Answered Prayers from The Holy Spirit Novena, 2022

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Thank you for joining us in praying The Holy Spirit Novena! If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below.

We’re praying for you & your intentions!

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  1. Received sad information during the Novena about a 70ish year old cousin who had cardiac arrest and showed signs of brain damage. Many family members and friends said many, many prayers for her recovery. I offered my Holy Spirit Novena for her.
    As of last Saturday, she is home with her family. No heart damage and no brain damage. Her arteries are clear. The doctors do not know what happened to her. We know our beautiful prayers were answered during this novena.


  2. I have received my first positive email this year, I got admitted for my post graduate diploma 🙏

  3. My friend collins received many job opportunities.Also am happy and very thankful that iam pregnant. I

  4. Thank you for praying with me. My eldest son has now received a job offer after almost 5 months of being unemployed. To God be the glory always!!!!

  5. I broke two bones in my ankle and needed reconstruction surgery. It’s been more than a year but I still had pain and mobility issues with it. Now they are gone!

  6. I was having difficulties at work and was suspended pending my hearing from the board.
    After my hearing, I was dumbfounded to get an email reinstating back to work.
    I thank the holyspirit for his miraculous mercy. I look forward for more of his grace,mercy and blessings to come.
    God did turn it around for me.

  7. It’s A Miracle that my son’s Bowel Surgery (Cancer)was “Clean” with no further treatment necessary!!!
    “Come Holy Spirit”etc.
    THANK GOD!!!

  8. I’m so glad that i was praying for a masters of education , educational psychology …. And through the prayers my application went through and received admission letter thanks Holyspirit i trust in you.

  9. I had been struggling with Postpartum anxiety/depression for a few months. I cried every day and saw my life as unnecessary, also filled with guilt knowing that my babies need me just made it worse. A few days into the novena, my husband and I find out we are expecting again, and this PPD completely disappeared! We were not planning this, especially because my most recent child is only 7 months old, but what an amazing surprise! God is good. He knew I needed this.

  10. My son’s house was broken in and his clothes and valuable documents stolen, he eve lost his job during the process.,to think that he has not been working for 6years. This happened during the holy spirit novena, I asked the holy spirit to help,my prayers were answered and my son found another job. Thank you Paul and Annie for always including me in the novenas

  11. After getting out of an abusive marriage I was praying for peace and happiness in my life and for my family being protected and guided. I have seen changes for the better and look forward to a brighter future and for my family to find God in there own lives, thankyou.

  12. My prayers were answered that is job security and family reconciliation… waiting for financial breakthrough of which I believe it will be answered soon..

  13. God had been with me. I enjoy your novena.
    God healed my husband of rectal cancer after a surgery. Please pray that returning of his colonoscopy bag is successful.
    Please pray for healing of a knee injury that I had after falling. I am 66 years old.
    God bless the novena team in Jesus name.

  14. I prayed for reconciliation with my Grandaugther as the past 11/2 she was not speaking with me. I prayed for her forgiveness and heart be open to love for me as I have never stopped loving her. My daughter passed away 71/2 years ago and my grandchildren mean so much to me. Well she did respond to me by text message and said she loves me too. The Novena has helped us both in reconciliation slow but sure. I have trust in him who knows all things ! 🙏

  15. Was facing major heart surgery and extremely high risk, all I could do was put myself in the hands of Our Lord, I asked him to be my surgeon and Our Blessed Mother to be my nurse. Our Lady undoer of knots had already helped me to give up smoking after 70 + years i had tried myself so many times. Although my heart completely blocked during surgery after a TAVI, Pacemaker and several stents I am back on the road to recovery. I thank the Lord and all who prayed for me.

  16. Hi, God is good. I have been praying for my registration at our medical council for sometime now after i was rejected for not meeting cluster requirements but had already underwent medical school, each time findinding consolation in my heart to keep praying. Finaly today I received a call that the council has accepted my registration. I am so gratefull that my prayers have bore fruit. God indeed is good.

  17. I’ve been praying for 2 of my children to get treatment for mental health problems, although not even close to a solution they both have taken the first step to get help! Praise God!

  18. The Holy Spirit novena really brought me back to see the miracle of life as I experienced a transformation in my life like I paid off my rent which I was really worried about.

