Answered Prayers from the St. Therese of Lisieux Novena, 2016

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St.-Therese-webThank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Therese Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered during this novena, please share them with us all below!

To God be all the glory!

And if you’re struggling with your unanswered prayers, you’re not alone. Here’s a post I wrote that I hope can help:

Unanswered Prayers

God has not forgotten you. He hears your prayers. Please continue to have hope that He has a loving plan for you. And please continue to remember to persist in your prayers, as St. Monica did for 15 years.

We hope that God will continue to bless you and be with you in your every need.

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  1. I prayed to God to make get better at my new job,to grasp and to do my job diligently. Praise God I have been getting better at my job everyday and God has been faithful because I’m not seeing my job responsibilities as a burden. Thank you St. Therese for praying and interceding on my behalf. I’m so grateful to God for my new job.
    Praise be to God in the highest!!

  2. For couple of months I’ve been struggling financially and money due to me was been withheld, I prayed this novena and with other prayer request I prayed for this money to be cleared…on 27th I got a letter saying they will pay in the money and I checked it was already paid. And also another money that was withheld pending investigation was released and will be paid. Thank you Lord, thank you at Therese of Lisieux.

  3. I prayed for my mother’s memory restoration, I have realised that she’s becoming sensible. Thanks to St Teresa.

  4. I prayed that i would be able to secure the job that i was interviewed for and was a perfect fit to what i was looking for and got the confirmation…am three weeks into the job.. to God i give Glory as continue on this journey….Amen

  5. I thank God, I prayed for my baby’s birth certificate to come out on a specific date to enable us travel out of the country and it came on the exact date prayed for. This is a document that could have taken weeks to come but it came in a few days. Thank God and St Therese.

  6. Praise Jesus! It has just occurred to me that it was St. Therese re-assuring me – on day 3 of the novena I received some roses from a little girl who is my daughter’s friend and classmate! I have no doubt that St. Therese is still interceding for me and my prayers are being answered – I prayed for a new job that allows me more time with my family, for healing of my children and husband, and for inner peace for a friend who has had two miscarriages this year. Thank you Jesus, I trust in you! And thank you St. Therese for your re-assurance and prayers.

  7. Thank you St Therese for interceding for me. Our Lord and God is so good and merciful. I prayed that i may continue to search and know about his love and mercy and during the novena i fell on the reading of prophet Hosea, how he got married to Gommer a prostitute of that time, a lady no one in his right senses will want to marry. He used that reading to show me how much He loves us. And i keep longing for his love.
    I prayed for help for some documents and there was a sure way i could get it. I was about to start the process but for some reasons i stopped and a friend has advised me to pray more about it, and i belief it is God guiding me to the best option he has planned for me. So i will keep praying for guidance for the steps to take. Thank you St Therese for answering each and everyone of us. God is good

  8. While still paraying the novena my child and my grand ma were admitted in hospital.I prayed for their healing and for an end never ending flu,cold in my house.As we are speaking all of them are out of hospital totally healed and my two sons now are not on medication anymore.Thank you Jesus,thank you St.Theresa.

  9. I prayed for money to pay my son’s fees , job for myself and hubby. My son’s fees were paid, I started a new job after 5 years of being jobless, my hubby has a huge breakthrough in line for manifestation. Thank you Lord for restoring the locust years.

  10. I had a row with my brother that ended up with both of us not talking to the other. I got the urge to ask for forgiveness and we both are talking again. I got two bunches of Roses on the feast day! I thank the Lord for granting my prayers through the intercession of St Therese.

  11. My unborn grand son had been diagnosed with Persistent truncus arteriosus and a hole in his heart. To our surprise he was born with out the heart defect and the hole might heal in time and not need open heart surgery. Thank you, St. Theresa of Lisieux for answered prayers . God is good

  12. After so many years of meeting the wrong persons in my life and when I was about to lose hope of meeting the right one, I found someone in a place I didn’t expect when I was abroad in vacation. In 3 days we became so attached as if it was 3 years and we wanted to get married. We had to go back to our country, and he made me a promise to come see me before 45 days. He actually ended up booking his flight in less than a month and it was on 30 September , the night of the feast day of my Saint Therese The little flower. I had prayed to St Therese, to give me a sign to continue in this relationship or not. And he turned out to be the best person ever. My family loves him so much already and there are plans of me going to visit his family soon. I even received many roses as confirmation. Praise be to the Lord and His wisdom!

