Answered Prayers from the Christ the King Novena, 2019

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Thank you for joining us in praying the Christ the King Novena!

If you’ve had any prayers answered during this novena, please share those with us all below!

We will continue to pray for you & your intentions.

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  1. Thank you, 2 answered prayers for help with finances at a critical time. Thanks to God and to all those praying for us.

  2. I have received help with a serious financial situation. Also , my daughter located a very important document that she needs and my son who has a mental illness agreed to some house hold rules in order to prevent us from evicting him. Thank you Jesus Christ our Savior!

  3. I just want to thank God for granting me and my family good health of mind and body throughout this novena prayer.

  4. My boss at work has been a torn in my flesh, as God may have it, she has been redeployed to another unit and am so relieved and ready to give my best at work.

    Thank you Lord Jesus.

  5. Thank you Lord I started this prayer last week,,prayed for a job ,,I had an interview last Saturday and I’m starting my new job next month.

  6. My oldest granddaughter FINALLY passed the test she needed to start her student teaching.
    My youngest granddaughter was a micro preemie born at 24 weeks weighing only 1lb 9oz and 12 inches long. She was a miracle baby. A gift of pure love and joy. She has overcome so many difficulties and trauma this past year. She was a year old on Nov.11th and still only weighs 12 lbs 10oz. She was still not sitting up by herself or crawling. She still is on formula and can only take 5oz and a time. She is extremely limited to the baby food that she can tolerate. But lo and behold on her birthday she pulled herself up to stand in the crib. On the 16th she could sit up and on the 19th she was crawling and pulling herself up. Praise God she is developing so well and getting healthier and stronger every day!!!

  7. Thank you Jesus for a successful operation for my granddaughter and that there was no disease in her upper small intestine. I also am thankful that my son was able to get his leave of absence so he could help her and have the time to help her and him to heal. I pray in supplication and continue to pray for her disease to leave the J pouch and the anus. She needs to have a normal life. She has been sick for the last 10 years in your name I pray dear Jesus for a healing for the entire family. I also pray for a job opportunity for my som that will help him take care of his family. Thank you Jesus for all Your many blessings.

  8. Power was restored to kitchen outlets.It had been off for months & though we still have some major issues still ahead,this is a start & we are thankful.

  9. My brother in-law Haithem has cancer and his surgery went well. He is cancer free now. Thanks to our lord and king Jesus Christ.

  10. Thank You Christ, the King for bringing about unity, love, peace and harmony in my family and erasing destructive addictions of all kinds and idol (modern idols) worship.
    I thank St.Jude and all the other Saints’ novenas I prayed here for the above. When I prayed, I prayed as if my prayers were answered then and there and You did!!! I am SO GRATEFUL LORD!

  11. Christ the King praying for my friend Lucy to be able to pass her exams to get into Law school Please intercede my prayers for my daughter Michelle and her family for the finaical problems they are having to get better Please intercede my prayers for my daughter Carlette for her health with dibities and for her eyes for her to be able to have peace on her job with her coworkers Prayers for my daughter Darcel to be able to get the job that she interviewed for Prayers for my granddaughter Dana that has autism and is having problems with her blood pressure for her to be able to get the melt downs under control Please intercede my prayers for my health with dibities for the problems I am having with the pains in my back for the problems I am having with my foot please intercede my prayers for my financial problems that I may be able to be able to pay a loan back to one of my best friends Please intercede my prayers for my brother Ricky that is currently in jail we have not heard from him in months praying for his health and his safety Christ the King please intercede my prayers for every one that is praying this Novena for their prayers to be answered Christ the King please intercede my prayers to be answered

  12. Thank you, Christ the King, for everything. My husband is getting stronger and his vision is coming back. Your will. Always.

  13. My Husband’s Health is Better
    and I (his wife) have been shown
    ways to help improve his physical and
    mental conditions.

  14. God is good all the time. Christ the King answered my prayer, my daughter passed her nursing school entry exams and now she is only waiting for approval.

  15. Praise Jesus! Prayers for a permanent, full-time job with benefits have been answered after fervently praying almost 1 yr! Received a call yesterday that I will be getting a job offer on Monday! Thank you Jesus and everyone praying!

  16. I prayed for healing and asked God to find a job for my husband. My health is slowly improving and my husband has an interview next week! Praise God!

  17. Answered prayers for the protection of my daughter and granddaughter who are suffering through betrayal and divorce. Thank you, Lord Jesus, and thank you, Mother Mary. Prayers as well for my son-in-law, who has caused such pain in our family, to come closer to God and to heal and make amends for the breach of trust he has caused.

  18. I was praying this novena for a particular job which I found out was no longer available a few days ago. Some hours later I got a call about another job I had applied to, they screened me on the spot and said they will get back to me in two weeks.
    Thank you Jesus Christ my King… May your will be done always.

