The Next Novena – A Saint for Healing & Comfort

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At some point in our lives, each of us will be affected by cancer or another terminal disease. 

Whether it affects us directly or indirectly, it can cause great suffering in our lives. 

So many of the prayer requests we receive are for those suffering with cancer. 

So the next novena we will pray is the St. Peregrine Novena for Cancer Patients starting on Wednesday, January 13th.

You can share your prayer intentions in the comment section below.

St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients. He had a cancerous ulcer on his leg which was miraculously cured when it was thought to be beyond saving. 

So we will pray this novena for all cancer patients, all those suffering from life-threatening and chronic illnesses, for their families & friends, as well as for physicians and scientists working to discover a cure and to bring relief.

We hope you will join us in praying this novena, and that you will share it with all of your friends & family. 

You can sign up to pray with us here:

And you can share your prayer intentions in the comment section below.

St. Peregrine’s feast day is May 1st. But as with every novena, you can pray it any time of the year — and we will start this one on January 13th. That’s a little less than one week away!

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie –

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  1. I pray that my brother-in-law Craig not have a recurrance of bladder cancer.
    I pray that Gary G’s voice will be restored and that he be cured from cancer.
    I pray that Helen C be cured from cancer and for her conversion.

  2. Please heal my sister Mammutedi whom she has lost two breasts due to cancer, she is slowly recovering please make her to gain back her strength and her confidence. Amen

    please heal her

  3. We ask for a miracle and that our son Nicholas will be healed of his cancer . We also pray for the many people who are fighting this disease. We pray that there will soon be a cure for cancer. Thank you St. Peregrine for your intercession and we thank God for all the blessings He has given us.

  4. Just had breast cancer surgery. Please pray it has not spread to my lymph nodes so I will not need chemo, just radiation…..and all cancer will be gone from my body. Thank you.

  5. Please keep Mary Beth, Tammy and Leisa and your prayers ~ friends of mine who are all struggling with breast cancer. Thank you.

  6. For my dear husband, BILL, who has been battling leukemia for nearly 8 years. He has taken chemo drugs and pills every day for nearly eight years. Please let him get the coronavirus vaccine soon and not have a horrible reaction.
    In thanksgiving

  7. I pray for the healing of PD of his brain tumours. He will not be offered any more treatment so I am praying that God Our loving Father will be at his side take care of him and heal him. He has a young family and he is struggling just now. Dear Jesus I put all my Trust in You, and Surrender this to you, please take care of everything.

  8. I pray for my friends Irene, Suzanne, Linda, and my sister in law Nancy who are all suffering or have suffered from cancer recently. I pray for all suffering with cancer and especially those with young families. I thank God through St Peregrine for healing me of a skin cancer in my leg a few years ago.

  9. I have two cousins battling cancer right now. Both have young children to raise, one is raising her six-year-old son on her own. I ask for healing for Lauren and Cathy.

  10. Pray today for my husband & family, children, grandchildren.
    Special prayers for granddaughter who turned 15 yesterday, and
    special prayers for daughter who challenges me the most, also for
    myself to find peace in these challenges.

  11. Dear Lord, please spare me form abdominal cancer as my biopsies come back. Help me to care for my body so it may heal back to normal.

    For A&J for his cancer to go into remission and he finds the medical help that is right for him

    For all those who have died from cancer and their families. Have mercy on their souls and heal their families.

    Thank you for getting TM thru her 2 cancers and many surgeries, continue to heal and protect her.

    For SA and her breast cancer, watch over her and comfort her during this trying time. For JP and PP to lean on you and find ways to comfort her from a distance.

    In Jesus’ name we ask.

  12. I pray for healing from my breast cancer and that my treatment will be a success. I pray for healing for my sister, brothers, cousins and friends that are suffering from cancer. I pray for my son and daughter that are suffering from mental illness. Help my son with his research and that everything goes well. Help him find his happiness! Help my husband find a job that he can enjoy. Release all our stress, fears, and worries and help us be at peace, happy, and healthy. Protect the prisoners, homeless, elderly, and mentally ill. In Jesus Name! Amen

  13. Please keep in your intentions:
    my uncles and aunts who need to come back to the faith

    all of the cancer patients throughout the world

    all those suffering ill from COVID-19

    for peace and reunion in our country

    for those that have lost work in this time

    for more successful marriages and good priests. Thank you.

  14. Prayers for my son. He has been suffering a mental illness and is now pending a law suit. I am asking for healing prayers for his illness and God’s mercy for his actions. He has a great heart and so much to give if given the chance.

  15. For our dear friend Clare who was just diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. Also for our friend Dorothy who has been suffering with 3 different cancers for the past few years and is becoming weaker.
    We pray for healing, comfort and Hope for our friends.