  13. Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me a new job and thank you for protecting my family and I. Please help those who are suffering mentally, physically and we pray for everyone’s freedom from fear and abuse. Amen

  14. I have been praying for my sons job and on last day of the novena he was put back into his old department as he had been hoping for but never thought possible!
    Thank you
    ST Therese

  15. I and my mother have been praying for 2 years for my younger brother and his living conditions with his family and particularly with his son would change and make his and his sons depressed state improve. My brother received excellent news for his son and family only 2 days after the novena. Have prayed continuously to St. Therese during the past 25 years and praying to her and Jesus and the Blessed Mother have kept myself and my parents strong with legal issues of my younger brother, again, S. Therese has stayed constant comfort and the changes in his family are improving. Only thru St. Therese have these improvements come about. I am in awe of your kindness – Thank you so very much.
    I love you St. Therese.

  16. Well this is not an answered prayer but a huge disappointment.

    I have prayed numerous novenas and i rarely ever get answers. I am grateful to God for giving me a job that i prayed for for years this year.

    However my prayer for a spouse and success in my exams (AFTER LOTS OF HARDWORK). HAVE BEEN UNANSWERED.

    I mean if i cant pass a simple exam what is the point? I grew up being a very smart girl but recently i doubt my intelligence alot. All i ask for is for God to make something work in my life and nothing.

    So no this is not an answered prayer.

  17. I have been praying for my long time relationship with my friend where we work in the same place. We have been like brother and sister….until recently we had a misunderstanding after 11 years which was very very bad. Despite me apologizing, he didnt seem to like seeing me at all. But after praying so hard to our LORD, MOTHER MARY and our wonderful St Theresa… prayers were answered. He is back to normal and i pray so that our beautiful relationship like brother and sister will be blessed forever. Amen . Thank you St Theresa for your wonderful prayers.

  18. I was going through a very anxious time because it appeared I would have to move on very short notice. My prayer that this situation be resolved in the best way for all concerned was answered, very suddenly and positively, during the novena, and I no longer have to move. I have always found St. Therese a wonderful intercessor especially in matters concerning relations between people, and I am deeply grateful.

  19. I asked that my friend Ismael who was undergoing a battery of test for a mass on the pancreas would not turn up cancerous and all of the results came back negative. Thanks to all who prayed along with me in this novena, to the intercession of St Therese, the Little Flower and above all, to our Lord and Savior Jesus by whose Stripes, through His Precious Blood, we are healed. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!! ????????☧????

  20. Ever since i found her St Therese, a year ago… She has been in me. I’m constantly speaking to her. Last week during the novena, I know she was there with me. I found a peach rose on the seat in front of me. the best part was there were kids playing and running near the rose but it felt like the rose was for only my eyes to see. No one touched it until the end of the mass. Thank you St Therese for being my special friend. I praise and thank you Lord for the gift of faith and hope. Amen

  21. dear John Paul and Anne…
    thank you for this wonderful blog and it comforts me to join you in prayer and the whole Prayformorenovenas family

    St Therese has been my favorite since high school, I prayed to her for “signs” to find a good husband ( and I did the 3 roses and my husband is as devoted to the faith as I), during college in the mid 70s and through medical school, I would change the color of the roses I would beg, sometimes changing it to a rainy day on a long hot summer, to a starry night….and St Therese never fails….for this year, I prayed to her for my son, who was taking the Physician’s Licensure Exam last Sept, and even got my yellow roses a week earlier than the exam dates so when I joined you it was for thanksgiving and for the many petitions of our group. St. Therese indeed is a prodigy of miracles! I thank the Lord for Her constant intercession and protection. St. Therese, I trust in You!

  22. I prayed for financial assistance and on the day after the ninth day of my novena a financial blessing came to me. Although it is not enough, it helped a lot with my financial problems.

    Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord…Praise you Jesus, praise you Lord…..thank you dear St. Therese…..

  23. I asked for prayers fory 36 y.o. Nephew to be healed of his drug addiction. He is currently in a Christian community home specifically to help those with addictions. Also from a previous novena, my daughter and the father of her children set a date to be married in the church in December! Thank you saints of God!!

