The Next Novena, for Protection & Healing

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The next novena we will pray is to a saint that’s known as the Prince of Angels and defender of all of God’s people…

The next novena is the St. Michael the Archangel Novena!

We will start praying on Tuesday, February 2nd — just a couple days away!

St. Michael the Archangel is known for interceding for protection from evil and for healing.

We will pray this novena so that we may live more in accordance with Christ’s teachings, that we will be protected from the snares of the devil, that we will live for the glory of God, and that we may have the strength to defeat the disordered desires of this world.

We hope you will join us in praying this novena, and that you will share it with all of your friends & family. 

You can sign up to pray with us here:

And you can share your prayer intentions with us all below in the comments – we’re praying for you!

St. Michael the Archangel’s feast day is in September. But as with every novena, you can pray it any time of the year — and we will start this one on February 2nd. 

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie –

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  1. Please pray that St. Michael guide and protect me as I discern whether or not the man I’m currently talking to should be in my life, specifically as a future husband. Thank you.

  2. I pray for my father’s cough to decrease and his overall strength to continue to improve. I pray for my mother, for improved mood and to not be afraid. I pray for her memory to be stable. I pray for my sister to find peace. I pray for my husband to be healthy, regain his motivation, and find work with purpose. I pray for my children to always know how beautiful they are. Please keep them safe always. I pray for myself to keep going with the business, not to be discouraged but to values the small successes. Thank you.

  3. May God help Me and my family to find peace and happiness in this tough era we are living in.
    Give us strength and health.
    Thank you
    Peace be with you ❤️

  4. For protection for my granddaughters, Julia and Calliope, from bad influences and that they will come back to God.

  5. St. Michael, please pray for my twin daughters. Both are experiencing serious emotional issues. Teenage depression is reaching epidemic levels due to the pandemic and extremist societal pressure being placed upon them.

  6. We need to pray against the Satanic Conference to be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, Feb 11-13th. It is sponsored by The Satanic Temple who will be hosting the event titled “SatanCon”. The group promotes so-called “reproductive rights” (i.e. abortion) and their After-School Satan Club, a chapter of which began in January 2022 in the Moline-Coal Valley school district in Illinois.
    In an effort to combat the darkness of the occult and Satanic practices in all its forms, the National Council of Catholic Women is organizing a nationwide prayer vigil for the weekend of February 11-13, 2022.

  7. Pray that my daughter, my grandchildren will marry good Catholics. Pray that my children will forgive me and allow me to see them and my grandchildren.

  8. Dear St. Micheal pls protect and defend everyone in my family esp the little ones: Char, Elys, and most vulnerable like my mom. Pls protect me from evil and allow me to always be close to my Nieces. I ask through Christ our Lord

  9. St Michael protect me and my family from evil, dangers, violence and covid. May we all be healthy and strong. Watch over my grandchildren from danger and violence.
    Please St Michael pray for me that I not have colon cancer or any cancer at all.
    Thank you and may we all unite and love each other. Amen

  10. For 4 or 5 months i have a caugh that doesn’t want to leave me . I pray St Michael the Archangel to help me with is, intercede for my healing. Thank you

  11. St Michael the Archangel defend the truckers in their battle, be their protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou O prince of the Heavenly hosts by the power of God thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

  12. Archangel Michael. I pray that you intercede on my behalf and release my son from the evil of his addictions and heal him, that you will return our grandson permanently to our home and that you will heal my body from all illness. In Jesus’ name, I thank you. Amen

