A Day of Solidarity for All Persecuted Christians: Fasting & Morning Offering

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The Novena for Religious Freedom will start on Friday, August 1st, the Feast of St. Peter in Chains, with a special Day of Solidarity for All Persecuted Christians.

There are three things we will do to commemorate this day, on the first day of the novena:

  1. We will fast (or offer another sacrifice).
  2. We will recite a Morning Offering prayer (see below).
  3. We will recite our novena prayer for the day.

We will do all of these things, offering them up for those suffering for their faith around the world.

Sign up here to join us in praying the Novena for Religious Freedom. 

How you choose to fast, or make another sacrifice, is up to you, but here are a few examples:

  • Only eating one small meal that day
  • Abstaining from meat
  • Abstaining from caffeine
  • Giving up listening to the radio or watching tv
  • Walking to daily mass instead of driving

Again, these are just a few ideas. You can discern how you feel called, and capable, to fast. There is no specific requirement.

As for the Morning Offering, there are many different variations of this prayer — you can choose to pray whichever one you know best. The idea is to offer God everything in your day, good and bad, joining your sacrifices & joys to His. This prayer is also a good reminder of the importance of praying for others and for our Holy Father.

Here is one version we will be praying:

“O Jesus,
through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer You my prayers, works,
joys and sufferings
of this day for all the intentions
of Your Sacred Heart,
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
throughout the world,
in reparation for my sins,
for the intentions of all my relatives and friends,
and in particular
for the intentions of the Holy Father.
St. Peter in Chains, pray for us!”

Sign up here to join us in praying the Novena for Religious Freedom. 

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  1. I pray St Peter in Chains, bring peace and love in the countries who r persecuting and killing Christians, help my family, especially my Grandson turn to his Catholic faith and pray, that he turn his life around, get a job and come back home, thank you Amen.

  2. Wonderful Father, You are great and most worthy of praise. You are to be feared above all gods. The earth is Yours and everything in it; the world and all its people belong to You. O Lord, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. We are grateful that when we, Your people, call to You for help, You hear and rescue us out of our troubles. Thank You for giving us Your peace and joy. Thank You for providing a life of hope, abundance, and destiny. Thank You for being our strength in times of weakness.
    Father, help Joseph, Paul, Randy to not be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of their minds through Your Word. Holy Spirit, I ask that You strengthen and renew Joseph, Paul, Randy’s innermost being. Let the fiery darts of the enemy not permeate their being. May they always hear Your voice and obey Your will. Father, please help them to overcome their fears. Please strengthen their family members and caretakers and help them to always walk in Your peace and love with their loved one(s).

    • Dear Father in Heaven, I ask for your healing powers over all aspects of Eric’s life. Please keep his eyes focused on you. As he faces these charges, be they just out unjust please give him the strength to go on. Strength to face his accusers always in a Christian manner. Please help his efforts to come to something good. Please put Christian people in his path. Please bring him new friends who know and understand the situation and will stick by him. If it is your will Lord, please take all these crosses from him. Please dear Lord Rid his path of satan and all who Satan sends out to destroy him. Give us, his family the strength to always look to you for guidance and strength as we try to help Eric. Please bring this to a good end soon. And please help the woman who was crying in church. In your Glorious name I pray. Amen

  3. Thank you Lord for bringing us to this month (month of divine visitation). I pray for the following through the intercession of St. Paul in chains:
    1. Religious freedom in the whole world
    2. Grace for persecuted Christians in Nigeria, Iraq & the whole world.
    3. Deliverance & restoration for my nuclear and extended family members.
    4. Job security for my husband and I.
    5. Jobs & Godly spouses for my younger ones.
    6. Good health for the entire family.
    7. Fruit of the womb for Joy and others.
    Thank you Lord.

  4. I apply for my husband to come and join me in the us.
    please pray that he get a visa soon.
    And pray for the people that have been affected by the ebola sickness.
    To God be the glory.

