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Here’s Day 1 of the Pentecost Novena!
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God knows — please do pray!
Thank you Jesus and Mary and Joseph and Holy Spirit and God
the Father. Amen. Sacred Heart of Jesus I trust in thee!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant:
1. That my family will spend Christmas 2024 with me here in the UK/Canada.
2. That I will complete my Systematic Literature Review by the end of July 2024.
3. That I will clear all my current debts – research fees and all by the end of Oct 2024.
4. That I will find a consolidated job role that will align with my ongoing research studies.
Please pray for my daughter’s health and conversion of faith, and for my son’s safety and well being in the Army.
Healing on my eyes, Lucia’s legs, on Pauline, Rose, Monica and Josephine
Sacred Heart of Jesus. I need a miracle for my son Austin 23 y/o needs a miracle cure of his brain cancer , Lord I beg you to free him from. All cancer Cells and tumors in his brain
Sacred Heart of Jesus,Help our children whom have fallen away….
For my sister’s new job opportunity to go through without delay. For my son’s college to work out financially.
Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Offering up for the intentions of my daughters Rachel and Michelle as they search better employment and that doors of opportunity will open for them and for all unemployed. For financial blessing and freedom from all debts. For my daughters to find God fearing life partners who love you first before anything else. We beg mercy upon our souls. All praise and glory to your most Sacred ❤️ Heart.
Sacrer Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust and hope in You. And I surrender Myself and Marie-Christine to You. Take care of everything. Release Us from all blockages and give us peace. I adore You.❤️🙏🕯️
Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I pray for the following petitions:
My son *Special intentions*
My daughter *Special intentions*
My mother, two brothers and sister.
*Special intentions, Sacred Heart, You know them best and their struggles*
My own healing and conversion for the grace of forgiveness and love for all, especially for the ones who have hurt me.
For all non-believers and their conversion to believers in God.
The end of addictions and all forms of mental illness.
For everyone praying this novena and their intentions.
I humbly pray 🙏🏼 AMEN 💕
Sacred Heart of Jesus, come into our hearts and take charge of our lives! Especially my son’s! Direct him in all that he does. Eating, sleeping, walking, driving, working, performing surgeries and treatments, thinking, making decisions small or big, while exercising, direct him in all that he does Jesus. Bless him with your Holy spirit to guide him in his thoughts and making decisions with deciding on having a spouse. Let this girl be a Christian praying girl from a Christian family and background so that they will have wedding in a church and together raise their children to be Christians, Baptise, confirm, do first communions and guide them in your path. Let this favor be upon my son Jesus, bless with this grace for him now! Amen
Sacred Heart of Jesus I offer You the following intentions:
Conversion of family members (children, grandchildren…) and their return to Mass and the Sacraments
For a grandson who is rebellious, angry, unforgiving, following the wrong crowd and losing interest in learning and school
For the conversion of his friends
For financial help and stability for my nephew caring for his elderly parents and to continue and complete his studies
For deliverance for young people from addictions to the internet, social media, drugs and gambling.
For holy priests and religious
For people in agony and the dying
For peace in our families and the world
I pray in the name of Jesus that my son find work soon. I can see he is getting so discouraged and it is affecting his mental health. Pray for all those suffering with mental health and struggling to find meaningful employment. I ask this in the name of the Lord.
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I beg of you to heal my three year old grandson Tyler’s body of type 1 diabetes and my neice Rebecca infection from her body from the cutting of her colon by a surgeon during the removal of six cysts from her ovaries during surgery. Please Lord heal their body’s so that each may serve you. I ask this in Jesus name I pray. Amen
Lord let my several family members that are with you know that they are loved and missed.
1. Spiritual restoration/ business/job opportunity in the family.
2. place of IT for Mary/Chioma/Precious.
3. Total God’s intervention in Nigeria present situations.
Thank you Jesus.
I pray for the cure for my nephew’s sight and the continued health and happiness of my family. I pray for the souls of my father and uncle. Finally, I humbly ask if it is God’s will, for the release from all the pain and sufferings that I endure due to my disabilities and that I may find a better job as well as my future wife and soulmate. I pray for Peace in the Ukraine and the Holy Land, the end to gun violence and abortion. I ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏 ✝️