Answered Prayers from the St. Peregrine Novena, 2017

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Saint Peregrine NovenaThank you for joining us in praying the St. Peregrine Novena!

If you’ve had any answered prayers during this novena, please share those with us all below.

God is good, and let’s give Him all the glory!

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  1. During the novena my 11 yr old had his routine mri and we got good news his brain tumor was stable and possibly a tad smaller. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!

  2. All glory and praise to God Almighty for His powerful intervention and success in the surgery which AN underwent on Jan 19. Thank You Jesus for your healing power!!

  3. I thank God who granted series of healing to my family members and I during this Novena.I was healed of anal fissure.Frank’s dislocated right shoulder is healing. My brother Chi with DM is waxing stronger.May the LORD’S name be glorified!

  4. I asked for prayers for my husband,god bless you all he is on the road to being well and out of hospital god bless and thank you ????????????????????????????????????????

  5. My 4 year old niece had high fevers & a terrible eye infection that caused severe swelling and which required a hospital stay with an IV of strong antibiotics and possible eye surgery. She was admitted on Saturday and just released yesterday with no surgery needed. Thank you St Peregrine for interceding and answering our prayers.

  6. My friend O had a successful surgery is now in recovery awaiting all the reports. Amen
    Giving thanks for this novena to St Peregrine for my husband,my children and myself. Amen

  7. Thanksgiving for a successful outcomes to thyroid surgery and the follow-up biopsy, showing no signs of cancer, for our daughter’s mother-in-law.

  8. Since starting this novena, I have received results of my bone scan. I have no metastic bone cancer. I am 4 years clear of cancer.

  9. They just finished up. Y’all. God is so stinking good! The doc visually couldn’t see any cancer. He had the tissue tested at the lab and they couldn’t find cancer during the surgery. Thank you God. Amen

  10. Our sister has to have emergency surgery,praying they could wait up to 7 days,answered prayer ,she will have it tomorrow or Friday to remove a tumour .

  11. God has done it for me through St Peregrine. I use to have pains in my waist my left leg but since I started this Novena, the pains are reliefing and I belief that through the intercessor of St Peregrine I am healed.

  12. St. Peregrine, I thank you for praying that my abnormal mammogram image was not cancer. Two mammograms and an ultrasound showed a concern. One month later, and ready for a biopsy, the image was clear. Thank you, God!

  13. I thank God for the healing power that I had experienced throughout the novena. I was suffering back pain for years. Thank you st. Peregrine for your prayer and bring me more closer to God.

  14. PRAISE God!!!! I asked my friend if she wanted to pray the novena with me for my sister and her sister-in-law. She agreed. On day 3 of the novena she told me her sister-in-law got news that she was in remission!!!!! Glory To God!!!! :)

  15. She is just a young toddler Lord. So brave and knows more about pain and life while being robbed of her touth. Wipe away this childhood cancer as she has another two years of treatment.

  16. Thank you, St Peregrine, for interceding for my friends Mary Ann N, Mary Ann R, Peter S, and Moody. Praise God that on Day 7 no cancer was found in Mary Ann R’s scan! I trust in God’s mercy for the other friends, especially for young Peter.

  17. My family & I have been saying this prayer for my cousin who had multiple myeloma, last week the doctors discovered his cancer had spread through out his entire body. He passed Sunday night with his family praying at his bedside, he’s now no longer suffering and cancer free!

  18. in thanksgiving for the news that the doctors got all of Bonnie’s cancer out during her surgery. This news came to us on day 4 of the Novena. Praise the Lord!

  19. I prayed for carrier opportunities and fortunately I have started experiencing them especially hearing good news from my boss today. It is a sign of greater works. thanks be to God

  20. I had been praying for a job and God being so good, He gave me one.
    I’m very delighted to express my profound gratitude to everyone who joined me to make this a successful prayer request. My prayer is that, God should favour me as I work in my company.
    I will continue to pray with all persons around the world who are actively seeking the face of God to bless them with a job.
    God bless us all.

  21. During this novena, a friend of mine’s cancer went into remission!
    Another friend’s father was released from his suffering through death.
    Another friend has been strengthened as she cares for her 3 year old who suffers greatly. (Please pray for little Nolan!!)

