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Life is fragile; many of us experience that reality through miscarriage or infant loss. Losing a little one is an extremely heavy cross to carry, but you do not have to carry it alone. Jesus is the ultimate comforter, and He invites you to rest in Him! We can also turn to the saints and ask them to pray for us during such a devastating time, especially if prayer is difficult.
Thankfully, the Church is not lacking saints to pray through who are patrons of pregnancy, miscarriage, or child loss. Here are a few saints to consider adding to your go-to list, praying their novenas, or simply making friends with. Remember, the saints are sinners who made it where we want to be! Their prayers are powerful for us. You can also pray with any saint that you have a connection with, related to miscarriage/infant loss or not.
Many observe October as a month to acknowledge miscarriage and infant loss as well as to spread awareness. Perhaps you haven’t personally experienced the loss of a child, but the odds are good that you know someone who has, even if they haven’t publicized it. Consider praying one of these novenas for yourself, your sister or friend who just lost a pregnancy, or the couple a few pews ahead of you suffering their loss in silence. After all, we Christians are meant to “[c]arry each other’s burdens” (Gal. 6:2).
You can also pray any of these novenas if you are pregnant, and ask for protection from loss.
The Infant of Prague Novena
The Infant of Prague devotion began when a statue of the child Jesus was brought to Prague in the early 17th century; miracles associated with the statue have occurred and the statue is venerated in the streets of Prague every year.
How often do we think of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, as an infant? Not very often for me at least! However, we know that God is all powerful and could have come to Earth in any way, yet He chose to come as a tiny, delicate newborn. He did not do this by accident!
The Infant of Prague is patron of children; the Infant Jesus Novena is traditionally prayed during Christmastide; however, you can pray it anytime.
The St. Brigid of Kildare Novena
Saint Brigid was an Irish nun who lived in the 400s-500s. She was an abbess and established many monasteries. She is the patron saint of babies. Pray the Novena to St. Brigid and she will pray with you!
The St. Zelie Martin Novena
Saint Zelie Martin (St. Therese of Lisieux’s mother) suffered many losses. Four of her and Louis Martin’s nine children died very young. She wrote about her losses and expressed no regret in having her children, even though she suffered much sorrow. She wrote: “we shall find our little ones again up above.” St. Therese attributed many graces to her sibling’s prayers in heaven. You can pray the Novena to St. Zelie Martin here.
The St. Colette Novena
Saint Colete is the patron saint of expectant mothers and of stillbirth. She was a French abbess who lived in the 1300s-1400s. Her parents prayed for a child for a long while before having her. Pray this Novena to Saint Colette and ask her to pray for you.
The St. Gianna Beretta Molla Novena
Saint Gianna is a modern day saint who suffered two miscarriages and died shortly after giving birth to her last child. She is the patron saint of motherhood and serves as an incredible witness to life. Pray the Novena to St. Gianna here.
The St. Catherine of Siena Novena
Saint Catherine is a doctor of the Church. She was devoted to the sick and to those suffering, including women who had suffered the agony of miscarriage. She is a patron of protection from miscarriage; you can pray the novena you St. Catherine of Siena here.
The St. Margaret of Antioch Novena
Saint Margaret was an early Christian martyr. A concert to the faith, she was tortured and killed for refusing to deny Christ. She is patron of pregnant women and you can pray this novena to her here.
The St. Raymond Nonnatus Novena
Saint Raymond was born via caesarean when his mother passed away during childbirth. He joined the Mercedarian order and spent his life evangelizing and saving slaves. He is the patron saint of pregnant women. You can pray this novena for St. Raymond here.
The St. Gerard Majella Novena
St. Gerard was born in 1726 to a large family in Italy. He joined religious life in his early 20s and was devoted to the poor. Throughout his life, many miracles were attributed to him. Before his death, a young girl found his handkerchief and he told her to keep it. Years later after he had died, the girl now married and pregnant, was at risk of losing her child. She placed Majella’s handkerchief on her stomach, and her pain was gone; she birthed a healthy child. You can pray this novena to St. Gerard as he is a patron of pregnant women.
The St. Bernard of Clairveuax Novena
St. Bernard wrote to a couple that had a miscarriage in response to their question, “What is going to happen to my child? The child didn’t get baptized.” St. Bernard said, “Your faith spoke for this child. Baptism for this child was only delayed by time. Your faith suffices. The waters of your womb — were they not the waters of life for this child? Look at your tears. Are they not like the waters of baptism? Do not fear this. God’s ability to love is greater than our fears. Surrender everything to God.” Pray this novena to St. Bernard and rest in his encouraging words.
All you holy men and women, pray for us!
We’re praying for you and all of your intentions, especially those you only speak in the silence of your heart.
Pray for my sister and brother in-law who just had a miscarriage. Pray for peace in their hearts and minds. Pray for the child who has gone to be with our Lord. I also pray that God will bless my sister with a healthy child.
A cousin’s baby girl recently lost her battle to failing health at one month of being born and upon conversation on planning her services a lady asked when we would start praying her novena and my mother in law stated that since baby girl was baptized and died free of sin that praying a novena is not required. Can someone help me with this doubt of the unknown.
Prayers for a friend please
Also, so you know, some of the links are missing (St Margaret and St Raymond)