Day 1 – St. Peregrine Novena 2024

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Here’s Day 1 of the St. Peregrine Novena!

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  1. I pray for my mother-in-law, Pam that her cancer will be completely gone, and her pain will completely leave her body.
    I also pray for my husband, Eric that he will heal of all of his addictions, and if mind, body and spirit.
    That he will come back from Rehab a very changed man, and live a very good and holy life.

  2. My daughter Vanessa struggling with depression, Snyder family to find peace after their loved one passed, a dear friend struggling with cancer & a friends niece struggles from health issues. Lord hear our prayers. Amen

  3. Praying for my health that soon I do not need to take any pills or treatments for cancer or any other. That Jesus touches me and heals me totally. Amen

  4. Praying for my sister Sandi to be healed of breast cancer and any other foreign diseases in her body. 4th biopsy and a lumpectomy today. I pray that the Holy Spirit guide and reveal to them what needs to be done. Praying for Our Lady’s mantle to be wrapped around her to bring her and her family peace. And for all battling cancer and other diseases. I pray that all may come to know God’s love, forgiveness, healing, mercy and peace. Mother Mary, pray for us! St Peregrine, pray for us! Padre Pio, pray for us! Blessed Seelos, pray for us!

  5. I’m saying this Novena for my wife Bern & my friend Juan, also all others people that are battling cancers of all types.
    God Bless everyone.

  6. St. Peregrine keep my Husband Tom in your prayers. He is having surgery today in his kidney and hopefully that the only kidney he has left has no cancer. Please be with him through this difficult time. I leave it in Gods hand that it will be done In Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  7. St. Peregrine hear our prayers for my knee, diabetes and my procrastination. Lord hear our prayers Amen 🙏🏾

  8. I pray for the cure for my nephew’s sight and the continued health and happiness of my family. I pray for the souls of my father and uncle. Finally, I humbly ask if it is God’s will, for the release from all the pain and sufferings that I endure due to my disabilities and that I may find a better job as well as my future wife and soulmate. I pray for Peace in the Ukraine and the Holy Land, the end to gun violence and abortion. I ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏 ✝️

  9. Please pray for Sharon Van D who has been fighting brain cancer.
    Please pray for my twin brother Phil J., who is fighting prostate cancer.