A Novena to St. Therese of Lisieux

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The next novena we’re going to pray as a community is one of our favorites, it’s the St. Therese of Lisieux Novena! You can share your prayer intentions with us all below in the comments.

Pope Pius X called St. Therese “the greatest saint of modern times.” She’s well known for her “little way” spirituality of doing small, ordinary things with extraordinary love. She wrote in her autobiography, “What matters in life is not great deeds, but great love.”

We will start praying this novena on Thursday, September 22nd.

St. Therese suffered a great deal in her life. She lost her mom when she was a young girl. One of her older sisters became like a second mother to her, and St. Therese missed her when her sister entered a convent. St. Therese also suffered from chronic illness and depression. Through it all, she continued to look towards Jesus.

She’s a great example for all of us — a reminder to cling to Jesus through whatever each of us may be going through right now. Let’s look to Jesus!

You can sign up to pray with us here:


We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie – PrayMoreNovenas.com

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  1. I am praying for my son to get finance for his house.
    For my husband’s health and for him to return to Holy Mass. I pray for Pamela undergoing g chemo .

  2. Pray for restoration between the broken relationship of my husband and son.

    Pray for the my son’s conversion that he may know Jesus Christ and desire to follow Him. Pray for his anxiety and shame can be healed.

  3. I am praying that my daughters seek Jesus in their lives, and my daughter get help for her addiction. God bless all of you.

  4. Please pray for my nephew. His mom has had a mental breakdown and he is beside himself in pain and fear she won’t get better

  5. For a married couple losing their living quarters on the Feast of the Archangels, Sept 29th due to financial hardship, to have St Therese’s rapid intercession, so that they may have a home of their own again & live a normal married life.

  6. I pray for my 3 kids. May they always be guided by the Holy Spirit in whatever they do. May they grow up as good people and God fearing. I also pray for the conversion of my husband to Catholic faith as he is an inactive member of Jehova’s witnesses. May he embrace our faith so that we will be together in worshipping God as a family. I also pray for my mom & mother-in-law who are in their old age. May they have good health and longer days to leave. Amen.

  7. Please pray for my grandson Kyle 8 years old that the lord heal his autism and especially his aggressive behaviour when he does not get his way or loses a game. His parents are afraid to send him to school please pray that he gets admission into a good Catholic school where he will be happy and settles down
    Thank you for your prayers

  8. I pray for my husband that through the treatments he is receiving that is cancer is gone. I also pray for our daughter who needs God in her life. I also pray for our country and the world to put God first above everything. Amen

  9. For complete healing for Hannah, a 14 year old in a coma following a car wreck that took life of 2 of her friends. That the family will grow closer to the Lord during this trial and suffering.

  10. My family and I are involved in a legal matter that has brought me great shame and sadness. I am mostly responsible because of past behaviors. I know God will forgive me but I can’t forgive myself. I ask St. Theresa that I find a way to forgive myself and I follow her her example in the future. Thank you.

  11. Please pray for Korey D., that he will get scheduled for the hip replacement he needs so badly, and that he’ll have a quick recovery.
    Pray for Michael H. to find peace so he can finally get some sleep and break his addictions.
    Please pray for Sherry L. that the pain of her knee replacement abates soon so she can fully get on the road to recovery.
    Please pray for Ray K. to feel better now, and to have a successful rotator cuff surgery and a speedy recovery.
    Please pray for all my family members to come back to church and for my grandson Evan to get baptized.

  12. Prayers to bring my husband back to the church. For my whole family to always find strength in our Lord. St. Therese guide them in making good decisions.

  13. Please St. There’s, continued prayers for my family. My son-in-law needs your help. Prayers for God’s help in finding a house, funding to establish a retreat house for veterans. A lofty dream but all things are possible through our God. Last weeks in the north and safe travel to NC. Thanking you for your prayers and my blessings. Amen

  14. Please prayer the Steph and Rob to become pregnant, for my new grandsons birth to be healthy and that I can get there in time, for my daughter to successfully pass her two classes she needs for her degree, and for my son to be successful in his new business endeavor and relationship. Thank you very much.