  5. Our heaven Father,i want to thank u for the gift of life.God i come now to pray for the soul of my nephew Zandie who was murder by unknown people.I also pray for christians who are suffering in their countries because of their faith in Jesus Christ so that their suffering should end.st Peter of chains pray for us.

  6. Please pray that though the intercession of St. Peter in Chains
    that i may grow stronger in my faith, that i may be free from the financial situation i find myself in, for peace in the world. St. Peter in chains pray for us.

  7. Please pray that though the intercession of St. Peter in Chains may our son be free from the chains that have him inprison in his working situation

  8. Lord I humbly ask for your forgiveness for never a day I have not sinned. Please protect me and my family from all the illnesses of the world and that we may see and hear your goodness in our everyday lives as you always have. Help us find content in what we have and not seek worldly and evil things. Help us to seek You o Lord and love you with all our hearts and soul. I ask that you will shower us with good health especially my little boy who is sickly. Help me find the strength and wisdom to be a good mother to my kids, a good child to my mother and a good friend to all my peers. I also pray o Lord for those who call upon you for help and praise You despite the hardship they receive for being a Christian. May they find the strength and love they deserve o Lord. Amen.

  9. Our Heavenly Father, please free those that are held against their will because of their faith. Give them the strength they need. I offer up my Communion for all those unable to receive Our Father. Please protect our little children. Hold them close to you Lord. Please help my husband through this illness he is endoring and Bring all back to the church. Thank you for being here for us unworthy children. Love you Jesus, in your Father’s Name. Amen

    r Fathe

    Jesus, in Our Father’s Son’s name.

  10. I will join in this novena. Thank you! I will fast and make the morning offering for this intention as well.

  11. May St.Peter In Chains intercedes and heal Natacha and Paul – in mind,body and soul from their afflictions , illnesses they are suffering from . May He also intercedes on the financial breakthrough of my family. Amen

    • Please pray for me that an opportunity to get full time gainful employment come my way. Pray that I also pas a state test to get certified in education. Pray that my husband is saved and serving God in truth and spirit.

  12. Lord,in your Mercy and love heal my husband from cancer as he is going through the treatments. Also, Lord through the intercession of all your apostles please help my family to follow you , no matter what the cost might be. Amen

  13. My sins separate me from you, O Lord, my God, and I am not worthy to be called your son but in your mercy and graces poured unto me I ask for forgiveness and pardon so that you can hear my prayer for persecuted Christians. May your will be done to those who call upon your name O God. May all those suffering because of their faith find rest in you O Jehovah. St. Peter in Chains intercede for me to overcome the financial difficulties that befall me and my family. Thank you Jesus for making me access this prayer.
    St. Peter in Chains, Pray for us,

  14. St.Peter in Chains, please, intercede for me to Our Lord. I ask you all to pray with me for a lawsuit that I have fought for 10 years now. That I maybe awarded what is my due. I also pray for my people that they maybe converted from stubborness and embrace prayer as the source of life. Please, help my dad get better from his illness and be able to walk well again and use his hand. Help me complete this novena. I pray in the name of Jesus, Our Lord. Amen!

  15. I know I am a sinner and am not worthy to b called your child, but in mercy I pray u forgive me all my sins and i pray to pass this exam am about to take. My lady please intercede for me. And I plead with u all to pray for me, for love and joy in my heart. I make this prayer through Christ our Lord Amen

  16. I pray and ask all if you to also pray that my husband gets a good job soon. It will be a year in a few weeks that he has been unemployed. I have prayed novena after novena but he is still without a job. Please pray for him. Also thank all of you who post that your prayers have been answered. It is very encouraging.

  17. Please pray for my ex girlfriends mother.She does not want us to date because of our diffrent backgrounds and also she does not like the job that i do and therefore thinks that i wont be able to take care of her daughter my girlfriend broke up with me because of this.I pray that these chains that are a hindrance to the sacrament of marriage are broken by the blood soul and divinity of out Lord Jesus Christ.Amen

  18. Please My SAINT IN CHAINS, Bless me with Two Baby Boys [Twins] And a Good Job, And also What my Brothers and Sisters in This Novena Ask of you, IN JESUS NAME, AMENN.

