Answered Prayers from the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, 2016

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“Mercy is the tangible expression of God's love in the world.-Thank you for joining us in praying through Our Lady’s intercession!

If you experienced any answered prayers from the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, please share them with us all below!


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  1. I have always had great devotion to
    The Blessed Mother and have been a believer since a young child in Catholic school learning about Our Lady of Lourdes. My 2 children have gone to donate time working in both the piscines and the hospital, praying the Rosary and taking a bath for myself and my mom. After saying the Novena, I have been able to bring mom into my home for end of life care, my health is holding, and I believe I’ve been granted a miracle.jr

  2. I have been praying so hard for a job at a university near me so my kids could go to school with reduced tuition. I also wanted a job I enjoyed. I got both. Our Lady of Lourdes, thank you so much for asking God to bestow this favor upon me.

  3. My daughter in law was diagnosed with uterus cancer. We thank Our Blessed Mother for a successful surgery and the cancer had not spread.
    Praise the Lord.

  4. I made the novena for several sick friends and relatives. One of them had a very serious blood disease. He had difficult surgery and it was a great success. He is much better and the doctors think he may have a full recovery. I pray for my niece as well, she is a long time sufferer of Lymes disease. I have not heard anything about her condition and ask for your prayers for Heather. She used to be a young vibrant, successful and loved person. She is now a recluse with physical and mental problems all due to long term Lyme. May Our Lady help her. Amen.
    Thank you for your novenas, they bring peace and health to those who are sick.

  5. My eldest daughter was due to have her first baby girl on Feb 12. However, since her baby has been growing larger throughout her pregnancy – she had a C-section on Our Lady of Lourdes feast day !! This is a special blessing with mother and baby both home now and doing well.

  6. After years of being the one to do it all, I’ve been given back my happiness and able to live my life. I’ve made decision that were hard to make but right for me. I did at the time God’s will and have ro regrets. Our Lady bless me and keep me going in the right direction.

  7. I prayed during the novena that my husband will find back his way to our Lord Jesus and it was answered. Last Sunday he went with me in the church and he even went to light a candle after the mass. Then yesterday, he told me that from now on, he will always go to church with me. Thank you Lord for touching his heart and made him regain his faith.

  8. I really feel that Our Lady of Lourdes helped me to stop smoking.
    I’ve tried so many times before but praying this novena has made me feel so much stonger, I really feel a difference. I know my Mother Mary answered my prayer.

  9. I have recently applied to pharmacy school but had yet to hear from any schools. Two days into the novena, I heard from ask 5 schools I applied to and by the end of the novena I had interviews for my top 3!! I just found out that I got accepted into my top school!

  10. I’m pregnant. I had a positive test today, after over a year of trying. Thanks for the novena. Thank God for my answered prayer.

  11. Nothing drastic, but since the novena even in the adversities that keep coming up , Our Lady reminds me how beautiful my life is. I am always grateful for her intercession.

  12. The obstacle that faced me at work were cleared and am now at a good place with my employer. All glory and honor, to God thru Jesus

  13. I thank my mother and father all who prayed with me. I have adult son who is recovering from acholism he has need doing so good God ha placed a miracle upon my son so I continue to pray for him and all who struggle with additions praise God thank u mother and father for all ur prayers

  14. Thank you mother Mary, my daughter who was suffering from depression has now improved, she is communicating well and I know that she is going to be fine, she is on the road to recovery. Thank you mother of perpetual help.

  15. I have been praying for my husband to get back to attending Sunday Mass. I prayed the novena and he has come to the last 2 Sunday Masses with me! Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes! You are so good to me Mother! God Bless you all!

  16. My son-in-law, who suffers from depression, has started to show more optimism and love to his family since I prayed the novena to St. Bernadette and Our Lady of Lourdes. I am so grateful, since life will be so much better for our daughter and grandchildren with their dad being more involved in their family life. Thanks be to God and all those saints and holy ones who will help our son-in-law to find joy in his family.

  17. Thank you our lady of Lourdes for answering my prayers. Had been praying for job that would help us with our financial situation and on our ladies feast day got the job. God is good and his blessed mother.

  18. Thank You Jesus! Thank You Mary! My husband found a job yesterday. Thanks to all for your prayers. Praise God Always!

  19. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes for always taking care of our family and our needs. I was praying for relief from some of our financial difficulties and it was granted. Thank you Lord and thank you dear mother for interceding for us.