  19. My son was in a very unhealthy relationship he really liked this women unfortunately she was using him everyone tried to tell him he was just blindsided. It was so sad to watch because he is so kind and would never do to anyone what was being done to him. I said the novena and I just knew God would not let me down I just New it I prayed that he would have the strength to walk away and see this relationship for what it was I finished the novena and two days later my other son called me and said my son called him and said he had left her for whatever reason he was able to see that this was a very bad relationship one sided and loveless relationship

  20. Thank you for the gift of a baby girl to my son and his wife. Please keep her healthy and protect her always. Help her when she grows up to be steadfast in our Faith. Thank you my God for this Blessing. Amen 🙏

  21. Our son is back home safely from his three week travels out of town. Each step of his journey was unique and each place he found himself in were very different but worked out and gave him what he needed in that moment. We continue to pray he sees that also in his faith-life. Jesus, Mary, Joseph continue to guide his next steps. May he realize his capabilities, love himself and You. Amen

  22. I want to thank God the miracle worker for granting me a job I had been praying for during this novena! At a point it looked like I wasn’t going to get the job as there were many hiccups along the way and I was almost giving up. I kept bringing it up daily in this novena and God answered my prayers!!! Thank you my Lord and my king!!

  23. Our friend Bill who has been battling colon cancer had a bleeding ulcer in his stomach. He’s been in the hospital and almost died because of it. The ulcer is now healed.

  24. My Grandson 33 yrs old is battling Cancer and has been in terrible pain and bleeding from aggressive radiation trying to kill the tumor so Doctors can do surgery – today radiation has been stopped – tumor has become small enough and surgery is scheduled for Dec 11th. although bleeding continues and he still has pain, we never thought we would get to this stage and want to Thank everyone for their prayers. We still need more prayers but are so thankful for those we have already received.

  25. Christ the King praises to you.
    Thank you for answering one of my petitions, which was the father of my unborn child to get a job.

    Praises to you Lord.

  26. Thank you for continued peace in our family. Thank you for all the gifts and the guidance you gave us. Thank you for blessing the children and helping them in their exams. Please keep them out of pain as well. G needs a lot of healing in her body. C needs a lot of healing as well. Thank you for helping me provide for my family. Please help me continue to do so and be judicious . Please bless B in his work , keep him safe and help his work become easier. We love you, Lord Jesus, help us to love you more.Thank you Jesus. May you always reign in our hearts.

  27. My daughter who was invited by Ici for Deportation came Home
    Though they ASKED her to come BACK in

  28. Thank you Jesus for helping us find a nursing home for my dad. Continued prayers that his care will be covered so we no longer have to worry.

  29. I was given a clean bill of health in regards to my heart, after months of testing and being terrified. God is so good.

  30. After 10 or more years of praying, my husband got a permanent full time job and starts Monday. Thank you Christ the King!

  31. Thank you for praying for a good friend with a terminal illness who was atheist/agnostic. Before she died, she asked for a priest. She received the Sacraments, including the Last Rites. This favor from heaven occurred in one the past Novenas (about 2 months ago). God is kind and merciful and hears our prayers.

  32. I was praying for my husband to get a job and I got one instead. Thank you O Lord Jesus. I know you that my husband will get one soon.

  33. My friend who has had health problems, seems to finally turned the corner. Thank you Jesus. Elderly family member who was diagnosed with cancer has made it through treatment without too much pain. So grateful for these answers to my prayers.

  34. I can see God’s favour in my business and in my family life.
    I am also seeing some improvements in my Man.
    Thank you lord for favours received.

  35. I have been praying for my daughter K who is suffering with some mental issues and gets very anger when ever you try to talk to her or give her an advise. I want to thank you for all your prayers as I can see a big improvement in my daughters health. God is good all the time.

  36. Thank you Christ the King for everything. Even the things in our lives that we think are obstacles are blessings on our faith path to eternity. Keep us strong, faithful and devoted…..Your will be done.

  37. Praise the Lord!!alleluia, I want to thank you all for your prayers towards my intentions. God has blessed my family a lot,my elder brother was granted documents in the US and yesterday was elder sister was appointed at the ministry our God is good.I beg for more prayers that my own documents that are pending should be processed and I should be called up for a job before this year ends.I always beg and pray for the fruit of the womb praise the Lord.I thank God for good health, protection

  38. I have been praying for my mother who was diagnosed lung cancer. Since I started on the novena my mother is getting better and better everyday.
    I have also attended an interview for a job that I have been longing for. Am still waiting for results

  39. I thank God, my son had a successful operation and we are praying for healing mercies. My daughter who was sick is also improving and we pray for total healing

  40. My brother Deacon John came through his operation better than expected. And will go home in a few days. Thank you God.

