Answered Prayers from the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, 2016

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“Mercy is the tangible expression of God's love in the world.-Thank you for joining us in praying through Our Lady’s intercession!

If you experienced any answered prayers from the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, please share them with us all below!


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  1. Dear Mother Mary,
    Hold us by Your Hand throughout this day. Help My two sons find employment. I pray for their psychological and spiritual health. Let them find their way. They seem lost and sad.For my husband to have patience in his ilness. For me and my health problems. To have strength and not to lose my faith. For all others praying the Novena. Hear our prayers Dear Mother and take them to Your Son Jesus.

  2. Thank you precious mother Mary and all you kind people who prayed for me. My operation went of very smooth and now I am recovering.
    My friend is on treatment for cancer in the troath please continue to pray for him
    God Bless you all.

  3. I just had my check up yesterday and just after the first cycle of my chemo drugs for my breast cancer, the measurable lesion in my chest area is already starting to diminish in size.

    Thank you so much Mama Mary for your help and intercession.

  4. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes for granting my prayer request of granting the blessing of new employment for my daughter, Nadia.

    Prayer is a big part of my life and I will continue praying for others and myself.


    Sincerely and with immense love:)


  5. During this Novena, I prayed for one of my students, who was having difficulty with self control in the classroom. Within the last 10 days, he has had fewer outbursts and is trying to keep himself in check. His family’s support coordinator came to visit at school to observe to see what other strategies we could put in place.
    Thank you Lord for watching over this little boy and his family.

  6. I am thanking God that my brother-in-law got his old job back after more than a year of unemployment.
    Praising God that my sister found a good endocrinologist that will help her with her diabetes and other health issues.

  7. I have a dear friend, whose daughter has a psychological illness, was in despair and suicidal. During the Novena she received Hospital care and continued support through an inpatient program. There was no room and suddenly one opened up. Thank you my dear Lady and thank you to all those praying for all of us.

  8. Our daughter stopped talking to us in August, when she was supposed to move to her new dorm room and begin her college career. She left without explanation, and refused our phone calls. Unknown to her father or I, she dropped out of college and moved in with a friend she worked with. I have been praying since August that our family will start the healing process, and she had refused up to this point. When I began the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena, she opened up to a discussion with her father and I, and we have made leaps and bounds since. She is now going back to church with us, and coming over to spend time with her brothers. We have a long way to go, but we have started the process. I am beyond ecstatic, and so thankful to Our Lady and Our Lord!

  9. My heart doctor said I needed a nuclear stress test and the result showed that I had some blockage in the artery. So he wanted an angiogram Monday. When he finished he said I had arteries like an eighteen yr. old and I am seventy yrs. old. Thank you our Lady of Lourdes.

  10. Hi All,

    I would like to share this opportunity to testify the answered prayers during Our lady of Lourdes novena.We have been praying for very important intention in our marriage for years and during this novena it was answered,also we have moved to new country and we were eagerly searching for house and our prayers were answered through this novena.Praise be to God and Hail Mary

    Thank you

  11. Thank you Lord and all who have prayed for me and my two daughters intention. One is at the University now doing first year. All through out 2015 I have prayed most of the novena online and I believe and trust that God has answered my prayer. Glory to God all mighty and powerful. Thank you St Anna, St. Theresa, St.Jude, St. Michael, St. Augustine and Monica. All the St. who have interceded thank you. All my pray more novena family thank you and lets continue praying for one and other. God bless you all. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. Amen


  13. My prayers were for two very good friends who have recovered from bring critically ill.
    And a 4yesr son of a colleague who is has just been confirmed to be on remission from a bad diagnosis. Thank you mother of Lourdes.

  14. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes after this novena my son change his attitude and was able to talk to us and he is much better now. Also after all the novenas last year that i pray for my daughter and boyfriend they are now set to get marry in november. Please continue to pray for them so everything will be as plan for their wedding and that God will be a foundation to start their family. Also after all the novenas last year my daughter Christina had a successful year in her studies and passed with great grades. Thank you all the saints novena for interceding for my prayers.

  15. Been very lonely for many years. Was praying for some one to come. It happened the day the Novena ended. I am praying more Novenas for other things to happen. I thank God for the timely intercession thru Mary.
    Remember, it was never heard of…… and was left forsaken. I truly believe.