  20. My miracles happened 3wks ago…i have been praying with you people whenever i can and even other novenas on my own so one day i came home and my husband had decided to stop alcohol, smoking weed and cigar at a go. Am so happy i know the secret of prayer

  21. I prayed this novena for my brother who was being tested for MS. We found out today that he does not have it. Praise to God for granting us this grace, and many thanks to Mary for her willingness to pray for us.

  22. After the loss of my baby at 20 weeks last year, we just found out that we are expecting a new little miracle! I’m praying too for all who long to become parents, that their prayers will me answered too.

  23. My left was completely blind with no apparent injury to it. The doctors suggested that some chemicals were poured into my left eye, that the skin on my cornea was all scratched off. I have not driven or been able to work for sometime now. I had a little medical procedure done on the eye but have also prayed the novena to Mary, the under of knots . Vision is returning to the eye and it is clearing up significantly. I am grateful to our Mother’s powerful intercession. Join me in praying for full restoration and for meaningful employment once again. Thank you Lord.

  24. My daughter had been suffering from back pain regularly since she was hit by a truck. Praying the Novena to our Lady of Lourdes I have seen her move around better and she is in less pain. Thank you dear sweet holy Mother.

  25. I’ve been praying that my son and daughter in law with get help with their marriage. My pray has been answer while praying Our Lady’s Novena. They are going to a marriage counselor together and on Ash Wednesday my son went to church for the first time in many years. I’m going to also continue praying that my daughter in law goes to be evaluated for her mental illness in order to improve her life, her husband and their two ur. Old babygirl! Thank you Our Lady for being at my families side!

  26. Since praying the novena, my sister successfully completed her treatment for Inflammatory Breast Cancer and she currently is considered “no evidence of disease”. Praise God and blessed Mary. Our prayers have been answered. I now pray for no reoccurrence. Amen.

  27. During the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena I’ve prayed for my struggling marriage, just two nights ago me an my husband had a good long talk and we realized how much we love each other, since then things been good less stress.
    Thank to You my Lord Jesus Christ and Our lady of Lourdes Novena


  28. I prayed the novena for my daughter to get into the ABT school in NY, she got in but to another site. Still an answered prayer! Thank you!

  29. The start of the novena was also the day my sister had her ultrasound and I prayed the novena for her while we waited for the result. The last day of the novena was also the day we got the result and we got the good news that everything is okay. Praise God. Thank you Our Lady for your intercession.

  30. I would like to respond to John who responded to answered prayers for the Lady of Lourdes novena. He indicated “My son was suffering from intestinal problems”. I’m glad that he saw improvement. I just wanted to let him know that my son suffered from like problems for over a year and missed a lot of school. What it ended up being was severe lactose intolerance and fructose intolerance.

    The normal test for this came back negative so we didn’t think it was that. However, we ended up having a colonoscopy and the doctor decided to take samples which wasn’t a normal thing to do. But from them he was able to see that he actually had these severe intolerances.

    I just wanted to share this incase it might help them if he continues to have problems.


  31. My prayers for healing of my husband’s lungs. Results of his test
    Were good. Thank God and our Lady of Lourdes for answered prayer.

  32. My granddaughter had undergone 6 months of chemo for Hoskins Lympnoma which was not successful. She started new treatment and stem cell transplant as novena started & at end of novena was pronounced cancerfree. She still has a long recovery ahead & additional meds to take. But think success of stem cell transplant was due to the Intercession of our novena God bless you all

  33. I wasn’t able to raise or bend my right knees because there was a hip replacement six years ago. During this novena I asked our lady to help me with my job situation. But God has a way of answering prayers in a different way. One night I just got the idea to exercise my legs I was able to bend and lift my legs and I can do this every day as an exercise. Thank you holy Trinity and our Lady of Lourdes.

  34. I asked that a seemingly impossible situation be solved and that God’s peace and understanding would move in. It Did! By the end of the Novena.
    Nothing is impossible with God. Thank you, our Lady of Lourdes.

  35. I was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer last August. Looking to improve my spiritual life, my mother-in-law introduced to me this praymorenovenas. That itself was an answered prayer. Now, after 12 sessions of chemotherapy, my PET-CT scan showed no active cancel cells! Thank you, Lord! God is good and He is my healer! Thank you Mama Mary for interceding for us!

  36. I prayed this novena everyday without any special intentions. During and after this novena I have seen several general situations improve in my life and people around me. I will continue to pray for all general intentions as the good Lord sees fit. I do have problems with my energy level and weight that needs improvement as well. Praying for everyone and for peace for those suffering from any ailments and or sorrow in their lives.