  22. Throughout this novena, I prayed for my sister and myself. Both of us have cancer. Hers is a most difficult cancer to cure. Mine just takes lifelong treatments. So my strongest pray was for her. It is me who has experienced better health, easier treatments and an overall attitude of grateful praise. She remains cancer free at this time. My prayers will continue for both of us and all suffering with chronic an terminal illnesses. Thank you!

  23. My husband was diagnosed with liver cancer and has been getting treatment for it. He had the TACE procedure in December and went back on Monday to see if was effective. The doctor told him they got 100% of the tumor and that all the cancer cells were all dead. This is nothing short of a miracle. Please continue to keep him in your prayers he still need to have a transplant sometime in the year due to cirrhosis but I know God and the saints will continue their miraculous work when the time comes.

  24. Never Give up. Total healing food and co dependency. Thank,you 102. Be thru actions a Vessel for God to use. Trust 102. Humility shut mouth. I Believe. I will Never Give up

  25. My God is a healer. All praise and glory to His holy name. I am so grateful to God for His word and so thankful I can stand on His promises.

  26. Praise God. Thank you, St. Peregrine for your intercession in asking God to have mercy on my daughter. She has been sober almost two weeks. Please keep her in your prayers to continue on the road to sobriety.
    Thank you also for Debi and Kevin. Kevin has been in remission and Debi has been told there is nothing more the doctors can do. Please Lord, make this not so or take her soon and relieve her from her suffering.
    I pray daily for the guidance in helping me make a decision and find a good doctor for my back surgery.
    Thanks be to God!

  27. I have been praying for several people. Thank you for the healing prayers. Carol has been informed she is cancer free Praise God! Linda who was doing a trial was actually shrinking the lymph nodes but had problems with neuropathy so has had to stop, please guide the doctors on something that will heal and has no side affects. Another side prayers for Lori pray she comes back to God and loves her family instead of so much hate and temperment.

  28. While my testing has been taking place during the novena and numerous other prayers…I have heard, the word, curable, much more treatable and perhaps not Bracca Gene, I have heard stage one not two and early and small. I embrace my novena and prayers and offer great thanks as I continue on my journey.

    Thank you. Please pray for Marsh, Nancy, Morgan, Jim, Carla and all those doctors and nurses who care for us…and you who offer us these glorious prayers.


  29. Thank you Lord and St Perigrine and for all the people who prayed for Father Dalton his surgery last Tuesday went successful and please continue praying for him, Gabriela her upcoming surgery, Dolores, my mom keep her healthy, my family, friends, relatives and for all people suffering for illness and for all the sick people may God continue bless us and healed us . Amen

  30. St Peregrine
    You performed a miracle on my aunt who recouperated from stomach cancer. Thank you for also helping my mother to feel better and my sister to UNDERDTAND my mother’s needs by moving and allowing to have her privacy back as soon as possible.

    ST. Peregrine perform another miracle by granting us the money to have my mother live by us as soon as possible.

    Thank you dear St. Peregrine and Blessed Mother of God in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

    Amen Amen

  31. Our friend from church had surgery yesterday and the doctors could not find cancer. We all believe this to be a miracle. So many had prayed and we had a rosary the night before. God is Great!

  32. I am praying for Grace who is suffering from stomach cancer. Today on the 9th day of novena, she has joined the Almighty Father in heaven. This is the answer to my prayer. I was asking for physical healing but God who is the All knowing Creator and the All gracious Merciful father, granted her eternal rest. Thy will be done o Lord. Rest in peace Grace. Thank you St. Peregrine.

  33. At the beginning of this novena a friend’s daughter’s boyfriend was in a car accident and was rushed into surgery for a broken femur and dislocated hip. I began praying this novena over Brendan. His surgery went well. I was told yesterday that the original prognosis was a year till a complete recovery would be reached. They have said since that his progress is doing so well that they have moved this date to six months. Thank you, Jesus. I put my trust in you.✨

  34. Dear All,

    Please pray for me to make by job as a permanent contract with a good remuneration according to my experience and qualification. Now I’m on a temporary contract. Please guide me Lord.

  35. I prayed for the healing of my husbands right shoulder & arm that he had fallen on. It seems like everything is going much better but we go Thursday for a MRI just to make sure. Thank you Dear God for your kindness. I love you.

