Answered Prayers from the Holy Spirit Novena for Pentecost, 2021

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Thank you so much for joining us in praying the Holy Spirit Novena for Pentecost!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, please share those with us all below!

We’re praying for you!

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  1. Pray that the relationship between my daughter and I will be one of love and respect. Pray for my daughters mental health.

  2. I have had so many prayers answered but the biggest one was answered through the last novena. Thank you for praying for me and Thank you Jesus

  3. Praying for my husband, children and grandchildren. Please give us the strength, perseverance and faith to overcome our struggles and difficulties. Thank you Holy Spirit for your guidance. Amen!

  4. I have been praying the novena of the Holy Spirit for peace in the Gaza Strip and a cease fire has been declared. I prayed for the rescue of abused animals and the tigers that the Tiger King owned have been rescued. Thanks be to God! Thank you, Holy Spirit 🔥

  5. My son was in prison and his appeal granted him a new trial. Then he was waiting in jail for two years and he finally was able to come home. He is now with us at home pending his trial. He is doing great, working and thankful. Prayers are very powerful. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  6. For healing the deep hurt while going through divorce. For guidance and grace to see the path forward for myself and my son.
    For inspiration to use the gifts at hand as God wants for us.

  7. I had more challenges during the course of this Novena, more of lacking concentration and understanding in my studies despite all efforts to concentrate.

  8. Hi , I pray the novena intention for my business and the finances .
    This week was so fruitful as we believe that the holy trinity is God the father, son and Holy Spirit.
    My prayers were answered, my age care business has started and Fran & I are moving on to our business financing for our home & the home we r gathered to care for disability elderly home.

    Thanks be to god for all his love and mercy and prayers during this novena.

  9. Hi , I pray the novena intention for my business and the finances .
    This week was so fruitful as we believe that the holy trinity is God the father, son and Holy Spirit.
    My prayers were answered, my age care business has started and Fran & I are moving on to our business financing for our home & the home we r gathered to care for disability elderly home.

    Thanks be to god for all his love and mercy and prayers during this novena.

  10. Holy Spirit, I am so grateful for Your miracle in my life! Thank You for the Special Blessings You have given me and my spouse!

  11. Iasked for Motherly Wisdom from Blessed Mother n Sain Ann for my daughter mother of 4; on a Decision she was making> 4-5 days into my Novena; my Request was Fulfilled!

  12. I am a private practitioner and since covid pandemic the legal business like all other businesses have done bad.I had prayed for my wife’s health and my business and the Lord has answered my prayer my wife returned to work on Wednesday and I have seen the firm debt been settled and small payments been made.The Lord fights our fights in a mysterious way.

  13. Thank you Holy Spirit for my heart test coming out good. Thank you dear Lord for answered prayers.

  14. Thank you Holy Spirit for answering all my prayers. Thank you God for letting me know Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Thank you God for helping everyone who prayed this novena. In the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

  15. For our children, Michael, Andy, Saiana, Bella, Elijah, Isaiah, Ariel, and Kalie. For our grandchildren, Donnie and Joe Joe. And for my marriage with my husband, Leroy. Please have mercy on us all. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen

  16. 1- In the midst of this novena, I committed a mortal sin. The next night I was engaged in battle for my soul. The Lord won, and the Holy Spirit put me in touch with a priest who helped me to receive sacramental forgiveness.
    2. Immediately afterwards the Holy Spirit put me in touch with a young man whom I knew who was in desperate need of physical, emotional, and spiritual health. So much so that he was on the verge of suicide. His life had fallen apart, in part due to his drug abuse. He was broke and had burned all his bridges. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said “bless him out of his socks“. I did so, and he wept at the first sign of God‘s blessing in his life. I led him through the Jesus prayer to repentance. The story is not finished yet.
    3. In the midst of these events, I forgot to take my Parkinson’s medication. And yet there are no adverse effects. Today is day four without meds. I will be seeing the specialist three days from now. A miracle?

  17. My wife Linda’s long-awaited hi replacement surgery is finallly schedule for June 14. Hopefully it will give relief to the tremendous pain she is suffering.

  18. Thank you Holy Spirit for the breakthrough that was answered after almost 10 years.Thank you for increasing my faith and that of my children in God.Amen

  19. Hello

    Few months ago I applied for this new job, however, I became injured from my other job so everything had to be put on hold. On the 7th day of the Anova as I was praying I ask the lord for a sign if they were still interested in me getting the job. Right after I finished praying, I got a text that I needed to send them further documents. Right then I knew my prayer was answer. Thank you for the Anova.


