We hope you’ll join us in praying: “Jesus, I trust in You”

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The next novena we will pray is the Divine Mercy Novena!

God’s Mercy is central to our lives and we must continually depend on it and ask for it daily.

The Divine Mercy Novena prayers were given to St. Faustina through an apparition of our Lord Jesus. Each day has a new petition that seeks God’s mercy for different purposes.

The message of Divine Mercy is a powerful and moving way to come closer to Christ.

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You are continuously in our prayers. You can share your prayer intentions below.

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie – PrayMoreNovenas.com

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  1. I have 3 grandchildren who do not know Jesus. Their father is my son who was Catholic all his life. They told me when the children were young that when they reached adulthood they would be told about God and allowed to choose a church. The oldest is 19, a college student, but I don’s see any sign of religion. Their parents are very good people, principled so in that sense they are being brought up correctly. I pray every day that the Lord will find a way.

  2. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I don’t get up in the middle of the night anymore and that if I wake up put a bug in my ear and let me sleep the whole night. I also pray that you please let me lose a few pounds and not get up in the middle of the night anymore. I also pray that by Friday I can start looking for jobs again and that Natoria call me sometime this week for some optimistic feedback. I also pray that next Thursday I can go to interviews again because I won’t have any more things to do and that they send my referrel to the mammogram asap.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  3. Prayers for the end of coronavirus, prayers for dying and their families, healing for the sick, guidance for the people fighting and trying to find a cure of this virus, protection for the essential workers and protection from the coronavirus for me, my family and everyone.
    Prayers for a financial miracle that would be a true blessing so I can purchase the coverage I desperately need and it will help me settle my mom’s estate.
    Prayers for my son that he quits the alcohol and prayers that him and his wife can rebuild their marriage.
    Prayers for my husband that he is determined to get his health issues under control.
    Prayers for Gods healing of my skin issues.
    Prayers for stronger faith for me and my family.
    In thanksgiving for prayers answered.
    In Jesus I pray Amen

  4. Lord hear my prayer I pray that next week I can go job searching and that when I call Natoria on Monday she has good news about the job. I also pray that when I call Amanda she has an interview for me the week after next. I also pray that on May 17 we can go out on our anniversary and that Ken and Robin can come on Memorial Day. Please answer my prayers. I also pray that they don’t extend not allowing people out on May 1 that they do it little by little and that phase 1 is allowed. I pray that I can start working by mid May and that I get at least 1-2 days notice so I can be prepared.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  5. For the healing of my osteoarthritis and bursitis. That I may be pain-free and glorify God and his works.

  6. Blessed Mother please ask your Precious Son to watch over my daughter Tami and help her to remain sober. Please pray that I gain wisdom in regards to my son and daughter-in-law adopting my Great grandson. That my granddaughter and the baby’s father sees the wisdom in letting my son adopt their baby

  7. Please help my daughter to remain sober she has been for 3 months now. Please help my granddaughter and the father of her child to allow my son and daughter-in-law to adopt their baby

  8. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I don’t get up in the middle of the night anymore starting tonight for sure and that from now on I sleep all night so I can lose weight. I also pray that by May 1 they don’t extend the stay home order even though they said they might. Please have us go out little by little even if we still have to keep distance by phase 1. Also I pray that I can start job searching by May 5 and I get a call from Natoria either today or Monday and she gives me good news. Please have her call me. I also pray that I can get a job this summer by the beginning of June.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  9. Please pray for my wife as she is being screened for ovarian cancer. I ask our heavenly father to please cure her of all illnesses so that she can continue her life for another 43 years here on earth. Please also give all of us the strength to support her through this journey. We place our worries and fears in your hands. Please bless my wife, our three children and myself. We pray to the lord. Amen.

  10. Lord hear my prayer I pray that by May 1 I can start job searching again and by next week people call me again for interviews but that I don’t have to go til the first week of May the day after I see Dr. Santana. I also pray that the church opens up in early May and that they don’t extend the stay home orders. Please answer my prayers. I also pray that we can go out on our anniversary on May 17 and that Ken and Robin can come the on Memorial Day.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  11. Lord here my prayer, I ask for prayer for my brother and Tom who tell me they do not believe. It breaks my heart to know they did one time, they never knew Jesus love and forgiveness. Send them love and others to help them believe.

