A Very Special Novena to Jesus’ Grandmother

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A little more than twelve years ago, I was praying a novena in the hopes of meeting my future husband soon — I asked the Lord to introduce me to a good Catholic man. Shortly after praying that novena, I met John-Paul, and now, we are married and coming up on our tenth wedding anniversary! 

The next novena we’re praying together is the one I prayed all those years ago: the St. Anne Novena!

We will start praying on July 17th! That’s this Sunday. :)

St. Anne is the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. She is a very powerful intercessor! 

You may have heard that those discerning marriage often pray to St. Anne for help in finding a spouse. But, St. Anne is also known to intercede for people for almost any request, and especially for healing.

You could also ask for her intercession for your marriage, for your grandparents or grandchildren, to grow in holiness and patience. You can ask her to pray for whatever it is that’s on your heart, she will bring your intentions to Jesus!

We hope you will join us in praying this novena! We will be praying for you and your intentions throughout the novena.

You can sign up here to join us in prayer:


We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! Share your prayer intentions below — we’re praying for you!

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie – PrayMoreNovenas.com

P.S. You can read more about how I met John-Paul after I prayed the St. Anne Novena here on my blog :)

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  1. That one day they find a cure for my cancer, also my brother, Dominick, friend Mary Lou, Judy, cousin, Anna, Claire, Roseanne’s Sister, Helen their friend, Oletha, Holly’s Ex mother in law
    And all the many others suffering from cancer

  2. Praying that my daughter has a safe and healthy delivery for her baby girl.
    Prayers for myself to be a good responsible mother and grandmother.

  3. My prayers are being answered! Thank you Jesus, St. Anne, and everyone praying this Novena. I was asking for an early sign yesterday and it happened. Jesus hears our prayers and the intercession of the Saints. This is real! Keep praying! Don’t give up. God is good all the time. He loves us and wants the best for us. We need to learn to be discipline to his will and his plan of salvation of mankind. Amen🙏😇

  4. Pleasepray for M to be free from addictions, alcohol. Change her appetite. Holy Spirit touch her mind, body soul and spirit

  5. Our rent, light bill is behind and we need a financial miracle. I am searching for a second job, something I can do at home part time in the evenings to pay off these bills. Lord open up a good door for us or give us raises. My husband already works two jobs

  6. Please pray for my daughter B. She is very depressed and pregnant. She lives with her boyfriend in Ohio and have no friends. Also they have a two year old who needs to see a doctor. She is autistic and needs help and therapy. they are just lolly gagging and not doing anything, B needs to know her purpose and God loves her. Pray for healing and emotions and the laziness. Lord help my grandbaby!

  7. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I don’t get chosen for Jury Duty that I can just go one day and that I don’t have to reschedule Dr. Santana’s appt. I also pray that Daisy or Rachael find housing soon or that I can get into Casa Familia.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  8. My sister Denise had a liver transplant and is having problems with it.
    My daughter Demi is going through a separation and is having to maintain a home, a child, 4 jobs, pets etc. on her own.

  9. Please Saint Anne pray that God is with my son today and keep him safe and the ones with him. Please I pray for an alcohol free day for him. I pray he has a great day and builds a stronger relationship with God. In Jesus Christ I pray whom I love, need and worship. Amen 🙏

  10. Hi Everyone!

    Please help me pray for my up coming board exam this coming September. A lot of things going on in my life right now especially for my family, help me pray to have a good health especially to my mother and siblings. I also pray for safety, wisdom and guidance. May God grant all the good desires in our hearts and may He bless us with financial abundance. This I pray in Jesus name, AMen.

    Thank you everyone. May God bless you more and more!

  11. Thanking God for our lives,journey mercies,favours,good health,guardiance and protection in the family and praying for same.
    Thanking our grandmother Anne for your intercessions and praying for same Amen
    Dear grandmother Anne, intercede for my daughter’s choice of spouse that God will bless her with a good husband soon Amen
    Intercede for my sons to marry good wives and guide and protect my daughter in the camp, surround her with good friends and bless my ward as she prepares for her exams
    Intercede for my relatives, workers,tenants ,religious, sick and poor among us that God will show them mercy.
    Thank you Jesus for answering prayers and thank you our grandmother Anne for your intercessions and God’s blessing on John Paul and annie for praying for us Amen

  12. Dear St Anne,
    Pray for a reconciliation with our daughter that we have not seen in over five years as we attempt to fly to her state this week and show up at her door.