  36. The improvement in health my children is being answered. A greater understanding of how I need to thank and praise God. My prayer that my children, husband and family will come back to God and his church is moving ahead slowly, but through all these novena’s and prayers I say everyday, I am learning patience. I know he is listening .

  37. A little girl who has been battling cancer, received word that the tumor has shrunk and now has some white blood cells….Thanks be to God

  38. Father thank you so much for this wonderful day.Father I am thanking you for all you have done and been doing and will continue to do for me and my kids as well as family back home.Father I thank you for the new job you gave me and I am starting my floor orientation today Father take control of me and the person who is going to orient me today.Shine your face upon me.Open my brain and impact a wonderful knowledge on me today.I cancel every evil plans of the enemy upon me and my kids.Father cover us with your blood and surround us with your Angels now and forevermore.Thank you for healing my kids from stomach pain and headaches.Thank you for my parents and siblings Father continue to bless them now and forever.I give you praise LORD for your love , Favour faithfulness mercy grace provision.It can only be you my Father.Thank you so much for your supernatural Favour coming my way today, tommorow and forever.Father thank you in advance for my son’s birthday KC coming up tomorrow.May your abundant blessings and Favour continue to be upon him in Jesus precious mighty name Amen and Amen.Thank you so much my GOD and Father for answering my prayers.You are forever faithful.

  39. One of my prayers have been answered and that is that my ICAN result and that of my friends come out fine. It came out on Wednesday and we all passed.
    Proceeding to the final level and praying that God be with us again.

    Thank you for always the novenas.
    Hail my Jesus,,, , Ebubedike

  40. On Thursday, 1/18/18 I had my PET scan.
    I have stage 4 melanoma.
    The scans came back and the tumors are shrinking!!!
    I have been praying this novena every morning, the minute I wake up.
    I believe in the power of prayer, and I have lived praying this novena.
    Thank You!!

  41. Dear St. Peregrine

    Thank you for your prayers, through your intercede prayer God has done miracle in life, I was suffering from PCOD problem, Now I am 35 years old, I have took lot of treatment for to get conceive, but no use of it, after prayer of Novena, God Blessed my womb. Now I got conceive, which I was waiting from 6 years, now I have experiencing the fruit of womb. Thank you God. I will be testimony to you in my family. I prayed this in Jesus name and received the same. Amen.

  42. The week before the start of the Novena, a household member was found to have an ovarian tumor that had a 30% chance of malignancy. The doctor recommended immediate surgery to remove the tumor. We starred praying the novena on Jan 16. Patient underwent surgery on the 19th, and the tumor was found to be benign! Thank you, St Peregrine for your prayers, and praise God for Your goodness!

  43. Hello all,

    First thank you John Paul and Annie for providing this forum which is so helpful to all of us.
    I am undergoing a frustrating process of doing medicals so that me and babies can travel and join my husband who is living in a different country for now. We started the process last year August. The babies medical got cleared but for myself had issues with Xray and has taken me more than three months to do further tests. I am requesting for your prayers my friends, that this time round it will be the end of the test and no more will be required and that I can get cleared and our visa can get processed. I know we only got one more final prayer during this Novena but please pray for this situation that in few days will be back here announcing the good news.

    Be blessed All.

  44. My husband Steve had a pet scan and results came back clear of his cancer which was Stage 4 plasmablastic lymphoma. Praise God and thank you St Peregrine. ????????

  45. I Amanda Marie Dennis 28 yrs old have a rare gain of function stat one gene mutation and god will help me with my pain physical spiritual mental emotional mind body heart and soul and with my past present and future my 8 yr old son Jadon has same disease but god has shown me so many miracles and even sent this wounderful women in my life and friends and my caregiver i am so blessed


  47. Dear God
    Glory and praise to you. We know you are with us especially when we struggle. Thank you for helping me and my children flee quickly and safely from their abusive father. And for helping us settle in well at our new place. With your grace wet can a bright future ahead of us. We’ll forever be grateful. AMEN

  48. Thank you all for your prayers, that through the powerfull intercession of St. Peregrine, and all the angels and saints, my oncologists gave me very good results of lab work and ct scans. The multiple cancer growths in my body are no longer identified, and my cancer marker is now normal. My oncologist thinks I am on my way to remission.
    To God be the glory! All praise to the Blessed Trinity!