  20. I prayed for my Neice and Nephew to return to my home and in my life they way they use to. They hece not spent weekends or holidays with us in nearly three years and they use to practically live with us. But after I reported their mother to CPS for abuse that was afflicted on them by her boyfriend she got angry with me and her mother vowed that I would never see her grandchildren again. But they are here age 5 & 8 lying right next to me I give all thanks to the Holy Spirit. To my surprise their grandfather ( my brother) came to town and called me and said he’s bringing the kids over to stay for the weekend. Thank you God Holy Spirit 💯💖

  21. Dear God,
    Please have the Holy Spirit surround and protect my granddaughter’s heart, mind and spirit that she feels Your Will, Learns and Knows Your Will, and please give her the strength to Live Happily in Your Will for her life today and in the future. Please have the Holy Spirit fly with her always to give her the best life direction.
    Hug her with Your Love so she knows she is Your Precious Child to build her self image and self esteem to live and love happily in alignment of Your Will for her future.
    Thank you God for all you have blessed me, her and my whole family. Please cover us all as we go forward in our lives to instill Thy Will Be Done for us all. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  22. I asked for movement on my wife’s visa process. Immigration sent notification and hopefully it can be settled soon. My wife and I have not been together since Jan 6, 2020. The visa process has taken almost as long.

  23. I pray for voting rights so that all can be free. I pray to stop the hate. I pray for truth and healing

  24. Thank you for My son getting an awesome job interview next week. Prayers for a great outcome and finding a nice apartment! Thank you Father God for answered prayers 🙏🏻 Amen

  25. I prayed for distinct direction for a decision that I needed to make in my life. I received very clear direction in the last week. I thank the Holy Spirit.

  26. My sister received encouraging news about her health. She will undergo laser surgery for large kidney stone removal on Friday. I had a good check-up on Wednesday. 🙏🕊❤️💐

  27. I prayed for my son to get a job and he went for an interview on Tuesday. He was called yesterday and was told that he got the position! This is a training position which will be perfect for him! I am so grateful for the answer to my prayer and want to thank everyone who has been praying this novena with me.

  28. I’ve been praying for my son to come back to his faith. He asked me to pray for him that he would be successful in something. I told him he should pray as well. He did…..the Hail Mary… and he said to a lot of Saints. His prayers and our prayers were answered. After that he said he felt guilty for all the prayers everyone said for him and asked his sister if and when they had a child, if she would be the Godmother. I believe this is one step closer to coming back to his faith and believing in the power of prayer

  29. Please pray for my family, my wife has left me and my step daughters have disowned me, Pray for their healing. Pray for me that I may seek God’s will for my life, if I am to be single after 22 years of marriage or if this is just a trial.

  30. I ask the Holy Spirit for the grace of humility. I ask also ask for three special favors and blessings for my family. May the Holy Spirit touch all who have faith, hope and love. May the Holy Spirit heal those who need healing in life and love. May there be peace in the world and kindness and love of God.

  31. Our friend had a mammogram and they found a mass; however, it is NOT CANCER! Praise be to our faithful God!!!

  32. One of my prayer intention was that my sister will build a closer relationship to God. Her Facebook page is mostly inappropriate posts and for the first time ever, I have seen a post related to God and faith. Only one that knows her would understand that this is clearly a miracle. Thank you God ❤❤ and please bring her closer to you God 🙏 Amen.

  33. my son found full time employment in an unusual place, praise God, likes it! Trusting God’s guidance!

  34. Through this Novena and through the Grace of God, our brother was cured of his cancer! Oh Holy Spirit, please continue to pour down your graces to us.

  35. My God answered my first pray of healing my shoulder pains and I can sleep well now.
    Thanking God for hearing my prayers and hoping my request for good result in my exam very soon.
    Thank you my sweet Lord,it can only be you all the way.❤️❤️🌺🌺🙏🙏

  36. That through the holy sprit the alcoholism in our family and home be cured.
    I pray my husband grows closer to the Lord and with that, us together. Hoping for deeper understanding in our Catholic marriage regarding the church and Jesus and why’s of life. Praying my husband comes to me to pray together.
    Prayers for my niece to choose to come into the church. To Choose RCIA. She has asked a few times and we are talking through it. She needs light in her life that only can be filled w Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
    And finally that my family repents and goes to confession. And my brothers to come back to the church.
    Prayers for the world and calm unity and peace through Jesus.