  13. I ask Jesus Christ, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother and St. Michael the Archangel, that…
    🙏Rachael would be completely healed of the cancer that has aggressively invaded her body for the second time, and also be healed spiritually by accepting Jesus Christ into her heart as her Savior.
    🙏God would “make a way where there is no way” to ease the stress of Alison’s demanding job by sending her qualified, competent, employees with moral integrity, to fill all the vacancies available under her leadership. I also pray that she is not required to relocate to retain a position in her field.
    🙏all the intentions on the Holy Cross Prayer Line are answered in God’s perfect time and way especially those for…Cameron, Lilly, Matt, Brian, Patty, Beverly R., Jim H., all those suffering from Covid. I also pray that their families receive the strength, guidance and peace that only God can provide.
    🙏Baby Tate, an infant born prematurely with a hole in his heart, (who must double his weight before he can have surgery) is completely healed and lives a happy, healthy life. I also pray that his parents continue to have the faith and conviction to rely on the strength and power of God to help them through this difficult time.
    🙏Jennifer would become financially stable, pay off the credit card that is in my name, and pay me back the money she owes me.
    🙏each member of my family would experience God’s Saving Grace in the Lord’s perfect time and way, and that they would either be converted or return to the Church as practicing Catholics.
    🙏Jim would seek and be granted an annulment from his first marriage, have his current marriage blessed in the Catholic Church, and return as a practicing Catholic.
    🙏all those suffering from addictions of any kind turn their lives over to Jesus Christ and receive total healing, especially Stacy, Melissa and Cheryl.
    🙏all my loved one are released from Purgatory to the glory of Heaven especially my husband John, David A., Judy and Greg Cutright and Judy W.
    🙏all the intentions of those praying this Novena to St. Michael the Archangel are answered in God’s perfect time, according to His Will, and that each person praying receives abundant Blessings.
    🙏Sarah and Jennifer C., would would be healed from the darkness of depression/mental illness and receive the Light of Jesus Christ, and spread that Light to others.
    🙏this Administration attempting to destroy our Country by the attempted indoctrination our School Children with Critical Race Theory, White Surpremecy, Gender Identity, disrespect for the American Flag, 🇺🇲 our Constitution and a distorted view of America’s History, is prohibited from spreading these lies.
    🙏none of my Grandchildren ever question their gender, but accept the truth that God created two sexes-male and female.
    🙏the “Catholic” President and his party realize their moral obligation to respect life from conception to natural death by ending Taxpayer funding of the atrocities of abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia.
    🙏Ann is healed of her health issues so that surgery is not required. I also ask for prayer for her special intentions.
    🙏Elizabeth is healed of Covid.

    Thanksgiving to God for countless Blessings, and daily answers to my prayers and petitions. ✝️

    Also, a very special thanks to John-Paul and Annie for offering the World the gift 💝 of these precious Novenas!

  14. Thanks for supporting me with the prayers. I request you pray with me and pray for my family especially my mom Florence Imayi who is taken under the sea by my brother Fred wabusimba for sacrifice that he wants riches. I invoke Divine protection of St. Michael the archangel to destroy any satanic connection sent to mum to destroy it completely and deliver my Mum from bondage of under ground darkness.

  15. St Michael. Heal the world from this virus and the destruction and division it has caused.
    Pray for our Health Freedom
    Pray for no more mandates
    Pray for my family
    🙏 Amen

  16. St Michael please defend my family in battle. I pray for the release of my family from all bondage, dysfunction and addiction. I ask for healing in Jesus’s holy name. Jesus I trust in you. Amen🙏

  17. Please pray for Rhea Stein. Her brother Jeff just passed away and pray for his soul too. Please pray for my daughter Olivia. She has been going through anxiety & depression. This includes all teens going through a rough time right now. Thank you.

  18. I pray for healing of my family root.
    For a successful burial of my late dad, Joseph Ikechukwu Asaa
    For the repose of his soul
    For journey mercy on all that will attend the funeral
    For my son to start saying pipi when he is press and for him to improve in his talking and understanding
    For my husband’s Italian citizenship application to be granted
    For my children to generally improve in their talking and understanding
    May I receive answers to my prayers through the intercession of st Michael Amen
    So that I don’t pay extra money for the flight ticket I changed for my dad’s Funeral

  19. End to Drug addiction, good health, financial security for my husband and I. Success in our professional lives. Good retirement

  20. St. Michael, please pray that I might imitate you in your humility.
    May my heart’s deepest desires be aligned with the Lord’s will for me.