  49. My husband had a cancer procedure and follow up pet scan. The dr said the results were better than he expected. Thanks be to God, our Blessed Mother, St Peregrine and all angels and saints for their intercessions. Thank all of you for your prayers. Thank you John Paul and Annie for giving us the opportunity to pray for each other. Prayers continue for you and all who pray these novenas.

  50. My prayers were answered for my sister Barbara after suffering years with Alzheimer’s and was in alot of physical pain in last weeks before her death.. My prayers were answered when she passed peacefully last Sunday in the arms of Jesus .

  51. Thank you God and St. Peregrine for your intervention! I had one stressful case disappear! Only 2 to go!

    Praise our Lurd!

  52. If you all would keep me in your prayers this next novena. Sold our house of thirty yrs. And bought a house in a seller’s mkt. I am so affraid and anxious. My life has been fear and anxiety. We did everything to keep our house value up and lost money cause our location which was very good when we bought tanked. We have worked hard our whole lives always leaving things better. I am tired and exhausted. Lord make me whole. I have done nothing but clean and serve my whole entire life. I am tired. Give me a sign that I bought the right house.

    • Deborah

      I am praying for you, your anxiety and your house. I also work like a dog and know the feeling:). I just bought a new house in a seller’s market as well.

      I feel God wants me to tell you that you bought the right house and you will be able to afford it and enjoy it. Things will come your way to give you more peace and happiness.
      Relax and wait for the fulfillment of your prayers (and mine for you)

      I need the same thing so pray for me too!

      Someone in the same boat

  53. I am thankful to God for restoring my life and taking away all my fear and giving me joy,hope and peace . I’m thankful to God because I know that he will grant me all my intentions; marriage,Good health, a better job and a fruitful life. Amen

  54. Dear John-Paul & Annie,

    Thank you for allowing God to use you both to draw many like me into a deeper spiritual life of prayer.

    I have prayed most of all the novenas since I subscribed in mid 2017. This was because I was seeking God’s grace for a new, better job. I have since grown in my prayer life…I feel incomplete without my novena prayers and I am closer to God. I follow all the novenas now for not just my personal intentions, but for all who ask for God’s mercies and favour. It is my faith and hope that St Peregrine will intercede for us and answer our prayers.

    BIG NEWS: yesterday afternoon, I received an offer of employment from an organisation I have been interviewing with since last year. Salary is almost 4times my previous one. I am excited and humbled at answered prayers. Praise God.

  55. Hi John and Annie,

    Just to let you know that my cousin, James, went to the Lord yesterday afternoon at 3 p.m. He is at peace now and with Jesus and Mary and his family.
    Thank you for your prayers.


  56. My aunt Sinfo was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in the stomach in the beginning of this month of Advent, she has undergone a successful surgery and after a biopsy the doctors told that all her reports are normal all my family members have prayed to St. Peregrine and still continue praying to him. Its indeed a miracle. We thank the St. Peregrine for his intercession to our Lord Jesus Christ and increasing our faith more and more

  57. Please pray for my Aunt Delia she’s in the Hospital had surgery on her leg after surgery she had 2 strokes has not woken up , she’s been in a lott of pain pray that she wakes up soon, my mom has been sadden about her health please heal both of them. Thank you so much. Lydia

  58. Dear John-Paul & Annie,

    On the 07.03.17 i went to a renowned Hospital in my neighbour-hood in for a routine check. after a few questions and physical examination the Doctor told me that i have a mass which looks like it is a stage II the cervical cancer. He then recommended a Biopsy the next day ; on leaving the theater CT scan was done and i was told that its is actually Stage TIGO/IIIB. I started Novena of St. Peregrine, and continued as we went through the testing motions the results were due 5 days later starting the 8th of March, 2014; On the 15.03.17 i had an appointment to check the Biopsy + HPV results; that morning waking up was a hurdle but I dragged myself to the morning mass 6.15 a.m. local time as i normally do but i was obviously dejected and disturbed just wondering how i was to handle any the expected news. After mass went on with the Novena Day 7 went back home and slept till 10.30 am. On reaching the Hospital there were too many people so i had to wait for awhile. Eventually my time to see the doctor arrived at 12.30pm. And he greeted me with a smile and said he had good news. At this point i didn’t think there could be any good news. Shock on Me “the biopsy results are Negative of Malignancy + the HPV which is major cause of this type of Cancer was also Negative”. The current diagnosis is Prolapsed Fibroid treatment and management plan is still being planned. But Our God is a merciful GOD I trust and believe that it is Gods Hand in this through the intercession of ST. PEREGRINE that prevailed. I am a changed soul i feel humbled and elated that with this experience and closer to God. Thank you so much for the website

