Answered Prayers from the St. Anne Novena 2020

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Thank you for joining us in praying the St. Anne Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered during this novena, you can share those with us all below!

We will continue to pray for you & your intentions. God is with you!

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  1. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for hearing our prayers, my sister’s mother in law has accepted my sister and her son as one of their own. There’s a pure peace and joy in their matrimonial home. We bless your name father God always.

  2. Dear prayer warriors,
    Am so so much grateful for this platform. I had for a period of four years prayed for a government job in vain. When I joined this group in July, we started with the St. Jude Novena and within the same month I was called for interviews. We then begun the St. Anne Novena. I now have appointment in the public service of Rubirizi district local government,Uganda. I can’t thank God enough because I had started losing hope.
    Greater Glory to God

  3. TQ St Anne for letting me get trough my Finance , letting my son pass his exam and getting my daughter to bone with me again.
    TQ TQ TQ.

  4. I prayed to St Anne for a permanent full time job in our locale for my son who lost his job in the early weeks of this pandemic. Today he accepted a job – local, full time, & permanent in his field. Thank you St. Anne for your intercession❤️

  5. Thank you St.Anne for answering my petition regarding helpingy son in his Military career. He told me today hes very happy about where they are placing him (a good position/ job while he awaits further career opportunities in his career! Thank you St.Anne,Jesus,Mother Mary& Holy Saints in Heaven!!

  6. I thank God Almighty through the intercession of St Anne that my son passed his exams. I also passed a Level 7 programme research I did.
    I also thank God through the intercession of St Anne that the investment that I did which happened to be a scam in which thousands of pounds was lost, the money was recovered back my bank after presenting the issue St Anne’s novena. I pray that the years the holocaust has stolen from me will be granted back to me in Jesus Mighty name.
    Thank you God and thank you St Anne.

  7. I have been praying the St. Anne novena for years, since we share the same feast/birthday. My prayer is for my to find someone to marry and that the single members of my family will end up getting married and have plenty of children if God wills. This time, during the novena unknowingly my nephew had a girlfriend July 25 and a long ago boyfriend reconnected w/ me, something is starting to grow, by God’s grace if it is then let it be!

  8. I am praying that my son, Tyler who I have been estranged from for 5 years now reaches out to me. I miss him.

  9. Thank you St. Anne for your intercession in helping my son find a job that he loves. He had been laid off due to the pandemic (and I as a result) were going through a rough time, but he now has an even better job that he loves. Praying the novena was a such a blessing for me during this time. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

  10. Thank you St Anne I prayed the novena for the health and wellbeing of my daughter and finally there has been a breakthrough with specialist appointment amid these trying times.

  11. St Anne thank you. All my children who are frontliners are safe. They have been seeing covid patients since march and so are we. We could have not done this without your intercession. And still praying for our safety and for the covid 19 pandemic to end.

  12. I prayed for a job and not only did I get one and started today but I believe this job was designed perfectly for me by God! I am so incredibly blessed and I know my spiritual Grandma was praying up a storm for me! Thank you for your prayer St. Anne. Jesus I trust in You!

  13. Our marriage is on the rocks, because we don’t talk, we don’t communicate, instead we always argue. But since then that I just trust St. Anne in the very last day of novena, we argue too much, but the good thing,we talk what’s on our heart, and now we understand each other. Thank you St. Anne.

  14. Dear St. Anne,
    Thank you very much for all the blessings. My husband just found a new job in KSA even in this time of pandemic. We are so very grateful for this. Please continue to protect us from this COVID 19. Thank you Lord God and mama Mary for always in our side. We love you!

  15. Thank you ST Anne for answering my prayers regarding me being able to visit my son who’s in Military in his state! All went well;safe travels,blessed reunion etc! Please continue to.pray for me that I will be well and not get covid 19 and pray that for me&all my loved ones. A special.prayer for my son and all our US Military&families! Thank you ST.Anne and Jesus&Blessed Mother Mary&all the Holy angels&Saints I continue to pray too!

  16. Thank you to St. Anne!! and everyone’s prayers. Through many prayers I’ve finally found a job that God was leading me to… I’m so happy, keep trusting God and your time will come. Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen!!!

  17. Two of my children lost their jobs at the beginning of the pandemic. I prayed to St Anne for them to get quality employment with on the job training to gain qualifications. Both got quality jobs with real futures. Thankyou St Anne.