  16. Dear St Peregrine, please pray for my health. I need your prayers and healing for my mind, body and soul. Please grant prayers that my blood work results are good and shows my body is healthy with no problems. Thank you for your prayers.

  17. For Olivia, age 2, for healing from cancer.
    For Theresa, healing from corona.
    For Carson, for healing during pregnancy.
    For Sara, for healing from depression.
    For Erin, for healing.
    For Dave, for healing from anxiety.
    For peace in our family.
    For an end to coronavirus.
    For faith, for my students and my family.

  18. Please heal my son-in-law Court from the cancer that keeps recurring. Give him and his family the grace and strength to hold fast, to hope, and to grow closer to God through this trial.

  19. TSF – learn all on the job and excel w/o worry or stress.
    CAEF – be mentally, emotionally, Spiritually, and physically well as GOD will have it.
    SAS – that this condition is TEMPORARY.
    MM & TM- Good Health.
    TSF & RF – Loving, Supportive, Cohesive, and Spiritual Union under GOD.

  20. Pls let JS beat her cancer. Pls let TR stay cancer free. Please let my mammogram come back normal. Please keep me & my family cancer free

  21. Healing for Rose Sheehan with tumors throughout her body.
    Especially in her head where she is now going through radiation treatments and after bills to help with the treatment.
    Carol Holman cancer of the uterus going through chemo
    treatments for healing.

  22. I pray for my daughter, that she may have good health, a promising and encouraging diagnosis, and that she may easily, successfully and inconsequentially overcome this recent hurdle. I pray for the cancer patients near and dear to me, those on my prayer list, and those who I don’t know. I pray for the health and safety of all of my family and those I love.

  23. Please remember Mike F, Peter (7 years old) and Sandy (Carol’s daughter) in our Novena. They all are battling cancer.

  24. Praying for my husband’s health. That his cancer is gone and he will become stronger and his heart will also become stronger. Also for Karen and Indigo that their cancers will be healed.

  25. I am praying for my mum who is ill they are not what it is. Praying for healing for her chronic and constant pain and for my self of fibroids it has been a battle.
    Through the intercession of St Peregrine l confidently turn to you, to ask before our father in Heaven to have mercy on all those saying this novena Amen.🙏

    Praying for sick world wide.

  26. Tony for successful radiation treatment
    Barbara for strength for her various cancers and to be free of anxiety
    For all of those suffering who have no one to pray for them and especially those who don’t know the Holy Trinity

  27. Please pray for Lorraine Minosky of Ladner, British Columbia. Lorraine has a very aggressive cancer and is undergoing treatment now. Lorraine is has no religious affiliation but I know she believes in Jesus and I pray for her to fully offer her life to him in this time of trial and that the Lord will cure her cancer.

  28. Please St Peregrine protect me and healing for my body, thank you Amém.
    Please heal M G from his prostate cancer, thank you Amém.

  29. For Steve Hinrichs, who has cancer in his liver and will need a liver transplant.

    For Sister Marie Isabel, and for Anita L., that they will continue to recover from their cancers.

  30. Please pray for healing of my son’s autism and anxiety. Please increase his self awareness and self esteem and give him the ability to perceive situations accurately and quickly.
    Please pray for healing of my multiple sclerosis and for no recurrence of any kind of cancer.
    Please pray for healing of all cancer victims.

  31. Please pray for my Aunt ML who has suffered thru chemo for almost a year, she has cancer in her body that started from bladder cancer…please pray for cancer free and healing for her mind and body..
    Thank you and may God Bless You for this wonderful website and novenas

  32. Cure from MS for my friend Toni. Cure from CP for my niece Erin. Jesus wrap your healing arms around Toni and Erin and grant them a miracle.

  33. Please pray for me. Week before Christmas I was diagnosed with stage 3 anal cancer. I should be starting treatments in 2 weeks. Please pray it has not spread anywhere else.

  34. Pray for my grandson Mark, that he will get the help he needs while in prison. For my cousins Judy & Lucy both have stage 4 cancer.
    Thanks Carol

  35. My Intention for this Novena is that the people of this United States of America unite together to convert back to God and we ask for the Conservatives to unite the country to help overthrow the communists and leftish’s who are trying to take down this beautiful America!

  36. I thank God first of all for all his goodness and mercy upon my life and my family..may your continually praised in Jesus name..
    Dear St Peregrines intercede on my behalf for total healing of non hodgkins lymphoma..i cast it out from my system and body in Jesus name…every cell be restored to normal i pray

    I also pray there will be cure for this affliction through doctors and researchers finding cure for all chronic and terminal diseases in Jesus name AMEN ..

  37. May the Lord heal RB from cancer in the thoracic Crus and stop the spread to any other organ. May the Lord provide her doctor- Dr. V- the knowledge and wisdom to help heal her body. Amen!

