Prayer Intentions for The Christmas Novena, 2020

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Thank you for joining us in praying The Christmas Novena!

You can share your prayer intentions with all of us in the comments below.

We’re praying for you and your intentions!

May God comfort you and bring you peace this Advent and Christmas!

God bless you!

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  1. For my grandaughter amd grandson to heal from her parents divorce and their parents. For my health and to recieve healing and a clear pet scan. For so. To gain some confidence and find good and holy spouse. For husband and our family and all to be protected From coronavirus. Especially us who have to work in the public. For a. R. To conceive a child. For the forgiveness of my sins and to become more holy.

  2. Please pray for me that I may unite with my husband. Due to this pandemic we are unable to travel. We are in different countries and I being a nurse, not granted to go on vacation.We are planning for a child but our distance is not allowing us. Please pray that God unites us blesses us with a baby.

  3. Please pray that the relationship between our daughter and the whole family is restored. She walked away from the family 5 years ago.

    Also, that God brings a good christian man into our other daughters life to be her husband.

  4. Please pray for my husband that he will be reconciled to God and that he will stop drinking. That he will find a job after being laid off twice this year. Please pray for my brother C who lives in a nursing home. C is having delirium due to medication side effects. He had his cataract surgery today, that his eye may be healed and he may recover from his delirium. Please pray for my sister M who needs to find a safe place to stay
    Thank you

  5. I am praying in a special way for my parents to get someone to help them in the house especially during this festive time. Please pray with me! Thanks

  6. Prayers for the Doyle family. Also, prayers for my husband and myself, President Trump and our Country, The Pandemic to get over with so people can starting living normal lives, for jobs and the economy.
    God Bless America

  7. For all expectant women so they have the support and love they need for carrying their child. For them to take care of their bodies and eat well and nutricious food. For them to have faith and draw closer to God. Amen

  8. Lord, I pray for the whole world to find peace and joy in you.
    That we may look at you and know that we are Loved and that your Mercy endures FOREVER.
    Continue to guide me and do your Holy Will.

  9. Please pray for my daughter and her husband who are separating and have a one year old son. They are constantly bickering. Pray for peace and forgiveness in their hearts and souls

  10. Please pray for all those dealing with Covid and the flu that during this Christmas time they will not feel isolated and lonely. For the babies in womb that all mothers will fall in love with their babies at the moment they find out they are pregnant.
    For my daughter’s test results from her annual physical will all come back normal.
    Please pray for China and Russia for their conversion to Christ Jesus.
    For peace in our Nation and the world.

    God bless you all and may you all have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year.

  11. Please pray that the wound on my mother’s leg heals fully and quickly. She’s been in lots of pain with very little sleep. We also have a friend that recently lost her son. Please pray that God will give her and her family strength and peace.

  12. Pray for healing and protection for my son , P and that he will have a change of heart so that I may see my grandchildren. Pray for my daughter s boyfriend,E for his conversion and help him turn his life around.

  13. Pray for my marriage to be strengthened through the love if our Lord Jesus Christ.
    For for my daughter and her husband to have a baby soon if this is God’s will.
    For my family especially my husband to have the love and courage to proclaim his Faith to our children.
    Take away the hurt, anger and resentment and mistrust my husband has toward the Clergy.

  14. Please that our Catholic Church may be healed from the division and will be saved here on Earth.
    Peace for our great country . Pray for an end to abortion 🙏🙏

  15. Please pray for the USA. That good will prevail over evil. And that we continue to be an example of goodness to the rest of the world.

  16. I continue to ask healing prayers for my son who’s on a liver transplant list and has a most rare blood type. I pray God’s will to restore his health with thanks that with God’s grace he’s currently maintaining. I also ask mighty prayers that my older son will return to the faith and raise his young sons in the sacraments.

  17. Please pray for the return of my daughters and son-in-law to the Catholic Church. For my grandchild to be baptized in our church and for the end of all abortions. Thy will be done. Amen.

  18. For the husband of the director of our Pregnancy center who is battling cancer and for spiritual and emotional healings for my husband.

