Day 1 – Novena to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots 2016

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Believe in yourself and all that you are. (3)Here’s Day 1 of the Novena to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots!

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  1. Mary, Undoer of Knots

    I pray for the ability to fully forgive someone who has deeply hurt me. And also for peace of mind and courage in discerning the vocation God has intended for me. Please help clear the confusion and doubt that plagues my mind and keeps me at a standstill and utterly restless, unable to make up my mind. I feel so lost, but I know I want to love and help others, and glorify God through my work. If it His Will, grant me clarity and lead me in the right direction.

    I trust in you.


  2. For my husband’s heart health. For healing for his heart.
    For my sister to obtain all of the money she needs for a more suitable home.

  3. Mary Undoer of Knots

    I pray that D will be successful in his job.

    I pray that Joseph will get hos internship and be successful in his career.

    I pray that max**e will feel loved and will be loved by her chosen one., as much as Bob loves Liza or Tim loved Meret.
    I pray that she will be loved and be happy and do well in school.

    I pray for my health.
    And I pray for peace.


    Thank you, mama mary.

  4. my prayer request is that my husband and I are blessed with a long life together to enjoy our retirement years, our children and grandchildren.

  5. We pray for the troubled marriage of our son and his wife. Mary undoer of knots move their hearts,mind and soul to your Son Jesus so they can amend their marriage.
    Thank you Mother Mary

  6. I pray, by the intercession of the Virgin Mary, to untie the knot of marriage and Childbearing in my life. May she untie this knot by prayer. May God’s will be done in my life and the lives of my family members. Amen.

  7. Please pray for all of us who are on the verge of losing job due to the crisis.. For the continuity of our children’s education and support for family.

    We lay all of our petitions and prayers to our Lady of the Knot. We trust in you.

  8. Dear Mary Undoer of Knots, hear my prayers and grant them, and lay them before the Infant of Praugue and Sacred Heart of Jesus. I thank You in advance for the blessing of your favor to grant my prayers right away to reunite my son and I back together, including him moving back home to metro Atlanta and back to the Catholic Church, softening his heart to realize his mistakes and how much I love him and we need to be a family again; for saving my house with me remaining the home owner of my home I’m living in all these years now and getting my mortgage modified to where I can afford it; helping me to continue to make my business a growing, financially stable, profitable positively viewed business that will allow me to completely take care of myself and those I have employed filling up my summer programs to maximum, and having staffing secure, while hand I secure a fulfilling full time career at the local college down the street that I am applying for and other offers will also come my way that I can accept from other schools I pray to receive job offers from all with the salary I pray for and benefits and retirement; help me to lose this weight getting past my slow metabolism and reaching my goal weight; meeting a good Catholic man who is stable and secure and we will be attracted and fall in love with each other, I get my annulment and we are able to marry in the Catholic Church; allow me the blessing of winning the multi million dollar or multi thousand dollar lottery to pay off my debt and be safe and secure for my retirement, In Jesus Christ’s name I claim these prayers and thank You, Our Lady Undoer of Knots, Jesus, and my Heavenly Father. Amen.

  9. Release knots of worrying for financial and safety in getting new home for my daughter. Her knots and mine please and thank you

  10. Mary,
    I pray for the knot of conflict with my son to be undone. I pray that we may be able to regain connection with him and that he is drawn closer to your Son. I pray for better connection and relationship and an avoidance of this kind of conflict with our our other children as well. Bring us all to you.

  11. My Our Lady help me pray I ask you to make my friend call me & come back to me again. Please help me open the door Lord be with US.

  12. Dear Mary, Undoer of knots, please undo the knot that has prevented me from getting into a medical residency program. I have been trying year after year to no avail. I am almost in despair to the point of questioning the existence of your son. Please help me not to blaspheme but to persevere . My children’s future depends on my being able to provide for them. Help me to be trained in other to help humanity and others who are less privileged. All to the greater glory of God. Amen.

  13. Our Lady undoes of knots, I have so many knots at the moment.

    Please remove the knot of separation from my spouse and I and please ask your Son to vindicate me. So many lies have been said about me.

    Please remove the knot of lies from one a child of mine and the stigma from them and I being part of the statistics of broken homes.

    Please remove the knot of not taking your son seriously from my spouse, let my spouse get so close to your son and change completely being an ambassador form your son our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Please our lady remove the knot in each of my family members .

    Our lady please ask your son to have mercy and remove our knots.


  14. I pray for the restoration of my marriage, and for the healing of my so. I pray for the salvation of my husband and family.