  24. We have been struggling financially and we are in debts. My husband has been getting contract works lately and he has promised that he is going to start paying off our debts and we pray that towards the end of next year we will be debt free in Jesus name
    Thank you

  25. My husband has been going through cancer treatments and this last month we added to that stress out two sons arguing. We prayed to St. Therese, the Infant Jesus of Prague and St. Peregrine for relief from cancer of the body AND within the family.
    On the last day of our novena, our two sons reconciled! Thank you sweet Saints and Infant Jesus!

  26. I have been praying for change of heart for a mother and also for her little son to go to school without interruption. Due to ill health he stays at home at least three days per week. I experience some good outcome since the novena started. On several occasions St Therese had answered my prayers specially for little children. I do pray to St Therese daily for children in the whole world. When my prayers were answered I have experienced the bloom of roses in our garden. Thank you St Therese.

  27. I recently found a great job however I was having a difficult time meeting productivity. Since the novena I now feel more confident and have begun
    to reach productivity, with less stress. I am so grateful for this novena and everyone who prayed with me thank you so much.

  28. The final day of this novena for my eldest daughter she called to ask if I had been praying for her that day. I affirmed that I had. She then relayed that on her way home from work, the car spun 360′ out of control on a crowded expressway, crossing 3 lanes of traffic & landing in the median never colliding with anyone or anyone colliding her & NO damage to her person or car. She proclaimed it a miracle as did the responding police. Thank you LORD GOD and St.Therese for your intercession.

  29. I prayed for St Theresa to let my endiscopy be okay and the biopsy be good and thank you they found no cancer cells, I am truly grateful for this. Our Lord is so good , kind and loving and caring.

  30. I have been praying to become closer to God, and to have a better relationshiop with him. It has been going very well! I also started to wear a scapular. Since starting this novina I have had lots of what I call “little miracles”. Not very big deals, but i can tell God played a part in. Like today i left the house and forgot my laptop for class. I know I left it home becasuse i checked my backpack during lunch and it wasnt there. Then later I went to get a binder from my backpack, and there was my laptop right in time to finish an essay!!

  31. I’ve been praying that my nephew-in-law would get switched to a day shift because he has had to work nights (often 10 to 12 hour shifts) for a very long time and it is really been a burden on his health and family life. During the Novena he was offered a new job for the same pay and will be on a day shift with regular day’s off! Praise the Lord! Thank you St. Therese for your prayers! Thank you! I’m a convert and you have really helped learn how and why to pray move Novenas :)

  32. Prayed to St Therese for wisdom for my court case and i Thank God through her intercession that the lawyer is acting with wisdom

  33. My prayers were answered. I was in a nine-year marriage where I was verbally and emotionally abused. My two daughters also experienced the same type of abuse. The court granted me full primary custody of my daughters as well as legal custody. I kept trusting in the Lord which was not always easy. I thank God each day for my two wonderful daughters. They are a constant reminder to me that there can be good things that happen even in bad situations. I appreciate everyone’s prayers!

  34. I prayed for more closeness in a specific relationship, and the person sent me a very loving message on the afternoon of the last day of the novena!

    Thank you, Saint Therese!

  35. Aug 3 was a year my son has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung ca. Since they found it in his brain twice and pancreas once. Last scan was clear for the brain and pancreas PTL, He is on new treatment Opdivo, which seems to be doing him good. His spirits are high and we are elated.Thank for prayers answered. I know fully its the prayers so I do thank all for praying for him. He is 56 years old. God bless.

  36. Prayed for a friend’s husband who had cancer on his tongue. Surgeon was able to remove all the cancer and it hasn’t spread anywhere else. No chemo or radiation needed! Thank you, God!

  37. I prayed for my son – to be free from any dependency or addiction. Through intercession of Mary & St Theresa he has started distance learning classes and is working with a positive attitude. Also prayed for my daughter in law and stepson who are pregnant – may the turn to the Church for their guidance and strength. We are going to their house this weekend and they’ve invited us to Mass! God is good! ????

  38. I prayed for my career as a financial advisor to have more clients in the pipeline but i tried to apply in other company and i am accepted.

  39. I have received a miracle my baby has survived and I continue my preganacy after being told I had miscarried. I was showered with many roses in unusual forms. Thank you to the intercession of St Therese, St Zelie and St. Louis. Please never lose faith and believe in the power of prayer and intercession.