    In Jesus name we pray amen

  12. Lord hear my prayer I pray that the time goes by fast and that I can start job searching on May 1 or April 30. Please pray that they lift up little by little and that they lift up staying home orders by April 30-May 1. I also pray that when I get a job it’s only from Cutler Bay and from Miami Lakes not in Broward or in North Miami but maybe in South Beach but not in Miami Shores.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  13. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I can go job searching again on May 1 and that we can go out on our anniversary. I also pray that this week passes fast so I can go job searching. I also pray that we don’t die now that we grow old together.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  14. I offer this Novena for the repose of the soul of Max C., loving spouse, father, father-in-law, grandfather and friend. May he rest in peace with our Lord Jesus Christ and received all the benefits and blessings of His Divine Mercy.

  15. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I can go job searching again on April 30 and Herb lets me and none of us get the virus. I also pray that on May 17 we can go out on our anniversary. Please answer my prayers because I want to go out asap just to go job searching. Please help because I need it.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  16. I pray that the almighty God grants me the grace to own a beautiful home in a beautiful neighbourhood and holly matrimony this year

  17. My faith has really gone down
    -lord help me to keep my faith
    Am oppressed at.work-I do not have job description ,My Collegue is not genuine with …he has some negative attitude with me.It really hurts me to work without job description
    -My memory-I keep on forgetting things
    -Wish to have my own house

  18. I thank you Lord for all the blessings thst you hsve given us.
    At this time I pray for our Lord Jesus Christ to heal the world of CoVid19. Please Lord, welcome all who had died of this virus into your Kingdom esp. my coworker Steve & his wife & our friend Renato Garcia. Please heal all that has tested positive to this virus esp. Our friend Renato’s wife & daughter & another friend Dr. Bobby M & my niece Cheryl & her husband also tested positive of the virus.
    Please wrap your protective arms around all the frontliners esp. my sister Zeny, my nephews Ton, Ian & Karlo & my niece Michelle who are all nurses. Also our friends Alecis, Luz, Faith & Emma. Protect them so that they can continue to help their patients heal back to good health.
    Keep us safe esp. my daughter Isa , my husband Jojo , our house, our dog Diego & our families.
    Help us financially esp. my husband who is on a fourlough. Please protect our jobs & all that are unemployed.
    In Jesus name. Amen.

  19. I am praying for an end to the Coronavirus, for cancer remission of my friends and family, and that St. Ann hears and answers my prayers.

  20. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I get a call tomorrow for the leads that I applied to today. Please answer my prayers because I need something by the summer. I also pray that Natoria has some good news tomorrow when I call her. Please answer my prayers also and that they talk about nice things in the news and that by May 1 it’s controlled.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  21. I am praying this Novena for all of the corona virus victims and innocent people whose lives have been affected, in many cases gravely and deadly. I ask for the intercession of Divine Mercy for the many people who are hungry and wanting for food and I pray that food stamps will be provided to all who are unemployed. Dear Jesus, we need help in this country!! Our front line workers in many capacities still need protective equipment and there is a great need for the resources of our great nation to be rallied in a productive manner that will ensure that needs are met on so many levels for testing, sustaining hospitals, foregoing people’s bills and rent for now and that private enterprise will never be put above the health and welfare of our citizens who depend on their federal government to whom they pay taxes and turn to for help!! Dear Jesus in your Divine Mercy forgive us and bring good from evil.

  22. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I get an interview either this week or next week and that the virus is at least controlled by May 1 and they lift it up and they have phase one. I pray that Herb and I can go out on May 17 and that the church opens up early May. I also pray that thing get back to normal slowly early May.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  23. Dear God I pray for my son to quit drinking the alcohol completely and him and his wife to focus on rebuilding their marriage.
    Dear God I pray for good news about my financial situation in the morning, God you know in my heart my situation I talk to you about it constantly please answer it .
    Dear God anxiety and depression has consumed me today please help me grow stronger in faith that my worries will be answered soon. Dear God please bring this pandemic to an end soon. Please God comfort the dying and their families, heal the sick, protect the health care workers and give guidance to the people combating the virus. Please protect me, my family and everyone from the coronavirus.
    Please God heal my mind, body and soul. I need you desperately. In Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

  24. For the conversion of my two nephews and their wives and that they may also be baptized. Also for my one nephew’s child, for the child’s spiritual upbringing.

  25. Please send healing to my new kitten, no name yet, I’ve been calling him my little man, he choked on a large cat kibble and now he’s having trouble breathing & is on oxygen & isolation at the animal hospital. I am unable to visit him due to the C-19 Virus. He’s only ten weeks old. Please send healing for a full recovery. Thank you. God bless.

  26. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I get a job in the summer or sooner. I also pray that I can start interviews next week and that people start calling me. I also pray that when I call Natoria I get the job and she has good news. I also pray that my depression goes away soon and the virus is controlled by May 1.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  27. for the peaceful repose of the souls of Craig and Rick Shaw, Bob Truitt, and for Kathy Coleman who died of the virus.