    • Please My SAINT PETER IN CHAINS, Bless me with Two Baby Boys [Twins] and a Good Job, and also Grant What My Sisters and Brothers In this Novena Ask of You, IN JESUS NAME, AMENN.

  19. St. Peter in chains intercede for me to be unchained from the several chains that are dragging me down.
    I pray for all Christians all over the world that we may be allowed to worship Our Living God

  20. Oh blessed lord our saviour.
    May the power of the holy spirit intercede for the whole world and particular catholic community.
    My prayer goes out to Esther Momoh and Nthabiseng Pelo may u healed their precious souls and grant peace in their lifes. And also for my family and unknown husband u gonna blesd me with. I speak life to my situation Eskiel 37. Blesd people of China. Amen.

  21. St peter in chains, I pray for unity of my entire family(parents, sibling and also extended family)
    also pray for breakage of chains that are holding me back especially in
    1.business& business ventures to be fruitful, successful&expand
    2.financial stability
    3.man committed to build a life with
    lord graciously hear my prayer &also for all people praying this novena. Amen

  22. praying that my wife who is going for interviews should find favor in the eyes of the interviewing panel and that she gets the job.

  23. A prayer for my health my family and my finance. thank you love you all. Myrna Zoetrum from Curacao the Netherlands Antilles. N.A.
    Today is my Birthday I’am 79 today praise God.

  24. Yes
    what a great way to start August! blessed be da name of the Lord
    i will dedicate this Novena to pray for christians who are persecuted..May God rem them
    i will pray for my dear and only brother to get a well paying job.. with job security good working hrs in the town wea we r before August comes to an end
    Am also praying for my hubby who has 2 great deals that we expecting some good money that will change our life..may they go thr in Jesus name
    Finally am praying for peace..protection..favor…breakthrough…breaking of Generational curses
    .breaking the power rejection…
    power to cross deals n great deals at work…sustainance in ths town….Gods grolies dng
    the list is endless but i believe in praying Novenas and am sua this will make the impossible possible
    i bless the name of the Lord

  25. St Peter of the chains, Please pray for me and my family that everything will turnout alright, Thankyou.

  26. St Peter in chains. Please pray for me and my family that everything will turn out alright, thankyou

  27. Praying for my peace, happiness, forgiveness and one true love, for the man god will hand pick for me and create a beautiful love story.

  28. St Peter in chains please intercede for my brother and his wife who are in a marital crisis. Draw them back to the church and each other honoring God and their marriage vows and commitment.

  29. i pray that st peter will free my family and i from all spiritual bondage,and inspire in me and my son an unquenchable passion for the work of God. also i will be going for an interview on the 7th and i pray that he obtains for me the grace to win the contract i will be interviewed for. thank you.

  30. Praying that peace in our holy land, that persecution of our bothers and sisters cease. Praying that I find that special someone, a God fearing man to marry and build a life/family together. That we may give ourselves to each other unconditionally. Last but not least, I also pray for financial relief of my debts, that I may properly provide for my children and have to help those in need.

  31. ST PETER IN CHAINS through your intercession to Jesus may you divinely intervene in a particular family’s life, which have a huge obsession over some particular person. Break this chain of destructive and unhealthy obsession, manipulation, anger and unforgiveness. May they come to deep conversions in their lives and go foreward once and for all. Cut all ties forever that they hold onto and may they come to know You as Lord and Saviour of their lives. So that they may be free to be what you Jesus want each one of them to be for Your Glory.

  32. Greetings,
    I thank God for his mercies upon me and pray that God will grant me his favours and divine connections. I pray for employment in the company am looking for and the divine healing of my mum and dad.

  33. ST PETER IN CHAINS please intercede to Jesus for my Nephew who has been in chains for years. Please break all destructive chains that have stopped him going forward in his life (from full time employment, studies, personal & family relationships). May he break free once and for all from everything that has kept him in bondage. Please take a particular woman out of his life, as well as all the bad friends that have influenced him. May all these people find Jesus someday. Shine a huge light of the Holy Spirit upon him and through his whole being. Send him his Guardian Angel soon to help him. May he be ready and receptive in listening to Jesus. Amen.