  59. We prayed the novena to St. Peregrine for my husband’s health after receiving news of the possible diagnosis of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension which is a life threatening disease. My sister-in-law had prayed that it would all result in nothing related to this disease. The next day after the last day of the novena, we had the doctor’s appointment and miraculously resulted in nothing just as she had prayed. He is in good health, and we praise God for answering our prayers. God is so good all the time. Glory and honor to our loving God.

  60. I know its not too late i learnt of my best friends Gladys Mother(Phylis Kendele) who is suffering of breast cancer stage 2/3 she has underwent so far 3 operations and she is in hospital. The doctors termed the cancer as an aggressive type of cancer because it shifting everytime it is removed. My Good people of faith through St. Peregrine, I ask for your prayers to our Lord Jesus to heal Mama Gladys and free her from the pain. She personally told me she is asking God to give her another chance to reach to most of her family members and friends to Know God and his EXISTENCE. we don’t want to loose such people who want to spread the greatness of God. We pray that God as per His will heals her and to give her the strength to overcome her pain.In Jesus name I believe. Amen

  61. Thank you St Peregrine. I have been praying for my grandaughter who had Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She went through 6 difficult months of chemo. Last Wednesday her pet scan showed she is cancer free. I pray that she will stay healthy. I am also praying for a young man who needs a liver transplant. St Peregrine , please ask our Lord to provide him one.

  62. St.Peregrine you answered my petition for my sister Delia, her tumor was benign non-cancerous.I am so grateful beyond words as are her children.
    That is all they have is their mother.Thank you St.Peregrine with all my heart and soul for your miracle.In Jesus`name.Amen

  63. We have been praying for a 35-year-old man who was diagnosed with Lymphoma. We prayed for him during this novena and his most recent CT Scan showed him to be cancer free and in remission. The doctors will complete the round of chemotherapy.
    In March , when it is complete, they will continue to monitor his condition, but he will not have to take any more chemotherapy at this time. Praise be to God, Our Lady, St. Peregrine and all the saints and angels for their prayers and for this answer to prayer.
    Thanks to all who were praying this novena.

  64. Yes, my prayers for my sister came from saying the Novena with all of you. She went to the doctor’s yesterday and there is no sign of cancer. Thanks to all who prayed with me. Thank you St. Peregrine.

  65. I prayed for a friend who has brain cancer, and the doctors gave him good news that the tumors are not growing and the Chemo is helping.

  66. Say nine consecutive times. Make the sign of the cross every time to say the prayer. Publish immediately.
    O Great Passion
    O Deep Wounds
    O Blood Shed in Abundance

    O Meekness
    O God of meekness
    O Cruel Death

    Have Mercy on Me and Grant my Request, if it be for my salvation.
    ( Say request)

    Dear Lord , Please grant my request.

    • I’m am asking for special prayers that I find a job. I am a widow left with three kids with the grace of God I found a per deim job in a hospital but I am not making enough money to pay my bills. Im just asking God to help me find a better job this way I can pay my bills. It’s getting very difficult and at times I feel so alone and hopeless. I always turn to God in prayer but I desperately need His help. Please Lord, I need You to guide me.
      Thank you

  67. My sister’s platelets were normal range. Praise God.
    Also my friend had a clear PET scan after her 5thround of chemo. So very thankful.

  68. I have been praying St. Peregrine Novena for my son who has a very rare stomach condition. He went for his scope on Friday, January 27, 2017 and the doctor said my son is 1000 times better. I believe it was answered prayers through St. Peregrine. Thank you St. Peregrine for brining my prayers and others to the feet of Jesus. We are so blessed to have a father and mother who cares for all their children. God is good

  69. Halo,
    I at times wonder how God answers prayers. I lost one of the cancer patients i was praying for on the morning of 25th January, after the 9 days of novena and was utterly devastated. However, as we continue with arrangements to lay him to rest, i am now at peace. I have understood that even as i pray i need to be open to God’s will and not mine. I also feel my prayer was answered by God taking away his pain and resting him, for He knows better than we mortal men. May His name be praised forever.