    Jesus I Trust in you.

  13. For my brother who was diagnosed with terminal cancer , an my daughter in law who has skin cancer, also to keep Damar faithful to my daughter an keep an my children grandchildren my siblings an there family healthy an safe , also to get me back to receiving holy communion again ,Sacred heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you 🙏🙏

  14. For Jessica and her friend to end their sinful relationship and come to know, love and serve God for the rest of their days, so as to be happy with Him in the next.

  15. Prayers for blessings of continued good health and safety for our grandson and his parents.
    Prayers for healing graces for family and friends experiencing health issues.
    Prayers for peace in this world.

  16. Oh Lord God save me from myself, my spirituality, my marriage, my happiness, my goals, my children their welbeing
    Lord I really need your help, your Divine intervention and Providence

  17. St. Anne please pray for us that the Lord grant us fruit of the womb and pregnancy now as we are believing trusting Gods promises for our babies twins soon in Jesus name Amen

  18. Thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness, providence, mercies, protection and providence.

    Through the intercession of St. Anne, I pray for my first son Oyeb, that God will deliver him from unseriousness with his studies, too much sleep and that God will give him focus in his studies and give him good success.

    I pray for God’s protection upon the whole family.

  19. Hallo, kindly pray for me to get healing . I have this condition that keeps me physically in pain and the mental anguish is unbearable .
    I feel hopeless.

  20. Praying for Jim who has got a stroke and is bedridden.
    For Prisca who is pregnant and has got cancer.
    For peace and reconciliation in my family
    Thank you, God bless you all

  21. I pray for: my marriage and family, that love, compassion, joy and peace will prevail; my employment situation and that Jesus will make haste to help me and to provide for my family; for increased faith to fully trust and believe in Jesus Christ; to come to know and accept God’s Will, Plan & Purpose for my life; for enlightenment & discernment, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and guidance; for a permanent solution to the issue with the neighbours and bars; for discipline & self-control; for healing for me and my family

  22. I pray for the intentions of my husband, an increased love for him, and renewal of joy in our marriage. St. Anne, pray for us!

  23. Dear St. Anne,

    I can imagine how special, blessed and holy you were to be chosen by God the Father to hold, love, and nurture the infant Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, our Holy Mother who was conceived without original sin. So holy were you and St. Joachim that you helped shape The Holy Family that we know and love.

    St. Anne, hold us in your loving arms as you did our Holy Mother. Love and nurture us so that we too can say, “Yes”, when Our Father calls us. Intercede for those of us praying this novena. Our world needs more holy families who know and love Our Lord, Jesus Christ to live in hope and faith. May His light shine through our holy families so brightly that it extinguishes the darkness.

    Pray for the Holy Family Hearth, that those of us called to serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, be filled with the Holy Spirit and answer His call. Pray that we have courage and the strength to do our Lord’s will. Pray that we trust in His plans. St. Anne, pray with me that those who do not know or Lord, will know Him because if they knew Him, they cannot help but love Him. For those who know Him but do not love Him, pray for their conversion. Amen.

  24. Saint Anne please intercede and send extra guidance for my two daughters H and A godly friendships as they enter thier teenage years. We recently moved to a new area and they are without friendships.

  25. Please pray that my boyfriend does not watch movies with sex and nudity, it just kills me inside when he does. Thank you

  26. I intent to pray ceasingly regarding my family’s understanding and relationship towards my spouse. May we be given their blessing and heartfelt understanding.
    May we have the gift of health, abundance and peace in our family. Premacio and lumanog family be brought in one and in peace.
    I ask and pray through the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  27. Dearest St Anne, pray for me and my loved ones. Guide and protect us from all evil and the jealousness and wickedness of our enemies Amen.
    Glorious St. Anne, please pray for my son that he have a speedy recovery and complete healing. I ask for your intercession along with your spouse St Jochim that my son finds a good and loving Catholic spouse to settle down in marriage and have their children Amen.

    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  28. Good evening
    My prayer is for this week. Our vacation so we are all safe in our travels to the beach and our pets well taken care of by neighbor and family. In two weeks my granddaughter will be baptized 10 months old already. Praying she can receive holy communion and confirmation down the road too
    Praying our air conditioner holds out and my son’s visit is nice and peaceful with family.
    Pray for me that I have the patience to endure we don t always think alike if you know what I mean. Thank you
    God Bless you for all you do!

