The Next Novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots (2024)

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We hope that each novena we pray together is one more prayer that will bring you closer to Jesus and His comforting love. This next novena should do just that :)

The next novena is The Novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots!

Whenever we grow closer to Jesus’ mother, our mother, we grow closer to Jesus — because Mary always brings us to Jesus. 

We will start praying on Saturday, April 27th. You can share your prayer intentions with us all below. We’re praying for you!

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  1. Dear Holy Mother. Please pray for my daughter CML and her two daughters K AND J. Ask Hesus to keep them safe from all harm and every evil and to keep them healthy always and to put all three of them on a good path. Please especially ask Jesus to make J go back to community college this fall and begin and complete her Sophomore year and that her new college accepts the credits she earned from her previous community college – and help get to get her Associates Degree. Also Holy Mother please let KP. want to go to community college also – and begin and finish two years of study. This is asking you to ask Jesus for a miracle Holy Mother. Please guide them, motivate them and help them dear Holy Mother. Please ask Jesus to help them accomplish what I ask so that can more easily have a good future. And J needs to get christened too by a miracle. I love you Holy Mother. Please help my daughter and my two precious granddaughters K and J. ✝️

  2. Dear Holy Mother. Please pray for my daughter CML and her two daughters K AND J. Ask Hesus to keep them safe from all harm and every evil and to keep them healthy always and to put all three of them on a good path. Please especially ask Jesus to make J go back to community college this fall and begin and complete her Sophomore year and that her new college accepts the credits she earned from her previous community college – and help get to get her Associates Degree. Also Holy Mother please let KP. want to go to community college also – and begin and finish two years of study. This is asking you to ask Jesus for a miracle Holy Mother. Please guide them, motivate them and help them dear Holy Mother. Please ask Jesus to help them accomplish what I ask so that can more easily have a good future. And J needs to get christened too by a miracle. I love you Holy Mother. Please help my daughter and my two precious granddaughters K and J. ✝️

  3. Dear Lord, Will You please forgive me all my sins? I will try to live a better life. I’m not used to writing these kind of messages so I don’t know what to say.

  4. Jesus,
    I pray to be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger please God. I pray please Lord, for the right job Lord you know my heart. I pray for the cc position Jesus please. I ask for the right job for my sister. I ask you please prepare me to be a wife and healthy partner to my pb. Jesus, I pray for protection for my mother and her home. I pray for my loans to be taken care of please God. I pray for my relationship that it will heal and be restored and leave the past in the past for both of us. Amen.

  5. Dear Mother the Mother of our Saviour under the Title of Undoer of Knots plesee undo all the knots preventing my Daughters,Sons and Family to be favoured,Acknowledged,Promoted ,accepted and welcome in employment ,finances and total wellbeing needs.
    Noella has applied to work as Fundraiser Coordinator with the Cancer Foundation,Mother pray for my daughter to get the job.Amen.
    For Esther who four for jobs to survive She also has applied for job that will replace the four Jobs.Pray for her too. For Eugene who right hand and middle finger Injury at work ,struggling to get job.Pray for him too.
    Prayer needed for all jobless single mothers struggling to make ends meet.Amen

  6. Pray for my spouse to get a more fulfilling well paying permanent job.
    Pray for success in our businesses
    Pray for me to also get a permanent job in a good environment
    Pray for peace in our marriage and financial blessings we are overburdened with financial obligations that all need our urgent attention, take away the chaos confusion and lack of finances so that we can meet them


  7. For my grandparents. My grandfather has cancer, my grandmother has just had back surgery and both are going through some spiritual issues. They both have been away from the Church for over 40 years, and are both in desperate need of the sacraments. Please pray that through this struggle, and this hard time, they will come to see truth and finally come back to Jesus in the Church.

  8. Please pray for my Mom. She’s a widow and having a lot of difficulties. Please pray I find a place close-by to her w a transfer. God Bless you, both.

  9. That with God’s grace my Granddaughter will overcome her health issues and come to know Jesus so that she can live a healthy, happy and holy life.