  40. Thank you for the yellow roses at Christ the King Church last week St. Therese! To my sister Pam in heaven and my sister Sue still here, I love you!

  41. I thank St. Therese Liseux for answered prayer. I prayed that I would be able to get my driver license which I have tried to for a year. I got this and much more than I asked for. Thank you Lord!

  42. I prayed for 3 years to have a child baptized. The Good Lord rewarded me with two beautiful children, Christopher and Genesis on Oct 2nd, 2016.
    St. Therese is doing exactly what she said, “I will spend my heaven doing good on the earth.” Thank you.

  43. My husband has a changed attitude and is more kinder and gentle to my needs. We also sold a home and we’re able to return to So CA. I’m so thankful for her answering my prayers. God is good

  44. I prayed that my son would not have ALS as first diagnosed! The scan was read wrong and thank God not ALS! Still praying for healing but trusting in the good Lord’s mercy and healing of his symptoms!

  45. Pray for my daughter to get a job and she did and for her foot surgery to go well and so for things are going well!!

  46. My fiancé and I have been stuck with deciding on a wedding date, and on the eighth day of the novena, we received a little nudge from my sister that made us choose a date with certainty because it was the only day she and my fiancé’s sister could attend. This has been running for a while, so to finally choose a date meant something to us! We will (coincidentally) be marrying on december 30, the feast of the Holy Family! What a lovely coincidence that turned out to be.

  47. I pray for my daughter to go to church and last Sunday she told me off her free will she’s going to church Amen also my husband is continuously getting work thanks saint L

  48. Thank you St Therese, my daughter inlaw had a successful operation on Monday and recovery well. Thanks for answering to my prayers.

  49. My kidney is not swollen ,no stones and urine is clear,Praise God!’!’!!!! Thank you Saint Therersa for interceding!!!!

  50. I have been praying these novenas for months for my daughter to find a good permanent job and at last my prayers have been answered.. She starts her new job next week.. Thank you St.Theresa for answering my prayers.

  51. On the 8th days of the Novena, I saw a lady in my dreams giving me 3 bouquets of flowers. I new it was not a dream it was St. Therese of Lisieux assuring me that everything is going to be all right that my prayer is answered. I have not yet seen the outcome but my faith is strong knowing it’s just a matter of timing. Thank you St. Therese for answering my prayers. Thank you Jean-Paul and Annie for the Novena. God Blessed!

  52. Urgent prayer needed for my son Juan.
    Having difficulties with his studies,especially his algebra math class. His a senior in high school.pray for him to direction and guidance in his eduacation. Pray for him .

  53. Thank you St. Therese for answered prayers. I was praying that my family would walk through the Holy Doors before they close next month and this past Sunday they went through with me. Praise God!

  54. I prayed for my wife’s recovery and reconciliation between my sister and her husband. My wife is back to work and full of strength. My sister has moved back to her husband’s house. To God be the Glory!

  55. My friend connected me to your website since then I have been praying the novenas,that was 2 yrs ago. I ve been praying because I have so many medical problems.But last summer my sister suddenly had kidney failure . She went for dialysis after dialysis and her window of opportunity got bleak because her creatinine won’t go done . The doctor told her either she will continue to have dialysis or have kidney transplant . The family told her let’s not loss hope we keep on praying. And finally this September miracle happened. For 3 consecutive lab works her creatine normalized her port for the dialysis was discontinued now she still need to be monitored . Thanks be to God. Have faith. In his time He will make all things beautiful

  56. I prayed for my daughter to get a full time job. She was unemployed for three months and this is her first full time job. She started last Monday. Thank you St Therese and for all those who prayed with me and for my daughter. God bless you.

  57. My son who had been looking for employment in this particular Organization called to tell me during St. Theresa novena that he got the job. He is to start on the 31st October, 2016. I thank God, St. Theresa, and all the novenas.

  58. Prayed for my granddaughter who lives in another state to find a job and for her home life to improve. Both prayers were answered. She has a good job and her friend’s mother took her in and away from a bad situation. Thank you St. Therese for all that you do for my family and me.