  29. Pray for my husband who has Dementia and myself who is worried also bring our Children and Grand children closer to God 🙏

  30. St. Anne Pray the I can be a better son and continue to grow into a better fiance, help me grow with God, help me with Ashley, help me establish a better lifestyle, and help us with our careers and help me pass my NREMT exam. And help me get back into a structural fire department. Please also help skylar and take away any mental suffering or pain he has. In Jesus’s name Amen

  31. Dearest St. Anne,

    I first thank God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for all my blessings in this life.

    I pray for my grandchild and children that they grow in faith, holiness, and keep the Lord at the center of their lives and marriages (future marriages).

    I pray St. Anne, the Blessed Mother and Jesus heal my broken Heart and soul from my marriage that is ending in divorce. I also pray for my husband. I pray for Gods will. He knows my heart , but if it not his will I pray for strength to go on. Amen

  32. Please my fellow Christians pray for me to get a permanent job. I have applied many jobs but none i have been contacted for interview. Please remember me in prayers. Amen

  33. I pray this Novena for my husband and I who have seperated, to remain good friends now and in the future.

  34. St. Anne, please pray that I retain my job, improve my performance and do well in this new position. I pray for my oldest daughter that she is healed from her ailment, won’t require a transplant and stop drinking. I pray for my younger daughter that she be healed from her mental illness. Please also pray for my sister-in-law that she be healed from cancer.

  35. St Ann please kindly help me in this earth 🌍 pray for me and my son to get permanent work to do as he has been a casual for the past three years so that he which is worries him and also to be faithful to God and get good partner in his life amen

  36. I pray for complete healing of fibroids and never to grow back after this UFE procedures.

    Pray to conceive and have my babies without any complications.

    That my children in Africa get their visas immediately their passports are out.

    To complications after this fibroids procedures.

  37. St. Anne please pray for me and heal me of mind, body and soul. St. Anne pray for me and help me find a good catholic companion consecrated to the heart of you grandson Jesus and your daughter our Mother Mary, that he will be a good foster father and be a good example like St. Joseph to my sons’s. St. Anne pray for my job, and workers compensation case that it will come to close soon this month. St. Anne keep my son’s and my family safe from the virus and pandemic of skin decease, or any other pandemic that is coming. St. Ann consecrate my heart and those my sons and my brother Carlos to Jesus and Mary. St. Anne pray for me heal all my physical and skin aliments. Keep me safe from all evil. Help me find a home for my sons. St. Anne thank you, we love you.

  38. St. Anne pray for son Ch, Char., miraculous conversion, remove all darkness in his life and bring light to him to fall in love with your grandson Jesus Crist and your daughter our Mother Mary. St. Anne heal my son Ch. Char. from his alcohol addiction heal him in mind, body and soul, that he will stop drinking alcohol permanently for ever, open his eye to the truth. please find a beautiful catholic wife consecrated to the heart of Jesus and our Mother Mary. St. Anne keep my son safe from all evil and stop him from living in mortal sin. St. Ann pray for us, thank you, we love you.

  39. St. Anne please pray for my son Ern. that he will see the truth how bad alcoholic is for his mind, body and soul and that being alcoholic is also sinful. St. Anne grandmother of Jesus and ours, please send the holy spirit to heal my son Ern. that he will permanently stop drinking alcohol for ever. St. Anne pray for my son Ern. miraculous conversion, remove him from all darkness and bring light to him to fall in love with Jesus Crist and your daughter our Mother Mary. St. Annt pray that my son Ern. will find a nice beautiful catholic wife that has consecrated her heart to Jesus and Mary. Thank you St. Anne we love you.

  40. St. Anne our grandmother, I ask for a miracle for my son Anth, please bring him back home alone and open his eyes to the truth, remove the darkness he is living right now and bring him to your grandson our Lord Jesus Crist. Find a nice catholic girl with dedicated to Jesus and Mary for my son Anth that he will meet her soon today. That he will open his heart to Jesus, that he will fall in love with Jesus and his mother Mary. Saint Anne please heal my son Anth of min, body, and soul, send the holy spirit to guide for my son’s miraculous conversion. Unblock any evil situation that is stopping my son Anth from seeing the truth and trusting in Jesus and Mary. St. Anne pray for my son right now and keep him safe from all evil and stop him from living a life in mortal sin with that that person. St. Anne Do Not Allow my son Anth to live tothegether in a relationship with that person, undue it for the glory of God and for my son’s salvation. St. Anne pray for us. Thank you, we love you St. Anne.