  19. Am a nursing mother of a 3 months old baby boy
    I had been worried cos my baby wouldn’t feed properly

    He kept avoiding breast milk and as a mother it’s a cause to worry
    But God be praised, Now my son is feeding well and looks more healthy than the way he was

  20. My nephew has had a great change in attitude from ever angry to lighthearted after realizing that he is free of the past. He also survived a risky surgery, got good news about a change in his health for the better and is maintaining sobriety. All of that is amazing, but the attitude change is amazing! Thanks be to God!

  21. My answered prayers were that the people I prayed with had their prayers answered. Thank you for sending an email and letting me know the many that were answered. God bless.

  22. I prayed so much for my son to change jobs for a better career and the Holy Spirit novena really worked as he was offered a new job and has accepted it
    Thank you Jesus for always taking care of all my needs
    Mother Mary has always heard my prayers too
    I am so thankful for all blessings received for my entire family

  23. I just want to say, I am very thankful to God for listening to our prayers. My family and I have been praying for a couple of years now for me to have a better job than what I currently have and finally, my prayers have been answered. Monday, I received the good news, I was extended an offer for a position starting next month. We are all so grateful to God for this amazing gift.
    Never give up! Even when it seems nothing is happening, God is working everything for your good.

  24. At the beginning of this novena, our 22-year-old son was in a very serious accident, and we thought we were going to lose him. He had a fractured skull, blown eardrum, bleeding on his brain, swelling, and a severe concussion. He spent 5 days in the ICU, and I prayed every day for his healing, as well as this novena asking for his pain to be taken away. The last day of the novena, he was released from the hospital. I am happy to report that his pain is almost completely gone. He has pressure where the skull fracture is, cannot hear out of his ear just yet, and is struggling a little to walk, but he has made a miraculous recovery in a very short time. God is great!!

  25. I prayed to the Holy Spirit for direction in my work path and job offer as well as to find a life partner. I got a job today in my field of study. I am grateful to God and believe my other request will be answered

  26. Holy spirit worked in a miraculous way for me. Before I started these prayers, I put my intentions, one of them was for my husband to have his faith renewed.
    For the first time, he agreed to pray the Novena prayers with me. He attended Mass on the feast of Pentecost, this was after a long time not going for mass. And we can see his business starting to pick up. I pray for continous guidance by the Holy spirit in my life and my loved ones.

  27. My daughter has been suffering with severe depression. When the novena was completed, she shared with me the following: “I feel like a new person; feeling alive again, feeling hopeful and excited about my future.”
    I believe it was the Holy Spirit that guided her to find a new doctor, who slowly weened her off the medication she was taking. It’s a miracle. She is happy, free of depression and not feeling a need for medication. Another miracle is that she has been going back to church. She hadn’t been attending in years.
    I am so happy for her and so grateful to God for answering my prayers.

  28. I too have hesitated to attach a specific request to my Novenas, but I thank you for suggesting it. I prayed to become closer to my youngest daughter. The Holy Spirit did accomplish this in so many ways – mainly to make me aware of opportunities to reach out in love. Maybe before I would have ignored these promptings and just thought ‘oh that little thing wouldn’t make a difference’. It feels like a miracle to me. ♥️

  29. Through the Holy Spirit and the Novenas, I have become the man that the Lord wants me to be. I have developed more patience, tolerance, and understanding of those around me. Thank you.

  30. My son returned to faith by attending Mass – it’s been years! He also got a new job!
    God is great!

  31. I joined in the Novena to the Holy Spirit at a time when I was deeply troubled. My intentions for the novena were for true joy and peace in my life and to discover and make good use of my gifts of the Holy Spirit. Now, I feel at peace and I’m happy too. I know the Good Holy Spirit shall perfect my testimony.

    Thank You Precious Holy Spirit.

  32. My daughter was away from the church for 20 years. She finally went to confession and has been reconciled with the Catholic church. Praise God!

  33. Please keep my brother in your prayers for good health and happiness.

    Please pray for Mooder so that she is safe in her home and healthy.

    Please pray for Maris so that she will continue to live her life as a good Catholic and in the name of Jesus Christ. May I find love in my life again.

