Day 5 – Divine Mercy Novena 2020

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Believe in yourself and all that you are. (3)Here’s Day 5 of the Divine Mercy Novena!

We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world!

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  1. For all the health care workers putting their lives at risk. I’m praying that they find a vaccine ASAP so peoples lives can get back to normal.

    Also, For both of my sisters to find their way back to the church & my 3 year old niece to get baptized.

  2. Dear St. Faustina,..
    America please, pray this POWERFUL PRAYER!
    You’ll be hooked ,..
    Lord Jesus son of God , have Mercy on me a sinner

  3. St Faustina thank you for bringing us the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I pray for an end to the COVID 19 virus & for all those who are suffering and all those who have left us as result of the virus.
    I also make this Novena for my children to one day return to church and for all of my grandchildren be baptized. Please keep my husband & I safe & healthy as we near retirement. Let peace return to all my family and that they forgive one another for things that have happened in the past. Let go of the anger & find love.
    Help to make right decision to continue working in medical care if the Lord wishes me to do so.
    Thank you. God bless & prayers to all making this novena.

  4. Lord Jesus, please heal James Sirica from this horrible COVID-19 virus. Fill his lungs with clean cells full of rich oxygen and may he be soon able to breathe on his own off the ventilator. Clear all the virus from him.
    Please protect Chris Sirica, Rachel Sirica, Kelsey Sirica, Bruce Middleton, and Theresa and Frank Sirica.

    Please protect my precious children, Mary Treuer del Ojo, Juan del Ojo, Andrew Treuer, Stephanie Reda, and my beloved husband Lawrence Treuer. Protect me too Lord from this horrible COVID-19. I love you Lord and I trust in You. Amen

  5. Please sweet Lord, I beg you for the sanctification of all my family members, especially my children who no longer practice their faith. I ask you Heavenly Father for the return to our Faith my siblings and their families who have left the One Holy Apostolic Church. Bring them back soon. I pray in thanksgiving for all your merciful blessings that have been given to me. Jesus I trust in Thee!

  6. Please pray that God will convert Matt’s heart and that he will improve my heart. That he will bring us together as I feel that this could be gods will for us both and that Matt and I will realise the manifestations of just how deeply we are falling in love with each other and falling in love with our Heavenly Father. Amen.

    Please pray also for my mum Margaret who has dementia.

  7. My Lord Jesus, please bring my daughter JKH and son CK back to your church they have fallen away. Please touch them both that they will hear your voice and they may hear and see your loving Holy Face. Sister Faustina please convert my daughter in law and son in law to catholic faith. Amen.

    Jesus I Trust in You 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

  8. St. Faustina pray we will be healed and be safe from this virus, help find a vaccine, pray for our leaders and governors to be strong and do what is right during this pandemic.
    Pray my nephew and his wife will return to the Catholic Church with a vengence that will never deplete. Pray they wi baptize their son and raise him in the faith.

  9. Dear Jesus and Mary, please heal and protect my family and I. Please Bless us 🙏 Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Please heal us of fibromyalgia, TMJ, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, anxiety, allergies, asthma, neuropathy, arthritis and colon problems.

    Please help our son as he seeks to find employment, post college graduation, with God loving people.

    Thank you Jesus and Mary.

  10. Please intercede for me St. Faustina, heal our world from the coronavirus. Please keep my family safe from this pandemic. My daughter, Amy, is a front line nurse and is currently awaiting results for Covid testing. Prayers that Amy’s test result is negative and that she is in good health; my nephew James and niece Natalie who are also front line nurses so courageously working to save lives. Bless those who have died from this pandemic and those family members who are grieving the loss of their loved ones. In Jesus name, thank you God. Blessings,

  11. Please Saint Faustina intercede for me, please pray that the Lord Jesus will bless this world from this evil pandemic. Please heal the lives that are in distress. Please Lord Jesus help the women and children in the tunnels bring those come up to you to heaven and maybe finally they can feel love. Please bless our great President and please help those governors who are signing into law abortion and the late term abortion save our children and save our babies. I ask you to help my son J that he may get increase in pay so he can Find a beautiful Christian woman and begin a family he fears he won’t be able to support his future family on his pay now . Please don’t let my family fall into a financial despair please Lord Jesus Christ let us all return to church and work, please Jesus stop those governors that are prohibiting us from going to church, we are keeping safe but we just need our spiritual freedom to go praise our God. I ask in your holy name Jesus amen.

  12. Dear St. Faustina,

    Intercede for MJr and his plans…Help him make the right choices at all times…Bless him with self confidence, faith, maturity and happiness and joy!

    Thank you for the beautiful Divine Mercy from our dear most beloved Jesus…

    Pray for our special intentions, our health and for all in my state, country and the whole world…

    Aman Amen

  13. st Faustina – thank you for the chaplet – prayers to re-unite with fathers family – in my anger I made a quick decision and said NO – prayers for restitution – to be a part of the next family reunion – special intentions – lord have mercy – your child

  14. Please pray for my don KAJ whose faith is weakened. I want him to repent and return to church .He is slipping away down the wrong path as a son and father slways blaming others for his failures.

  15. Blessed Faustina , Jesus, Mother Mary and St. Joseph please intercede for me and for my family and the whole world in these trying times. May the Holy Spirit enlightened those who seek guidance for a deeper faith. I pray for family members to return to the Holy Catholic Church, go to confession. Praying for the healing of families will broken relationships.
    Forgive me Lord for all of my wrongs in thought or deed and may I grow stronger in my faith. I pray especially for my husband to seek guidance in our relationship and be more understanding. I’m ask this in Jesus Holy Name.
    Jesus I Trust in You. ❤️🙏❤️

    Praying for the lonely people who have died during this Pandemic and don’t have anyone to pray for them! I’m asking this in Jesus Holy Name.
    Please hear the cries of your children Lord and hear our prayers of forgiveness.
    Jesus I Trust in You. ❤️🙏❤️

    I thank you Lord for my family and my friends. I appreciate what I have today and consider myself blessed.
    Jesus I Trust in You. ❤️🙏❤️

    Praying for the Holy Catholic Church and its members! Heavenly Father I pray for the Pope, watch over him and all our religious leaders, Bishops, Priest, Deacons and the Laity. I’m asking this in Jesus Holy Name.
    Jesus I Trust in You. ❤️🙏❤️

    Lord you know everything, the situation all over the world! Praying for every Single person suffering from this virus! Praying for the workers, the medical staff. May God’s grace and mercy be upon everyone. May the numbers become lower daily. May in Name of God a cure will come about soon! I’m asking this in Jesus Holy Name.
    Jesus I Trust in You. ❤️🙏❤️