  41. Praying for Patience until GOD works on my grandson talking. I trust and I know GOD will do it in his own time.

  42. May the Holy Spirit fill everyone, taking everyone’s prayers to God, to the light, to the source.
    I wish to keep these people in my prayers, and I kindly ask that you can pray for them as well:

  43. Pray and ask the Lord to restore my marriage. Ask the Lord to melt every heart of stone and stubborn spirit in the life of my husband, humble him and make him to recognize that God is the only reason why he is alive. Pray also for my children as they start their journey to college and to be independent, that God will grant them the grace to make a good choice in their lives and carrier. Guide, guard and Protect them from evil ones and bad and unfriendly friends that would want to lure them in to bad life. Bless all my children wherever they may go in the lives journey, giving them the grace to know that with God all things are possible. Also give me the grace to continue to look up to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith as I stay in gap praying for my family. God please give peace of mind and body, give me good health to live and enjoy the blessings of my marriage and the fruit of my labor in Jesus name I pray, amen. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers any that of others in Jesus name amen

  44. Pray and ask the Lord to restore my marriage. Ask the Lord to melt every heart of stone and stubborn spirit in the life of my husband, humble him and make him to recognize that God is the only reason why he is alive. Pray also for my children as they start their journey to college and to be independent, that God will grant them the grace to make a good choice in their lives and carrier. Guide, guard and Protect them from evil ones and bad and unfriendly friends that would want to lure them in to bad life. Bless all my children wherever they may go in the lives journey, giving them the grace to know that with God all things are possible. Also give me the grace to continue to look up to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith as I stay in gap praying for my family. God please give peace of mind and body, give me good health to live and enjoy the blessings of my marriage and the fruit of my labor in Jesus name I pray, amen. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers any that of others in Jesus name amen

  45. For my husband to find a job that gives him pride and purpose. For him to be happy.
    For our son Joseph to find joy in his running and his friends. For God to heal his broken heart and for JoJo to know that God is always there him. For us as parents to help him make the right decision for classes for his senior year that don’t cause him anxiety.
    For our son Mark, that he too knows that God is always there for him. For God who is the master healer to heal the lump he has on his chest. That he is kind and chooses to be a light to others. St Anne, pray for us! Jesus, I trust in You. Thank you !

  46. I pray for my relationship with Carl, that we will bring out the best in each other, grow in love and have a family of our own.

  47. For all 7 of my children to find good spouses at the right time and to have long, happy, fruitful, blessed, healthy, family and married lives and thanks be to God for mine and for financial peace and thanks for all the help that we have been given!

  48. Please Saint Anne pray for my son that he surrenders himself to God and quits drinking his alcohol. Please pray that God helps him and his wife rebuild their marriage into a strong, loving and God centered marriage. Please pray a stronger and deeper relationship with God for me and my family. In Jesus Christ I pray whom I love, need and worship. Amen


    Praying for Gods forgiveness for whatever sin i have committed .
    Praying for forgiveness of the sins of my family members.
    Praying for good health for my family members.
    Praying for the peace and release of my husband from prison.
    praying for a peaceful family.
    Praying for the success of my son in school.
    Praying for my business to flourish.
    Praying for my job promotion.
    Praying for protection from all evils
    Praying for a peaceful nation.

  50. Dear St Anne, Please Pray for me. St. Mary Magdalene pray for Us. Our Lady and St Joseph Pray for Us. Amen.

  51. Please help Dorothy continue to adjust to living in Assisted Living rather than her own home. Please my her family be reconciled with her and one another. May her daughter-in-law be healed. The doctors have said there is nothing more that they can do for her.

    May my children and their families return to their Catholic Faith and be strong and active in it. May those who have never been members receive the gift of Faith and join.

  52. Please St. Anne pray with me for my son to be well in all respects. And that he not be lonely and that his medicine work without side effects. I pray with all for their intentions. May the world be at peace.