  18. Thanking God and believing that our situation will change for the best in no distant time. God will answer my prayers concerning my children locating their spouses in no distant time
    Thank you Jesus and thank you St Ann and Joachim for interceding for us Amen

  19. Thank you grandmother St Anne for your intercession.. I was devastated with my last relationship and decided to focus on God and self and wait,I prayed for genuine life partner and other intentions .few days to the end of st Anne novena ,I meet someone so nice,with all the details I wanted in a man and a Catholic for that matter . Though he is not my tribe ,I’m still praying God’s will be done in my life.🙏🏼I will keep spreading the good news cos novena prayers do work!

  20. After 2 days of on going novena of St. Anne We have 3 miracle happened from our family, this novena once you believe and have faith from above everything will be granted. Firstly, the immigration officer contacted us to send additional requirements to fullfill our state nomination and now we are hoping and still praying to grant our visa now as the occupational ceiling was already released. Secondly, my husband got a call from his GM to go for his fulltime as he was only 3 days working, Praise the Lord for the answered prayer. Lastly, my son got a call from the company he applied and he got a job. Thank you St. Anne, Mama Mary And Papa Jesus for everything even you’re not here physically but spiritually working, loving and comforting us your children.- Flor

  21. prayers for my family and for my husband to be close to the our Lord God and focus in our family and to find a better job

  22. I prayed for a long time all the novenas, and my audit about work was clear, thank God! Im so grateful about it. I will keep praying because God has protected my family and myself during the Coronavirus pandemic. Thank you Jesus

  23. After praying the Novena to St. Anne a beautiful catholic man who had met previously re- emerged into my life to drive me a long distance to see a sick friend .
    He was supportive kind and understanding. I’m asking God to show me if this is the husband He has chosen for me. His mother’s name is Anne. She passed away suddenly and he was devoted to her. Please pray for God to show me His will.

  24. My youngest daughter announced that she was definitely pregnant after two previous major disappointments. They just found out it is a boy! All this even with only one ovary! Thank you to St. Anne and Mary for listening to my prayers and for your intercession! Love you both!

  25. Thank you St Anne. My tense marriage has eased off and my husband and I are talking again. Thank you for restored peace as we work on resolving our problems.

  26. Dear St. Anne, thank you for your intercession and prayers for me and my family and for GOD keeping us safe this choatic times we are in. Please pray for us to the LORD our GOD so that my children will be safe, focused and most importantly, have a healthy relationship with God. As they are about to go back to school, please protect them and give them the focus and patience they need to handle this school year. St. Anne please pray for me to the LORD our GOD so that my son, David, will be curred of his mental illness and be able to build a healthy relationship with his siblings, his father and me, Amen.
    Please GOD, give me the focus and knowledge that I need to learn my new
    assignment and be able to handle my cases with less confusion at my job.

  27. Thank you St. Anne for helping me with my petitions and your husband St.Joachim. It was indeed a miracle for my prayers to be granted.

  28. I’ve prayed for 16 years for a catholic relationship with a wonderful man and I’m now in one!
    Now if St Monica could just bring my son home!
    Thank you st Anne!

  29. We have been waiting for a monetary increase for 10 months. It finally came after St. Ann’s novena. We are so thankful, made a large donation to a local church. I encourage friends and family to believe in our Lord and our Saints.

  30. My daughter told me she was going to hire a nanny to take care of my granddaughter at home for a few hours twice during the week and Sunday all day. I hot really concerned because Covid cases were very high in her state. Also I was worried about a total stranger taking care of my granddaughter. I prayed and my prayers was answered when I was led to call my brother and ask if his daughter was working for summer vacation. It turns out my niece wasn’t working so my daughter was able to have a family member (cousin) babysit while she went to work. I was finally at peace after searching “” trying find a suitable match. My granddaughter got to spend sometime with my brother’s family as well. She was very excited.

    Thanks St Anne and St Joachim.🙏

    Mother Mary, you always intervene.❤

  31. My daughter told me she was going to hire a nanny to take care of my granddaughter at home for a few hours twice during the week and Sunday all day. I hot really concerned because Covid cases were very high in her state. Also I was worried about a total stranger taking care of my granddaughter. I prayed and my prayers was answered when I was led to call my brother and ask if his daughter was working for summer vacation. It turns out my niece wasn’t working so my daughter was able to have a family member (cousin) babysit while she went to work. I was finally at peace after searching “” trying find a suitable match. My granddaughter got to spend sometime with my brother’s family as well. She was very excited.

    Thanks St Anne and St Joachim.🙏

    Mother Mary, you always intervene.❤

  32. I prayed to St Anne that my niece would find a good catholic guy. She met a guy last week that only lives two blocks from her in a large city. Besides being a practicing catholic, they share many same interests. She is very much looking forward to their next date this week.