  19. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers, and responding to them. Please pray with me for my son who is struggling with ADD, and getting behind in school. I pray that God will release him from any bondage of the enemy that is holding him back from doing his work for school. I also ask for prayers for all the special intentions of my family and friends. In Jesus name I pray.

  20. Praying for my mum to be healed of her pain and to be fine. Also praying for my daughter to be able to walk and talk and to get understanding. I also pray for the other kids to grow in the lord and to be comforted by the Lord for their issues. I pray for their dad to be touched by God so that he makes time to see his children. May God tone down the big ego.
    I also pray for success in my work and for blessings in every thing i do.
    I also pray for unity of my family members and for a meaningful advent.

  21. Please pray for my relationship with my oldest daughter to be improved, that our Lord and Savior will light the path I should take in order for this to happen.
    Please also pray that my youngest daughter will meet a Catholic young man to date and marry.

  22. That my son,Joe and his wife, Jenny will be able to conceive a child, have a normal pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby, if it’s in the Lord’s plan for them. They lost a pregnancy in August, when Jenny was 6 months pregnant. That God would bless them with a child. Thank you.

  23. Peace and health for my family. Pray for my son so that he may find his way back to his family. I miss him so much. Whatever his reason for his departure year’s ago is not important. ❤️

  24. Please pray for my daughter in law Amanda she is expecting her second child and life’s pressure are weighing heavily on her shoulders

  25. Praying that my son finds peace in his heart with whatever he is struggling with about himself. Open his eyes to the truth that he is not to blame for the problems that his wife has created. Help him to guide his family and be able to handle everything he is dealing with. Help him to convince his wife to get the help she needs for her mental illness. Amen.

  26. I pray for healing in my entire body that the Lord will touch me and strengthen me. I pray for healing in my marriage. I pray for my daughter Tiffy that she will carry her baby to term. I pray for Danielle to take her studies seriously and study for her exams. I pray for healing

  27. Asking for prayers for my youngest brother, 59 years old, who had a stroke and a heart attack…he can’t use his right side and cannot walk or talk and it has been a month…he is doing rehab and is trying so hard. He needs a Christmas miracle!!! Please help us pray for him, his name is Joseph! I know this is the season of hope so we are trying to be hopeful
    Thank you🙏🙏🙏

  28. Prayers of thanks for helping my husband, daughter, sister, son, daughter-in-law and me get well. Praying that my other daughter-in -law will forgive us in her heart for things she things we caused. Open her eyes to the truth that we love her so she will allow us to see our son and grandchildren again. To the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen.

  29. Easy and normal pregnancy of my daughter Angeli.
    Safety and protection for her,Emmanuel ,Angelo and Stephanie in daily driving and from Covid 19 virus and to end this pandemic.
    For the churches to be re-open
    For my full recovery from stroke
    in Jesus name i oray

  30. Dear Heavenly Father I ask you for healing Blessings for my husband Peter who is struggling with Acute Myeloid Lukemia. Blessed Mother Mary; I ask you to pray to your Son Jesus and to our Heavenly Father for us to Heal Peter. I Believe in you and I Trust in you. Amen

  31. PLEASE pray for my three daughters to return to their Catholic faith. My oldest daughter is married with two young sons who have not been baptized. My middle daughter is gay and has a partner, so obviously she is not living her faith. I at least know she believes in God and prays. My youngest daughter tends to want to go to these mega-churches with college friends rather than to Mass with us. She adores her older sister, so I’m sure it’s partially because she knows the Church doesn’t accept her sister ‘s lifestyle. I do know she believes in God and prays though. I just want them all to seek the Truth. They were given 14 years of Catholic education. This is breaking my heart and crushing my spirit. I ask for your prayers too that I keep the faith, continue to hope, and love them in a way that they see the Truth through me.

  32. Please include prayers for Mike, Ellen and their new baby girl expected to be born in March. Prayers for God’s protection over each of them and that they may know Jesus in a real and personal way. Thank you prayer warriors. Thank you Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords, creator of everything, creator of me.

  33. That my sons return to the Catholic Faith. That CPH will get his new job, that he will find a good, practicing Catholic girl to build a life with. That God will save our country from the evil that has taken over it. An end to all abortions.