  21. Please pray for my daughter she is due to write exams in a month time she is working very hard at her studies and we would like for her to achieve the success of passing for her first choice school. (Holy Name Convent)

  22. Pray for my daughter who is pregnant, for healthy pregnancy, safe delivery and healthy baby and mother.
    For engagement and marriages of all my children
    For Sr Jo and improvement of her health
    For sobriety of my siblings
    For safe travel for my son and family
    In thanksgiving
    For end of abortion
    For Holy Souls in purgatory especially family members.

  23. In thanksgiving for novenas, blessings and prayer

    For Michael’s healing

    For M’s family that they are able to help their elderly father

    For B that he finds faith and healing

    For relief from chronic inflammation
    Thank you

  24. St.Michael the Archangel please help me and people who had cancer and fighting with cancer. Please make us become stronger and positive to face every challenges in front of us. Amen.

  25. For my whole family. For two personal special prayer request. Nicholas & Matthew. Thank you so much everyone for your prayers.

  26. Dear St. Michael,

    I pray for all those battling the thoughts of abortion and those who have aborted their babies. Heal them with God’s mercy.

    Please heal me of all my uterine fibroids that is causing unfertility and miscarriages.

    Your loving child.

  27. Dear St. Michael,
    Thank you for your protection and prayers. Please pray for our
    daughter’s Natasha’s vocation as a Salesian Sister and for protection and conversion of our son, Alejandro. Pray for our parents, Melchor, Astrea and Carmen and for all our relatives and friends. Amen

  28. Dear St. Michael the Archangel, I pray for y0ur Holy Intercession. I pray to be exonerated from all offences. I pray to have no pharmaceutical medications. I pray to be exempted from the COVID vaccine. I pray to be with my son Jesse as soon as possible as much as possible, I pray to hug my son Jesse as soon as possible, and for him to come home as soon as possible. I pray to have the closest possible relationship with my children. I pray for my son Thomas Owen to be a Counsellor at Camp Tawingo this summer. I pray for him to have the friends and influences and experiences whom and that the Lord Jesus wants. I pray for him to attend the University of Western Ontario as a student. I pray for him to have a Christian girlfriend. I pray for my son Jesse to attend St. Michael’s College School as a student. I pray for him to be a camper at Camp Tawingo this summer, and for him to be a participant on the Voyager Adventure with Camp Tawingo this summer. I pray to be Public Health Supervisor at Camp Tawingo this summer with my children there. I pray for my son Jesse to receive his Sacrament of Confirmation and for both of my children to go back to church with me. I pray for my healing and for the healing of my children. I pray for us to have the financial means to keep our home. I pray for prosperity and abundance, and for my business and profession as a Homeopath to prosper. I pray to know every Homeopathic remedy, potency and dose for every person whom the Lord Jesus wants. I pray to have as many patients as the Lord Jesus wants. I pray to have a husband whom the Lord Jesus wants for me and for my children, and for me to meet this person as soon as possible. I pray for my children to have Christian wives and become Mighty Men of God. I pray for us to have a cottage with which to glorify God and to travel with my children. I pray for graces, blessings, favour and providence for me and my children. I pray for our vehicles to be repaired as soon and as inexpensively as possible and for the proper remediation of our home. I pray for my license to be reinstated. I pray for all the miracles you can bring. I pray this all in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen. Thank you St. Michael, I love you.

  29. Heal my son’s physical ailments and his anxiety. Help him to make wise financial decisions. Please heal my granddaughter’s depression and help her to grow in independence. Thank you Jesus. Thank you St. Michael.

  30. For healing of my nephew and his family relationships, and for his protection from self harm. For my daughter’s return to faith, for healing of our relationship with her, and protection of her while she is away from a life of faith.

  31. My prayers will be to ask St. Michael’s powerful intercession and protection for my son, who I named after St. Michael the Archangel, as he discerns and chooses the college of his choice!

