Lumen Fidei – Pope Francis’ Encyclical

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Pope Francis Encyclical There has been some big news for Catholics worldwide.

Last Friday marked the first time Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI attended their first Vatican ceremony together. The day continued with Pope Francis’ decision to canonize John Paul II and Pope John XXIII.

And all of this was then followed with the publication of Francis’ first encyclical, Lumen Fidei — Light of Faith, which has been one of the most anticipated events in the Year of Faith — and which also coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council.

The 82-page encyclical is basically an open letter to the entire Church. It was actually originally intended to be the third part of a trilogy by Benedict on the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity — but he didn’t complete it by the time he resigned earlier this year. So Pope Francis inherited the draft written by Benedict, and “added a few contributions of my own.” (LF7)

Many people say Benedict’s style and characteristics are evident, especially in the introduction and first few chapters. But Francis’ personal style is also strong and clear — especially as he concludes with a prayer to the Virgin Mary.

The Lumen Fidei is not as much as an agenda for Francis’ pontificate as his second encyclical may be — mostly because he had a first draft written by Benedict. But it does outline a few of his priorities, emphasizing the role of faith in our society — serving the common good, the role of hope for those who suffer, and a statement on marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

To read the full encyclical, click here.

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  1. May God continue to guide his church,,,I want you all to help me and thank God,on the 8th day of our Ladyks novena,I got a job that I ve been praying for,,I pray my other intentions will be granted.amen.

  2. I am blessed to be # 8 of 17 children and when my mother died and left all her religious articles and books, one such special medal was not a medal but a relic of Pope John XXII and I have it on my rosary but will now put it in a relicquarey and placed it with my other statues of Sacred Heart and Mary.
    We love both Popes and so blessed to be raised as a Catholic.

  3. praise god for pope jp II, pope benedict and pope francis…i’m sure the holy see will do many great things to continue god’s great legacy…mostly thank good for the h.v.mary and h.jesus…..god bless…praying for you always…:)

  4. We pray that God may The Holy Fr, Francis and Pope Emeritus a long life, splendid health and wisdom to shepherd His flock in the best pastures.
    God increase our faith.


  6. I am so inspired by this news. I pray that we will all receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. Pope John (11) and Pope John (XX111) we follow your example.

  7. We are so blessed to have another two saints. I am proud to be a catholic.

    Pope John Paul 11 is a model to follow. He is in my heart and will always be.

    God bless the Catholic Church.

  8. Our Parish is Blessed John XIII so how awesome for our parish to soon become St. John XIII. My understanding is the actual canonization will take place in November so hopefully we will have a great celebration at that time. Pope John Paul II has been a personal favorite of mine. This is truly a great day to be Catholic! I feel so blessed!

  9. That’s great! Let us pray the Pope Francis and all the Catholic bishops consecrate Russia to the Immaculate heart of Mary! In fact, can we make that a Novena intention?



      THANK YOU FOR EXPRESSING THE TRUE NEED OF OUR CHURCH — That being to Consecrate Russia (not the world) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Several times Popes have consecrated the world, and I’m sure graces are received, however, in reading what Our Lady told Sister Lucy – She asked the Pope, in a message from God, at Fatima, to consecrate Russia only. In order to save Russia (formerly a catholic country) and through Her intersession bring peace to the world and save souls,

      If you would like please join me in offering a 9 day novena for that purpose beginning October 4th and that Pope Francis will change His mind and consecrate Russia also instead of the World on October 13th in Rome.
      God bless your efforts,
      Dan Grady

  10. May many blessings of faith, hope, charity and unity, among all people throughout the world, flow from this holy and united effort of these two wonderful popes, guided by the inspiration of The Holy Spirit in the writing of this encyclical!!!

  11. On July 5, 2013 Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI have attended their first Vatican ceremony their capacities and demonstrated their brotherhood and harmony in the process to canonize John Paul II and Pope John XXIII.
    Their brotherhood of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in the Year of Faith has resulted in publication of Pope Francis’ first encyclical, Lumen Fidei — Light of Faith, which has been one of the most anticipated events in the Year of Faith
    With Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI the Roman Catholic Church is stronger.
    May God bless Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and the whole Roman Catholic Church..