  34. Praying that the will of God concerning my career may come to pass.
    My son who did not wed in the church may rectify his wedding soon
    God’s protection over my family

  35. Going for a COVID test today. Pray that it is negative and that I am protected from covid. Also protection for my family

  36. Dear Lord Jesus & Blessed Mary & St Gerard
    We pray that our daughter has conceived a healthy baby. Please grant us this blessing.

  37. I pray for increase in faith, love, hope, self control and trust so I can serve my Lord accordingly and abide by him. I pray for the well-being of my country. I pray for relief from the tax burden that me and my family are facing. I pray for the lord to protect my family against all harm, spiritual, physical, and financial. I pray for the Lord to protect children and animals against harm and abuse for they are voiceless and innocent.

  38. For my children who I got right now practicing the faith. Especially my oldest son I believe that moral relativism is the correct path to lock down.also, please pray for my mom, my sister and my former spouse who are not practicing the faith. Also pray for me and my family as I seek an annulment through our diocese. Thank you and God bless

  39. Praying to theord will touch the hearts of the victims of abortion that he heal their souls, and wonds. Guide and direct them Oh Lord.
    Praying for my family and I for Gods guidance, covering, and protection from all harm, and danger.

    In Jesus name I humbly come before Thee Lord. Amen

  40. I pray for our Country and the World. I pray for my daughter and son to be happy healthy and safe as well as my grandkids. I pray for my family and friends.
    I pray my son makes great grades in this his senior year and Good choices for his future. I pray for strength in faith for both children. Please relieve the anxiety and depression from my son and daughter these are hard times to navigate so much change and unrest.
    Please be with my husband and I keep us happy healthy and safe as we lead our family through and be with my mother and sister help them to have peace and harmony and heal them up there auto immune disorders amen

  41. For the healing of H, mentally, emotionally and physically. For H to be able to resume a more normal life and have happiness, success and peace.

  42. Praying for my sons that the good Lord intervene and remove all obstacles in attaining their goals. Praying also for good health of mind and body.

  43. For the return of all of my children to the Church of their heritage. That all of my grandchildren may obtain a Christian education.

  44. For conversion of hearts of my family and friends this Advent. And to clesr up all tax and financial problems that burden me.

  45. I’m praying for healing for my husband who has a critical heart condition. I pray for the grace of faith and to know that God has the greatest plan for us.
    Please bring peace and healing to my family.
    For my children to return to the Church, they have been away from the faith for several years now. May our Mother touch their hearts at this Christmas time and bring them all back to God.

  46. I pray that my son & daughter in law will be able to adopt the 2 foster children they have & for them possibly to have a child together.

  47. Please intercede for Joe B & Jill B. That they are blessed with wisdom to fully understand the sanctity of life for the unborn & for the elderly. May they have the courage & political will to change & live according to God’s commandments & the Catholic faith. May all Catholics be blessed with wisdom in this regard & live our Catholic faith publicly as well as privately. I include myself in this prayer.

  48. Dear Lord Jesus and Holy Family,

    Thank-you for all the blessings and graces that you have bestowed on all relatives, friends and acquaintances of my family all of our lives this Christmas. Dear Lord, please bless our nation and help us to rid the world of all terrible viruses and illnesses. Thank-you for keeping us on the right path mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. Please help those suffering. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

  49. I’m praying for divine intervention and healing for my mother who is critically ill. That God will touch the doctors and give the wisdom and strength to continue the great work they’re doing. God please help my mother. Heal her, touch her with your gentle hands of love and mercy. Bring peace snd healing in my family. God please I’m begging for you to hear me. Please, I know you’re listening and you’ve never failed me. Please my Father intervene.

  50. We prayed together and asked God to give me a kid,now am pregnant.but I am worrying at the same time.. please pray for me that I will be Hiv negative when test will be taken.i slept with a man who was infected and I realised later

  51. God I pray for strength to persevere through my job and given the knowledge and ability to continue down expanding my knowledge of my career and passing my modules. I’ve been carrying a heavy weight and I pray that you help me lift it and be more like you God. I want to pray for my family, friends and all my loved ones that we can all get through these tough times and be more and more like you. Love is key and I pray that we never lose sight of that. Continue to send the Holy Spirit down to inspire my and help me through all my troubles. I love you God and I am sorry for turning away from you. Please help me to open up again.