  32. Protection from my Cancer returning
    Thanksgiving for the healing of my sister’s cancer
    Healing of Rhonda Remland’s lungs from Covide 19
    Healing of Robert Torres following his stroke
    Strength for Toni and Matt due to the loss of their baby at 16 wks.

  33. Hello Paul John and Annie !
    I am asking for prayer that when I pray that my prayer is stronger I’m also asking prayer for my brother Jason Thomas that have prostate cancer I’m asking prayer for my finances but I can get myself out of debt and I would like to pray for my brother and sister my grandbabies and friends family all over the world I ask this in name we pray amen!

  34. Will you please pray for my son to have the courage and clarity to do God’s will with regard to his relationship with A?
    Thank you with all my heart! A Mom

  35. Lord, please heal me from my anxiety/ depression. Restore me to good health, work out our financial situation, and keep our family safe.
    Thank you Lord for all the gifts you have given us! 🙏❤️

  36. St. Michael: Please pray for the return of my children to the Holy Catholic Church. Also, if possible, pray for my arthritis to stop progressing. If it isthe will of God. Amen.

  37. Praying for my own healing this time and that I may discern my new path in service to our Lord. And that I will be a more loving wife.
    Also for my daughter and her husband’s temporal abd spiritual needs.

  38. Please pray with me . I just developed very high blood pressure and a bacteria in my stomach ! Thanks so much 🙏🏼📿🙏🏼

  39. My house was damaged beyone repair during Hurricane Ida on 8/29/21. Right now the most important thing is to have FEMA demolish the house and remove debris, as parish deadline is over. Plans are made for a smaller house; right now the cost is over what insurance has given me. I’m staying with a family member, but that may change for a personal reason. I am desperate for things to move on so I can be in my home. Nothing seems to move forward; everything is at a standtill. I’ve been praying about this and I need more prayers. I pray the St. Michael prayer because it has been said it should be said many times during the day. Spiritually, I want a much closer relationship with Jesus and Mary.

  40. Dear St Michael, please intercede for me in the following intentions:
    I pray for financial favour, that I will get help from the government to pay my tuition fees and maintenance fees. I pray that my husband’s business will get a big contract which will bring us out of our financial predicament. I pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and retentive memory for my kids and myself that as we are studying we will always be the Head and not the tail. I pray for my siblings for all their hearts desires to be met. AMEN 🙏🏽 🙏🏽 🙏🏽

  41. Prayer intententions
    1. Seeking healing from continuos uterine bleeding.
    2.Praying for forgiveness among my husbands sibblings.
    3.Request for a job for my husband.
    4. Curses to be removed from my family.
    Thankyou so much Godbless

  42. Dear St.Micheal protect me& my 2 adult kids,and my loved ones from all harm,danger,violence,unsafe people& animals& creatures and from all evil:(K,A,R,R,J&J,M,M,am& all
    Our animals& future kids& future grandkids!)Please guide,help,protect my son(J) in his Military career and help him in his new program he’s in along with his team and protect& help all our Military& families! Bless him w/ special loyal new brotherhood best lifelong godly friends,mentors& many St.Joseph’s to guide & mentor him! Bless my daughter to win her upcoming hearing in April; bless her with full favor from her judge in April! Bless me with great snug fitting dentures that I will want to wear and love! Bless us to drive safely to visit our son in mid April; bless the entire reunion/ travels from beginning to end! Bless my daughter with a loyal godly lifelong best girlfriend and a godly non addicted loving loyal husband,as well as me too! Hear& answer everyone’s prayers& intentions on this novena! Come to the aid of all abused,tortured,suffering,homeless,starving infants,children,animals& people! Set me& loved ones from all demonic harassment,curses,poverty! Financial miracle please for my daughter& I to buy/ own our own townhomes in great condition in very safe neighborhoods near my son, her dad go too with us! Heal my daughter& myself from low income living& bless us with new homes of our own! Help me& loved ones use our God given gifts& talents here on earth for Gods glory,show us the way St.Micheal,Jesus,Blessed Mother,St.Joseph!! JESUS I TRUST IN YOU!! XO

