Day 3 – St. Jude Novena 2022

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Here’s Day 3 of the St. Jude Novena!

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  1. Dear St. Jude,
    Please intercede for my family that they be healed. There are so many wounds and so many are hurting from the effects of adultery, mental abuse & divorce. Our children are now grown and have the effects of our wounds in their lives. May your prayers for us be heard at God’s Throne. May all who call on you as their benefactor be drawn ever closer to God and His most perfect will for our lives. Amen

  2. Mom says, 10-21-22 1pm

    Dear St Jude,
    I am praying for my son Anthony Peter. He is a strong person, but there are times when I see him sad & troubled. In 2018 he was told he had Cancer in his rectum. He had surgery. The Cancer went to his liver. Now the PET Scan he had shows He has a tinny spot on his Lung. He needs to have Chemo therapy every two weeks. He sees his medical team at NYU in NY City. Before he can receive Chemo he needs blood work to see how his numbers are.

    There are times that if numbers are not good he can not receive treatment. Some times the #’s are ok, but after treatment he has nose or mouth bleeds, this is not good and the treatment has to be stopped.

    I pray & hope there will be a change for the better
    soon. Anthony Peter will have an appointment on this coming Monday. I pray that his blood test will be good so he may receive the treatment he so badly. AMEN!
    Thank you Jesus! Thank you St. Jude!

  3. Dear Saint Jude,
    Please intercede for my brother Joe who has liver cancer. Please go to God to heal him so that he can do Gods work. Pray for Anns surgery to go well today.
    In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  4. St Jude I prayed to at 18 in need of healing knowing that watching my father drop dead at the kitchen table at 9 left me without his memory * Lord Jesus & Mary you knew then what was before me – a lifetime of being a caretaker * VERITAS * Mary you said “do whatever he tells you” but LORD your LOVE left me- cheated – used – abused – forsaken – alone – barren – with the little time I have left * VERITAS * what Lord do you want me to say? VERITAS * Lord Jesus & Mary you have not filled the shoes of my earthly father – my mother ANN should never have passed without holding a child of her daughters * VERITAS * Lord Jesus & Mary I was vulnerable & you took advantage of a fatherless child & a widow who asked for healing * VERITAS *

  5. Dear St. Jude pray my nephew and his family return to the Catholic Church/Faith with full participation of the love, peace, joy and forgiveness of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray my nephew and his wife will baptize their children and raise them in the faith.
    Pray my great-nephews will grow up to be confident, healthy, strong, caring, and to to know God, love God and Serve God.
    Pray our visit in December will be good.
    Pray for all the faithful who are praying this novena.

  6. Dear Lord – I pray my daughter and her family come back to church, I pray my son finds a job that works for him and his family, I pray for my sister in law who is battling stage 4 lung cancer that she and my brother continue to fight courageously, and I pray for the souls of my departed family members but most especially for my dear husband who was my all, May he look down from above and be with all of us on this journey of life.

  7. St. Jude, I pray for the cure for my nephew’s sight and the continued health and happiness of my family. I pray for the souls of my father and uncle. Finally, I humbly ask if it is God’s will, for the release from all the pain and sufferings that I endure due to my disabilities and that I may find a better job as well as my future wife and soulmate. I pray for Peace in the Ukraine, the end to gun violence and abortion. I ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏 ✝️

  8. I pray for patience each day no matter how difficult it may be. I know God has a plan and I pray that I can accept whatever his will is. Amen

  9. Please, Almighty Father, through the intercessions of St. Jude & Mother Mary, forgive me and grant me the restoration of divine health and peace of mind and body. Help me locate my life-partner, in Jesus name I pray.🙏