Day 4 – The Novena for Marriage & Family

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Believe in yourself and all that you are. (3)Here’s Day 4 of The Novena for Marriage & Family!

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  1. I pray for my son Terrence to find wisdom in his decisions making for his future. Guide him on the right path and help him to get rid of all negativity and bad influences around him. Lead him forward to find a good and healthy wife . Make his star shine brightly for him and bless him with a child of his own.

  2. Mama Mary thru the help of your son Lord Jesus Christ I intentionally ask you to pray for me for my coming Nursing Board Exam and I ask your guidance and holy that I may answer it correctly and I will be pass the exam and be a Registered Nurse for the good of my family. And may i find the right job for me as well. I ask this to your holy name.. Thank you for always guiding me and my 3 kids.. AMEN

  3. -Lord, work in my husband’s heart so that he will think less about the pleasure he is experiencing and more about the pain he is causing.
    -I commit my broken marriage and family to you, renovate, restore, re-arrange, re-model, re-furnish, re-design, re-new, re-build my family and marriage.
    -Thank you in advance for my marriage restoration.
    -Restore BKs marriage. Put in her heart the desire to work on her marriage and let her leave my husband alone.
    -New beginnings in my marriage, family, us and life.
    -Bring out repentance, deep heart change and healing in both my husband and I
    -Continue to change me and bring the best out of me and also my husband.
    -Heal every place that both my husband and I are hurting
    -Help us to pay attention to each other’s needs and desires and fulfill each other in every way. I pray that we always be attracted to one another and faithful in both thought and deed.
    -My husband attitude to change towards me and how he speaks/talks and communicates with me.
    – I pray with all my heart to become the person God wants me to be.
    -O Holy Spirit. Replace the tension within me with a holy relaxation. Replace the turbulence within me with a sacred calm. Replace the anxiety within me with a quiet confidence. Replace the fear within me with a strong faith. Replace the bitterness within me with the sweetness of thy grace. Replace the darkness within me with a glowing light. Replace the coldness within me with gentle warmth.


  4. -Lord, work in my husband’s heart so that he will think less about the pleasure he is experiencing and more about the pain he is causing.
    -I commit my broken marriage and family to you, renovate, restore, re-arrange, re-model, re-furnish, re-design, re-new, re-build my family and marriage.
    -Thank you in advance for my marriage restoration.
    -Restore BKs marriage. Put in her heart the desire to work on her marriage and let her leave my husband alone.
    -New beginnings in my marriage, family, us and life.
    -Bring out repentance, deep heart change and healing in both my husband and I
    -Continue to change me and bring the best out of me and also my husband.
    -Heal every place that both my husband and I are hurting
    -Help us to pay attention to each other’s needs and desires and fulfill each other in every way. I pray that we always be attracted to one another and faithful in both thought and deed.
    -My husband attitude to change towards me and how he speaks/talks and communicates with me.
    – I pray with all my heart to become the person God wants me to be.
    -O Holy Spirit. Replace the tension within me with a holy relaxation. Replace the turbulence within me with a sacred calm. Replace the anxiety within me with a quiet confidence. Replace the fear within me with a strong faith. Replace the bitterness within me with the sweetness of thy grace. Replace the darkness within me with a glowing light. Replace the coldness within me with gentle warmth.