  37. Thank you to our Lady of Lourdes. I have been praying for our financial situation. My husband was able to make 2 sells this week and he seems to be getting his confidence back. I know it is because of the novena and our Blessed Mother who never fails to intercede for us. To God be the Glory!! Amen!

  38. My step son has been unemployed since last June. I prayed t Our Lady for his emphasized,eat. On the last day of the novena,he for a temporary job with a promise that it could become permanent. Thank you our Lady of Lourdes.

  39. I was praying for healing of my whole body as i was experiencing stiffness when i get up every morning together with other requests during this novena. Thanks to the powerful intercession of our Lady, i am feeling much better now. All glory praise & honour to our Lord Jesus and to Mother Mary.

  40. Prior to the novena, I was facing a legal/financial situation that caused me much anguish. I went to court today & the case was dismissed as there was no reasonable cause for me to be fined. Praise God & OPur Lady of Lourdes.

  41. I had been having these very suspicious pains all over my body. I haven’t had them in one week. Thank You God and thank you mother Mary? Our Lady of Lourdes!

  42. I asked for intervention in my family finances. The request is answered and for that I’m grateful dear Jesus and our Lady of Lourdes.

  43. I had surgery and was laid off from a job in 2011
    since then I went to school and got my certificate for CMAA. I have been having a hard time getting a job, but just recently got called back for a part time job in the medical field. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes and my Jesus for hearing my prayers. Now I will be able to buy a car.
    Thank You

  44. We had a miracle! After 6 years of trying to get pregnant, my daughter finally conceived. She is due the end of September. Praise God! Her name is Vanessa.

  45. I prayed for my children during this novena…for their reversion to the faith, and their immersion in it. I have three young adult children who are not practicing, and struggling in different ways. one is still a teen and has been avoiding the sacraments, he went to confession (praise God!) and has been receiving again, yet my children still need prayers! my 3rd has finally gotten a job…which is better than before, and I had a beautiful Valentine’s day brunch with all of them which was very nice. The children’s father is not Catholic/divorced me/is an addict/ and now does not see the children which is actually better for them, except for the one who just got a job…unfortunately, he has moved back in with him for the proximity of getting to the job…please keep him esp. close in prayer as I have been doing for a while now!
    Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes and all of you here for continued prayers.
    God bless.

  46. My husband and I offered this novena to ask Our Ladys help for a special trip we were making to London for a special occasion. As my husband uses a wheelchair we have an accessible vehicle adapted so he can travel in his wheelchair. We needed to park the car near the theatre but in the capital disabled parking is limited. There were only two spaces so getting one on the night was like asking for gold.
    I couldnt believe it when the day went perfectly with no hitches, our hotel was wonderful and on approaching the theatre we found that one of the parking spaces was vacant! This was short of a miracle! We offered a Rosary of thanksgiving once we parked up. The whole occasion is one we will remember forever, all the more special bevause it was blessed by Our blessed Mother. Thankyou dear Mother, and thanks to Jesus.

  47. Myself and 2 sisters have joined in prayer together. Our first prayer was our sister find a new job. During the novena she had an interview. We haven’t heard anything else yet so continue to pray. We have also prayed for my daughter to conceive. She should know within the week whether that miracle occurs so we also continue to pray. Our Blessed Mother is a gift to all of us.

  48. My prayers were heard and answered. I got the grace to make amends with people in my life and many more graces of healing came. Thank you God and Our Lady for having mercy on me.

  49. Gallagher
    I prayed for my brothers and start talking to one another. Some of them have started I thankOur Lady ot Lourdes for listening to my prayers.

  50. I prayed the Novena that our Catholic school would remain open as the Archdiocese had given us big requirements to keep it from closing at the end of this school year. We reached our dollar amount and registration goals and we will remain open. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes for this prayer being answered!

  51. I have been looking for employment for over a year. The day after I completed the novena, I was offered a position.
    I am very thankful and know that our Lady of Lourdes opened that door for me .

  52. My second son’s fiancee is a Shinto, and she’s preparing to be baptized in the catholic faith.Megumi wanted to be a Christian and God willing, their wedding plans will take place on Jan.7,2017.
    Thank You our Lady of Lourdes Mother of God for my future daughter in law conversion to our catholic faith.Amen

  53. I have prayed both novenas to Our Lady and St. Peregrine for a clear PET scan and that’s exactly what’s happened. This is my 3rd battle with breast cancer and I continue to pray everyday to be cancer free. God has blessed me with very joyful days and I pray my life continues so I can continue to praise His name.