  16. The result of my last CT scan showed that my cancer has stabilized. My oncologist is happy with the results of my treatment. Definitely, my prayers to the novena to Our Lady of Lourdes and all the other novenas I joined in praying through this site together with my special prayers to St. Peregrine, Mama Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ are answered resulting in stabilizing my cancer and that I am not suffering from adverse side effects from my treatment. And, I have faith that in time I will have complete remission from my cancer.

  17. Our Lady of Lourdes, thank you for making a way for me to restart my business again. Through this Novena l specifically ask for favour to raise finance and with your intercession it was granted.

    Thank you

  18. My prayer for the grant of the working visa of my niece, Freya, was answered. Praise God! Thank you, our lady, for your intercession.

  19. Dear Mother Mary,
    Help us throughout this day.Keep us safe, healthy and happy.
    Bring my sons close to Your Son Jesus.For all my family members.
    My brother,s and sister,s family. Let there be peace and more love between us all.For all the intentions of people praying this Novena.
    Heal them Mother Mary with Your most powerful intercession to
    Your Son Jesus Christ.

  20. I prayed for Rebekkah, my friend Ursula’s granddaughter who has been very ill since receiving stem cells. She was on the verge of dying, kept in intensive care for weeks on end, unable to speak or eat, unable to recognize her loved ones. Ursula sent me an email two days ago praising God and thankful that the tubes have been removed from Rebekkah, she’s sitting up in bed, eating without tubes, laughing and talking with loved ones, now out of intensive care, but still weak and easily tired after long weeks of being unable to communicate. To God be the glory for the great things He does in our lives. Thank you everyone who prayed with me for Rebekkah. Please continue to pray, as I do, that she will soon be back to normal living, able to return to school. God bless you all. Amen.

  21. I’m fighting a difficult & frightening custody battle with a very jealous and angry ex husband. This novena along with daily prayer and devotion – have graced us with just that … Gods grace! All things seem to be moving in the right direction. Hallelujiah!!! I am so very grateful for I know that God is protecting our beautiful innocent children. Thank you God & Lady of Lourdes!!! In Jesus name!

  22. My husbands recent scan for metastatic cancer has shown a significant improvement. Lymph nodes previously involved are showing no sign of involvement. praying for continued healing for him and many friends battling cancer. God is working miracles!

  23. Praise God and Our Lady of Lourdes for the healing which has begun on son who has suffered from alcoholism for years . He has been sober for 45 days . May God continue to Bless him with sobriety and recovery !!
    Thank you Dear Lord and Mary my mother .

  24. Last two novenas have been a big blessing. St Peregrine’s novena started just as I was certain to have found yet another tumor. Called to make an appointment with my surgeon which fell on the last day of the novena. On that day, my doctor was able to assure me that it wasn’t a tumor! I was certain that surgery had to take place first to come to a conclusion, but the ultrasound was adequate.
    After about a week or so, I still could feel the “trouble spot” with all the pain that came with it and was starting to feel doubtful of the results.
    Now I was saying the novena to Our Lady of Lourdes , for other peoples intentions and found great relief again for myself as the pain subsided and I felt confident again that this wasn’t a new tumor.
    Thank you Lord for your sweet love, felt in so many ways!

  25. My brother in law is doing much better after he had an aneurysm 4 weeks ago. Our Lady has truly healed him. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes

  26. I got the job offer from the company where I have been interviewed. Mother Mary always being with me in answering my prayers when ever am in need. Now waiting for the appointment letter to be released. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you for all your prayers. Mother Mary please be with me and pray for the bright future.

  27. I asked the blessed mother to help my son get accepted to the college Jesus wanted him to go to and she answered my prayer. My baby will be entering the college of his choice this fall. Thank you blessed mother.

  28. I had an appointment with a hematologist/oncologist because of abnormal blood work results. I have been praying to accept and welcome God’s will for whatever His plan was for my life. I prayed the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena and my tests came back completely normal. Praise God now and always.

  29. During this novena I prayed about my shoulders and joint pains which was causing so much pains. I also prayed for the chronic right kidney pains. I am now pain free and I strongly believe I received the healing through this novena
    Thank you Jesus and our lady of Lourdes

  30. I was praying that my mother in-law would become stable again because her Parkinson’s cause her hallucinations and sleeplessness. She is now doing better than she has been for a long time.

    I was also praying for my mother because she was having swelling and redness in her lower legs. Her legs are back to normal.

    Thank you Mary for taking my prayers to Jesus., and Glory be to God for both of these healings!

  31. Thank you to Our Lady of Lourdes, for helping my son . He won’t be going to jail but a work furlough program so he can keep his job. It’s been a long year in a half but God is good!! Thank you!