  37. Prayed for my brothers sobriety and to return to the Catholic faith.
    I know what I’m about to say might sound bad but this is a blessing.
    He was arrested yesterday and is being held without bond.
    Thank you Jesus!
    He gets time to “dry out” from the alcohol and drugs in his system!
    You are a good and just Lord, I love you deeply and am awaiting patiently for ALL my siblings to come home to The Faith!
    Thank you!!!!

  38. Peace be unto us all.
    Prior to the onset of the novena to the holy spirit, I received a mail containing answered prayers. Was about ignoring it because I have not received any answers myself.
    On a second thought,I decided to go through them all believing mine will be next.
    On the first day of the novena,I prayed for favour upon my siblings going for national youth service,and on the second day that prayer was answered.
    And on the 6th day,I received another answer,I was admitted into the college of nursing on merit. Something I have applied for the past 3years.
    I return all glory to God as I expect more answers.
    I encourage those who feel their prayers are not heard, just remain steadfast and yours will manifest soonest.

  39. First, we got signed a small contract on the 3rd of this novena.
    Secondly, armed robbers invaded my parents house and made away with all my mother’s Gold jewelry in the broad daylight. We thank God that nobody was home when they came.
    Thirdly, i discovered that my nanny did not disclose her real identity to me and this gave me a lot of concern because of
    the safety of my kids. She decided to leave on her own when I confronted her about it.

    To God be the Glory cos this is good Testimony’s all the way.

  40. Thank you 🙏🏼 for the improvement in the covid recovery of N who is now more stable and under excellent care. Family unity has improved. 🙏🏼

  41. I want to praise and give God thanks. I was praying for a new job. A recruiter reached out on Tuesday and asked if I am open to new opportunities. I said yes. I did a written test on Wednesday and have an oral interview on Monday. I have the feeling deep inside that I have already secured the job. Join me in thanking God for this opportunity and praying that the Holy Spirit will guide me and speak through me in my interview on Monday.

    God bless you.

  42. My husband suffers from depression and severe anxiety. Although only baby steps, steps forward are being granted and I am so very grateful!!!! God is providing !!!!

  43. I am continuing to pray my son begins to make healthier food and beverage choices to help his mental illness. We found out he has low blood sugar so maybe this will force him to do better. Continuing to pray and trust God for his healing for a successful and abundant life! (Jeremiah 29:11)

  44. Mary and Bill’s cancer screens earlier this week each came back showing No Cancer! We have been praying dor them for months now and are so happy woth this healing development! Thank you God, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏

  45. My son told me that he is going to church again. I’m still praying for him to be reconciled to the lord through the sacrament of Reconciliation.

  46. Healing Prayers for mental health issues ,to be restored to complete Healing of problems that keep me from living a normal life.

  47. My daughter is having her first baby and I prayed for her to conceive and I pray for a healthy baby and a safe delivery! Praise be to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!! 🙏🙏🌹

  48. Part of my prayers have begun to be fulfilled. My husband will join me in a training session for Unbound Ministry, continuing the healing of our family. Also, the remodeler began work on our basement, which by God’s grace will be completed for our son and his family’s arrival in July. I believe every prayer will be fulfilled. Amen. Thank you Holy Spirit!

  49. My son received a job offer on Day 8 of the Novena! He had been waiting for this offer for two months and was beginning to lose hope that it would happen. Thank you Holy Spirit for hearing and answering this prayer for my son!

  50. Now approaching day nine of this novena, I can feel the goodness in my bones! Thank you holy trinity and for all those who participated with their prayers. May all our prayers be answered God-speed.

  51. Thank you Holy Spirit for answering my prayers. Thanks be to God for all the many blessings brought into my life.

  52. My neighbor had a terrible fall and was not expected to survive the head trauma. She has now fully recovered and is back home again. She has been blessed with a second chance in life! Her recovery is a miracle. I will continue to pray for her to recognize Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

  53. I pray for the conversion of my family. That they may find Jesus Christ in their hearts. Bring healing to family. Heal them mentally, spiritually and physically. Unite them as a family here on earth and they may have happiness here and eternal life in heaven.
    I pray for a total consecration to The Holy Family fir myself and family.
    That the Lord would Please hear the prayer intentions that I’m praying for my family and others🙏