  54. Three years ago my dad was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. For the past 6 months he has been on the heart transplant list and during this novena, our prayers were answered! He is now on the long road to recovery and has many obstacles to overcome, but we are so thankful and blessed!

  55. I prayed for good christian care for my parents unbeknownst to me my father fired the unmotivated aide & a new gal showed up who is much better, motivated & has personality. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes. I prayed for healing & for a friends deliverence from addiction & to come back to faith –he asked if he could go to mass with me in a text….I prayed for employment & got two random leads from acquaintances… Thank you Mama Mary!!! Our Lady of Lourdes please pray for us!

  56. My husband had been told he had glucoma last Dec. The doctor told him he was extermly close to becoming blind and if he didn’t have surgery soon there would be no turning back. We decided to cancel the surgery appointments and get a second opinion. During this time are insurance changed and we found there would be no coverage for the surgery. On the second day of starting the novena my husband saw the nee doctor and was told he does not have glucoma. Only has a enlarge vein that may cause him problems at times and does not need surgery at this time.

  57. During the Lourdes novena, I prayed for my second son to keep his job.
    A new manager came in and fired most of the front office. My son who is a very hard worker thought he would be fired too, but he has been asked to stay and contribute. We are all very thankful.

  58. I applied for a job with my organization and was shortlisted for a written exam, pre-selection for an interview. I was asked to do an interview on 22nd Feb.

    I have faith in the Lord that I will get this job. God is great. Our Lady of Lourdes intercessions are awesome! Thank you Lord

  59. Our Lady of Lourdes please help me in my personal and intimate relationship with my partner soon to be spouse. He has been struggling with some demons in his life and sadly he had been taking things out on me. I please pray that you help me to be able to handle things as it’s emotionally draining me and my life. Its slowly killing my spirit and I am a firery girl with a larger than life personality but lately everything that goes wrong is my fault. Please help him to realize what he is doing and how to be a better partner and spouse. I Pray all things leading to our wedding go accordingly and please Jesus continue to watch over us especially Steven. In Jesus name, amen.

  60. I have been praying for our Lord’s will that our children will reconcile and through “baby steps” it is happening. I also saw “a little child shall lead them” work through my daughter. Everything takes time and I will continue for the complete healing of our family. I am also praying for their return to Mass and the Sacraments.

    Thanks be to God.

  61. I had devastating news in June about my 12 year old son that he has friedrichs ataxia which would end with him in a wheelchair and short life span
    Since then I have been praying for a miracle I have done all the Novenas since then and returned to my faith which I had lost
    We went to rome last week to see st pios and St leopold bodies we walked thru holy door and got the popes blessing through out this I was doing the novena to Our Lady of Lourdes
    Since our return my son has shown a marked improvement then today I read on Internet that a potential cure has been found
    There is no doubt in my mind that Our Blessed Mother has listened to our prayers and is answering them for us through the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ

  62. I had prayed for my husband to get a new role in his Company and our Lady of Loudes has blessed him with a new role. Praise the Lord.

  63. I thank Jesus through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes that my son got out of bad relationship. I continue praying that he will get closer to our Heavenly Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

  64. On conclusion of the novena, I found that my husband’s attitude to his drinking had changed & he is now very focused on his fitness & health. This is something I have prayed for, for decades. Thank you our Lady of Lourdes.

  65. My prayer was to have no spread of cancer after my surgery.
    I am happy to say that after all my scans and blood work last week everything came back clean. There has been no spread of any cancer. I can now go on to the next step of preventative treatment. Thank you blessed Mother.

  66. I am happy to report that through the novena to Our Lady of Loudes, my daughter has passed her two recent exams which I prayed so fervently for. Thank you so much Our Lady. To God be the glory.

  67. I prayed to St Jude for my daughter Alex to get a visa for the US and she got it and for 10 years. I also prayed to Our Lady of Lourdes for my townhouse to be rented and now it is rented out to a wonderful family. Thank you so much for all the heavenly help

  68. Dear John-Paul and Annie,
    I have been praying Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint Bernadette Soubirous 9 days Novena. And i was praying for all the sick especially the cancer patients from my community. One of them posted on Facebook that his tests showed no trace of cancer. His appendix was removed and had a cancerous tumor and the tumor was called cancernoid. They caught it in time. Praise God!!! Thanking Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint Bernadette.
    During the novena i heard that our local community member age 24 her name is Lauren, she was just diagnosed that she has breast cancer. Please keep her in your prayers. Margaret also has cancer 4th stage stomach cancer, she is home being cared for. Please pray for her, and also Hazel she cancer please for her. Thank you so much and may God bless you!