    For healing and growth in a broken relationship between Teresa and son Keg.

    For healthy strong marriage and being parents to my son Brian and wife Ginger.

  28. Dear Jesus – I humbly ask for fervent prayer of this Divine Mercy novena. I ask for strength and reliance on You throughout these trying times and beyond this time. I humbly ask for discernment regarding where God wants me to be in respect to my job and location. I ask this in Your precious Name – Amen!

  29. We pray in a special way the Divine Mercy for the safe delivery of my DIL and a normal healthy baby.
    Keep me and my family safe from this deadly virus that has taken over the world. Please Jesus enfold us all in your arms and protect us.
    We pray for a this pandemic to eradicate and restore the world.
    Protect our front line workers doctors nurses cleaners delivery vans and people working in the grocery stores who are exposing to the risk.
    Thank you Jesus thank you Mother Mary for all the blessings bestowed on me and my family

  30. I have hurt my family with some poor decisions. I ask God to forgive me and to have mercy on myself and my family, and to spare us from the fallout from my mistakes. Lead me back to you Lord and protect those I love.

  31. Thanks be to God, my most ardent desire is to be happily married and find love. 3 others I also pray for good holy spouses.
    Mercy dear Lord on my mom bro kids & daughter-in-law we can all come back to being a holy happy family in the faith.
    ~have mercy on us all Lord

  32. Thank you Jesus for all you have done for us.
    Have mercy and forgive us all our sins.
    We pray for divine health, guidance and protection over each and everyone of us.

    I pray specially for you mercy and manifestation of our multiple sons: Nathan, Nolan and Nuriel.
    Glorify your name in our lives O Lord.

  33. Please pray for an end to the virus that is all over our world.
    Please pray for my small family, my son, J, my daughter Y, and myself. Especially my daughter, Y. She is a young adult in deep emotional/mental/physical pain from an unforeseen breakup by her boyfriend of 4-1/2 years. They dated throughout University. She is now so distraught that she cannot listen to reason and can’t concentrate on her current studies for Vet school. She feels all are against her and God is not hearing her prayers.
    This is breaking my mother’s heart to hear her crying and upset all the time. Please ask our Lord to comfort her and bring her back to Faith in our Catholic Church.
    Thank you for your prayers.

  34. Dear loving and merciful Jesus, I thank you for the healings. Please continue to bless me and my family in all ramifications of life. Bless our friends and relations. Thanks that you will provide me with the means to complete my building at home and all other projects. Grant us all the other good intentions including good spouses for the kids. Please get the world rid of the Coronavirus and forgive us sins In Jesus mighty name. Amen

  35. Lord have mercy on me and my financial needs. Into your hands I pray for financial deliverance today. I pray for money to finance my daughter university accommodation and education

  36. Lord I place my industrial court matter before you and i pray for justice. I pray for reconciliation. I pray for reconnection and reconciliation of friendships ,I pray for your Divine mercy in this matter.lord have mercy.

  37. Lord hear my prayer I pray that the virus is controlled by May 1 and that I can start my job search this week or next week. I also pray that we can go out on May 17 our anniversary please answer my prayers. I also pray that the churches open in early May and that on Tuesday Natoria has optimistic news about the job. I also pray that Monica and Larry call me tomorrow.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  38. Most Divine Mercy, please heal my daughter K’s mental health issue. May You give her companion in her home who really cares for her and that she would care too. Please grant my son J with a professional job that is stable and he would be motivated and inspired, he is a very good son Lord, You know that and Thank You forngoving him to me. My son B, please let his alopecia be gone and please give him an Engineering Summer job. Please protect my Mom in the C too Lord please. May K’s job be good for her and her supervisors, team mates and friends be very understanding and kind to her personality. Please protect everyone against CoVid 19 and My our life go back to normal very soon Lord. Please help me with my job Lord. Thank you for all your blessings, protection and guidance showered to me and my love ones. Please bring all souls to heaven especially my angels Francis, Johannes and Gabrielle, Carmen, Josefa, Milagros, Jovita, Susan, Pedro, angel, Rita, Luz, Annabelle, Ma. Fe, Julius, Ma. Cecilia and Ramir.