  59. I have been trying for years to get my grandchildren Baptized my 15 year old grandson and 12 year old granddaughter it is a long story and I won’t put you all through it but our problem was getting them into classes it was happening and the teacher had to leave so no wad was able to help us out but our two Father Mark 1 and Father Mark2 both and a wonderful woman who runs every thing in the church office are finishing theor studies and both of them will be baptized make there first communion and conformation this next Easter and their os studing to become Catholic at the same time couldn’t be happier thank you everyone esp you our lord.

  60. I prayed for my son that he would find a new job and that his work permit to secure the job would be approved. He received it yesterday. Thanks be to God. Thanks be to Saint Therese.

  61. I prayed this Novena for better relations with my husband. Prior to the novena we were hardly talking but during the 9 days we started talking and have even been on 2 date nights since. I feel through St. Therese interventions we both have a better understanding of each other’s feelings and our now communicating to each other. Thank you St. Therese and thank you God!

  62. I would like to thank everyone who is participating in the novenas on the net. It has given me hope and encouragement to continue with my prayers. I have been praying for my daughter continuously for a very long time and things are starting to look up in the recent days. I will continue to thank God for all the blessings I receive every day and all the saints I pray to…( especially St Therese Lisieux) and say that I’m totally grateful for the support this site has given me.

  63. I want to thank St. Theresa for helping my daughter begin to receive healings & forgivness from abortion. She is feeling much better…getting her health back. There is still some work to be done, but I’m sure St. Theresa will be with her to guide her all the way. I pray for her return to the church, as well as her boyfriend. I will continue to pray that they both find better employment to help them throughout their lives. I want to thank St. Theresa for the many, many times in the past she has helped me through.

  64. I prayed the novena for my husbands job to be secure as he had been told it would finish mid Oct but during the novena he was told by his boss that he may have given the wrong information so praise God his job will continue..

    I also prayed that I would get work having been dismissed through jealously and bureaucracy 2 years ago and lots of small jobs are now coming in so great praise to St Therese.Amen

  65. I was diagnosed as having walking pneumonia. I completed the novena to St. Therese of Lisieux and prayed for clear results on my next visit to the doctor. The morning I was going back to my doctor I could smell fragrant scent of roses when I opened the window and I knew St Therese wanted to assure me she has heard my prayers. Indeed my lungs were now clear! Thank you Lord thank you St Therese!

  66. Praise be to God!thank you very much St Therese for your intecession I prayed for my families wellbeing and also for documents for work and I received it bfore novena ended.Thank you Lord Jesus for always helping and guiding me.amen

  67. Our Marriage Ministry worked very hard to put on a dance for married couples, but by our deadline we did not have enough couples signed up. When I started the Novena, I prayed for our success. St. Therese interceded and our dance was a success. Praise God for all the wonderful Saints who help us in our daily lives!

  68. I had been try for a particular kind of job with d federal govt with different positions for 3 times now. Gave up, and was totally devastated. Then I was persuaded to try a 4th time by my family, so I did. Prayed the novena to st Theresa, dropped a copy of my application at the blessed sacrament, went for the practical,cbt and then the interview. My brothers and sisters, for the 4th time I was taken. I now have d job. All glory be to God. His words are ever true. Awesome wonder, redeemable redeemer. Thank you Lord.

  69. I prayed that my son would be recognized at his work. And that my daughter would begin to close some deals at her work. Prayers were answered on both counts! God is so great!!!

  70. Have been trying to get on a weight losing program for a long time without success…am happy to report that I am on my third day. Thank you, St. Therese.

  71. I prayed for my friend’s son and grandson who are both heroin addicts and in the midst of our novena, her grandson was able to get into a rehab center. He’s been applying to get in but there was never an opening but out of the blue, an opening became available. Thank you St Therese for interceding for me. God is good!!

  72. I want to thank God for his many mercies upon my life since I join the Novena group. My God has been in the mechanic for over 5 months now it’s been repaired and am receiving it soon. Thanks to St. Theresa of Lisieux.

  73. I got my work card permit!! And, now waiting on credential papers…and a recruiter contacted me with a job! After huge car expenses, I was worried if I could just keep stretching little out even more.

    This is amazing…after being in a slump for so long, it was like the veil lifted and the light of St. Therese and Our Lord beamed down on us! Looking forward to a job that will pay the bills! Thank you, thank you. Many blessings on all.

  74. Prayers answered! Our daughter is pregnant! Many people have been praying for her and her husband to have more children.
    God is great. Thank you St. Therese for your intercession.