  69. I prayed the novena purposefully for my daughters healing. 2 days into the Novena her doctor sent her for an urgent CT Scan which showed a mass in her chest wall area. I cried and continued to tell Out Lord that I trust Him but was very sad. She then
    Was told they needed an ultrasound to determine the tissue type. 2 minutes into the test the technician abruptly left the room and told us she needed to consult the doctor with this. I knew it was not good news and shouted to the Lord, that I can’t endure this torture anymore and no longer feel strong enuf to pray. Immediately as I said this the technician came back in and said she didn’t need to pursue the test because it appears to be fatty tissue and not serious. My mouth dropped and I now feel God tested my faith in that moment. He knew I was at the breaking point. I know now that no
    Matter how hard life gets He is there for us and walking with us the shoe way????.

  70. Thank you for answering our prayers for Renee .She is now home from the hospital and recovering .
    Thank our Blessed Mother for bring our prayers before God and sending down your healing graces , Amen

  71. My husband was very ill with several chronic diseases and severe balance problems. He is now functioning very well and feels good. Thanks to Blessed Mother’s intercession.

  72. I was desperately praying for an employment plus along side other intentions, am really thankful that God granted me a job on the 3rd day of the novena, I really thank God for this group & for all members, May the good Lord bless & keep you all & may HE meet you all,at the point of your needs.
    Our Lady of Lourdes Pray for us.

  73. At the beginning of this novena, I had to have a biopsy on a nodule on my thyroid. The results came in – it is benign! Thank you to Our Lady of Lourdes, our wonderful mother, and her son, Jesus Christ! I continue to pray for all in need.

  74. My husband was seriously ill in intensive care with septiceamia, with his organs gradually shutting down. The doctors were not optimistic on the outcome. We stormed Heaven and our Our Lady of Lourdes with pleas and prayers for Her intercession and at the very last minute my husband started to respond to the treatment being administered. He is now out of the ICU, still in hospital and gradually improving with each passing day. He needs dialysis but has been told it is only temporary. I attribute his recovery so far to a miracle from Heaven. Thank you Jesus & Mama Mary for answereing our prayers. Words can not express our gratitude.
    May I please request that those praying the Novena, continue praying for Matt’s complete recovery. Thank you & May God bless you abundantly!

  75. I was struggling in my relationship and I prayed the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena. I realised half way through that I needed some counselling to resolve some issues from my past. I did a little research and found within half an hour a local counsellor who could offer me a session the next day! She was wonderful and helped me to the extent that I now feel calmer and more at peace, and as a result my relationship is back on track.
    Thank you, Our Lady; I will continue to pray to you. Thank you also praymorenovenas as I wouldn’t have found out about the novena if it hadn’t been for you.

  76. God answers prayers. I prayed for family reconciliation and it happened . From the darkest depth of despair came the calm and light of the Holy Spirit . Thank you Jesus

  77. Ask for my son to be transfer back home and just found out today he will be in May
    Than you for answering my prayers

  78. Praying this novena has brought me closer to God and my faith. Although, I still have cancer God and our Blessed Mother have kept me strong and positive. When praying Our Lady of Lourdres novena I felt a lot of peace.
    Thank you Lady of Loudres for this place in my heart and help to share this place with others.

  79. Our Lady of Lourdens, Pray For Us!! Our prayers from the Novena to our Lady of Lordens have been answered by the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit! On Monday, 15 February 2016, I have received a call from one of the companies that I have applied for employment, inviting me for an interview tomorrow, 18 Feb. 2016 at 09h00, I am still requesting further prayers so that my interview can be successful. I am very confident that the Lord will guide & protect me throughout the interview process. I have been unemployed for more that a year and desperately looking for employment and very sure that through the Novena Prayers, I will come out from the interview tomorrow victorious.

  80. I had prayed that my family would find a financial way to afford my brothers surgery.His insurance as a dependant of my parents ran out the day of the unfortunate accident. I tqlked to my Dad and he agreed to approach the insurance company last week on monday and on thursday they called and told us that they had decided to pay for the operation. The operation was done on friday after 2 months and 9 days which we could tell was hard for my bro. He is now ok going for physiotherapy. Thank you Mother Mary for interceding for us.