  10. To heal my liver, heart, lungs and all the other painful areas of my body, especially my lipomas that are so painful. To heal Madisyn from mental illness. To heal Chris and all the others from cancer. To let Stacey receive a new liver and kidneys for her disease. For me to receive some financial assistance. Thank you Mother Mary. Please help me.

  11. God has given me a desire for marriage and a family but I’m not sure what to do with it. I’m 36 and wondering how and when God will fulfill this desire. Trying to be patient, even if the desire won’t be fulfilled until heaven. And for all who are struggling to discern their Vocation and honestly listen to and obey God’s invitation.

  12. Please pray for my daughter’s heart to be healed so forgiveness can begin.
    Please pray for my husband’s health and our marriage to become stronger.
    Please pray for my children that are not married in the church to understand how important it is to have their marriage blessed and the one child that is married in the church to begin a true and honest relationship with Christ.

  13. Please pray for my husband J H to have his salary fixed and be paid for what’s owed to him due to an error in his salary for the past 7 yrs.
    For my family to do God’s Will everyday.
    Please pray for my son Michael to remain in a state of grace every day and to have zeal for God and for souls.Thank you and God bless you.

  14. I pray for my husband to be freed from the chains of his addictions to be the man and husband God created him to be. Amen

  15. I pray my son will be healed from his ruminating thoughts and negative self talk, anxiety and depression. I pray my other son will find a good job very very soon. I pray my daughter will find love.

  16. Dearest Holy Mary, please untie the knots of mental illness, alcohol addiction, broken family bonds and loneliness in Stevie’s life. Please also show your love and compassion and immediate help to Carol suffering so very much from MS and now a stroke on top of that. Please restore her abilities to swallow again. Show thyself my mother 🙏🏻

  17. Please God I desperately pray I can build my speed with accuracy up at work. I need you help desperately so I can keep this job.
    Please Mary Undoer of Knots take the fear of failing from me and pray I get better each second with my job .
    Please I pray that me and my family turn from alcohol and replaced with a closer relationship with God.
    Please I pray for my son to build a stronger relationship with God and his daughter. I pray he finds his true love a woman to help him rebuild his life and turn away from drinking alcohol.
    In Jesus name I pray whom I love, need and worship. Amen 🙏

  18. prayers for healing (blood clots, MS and abolity to recover from Covid to walk/stand/ return to the way I was before Covid). 🙏

  19. I’m not doing very well at work. Learning wise…I live with the stress of losing my job. I suffer from self- sabotage behavior due to PTSD. I’ve forgiven people that hurt me.
    But my behavior to myself is a sin in itself. Please 🙏 help me with prayer.

    I wish everyone a happy life.


  20. We intercede with mercy mother Mary the undoer of knots of my husband’s mental and psychological health right now that is stressing out household, finances and marriage.
    In Jesus name we pray! Amen

  21. Pray for my son who is having IBS issues; Chron’s Disease, Fissures, etc.
    Pray that a remedy is resolved without too many complications.
    Pray for my sister’s Barrett’s Disease and Vertigo issues. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

  22. Please pray for my niece Winnie. She has cancer Of her only kidney. She donated a kidney to her cousins husband about ten years ago. Please pray for her.🙏🙏🙏

  23. Please pray for my daughter to be rid of self doubt and replace it with peace and comfort in belief of herself. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  24. Please pray for:

    Purity of mind.
    Financial relief for our family.
    To stop binge eating and overeating.
    All those I have promised to pray for.
    God’s will to be made clear in the confusion I feel.
    All the intentions of this novena.
    All unspoken prayers.

    Thank you!

  25. I asked my wife to attend a Catholic healing mass with me over this weekend. My wife got upset with me and told me in front of my kids to get a divorce lawyer. She told me that my prayer life is a turn off. My wife suffers from anxiety and depression.