  34. Praying that Danny will become the man I need him to be, marriage and building a life/family together. For us to be equally yoked. For his fear of marriage and fear of failing leaves him and stays away. I also pray for financial relief of my debts.

  35. I am being persecuted again at my work place and tomorrow is when they will decide what will happen..I need lots of prayers even though many of my friends are already praying for me..and being a day of fasting comes at the right time and the 1st Friday of the month..I need my job as I am a single person..God is probably making me more humble and bringing me closer to HIM..I saw the most beautiful sky last night after mass, which was totally HEAVENLY, and then saw a beautiful rainbow..It was very comforting…I ask for lots of prayers and to bring PEACE at my work place..to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER IN JESUS’ name Amen!!

  36. St. Peter in chains,
    Please pray for me that I reconcile with my child’s father. That we be a family again, learn to love and respect each other. Bring up our child in a good loving home like the Jerusalem family, praying for our Holy Father’s intentions and for those who cannot pray for themselves, for the souls in purgatory. Our Lord Jesus Christ, please hear my cry.

  37. For all those suffering for our holy Catholic Faith — may God protect them and grant them perseverance and fortitude! And also for the miracle of a cure for my dear cousin Julie, late 40’s, who has suffered with MS for over 20 years and has just been taken off all meds. Doctors only give her three months and her first grandchild is due in Oct. May we all accept God’s Will, whatever that may be.

  38. Please pray for the recovery of my friend suffering from cancer, that I may obtain the perfect job, and for immigration reform.

  39. I thank God all that he has done for me and my family. My prayer is for help with a serious eye condition and that my grandson will have the courage to fight his addiction. I feel humbled and proud that people are willing to stand for their faith in all countries. God bless them.

  40. Tess asks for prayers
    For a healing for Debbie who is suffering with depression, that she will be healed and that the chains of depression will fall away.
    That love and good will overcome all the hatred and evil in the world, that people will become more christlike.

  41. Greetings! I talked about this on the Protestant end-times site (I’m the token Catholic) I frequent. I got a number who expressed interest in joining. I love the Morning Offering you’ve chosen, but do you have a Morning Offering available for non-Catholics who still want to partake in this Novena?

  42. Please join me to pray for the release of my entire family from the bondage, attack and activities of the devil that has been tearing us apart, causing stagnation in our lives especially in the domain of marriages. Most of our marriages never succeeded with mystical happenings. All of this makes my mom very sick, he’d blood pressure keeps rising. Please Lord let the culprit confess to this and ask for forgiveness so that your peace can reign amongst us. I also pray for regulation of immigration status for me that through a change of status I may be able to get full employment and take better care of my little angels given to me by God. Lord please heal my mom and my self. In Jessup Name. Amen

  43. Fasting from sugar the first day and (give me strength!) from Facebook for the 9 days, offering it all up for our brothers and sisters who are suffering and dying for our Christian faith, especially in the Middle East and Africa.

  44. For the Christians in Iraq and Syria and anywhere else that are being put to death; that through Our Lady of All Nations intercession this would stop immediately! For the poor Palestinian people and Israeli people to stop this killing to be converted to love. For my own chains that keep me in bondage. I will fast from TV do the morning offering and the novena.

  45. Please pray that my husband returns to his faith ,to me and that our children will forgive him. He is presently leaving with another women. Pray that my daughter returns to the sacraments. I believe in the power of prayer. God bless e as you all and keep you in His care.

  46. St Peter in Chains pray 4 a financial breakthru in my husband’s business and a resounding success in my Edmark business. Also 4 transfer to a nearby second sch and successful holiday lessons 4 my kids. Divine health and protection 4 my immediate and extended families and 4 safe delivery 4 my brother inlaws wife Amen!