  34. A friend has been searching for her daughter that she hadn’t seen since 2017. She was a victim of human trafficking, sadly, as a result of a bad relationship she entered. She was found recently, in a homeless encampment. She’s mentally and emotionally unable to make decisions for herself. Her mother has POA, so the struggle now is to get her needed care in her home state. It’s a miracle to have found her! She still has a long journey ahead, but I continue to pray for her to be able to receive the best possible care. PTL for answered prayers, in His way and time!! 🙏🏽🎚️❤️

  35. I got a job interview for a job abroad in Europe after unemployment for two and half years. Indebted here in Africa and secondly I have a business partnership opportunity to help the business launch in Africa from Hong Kong. All this prayers answered after the completion of the Holy Spirit Novena. God is faithful

  36. We prayed for our sister inlaw who underwent surgery to remove cancer. The surgery was successful and we just heard that all of the cancer was removed.

  37. I prayed for a healing in all areas of my life and for good test results. I am saying many prayers of thanksgiving for answered prayers ♥️ Thank you for pray more novenas. God bless you all! Come Holy Spirit

  38. Dear Brothers and Sisters
    God has been so faithful and he has answered my prayer. I was looking for a job and he gave me a perfect one and the top most position in the organization. I was really in a bad place but he took me out and delivered
    I am forever grateful to God and I appreciate this platform.
    May God bless each and everyone of us in Jesus Name.🙏

  39. After months of prayer, we r gonna be grandparents again! Thank u for the answered prayers. Please keep our daughter well and strong during her pregnancy and please bless our family with a healthy and happy baby
    In Jesus name I pray…🙏🏻❤️

  40. Parise and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ my son and his wife are no longer in an occult after many years of praying unceasingly my prays were answered I continue to pray for him and his wife and especially my grandchildren in Jesus Christ Holy name Amen. Thank you for praying with me and I continue to keep all of you in my prays and you in mine

  41. My husband and I have been searching for a home in this crazy market and we found our dream home but it was a new build and because of high demand your name was drawn by lottery. We put our name in and 3 days later found out we won the lottery to build our new house! It is an incredible miracle and dream how everything came together! Thank you Saint Joseph and Holy Spirit! 🔥💯🦋🙏🏡📿

  42. I have been praying for a job for so long and by the end of this novena I got a job and I believe more opportunities will open for me.

  43. My ‘concrete’ petition for the Holy Spirit Novena was, not only would my estranged daughter accept an invitation to spend Father’s Day with my husband and me, but she would ask to bring along her husband. (They’ve been separated for a couple of years.) To my astonishment, that is exactly what happened. Thanks be to God!

  44. I prayed for my friend, Beth, who has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. They have to wait until September to do any surgery because of a medication she is taking. I prayed that her cancer would not grow while she waits for her surgery. She recently had another scan to see if her tumor had grown, and it has not. Thank you, God, for answered prayers.

  45. One of my intentions was granted through this novena,I got a favourable and quick judgment in the adoption process for my girl.glory to God

  46. Thank you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, after 40 days in the hospital, for Multiple Myeloma treatment, my husband is able to come home on the 40th day. He still have a long way to go but with Prayers and Novenas, God will carry him through.

  47. The Holy spirit gave my family a miracle. There was a shift in our visa application to get on to the next stage. It was almost an impossible case to attain this height, we had faith and applied as a family. Miraculously there was a step of positive outcome. Thank you sweet Holy spirit my greatest friend.

  48. My prayer has been for my son to find a job and my prayer has been answered. He starts his new job this Monday.
    Thanks be to God🙏

  49. I had been failing my exams (Cips) for 2 times bt this time round God helped me pass them😭😭 i cnt take that for granted❤️

  50. The Holy Spirit gave a new job to my son, who was being under paid, that gives him more opportunity and a 30,000 pay raise. The Holy Spirit also has given to my husband, who has been bored and frustrated, a new job with new opportunities. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I trust in You. Thank you.

  51. My son was going through a rough time. He was not in a good place and he and I were praying for this time to pass by. Maybe 3 days after I finished the novena, he called me with wonderful news. I thank God and you for sharing these novena with us.

  52. Three months ago I was diagnosed with cancer, a lump growing near my kidney, which has been for 1year . Went back for another scan after our Devine Mercy Novena and was told that that it was clear, during the Holy Spirit Novena I went back for another scan and I was released from hospital altogether, I praise God, his Devine Love and the Holy Spirit for this great miracle in my life . I also thank you Ann and Paul and everyone in this Novena group for all your prayers and letting me praying with you. I’m for ever grateful, may God bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤

  53. I prayed specifically for upliftment and breakthrough in my profession.on the 8th day of this Novena (Holy Spirit). My Boss favoured me in an unexpected manner. Still waiting for the appointment but I have faith that it shall come to pass. Glory be to God.