  26. Blessed Mother I pray for you to untie the knots of untrustworthy, marriage breakdown, toxic marriage relationship, infidelity, influences of any witchcraft, curses, spells or evil plans on my hubby and I by other people, cancer illness in me, poverty (spiritual, financial, etc.) spoken against me and in my life, m marijuana addiction in my son (QTY), my daughter’s (CRY) partner’s cheating on her, and all types or kinds of curses (generational or otherwise) spoken or placed upon my life and my hubby (JY), my families, my siblings and offsprings. Blessed Mother untie all blockages that have been placed upon me, intentionally or unintentionally by others or myself for financial assistance for my submandibular gland cancer treatment, in Jesus’ Mighty and Holy Name. Amen.

  27. For my daughter to be healed of autism and finish college and find a good holy man. For S and S to decide to marry in The Catholic Church and move forward or end relationship. For J’s health. For my teaching jobs and the students I teach. For the trip to Europe with my family and for A and A wedding. Please Bring them back to the Catholic Church and my whole family also.
    For my health and the settlement. For good holy friends. For all the Confirmandi this May that will be confirmed especially Z and Brandon. For my health and my sub jobs and for my family to be happy. Grateful for the abundance from our Gracious God. For the M’s to be prepared for a holy death . For my safety at JH and at
    OW. For the Holy Spirit to change hardened hearts of criminals. For KZ. That I can continue to hike and have good health. Thank you Lots for my family and for your generosity of health and happiness. Amen

  28. Please pray for the following intentions:
    -healing for my marriage
    -for my husband to have confidence to be our family spiritual leader and also that he can be confident in his work & providing for our family
    -for my girls school, for the teachers, students, and for our new principal search
    -for my parish priest, faith formation director, and first sacraments director–that they can listen and consider ALL ideas regarding First Reconcilliation & First Eucharist prep & celebration

  29. Please pray for a boy scout named Ethan. A tree fell on his tent this past weekend. Ethan is in critical condition.

  30. Please pray for my husband and I, and our family. Ever since we adopted a sibling group of four, our life has been chaos. Their behaviors are out of control. Dealing with a child with 6 different mental health disorders is exhausting and taxing on all of us. There is no peace. My husband was laid off 6 months ago and we need financial help. Please pray we can find a way to financially support our family that will be good for our marriage and family and not cause more stress from not having a good work life balance. We need your prayers and intercession. Mary, Undoer of Knots please help us! 🙏

  31. Please pray that will be able to pay off my debt avoiding bankruptcy and I’ll be able to find the money to pay my tuition fee.

  32. Prayers for husband John and son Eric, that they would give themselves to the Lord and enter into the family of God

  33. god my lord break into pieces any man or woman attached to my life that is pushing me backward in jesus name amen

  34. In thanksgiving to GOD for a successful grand opening, for Mother Mary’s intercession for growth, development, prosperity and success
    Mother Mary please intercede for us and me, please pray God to grant me spiritual intelligence and discernment, a child like trust in HIM with total and complete submission to HIS Holy Will which is love and mercy itself
    For the repose soul of all the faithful departed especially MF
    For the grace to be a leader according to the Holy Will of GOD, that my every action thought and word may bring glory and honor onto HIS Holy Name

  35. Please pray with ALL your heart for my 4 children, their spouses and grandchildren who are away from God, church, and Sacraments. Their souls are in grave danger. Beg Our Mother to bring them back to church and Sacraments, and the Sacred Heart ♥ of Jesus.
    Thank you zillion times.

  36. Please pray for
    Bob – throat cancer surgery, Monica – parathyroid surgery to have successful surgery, healing and speedy recovery.
    Katy’s Dad battling cancer and it is getting worse after treatment for the doctors to find a treatment that brings healing and minimal or no suffering.
    Tom and Jim to have healing and a speedy rehab and recovery from heart surgery.
    For World Peace
    Thank you and God Bless everyone.

  37. oh mary interceed for my sucess in this bussiness that god be glorify in jesus name amen

  38. Please bring help in blocking enemies from throwing witchcraft to affect my money and our health as well as threatening to harm me and my family thank you very much for your strong prayers too open our roads where they may be closed Amen.