  81. Am happy for all the answered prayer in this group. Thank you Jesus! I pray for financial breakthrough in my marriage, divine connections for my husband, may the Grace of God see us through, Amen!

  82. My dear friend just called last night to tell me her doctor reported her cancer free. We went to Lourdes together twice and, while praying for her, my mind traveled our pilgrimages again. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes for interceding with your Son, Jesus. Thank you Jesus for healing Dolores. Praise You Jesus!

  83. I asked for healing for a friend’s 1-yr old grandson who had been hospitalized in the ICU since Jan. 30th, intubated and sedated all the while. She reported that her grandson was able to successfully get off the ventilator since Feb. 13th, and they are now trying to wean him off the drugs, but at least they are beginning to have hope of saving him. Thank you, Our Lady of Lourdes for the saving and continued healing of this baby.

  84. I prayed for healing for my uncle who has been suffering from an incurable brain tumor. It has already come back a second time after destroying it once. However, his MRI this week showed that it is gone–the surgery combined with chemo have worked better than expected! Although the doctors say it will definitely come back again, and more aggressive next time, he has been given extra time and has far exceeded the expectations of the doctors who saw him a few months ago. Thank you, Our Lady of Lourdes!!!!!

  85. I had a lot of prayer requests, one of which was talking to my son about his choices. Fortunately God intervened and my son listened to all I had to say without any arguments. Thank you Mother Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes. Thank you

  86. After trying for many months to find a buyer for our home we got an offer from a lovely family with children that will perfectly fit their needs, and we received the offer On the feast of Our Lady at the end of the novena. This relieves us of so much financial pressure and the answer for the ‘perfect buyer’ who the house would fit with. Thank you dear Blessed Mother for your constant blessings for us and our loved ones.

  87. Thanks to the entire community of believers who have prayed this novena with me and thanks for your intercession, Our Lady of Lourdes. My son and his wife and children have been away from the church for a few years and we have prayed to St. Monica, St. Augustine and Our Lady of Lourdes daily for their intercession for their spiritual healing. On day 9 of this Novena I received a call from my son telling me they want to send their daughter to Catholic school and start going to one particular different Catholic church and didn’t know if they could. In my shock, I told him that you don’t HAVE to go to the church where your child attends school, I didn’t. He said he had a meeting set up with the Priest at the church they want to attend and he will talk to him about when they can Baptize the new baby. God is Good!

  88. My husband and I have been struggling over various issues for years, with his pride (and my resultant anger) being at the root of so much pain for both of us. I offered this novena to our Lady that she would crush his pride, and wow did she come through! He met me on the 11th with a willing heart, ready to put aside self in order to make our marriage work again, and we’ve been able to feel so much more united ever since. Praise Jesus and His holy Mother for such a gracious answer!

  89. I have joined the novena praying group not too long ago. But I believe in prayers and have been praying all my life for my family, my extended family etc. Specifically I have been praying since 2002 for specific needs for my son Vladimir, for good health, his bipolar condition and that the Lord free him from some bad habits, like use of alcohol. He is now on interlock probation for à second dui. In spite of all AA and NA meetings he has attended, he has not made a firm decision to turn his back from alcohol. He thinks he can control his drinking. These past two years I have been asking Mother Mary for her intercession to her son Jesus on behalf of my son. I have tried to release him to my lord so that I do not lose my sanity. After reading all of the answered prayers, I remember my son telling me very recently that he surrendered n want to seriously work the meetings. I made no comments. But I did realize though that he does act a bit serious about his meetings. Three days ago he was talking to me about the 12 steps n I just remember now him saying that he begins to feel Disgusted with alcohol. I frankly do not remember what I said, but right this moment I am saying thank you Mother Mary, Glory Be TO GOD And That God is able.
    I apologize for a long sharing.

    • I am praying for much the same for my son. Happy to hear your son is making a step in the right direction . I will help you pray .. There is strength in numbers

  90. Before praying the novena I was struggling with depression and anxiety from my separation, Now I am not depressed no more and John text me a little bit more and he is more humble than before

  91. I have been praying to get places for my medical placement in England where I come from but my clinical director has been very antagonistic despite my prayers for him but through pray more novenas I have done most placements now. Most importantly I have secured psychiatry placement which is the most difficult one. I will start in March after finishing the one I’m currently doing in urology. I have been saying my rosary daily without missing any since one year now. I’m extremely grateful to our Mother Mary and to our Lord Jesus.