  41. I want to thank God for His numerous blessings on my and my family
    Also for my boyfriend
    For seeing me throughout my program successfully
    For all answered prayers
    May His name be ever praised

  42. I can’t be grateful enough for God’s providence, protection and love!

    Everyday is a miracle 🙏❤️

  43. I have a very difficult upstairs neighbour. He said I had lied to him. He then searched the Internet for any personal information on me which he read out in the early hours of the morning to his wife. I do have faith and asked God in His infinite wisdom to help me.
    Somehow last night He intervened, the wife told her husband to stop harassing me and it seems the constant unfair comments have stopped!
    Such a relief! I think the neighbour has problems with envy and imagines I have more than him. I do, I have God’s love and I shall pray that His love will help this man to find happiness in his life.My prayers were answered.

  44. I thank you Christ the King because at the 4th day, you fought my battles which only you did. You gave me angles every side. You gave me victory over my enemies. On the 7th, day, you gave me answers to my long waited prayers. Now am at peace because you are doing all according to your will. You just want me to have total trust in you. I love you Christ my King.

  45. I prayed for my son to find employment and he called today and said he found a job that will pay him well and with benefits. I thank Jesus, Christ the King, for answering my prayers.

  46. Prayed for harmony in the family- the Lord opened a window and start melting the hearts of the family. Thank you Lord

  47. Lord I thank you for your purification of my body,cleansing of my heart,mind and spirit and the illumination of my soul.I honour and glorify you Father ABBA for the healing that prevented the clots, anxiety and accompanying heartaches and suffering. You are to be blessed,praised and glorified.

  48. I was informed a friend was near death. Lymphoma had filled her lungs. She was on a ventilator and doctors said even if she came off it, she wouldn’t last but a couple days. My prayers went up along with hundreds of others. Not only is she off the ventilator but she is gaining strength every day. Thank you Lord!

  49. Seigneur, je Te prie pour que je sache écouter durant l’Adoration et que je m’évade pas dans mes pensées, que je sois vraiment avec Toi.

  50. Lord father I beg for my work card to be found so that I may get a good job and better myself. I pray for my process I’m going through to succeed and everything goes well. I need you my Lord have mercy on me and help me. I also pray for my mother to recover from her illness and be completely healed. Amen.

  51. At the beginning I prayed for my daughter to succeed in getting a job. She was informed by her superior about job vacancies, she went to the interview last Friday and was chosen immediately after she completed her interview. She has also been blessed and assigned to a good airline. Lord please help her to do her training well and also the exams that will be held at the end of her training.
    Thank you Lord, my Saviour and King, to you all glory and praise.

  52. At the beginning of this Novena, I prayed to find a job. I recently relocated to be closer to family and friends. Although I was prepared to take any job so that I could live where I have chosen, I was rejected due to be too experienced for the job. During the course of this novena I have been interviewed by one company with positive feedback and someone else will call me next week. I have also grown to understand that the Lord is our true king. Thank you Lord. Amen

  53. Very thankful that children and grandchildren are planning visits! Wonderful news, and, continued prayer for their protection and a further deepening of faith for all of us.

  54. Thanking God for my friend JP who was getting lost in some cult like non Christian movement. At the start of the Novena I had confronted him and asked him to remember his Christian routes. I didn’t tell him I was praying for him. On day 6 of the Novena I saw a sudden change he posted a picture of the blessed Mary holding the infant Jesus. With a prayer Hail Mary pray for me. I was overjoyed. Now there is only one part more to get him out of the refugee camp so that he can be of service to mankind.

  55. Oh MyChrsit the King during the Novena I got job confirmation and finally has been removed all the hurdles which am facing in this particular job. Thank you Jesus for your blessings and give us strength during these days Amen. Oh Christ the King bless us the live happily and peaceful life Amen.

  56. Praise be to our redeemer Christ the King. He has looked with pity on me and has restored my menstrual cycle without any medical treatment. I petitioned my Redeemer to restore my menstrual cycle which hasn’t been flowing for 2 months and on the 6th day of the novena, he miraculously answered my prayer. Praise be to God!

  57. God has blessed my family and myself tremendously by allowing comfort into the hearts of myself and my loved ones. He has kept my family, my friends and myself safe and away from harm. I was feeling stressed about my living conditions and now my landlord has finally heard my requests to have adequate living conditions for my daughters and I to live in. I have been going to numerous interviews with the NHS in order to advance in my career and have been turned down so many times. I was about to cancel my last interview, but I prayed to God for strength that morning and I could tell my interview felt different while it was going on. They phoned me the same day to offer me the job! I have been sharing these prayers with my family because I do believe in God and that he never leaves our side and he never stops listening to our prayers. I will forever be grateful.
    God is good all the time! 🙏

  58. I fell sick since Monday, but by the the mercy of the most high GOD, am getting stronger and better… heal in JESUS name…
    I know my king liveth, he will answer my other prayer points.
    Praise the the king of kings

  59. Thank you dear Lord for prayers answered! I prayed this novena for my son to get a job and he found one and will start next week.