  54. Have been praying for a better job,God answered my prayers,i got more deals offering double my normal pay,am grateful,glory to God.

  55. Dear Jesus Christ please increase my faith forgiveness strength love 💕 more please lord please detach my childrens Shelda Alexis Withney Sterling Jonathan Sterling Gary junior Sterling from bad thoughts bad video games online please let them focus on you lord please lord hide us under precious blood 🩸 please Jesus Christ release everything the enemies stole from me and my childrens amen 🙏

  56. My prayer request was to have debt relief, however I received answers to a prayer with regards to some building blocks I had bought and when time came to collect, I was told my account was non existant and the company was undergoing closure. But God located the CEO and he was arrested. The Holy Spirit has prompted him to pay me back all I spent on the blocks.

  57. I prayed for 3 specific tangible requests during the Holy Spirit novena. While these have not yet been answered (they still might), the Holy Spirit instead granted a bigger request that has been in my heart and on my mind for some time — God is good!

  58. Since few Months I have been praying for three specific Intentions, if it was within lords will and wish. I was badly looking out for a Job change (my 1st Intention) for sometime now and I now have a great Job offer , soon I will be ending my contract at current job and will be starting a new role at another company. Thank you Almighty Lord. Thank you all for your prayers.
    Thank you John-Paul and Annie.


  59. I prayed this novena with three heavy requests and one of them was resolved. we were having issues repaying a bank loan and need quick cash to do so , luckily within two days of the novena we found a client that gave us the money we needed to clear the entire loan. Still praying for the other two requests but there has been progress on those too. Thank you for the novenas🙏

  60. I prayed that I would easily sell my house. It was listed on the 7th of June and sold on the 8th!

  61. During the Novena to the Holy Spirit, I asked for Chastity. I found that in those nine days, I did not feel the urge to look at porn. Praise God for this graceful reprieve!

  62. Before praying this Novena my sister didn’t get any Job opportunities but now she is getting many.Thank you Lord for hearing all prayers of those who posted their needs. I beg to everyone believe in God blindly God will answer all your prayers.

  63. God blessed me by healing my uterus and stopped my excessive bleeding. I was so worried I was going to need a Hysterectomy!! Praise and thanksgiving to God!

    God is also helping me to successfully recover from a knee replacement! Praise and thanksgiving to God!!!!!!

  64. Have been given the opportunity to share my personal faith testimony at an upcoming Mass, but experienced great doubt about doing it. The Holy Spirit has intervened to give me the courage to write out what’s on my heart and move forward in preparation to share this weekend.

  65. Dear Lord

    Thank you for prayers answers I ask for your forgiveness on my anger and lack of faith and impatience.

    Thank you for ridding me of my former boss and the control and misery he held over me.
    Thank you for getting me out of the miserable job I forced into by my former manager.
    Thank you for giving me the promotion and raise, I was not even expecting that, I just wanted out.

    Thank you for all prayers answered and the extra reward.

  66. I am feeling a tremendous peace when thinking of my Father who recently passed. My son attended church with us. My daughter asked me to pray for a sick friend. My relationship with my husband seems way less turbulent despite significant stress. Thank you Holy Spirit; we will keep praying!

  67. Thank You Holy Spirit for all the answered prayers I’ve been reading. I know in months time I shall come here to drop my own major testimony. Thank You Father for answered prayers already.

  68. Got a second opinion and do not have to have knee surgery..and it seems the knee is feeling better…my miracle

  69. After praying the Novena of the Holy Spirit and attending 1st Saturday devotion as well as Pentecost mass on Saturday night, I was praying wildly during the mass “Veni Sanctus Spiritus!” that all in the church would be set on fire with the Holy Spirit like was done for me. When I went up to receive the Eucharist, I received TWO Hosts like St Faustina did!!! I know there are no coincidences with our Lord! Tears rolled down my cheeks in the pew with joy! I believe God is strengthening my soul to be a warrior, standing for the truth, despite what is to come.

  70. During this Novena, I prayed that the Holy Spirit would bring about repentance and a change of heart in my adult son, and he did! He made a dramatic turnaround!

  71. Mine is about Mary Undoer of Knots.
    Have been having issues to conceive but now am one month pregnany .
    This is my second pregnancy at 37 years of age. The first one was last year but got a miscarriage at 2months.
    I still trust in God for the journey

  72. Thank you Holy Spirit for allowing my job to continue my international telework arrangement. Also starting the healing process of my osephagus.