  33. My house rent will be due in about a month’s time, and before the beginning of the St. Anne novena, I prayed for financial blessings in my job. God has answered my prayer as my mum has volunteered to pay part of it, and I can now use the rest of the money i intended to save up for rent and pay my school fees.
    God did provide clients for me to work for and raise the money I need.

    May God be praised both now and forever, Amen.

  34. I prayed my niece would get her old job back that she loved. She has medical issues and needs her insurance to keep her same doctors. She got a call from her employer that they were hiring her back after the first day of the novena. Thank you St. Ann!!!!

  35. My sister told me that she was going to pray the St. Anne novena for my daughter to find a good Catholic boyfriend. I said I would also pray it for her. Well, before long my older daughter was out of town and met a couple at a winery who mentioned that they had a son who was 25. My daughter told them about her sister, also 25, who happened to live in the same city as their son on the same street 2 blocks away. They also found out how they were both Catholic. They exchanged contact info, and the blind date was arranged. The 2 really hit it off! Thank you St. Anne!!

  36. I have been praying that my daughter will finally take the NCLEX (exam for nursing license) and after months of waiting, my daughter received an email last week that her papers are being processed right now. God is good , thank you for my answered prayer.

  37. My son-in-law just got a very good job when we have all lost hope in this COVID-19 unemployment crisis.
    Thank You God. Nothing is impossible with you.
    Thank You St. Ann for interceding for us. Thank You mother Mary for Your continuous help.

  38. I have a fully funded scholarship for my masters degree in UK. My mother can now see very well. I thank God for his Graces, favors and unfailing love upon my life. Amen. Let all join me to praise the name of the living God.

  39. This is my third year in a row to pray the novena to St. Anne & Joachim for the intention of my adult children to find holy spouses. No spouse yet, but my daughter has started dating a very wonderful young man! I started asking for the intercession of St. Anne & Joachim soon after the death of my father who was sometimes called JC (reminded me of Joachim). My Mom is Anny. I never met any of my grandparents so I feel a special kinship to Jesus’ grandparents. Years ago when we first came into the Catholic church, a friend gifted us with a sculpture of the holy grandparents, cradling the Holy Family. So thankful for the communion of the Saints!

  40. I prayed for my daughters upcoming surgery for breast cancer. Thankfully it had not spread and she’s doing well. Thank you St. Anne our spiritual grandmother.


  42. Thank you St. Joseph, St. Anne, and the Infant Jesus of Prague! My niece got a good, most needed job! It came as a gift… she didn’t know about it and didn’t even have to apply!! God and our heavenly “friends” are so good to us!!😊🙏🙏🙏

  43. My niece went into labor for a whole day and night from July 24th to 25th. As the doctor was getting ready for a Caesarean section, I completed St. Anne Novena committing her in prayer and voila! She started to have harsher labor pangs. She delivered naturally to the surprise of her doctor. Thank you St. Anne!

  44. To God be the glory!
    I was praying for school fees for my children. The deadline for the settlement of the school fees was on 24th July. On the afternoon of 24th July, I received my end of service benefits from my former company.
    Thank you for your prayers.

  45. I wanted to share how our prayers were answered through the St. Anne Novena. I had been praying the novenas for quite some time now, but I believe that through the intercession of St. Anne, our dream to become parents was answered. I battled with infertility for years. We are expecting our child in Feb. Thank you to everyone who prayed this novena with me!

  46. Prayers for my son and his hearing and surgery have been answered! Thank you St. Anne, Jesus and Mary! I would ask for continued prayers for him as he learns how to use the cochlear implant and hoping his job is secure.

  47. I prayed through St Ann that we get a buyer for our family land ,all buyers would be interested but change their minds last minute.but I’m grateful that finally the land was bought.

  48. I prayed for my friend / sister to conceive and few ago she told she was pregnant ! I’m beyond grateful for God’s miracle . Thank you st Anne and st Joachim for their intercession. Praying that she delivers successfully . I’m also grateful for life ; God always provide for me , I’m healthy and happy.
    Thank you 🙏🏾

  49. I have many answers to prayers! I am grateful for your novenas. My son has been offered an interview for a promotion in Denver~ He is so excited and gave all of the credit to God. He is coming back to the great faith he once had which is an even bigger answer to prayers. He also is now open to the Catholic church and I ordered him a rosary from St. Patrick’s in NYC and he has it. Pray that he will start to pray the rosary and pray that he gets this job and that he is a blessing to others in that new role. Thank you for your novena emails. It truly means so much!