  15. For Sarah and Max, marriage, family and return to the sacraments.♥️ Sarah to fully recover from Covid.

    For Stephanie and Dave, marriage, family and return to the sacraments ♥️ And to realize that liberal ideas are harmful to family.

    For Dale, allergies to heal.

    In Jesus name we pray♥️
    St Therese pray for us♥️♥️♥️♥️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  16. I am having surgery on the 26. I get very anxious and I would like prayers to be less anxious and trust God completely! Thank you

  17. Please pray for me and my marriage. I am very depressed and lonely. Unfortunately, I am drinking too much. My marriage to my husband is not good. He can be very cruel. Please pray that I will turn to Jesus, as He is the most perfect Way. Amen

  18. For Lisa’s healing, all my friends and families intentions, conversion of my husband, for all those struggling with anxiety, for children to live their vocation.

  19. I’ve been longing for a close friend. Please pray that I will find someone whom I can bond with and trust unconditionally and that they feel the same about me. I just met someone who I think fits that description. Please pray that we grow closer and build a strong bond and deep trust and friendship with each other.

  20. St. Theresa, my name sake, pray and intercede for me ii achieving,
    total healing from Hp b, increase in faith, make my boys prayerful, job opportunity for ernest who has completed studies, Knowledge wisdom and understanding for those still pursing their studies and desist from bad friends and drunkardness

  21. My husband had open heart surgery this week. Please pray for complete healing and recovery, increased appetite and endurance, and a positive outlook. Thank you so very much. May God shower you with many blessings!

  22. St Therese please ask our Fatherin heaven to let my transplant surgery be successful. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  23. Blessed St. Therese, I thank you for all that you’ve done for me in this life and for helping me find my soulmate at last!
    Today I ask that you intercede for my dear children… please bring them good friends and lasting friendships. A wonderful friend who can accompany them in their youth and with whom they can share their lives, dreams, and their hearts.
    Thank you sweet Therese!

  24. Dearest St Therese,
    Thank you for being a powerful Saint in my life. I pray for your intercession for good health for my oldest son and to help him on his chosen path for post graduate studies. Please intercede for my daughter for good health and success in her studies, and guidance in her post graduate choices. For my youngest son, I ask your intercession for good health and success in his academic studies. I pray for protection for good health and ability to provide for all our needs – for me, my husband, my mother and my siblings and for deepening of our faith and trust in God.
    I offer up my research work for successful completion and all assignments and projects for both my husband and I to be completed on time with high quality. Special intention for the payment of fees for my post graduate studies.
    Thank you, St Therese, for interceding to my Lord for these intentions. I pray for the intentions of all who are praying this Novena.

  25. Please pray for my daughter, Kendra who has moved away from Sunday mass. She has chosen a different life style, which is keeping her from coming to church on Sunday with the family. I know she still believes in God but I feel she needs to hear the word of God.

    Thank you.

  26. Please pray for my dad in the hospital that he may have good health.
    Please bless all my undertakings and pray for my daughter.
    Please answer the prayers of all those who prayers this novena.

  27. Prayers for the end of the corona virus. Prayers for the end of world hunger. Prayers for world peace, especially in Ukraine. Prayers for racial equality. Prayers for my children to come back together as a strong family and return to the church. Prayers for my health and weight loss.

  28. Dear Lord help me to bring love to my family, my neighbours and friends wherever they may be. Grant that my ways shall be opened to enable help the needy. May I be the hand through which they obtain their daily bread through the intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever a Virgin I pray. Amen

  29. Pray for Rusty, who is going through chemo and radiation for throat cancer.
    Pray for Jim, who is receiving “at home” dialysis for stage 4 kidney failure. He also has been suffering with COVID for a month, which causes severe coughing spasms.

  30. I pray for healing, financial upliftment/settlement. Marriage and job for my siblings.Long life for my siblings, parents my kids,spouse and. Pray all our good intentions shall materialize in Jesus name amen

  31. I want to pray for my boys, husband and myself. It’s been a difficult year for all of us. But I can see Gods hand in it. All three sons have admitted to praying for Gods help. Now I need my husband to change the path that he has been on. Which has caused the separation of this family and I need prayer for myself to continue praying and not to give up on him. And I ask of God to continue to be in my sons life as they go down the new paths they have chosen.