  53. St Anne you are our beautiful grandmother please look over your grandchildren Chelsea Lauren and LillyRose during their University studies. Thank you love you

  54. Prayers for blessings of continued safety and good health for our grandson and his parents.
    Prayers for healing graces for family and friends experiencing health issues.
    Prayers for peace in this world.
    Amen 🙏

  55. Praying for a stable occupation. And for the blessing to settle down (in marriage) as soon as possible this year.

  56. I pray for my niece who is 35 to find a good man. She has to think herself worthy first. Please St Ann help Megan.


  57. Hello,

    I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year, I’m praying that this one will be the one. I’ve been through a lot of disappointments in men. Thank you for your prayers. I’m always praying for my job. I’ve been getting in trouble with stuff that I all ready did and I put stuff in a email the bosses don’t read. Please pray for me to keep my job.

    Have a blessed day 🙏🤗

    Amen 🙏

  58. For Jacque and Jay that there move will bring peace to there family and organization to there life and bring them close too God.
    For Cyrus that he finds a job and his girl friend has common sense and loves Gods. For Vincent that he gets his drivers license and finds a permanent home. For Barbie and Scott that they rent there cabins and catch up on there bills. For John and Carolyn that they stay safe and unknown problems solved. For all my grand kids, please help them all with school and jobs. For my entire family. Thank you St Ann and Jesus. Amen

  59. Dear Jesus, Mary and St. Anne, please help our loved ones through all of our daily struggles in life.

    Please heal us of anxiety and depression.

    God is good.🙏

  60. Lord hear my prayer I pray that Lixon talks to Wilson today about my Jury Duty and that they let me get off just on August 8. I also pray that I don’t get chosen for Jury Duty that I just have to go there one day and that’s it. Jury Duty is very important so I pray that Wilson understands it.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  61. Thanking God for our lives,journey mercies,favours,good health,guardiance and protection in the family and praying for same.
    Thanking our grandmother Anne for your intercessions and praying for same Amen.
    Praying for your intercessions on my daughter’s choice of spouse that God will bless her with a good husband soon Amen
    Praying for my sons choice of spouses that God will bless them with good spouses Amen. For my daughter’s protection in the camp, surround her with good friends, good posting positive attitude and all her heart desires. For my ward to be successful in her exams
    Thank you Jesus for answered prayers and thank you our grandmother Anne for your intercessions and God’s blessing on John Paul and annie for praying for us Amen

  62. Praying for good finances. To be able to afford myself and daughter. The burdens to get off my shoulders. To buy a house with a garden, 3 bedrooms, stand-alone. To get a degree and find a better job.

  63. Pray for peace in my family
    Unity between my husband and I
    Unity in my daughter family
    Spiritual and emotional healing for my son

  64. pray for my marriage restoration after my husband left me with the baby for 3 months now saint Ann pls restore my marriage.

  65. Dear St. Anne I am praying for my visa application to be approved and release speedily. I am already desperate because of the delays.Please please St. Anne please hear my prayer. Please bless the visa officer,the agencies and the courier who will be delivering my documents. Please tap thier shoulder for me so that i can accompany my husband in canada.

  66. Praying for God’s continued protection, providence and blessings. Praying for the safe delivery of our baby when the time is due.
    Praying for the blessing of a second child for my younger brother.
    Praying for peace and financial upliftment, Amen.

  67. St Anne,
    Please pray for all the addictions of my two sons and nephew Jake. May your Grandson Jesus heal them all and may they live a happy and healthy life . I also pray for all others with addiction of any kind. Give them all strength and wisdom to overcome this terrible disease. Jesus I trust in You!

  68. Sr Frances on palliative care Thank you dear Saint and be close to her family, friends and Congregation

  69. Dear St Anne please intercede on my behalf concerning these intentions,
    That God forgives me my sins and those of my family.
    For healing and that I stop smoking.
    For financial and spiritual blessings for our planned dowry payment and the marriage sacrament with my wife.
    For my Wife to convert to Catholicism.
    I pray that am able to help my niece settles in her own house and continue with her college.
    For more research projects
    Thank you Almighty God for your endless Love, care, mercy and kindness.