  50. Thank you Saint Anne, for answering my prayers, my husband found a job and started already. Thanks be to God.

  51. I prayed to St. Ann for a new better job during the novena. With a pandemic and a hiring freeze I got an interview and a month later a job offer. I am now doing the job I dreamed of having at the rate of pay I was seeking with people that are supportive. It’s truly an answered prayer!

  52. I prayed that St Anne would help me a more present and patient grandmother. I have been spending more time with my grandkids watching them as their parents prepare for a move. I thank St Anne for being by my side and being loving, engaged and patient

  53. A few days after finishing the Novena I received an offer on my house. I had been trying to sell my house for several months. I will be closing on both my old house and my new house the last week of September! Once again God has made things simple for me.

  54. My daughter and son-in-law have been trying to conceive for the past two years. They have now been told by 2 doctors that in-vitro is their only option. A friend and I prayed the St. Anne Novena with all of you. Nine days later, my daughter found out that they are pregnant! We feel it is nothing short of a miracle. We are so grateful for this precious gift!

  55. We have been praying for over one year that a financial dispute be settled between two of our children. It final was settled on Aug15!!!! Also had been praying through the intercession of our Lady . It was the feast of the Assumption. But grandmother gave it that extra boost!

  56. I was praying for my sister’s promotion at work which came through last week. Thank you St Anne for your intercession!

  57. I prayed for a new job. My prayers were answered. I will be teaching at a Catholic school in my area. I am super excited. Thank you, Jesus.

  58. I want to thank dear St.Ann for the miracle of a place of attachment to horn my accounting skills after my job loss in January this year. While I continue to pray for a replacement Job, I am grateful for the attachment opportunity which has cleared the would have been gap in my CV.

  59. The St Ann Novena was an answered prayer it self. I was lost in my own world of hate and anger as my marriage was falling apart. The day I was introduced to that Novena is the day I felt a relief I had never felt before all my life. As I speak I and my husband are normal and happy.

  60. For several years I have been praying all kinds of novenas and rosaries for my health. I sleep about 1 night out of 7. I am always tired! After finishing the Saint Anne novena I began sleeping 6 nights out of 7!! I feel like living again! St Anne is also my patron saint, so I urge people to pray to their patron saints …after all these years it worked for me ! Thanks be to God, Anne

  61. Thank you St. Anne and praise be to God! My sisters, my mother and I were all praying for the right housing situation for my younger sister and our prayers were answered! She is closing on her new house in the same neighborhood as my mother and I! She couldn’t be more happy! Thank you for your guidance, Lord Jesus and for keeping us close to you, always!

  62. I thank God Almighty for life and everything. My Mum passed on to the bosom of the Lord. I thank God for her life, for her been my Mum (she deserves to be honored) and the life of Christ she lived.

    I also thank God Almighty for the approval of my GC and the grace to start and complete the project that is undergoing for my Mum.

    All glory, honor and adoration be unto our Father, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen

  63. I have been praying for myself to be strong, and for take charge for my life, and my home. I see positive changes, but still have ways to go. I know through the grace and mercy of God I will achieve my heart’s wishes and desires. Thank you St Anne, St Rita, St Jude, Virgin Mary, My saviour Jesus Christ, and God the Father.

  64. I was praying for my parents healing because at the time they were both ill, but I thank God they are both doing well now.

  65. Please pray for my son to turn from all evil influences in his life, to find his path in life as God wills and return to church
    For my daughter and she starts a new journey in life, May it be blessed by God. For her protection while working as a nurse. And my personal intentions for her and her boyfriend.
    For my family to return to church.

  66. For 2 years I have been having series of challenges looking for a life partner as I had always encountered issues either from the girl’s behavior or from the girl had issues with the fact that I am a catholic. After series of novenas, I am happy to state that I have found a girl to marry and I will be starting the marriage rites soon. All to the Glory of God.

  67. Thank you St. Anne, i have passed my exams very well.This is jas taught me that when one prays earnestly and with faith everything is possible.

  68. Thank you St Anne, last week I was offered a new full-time job with a good salary. I can sleep at night again without having to worry about money.

  69. I had been jobless since september 2019 but in March I got a temporary job thank U st.Anne I am very hopeful that soon I will get a permanent or anyother job

  70. I have been praying to St. Joseph for quite a while that my dear daughter (and her son) would find a wonderful husband/father. A long relationship that was going nowhere had her feeling that marriage would not be in the future for her or her desire for more children. We agreed to pray the novena to St. Ann together for that intention and during the novena she joined an on-line dating app, picked a good guy who is a teacher because she felt that her first venture should be “safe” and she knew he would be background checked (she works for a bank in money laundering and fraud and is less than trustful!). She keeps saying she can’t believe this is real and I have told her to claim her miracle. He seems like the perfect match for her and it was his first time on the app, as well. Thank you, St. Ann, St. Joseph and our Heavenly Father and YOU for providing the novena !