  75. I prayed for one of my son’s friends and his divorced parents that they would take better care of their son. During the novena both of his parents came together to watch him play soccer. On the last day, St Teresa’s feast day, after soccer practice we stopped at a store to get refreshments. I turned around and my son’s friend was holding a bouquet of yellow roses and said, “these are for you.” Thank you St Teresa for praying for my intentions! Thank you Jesus!

  76. My daughter had been trying to get a better paying job for almost a year and on the last day of the St. Therese novena she got one. Thank you sooo much for the intercession. Prayers are always answered maybe not when we want but they will be.

  77. Praise the Lord!
    I asked for her intercession in allowing my daughter to finally pass her drivers exam after about 6 times! And she passed! Thank you St Therese!

  78. Prayed for a house to come available that my daughter could afford and that was also near to me since I help with the grandchild. Last day of the novena signed a contract on a house right around the corner from me. Front walkway of the house surrounded by beautiful rose bushes. Had a second intention for reconciliation with our son whom we have not been in touch with since December of this year. He reached out to my husband on the 7th day of the novena. It’s a start we feel so very blessed and thankful.

  79. I travelled for three weeks and said the novena praying to find favour on the trip. The miracle came the night before my departure. Thank you Father, thank you Son, thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you St.Therese.

  80. Last year my mom lost the vision in her left eye. In August she started having the same symptoms in her right eye. Since praying this Novena my moms sight in her right eye is improving. Praise be to God, Jesus,
    St. Therese, and all the saints!

  81. Started the novena with my friend’s son in mind. He had just been told that the house he was renting was going on the market and he had less than a week to get in an offer if he wanted to buy. A year previous he had been told his credit was too poor for a loan. This year the bankers were patting him on the back for all the work he had done in the past year to change this…..he got the mortgage and a loan for the down payment. Thank God for part prayers answered.

  82. I prayed for my son Calvin to change his ways and study hard and I can see little improvement and I am confident he will finish his Bachelors

  83. I prayed the novena for gainful employment, I have just been offered a job and will start tomorrow. Glory be to God!

  84. I ask st. Theresa for a safe delivery for my little sister who was pregnant. God has answered my prayers and my sister has given birth to a bouncing baby boy this morning. She and her baby are doing by his grace. Join me to thank the Lord.

  85. A good friend had been very sick with COPD for a few years and was really going through a bad time with pain and needing oxygen all the time. His wife asked us for prayers and we have been praying for quite some time. The hospice nurse said that he had only a couple of weeks or so. I offered my novena for him to have a happy death and he passed away on the Feast Day of St. Theresa. Thank you Little Flower.

  86. I had been without a paying job for a long time. With my savings virtually gone and my daughter poised to start her pre-university foundation year in less than two months, I had real worries and anxiety about my finances. I asked for a financial breakthrough through St. Therese’s help. Mid-way through the Novena, I received an email offering me a paid assignment and inviting me to discuss details. I start on the job in a few weeks and with that my daughter’s fees will be catered for. Towards the end of the novena, I received another invitation for a consultancy engagement that will cater for my needs and those under my care for most of 2017. Thank St. Therese. Thank you God. I love you.

  87. I have been praying for months for my husband to get a job offer and help with our dire financial situation. He had been without a job for 3 years. He received a full time job offer last week . Our family has also helped us financially until we get back on our feet. Thank you Saint Therese for an answer to our prayers. Amen!

  88. I prayed that my husband’s back surgery would be successful…he was operated on yesterday and everything went well!

  89. Thank You St.Therese,my youngest son was able to get a job.I will always be faithful to You.In Jesus name .Amen

  90. Wow! I continue to meet people that gives me confidence in the doctor who will do my upcoming surgery. Thank you Holy Spirit because I am an anxious person to start with.

  91. I was surprised to hear that the hearing test result of my disabled son has improved a lot. I couldn’t believe he was right when he was telling them that his hearing aide is set too loud! I’m always praying for his better mental and physical ability. Thank you for all the prayers!!!

  92. A young mother of 4 that used to work for me had been diagnosed with colon cancer with tumors is various other places. Her Chemo and surgeries have been successful to the point that her surgeon used the word “miracle”! Her new found Faith and all our prayers have made this happen! Thank God and the Power of Prayer beyond our understanding!!