  43. Hello
    Please pray for all my intentions
    Please pray for my husband me my daughter
    my son daughter in law and a kid Grandson
    Please pray for all our quick success
    Thank u so much

  44. stuart healing for addiction healing of stephanies family and have love and forgiveness in their hearts children protection
    against the evil in the world healing of noise in head eyesight
    sister with dementia is taken home son find employment

  45. For giudance & protection for my family!
    For conversion of hubby, son & nephews & nieces..
    For brother-in-law to be completely removed from social media
    For lucky night, lucky break!

  46. Please St Michael pray for my children Anthony, Michael and Mariagorrti to give them America Visa , peace in myfamily and on the whole world Amen .

  47. St Michael the Archangel, please defend me and my family. We are facing great opposition from powerful forces that are seeking to destroy our lies and cause us great pain. Please ready thyself with thy sword and do battle with them. Permanently drive them out of our lives tie them up in chains and fetters and ensure that they will never bother us again. I ask this in Jesus’ name Amen.
    Praying for healing, guidance and protection for Michael, Bridgete, Toni, Gloria, Deborah, Veronica, Cassius, Prisca, myself and all family members I pray for Amen.

    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  48. St. Michael the Archangel, please guide the process of our home selling quickly and to the right buyer.

    Patrick – continued health and success with work and healing in relationships
    Pete – smooth transitions ahead and continued health and success with work, healing, and finding other social outlets
    Alec – a fresh start greeted with a healthy excitement and consistency in doing so
    For all of them to find a spiritual side for the good of their soul.

    Marriage & relationships to improve and grow.

    MM, IP, DP, JM, JM – Health of mind, body, & spirit
    DV, RP, TP – all of their children and their faith
    SM – consistency in prayer life, ability to keep a smooth brain amidst turmoil, new work that suits the person

  49. I am adding D.K. to my intentions. He is bringing many people to the Lord through his work and I ask St. Michael to protect him because it involves quite a bit of travel. Also for WK and his priestly ministry.

  50. For my husband’s cancer and for my niece’s marriage. My daughter who is searching for a Christian husband and my son to come back to the church.

  51. Saint Michael, the Archangel, please continue to defend us in battle against covid, its variants, and all other evil in our world that regularly attempts to steal our peace and disrupt our harmony.

  52. I pray for Millie my daughter who is a candidate sitting a national exam that will accord her entry to university. I pray that she may not be anxious , tense or panicky. I pray that Millie be confident, exude her knowledge and excel. Praying for the 8 subjects; Maths, English, Kiswahili, Geography, Business studies, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. I pray that each attracts a score of ‘A’ clean and plain for Millie, in Jesus Name. I pray and invite you all to remember this special intention for Millie. Amen

  53. Asking for prayer for my husband Rafael Estevez, May the Lord have mercy on him and cure him from pre leukemia, amen

  54. May my youngest daughter receive guidance from the lord for her purchase of a new home. She needs his holy presence to guide her through the process. Jesus, I Trust in You.

  55. Let’s pray for healing of spirits, healing of bodies, and protection from our evil enemies, visible and invisible. Also, pray for conversions of souls. Amen

  56. My Novena to St. Peregrine helped my husband achieve remission for his cancer with poor prognosis. I ask St Michael to keep him in remission. That God and all the saints give him the gift of good health for many years to come.
    I also pray for all those suffering with cancer. May God be merciful.
    And please help the world overcome Covid.

  57. St. Michael, we pray for a release of our Autistic daughter from care and back to her family who love her so much. Amen

  58. St. Michael please intercede for the miraculous healing of our daughter from mental illness and addiction and to return fully to the Catholic Faith

  59. Our city of Scottsdale is the site for a ‘Satanic Conference’ next week.
    It’s being held at a local hotel !
    Please pray for all !
    Thank You !!