  52. Please pray to our mother of sorrows, who knows human sorrow personally, for the healing of Peter, and his cancer. That his tumors will be gone, and he can be a normal 1st grader again in joy. Please pray for Patrick, 8, that he will eat. Please pray for Cait, that she maybe be able to talk, and enter Kindergarten. And for their families, not to lose their trust in God, but may say constantly in faith, Jesus I Trust in You! Please pray for all God’s children that we may prepare for His glorious coming. Amen

  53. Praise God , I want to pray for my granddaughter who was lost for a while and succumbed to drugs a a bad way of life through the grace of god she had quit but I know she struggles with it and sometimes I think she falls back to her drug habits pray for her that god touches her and gives her the strength she needs you have prayed for her already and she had changed but we all know it’s a struggle especially with her by polar and angciety that she gets keep her in your prayers she needs them so badly in Jesus name amen thank you

  54. Good evening,,

    I’m asking for prayers for my cousin, Carmelita Gutierrez,,,Her Kidneys are not functioning well now,, (only 6%); and she can’t undergo dialysis,,,So please pray for a miracle for my cousin,,,That she would have healthy kidneys; and her A/C sugar level would reach 6 points.
    Thank you so much,,,
    God bless to all,,,,

  55. I pray for the end of abortion and pray for healing of my leg and help for single family. May the Lord coming give my husband change of heart and make him happy and loving to me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!!

  56. For my older sister to return to the Church; she has been away from the faith for several years now. Please help her to find healing.

  57. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I get a steady job in the middle of January and that I don’t have to work past 5 p.m. I can work 5 days a week and if I have to work weekends I can get two days of the week off. I need at least two days off so I can rest. I also pray that when I start working I can take May 18 off for the MRI and that I can start working in January but not past 4 0r 5 p.m. I pray it’s full time. I also pray that I don’t get up in the middle of the night anymore and that I don’t eat that you can put a bug in my ear when I am in my room so I don’t have to go to the kitchen. Please answer my prayers because I need them answered.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  58. For all the souls in purgatory especially the forgotten priests and religious. For all in need during these trying times. Praying for our country to have healing and conversions. For all those praying this novena and there intentions. For our blessed mothers intentions. Amen for my private intentions. Amen. Thank you God for all your blessings upon our land and people. In your mighty name Jesus we pray for our intentions to be heard.

  59. Holy Trinity please protect our beautiful country from the forces of evil in every respect. I know this is a spiritual battle and I ask for YOUR full force of mighty love and power to intervene and lift up our country and our prayer warriors for peace, light, and God’s Holy Will.

  60. I pray that we put God first in our lives. I also pray for the health of my family and an end to this virus. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  61. I pray for Divine healing , good job and life partner upon my life. I also pray for God’s total protection upon I and my loved ones, that we all will triumphantly crossed to 2021. Let there be eradication of Corona virus and every other disease out break. Amen.

  62. For the safety and healing of the parents of our parish priest – his mom has covid
    For our little catholic school to grow in size so we can teach even more children and families about Christ
    For my children and husband
    For our country
    For my dad

  63. Pray for my 3 children’s souls to be saved. For all 3 to come back to the Catholic church. For my youngest to get an annulment and marry in the Catholic church. For my oldest to heal from drinking and smoking. For my 3 kids to understand how important our Catholic faith is.

  64. Please pray for my baby girl who is 6 months pregnant. These are some trying times to be far away from family. So give her strength and courage as she takes this journey of pregnancy and ultimately child birth. I pray for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. Thank you. amen.

  65. I’m begging Jesus for a complete healing of my dog, Sammy. I ask God to send her healing angels to restore her health completely. She is my little buddy and I love her so much! Please Jesus, help her. Pour the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ over her.

  66. For Chief Burke coronia virus
    Tommy Burke son coronia virus
    Stephen Malioux stroke
    All people suffering with coronia
    unity in the world
    safety in the vaccine

  67. Father today I pray that you look upon your son Travis who will undergo cancer surgery, we entrust him to you. Jesus son of the most blessed Virgin Mary, have mercy on him and heal him, we humbly pray.🙏🏻🌹🌹🌹🌹

  68. Please pray for my sister and her children. They are going through a hard time and need prayers to pull them out. Thank you.