  71. My daughter graduated with an MS in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins, while holding down a full time job & raising 2 small children. & after an extended search , due to caronavirus, has accepted a position in a molecular biology lab. In 6 months can take a test to become a molecular biologist! Thank you God & St Anne/ St Joachim! Seems like I’ve been praying these novenas forever for this outcome. Now to continue praying for my other children suffering with RA & Crohn’s disease.

  72. Thanks to the Mary and God. My Dad’s Elderly cousin with dementia went missing and turned up two days later with minor injuries. I have been praying for my kids safety and they were protected and my daughter’s issues were revealed to me to find her help.

  73. I just want to say thank you to Sacred of Jesus Novena that you share to me in my third day of my novena Jesus answered my prayer for my daughter to be accepted in the medical school in our place in the last moment of time . He really heard my petition to him. thank you Jesus as you say ask , knock and pray it will be given to u as u believe Amen

  74. Had been praying the St. Anne novena that our son would find a job with good pay and benefits. He did find a good job with good pay, but no benefits now. It is a small company which is good for him. They say they are working on some type of insurance program. We continue to pray that they will be able to provide some type of insurance program, even if he has to pay part of the cost. We praise God and thank St. Anne for her intercession.

  75. I want to thank God for answered prayers, I have been praying to get a job in the UK, I kept applying but kept getting rejections, I really want to thank God and Saint Anne for her intercession, I was invited for an interview and had the interview today, I am thanking God because I believe I will get the job. Amanda

  76. Dear Jesus, Mary and St. Anne, thank you for keeping my family and I together and safe during this pandemic.

    Please continue to watch over us and help us with our health problems.

    Thank you God.

  77. I thank God for having answered my prayer of getting a job in in a government office earning two times what I used to earn. A so grateful 🙏

  78. Have been praying for my children and grandchildren as well as all my family to stay safe from Covid virus. God has listened to my prayers. Praise to our mighty Lord. Still waiting for a big big miracle.

  79. Thank you, Lord God, via the powerful intercession of the Saints in Heaven and the many Novena prayer warriors, for the grace of intense healing from grief/depression over a suffered miscarriage. God has granted me comfort, peace and joy once again, for which I am ever grateful!! God is Great and so very, very Good and Loving!

  80. I must say whom I am to all this Novenas have powerful messages I M do touch I pray the Se Anne’s Novena until at the end I was sick from June 12th I had this persisting cough my chest was do tied I tried everything but thanks to this wonderful, inspiring Novena I am much much better I cannot forget to praise St Anne’s and her whole Holy family please let’s continue praying this Novenas are very powerful I am proud to be a Catholic

  81. Thank you St Anne i prayed for academic breakthrough and my results this semester where good. One of my Sisters also found the main cause of an issue she has been facing for 3yrs now. Thank you.

  82. I suffered from significant stomach issues, which started at the end of March. As time went on, and I really didn’t feel much better, I became discouraged. I have prayed the St. Anne Novena for at least 12 years, for a variety of reasons, from my son finding his wonderful wife 10 years ago, my daughter conceiving a child 2 years ago, to my own health issues this year. In each case, my prayers were answered. I love to visit the St. Anne Church in my area; it is such a source of comfort. Thank you, dear St. Anne, for the blessings I have received.

  83. Many thanks to St Anne and St Joachim for your intercession I thank God got job offer for online teaching, the father of my daughter started communicating after a long time, my relationship with God is strengthening everyday………..and so many blessings in my life. Thanking our dear mother Mart for her prayers and God almighty for all answered prayers.

  84. Thank you, St. Anne, for keeping my family safe and healthy during their trip back home amidst this pandemic. We are now reunited after almost 6 mos. I am so thankful.

  85. we received a wonderful blessing that we been praying for. Our daughter told us that she’s now pregnant after 4 years of marriage. Thank you for all the prayers. Thank you dear God you are an awesome God!

  86. Our grandson left drug rehab a few days early & spent a week at loose ends.
    He suddenly got himself together & went back to his job and as far as I know he’s still working.

    Thanks be to God & to St. Anne for her intercession!

  87. My sister asked me to pray that she would be able to get another job. She was offered 2 other jobs! Thank you so much, St. Ann!
    I am grateful to Saint Ann for several other intentions that have been answered, but this was the most pressing one.