  39. I know it’s the last minute but PLEASE PRAY for my son to forgive his sister and restore our family unity again.

  40. Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    My intentions for this Divine Mercy Sunday Novena are for the protection of my families and all whom I Love from the Corona-virus and for You the Divine Physician to heal our land and all Your People. I beg You for the forgiveness of the sins of the world as well as the abhorrent things I have done to you personally. Please forgive us and allow the protection of Your Precious Blood to cover us !
    You know my heart and all whom I love and we may not deserve Your protection but I beg for Your Mercy! Please Jesus put an end to this horrible virus, Your will be done! Oh Blood & Water which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus I Trust in You! Jesus I Trust in You! Jesus I Trust in You! My Lord, My God, My Savior & My King Jesus Christ, through the heart of Your Blessed Mother Mary & with all the Angels & Saints, Amen***

  41. Please pray for the conversion of my Son’s Father’s soul & for my Dad to stop drinking wine or drink less alcoholic wine in your name I pray Amen

  42. Most Divine Mercy, please hear my prayers and that of all in the world for our City, State, Country and World Amen.
    Praying for myself and family, especially those working in the medical profession, friemds and coworkers for health and strength, guidance and protection, see us through this pandemic Amen.
    Praying for all medical professionals that they remain safe while caring for their patients Amen.
    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  43. LORD, thank you for your mercy which you have poured out on us. We are eternally grateful for all the blessings received and tribulations faced by my family. Please hear my petitions:
    1) please touch my husband’s heart that he may convert and join us in church. Pray that my children may return to church too.

    2) That my husband work contract will be renewed for April thereafter.

    3) pray for my family members. That Merciful Jesus will protect us from all harm, esp the C19. As i am always at work, I fear and worry that i will pass the virus to them.

    4) pray for all those who have passed away, esp from C19. Protect all those who are working during this quarantine period, may the cure be discovered and bring peace n restore our economy.


  44. Thank you Divine Mercy Sister Faustina for all your countless Blessings, our prayers answered continue to bless all our families and friends and our family too our daughter, my husband, and myself now and always. Thank you so much for making our lives so easy blissful without much struggle. Continue your blessings on our family, my parents, brother and all our families and friends who you know best helped us out genuinely and still praying for us bless and protect their families always Divine Mercy beg you to please right now to please wipe out the Corona virus 2019 out of the whole world and planet. Divine Mercy please make all the people, bosses to like me and continue to bless me in my career, a job close to home. Thank you for my husband grade change in his career thank to his boss and management, please continue to bless my husband in good health and his career and his bosses team and management, for helping my husband in promoting him. Divine Mercy Bless my husband make him be recognized for his talents, intelligence and please make my husband happy and contended. Please bless our daughter too make her strong, not fall sick, bless her in her studies career, in every step she takes, please speak to her so that she takes part in prayers & youth programs which will enhance her in her life, her personality, please help and bless us with this, Please Protect our family our house here and back home from all misfortunes, thefts, etc.; thank you for finding a good tenant for our house, which will help our parents and pay all our outgoings too. Divine mercy please bless protect our family my husband, our daughter and myself with good health, long happy lives joy peace success, prosperity please bless my parents to want to bring them here help us in our finances so that we can bring our parents here, and also take care of all other needs. Please, Lord Jesus help us with our Finances, bless and protect my husband with success in whatever he does, also bless and protect our daughter and make her successful in whatever she does, make her lovable human being and bless and protect me and be successful in whatever I do and take care of my husband health, our daughter’s health my health. Lord Jesus please bless and heal me, my husband to make all his reports normal for my next breast scan, abdomen scan, my urine infection to be all normal make there be no lesions grow no cyst or any lumps to any part of our bodies, make my husband reports all normal, his sugar level, diabetes, heart, prostrate reports all to be normal and under control. Please bless our daughter my husbands and myself with Good Health now and always Protect my husband, our daughter and myself from all dangers, health issues, and please bless my parents too and my brother, with good health always, and also bless and protect all Priests, missionaries, nuns and my husband brother who is a priest too and his co priests bless my husband brother to who is a priest with good health and protect him, who is praying for us and the world day and night for all the people and the whole world in protecting us all and they are praying for us all from this dreadful disease Covid 19. Thank you for all your blessings showered on us and please continue to bless and protect and hear our prayers now and always of my husband, our daughter and myself and my parents make us successful here our new home and country and so that we can help our families and people who need our help, Please protect guide and guard my family my husband, our daughter and myself and our house from all dangers in life Thank you Divine Mercy. Divine Mercy Sister Faustina , please protect and save us from this horrible disease Coronavirus 2019 protect our daughter, my husband and myself my parents my brother our families, friends and the whole nation from this deadly Corona virus 2019, please we beg you, Divine Mercy -also please kindly protect all the people suffering from this dangerous Corona-virus 2019 , please make a cure for this deadly disease soon, and wipe out this deadly disease from the whole world, protect our families and friends from this deadly disease corona virus 2019, Divine mercy please protect my dad my mum and brother too from this deadly disease.
    Divine Mercy please also take care of my cousins and her family her mum and dad , thank you for making my cousin heart surgery be a success , please help my other cousin form her severe back pain she recovers soon so she is able to take care of her old parents who need them both.
    Divine Mercy this is a crucial few months for our daughter who heads into University, please bless and protect our daughter from all deadly diseases bless her with good health and a long happy successful career life ahead, make her get into a good university which she wants and we all want her to be close to family and bless our finances save our jobs bless my husbands too with good health, no deadly diseases to him nor me nor our daughter bless the three of us with good health, success and along happy life and a successful career, bless my husband too with a good salary , position for us to fund our daughters education in university please help us out especially my husband who has lot of stress burden in paying the mortgage, bills and now we need to save for our daughters university please Divine Mercy please bless and make us come out successfully with our finances , and please protect my husband , my daughter and myself from the deadly corona virus 2019, and no deadly diseases to my husband our daughter ,myself my parent’s my brother and our near and dear ones, in offices, colleagues and families, Please Divine Mercy protect all the front office nurses doctors people, staff, doctors, nurses, pharmacist, groceries staff all volunteers who are day and night fighting this battle of the dreadful disease and taking care of all sick people, also please cure all the old ages care centers homes , the old, sick, the orphans, the migrants , the homeless safe them all from this deadly Covid 19. Divine Mercy please cure all patients, Divine Mercy please forgive all our sins, please forgive us, please keep us all safe and protect us all, please eradicate, take away right now soon this deadly disease now soon please beg you Divine Mercy thank you for all blessings. Praise you Jesus thank you Jesus Praise You Divine Mercy Thank You Sister Faustina love you Jesus please protect my family and us all Divine Mercy we will always be under your mercy and grateful to you Divine Mercy. People who have lost their jobs please give them their source of income and jobs back thank you Divine Mercy protect us all love you Divine Mercy Praise you Divine Mercy ….