  60. For my aunts, 1 recovering from shoulder, the other one, knee surgery. I pray for no complications in their recovery. And that they will flee heal to be able to enjoy a better quality of life.

  61. Kim – grow stronger in her mental, physical and spiritual health.
    Her children- her rock and support. Same.

    Tony- stay healthy in his time of dementia.
    Veronica- wife and caretaker. Strength, good spirit.

    Bernadette- improved health. Physically, spiritually.
    Continued work.

    Colleen and Michael – love, respect & faith in their marriage.
    Financial support.
    Their son Declan. Strength for school and the trials at home.

    Mary Ellen – good health.

    Peace in Ukraine and our world.

  62. St. Michael, Please help President Biden so that he will make choices that are keeping with his Catholic faith. Please help all our legislators, that they will work for the good and benefit of allAmericans

  63. St. Michael, I’m asking for prayers for my family, that they will find peace and joy in their relationship. Also, I’m praying that they will return to the Catholic faith. Please help President Biden so that he will make choices that are keeping with his Catholic faith.

  64. Please pray for healing in my family. We have been going through a very tough experience this past year. We turn to God, the Holy Family, and St. Michael for intercessions. Thank you for praying for us and with us.

  65. 1. I pray for consistency in my prayer life and to walk in humility in 2022.
    2.I pray for Victor salvation to walk closely with Jesus.
    3. I pray for hipbone healing for Harrison.
    4. I pray for receive her dream job in Jesus name.

  66. Please pray for:
    My family and I to be in good health.
    For my nephew to be healed from his burns.
    My children to do well in their education.
    Me to be called for the job that I am waiting for (interview passed but application in reserve).
    Me to have financial freedom.
    My family to live in love, joy and peace. Amen

  67. Please help me pray for the miracle healing of my brother Romy who is fighting for his life due to serious illnesses and infections. Please pray for him for his safety and continued healing that he will pull through. I know nothing is impossible with Gods Mercy and compassion he will be healed Amen! Thank you all!

  68. Please pray for:
    My family and I to be in good health.
    My children to do well in their education.
    Me to be called for the job that I am waiting for (interview passed but application in reserve).
    Me to have financial freedom.
    My family to live in love, joy and peace. Amen

  69. I’m praying for healing myself I struggle with deep rooted hurts that have caused me anxiety, depression, pmdd, anger, unforgiveness was with my mom, sister ( I was her confirmation sponsor and she no longer believes in God), and cousin/God sis that is my daughters’ God mother ( has done some hurtful things over the years that I chose not to address and it’s causing me illness), and some others. I also have had PTSD and memory issues pertaining to work related incidents. My mind races and I’m really exhausted. I’m trying my best to find ways to correct my negative responses and am really out of words and feel lost.

  70. Ask God for divine providence, protection, guidance and journey mercies throughout this period and always. Thank God for His Grace in our lives. St Michael, pray for us Amen

  71. I pray for the protection of my family and friends…I also pray for the success of my first semester second year Exams I pray it will be successful..amen

  72. Please pray for Skyler as he fights for his life with brain cancer, a wonderful young man with a wife and 3 precious children. We are desperate for healing for him if it be God’s will.

  73. Saint Micheal the archangel intercede for me and my family. Protect us against the wickedness of the evil one and heal me completely from breast cancer. Amen

  74. Please pray for the repose of the souls of these beloved fathers and mother: PT, Ed, & Elisa, and for the 17 children from these 3 families that lost a parent too soon.

  75. Please pray for healing upon ef,plz pray that I don’t have cancer and all my test will come bk great,lord I pray that you will comfort me & remove all my fears &worries,lord plz I pray that you will heal me, let your precious blood flow through my body and heal me completely lord hear my cry and heal your daughter,give me strength and joy at this time and I pray that u bless me financially,lord I pray for great medical results Amen