  39. Glory and thanks to God for everything. Asking for guidance on this journey for my wife and I. We sold our house couple years or so ago have been traveling, renting, B&B’s. It is adventurous however need a place that feels like home. Ask Mary for her intercession for this, I asked for intercession for all those on this novena I ask for blessings and safety for my family. For healing. For my daughter Sarah‘s delivery of the baby the doctor said at severe birth defect. For the healing of Sarah‘s OCD, for the healing of my OCD, for the healing of our marriage. I asked to feel better, especially the dreaded way I feel usually when I wake up in the . Oh no Thank you, Blessed Virgin Mary and these things I ask in the name of Jesus. in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Thank you, God.

  40. Pray for my grand daughter n her mom relationship remove the anger problems with her mom and bring peace help to b a caring loving understanding patience with her daughter renew communication between with peace n tranquility Help louis n rh relationship n his addiction to sex n porn bring him closer to God for give his sins being that he is sick Pray for my son and daughter concerns finance relationship remove anxiety
    Bring strength to deal with anything comes their way knowing God will b with them help mr n give me wisdom i need to do Gods will in all my concerns situations problem i have in Jesus name Amen

  41. Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of your son Jesus asking for healing and deliverance for my sons from the spirit of alcohol drugs gambling women and all that separates them from you, O Blessed mother our Lady of undoer of knots undo all the knots that separates them from coming into a personal relationship with your son Jesus, I pray for their Father that he will also come into a relationship with Jesus, pray for every member of my Family, Mother help me to have a deeper trust in Jesus and help me to persevere in prayer in Jesus name I pray 🙏 Amen thank you Mary undoer of knots.

  42. Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of your son Jesus asking for healing and deliverance for my sons from the spirit of alcohol drugs gambling women and all that separates them from you, O Blessed mother our Lady of undoer of knots undo all the knots that separates them from coming into a personal relationship with your son Jesus, I pray for their Father that he will also come into a relationship with Jesus, pray for every member of my Family, Mother help me to have a deeper trust in Jesus and help me to persevere in prayer in Jesus name I pray 🙏 Amen thank you Mary undoer of knots.

  43. Good relationship with my in-laws
    My business togrow
    My eye to be completely cured
    My kids to prosper in everything they do

  44. Please pray for Maggie’s deliverance and conversion.
    Please pray I pass my test Wednesday so I don’t have to take the class again. Please pray I pass my HT exam.
    Please pray for healing of my arthritis.

  45. Dear all,

    Thank you so much for reading this in advance!

    I humbly ask your prayers for my work – that I may fulfil God’s perfect will through my career (as I pray to do in all things), and that He will show me how He wants me to do this, and help me to do so when I fall. I also ask for clarity in my career and that His desires for me become mine, and that I am able to let go of any desires I may have that are not of His will.

    I also ask that my relationship with God continue to blossom and grow in faith, hope and love every day, and that all I do will be in service of Him. I ask the same prayers for those I love.

    Finally, I ask that He will help me grow in humility, love and understanding and that I am able TRULY to surrender ALL to Him.

    Thank you to everyone who’s read this far: rest assured that I am praying for all those who write their intentions here too!

    In Christ,


  46. For: peace in war torn areas of the world; for more to repent and bring God back into their lives and our world, my and my daughter’s soul and all of my relatives, friends and associates, living and deceased to be saved; the holy souls; increased health of mind, body and soul; for all on my prayer list for the healing they need; the removal of corrupt governors; God’s candidates to be chosen in elections; for those considering suicide, euthanasia, sex-change or abortion, not to do so; an end to gender ideology and all that opposes God, i.e. freemasonry, communism, socialism, etc. For all world and religious leaders to follow God and His commandments. for guidance and protection, One Date for Easter, end of persecution of Christians and for my special intention. Jesus, I Trust in You . Amen

  47. For a holy, peaceful, happy death for my mother in God’s perfect timing.
    For a deeper reconversion to Christ by my loving husband.
    In Thanksgiving for a safe road trip across the country.
    May GlOd bless you all.