  45. End to all pandemics, all Gods children return and obey Him. Intentions of the Hoy Father, increase in vocations, justice for all , esp. priests. End to wor, hunger, injustices, and immorality of all kinds. Forgiveness of sins, esp. for those who have died, and have no one to pray for them. That I may grow in knowing and doing Gods will and the health and fortitude to do it always. Intentions of all the people praying for God Devine Mercy. That our country returns to be a culture of life and no more babies die. Pease for all sinners, esp. for women who have had abortions. Intentions of all priests and religious. Thanks giving for all Gods blessings on us all !

  46. Lord improve the iron content in my Mum blood who needs blood transfusion each and every Months.
    Heal my Mum,me and all the sick in hospital.
    Eliminate Covid-19 from the face of the earth .
    Lord for give us our sins.
    I pray for Peace in my Home and the whole world.Amen.

  47. Lord hear my prayer I pray that the virus is controlled and that they lift up the staying home order. I pray that they control it in a week and that it passes fast. I also pray that I get a job by the summer and that Natoria calls me with some positive feedback about the job.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  48. Am so grateful that during this period as covid19 the Good Lord has granted me blessings of a job although it’s temporary and that he has showed me new experiences
    As we work to overcome this virus I pray that Almighty God may show us mercy and pardon us ,provide for all those in need, cure those on sick beds and may the souls of all our brothers and sisters that have left this earthly life rest in eternal peace.

  49. I pray for those people that have died and their families, that has lost loved ones because of the covid-19 corona virus. I’m praying also for me and my brother, I’m in a financial problem at the moment, and I need plenty of prayers and I will also I’ll be praying for you and the whole U.S.A. China put us on this bind and now they are getting out of it, and we are stuck with this pandemic. Pray also for me and the people that need to get the economy again, homeless, the elder that need all of our prayers.
    Thank You, especially for our group of prayers and pray to
    God to help us all. Affectionately Robert V Jr.
    God help you all.

  50. For the eternal repose of our friend Bill, who passed away this morning.

    For our children, their spouses/fiance and their children, that they may come to know the importance of having God in their lives, and return to the Church.

    For my sister, who has cancer.

    For our daughter who was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.

    For and end to the coronavirus.

    May God grant us His mercy! Thank You, Lord, Amen

  51. Complete healing of my SDE condition
    No seizures or dystonic tics for E
    Healing of heart & body for AG
    Safety for my loved ones
    A safe, effective vaccine for all for COVID 19
    Renewed, stronger FAITH for all



  52. Pray that humanity will turn away from sin and ask for God’s mercy.

    “Love one another as I have loved you”. John 15:12.

