Answered Prayers from the St. Anne Novena, 2021

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Thank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Anne Novena!

If you’ve had your prayers answered in any way throughout this novena, please share those with us all below. It adds to our hope to hear how the Lord is working in your lives!

We are praying for you every day.

Please do not give up on hope. Jesus is with you and you are not alone!

God bless you!

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  1. Most gracious thanks for intervention by St Anne to Our Lord for the successful open heart surgery, and quick recovery of my brother. He also experienced God’s hand through a wonderful hospital chaplain who visited and prayed with him and for him throughout his bout with heart problems. It seemed that she was a guardian angel!
    Also, my neighbor’s 100 year old mother was failing and seemed depressed and losing her will to live. St Anne’s intercession helped her daughter to provide the proper food and medical care, so that she is eating well, moving better, and more positive about her current state.
    My husband’s ongoing difficulties are many, but he is truly working to understand his role, and to make positive changes.
    Prayers do work! Thank God for Angels and Saints and the Blessed Mother and St Anne!

  2. Prayed for a disconnected power restoration that was deemed illegal and was so stressful and immediately after the novena things seem so hopeful and formalisation process and restoration has already started. Have faith. Thank you St Anne for your intercession

  3. Hello ,I am praying for God to grant me freedom and help and bless me with freedom in this Cou try .Have 2 kids and Old parents who depend on me for survival .Please pray for me .

  4. I prayed for a different Job within the same company and I got it I start on August 16 🙏🌷I also prayed for my fiancé who has conquered cancer but now it’s suffering from small seizures due to the unknown. Please pray for him the doctors cannot figure it out why & what is causing this trauma.

  5. I had been praying for financial breakthrough during the novena. God answered my prayer, on Friday 30th July an angel walked into my office and told me that they had been trying to get hold of me for some time, and that someone will pass through to sign a part-time contract with me. To God be the glory

  6. I have been praying that my son and daughter-in-law find a day care option for my granddaughter. Because I am a teacher, I have the summer off and have been flying to Florida to babysit. They are both active military (Air Force) but day care shortages are affecting military bases as well. I must return to teaching soon and they were able
    To find a nanny this week. I would ask for further prayers for parents juggling military duties and deployments during this uncertain time.

  7. Thank you Lord through the intercession of St. Ann and ask her Daughter Blessed Virgin Mary, my daughter gave birth safely last July 29 to Baby Elliana and both are healthy, I continue to pray for good health and safety. Praise and thank you my God and my Lord.

  8. An answered prayer of 28 yrs was finally granted by St Anne, 4 days after praying the novena. I was finally able to connect with my long lost daughter who was 16 at the time. It was an unexpected encounter. Now it’s a road to recovery of deep seeded wounds. Than over the weekend, I got to see my other 4 grandchildren together again after more than a year of family disconnect. I still need a miracle to reunite my broken family from bad relationship between parents, children and siblings. Too many wounds need to be healed and forgiven. St Anne and St Joachim, thank you for prayers answered and assurance of continuous blessings on my family. Bring them all back to church again.

  9. Yes my prayers were answer almost lost my brother it’s been 10 years hes in a home cause he used to drink fell down hurt his head and had lost 3/4 of his brain but still alive I thank the lord everyday hes 77 Amen

  10. A co-worker has cancer. I prayed the novena and a few days later the doctor told him he’s recovering! It’s a miracle!

  11. I don’t know if my prayers will be answered and when. My husband is in affairs since 6 years now. We both have a child and I want my child to be attentive in studies. I want my family to be together again. And my husband to be loving and kind and change his bad habits

  12. I have been praying for a special gentleman to come into my life and trying to date. During the St. Anne novena, I saw the handsome gentleman from a Catholic dating site we are both on and he was ushering at mass – I don’t remember when I have been so excited! For two weekends in a row, he ushered but I did not have the courage to talk to him. I am praying a novena now to St. Joseph for a good and holy spouse – if it is God’s will, perhaps there will be an opportunity for he and I to talk to one another. Thy will be done. Jesus, I trust in you.

  13. Many prayers have been heard….I cannot begin to give enough thanks for all I have received. My husband and I continue to heal from different procedures and multiple surgeries we have both endured. With Novenas by our side, we are able to look forward to a brighter future. Everyday is a thankful blessing! Thank you everyone for all of us praying together ❤🙏

  14. I pray that our Lord, and our Blessed Mother, and St. Anne would call our loved ones to deeper faith, and a renewed faith. Our daughter and son-in-law decided to baptize their 1 year old daughter. Thank you St. Anne!