  48. Praying for medical healing and for financial healing for my son and his kids to heal from the divorce to move forward in a positive direction and heal their broken hearts
    For my husband to quit smoking, and that the Nogel Long does not get any bigger and it’s not cancerous.
    I gave all my honor, praise and glory to the creator

  49. that my older son will return to the church and reconcile with his family.

    Help for my younger son in his anxieties.

  50. Dear Mary & Jesus, please remove the knot of infertility from our lives, help my body, give us the miracle of life. Help us bring our babies to this world. Please help E.H. Seek help and be healthy again. I pray for my family, friends and peace around the world.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!🙏🏽

  51. Thank you Lord for loving me and my household. Please forgive us our sins and us from the evil one. Lord let your spirit remain in us that we may be successful in all we do. Please keep us in Good health of body, mind and soul in Jesus’s name Amen.

  52. Lord Jesus please pray for our family to recognise the pain of sins we cause you and ourselves and to repent of them. Have mercy on us Lord and let our family live a life of prayer and love for you before anything
    Thank you Jesus mother Mary help us

  53. I pray against any form of attack on my marriage.
    I pray for protection upon my children and my husband and I.

    I pray for the job that is being promised to me, that God should please bring it to fulfillment.

    I pray for against all the hidden agender of the enemy over my affairs.

    God is supreme in my life, may he keep taking the glory.

  54. Please include our Little Girl “M” in your prayers that justice and truth come now so she can return home. M loves Jesus so much that she told me last year, “Papa Jesus won’t allow that to happen, Mommy!” MCFD’s plan failed last year April 2023, but they kidnapped M on Aug. 14th and has been totally cut-off from the only family she’s known her entire life (from five days old to almost six years). The basis for doing this is unfounded allegations and fabricated lies. We cry out to God to rescue our Little Girl and victory for our family so we can be granted access to her that can lead to guardianship or adoption.

  55. Praying for my brother, for healing from colon cancer

    Praying for unity and love for my elderly parents

    Praying for my country and her citizen, to undo knots corruption, poor governance, insecurity and hardship

    Undo any knots in my family, my husband and children that we are not aware – health, academics, challenges

  56. For my husband to find a job he loves surrounded by great people and one that will also take care of our family.

  57. Please pray for my son, that he can fix his car or get a new car so he can get to work.

    Please pray that the work our vehicle needs will be under warranty and that we can financially recover.

    Please pray that Kurtis can get or have a job he will enjoy.

  58. Please pray for my small parish to stay open. For the conversion of people that live in the town and for the baptized Catholics to return and support the church. We are praying for the Holy Spirit to move us all.
    Thank you for the prayers

  59. Mother Mary, please undo the knots in my mother’s heart. She lives in the past and her heart is hardened because of it. Please undo the knots in my adult children’s hearts so that they can see the love of God, have faith in Jesus, and follow Him who is the way, the truth, and the life. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers. Amen

  60. I pray for financial breakthrough, the will of God in my marriage, success in the national exam for my children and all those taking the exam this year

  61. I pray for financial breakthrough, the will of God in my marriage, success in the national exam for my children and all those taking the exam this year

  62. Pray for my past life, l lived a rackless life of drinking too much ,now it pains me l fail to control my son and daughter who are addicted with alcohol and their lives are messed up because of drinking ,l have repented and pray that my children repent too from this type of life ,pray for my family to seek salvation

  63. My son find a good job that will inspire and promote , his self confidence, his abilities and his desire to be help others. May he be surrounded by good people, that encourage and guide him. Thanks be to god.

  64. I am praying for my adult children. My son that he will make a full recovery and my daughter, her husband and their daughter; my granddaughter that they will all know the love of God surrounding and supporting them.

  65. Dearest Blessed Mother, please pray for my grandson Dalton to give up his habits of smoking weed and drinking and find spiritual direction for his life path and to return to his holy Catholic faith in Jesus name I ask!✝️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I pray for peace and unity in my family and all to return to their holy Catholic faith in Jesus name I pray!✝️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