  69. Pray for my stepson to find help and turn to God
    My son delivery from smoking
    My daughter deliverance from alchohol and peace of mind for my son in prison.

  70. Dear Lord,

    I humbly come to you in prayer to heal our nation and pray for the peaceful transfer of Presidential leadership in the US. I pray for President-elect Biden and his team as they will work to unite our country again. I pray for President Trump and to thank him for his service. I pray for all those who have worked tirelessly ensuring that this election was a fair election. Lord, I am asking for prayers for our nation to work together and to find more commonality within ourselves. Please heal us all.

    I pray for all those who have been affected by COVID. I pray for healing for those who have it (CS, AS, DF, MF). I pray for those who have suffered loss from this. (JW, EK, ME).

    I pray for all those who have been affected by cancer. I pray for healing for those who have it and those who have suffered loss from this (MT, JW, SA, TB, SL).

    Lord guide us, heal us, help us. We are grateful for all your blessings. Please lead us with your kind heart and wisdom.

  71. Prayers for complete healing for my sister, Iris. She has been in the hospital due to Covid19 for 12 days and will stay another 8 more days. She needs to maintain oxygen levels and get stronger. I pray that her health be completely restored and provisions supplied while she recuperate once home. Lord hear our prayers.

  72. I pray that God would put a hedge of protection around me and my family to protect us from contacting Covid-19. I pray for a complete healing of those infected with COVID-19. I pray for the souls of those who lost their lives to Covid-19. May they Rest In Peace and eternal light shine upon them. I pray for conversion and repentance for my children, grandchildren, and all my family members. I thank God for all his blessings, graces, mercies, favors, and gifts. I pray for all the souls in purgatory and and end to abortion. I pray for God’s will for our country and our Presidential election outcome. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

  73. Lord Jesus, bless those less fortunate with your love and care knowing that this Christmas season is filled with the love you provided for us at birth.Keep us together as families and help us with our needs like a shelter and food along with great health.Bless mothers with unborn babies and give them the courage to carry them full term. Thanks for the gift of life, Amen.

  74. Please pray for my mother Erlinda healing and recovery. She is in ICU now. We love our mother so much and hoping she will still be with us. She will overcome this thru the healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

  75. Please Pray that our family live in Peace and Joy of our Lord Jesus. Pray also for Colette that she can get a child. Thanks

  76. Dear Jesus – I ask that you help John continue on his path to healing and that each day brings him closer to renewed health. May you also lift the depression from my mother and erase the anger that my sister holds so deep in her heart. Finally, most beloved son of God, I ask that you guide our nation through these turbulent times and help us find our way through the anger, greed and lies that plague us. I humbly ask all this through you, lord and savior, Amen

  77. Praying to the Holy Family and to St Joseph in this year dedicated to him, for good health and protection from the virus and all other ailments for – my family & friends, all those doing this Novena and myself!
    Praying for two of my children to be successful in their job interviews in obtaining jobs very soon, for their conversion and to settle down in due course with God chosen spouses.
    For the successful sale of our family home which has been difficult to sell.
    For a swift end to the Covid pandemic the world over that we can get back to our lives as normally as we can. We give God all the Glory, honour and Praise!

    Thank you Jesus, Mama Mary and St Joseph! Pray for us!

  78. Holy mother Mary, please help my niece Monica to deliver her baby as she is expecting next month. Stay with her every step of the way. That hopefully her labor will be easy and smoothly for her. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen

  79. Brothers and Sisters,

    My intention is for my wife to leave Bing drinking on weekends and to be able to handle stress better as she sees her mother deteriorate from Alzheimer’s.

    My intention is to start a new career in teaching after being work since March in a business I started last year and now cannot stay find business due to covid I pray I am able to provide for my family that I love so much as I have no income. Lord I know you will provide but please allow me to stress less and teach me a better way.

    I pray for all those who keep their depression and anxiety disorders hidden may they find refuge in you lord and may they find healing through your holy words.

    I pray for all those who are ill and lonely may your holy spirit find them and cover them with your love.


    Blessings to all!