    Peace in our hearts
    Peace in our families and communities
    Peace in our world

    For all intentions here.


  53. Lord I place my financial needs into your hands. Lord I pray for money. I pray for financial deliverance today and money to finance my daughter throughout medical school and her accommodation. Lord please help me find a way.

  54. Lord I pray for mercy. Lord I pray for your mercy. I pray for reconciliation of friendships. I pray for my industrial court matter. I pray for victory I pray for justice.lord heavenly father I pray for Healing. Lord give me favour with

  55. Lord hear my prayer I pray that the virus is controlled by April 30-May 1 and that they don’t extend it longer like they did. I also pray that by May 5 I can go job searching again and that it’s not a stay home order and that Natoria calls me on Tuesday and has positive news and that I can go on a one on one interview in Mid May and that on May 17 Herb and I can go out to dinner.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  56. For any progress or communication skills for my severely autistic grandson Chandler, now 19. non-speaking, non writing, requiring 24/7 care even for bathroom reminders, for funding and compassionate care for his lifetime. For Jesus to lay his hands on Chandler and provide him with what he needs and some joy in his life. And for the conversion of both my sons and all our grandchildren and their mothers. For mercy.

  57. Please Lord I pray for continued good health for myself and my family! I thank you for all my blessings and I pray for a good and Godly husband for my daughter.

  58. Praying for God’s mercy and forgiveness for myself and my wife for using pills to force abortion.

    Praying for God’s protection upon my family from covid 19.

    Praying for God to have mercy and put and end to the pandemic ravaging the whole world.

    Praying for good health of mind and body for every member of my family.

    Praying for all the health worker in the frontline of disease control.

  59. Dear Lord,
    Please protect my family and me from the corona virus and all diseases. Praying for my younger daughter and her baby to be, for my daughter to keep her job and for her husband to find a job and become a supportive husband. Praying for my elder daughter to be healthy, to heal from her eczema and to be blessed with a healthy child soon and to be financially stable. I pray for my nephews to be healthy and successful in their new jobs and to have a bright future. Praying for my sister and my mom to be healthy. Praying for my husband and me to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy grandchildren from our both daughters, to keep our jobs and to be financially stable.
    Praying also for all people who are affected by the corona virus, for the medical staff and first responders and for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  60. Most Holy Divine Mercy, I humbly ask your help to heal our City, State, Country, and World during this in Amen.
    Praying for myself, family, friends, co-workers for health and strength,guidance and protection especially for those working in the medical profession Amen.
    Praying for all medical professionals and front line responders that they be protected in the line of duty Amen

    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  61. Dear Jesus please heal everyone who has covid 19 and help a potent vaccine be found immediately. Heal our world from this covid 19 please!! Please heal me from the rash on my face that just began. I’m under much stress regarding my health,and my family’s health. Please protect us from covid 19 and protect us from all evil. Please come to me&my daughter’s aid regarding our neighbors down below us (2) men who are doing wrong to us and our life,our apartment by gas fumes etc. I pray for an immediate arrest and remove the gas source so him&it don’t return under us. We believe You will take care of this urgent matter. Jesus I trust in You! We pray for an easy,quick.powerful solution to this horrible problem..before it goes on in summer,so we can sit on our balcony we pay for. We don’t want to live in fear anymore of these 2 men..please come to our aid and also the people who enable these addicts to be squatters,rent free and cause who.live here harm&potential health issues/gas fumes! Thank you Jesus Divine Mercy Healer,dispense St. Micheal &most powerful angels to take care of this for me&my daughter..so we don’t have to battle with these unsafe people!! Thank you Jesus,St.Micheal & all Your powerful angels!!XO

  62. My dear Jesus, please free me from the financial problem which has plagued me for many years. You know my heart, You have my heart; please guide me and bestow your wisdom upon me so I may handle this correctly and bring true happiness to all involved. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.

  63. Dear God I pray that I can forgive others that has wronged me and have hurt my heart deeply.
    Dear God I pray my son turns away from alcohol and him and his wife focus on rebuilding their marriage.
    Dear God I pray for direction in my life, I need to find a way financially to buy the coverage I need. Please help me God please.
    Please God bring an end to the coronavirus and take care all those affected and protect me, my family and others from the coronavirus.
    Please bless me and my family with spritual growth and faith.
    In Jesus Christ I pray whom I love, need and worship. Amen

  64. Most Gracious and Adorable Jesus,
    Thank you for your presence in my heart, my mind and soul. Never leave me and continue to teach me more about your Divine Mercy and Will. Lord, without you I am nothing and my only desire is to love as you love me and the whole world. Please, bring peace to our beautiful world and all within it that is not pleasing to you. Protect and guide us all, may we always turn to you when in despair. You know everything that is in my heart Lord, when I speak of World Peace, Love and Mercy; may it be upon all nations, families and friends. May the Peace of Our Lord be with All, past present and future. Fiat!