  15. I have been praying for my daughter to find a good faith filled young man. She is sad and depressed. Someone she had an interest in has contacted her again. I pray it will work out if God’s will and she won’t be hurt again but will find happiness and peace.

  16. I had been praying for a better and newer car because mine had no heat or air and it was 26 years old, 1994, and God blessed me with a very nice 206 Kia and I have A/C for the 1st time one 8 years!!! Praise God a d God is good all the time!!

  17. I prayed the novena to Saint Anne and went to Saint Anne Day . The mass was lovely and you could feel the love of St.Anne throughout! I prayed for a healthy grand baby as my daughter is expecting her first child. All the tests came back normal today . I am so grateful to our Lord . All good things come from God. Thank you St. Anne for your prayers !!!

  18. Thank you very much for praying. My brokenmarriage got again fixed. My marriage is on September. Hope everything goes good. Thank you God for everything. Thank you everyone for the prayers.

  19. Thank you for the novena. Thank you St. Ann. I found the answers that I was looking for in a book that was given to me by my pastor. Thank you Father for the book also.

  20. Prayers during the St. Anne novena for my daughter and grandson regarding assistance with his education are being answered ! Jayden is in the spectrum with a severe learning disability. He is now entering high school and my daughter is faced with possibly having to move him AGAIN due to tuition expenses as his needs and accommodations have been overlooked. Since praying the novena, doors have miraculously opened and assistance has been acknowledged after three years. PRAISE GOD and St. Anne for interceding and listening to my plea !

  21. I thank God for answering my prayers. Money was not enough and I prayed that I use what I have responsibly. I’m trying now and I thank God that my children do not go to bed hungry.
    I’m now praying to God for a loving caring husband and I believe that my prayers will be answered in Jesus name. Amen

  22. I asked God for healing for my family members and myself, and we are back to sound health of mind and body. I also went for a job interview and Glory to Jesus, I got an offer.
    God be praised!

  23. Since my prayer intention through many novenas to various Saints, the last being St. Anne, I’m not sure exactly who was most influential in answering my prayers for my son and daughter-in-love to conceive a healthy baby. Their conception was about 13 weeks ago. I am praising our wonderful and faithful Lord for accepting all intercessory prayers and answering them so beautifully.

  24. I prayed my son got a better paying job and my prayers got answered. He starts on August 9th. Thank you Saint Ann for answering my prayers.

  25. I prayed for my daughter to find sobriety again. My prayers were answered, she has been sober for 2 weeks now. Thank you St Anne & everyone else who prayed for her,

  26. I prayed for my mother to be happy and well cared in the ALF that she moved into. So far it’s going well. So blessed

  27. I was praying for new job and
    I got it. Thank you! So grateful for a new job opportunity. Again the prayers were greatly appreciated. .

  28. I had to have my mammogram on my right breast checked again. I asked God to spare me from anything being wrong. I am a single parent and my 20 year old child needs me more than ever. Today I had the second mammogram and ultra sound and was told everything looked good and to come back in 6 months to make sure nothing has changed. No biopsy.
    Thank you St. Anne for your intersession and our Heavenly Father for answering my prayer. I pray now that when I go back in 6 months all will be well.

  29. My son was having very serious emotional issues. I prayed the St. Ann Novena and by the end of the Novena, he was about 90% improved. Prior to starting the Novena things were looking pretty hopeless. We are still getting him professional help, but we owe this miraculous recovery to St Anne.

  30. I have been struggling to balance my job and family life for months now. I’ve been praying about what to do for a long time but it just hasn’t become clear. I’ve tried to find a solution via many different paths including more childcare, going part-time, having different responsibilities within the same job but nothing has left me with peace. My second daughter was born recently and this maternity leave has been healing and eye-opening. It’s taken me a long time to let go, but I believe I need to quit my job, focus on my family and seek a new path and passion. I didn’t realize it right away, but the decision to take this new big step in my life came shortly after praying the St. Anne novena. I knew she was a powerful saint, but this answered prayer has made me believe that more!

  31. I forgot that part of another of my intentions was answered!!! We are moving from Illinois to Tennessee in March and we have to leave my mother in law. We were worried about telling her, but my husband was able to tell her and she took it well. Also, we have been waiting for six months for our tax return and it finally came in – we need those funds to help us with the move. God is so good! Thank you, Heavenly Grandmother, Anne!!!

  32. My daughter’s biopsy came back negative !! Even the Dr was surprised……..I prayed for a miracle and I received one !! God is good…….and he obviously listens to His mom and grandmother !! Thank you St Anne….and Mother Mary……..I know you interceded with your Son !!!