    • Dear Friends,
      I see the novenas work for everyone in many different ways. I am now praying for a young man who at 26 is slowly dying of liver and bowel cancer! If the Lord blesses one and takes another we must pray that His will be done. Free from pain and the sorrow of your family. It’s His will! Cancer is devastating in so many ways, it can steal your body and soul! May we keep on in our journey, I will not stop. Thank You .
      Your Friend,

      Dear Friends, Since I have begun praying with the St Peregrine novenas I have been seeing small miracles. My friend Brenda has lung cancer involving tumors. Recently, she flew to California to be with family and was blessed with a remission from her awful disease. She was able to go see all the sights of nature, seals and their babies, the veiws were phenomenol! She went somewhere everyday for 6 weeks! She didn’t even need her nebulizer or inhaler to breathe! How Blessed! My eyes grew wide just watching the posts and pictures. She looked renewed! Praise the Lord and the novenas to St. Peregrine, I am so thankful, my heart is bursting with joy for her! I continue on and hope that I will see gifts of healing! Thank You,

  70. Thank you God for answered prayers during he Novena to St. Peregrine. Novena began day before my surgery for Breast Cancer. At the end of the Novena received wonderful news that I was now Cancer Free. God is Good, God is Great. Thank you Jesus!

  71. Thank you God, Jesus and Mary mother of Jesus to whom I have been praying for safe delivery of my son’s baby girl. She arrived into this world January 11th, 2017 weighing in at 5lbs 13oz. two weeks ahead of schedule.
    Unfortunately her Bilirubin count was very high and she was loosing weight. After two visits back to the hospital where she was born, she had to be transferred to another hospital and placed in a special incubator with lights.
    She is back home now, feeding none stop, and gaining weight.
    This beautiful little girl is our precious gift from God, and first child for my youngest son.
    Dear Lord, please hear my daily prayers for health and safety for my other two grandsons, and my entire family.
    We all trust and believe that you will watch over us.

  72. In May, 2015 I was diagnosed with high grade (aggressive) bladder cancer. In the summer of 2015 I began a series of 9 BCG treatments for my bladder which were ultimately unsuccessful. During this time I was diagnosed with a large mass around my prostate which was biopsied and determined to be benign. In 2016 I completed 6 more BCG treatments for my bladder cancer which were also unsuccessful. At this time we began a novena to St. Peregrine. From November into December, 2016 I completed a series of 6 chemotherapy treatments. On January 18, 2017 biopsies were conducted of my bladder and again of the mass around my prostate. All the biopsies came back “benign.” I was in many, many peoples’ prayers all this time and I know that it was because of all those prayers and because of the St. Peregrine novena that I am now cancer-free. A very special Thank You to all who prayed and to St. Peregrine and I will never stop giving thanks to God for His love and goodness.

  73. Thank you for progress with some answers to medical health questions. Thank you Lord for bringing more joy back into my family.
    We trust in you to help all fall in place.


  74. Dear St Peregrine, Thank you for praying, I asked for to grant our visa application to another country and I pray I need it this week. God is on time and never let me down, I received a letter of approval from the immigration today. Thank you all for your prayers and St Peregrine for praying. Utmost thank you Lord. To God be the glory amen.

  75. Thank God for prayer answered through St Peregrine Novena. I prayed for two of my sisters who are finding it difficult to conceive and also for my self for God to help me get someone good to take care of my baby as am about to resume work. On the nineth day of the novena,my sister called that they be gotten somebody for me. Am so happy. THANK YOU JESUS

  76. My father’s tumor in his prostate and kidney shrank to nothing since praying the novena.

    The Lord is opening many doors, lots of activity with job interviews for my daughter in a short amount of time since praying the novena.

  77. My friend, Nicole, has been WAITING and WAITING for a call from a possible bone marrow donor. She received the call on day 9 of the novena. Thanks be to God, she will be having a complete transplant in February. AMEN!!!

  78. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou St Peregrine for your intercession for my brother Hughie, who was among the many I prayed for in this Novena. He is 76, and is being treated for lymphoma, which he was told on Wednesday has now cleared. We are absolutely delighted with this news and I hope I can come and thank you for hearing my prayers and obtaining the petitions I made for myself and many others during this Novena. Hughie and Dora say they feel a miracle has happened.
    St Peregrine please, please, please continue to pray for us.