  32. For the past 4 months I was experiencing extreme fatigue ,dizziness, and unexplained weight loss… But since after this novena I feel a lot better and I believe God has healed me completely through this novena.. Praise God

  33. After my husband surgery from tumor the CT scan said half of it tumor that was removed from him is already dead. Thanks you mama mary for my answered prayer hopefully he became cancer free in the future.

  34. I am very much thankful to the servant of our Lady of Laurdes for the request that i send to them one month ago for job to satisfy my needs, families’ needs, and more so to my friends who depends on me for job. Today the helping hands of my Lord is seen upon me and my fellow workers since today we have negotiated with client, agreed on terms of contract and he has send me to order for materials to start our work on monday next week, Glory and praise be Almighty God for Your everlasting love forever and ever. AMEN.

  35. Thanks to the intercession of our Blessed Mother and St. Peregrine my brother’s cancer cells have dramatically reduced. To God be the glory!

  36. I thank You Dear Mother MARY,
    My blood results are very good. I am having problems with my intestines and had bleeding. I thought that something is going on. The Doctor Said IT is nothing serious. Thank you For all the people that had their prayers answered.Praised be Your Son Jesus Christ.

  37. please pray for my Carol Ann Reardon that her body will be healed from all physical ailments esp her kidney stones , kidney infections, knee pain, and kidney pains, knee popping out of place. All ailments which hinder her movements and emotional problems . Her kid ,Britanny will start acting better .

  38. I used to feel sick at one side of my body, from my head to toe as if there was no life in it. I have been participating in all the novenas since last year. Now I notice I do feel sick at that side again. Praise be to Jesus and his blessed mother Mary. Thank you our lady of Lourdes for your powerful intercession. I pray it will remain permanent, in Jesus name, amen.

  39. Yesterday I was diagnosed with breast cancer – that does not mean my prayer was not answered – I know Our Lady 0f Lourdes and Her dear Son will see me through this and I will come out stronger in my faith.

  40. At the end of the Novena, I shared with my brothers the Idea of opening up a family group communication on whatsup which they loved and it was openedup. this was after poor communication we had had before as family. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes. I am humbled by your providence.

  41. I thank mother our lady of Lourdes for answering my prayers. I have worked in a company for 4 years on a part time position and had tried to have a permanent full time position but never been given a chance to do so. However from the time this novena started I prayed that I get a permanent position that became available in the house I working in and in which I really wanted to keep working and had put my application for . Day 7 of the novena I got I got called for the interview and find out that we were two people from the same house that had applied for the same position. I didn’t stress myself about it as I asked our lady of Lourdes to keep me that place. After two days of the group interview I was called that the position was offered to me and I’m so grateful to our lady of Lourdes for praying for me.

  42. I received radiation treatment in January for stage 4 lung cancer. Tumor continues to shrink and the doctors are amazed. I am amazed at the healing power of prayer!

  43. My friend Russell has made miraculous improvement in his health…my daughter has obtained employment, all thanks to Our Lady of Lourdes intercession…to Jesus thru Mary…Amen!

  44. I had been diagnosed with a highly suspicious nodule in my lung, most likely a primary cancer right before this novena to our Mother Mary. My biopsy report yesterday shows no cancer, I am forever grateful to our Lord and the loving intercession of our Mother Mary.



  46. thanks to our lady of lourdes for interceeding for and granting my husband the transfer. he got the letter this morning . thank you .mother mary

  47. I was having a hard time dealing with my mothers death. After praying the novena, I am finally at peace. I know that she is in a better place and she is happy. Thank you for your intercession our lady of Lourdes.

  48. Thank you Our Lady Of Lourdes for answering the request for getting finance for my niece who was proceeding to High School, the Mother is jobless . Thank you!!!!

  49. My prayers are beginning to come to pass. Thank you Blessed Holy Mother, I’m going to have and interview for a job, new beginnings for me and my grandson. I know in my heart my name will be cleared , my bills paid, my next month rent paid and this new job with longevity. That you Jesus, Blessed Holy Mother and Father God. Amen

  50. February 14th 2016 my grandson received the Sacrament of Baptism.
    It is a miracle. Thank you Lord. Thank you Our Blessed Mother.

  51. During this Novena, I prayed that I get a job in a calm loving environment doing what I love, helping other people overcome their life challenges. Within three weeks of losing my last job, I got another job, in a different capacity, making about the same money with less supervisory responsibilities. God is awesome, thank you Mother Mary, Christ and our Lady of Lourdes. Christ is alive!