  33. I had several intentions and one was answered quickly! My daughter in law had our first grandchild on July 29! Both Momma and Baby Gwenyvere Joan are doing well. There were no complications and she had a natural childbirth! I got to spend time with her Saturday and Sunday and they even made it to Mass on Sunday! Praise God and thank you, Saint Anne!!!!

  34. I prayed for better love romanticism in my marriage and since then my husband is making great efforts. Also prayed for a special intention which was answered and also for us to find a nice place with a backyard to move in. Guess what we got one miraculously did not even go through background checks. Thank you St Anne. I am overwhelmed by God’s kindness

  35. I am praying for a dear friend with pancreatic cancer to get healthy enough for surgery. He has had so many setbacks and is very weak. I pray he has a chance for surgery. Please continue to pray for him to St Anne. I believe she will help him.

  36. We have been struggling with our mother having her go into good home care. Our prayers were answered and she finally agreed. It is so hard to make this decision.I prayed that this was the right decision for her. She needs more help then we can give her. It breaks our hearts. Prayed also that this was the right decision. They were answered .Thank Lord and all the angels and saints and Mother Mary for this blessing of finding a good home care facility.Thanks be to God.

  37. St Ann Novena. Answer to pray.
    I have been praying for my daughter to get an appointment with the Orthopedic surgeon for a year or so. Her knee duplicates every second day. Finally she has an appointment 10 August. Thank you St Ann.

  38. I prayed to God for our VISA application and also for the fruit of the womb through the Novena and we were blessed with both. God is indeed wonderful and faithful always.

  39. God has graced me with the strength to continue fighting addiction in my life and in society, and our spiritual grandmother St. Anne has been so kind and gentle with me. These novenas have brought me strength and comfort in the darkest times.

  40. I had a great argument with my adoptive sister and it took away my peace of mind.
    We did not even talk for three weeks.Am thankful to St Anne for interceding because on 26 August we solved our issues and are getting on good terms. Now I can gladly say am so at peace.

  41. Dear God please let my Rent cheque go through there seen to be some problem with my bank
    In Jesus name

  42. I was praying for some relief from a health issue. Things are much better and I’m feeling good. Thank you.

  43. I needed money for my business thanks for the novena of st. Anne I managed to get all I want and now I pray for success in my business. Aggie

  44. I needed money for my business thanks for the novena of st. Anne I managed to get all I want and now I pray for success in my business. Aggie

  45. I prayed to God for my child to start speaking like his mates and today few days after the Novena, I heard my child reading fluently from a book, touching every word and pronouncing them perfectly. I thank you Lord for you mercies. Thank you st Anne and st Rita for your prayers. Amen

  46. I was praying for favorable results from a biopsy and I received them! Thanks be to God, St. Anne, and all the saints in heaven!

  47. I prayed the St Anne novena for my recent college grad daughter to get a teaching job. So happy to report she was chosen to be a kindergarten teacher! God is good!

  48. The Lord is miraculous! I was praying the St Anne novena for healing for my husband. Doctors found a mass on his lung. My husband went in for a biopsy. As I was saying the rosary in the lobby the nurse cane out and said they were done. I couldn’t believe it because I had just kissed him goodbye in the surgery room . She said he’s done, he was having a ct scan and no mass was there. We put him in twice and there’s no mass ! Praise glory to God.

    He has had good test results as well with his pelvic and bone scans- no evidence of metastasis . He has an appointment tomorrow to see about his next steps regarding his prostrate cancer. Continuing to pray for healing. Amen

  49. Our prayers for Nick, his latest pet-scan results show very promising results Praise God and Thank you for your prayers

  50. I thank God for all the testimonies given by God’s people. I claim all the testimonies for my family and I in Jesus Most Holy Name. Amen 🙏
    I pray that God will answer our prayers in the next novena. He is a miracle working God. Thanks John Paul and Anne for your works. May God reward both of you and your employees greatly.

  51. Thank you SaintAnne for prayer answered.
    Thank you for praying for my Grandaughter and my Son .that they are able to speak to each other again .in Jesus. Name Amen.

  52. Will continue praying and will faithfully wait for my prayers to be answered. God’s willing and in God’s time.

  53. My daughter and I were doing the Novena to St. Anne for my grandchildren that God would speak to them about what they were created to do, so that they never wander far from job to job without a purpose. During that time. two of my grandchildren got the jobs they were seeking,
    So thank you for your Novenas and thank you St. Anne!