  79. Thank you St Peregrine for your intercession for my daughter who has been experiencing blank moments in the past year. She is more alert and we’ll focused on her life. She has not experienced any blank moment like it used to be before. Thank you to everyone who prayed this novena with me.

  80. My husband was told today that his cancer AML has gone into remission.
    He was in ICU and surgery on Monday, 3 days ago.
    His doc doesn’t understand it but we know the power of prayer. Glory be to God, Our Blessed Mother and St. Peregrine for this incredible blessing.

  81. I offered this Novena for our daughter Kelly who has Stage IV cancer, today her scans show that all cancer has shrunk and the medicine is working! Thank you St Peregrine for interceding to Our Lord and answering our prayers!

  82. My mother in law was diagnosed with breast cancer despite getting a double mastectomy prior in order to prevent this cancer after being positive fore the BRCA 1 gene. We started this novena the day before she was officially diagnosed. Day after it finished she had her PET scan done to see if it had spread. Today we found out that it didn’t!! She has a long road ahead to get rid of what is there, but thank God she got the best possible scenario for where she is at. Thank God, blessed mother and st. Peregrine!!!

  83. A friend of my family was admitted into the hospital just before this novena began. They were diagnosed with a staph infection and potentially could have been crippled for life.

    On the day of our final prayer they were released from the hospital and are on the road to recovery.

    Thank you God for hearing the prayers of St. Peregrine during this novena for our intention!

  84. I thank the Lord through St.Peregrine for my dad’s recovery progress. He recovered his memory and could walk and was discharged from hospital four days after starting this Novena and is continuing his recovery at home. Prior to this we thought he would be in hospital for a very long time.

  85. My cousin suffering with lukemia was undergoing very aggressive chemotherapy. Our prayer was answered. Yesterday when the test results came in she was free of cancer cells. Praise to our Lord and Saviour and the intersession of St. Peregreine. Thank you all and most especially our Lord for the healing of my cousin.

  86. Thank you St.Peregrine, thank you Lord for curing me from cancer! Praise the Lord for miracles we receive!

    Thank you for giving my husband and my son jobs!

    Bless our family and keep us healthy and safe!

  87. ABSOLUTELY I experienced answered prayer with this St. Peregrine novena. My friend was diagnosed with liver and cervical cancer and not given much hope by doctors. She chose not to do conventional treatment, instead opting for a very expensive holistic regimen, which at 1st didn’t seem to make a difference. But, today, on the day of the the Final Prayer, she got the news from her latest checkup that her cancer markers are within normal range. What a MIRACLE. All praise to God and all his angels and saints. Amen and Amen.

  88. My first chemo series showed great and exceptional progress during the Novena
    Thank you St. Peregrine and who prayed with me.

  89. I prayed this novena for an acquaintance of mine in the last stages of prostate ca, very young and with young children and who has suffered for years. But I also prayed for my grandson who is on the autism spectrum, I know that’s not cancer but I pray for him to all saints and anytime there is a novena. I asked St. Peregrine to help him, even if he just showed a tiny sign of advancing. He’s 3.5 yrs, just says some words and is way behind. Tonight we were playing with his blocks, he stacked up 9 and then started to count from one to five and pointing. The one and two were clear, 3 was wee, 4 was or and 5 was bi. This may not sound like much but it’s never happened before. He counted many times, I think 6 and 7 were there too.I feel in my heart St. Peregrine heard me. There is no patron saint for autism but he answered my prayers, I’m sure. Thank you St peregrine and Jesus for this – its huge to me. I love you.

    • Thanks to God for the Blessings especially for young sister Lilian she was so depressed with her condition she lose her sight due the tumor. Last week the doctors told she see again But I encourage her and praying the together especially yesterday one gave her hope to trust in God. And she was at peace. Thanks St. Peregine Novena and John -Paul and Anna

  90. Thank you, Lord, for everything you have done and are doing for me, my family and all those praying this novena!
    God is great!

  91. One of the cancer sufferers I’ve been praying for has found a matching bone marrow donater and will start a 4 month treatment soon…Thanks be to God! Thank you St.Peregrine! All glory is your’s ,Lord Jesus!