  52. Thank you dear Lord for calming my soul to work through a difficult relationship. Prayers to you & Mary are smoothing that path. The novenas have opened my heart to a greater understanding of your love & compassion. Praise & glory to God.

  53. My sister was finally hired after being without a job for 7 months and couldn’t get an apartment because she didn’t have a job. Now she’s looking for an apartment and will start her new job next month. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes for intercede to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

  54. Thank you, Mary, for unspoken prayers. I did not think of myself during the novena, but you knew my need and healed me. I can now, after several months, kneel once again in prayer without pain or weakness.

  55. My husband and I made a pilgrimage to Lourdes before we were married. Now married and expecting, our due date was during the novena to Our Lady of Lourdes. I prayed that our little Benedict would be born happy and healthy on her feast day throughout the whole novena. He was born the night of February 11th, both happy and healthy! He is such a joy to us, and our family and friends. Thank you, Jesus and Mary!

  56. I was healed during this novena…I had high blood pressure, until one day I went to hospital n was told,I could have gotten stroke,since I started this novena I stopped taking medicine,and iam well now ,and I will not take them ever in my life,glory be to our most high God,thanks to our lady of lourdes,thanks holy spirit..

  57. I was healed during this novena…I had high blood pressure, until one day I went to hospital n was told,I could have gotten stroke,since I started this novena I stopped taking medicine,and iam well now ,and I will not take them ever in my life,glory be to our most high God,thanks to our lady of lourders,thanks holy spirit..

  58. I am so grateful for this Novena of Our Lady of Lourdes. I had vowed to start the year without complaining since i had gone through a really tough time the previous years with my eldest daughter. Through praying this Novena, i’ve experienced inner peace such that even when i experience something annoying, some peace overwhelms me and i quickly pass the annoyance of. Thankyou Our Lady for your intercession.

  59. I am grateful to God for the opportunity of testifying in this forum after being a member for almost one year. I had lots of intention for the novena and I believe that God will answer all at the appointed time. I prayed for a successful interview and God granted it , the woman smiled all through and never asked to look at any of my documents before granting me the visa. I know it is the miraculous work of God and I want to thank him and his blessed mother and all those who prayed this novena. I am so grateful, I look forward to sharing other testimonies soon-Amen.

  60. I prayed for healing of a connective tissue disease and to my great amazement I am healed. Thanks to Mother Mary and Our Lord and thanks to you all for praying for and with me

    I also had a marital issue and soon we are resolving it for a happier family.

    May the glory of God be praised.

  61. During the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena I requested Our Lady to pray and intercede on my behalf for a cure to the debilitating pain I was having somewhere within my rectum. I have just noticed that the pain has disappeared and I can go to stoll confortably without difficulty and pains.

    Thank you Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception for interceding on my behalf and praise be to God Almighty for hearing her prayer to work His miracle.

  62. I have been praying for quite sometime for my daughter to resume attending mass. She surprised us all by going on Ash Wednesday and promising to attend more often.
    Thank Our Lady of Lourdes for your intercession, and thank you Lord for answering my prayer

  63. I have been disrespecting my body and thereby disrespecting Christ. I was worried about my health so I did a blood test and it can out that I don’t have any virus or diseases at all. I want to say thank you to the Almighty father and mother Mary for answering my prayers and I pray that they should give me the zeal to stay on to them without turning back again to the world. I know I don’t followed up the novena all the time but yet my prayer was answered and I have been giving another chance to make things right.
    Thank you Jesus. Thank you mother Mary.

  64. My dad was diagnosed of lungs cancer and as such went through 3major surgeries; left lungs, right lungs and the heart, while this Novena to our Lady of Lourdes was going on. Thank you Mama Maria for interceeding my request for the surgeries were successful. I strongly believe the journey to my dad’s recovery is guaranteed successful. I’m thankful for this PrayMoreNovena platform. God Bless you all

  65. Dear blessed mother thank you for good blood results and bowel test coming back clear. I do have helibactor and is still giving me pain but I know my blessed mother will help me and I will be completely healed thankyou

  66. I prayed to God to bless me with the business I was working towards having and he granted my heart desires with the business.

  67. Hi

    I Thanks you all for your prayed for my family.
    one special pray for my son as i am looking for a girl to get marry him please do pray for this special intense and good health for my husband.
    Mary Stella

  68. Thank you, Dear Lord, my dear friend. Debbie, received good news today her cancer is not growing and the treatments are working. Thank you Our Lady for praying for her.