  47. Thanksgiving for my husband with cancer. For my grandsons to come back to the church and my son’s health.
    For Christians around the world and in the USA to have their freedom to practice their religion.

  48. Please pray for my family, especially my parents, that may they break free from critical and serious financial debt and pray that they would just stop borrowing money from money lender. Please pray also for my muslim boyfriend that God may touch his heart and open up his mind, that he may believe and accept that it is only through the Lord Jesus Christ that he can be save and so that he may believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am putting all my trust and my faith in prayer.

  49. Please pray for an end to addictions in my family, and for God’s grace and blessings in the lives of all of my family members.

    St. Peter In Chains, pray for our release from the prison of addictions.


  50. St. Peter in Chains

    Please intercede to Our Lord God, that he may break the chains of bondages that bind me down and break down all obstacles towards being blessed with a better wonderful job and a blessed married life for me and my sibling.

    help me to be open to his blessings and I also pray for blessings on my Family.

  51. Please pray for good weather & safe travels to and from our vacation. Also pray for my Mom for increase in faith and to be free of anxiety and for her and my Dad to reconcile and live again as husband and wife.
    Also if you could add a special prayer for a miracle baby for my husband and me :).
    In Jesus’s name AMEN

  52. Please pray for my husband who has Alzheimer’s – that settling him in a Memory Care Community will go smoothly and peacefully and will be the best thing for all of us.

  53. Please pray for me that I may get a job soon and all obstacles and barriers if any are removed and my path to get a suitable employment comes true. It has been seven months I am jobless.

    Thank you all & God bless !

  54. Am happy to join this group which is very encouraging spiritually.
    St Peter in chain pray for my husband to get a job which can
    sustain our family. Pray for my job which is having so many challenges i over come them in Jesus name. Pray for insecurity in
    my country. Thank you.

  55. That I can truly offer a sacrifice for others … The pain in my right hip and left knee. For the healing power to take away the pain so I may walk normally. Praise You Lord for answered prayers, in advance!

    Mary our Mother intercede for us sinners for you have THE PERFECT WORDS to your Son.

    St. Peter in chains, pray for us. Amen

  56. Please pray for my family especially for my son who is incarcerated currently. I pray for an early resolve to his situation and thank god for his restoration in his life while we wait. I also pray for a continued good pregnancy for my daughter and her husbands first baby. Intercede for my marriage and family. St. Peter’s in chains intercede for us.

  57. St Peter in Chains pray for my friend Harry who has stage 3 lung cancer & hopefully will go into a full remission. Pray for my nephew Noah who got hit in his eye with a baseball he has full recovery. All family friends who have health problems. Thank you, Holly Hanson

  58. Please pray for my husband and I to become closer to our faith and our marriage to grow closer. Please help me to understand Gods will for my life as well as our marriage. Please pray for me to become a better person, catholic, mother, and wife.
    Dear Lord, I thank you for all of the blessings in my life, please help those in need in other countries being persecuted for their faith.
    God Bless all.

  59. I am praying for a financial breakthrough, that the groundwork I have been laying over the past
    couple of years will begin to bear fruit to enable me to re-establish my life and all that has been lost. With a breakthrough I want to also repay those who had stepped in and have given much support and kindness during some very dark and stressful years. Also, that the obstacles still in place which are preventing me from being able to make sound plans and move forward will be lifted.

  60. I am so happy I joined this group. I feel God’s presence around me. Please lift my sister up in prayer for restoration of her health.

  61. Please include in your prayers our daughter who is soon to be married so that her future husband and herself form a Catholic family

  62. I left employment in 2011 due to some circumstances beyond my control. Since that year my husband have never given me money to buy clothes for the children because during my time when l was working l use to buy myself. Now from what he is earning l am only given less than half of it to cater for myself and the children and also buy groceries and pay the bills. The remainder l don’t know what he does with it. I don’t know maybe he is seeing someone. God for the sake of my children l am asking for your interference in my situation my heart is bleeding. With God nothing is impossible help me God.