  15. Dear Our Lady Undoer of Knots,

    Please undo all the knots in my life and I ask you to please hear my prayers: for my father who is sick, give him comfort and acceptance even in his sickness. For my family, for my insecurities, anxieties, for real friendships, for marriages, for my nieces/goddaughter, for a good job and health for my loved ones. Please keep me away from temptation and from people who are negative and bad influence in my life. I ask you to please pray for the husband you are saving for me and to have the wisdom to see him. I pray for all the poor in the world, for the persecuted Church and all of those who are being martyred for their faith. Amen.

    God Bless everyone.

  16. Mary undoer of knots please take my petitions to your son Jesus. I ask that you undo the many knots in my life that keep me away from loving your son as I desire. I especially ask for the knots of impatience, control, anger and lack of love to be undone. I also ask for healing for L M, P H,
    C A, MA and C H. I ask you to undo the many knots that keep siblings and marriage partners at a distance from each other and from experiencing God’s love. Please undo the knots that keeps A from baptism.
    I pray with the many others who are also praying this novena and ask
    that their requests will be brought along with mine to the throne of God.
    Deepest thanks for your loving care.

  17. Our Dear Mother Mary and our Lady of Perpetual Help.

    Please pray for my husband’s anger, stubbornness and lying. Please make him take a anger management class if it is God’s will.
    For For the anxiety and post traumatic stress to leave me and protect my dog Shadow and my daughter from the harmful effects of his anger.
    Please undo this knot for me so his anger no longer affects me. Amen

  18. Our Dear Mother Mary and our Lady of Perpetual Help. Please answer all my prayers and our families and take away all our fears, worries, anxieties today and everyday. Keep us safe from evil, harm, danger and bring us peace of mind, soul and body.
    Please undo all our knots and let us have lots of joy, happiness, success in our lives.
    Many thanks .

  19. Please pray for my faith.
    I am suffering from depression and my faith is slowly slipping away. I also am struggling with purity and slothfulness.

  20. Dear our Lady under of knots please undo all the knots in my family life and help me fine happiness love and peace Amen????????

  21. I pray Our Lady Undoer of Knots to get out of the funk and depression that claims me – to use my time and resources wisely and to the very best of my ability – to let go of laziness, sloth and gluttony and replace with fortitude and perseverance, and in taking care of my body so it can be a loving tabernacle of the Lord. I pray for forgiveness. I pray for the healing of the hearts of my children for all those who have hurt and disappointed them. I pray for their reconciliation with their father. Amen.

  22. Blessed Mother, please give my family peace as we mourn the loss one year ago of our precious 5 year old, Fiona Grace, help us be able to place my eldest son in the church school he wishes to go to, enable my husband and I to be employed where we can provide for our family and fulfill God’s will, and put our lives back on track after the flooding of the past week.

  23. Dear Blessed Mother, I pray for my son who is having surgery today. Please give the surgeon skilled hands and a sharp mind. Wrap your love and prayers around my son like a blanket and protect him. I pray for a very successful procedure and a quick recovery. God bless each every intention shared during this novena. Amen.

  24. Pray for me Amanda I have a Zaidi and I’m planning a trip to ride in the plane to go to Disney World with my grandchildren please pray for me heal me with these anxieties and take this back pain away from me .
    Please marry undo this not for me amen thank you

  25. Please pray for the daughter of a friend who is separated from her husband. They have a small son who could be impacted severely from this break. It involves transgender issues on the part of the husband. Only Mother Mary can undo these knots in their young lives. Thank you.

  26. Dear Blessed Mother, Queen of Heaven,

    Please untie the knots that keep me from remembering to rely and trust more on You and Your Son Jesus. You know how hard I have to work every day on making that happen in my life. I am sorry for when I forget.

    I pray that my husband and son will open their hearts and may know the grace of God and so too the grace You give us so they will feel the hope, love and comfort you give to us.

    I pray that my my husband’s doctor visit goes better than we think it will and that he will be healed. I also pray for comfort, love and mercy to guide me through this fear. Shine Your light on our path and walk with us so that we will become stronger by relying on You.

    I pray for my friend’s dear mother who has suffered so much physically the past 2 years and is going through more tests again. Please heal her and bring peace and comfort to their family.

    I also pray for all of those praying Your novena my Queen of Heaven. Please help and give them your Holy comfort, I love you My Mother.

  27. Praying that my finances can be controlled so there is peace in my life once again. For an ailment on my left foot that does not want to heal and may never My dear Blessed Mother keep me in your care and under your protection.

  28. Dear Blessed Mother, please hear my prayers as I pray for everyone praying this Novena. I pray for G. N. who is having back pain, I pray for the sick & I pray for my family. In Jesus’ name here all our prayers. Amen

  29. Praying that my selfishness and timidity be eradicated and that I won’t be afraid to bless others. That I be more aware of others’ needs.