  54. I have been praying for one particular need and for the peace of mind and through st. Anne’s Novena my prayers have been granted. Am so grateful and I can’t stop Thanking Lord God for this.

  55. I asked for St. Anne’s intercession for my granddaughter who is 14 and has leukemia. We found out last week that she is 99.9% cancer free which means she is officially in remission! Thank you for your prayers, St. Anne!

  56. Praying my son and daughter-in-law would get pregnant and prayers have been answered! Now praying for a healthy baby! God is good!🙏🏻🙏🏻

  57. We have been searching for a house for two years and came across a house that we love and placed an offer among 12 other offers. We faced every obstacle preventing us from getting this home. Although we are undeserving, St. Anne interceded for us in getting this home. We close on the house next week. God is good and merciful.

  58. I want to Thank The St Ann novena for prayers answered.There is much improvement in my daughters behaviour who is bipolar and has been having problem with drugs and not staying home. I want to further adk St. Ann for the total healing of her, I ask God to God to bless her with a job and also askGod to give me strength and patience in dealing with this situation. Also ask StAnne to help her in taking her medication. Thank you St. Ann in prayers answered

  59. Our son and daughter -in-law recently moved to another state. I prayed for our son to find a job and that their house up here sell quickly. He started a new job on July 26th and their house sold after being on the market for less than 4 days on July 28th. Thank You Sts. Joachim and Anne for hearing and answering my prayers! (Anne is my Confirmation name).

  60. I have been praying for healing from cancer. I found out that my cancer had spread to my spine, but my Oncologist is very confident that one radiation treatment will eradicate that tumor. For that I am so very grateful. I will continue to pray for healing

  61. I am praying Faithfully and I know that the Lord is hearing my prayers and I am patiently waiting in Jesus name I ask for continued prayers with me for strength faith healing employment Financial stability and prayer for family with addiction Lord hear my prayers

  62. My husband and I prayed the St. Anne novena in February when starting infertility treatment. We got pregnant in May! Praise be to God. In July, I started having some light bleeding. We prayed for our little miracle to hang on! As of today, the bleeding has stopped, and we are starting the 2nd trimester. God hears the prayers of his children.

  63. I was diagnosed with lung cancer on my left and right lungs and it scared me to death because I felt it happened unexpectedly and at a time that my family needs me around more than ever before. I prayed hard and in fact prayed novenas that my cancer is not metastasized. Thanks to merciful God and Lord Jesus, Virgin Mary, St. Jude, St. Peregrine and other saints, my prayers were answered. My cancer is stage one and curable. I am blessed to have good, nice and compassionate doctors. I will have my second surgery and I pray that it will be fine and I have no doubt it will be because I continuously pray for God’s blessings.

  64. I have asked St. Anne for a successful outcome for my job and it was answered. I especially paid attention to having “patience”. Thank you St. Anne.

  65. I prayed for a peaceful death for a young mother who has struggled with metastatic breast cancer for 6 years. She was able to travel to her favorite spot with her family and died peacefully two days after her return to home.

  66. Thanks St Anns for answered prayers.
    I prayed for my brother to get a promotion
    and an increase because he is a hard worker
    and is always on the job. Today he started a new job with 3 times the salary he was working for and less stress. He is also getting
    a weekly salary instead of forth night salary.
    He is still in shock, he is also getting pay for overtime, on the previous job no pay for
    Overtime. I also prayed for my granddaughter to be healed from a medical
    condition. I am still prayering for my other
    Requests. Thanks St Anns. Pray for us.

  67. My life is changing for the best..I feel so much more at peace with myself. I’m called to go to Confession because I want to …I’m trying to listen to the voice of the holy spirit and it’s working..I’m a sinner. I don’t do the right thing when I should. But the beauty in this is that I love Jesus deeper today then yesterday. I will not give up on myself because he who is God will never give up on me. Thank you so much for spreading prayers of hope.. Peace be with you all ..

  68. So grateful to the Pray More Novena community for sharing in these prayers and our Lord and Savior and our Mother Mary. Prayers were answered for my husband to be kinder and gentler and my son be positive and grandson spending more time with us. Overnight stay🙏✝️

  69. I’ve asked Saint Anne’s intercession for clarity and peace in my relationship. My boyfriend and I are now looking towards engagement in the next year. I’m so happy and grateful for our heavenly grandma to be helping us navigate a road to marriage.

  70. My daughter had her surgery on the feast of St Ann, July 26. It went well and just got good results from pathology. Grateful for intercession of St Anne.