  38. Praying for a better job for myself and my husband, the fruit of the womb, a happy and peaceful married life, health of mind and body and financial stability. Amen

  39. I pray for my Aunt’s sustained healing from cancer. And I pray for those who are sick, who don’t have anyone to pray for them. May God heal their bodies and grant them peace in their hearts. Amen

  40. Please pray for my dear aunty Helen as she battles pancreatic cancer. Prognosis is not good but she is a good and faithful disciple of Christ and continues to soldier on. I pray for a miraculous healing and restoration of her health, and also for a continued growth in her faith and trust in the Lord. Amen

  41. Please pray for my nephew who will have his last chemotherapy this month for colon cancer that he be healed of this if it is God’s will.

  42. I pray for a miracle. I have been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and stage 4 colon cancer. I am 58 years old. I will accept whatever Jesus has in mind for me. He has a plan and knows what’s best for me.

  43. Please pray for me that the Lord our God may completely shield me from any and all types of cancer,be it colorectal, stomach or whichever type of cancer and all life threatening injuries, illnesses, diseases, piles, haemorrhoids stomach ulcers and this chronic gastritis,so help me God.
    St Peregrine pray for me.

  44. Dear Jesus..Anxiety and fear has a strong hold on me. This also causes hearing issues. My entire life has been filled looking for safety in order to release this type of pain. So..l pray for healing.if it be Your Will…free from fear,anger,self loathing,low self esteem, loneliness.
    So difficult to change the mind thinking.
    I pray in Jesus name.
    Thank you very much.

  45. Please pray for these cancer “victims:” Teresa’s husband, Rose, Bill B, Wayne, Dan, Sue, Carrie, Kathy, Barbara, Bonnie, Bill R, Brian S, Daisy, Brian Y, and Sandy, as well as for all their care givers, loved ones, and intentions.

    Please also pray for the respect and protection of the unborn, that all mothers and father will always be encouraged to choose life, that all pro-abortion people will have a genuine conversion and change of heart, and that we can all build a culture of life and a civilization of love throughout the earth.

    Thank you. God bless you and your intentions!

  46. Prayers are offered up for my dad Blake who has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma and is experiencing severe back pain. I pray for his pain to he relieved.

  47. Pray for healing for my husband who had a stroke. Heal his right side so that he can walk. Heal all my health issues, and give me the emotional and physical ability to deal with all the stress in my life. Heal the cyst on my little grandson, Timothy’s brain. Healing for my daughter-in-law, Veronica’s health issue. Healing for Ron Porter’s life threatening illness. Healing for my brother, Bill’s health issues. Pray for an end to this Pandemic.

  48. Pray for my grandchildren & all children around the globe suffering from loss and depression during the pandemic. Pray they will soon be back in school and ready to re-engage in life.

  49. Pray for Sam, a high school senior who has a very rare form of cancer. Not much is known about his form so there are no set protocol for treatment. His teams of doctors are using best judgement to treat him. The side effects of the drugs are painful and yet Sam has a love for God and trust in him. Sam’s family all love the Lord above all things. Please prY with me for healing for Sam.

  50. Please pray that the results of my breast biopsy done today be negative. St. Peregrine please intercede on my behave. In Jesus’ name I pray.

  51. My dad has glioblastoma (brain cancer) and we recently found out that it has grown/spread. He has an appointment on 1/14 to see if there are any open clinical trials. I’m asking for prayers that there is an open trial not too far from home and for my family to accept God’s will; whatever that may be.

  52. Prayers for Karen — battling cancer
    For Cleo – baby with heart disease
    For Russ – blood disease
    For Rick and Peter – prostate cancer
    For Kimberly – kidney cancer
    Drew – cancer
    Brenda – Bone cancer
    Janet – knee
    Jimmy – pulmonary fibrosis
    Lauren – systic fibrosis

  53. Please keep Doug in your prayers. He was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He is still with us even after 8 months of his diagnosis . I pray for him and his family to have peace and to be free of pain.
    Thank you, in Christ’s Holy Name.

  54. Gratitude that my husband who had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and is in remission and for my brother who has been suffering with stage 4 prostrate cancer which and is also in the bones in 2017 and is still surviving.
    Ask God to help all those that are currently suffering from cancer that they will feel the love of God.

  55. For my brother Martin suffering from a second lung cancer!! Please God give him strength & healing🙏🙏🙏🙏

  56. Pray for a complete healing for Levi and for his family who is suffering also with this tragedy, May God’s will be done and for all to accept it.

  57. In thanksgiving for my family holidays.
    For jobs for three people in my family to be able to provide for themselves.
    Please pray for: L & C, B & J who have cancer.
    In thanksgiving for my husband and son who are cancer survivors- for their continued good health and well-being.
    For all the young people (including my children) to marry good and holy spouses with marriages rooted in Jesus.
    For peace and healing in our country.
    For COVID to be lifted from us all worldwide.
    Thank you, God.