  54. Please pray for my cousin that her MRI result would be negative for breast cancer she is terrified and depressed since the doctors suspected cancer
    And please for my 92years old mom with dementia to be able to come and attend my sun engagement in Chicago she is in California and she is in good health other than the dementia and prayers to my sisters who are taking care of her
    Thank you and God bless you

  55. Thank you Holy Spirit for an answered prayer. I was constantly praying to get my driving license renewed without any problem. It was difficult at the beginning as my visa and ID is expired, but with God everything is possible. The Holy Spirit led me to the right person, on the right day and time, and on one request my license was renewed.
    Thank You, Lord, Praise You Jesus, Adore You Holy Spirit!

  56. total healing believe 101.5 total trust let go be thru actions surrender detach from food all for and to others! thank you

  57. Thanks 🙏 for praying for me! My mind got opened to understanding how to be successful in my new career.( I was expecting a success in a week, well that didn’t happened) but, I was praying for the fish but instead the Lord showed me how to fish!

  58. My son is still home and not using. He is loving and kind. He wants to go to confession and mass so he can receive Jesus.
    My daughter passed her first boards with a 99% she is in her way to becoming a RRT….one more to go. Praise God!

  59. Answered prayer, my grandson graduated from high school. He was really struggling but Praise God he made it.

  60. I have found what I really need to work on! Self-control!!! It is so inspiring to know what to work on! Thanks Holy Spirit!!! I hope our fellow prayer warriors have found what they need or asked for!!! God Speed!!!

  61. I was praying for a ceasefire in Israel every day.I have family working there. A ceasefire occurred. I am so grateful for their safety. Thank you Holy Trinity. May I always give you praise and glory.

  62. My mom got the virus and she is coming home from the hospital tomorrow thank you lord asking to continue to pray for this coughing stop in Jesus name 🙏🏻

  63. Praying for our Monsignor, his health and his vocation. 71 years in the priesthood and retiring soon. Also for our Daughters pregnancy and the health of her baby.

  64. Thank you Lord, Mother Mary, Holy Spirit & St.Gerard for the blessing of pregnancy for our daughter.
    We pray for continued blessings of a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. 🙏

  65. It was discovered a month ago through scans that I had a mass/tumor near my lung. I found out this week it’s simply a benign lipoma and not anything malignant. God is Good All the Time 🙏🏼

  66. I pray to the Holy Spirit every morning. Holy Spirit enter my day and help me with all my decisions. And He does. 🙏🙏🙏

  67. Thank you, God. My husband got a job offer after being laid off for a job he really wanted. Please let him do well there and find joy in it and realize how great you are, Lord.

  68. Please help my daughter’s search in a job. And help heal her broken heart.
    Help my other daughter with her health and transition easily with her move.
    Please help Tony stay healthy and happy and close to you.
    And please keep us safe on our criss country road trip.
    Jesus I trust in You!

  69. Thank you Holy Spirit for taking away my sin of gluttony and blessing me courage and strength and fortitude. I’ve lost almost 30 pounds in 6 weeks and have 75 more pounds to go. I can see light at the end of this dark tunnel. Counting my blessings.

  70. In all of our novenas I pray for the good health of my daughter and my family. God has kept her safe and continues to do well. He has kept my family safe and in His loving care. I am so grateful. Thank you.

  71. Paul got very good note for geo and laws/economie. Pls continue your miracles for other subjects/ exams. Thanks the Holy Spirit

  72. Pray that I will be allowed to see my new grand daughter when she is born even though I’m not vaccinated.

    For conversion of children and family back to God.

    For peaceful happy deaths for my parents when the time comes.

  73. Thank you Holy Spirit for blessing my life with your wonderful gifts. Every day I love the Holy Trinity more ❤️

  74. My grandson, Declan Bernard norm 11/01/16 , was excepted to Saint Mary’s School in Cortland, New York in the fall of 2021. God answered our prayers Friday 5/22/21. Amen 🙏

  75. I am grateful for receiving the favor of my shipment that was held for over 3 months released. And 4 responses came in one day for an application I submitted a long time ago.
    Thank you Holy Spirit.

  76. I received word that I will go from hourly to a salaried employee. Please continue to pray that my husband gets employed soon as well. So thankful for the gifts God has provided.

  77. Thank you Holy Spirit. My son was able to get his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine in Canada. I give you all the honor and all the praise. Thank you for praying for me.