  71. Prayed for my best friend and I to be able to keep our jobs during a restructuring of our organization so we can purchase a parcel of land we wanted. We both have our jobs and the land that we wanted became available to purchase.

    Thanking the lord for his guidance and for answering my prayers 🙏🏽

  72. Prayed for my soon who lost his job suddenly and by the 5th day , he received an employment letter from another company and started work yesterday. Thank you St Anne and Joachim.

    I prayed for the healing of my sister with Ca Oesophagus and radio and chemotherapy were well tolerated. We are awaiting the surgery.
    Thank you St Anne and Joachim.. Amen 🙏🏾

  73. I have been praying for my grandchildren to get married in the Catholic Church and my fourth grandson just got engaged and told be I would be very happy. I asked why and he said; “we are getting married in the Catholic Church at Ste. Anne’s Parish” and I responded you bet I am happy. Indeed, God is good and He answers our prayers in His time.
    Praise the Lord and thank you Ste Anne for interceding on our behalf.

  74. I prayed for the protection of the unborn children of the world. This morning I read that more states in America have passed laws that support the pro-life agenda. Thank God and His blessed grandmother, St Anne. We might actually have a chance to see a reversal of Roe v Wade!

  75. I was awaiting the birth of my first grandchild and the last ultra sound showed the baby was very small. Doctor estimated only 3 pounds. For a full term baby that is way under weight. I began to pray the novena to St Anne and about a week ago my granddaughter was born and she weighed
    7lbs 6 oz!!! She miraculously put on that weight the last few weeks. With the help of St Anne I’m sure!!!

  76. Hello, my prayers have not been answered yet, but I know God has his reasons. I enjoyed reading the other answered prayers and it only confirms my faith. I’ll keep praying.


  77. I prayed the Undoer of knots Novena with you – I was going through Chemo. I want to thank God for his faithfulness. I had surgery and results were very very good. The cancer is gone. God is faithful. Thank you Jesus.

  78. Thank you St Anne – my daughter agreed to letting my grandchildren get the vaccine and is checking into it herself. Thank you for taking my prayers to heart!

  79. We prayed for our marriage to be blessed. This week we celebrate our 33 year anniversary. Today Father Thompson came over to bless our home. He also blessed our family and offered to pray for us this Friday our anniversary.

  80. I had asked for prayers for my 3 year old grandson who has been having headaches and vomiting. The MRI of the brain was negative. Thank you all for joining me in prayer and thank you to St Anne for your intercession. Doctors think it’s hereditary migraines.

  81. Thank you saint Ann you have answered my prayers in a time of need when I needed you most in my life thank you thank you very very much and thank you Anni for your beautiful readings every day thank you god bless from Concetta in Australia

  82. Thank you saint Ann you have answered my prayers in a time of need when I needed you most in my life thank you thank you very very much and thank you Anni for your beautiful readings every day thank you god bless from Concetta in Australia

  83. Still waiting for the right man to show up in my life but know and trust in God’s timing. Great things take time. For anyone that feels the same know that God, I have no doubt, hears all of our prayers.

  84. I had several answered prayers, recently I went to go visit him in Arizona, my first time on a flight after he drove over 1000 miles to see the month prior, and while there he was given 30 days to find a new place due to the landlord relocating to another state, I remember he was so worried and concerned of not finding a place in time due to everything being so expensive and so many people looking for a home, in the meantime he was to stay with his sister. After a couple of weeks, he drove me back to my town and a couple of weeks in after helping him find for a place we got approved for our first home. I decided I was going to offer this novena that if it is Gods will we be married, St. Anne, who is my grandma’s favorite saints and St. Joseph, we be approved for a home that was decent and in a good neighborhood. The week after the novena I took a bouquet of roses in thanksgiving to St. Anne for answering our prayer, my heart is overjoyed at the many blessings God sends us through our Mother Mary and St. Joseph to His greater glory. Thank you for leading this novena, each reflection was heartfelt and beautiful.

  85. HELP ME jesus please let brad pick up food for dinner or ill cook he needs to eat help me Jesus I need you ! use me please shut my mouth thank you

  86. God has answered my prayers. A single mum abandoned but God gave me a husband that loved me and my daughter so much. Thank you God. Keecee

  87. Due to breast cancer, I have not been working. I prayed to St. Anne that my landlord would work with me regarding the rent. I spoke with my landlord on Saturday, and he completely understood and said he would work with me. I also prayed to be able to go back to work and that, too, was answered, as I go back tomorrow! Thank you for all your prayers and especially to St Anne.