your intercession.

  75. I was suffering for painful periods from more than 5 years and have been ignoring the doctors advise during COVID to do a DNC procedure and biopsy as I was afraid it would be cancerous. I had reached a point where i was depressed as I had no quality of life during my periods. I agreed to do the procedure and go with a IUD to prevent this happening in future. Through the procedure I kept praying to Mother Mary and the novena to St Annie for my health. My procedure was on the day after the feast and it went well, the biopsy was negative. I am in the 3 month treatment phase now to understand if the procedure and IUD will show the positive results. I believe it will be beneficial and I will be completely well soon.
    Thank you dearest Mother Mary and St Annie!

  76. Looking back on the days I prayed for my license, after that breakdown it turned to break through. Thanks a lot for this novena. Passing the board exam was one of my answered prayers. This year, at this very moment, I am one of the board passers, and currently pursuing my career. Thank you and God bless us all.

  77. For a while now, I haven’t participated in the novenas being sent to my email
    When I got a mail for St Anne novena which came at the time I was expecting an answer and positive result from an the glory of God few days after the novena, the application for GB visa came out successful
    God answer prayers

  78. I prayed the Novena, for St Anne to intercede for me during my pregnancy, for me to have a safe delivery and no complications associated with labour and birth will affect me.
    I was overdue by 4 days or so.
    Then I safely delivered a healthy beautiful baby girl on her feast day 26th July!! I feel so blessed.
    St Anne pray for us!!

  79. On the last day of praying the Novena my son was blessed with a job.! Thank you St Anne for interceding for my intentions. Praise God! Thank you Jesus !

  80. God answered my prayers with a job Ali have been praying for many years,I will also thank all those who help me morally and spiritually and those who have been praying for me,God you are so good and remain faithful to your children.

  81. Thank u my spiritual grandma . Its working like magic almost all I prayed for during this novena is happening miraculously… my home is at peace and full of love now, my husband has got a new job with time that suits my own work time so now we can work and still look after our lovely boys this mean so much to us because it was a hug challenge for us.. my work place change my location from far place to one near me oh God thank you grandma and to all praying for us..

    I am also hoping that my husband will endorse my citizenship application that he has refused to sign since 3years ago that I was due to apply …

    I will present it to him soon and I pray he won’t declined again. I don’t know the reason but I know my grandma has settled this case as well…

    Thank you for this platform I have receive many prayer answered through all the novena .

  82. For the few days I prayed the novena, I got a sense of hope . I now have peace of mind. I do not have it all, but I have faith and hope that God will answer my prayers. Thanks St Anne

  83. I have been praying for transfer in previous novena, and I received it last week, my intentions for this novena are yet to be answered I remain faithful and positive they will be answered.

    Thank you all

  84. My son has reached out to me which means the world for both of us. I’m continuing to pray for this relationship and have more faith than ever in prayer. Thank you.

  85. I am thankful to God for encountering St. Anne’s Novena. This was my first time praying this Novena. I had registered for a language test and was to sit for the test in 2weeks time. This test was important I had to pass, and my worry was if I would pass since I hadn’t gotten a tutor. I embarked on self studying through the internet and a week to the test I learnt of the novena, I had faith and committed to it. And truelly, I passed the test !

  86. My brother has needed to start his DMT medication since he was diagnosed last year and there has been block after block. Thank you to prayers, trust in our Lord, he had his first dose on the 27th.

  87. St Ann, helped me passed my exams even when I made serious mistakes. Am so thankful for her intercession.

  88. I started the St. Annes Novena with several intentions, two of which were answered almost immediately. I was praying for my niece who had been missing for over a week and on the second day she was found. Also, I was praying for my best friend who was having child birth complications. Am grateful that they are now doing great.

  89. I lacked words to express the overwhelming joy and gratitude to God Almighty I feel following the novena to St Anne I indulged.

    For the past 2years since my last job, I have been soaked in moments of despair and helplessness over countless job opportunities that were unsuccessful. Then, I came across the email alert about St Anne’s novena prayer; I have never prayed this novena nor sought the intercession of her for help in life. So, I threw in the towel to her intercession with all zealous trust and faith as I had been backed against the Wall of my life. Behold I got a job offer that bewildered my imagination on the 8th day of the novena. Thanks, O St Anne for doing what you are greatly known for as our heavenly and spiritual grandma.

  90. GOD answers all prayers according to HIS planned time. I prayed through st Ann a prayer for successful operation to my Dad. I thank almighty GOD because the old man 87 years was successfully done the operation on 24th August and he is fine today.
    Thank St. Ann for your intercession.

  91. I thank for His blessings granting my daughter a great result – 4.89GPA in her 2nd Semester Exam