  69. Dear Lord,

    I have been praying several of the Novenas for the last few months.
    I feel my prayer and my wish has been partially granted that my daughter finds a good loving boy of our same faith who will keep her happy and love her thru out her life.
    She has met a good loving man but my wish will be complete when they are blessed together in marraige with all of gods blessings which im sure will be soon.
    Thank you lord for having granted me this good news.

  70. My daughter found a job and che seems to be able to adjust to it well. My grandson was able to settle down in his new job. Thank you very much Mother Mary for your kind intercession.

  71. I prayed for my son to get a better job. God, thru the intercession of Our Lady and the Saints is about giving him a job in a financial institution. Thank U Jesus for taking him thru 3 stages of tests and interviews. Now he is about starting the last stage. I thank Mother Mary bcos I know dat thru her intercession, God will help my son to pull successful in this last stage.
    Thank U Jesus. Thank U Our Lady of Lourdes. Thank U all the Angels and Saints of God

  72. During these series of Novenas, I’ve been praying for peace and healing of my marriage/ family. I prayed dat God will forgive and heal my marriage. God has answered my prayers. My wayward and alcoholic husband is now back home. We discuss on a daily basis now as husband and wife. My daughter is now remorseful for disobeying me. I am so grateful and thankful for Our Lady’s and Saint’s intercession.

  73. Dear Mother, Our Lady of Lourdes,
    I pray to You today for my sons, to find their way. To find employment.
    Heal them physically and spiritually. Keep them away from all addictions.
    Let them come back to the Catholic church, to Your Son. For my husband and his illness, so we can find out his diagnosis. For me. I am having problems with my intestines already for a long time. I have now some bleeding. I pray to You that it is nothing serious. I had a blood test yesterday.I put my life in Your hands. Heal my intestines please and stop the bleeding. I don,t want to have anymore surgery. I have to look after my husband. For my brother to have his results come back negative from his skin cancer surgery. Don,t let the cancer spread.For my nephew Jake to keep away from drugs. heal him blessed Mother. For all these people prayiny for their intentions, hear their prayers. I pray for all this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ.

  74. I have been praying for the strength to quit smoking cigarette and during this novena Our Lady of Lourdes interceded for me,I stopped smoking.

  75. I did the Novena earlier in the year. One of the requests was for provision for my children. Am separated from the father and he was not supporting us in any way,but he has started paying College fees for the boy in University and i want to thank God for that.

  76. Since beginniing the prayer of the novena, my sister Cecilia has gotten awesome news from her Oncologist that she is doing so good after her 6th chemo infusion for 4th stage breast cancer, they will be cutting out two of the drugs in the chemo formula keeping only one that targets her HER2 type of cancer. Praise and Glory to our Healer, the Lord Jesus Christ who hears our prayers and answers them. He performs miracles today as He has since His days on earth. Thank you Lord Jesus our Healer and our miracle worker. We go on in trust and faith for a complete healing for sister Cecilia, In Jesus name , Amen.

  77. I have prayed every novena since I joined this group in 2015. Since I received notice of retrenchment from my employer in March 2015, I have prayed for an alternative source of income to be able to fend for my family. Our Lady and all the Saints have interceded for me and I praise God for His mercy. I was recalled by my employer on 29 January to start work as a Manager in another department from 1 February 2016. I prayed the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes from my new office! I believe there is always an answer to our prayer however long it takes!

  78. My Father became sick of stroke and was bed ridden for over a month and half. After praying the Novena for Our lady Of Lourdes, my Father was able to sit on the chair for about an hour. I give God the Glory and I believe that prayers work and that Mother Mary do intercede for us if we ask genuinely.


  79. Glory Be To God.I thank You Lord for all Your Grace and Mercy.I prayed the our Lady of Lourdes novena and God brought Spiritual healing.I have experienced peace,love, joy and hope of the Holy spirit.Thank you Blessed virgin Mary for your intercession.Amen

  80. I woke up two months ago and felt a lump on my neck and behind my ears. I panicked and thought of cancer. Being a widow I prayed that this wasn’t what I feared. I wanted to raise my children. I then waited for a month and the lumps just got larger. I saw the novena to our Lady and I begun praying. 3 days after starting the novena I went to see the doctor. I watched the doctor when I showed the lumps. The doctor felt them very carefully. I was crying out to our Lady. The doctor then announced that they were swollen glands! She said my body was fighting an infection. She gave me a five day course of antibiotics.