  65. Pray for Christ mercies. Pray that A will get will get his engine back in good working condition, so he can work to met his needs and that of his family. Pray that A will keep a stable and focus mind as the stituation gets frustrating.

  66. Dearest Jesus, cover my sister with your precious blood, soften her heart towards me, and bring to light her reasons for disliking me. Thank you Lord for your Love and Mercy.

  67. Dearest Jesus, please pour out on my beloved family your Divine Mercy and love. Help each of us to be closer to You. I pray for conversion and a closeness to you for my family. Protect each of us from all that is evil and never let us be separated from you and the Heavenly Father. Transform our lives through your powerful Holy Spirit. Send strong and mighty angels to surround my sons and husband like a impenetrable shield from all evil, harm and danger and to guide, protect and pray for us- especially St Raphael. May St Raphael and the Blessed Mother bring future spouses into my sons lives. Drive away from my sons any influence which is not of God. May your Divine Mercy be poured out upon all the souls in purgatory, all my deceased family members and ancestors as well as those souls who just died today.

  68. My heart hurts, depression anxiety and fears. Medicine, divorce, childrens homework and grades.
    Husbands health, Robert , coronavirus healed, return to God, financial concerns, need for Garden!
    Amen love terrie

  69. Lord I place my financial needs into your hands. I pray for financial deliverance today and money. I pray for money to finance my daughter throughout medical school and her accommodation. I Lord I pray for a miracle today.

  70. Lord I place my industrial court matter into your hands, Lord I pray for justice. I pray for reconciliation. I pray for repair of friendships and acquaintances clird I pray you mercy on this situation. I pray for your mercy on ,, ,

  71. Father Lord, I beg for Your mercy upon the whole world, pleading that this pandemic be taken away from the world, that those affected be healed, those who have lost their lives be granted eternal rest and the families left behind be granted the fortitude to bear the loss, and that we are reconciled with You and get closer to You in all that we do. I also beg You to bless me and all women in need with the fruit of the womb. These and many more I ask according to Your holy will through Christ our Lord!

  72. Lord hear my prayer I pray that the virus is controlled in two weeks and that I can go out on my anniversary to Red Lobster. I also pray that on Memorial Day we can celebrate it with Ken and Robin that they can come on Monday. I also pray that I can get a job this summer and that Natoria call me next Tuesday and asks me for a second interview.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  73. To Thank the Lord for everything and for the results of my MBA semester 1 results…

    To thank the Lord for protecting and blessing my Father, Mother, Brothers and Younger Brother…
    To thank the Lord for his protection, blessings and mercy of the lord on my country against Corona Virus and everything…..

    To ask the Lord to bless me and help me to get a fiance who is white and beautiful…

    To ask the lord to preserve all those who have interacted with me in any way and grant them SALVATION…

    To thank the lord for his blessings and protection in my life that I don’t recognize

  74. My intentions are that God will grant me mercy and not allow me go back to my present place of work by giving me something better and by granting my request to get the PTDF scholarship I am waiting for. For God to also make a way for me to be with my life partner this year and start a family IJN

  75. I pray for an end to this pandemic and all the suffering it is causing.
    I pray my family members who are sick because if it. I pray for unity in my family. I pray for my 2 daughters who are not speaking to each other. I ask for help to seek God’s will and not mine. I pray for all those who have died.

  76. Divine Mercy,
    I pray for all my departed love ones that are in Purgatory. For my dear husband, parents, parents in law and all my relatives and friends. Have mercy upon them. May they all enter the Gates of Heaven and praise You in Your Glory. Take care of us all here on earth, keep us safe and let us all live by Your rules, so we can one day be with You and all our loved ones for ever in eternity.

  77. Dear Lord,
    Please protect everybody in my family from the corona virus and all diseases. Please protect my younger daughter and her baby and keep them healthy and safe and help my daughter keep her job. I pray for my elder daughter to be healthy, to heal from her eczema and to be blessed with a healthy child soon and to be financially stable. I pray for my nephews to be healthy, to be very successful at their new jobs and to have bright future. I pray for my sister and my mom to be healthy and safe. I pray for my husband and me to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy grandchildren from our both daughters, to keep our jobs and to be financially stable.
    I also pray for the end of the pandemic, for all people who are affected by the corona virus, for the medical staff and first responders and for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  78. I have a PhD defence viva on the the 21st of thus month whichive struggled or failed to prepare to prepare for so please pray for me for God’s Grace to remember what I’ve done to be able to defend and pass my work.

