Answered Prayers from the St. Joseph Novena, 2017

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st. joseph novena
Thank you for joining us in praying the St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, Novena!

If you experienced any prayers during this novena, please share those with us all below!

Glory be to God!


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  1. Thank you, Loving Father, for keeping my stepdad in good spirits after the prostate surgery. I pray that you will continue to guide him and heal him as he has radiation therapy. Please continue to pray that he will not have any adverse side effects. Thank you for all of the answered prayers and for listening to all of our prayers.

  2. We had a bad hail storm last July; everyone in our area needed new roofs. My insurance sent me the first check. To get second check, we had to offer proof work was done. My contractor and I sent photos Jan 4th. Nothing. I called. I emailed. No second check.
    I began novena asking good St Joseph to get my second check. On day four of novena, I got a phone call from insurance man who apologized that he missed the January 4th emails. “Your check was mailed this mirning. I am sorry it took two months.”
    Thank you, dear St Joseph. You are such a good guardian and protector of my finances, home, possessions. I love you!

  3. I was praying for my husband to find a job after recently being let go after 23 years with one company. He has had 2 very promising interviews in the last week.

  4. I said the novena to ask that a second house (and mortgage) we are carrying be sold as we had not had a single viewing since putting it on the market. We had our first viewing day 8 of the novena and, while the house has not yet sold, we are seeing more interest.

    I was also praying for help with my health and career. On St. Joseph’s feast day a colleague called me out of the blue and reminded me how important it is to take a rest now and then. I had stopped tracking overtime and she told me to start again and to be sure I took the time back. I had not realized how much the pressures around me had affected my ability to stand up for myself at work until then.

  5. I prayed for a successful right knee
    replacement….now I pray for a quick
    healing and the ability to stand the pain associated with physical therapy.

  6. My son had personal issues that led to him losing his business. Afterwards he was out of work and expecting the birth of twins. After I offered up prayers to St. Joseph he now finally has a job. Thank you St. Joseph for your powerful intercession.

  7. Thank-you St. Joseph for your intercession. I was praying during the novena, especially prayed for a family member that he may turn away from his selfish motives and dedicate his whole time to his wife. There was noticeable change in his attitude at the end of the novena and dare say on the day of St Joseph’s Feast Day. I know there are more changes that need to occur and that our Lord will continue to help them as a couple. Praise our Lord for listening to St Joseph’s intercession.

  8. I was praying for a new job, although I have not yet found one, I am still hopeful. My friend just got a joboffer, needed a job more than me as I am currently on another job. And my sister has just been called for her first shift as a nurse. Thanking God for answering your prayers. Amen

  9. My daughter came to me after not seeing her for 6 months..We both apologized for all that had happened ..Thank You St Joseph for this miracle …

  10. On St. Joseph’s Feast Day, my youngest daughter called to tell me she was so happy and felt she had purpose in her life. After we finished our conversation, I went to Mass and realized I had been praying the St Joseph Novena for my family. What a special surprise to hear Gabriella tell me that she felt she had purpose in life!

    St. Joseph does not fail! Thank you St. Joseph!

  11. After a long battle with bone cancer, my older sister is home with the LORD. She does not have to suffer any more pain. I know that my family mourns her death, but she is finally at peace.

  12. I started praying the St. Joseph novena back at the end of January and the fifth day into the novena my husband got the Job offer that is changing our lives! Before the 9 days were over he was hired on and he has been liking it a lot! It is a career not just another job!! Thank you St. Joseph for your intercession!!!

  13. Thank you St Joseph for your intercession. I was praying for the occupation of all rooms by tenants in my property. After four days of the Novena, Tenants occupied all the rooms.

  14. A friend had been ill for three months, having had pneumonia with two rounds of anabiotic’s that wouldn’t cure it. After that my friend had a persistent sore throat and severe ear pain we have been to several doctors who were unable to help. On day nine of the St. Joseph novena, my friend noticed that his pain was completely gone. It was truly miraculous. Thank you Saint Joseph, thank you God, and thank you pray more novenas for the daily reminders.

