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While many novenas ask for the intercession and prayers of the Blessed Mother or a particular saint, all novenas are ultimately to Jesus because it is from Him that grace flows.
However, if you are looking for a novena that invites you to meditate on a particular aspect of the life of Christ or that helps you present your needs to Him, consider praying these novenas to Jesus:
This novena, also called the Infant Jesus Novena celebrates the great mystery of our faith–that God Himself became Man.
Devotion to the Infant Jesus often focuses on the statue of the Infant of Prague which depicts the Christ child with a crown on His head. In his left hand he holds an orb symbolizing kingship and his right hand is extended in a blessing. This image and the Novena to the Infant of Prague helps us meditate on the fact that an all-powerful God took on the form of a child.
Traditionally this novena was prayed leading up to the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus but it can be prayed at any time!
At Christmas we ponder the mystery and gift of the Incarnation. God chose to come to us in complete humility as a child born in Bethlehem, and in taking on our human nature through Jesus, God could bring us into relationship with Him.
This novena is most often said beginning December 16th to end on Christmas, but it is also good to pray anytime during the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Jesus intimately understands our sufferings because as God Made Man He was like us in all things but sin.
During His time on earth, He felt pain and sorrow just as we do. Jesus wept for the loss of his friend Lazarus and experienced physical and spiritual pain during his Passion and Death.
However, He is also the God who can bring healing and peace to us when we need it the most. Bring those areas of your life in need of healing to Jesus with this novena.
Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus
In 1844, a French Carmelite nun had an apparition of Jesus and gave her the devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. A man named Leo Dupont then began this devotion privately and over the next 30 years, many miracles were attributed to the devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus.
Pope Leo XIII approved this devotion and encouraged the faithful around the world to practice it. Many saints, including St. Therese of the Lisieux, meditated and reverenced the Face of Christ.
This novena can be said at any time, though The Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus takes place the day before Ash Wednesday.
The feast of the Transfiguration commemorates a significant event that occurred before Jesus’ passion.
Jesus goes up a mountain with his Apostles Peter, James, and John. There, Jesus becomes radiant with the glory of God, and Moses and Elijiah appear next to him. A voice from heaven spoke saying: “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”
This novena gives you an opportunity to meditate on Christ’s identity and mission in a special way before Holy Week.
On Good Friday we commemorate Christ’s Passion and Death on the cross. We solemnly remember and give thanks for the sacrifice He made out of His love for us.
Praying with this novena can help you enter more fully into this great mystery, preparing you to truly receive the graces the Lord desires to give you during the Triduum.
The Cross is a powerful symbol of God’s love for us; God sent us Jesus, His only Son, to suffer and die for us, paying the price for our sins. We are called to look to Christ’s cross and learn from Him how to offer ourselves to God and to others.
This novena meditating on cross often begins on September 6 and ends on The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
Jesus’ Resurrection is the most important event to happen in human history. It signified His triumph over sin and death, and made salvation attainable to every person who desires it.
You can say the Novena to the Risen Jesus to thank God for this great gift at any time, but it is especially pertinent to pray during the Easter season.
After Jesus’ resurrection, Christ spent 40 more days on earth before ascending into heaven. Before He rose to His rightful place next to the Father, Jesus promised to always be with us and instructed us to go out to preach the Gospel.
This novena can be said at any time but it also provides a beautiful meditation in the days leading up to the Feast of the Ascension at the end of the Easter season.
Jesus Himself gave the Divine Mercy Novena to St. Faustina during an apparition. At Jesus’ request, each day of the novena offers prayers for God’s mercy on a specific group of people, and involves the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet for nine days.
Jesus promised: “By this Novena (of Chaplets), I will grant every possible grace to souls.”
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus spread rapidly after Jesus’ appearance to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in the 1670s. He told St. Margaret Mary that He desireddHis heart to be honored, asking for the faithful to make amends for any wrongdoing they had done, frequently take Communion, and observe the Holy Hour.
The symbol of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a powerful one; Pope Leo XIII said: “There is in the Sacred Heart the symbol and express image of the infinite love of Jesus Christ which moves us to love in return.”
St. Padre Pio recited this particular novena daily and found it a very efficacious prayer to bring intentions to the Lord.
Pope Pius XI instituted The Feast of Christ the King in 1925 to combat the nationalist and secular ideas that had pervaded most nations. This feast and title of Christ boldly proclaims His kingly power and authority.
Pope Pius XI wrote: The faithful, moreover, by meditating upon these truths, will gain much strength and courage, enabling them to form their lives after the true Christian ideal.”
The Christ the King Novena invites Jesus to reign in our hearts, minds, and wills.
The Church celebrates the feast of Christ the King on the last Sunday of the Liturgical year so the start date of the novena will change slightly from year to year.
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Thank you for always allowing me to join the various Novena prayers…the last Novena to Christ The King was very moving for me. Both my parents suffered a stroke and have become immobile and needed 24/7 care. My siblings and I as well as the adult grandchildren were all not agreeing to the best care for my parents. I’ve been praying and begging that Jesus hear my prayers for peace within the family so we can best decide the best care for mom and dad assessing the financial burden at hand. I could not bear to pray for work peace while my own family was in pure chaos. I had to pray first for peace within me and then within my children and me and finally, peace amongst my siblings.
After praying the Christ The King Novena, it felt like a heavy burden was lifted and I felt more at peace…my children and I are speaking in more loving terms, and somehow, some of my siblings have calmed down. On the other hand, mom and dad, while still needing 24/7 care, has gotten into a routine. We are now just struggling financially how to afford the care for them.
Thank you so much for your invaluable retreats as it has really enriched my spiritual life better.