  63. Please pray for N that he will get a healing from his seizures and that his brain tumor will never return. Also pray that he will be able somehow to have conversion to see the truth in the Catholic Church. Also for discernment for N..thank you.

  64. For God’s intervention and freedom of Chibok girls and others kidnapped by Boko Haram.
    For admission of my son into Regina University for his masters programme.
    For speedy recovery of Kassim Salami.
    For a good Catholic husband for Edewede.
    For peace, joy, good health of body and mind in Idahosa and Amu-Akeojie families.

  65. my son is having problems with his back he got hurt at work and was receiving workman comp. for the past several months it has stopped he has a family to support I am doing the best that I can to help but its hard for me to keep trying to help him.please help me pray that in this novena that his workman comp. could get reinstated.

  66. I dedicate this novena for peace and esp those who are being persecuted for their christian faith. I also pray that through the intercession of St. Peter and Jude Thadeus, worker of miracles, i may get transformed from all the addictions and bondage that have withheld the favor of my Lord from granting me “my project” . Please pray for me my brethren. I thank you Oh Jesus for listening, in advance, to the intercession of your blessed Saints. Thank you Jesus, i bless Your glorious Name..

  67. Pray for God protection and good health towards my daughters and love ones. Also, ask God for a good husband to my sisters. Pray for his support, success, and guidance towards my LVN program and that of my sister nursing school too. Ask for God mercy towards my husband and success in his work.

  68. I want to publicly thank St. Anne for her answer to my novena prayer for a meeting of hearts with my daughter. I am so very grateful!

  69. Please pray for me that I may receive the miracle if finally being prefnant and having a baby, I have been trying for so long. Please pray with me that the Lord may finally look favourbly on me and bless me with a pregnancy.
    Please also pray woth me that I may also become financially independent and secure enough to stop relying on others as much as I do financially that I may be able to look after myself and the child that he will give me.
    In Jesus Name I pray
    And thank you for praying with me.

  70. I pray for the return of good health for my son as well as his ability to live in joy, and make good decisions.

  71. My Lord You know how much I trust in You. I know I’m not a good steward of Yours but in my heart and mind It’s You whom I cling. I am sorry Lord if at the moment I feel I’m forsaken. It’s always my plea Lord to bless me and unberden me with my debts in which I don’t know how to do it without You but You seem to be deaf. Im very sorry my Lord to talk this way but it does’nt mean that I will backslide from You coz I know I am nothing without you. You are my stronghold and my refuge please help me out of this burden. Show me Your way Dear Lord. Enlighten wht is dark in me and forgive me Lord for being this way. I will always hold on to You no matter what. Please Lord I beg You to please answer my plea. Thank you and I love You Jesus.

    • For families to be one in our Lord Jesus Christ.
      That I become the steward that God intended; His will be done.
      For the recovery of my husband,’s health.

  72. Please pray for all the sufferings for my sister’s daughters problems. Pray for her husband to get a job soon.. and to give good health to all of us also happiness, peace of mind. Thank you secret heart of Jesus & Mother Mary for all the favours granted during my life. God Bless …

  73. Pray with and for me during this novena for spiritual deliverance from all forms of ungodly bondage. I am gainfully employed, but I am not a good steward of God’s blessings. Please I need your prayers; just a word in support and The Lord will act on it, for The Lord is always present, wherever or whenever two or more come into agreement in prayer.
    May The Lord bless you too as you pray for me.

  74. Please pray for all the suffering my daughters and I endure daily, that we give these fears, anxieties, worries, and sufferings to God and seek healing and understand God’s will for us. For all my friends that are suffering from fear, anxiety, worries, depression, that too may seek healing and know God is there for them and seek to understand his will. In his name. Amen.