  60. I can’t thank God enough for a successful examination. In the start if this novena, it was one of my prayer point and God on high has answered. I believe He will keep doing more for my family and i.
    Christ the King, Your kingdom come.

  61. I want to begin by thanking God for the gift of life and the good health he has blessed me with. I want to thank Jesus Christ for his mercies and forgiveness of all my sins. I praise,honor and glorify you my Lord.
    My daughter has been on separation with her husband for the last five years. I have been praying the praymorenovena for the last three years for my daughter’ Reconciliation in marriage, but I know that Gods time is the best. I’m thankful to God for finally answering my prayers 🙏 for my daughter to be back in the holy matrimony with her husband. My prayer now is that the Lord Jesus Christ will bless them and not allow the devil to come between them. Thank you 🙏 my Lord Jesus Christ. May your will be done. Amen 🙏

  62. After a very long time of job applications and no response,I have finally got my first call for an interview which is a good step in the right direction. I thank God for this call which has given me new hope and i continue to pray for his will to be done in my life.

  63. My grateful and sincere thank you to Christ the King for his healing graces and a “speedy recovery”after mu suegery.I am also grateful to God fir sending Dr Akash for me. My can now breath normally and go about my daily activities without feeling tired Thank you Dearest Mother for your love and intercession.Amen

  64. I had knee replacement surgery 3 weeks ago and I have been having inpatient rehab treatment since. I am going home next Wednesday November 27th to start outpatient rehab, so I will be home for Thanksgiving! Thank you so much God for my successful surgery and inpatient rehab and to all the medical professionals, housekeeping, food services, aides and all prayers. visitors, well wishers. Please continue to pray with me for success in my outpatient journey. In Jesus name I pray and I believe! AMEN.

  65. I Thank You Jesus for
    the Medical reports of my son and
    daughter in law are normal.
    I praise and thank you Jesus for all the graces you have showered on me and my family I give sp thanks for speedy recovery of my husband ‘s operation
    Thank you Jesus

  66. I prayed the previous novena for my family my kids made outstanding result.
    God is also guiding me to the right chanoyy towards this menopause issues I am haveing and also my husband’s enlarged prostrate

  67. My exams have been amazing. The ones I’ve written have been what I prepared for. I also pray for the grace of God to follow my papers, there shall be no complications after my scripts are marked. Holy Spirit right my wrongs, Amen.

  68. Glory to God, while praying this novena I was called in for a job interview. Looking forward to great news🙏🏽. Christ the King, have mercy on us all. Thank you Jesus.

  69. Hello there, I just wanted to share the joy of an answered prayer to one of my numerous petitions, I was praying for a good health restoration a body free of cancer and Doctors confirmed that I am free of cancer now for 2 years I survived a breast cancer and am grateful to God and I praise Him for all your support in prayers through all the pray more Novenas.
    Stay blessed and keep on praying for everyone

  70. Deployed in the Frontline in the troubled Northeastern Nigeria as a soldier of the Nigerian Armed Forces, I prayed the Christ the King Novena that Christ the Universal King rule against an imminent attack on own location on Wednesday 20 Nov 2019. As prayed, it turned out the most peaceful of days and nights in the area.

    Christ the King, may your Kingdom come.

    PS. We keep paying for the peace of Christ which passes all understanding to reign in Nigeria and all troubled regions of the world. Amen.

  71. I have been praying for God to have mercy on my husband and release him from debt. I thank God for my husband is now a free man!
    I prayed for my daughter to excel in academics and she has maintained being at the highest level!
    I am praying and trusting God for victory for my team next week, please pray with me.
    To Christ the King, may you continue to reign in me. Amen.

  72. I, in the beginning of the novena asked for prayers for my son who was meant to undergo surgery for tonsils.
    The last specialist recommended medication instead of surgery and he started to improve just in day four of the novena, stopped the abnormal snoring and now we are completing the doze.
    Thanks be to God

  73. Yes, my prayers have been answered. My son passed his pre-board exam. Thank you Lord and thank you for those who prayed along with me. Thank you!

  74. My God has given me the ability to only focus on Him, fixing my eyes only on Him and not on the distracting things including my husband.
    I will forever be grateful. Thank You jesus The King in my life.
    You are my Lord!!! Amen!!

  75. On the 6th day of this novena, my intention was answered. I was praying for a needy student of mine to get someone to sponsor her for her university studies, this has been answered.
    Lord bless this lady of good will. Thank you Christ the King