    On the last day of the novena the lumps JUST DISSAPEARED! I thank our Lady for her intersession. God is Good all the time.

  81. Have been praying the novena and to the saints for the healing of my husband . His latest scan has showed no cancer. Praise and thanks.

  82. During this Novena to Our Lady, i was specifically praying for my sister’s new born baby who is suffering from breathing difficulty and has not yet gone home from the hospital since his birth on 24th Dec 2015. The doctors could not find the exact reason for his illness. Thanks to Our Lady, during this Novena, an MRI scan was taken and they were able to find out the cause for his breathing difficulty, and was operated on 13th Feb 2016. By the Grace of God the operation was a successful one, and the baby has improved a lot and is now in ICU under minor Oxygen support. We are believing that God will bring him out of the hospital because of His Love and Mercy for us. Through all these difficult times, we could continuously feel the Grace of God and His Divine Providence guiding us through every moment. Thank You beloved Jesus, and dear Mother Mary. We pray that Gods plan and purpose in our life will be fulfilled according to His Holy Will in our lives. Amen.

  83. I conceived while praying this novena of our lady of Lourdes.
    Praise Jesus!
    I thank you Mother Mary for your maternal pity and intercession.
    I declare in Jesus Name that this will be a safe and risk free pregnancy.
    In Jesus Name my baby will be born to serve the Lord.

  84. Ive been praying for my uterus to be free from any obstacles for my pregnancy and yes, my prayers were answered. The polyp that was found during the ultrasound can no longer be found when my doctor did a hysteroscopy procedure today. Praise the Lord and thank you Jesus and Mama Mary!!!

  85. My Mum was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of months ago. I prayed the Novena of our Lady of Lourdes. My Mum has improved and she feels like she’s fully recovered. Thank you Lord and our Lady of Lourdes.

    My youngest brother has been battling with terrible pains to his back and muscles. He started therapy treatment a month ago and have been praying each and every Novena for his healing. He testifies that he’s improving and my prayer is he recovers fully.

    Prayed for the completion of family home and funds to set-off debts incurred. This is happening as I’ve been praying the Novena of our lady of Lourdes. Praise be to our Lord and Saviour.

  86. Thank you our lady or Lourdes for praying for my mum who has been in hospital for the last 16days the leg surgery went well and she’s now recovering as she continues with physiotherapy so she can walk again.


  87. I did receive a blessing. Had been worried with finances and while not completely resolved. It was a blessing. Thank you Blessed mother.

  88. I had a very bad fall and hurted my leg very badly. It was swollen and I could not walk. I applied holy oil continuously and praying Lord Jesus please soak your precious blood on my leg and heal the wound. Miracously without any medicine the wound has got healed by the precious blood of Jesus.

    Thank you Jesus, Mother Mary and Our father…

  89. I was so thankful for the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette for my prayer intention that was answered. I asked for a new and better part time job. I was interviewed last Friday and the position was offered to me today. Everything ran so smoothly. I love the location,the pay rate, and the time was so convenient which I think given to me by Mama Mary on purpose so that I could go back in serving her in the church by praying the rosary and leading the Divine Mery chaplet that I used to do.The staff seemed good from my observation. I didn’t have hard time filling my resignation in my present job today. I believe that it’s a gift from God thru the intercessions of Our Lady of Lourdes,St. Bernadette and St. Joseph.

  90. Two young women I have been in two different small groups with are going through RCIA. They both shared with my in the last month that they were having a hard time understanding the Eucharist not as a symbol but as Jesus’ body and blood (both coming from Protestant backgrounds). They needed to know where they stood on this before they could make the Rite of Election this past Sunday. I prayed during this novena that they may come to understand and choose to believe in the mystery of our faith which is the Eucharist. I can very happily say that through Our Lady of Lourdes intercession, they both came to understand and believe in the Eucharist and completed their Rite to Election this past week. Thank you Mother Mary!!

  91. My entire family prayed the novena to our lady of Lourdes for my mother who is named Lourdes. She has a tumor in her pancreas and we just found out tonight that it is NOT CANCER. Praise be to God and to our Lady for her intercession.

  92. I not only got a job interview, but was also offered the job I wanted on the fourth day of the novena. Then a couple days later, I found out that my niece, who was having a hard time finding a suitable new apartment, found a wonderful new place and her new landlord is super nice. These were the two things I was praying for. Thank you mother Mary! God is so good!!