  32. For safety in our travels blessed with good weather and health. For my children to be blessed with happy holy marriages and holy healthy children and the graces to grow closer to God in His sacraments. For God’s mighty protection on our family, church, country and world. In thanksgiving for all God’s many blessings. For His guidance in where He is calling us and the strength to fulfill His will in all things. For all who have asked for,our prayers, all who pray for us and for those who have no one to pray for them. For peace in the world especially for those suffering the greatest,

  33. Pray for my husband’s eyesight to clear up in both eyes
    Pray for my anxiety so I can remain calm through prayer
    Pray for continued good health for us and for our son

  34. Lord Jesus Christ thru the intercession of St Theresa of Lisieux Grant these petitions according to Your Holy Will:

    1. Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God have Mercy on me the Poor sinner Your beloved daughter Immaculate and make me what you want me to be, l want to be what You want me to be.

    2. Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God have Mercy on me the Poor sinner Your beloved daughter Immaculate and Grant me Great Divine child like Practical Faith, Hope and Trust in You, Great Divine Peace that surpasses all Understanding as You promised it in Phillipians 4:7, Great Divine Joy and Happiness, all these no matter any circumstance in any aspect of my life in Good and bad times, now and for eternity.

    3. Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God have Mercy on me the Poor sinner Your beloved daughter Immaculate and Grant the above petitions also to all my loved ones; parents, siblings, all members of family tree, friends, those who don’t like me and every one l have ever and will ever pray for.

    4. Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God have Mercy on me the Poor sinner Your beloved daughter Immaculate and Grant me 100% completion of my PhD thesis with all the three studies published in A* journals in Australia, Permanent residence in Australia, a Permanent, Peaceful and Good job in Australia, the Grace to Learn how to drive a car and own one a huge one in Australia and the Grace to Serve You Lord Jesus Christ whole heartedly by 100% as You desire me too, all these petitions by the end of this year 2022, Amen

  35. Please pray for an end to abortion

    Pray for all my family members that they find peace
    with their issues

    For Tommy that he be healed of his rare cancer

    That I find strength spiritually, emotionally &

    My husband and I grow closer again

  36. For my patience while nannying my grand daughter, to set a good example of it for her to learn.
    For son in law’s use of pot, cigarettes and alcohol, that he may seek help or come to the realization the harm he is doing to himself and family.
    For both daughter and his anxiety and depression.
    For my 2 daughter’s engagements, to return to the church and be married by a priest.
    For all those mentioned in my book of prayers.

  37. Please pray for Al. He has multiple health challenges and is tired of seeing doctors. His family worries for him and wants the best. Please pray God gives him the strength he needs & comfort to his loving wife & family

  38. Please pray for my nephew who is having a hard time dealing with the passing of my niece, he’s severely depressed and having thoughts of harming himself

  39. I pray with a whole heart to you St.Therese that you bring my family back together in reconciliation with love forgiveness and mercy.
    Please heal my daughter of her mental illness and all physical diseases she has.
    I ask for healing of my own grieving heart and help me to hold on to my faith and hope in the days ahead.
    I ask that you watch over all of those who are suffering, hurting , lonely and sick in this world and bring them joy and heal their suffering.
    Thank you St.Therese

  40. Dearest St.Thersa, continue to bless and intercede for my family and friends. Pleased help my son and daughter, grandkids and myself. Pleased watch over Anna Gordon and her son. Bless all who pray. Mend all be hearts over the list of their children and family members. Heal a Keisha and Yasmeen. Relationship with friends. Heal the world. Amen

  41. Please pray for healing between me and my sisters and family. Please pray for me to have clarity and kindness and to love more..Thank you

  42. For my family. That my son’s find their way with God’s Love and Guidance to a long and happy life filled with faith and family.