  79. Dear Holy Spirit-Please help&heal everyone who has covid19! Please bring a powerful vaccine immediately&powerful medicines to wipe it out forever. Please shield&protect me&my loved ones from it-(K,A,J&J,R,R,M,M&all our animals&all animals! Please come to my aid with my debilitating fear&anxiety that I’m experiencing now daily because of worry over my(our) health and the situation that is bothering me! You know all so I pray for Your Divine miraculous speedy intercession regarding it! Hear&answer everyone’s prayers on this novena! Thank you Holy Spirit for coming to my aid&answering my most urgent requests! XO

  80. Most Holy Divine Mercy, I prostrate myself before your Most Holy Image asking for your mercy upon our City, our State our Country and our World during this pandemic Amen.
    Praying for myself, family especially those working in the medical field, friends and colleagues for health and strength, guidance and protection from this virus Amen.
    Please protect all healthcare workers and first responders while they do their jobs Amen.
    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  81. Hello
    My doctor sent me to get a Covid19 test, on April 15, 2020, takes 2-3 days to get the results. Tomorrow is day 2, could you me pray for me for good results, pls. I asked God to help me, but only if it is His will and not my will. Inside me I am willing to accept his will! To tell you the truth, I am a bit nervous. I would appreciate your prayers, help me please.

    Edna McKenna

  82. Dear God I pray for my son that he quits drinking alcohol completely and that him and his wife can repair their marriage and grow together spritually to you.
    Dear God I pray me, my family and everyone that we are sheilded from the coronavirus. Please heal the sick comfort the dying and their families and guide the ones fighting for a cure, give strength to the health care workers.
    Dear God please help me find a way to financially afford the coverage I desperately need.
    Dear God help me find my way in this life, please God I need to be helping my husband build our future but I can’t get myself together to do that. I’m so thankful for being in a better place than 6 months ago all because of you.
    Please help me keep the faith and grow spritually strong. In Jesus Christ I pray whom I love, need and worship. Amen

  83. Pray for those who suffered or suffering from COVID-19. Those who have died after contacting the virus and for their loved ones who are mourning their loss. For those who are ill with other life threatening injuries and or diseases. Those who have lost their jobs and businesses or livelihood. Pray that at this time of uncertainty that we turn to the Lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness. Pray that we will go forth after this crisis with a stronger love for our Lord and our neighbours. Increase our faith and give the Lord all the praises due to him. Amen

  84. Almighty God, reinstate me back to my job and let all my arrears be paid to me.

    Prosper my husband. Lift him up above his peers. Let his application at DICON be approved and accepted.

    Clear all the debts we are in.

    Bless my children

  85. Home keeps being burglarized by someone I know, intent on causing me harm by stealing my sentimental and other things as well as stealing peace of soul I would have, but do not!

  86. Lord hear my prayer I pray that thing are controlled between now and memorial Day so I can start going to interviews again. I pray that Natoria calls me next week or Amanda from OHL and tells me I can go in for an interview. I also pray that I can start working in the third or fourth week of May so I can start paying the rent again. I really pray that Natoria does not forget to call me next week or when I call her she has good news that I got the job.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  87. Praying for the strength in each one of us facing this pandemic crisis. Praying for financial assistance that we may be able to zero out all of our bills, loans and credit cards. Praying for salvation from our financial crisis. Alsopraying for my daughter that she grows up with fear of the Lord, kindness in heart, wisdom, knowledge and with beauty like Mama Mary. That God may bless our family and everyone of us with abundance of love, good health, blessings and peace.

  88. Lifting up my 4 year old granddaughter Avery Hope in prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ for a total healing of brain cancer according to the Father’s divine fiat.

    Healing prayers also for Maggie and Carol.

    Prayers for conversion for my children and grandchildren to bring them back to the church and teach them to live a right life to love and serve the Lord.

  89. Lord hear my prayer I pray that everything is controlled by May 15 so we can go out on our anniversary. I also pray that I get a job in the summer maybe the sciolex Corporation or at least I can get a second interview. Please answer those prayers. I know they extended til May 15 but by then I wanted to control it so I can go on my job search. I pray that if I get the job I can get it in the end of May. Please Lord answer my prayers because I need them answered.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.