  75. Blessed are those who make the sacrifices for the cross of our almighty Jesus Christ! Pray with me for my sister who has been in custody for over three months now, only because she was the in-charge of the office where her colleagues were involved in a loss of a huge amount of money,(her being unaware before it was revealed) and were all convicted of conspiracy for the theft. Up to now nothing has been done for the court hearing, which has not only caused a lot of pain and broken our hearts as a family (especially her daughter who doesn’t know where she is!) but created a lot of strain into her marriage financially as well as morally, her being the bread winner. It has also constrained us financially as we continue to battle this unfair conviction so that she can get out and lead a normal life once again. I pray for this to happen soon before the birthday of her dearly daughter in two weeks time! Please pray with me and be blessed too!

  76. Please pray for my brother and his family. He has good qualifications but cant find suitable employer who remunerate him in line with what he is capable of. He is a hard worker and most employers like him for that but when it comes to payment its another story. At one time one employer influence him to leave another employer for him but to cut the story short (snusty incidents) he made him worse off and dumped him. Pray for divine intervention in his comings and goings. He goes to church with his family and believes God one day will show him the right place. St Peter in Chains pray for us

  77. Please pray for one of my best friend, who has failed at getting a husband let alone a job yet she has a son to look after. I know for sure she has tried but keeps failing, we pray together sometimes but have hit rock bottom.i pray that she gets a job first then a husband one who will love her for her. And also that she keeps praying and not to backslide again.
    I also ask you to pray for my me and my husband we have just started one of the biggest projects in our lives but the funding is too huge yet we dont want to take loans so we have to merge our incomes and saving which are little. But we pray that we make it as planned.
    Be blessed, thanx

  78. Please pray for me to pass my exams and get a good job. We’re also praying for God to give us a good mortgage and release our land to us as it’s currently in dispute. I am also praying for peace around the world.

  79. Pls help me to pray for the grace to obtain American visiting visa,my first attempt was denied and for God’s fearing husband.
    Jesus have mercy on us, Mother Mary help us.
    St.Peter in chains and all the saints of God, Pray for us. Amen

  80. for my sister kathy that she may be free from all bad and evil and that she may return to her faith. That her children may start respecting her and confide in her as a mother. St Peter in chains pray for us.

  81. May you please pray for my two children who are now in their teens. they are somehow disrespectful and quarrel with me and their father even for simple things. May they see the reason for us sending them to school. For we have to push them to read their books.

    May you please pray for the restoration of my husband’s financial status. He has not been paid for three months now and the load is becoming heavy on me.

    Please pray that I may be in good relations with my relatives. The chains of bad luck, reproach, and poverty in my life be broken through the powers of resurrection in Jesus name. St Peter in chains PRAY FOR US

  82. Please pray for my godson Frank…it’s been 18yrs since he left school & nothing good has come upon his life.Today he is 36yrs old,his older bro is getting married soon & his parents too hv kind of given up on him…apart from this job that he has right now there is nothing else he has in his name.He has applied for a home loan lately but has been encountering several problems.Please pray that this home loan comes thru miraculously & the chains of bad times in his life be broken & with God’s Healing goodness & success prevail all days of his life.

    • I am offering my Mass and prayers for Frank. Commend him to Jesus through Mary. Remember, she instigated the first miracle at Cana when she said to Her Son, “They have no wine…” Jesus will never refuse a request from His mother. She will perfect our intentions.
      Persevere in prayer and sacrifice for him. We will carry Frank in our hearts too, as Simon did when he helped Jesus carry the Cross.


  84. Father, I continue to offer my marriage for restoration and my beloved husband (ex) salvation and for the many that suffer in the same manner. I offer all sickness and for cures. For the intentions of our Holy Father, your people Israel and the persecutions of Christians. This I ask in Your name. Amen

  85. thanks for this novena of St.Peter in Chains, I pray for all children who are being mistreated by parents/relatives because of their faith, pray for women/men mistreated by their spounses because of their faith. I pray for their freedom and freedom for all those in bondage and not serving God to their fullest. I pray for my family members who do not go to church for God to give them freedom and know who called is able to change their lives.

    • I pray for my daughter whose marriage is like being in bondage. St Peter in chains please grant her freedom and the joy and fulfilment of marriage. Amen.

    • please pray for financial help and a good man in my life and the wisdom to know the good man when i meet him.