  70. Dear St Anne,
    Please pray for me and my husband to always have love, peace, patience, care for each other and to forgive each other. Please
    help us not to think of world but only in eternal home. Please help All marriages to love and care for them. I ask all these petitions to you in Jesus Name Amen.
    Thank you St Joesph, Blessed Mother and St Anne🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Glory, Glory Alleluia
    Glory, Glory Alleluia
    Oh Praise the Name of the Lord 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️

  71. Dear st Ann, thank you for having sells everyday as my money is dependent on commission please help increase the volume of sells so I may have enough money to pay my debts and for my needs and family.
    Intercede for me that I may meet a loving husband just like Joseph was to Mary.
    Thank you for your love and protection of our lord Jesus Christ. Amen

  72. For my Holy Sacrament of matrimony to be held on 14/August/2022.
    For our successful church fundraising to be held on 31/July/2022

  73. For Veronica to seek her heart’s desire and vocation in God’s perfect will. Please surround her with people that witness to your truth, beauty and goodness. Heal her wounds and the grace of forgiveness. Lead her to the spouse you have for her.

  74. St Ann Please Pray for me and my Family I Pray that the employer choose me to be there caregiver in ISRAEL i hope i have contract before my medical expired Please Lord help me to achieve my Goals in Life.Thank you Lord Amen 🙏🙏

  75. St. Anne, please pray for me that my love life is fulfilled with great joy, peace , love and that we may ultimately line up to Gods order of marriage. I pray for continuous progress. Place the right people in our path that will enhance our relationship. Make our bond unbreakable.

  76. Dear Lord, my family makes me cry everyday, please I ask for mental healing and family deliverance from the bondage of stagnancy, rejection, unemployment, poverty and all spiritual attachments. Dear St Anne cry with me to the Lord through the immaculate heart of Mary through your grand son Jesus Christ. I need to be set free. Thank you Lord

  77. St.Ann please bless my son and his wife’s marriage(J&J); bless them with godly counselors,pastors,mentors,earth angels,guidance& help for their business to prosper and help with accounting etc! Bring them back to church/ the church you want them in! Help them in their lives and they need sons& daughters but are older; fruit of womb/ or adopt blessed souls to complete their family! Bless my daughter with a godly husband that’s not addicted and financially secure and who will treat her like a princess and never abuse her and who will
    Lead her back to Jesus! Please stop her from going back into the arms of her addicted ex! Bless her with a beautiful home of her own where her heart desires; prefer in her brothers state or close out of cold winter state before 2023 arrives! Same prayer for me/ godly kind loving companion/husband!Help my son with all his career decisions;lack of patience& help him & his dad heal their relationship! Bring him many loyal godly friends,mentors,earth angels, my daughter too! Break the evil off us that we notice is upon us or trying to get on us! Protect us all from all evil& unsafe people,animals(K,A,J&J,R,R,M,M,M)! Hear& answer everyone’s prayers on this novena! I give You all my intentions! Heal my stomach pain! Bless my son& my reunion we are in & all us safe travels! Protect my daughter from predators,protect us all from harm,violence,danger& all evil! JESUS I TRUST IN YOU!

  78. Dear John Paul & Annie, Please pray for my second daughter to get her registration to write her NDEB third exam during this November. Also pray for me and my wife to get our PR before the end of this year.
    Thank you. Thanks to the Lord.

  79. Healing of our son
    healing of all substance abuse
    healing of communication and relationships in my family
    that each of us are being and doing all that God’s needs us and calls us to be and do
    That we are wasting neither time talent nor treasure
    that we have clarity about who we are, what are talents are, how and where to develop them and where to use them
    that we have gratitude
    i pray away the regret resentment anger and jealousy
    i pray away shyness and intimidation
    i pray away bad influences and bad decisions
    that L gets involved somewhere, motivated excited about something

  80. Blessed and beautiful wedding day.
    To find a right and helpful sponsors.
    To find the right and budgetarian vendors.
    Happy, godly, beautiful marriage life.

  81. Please pray for my unborn grandchild ! & PRAY fir his/her Mom & Dad ! Also for my best friend having surgery & her husband having radiation!!

  82. Please pray that my children will be able to get along. My daughter would like to bring her corgi and golden retriever to family get togethers but my son and his wife don’t want the dogs around their young children. Please help each of them consider the others feelings. Please fix this so we can all be together 🙏🏻

  83. Please pray for us to have a healthy baby we are ready and help our families please god and I beg you lord answer our prayers for our intentions for a house and for our family to help them with a house too amen

  84. That my daughter ,Faith, will pass the NCLEX exam this August 2022.
    That my relationship with my manager improves, less stressful, more manageable.