  73. Hi my prayerful partners, am here to seek prayers from you about me and my family, job, visa and financial breakthroughs. Keep me in your prayers, we’ve been praying all the novenas with you but still in the same situation. I hope you will keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine🙏🏻

  74. What about if you DON’T have answered prayers from these novenas, and they don’t seem to be doing any good? Just wondering.


  75. Thank you for praying this novena. My daughter applied for a job with immediate benefits which she desperately needed and we found out yesterday she got the job. Amen I believe in miracles and the power of prayer. 🙏🏻✝️

  76. After the novena to the Holly spirit, GOD healed me, I thank God for his mercies, guidance, protections and blessings. Thank u Holly spirit.

  77. I do believe in the power of prayers. I waited patiently to write because I’ve asked for a few miracles. My prayers have been answered.
    I work so hard in planting over 100 seeds from my Brazilian Floss Cotton Tree . It’s truly a unique Tree but I haven’t sold any in months. I am blessed to have sold many.
    Im 65 yrs old , retired and love my yard work I got myself over my head and was concerned I wouldn’t be able to complete my work. My neighbors saw what I was doing and offered to help. BLESSED!
    I haven’t been sleeping well on my 30 yr old bed. I just bought a new numbered bed for myself.
    Hers to better sleeping nights can’t wait till it arrives. Zzzzzzz
    Thank you all for your prayers…
    I am BLESSED!

  78. In my court case, the appeal in respect of my children’s custody ended in my favor today. I thank the Holy Spirit, for all he did for me. And am still praying that as we go to the next Court, let God complete what he has started. Thank you all. It is good to be with the Lord.

  79. I started this Novena with whole faith that a miracle would happen to me very soon. On the final day of Novena, I got my prayers answered. I received unexpected financial help and a long-awaited response from something I applied to sometime back.
    I am very thankful to John-Paul & Annie for all your prayers and encouragement.

    God bless you!

  80. My granddaughter attended her 12 yr old Catholic convert’s Baptism, and later ask to have an appointment with the Priest… Glory be to Our Eternal Father.

  81. The Holy Spirit has always watched over me and my family, my he continue to as I have some issues with my left eye that will take months to heal

  82. I am so thankful my son is called and for a job tonight where he was laid off. My shoulder operation was successful. Praise be God. Love and pray for of you prayer partners…. From SA.

  83. For a month I looked for my keys which included two church keys. On day 3 of this Novena my keys were found. Thank you Holy Spirit. With deep gratitude

  84. Thank you always for your intercession Holy Spirit🙏🏼❤️🕊
    When I call you you come to my assistance.
    I prayed this novena for you to inspire me and to lead my family and me especially when making the most important decisions of life. I see my family in a good direction and I have faith they will convert to the Holy Trinity. I asked for my granddaughter to walk and she’s looking stronger and stronger each day.
    I asked that my brother ends (with the help of the Holy Spirit ) my dad’s estate matters well and he has made progress.
    I asked for help with my job and can certainly see the HS hand ❤️
    Thank you and thanks for your continuous intercession. Amen

  85. Thank you, Holy Spirit! My son was accepted to university for his program of choice and is seeking campus residence now. Everything seems to be falling in place for him. I was accepted to my PhD program. My oldest son is planning his career move. All our needs are provided for. Praise be to God!

  86. Glory be to God,My petition got answered on the 8th day of praying the holy spirit novena
    .I was praying to pass my IELTS exams and He granted me that request.I give all glory and honor to our Mighty God He is a Just and Merciful God.Amen

  87. For this novena I was praying for my boyfriend and I as we took a break in our relationship when we previously were looking to get engaged. I asked for peace, clarity, and guidance on where to go. We had a lot of serious issues and it was a trigger for former trauma.
    The Holy Spirit answered my prayers through my boyfriend coming to sobriety, starting therapy, and making a huge effort to win me back. We are acting slowly but I have been shocked at the effort made and it is a miracle for I never thought this day would come!! So much joy has already come and precious fears have been dashed.

  88. Thanks be to God for a new friend. She is a kind person and this is a blessing. Also thanks to God for a 2nd interview for a new HR job, praying for a blessing today and if this is Gods best to have this job or better one. Pray for me for protection and deliverance from evil man.