  43. Praying for my son who is bi polar bi sexual please help him turn to the light of the Lord and come away from the darkness that is blinding him .
    Praying that he s converted before he loses his soul

  44. Glory to The Lord Jesus Almighty 🙏 I ask for financial abundance; the healing of my husband for diabete, kidneys, high blood pressure and also heals my grandson Apollo from peanut allergy, egg allergy and from head to toe. Heal the feet of my friend, Paul and provide him with everything he needs. Heal my brother Serge and bring the communication with his 3 daughters and grandchildren. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen Amen the Lord Jesus

  45. Please pray that I get the job in the library and I can bring smiles to all as they enter. Please give me peace in my current job.

  46. I pray this novena asking for my patron said to help me surrender my troubles, my uncertainties, the unknown, up to God. To let go of holding on to the things I have no control over and let God’s love in to take over. Thank you for praying for me.

  47. Hello,

    Would you please pray that I can find a small group of women to connect with on a spiritual level – women who love Jesus, pray to Jesus and serve Him. I need a group to share His word and also for me to be held accountable.

    Thank you and God bless !


  48. i greet you in the name of jesus at this hour of the divine mercy.

    i pray for my financial breakthrough. may i be able to pay all my debts in Jesus. i need light and guidance.
    i pray for my faith, i wanna know Mother Mary and make her know and respected by the whole world.
    i pray for my daughter to get the job so that she can be able to take care of her family.

  49. St. Therese please intercede for my intentions:
    1. Return of my family to the faith
    2. Strengthening of marriages in the family
    3. Conversion of family members
    4. For continued healing of Jess from prostate cancer

    Thank you for your intercession St Therese!

  50. Please pray with me for a special family member that she may receive a transplant soon and return home to love and guide her youngsters to adulthood. Also I request prayers for our son that he can remain strong and believing as he continues to support his family under very difficult circumstances.
    Thank you God, Our Savior!

  51. I pray to God to guide and protect Ignatia, also that she admitted to school of her choice and God give wisdom and money to pay for the fees

  52. Please pray for my sister-in-law Savina who is expecting her third baby and is having a difficult time. That God will give her strength; protect and keep her in good health. We pray that she will have a safe pregnancy and for baby to be healthy.
    I also want to pray for my sister-in-law Maria and brother Sheldon, for the gift of child. Lord, we believe in your promises, goodness and faithfulness.

  53. I need prayer help. My daughter died in July. I have one son now and my husband is mad at him and doesn’t want to speak to him. My husband is also mad at me and ignoring me and said some very hurtful things about both of us. It all is overwhelming. I am surrendering to God. I know I am helpless to fixing this. Please pray for my family situation.

  54. Fighting weight problems my whole life which leads to other health problems, as well as anxiety and depression.
    Pray for me as I will pray for you all

  55. For sexual purity in our marriage as we practice NFP
    For freedom from pornography & masturbation for A.
    For my relationship with my niece.
    For Dave & Hannah

  56. My prayer today are for those who struggle with their health. Give them the discipline, strength, courage, and perseverance to care for the beautiful temple God created. Amen

  57. Please pray that our pastor (Fr. Ken) remains in his current position in our church and is not transferred to another parish.

    Pray also for Dave L.’s full recovery from pneumonia. Restore him to full health.

    And an outpouring of the holy spirit across our country. Forgive our transgressions and heal our people and land. Fundamentally transform us back to the God-fearing nation we once were.

  58. St. Therese help me to trust our loving God with my fears of upcoming reverse shoulder replacement surgery next Friday. Guide me safely upstairs in my house afterwards with use of one arm I’m so fearful. Please bless my family First Responders. Prayers for poor souls in purgatory who have no one to pray for them. Bless Annie & John Paul for this glorious ministry. Finally, World Peace

  59. Please intercede and ask God to grant me favor in getting my car repaired! Ask Him to rebuke the devour for my sake! Grant TL traveling grace and protection as he travel to DT. Grant KL protection and financial favor and favor in selling his house! Ask God to save BL and guide him to be a productive man for Christ! Cover my granddaughter in His precious blood! Bless and save my family! Bring those that are missing home! Heal the sick! Bless everyone praying this Novena! World peace! In the mighty name of Jesus!!!