  15. Thankful for prayers answered! Friend continues to be clear of brain cancer, daughter has accepted a new job and other requests have been answered.

  16. My son has not had any contact with me since he moved out of my house and moved in with his mother who is very unstable. Please let him come back into our lives s we can have somewhat of a father son relationship. Amen

  17. My brother has been looking for 6 months for a job, I prayed that St. Joseph would guide him. He was finally called for an interview and should find out today if he gets the job. Please pray that he is chosen for the job.
    Thank you for your prayers.

  18. Before i came across with this novena i was on the bridge of failing most of my subjects. I desperately want to pass all my subjects so that i can graduate this April. Before i knew it, God answered all my prayers, i have passed my subjects and now waiting for confirmation. Thank you Lord for blessing me more than what i deserved.

  19. I have been praying for my son to seek treatment for alcohol addiction and he is returning to treatment. This is an answer to my prayers. God is good.

  20. Hi
    My family and I were working overtime begging St Joseph to help! We were praying ( and still are) for 3 houses to sell. My sister had been trying to sell a house she moved out of 4 years ago and on St Joseoh’s feast day she received 2 offers on her house and is under contract ! My daughter is selling a rental house property and her realtor told her 2 families are very interested!! I just put my house on the market to be able to build a house by my daughter and I am trusting that God’s timing is always perfect!!!
    St Joseph helped us buy this house 25 yrs ago and I know he will help another family enjoy it as much as we have.
    Thank You St Joseph for hearing all of our petitions!!!

  21. My Husband received a job offer that he has been waiting for during the novena but it was finalised on his birthday. Thank you St. Joseph for looking after our family and blessing us with this great opportunity.

  22. My pastor had a sale of items from his parent’s estate for the benefit of a mission to the Philippines that feeds children. I helped organize it, and it ended on the Feast of St Joseph. I prayed the novena to St Joseph that all items would be sold and the goal of $5,000 would be reached. We did exceed the goal, which translates into a quarter- million meals. Thank you St Joseph, head of the Holy Family and patron of house sales!

  23. Thank you St Joseph. I’ve been praying for my business and for a job for my daughter! Both came to fruition. God is good. Thank you for all your graces and blessings.

  24. I was looking to open my own Bussiness for so long ,,the stores for rent in my area are very expensive.Finally Good put me in contact whit the right person..and I was prayer for my son, he just finished the school
    And right after I finished the novena he get his job
    God was blessed me and my family
    Thank you San Jhosep for your intercession ♥️

  25. I prayed for my son to find a job and he has a job offering starting April 10 plus the job comes with a place to live. Thanks be to Christ our Lord and for the intercession St. Joseph.

  26. I have been praying novenas all my life, especially to the Blessed Virgin, but this time, after finishing my novena with Mary I decided to give her a break and started the novena with St.Joseph. Did he ever pull through!!!My son who had been out of work for more than three years, competed for one, and was the only one out of fifteen applicants who passed the interview. Started his new job the week the novena was completed. Is that a miracle or not ? I am just over the moon !!! Thank you, thank you Saint Joseph and the Blessed Virgin.

  27. My daughter was unemployed for more than a year. I begged St. Joseph, St. Therese, the Bl. Mother, etc for help. Nine days after this novena, she came w/ news of a job offer. My heart is filled with gratitude.

  28. I was honest with St Joseph that my devotion to him has not been that great. I promised to devote myself more to his intercession. During this period I have been trusting God for a job near my family and beginning a new education service. After the Novena I have an invitation for a job interview and I also got a kit to begin my new education service.
    St Joseph my father and lord continue to intercede for me for my success in the next steps. Amen

  29. As you know, St. Joseph is the patron saint of Homebuyers and Workers. During the novena, I was applying and was offered 3 different job positions. Also, my husband and I found a house. I decided on which job to accept and we put in an offer on the house. On the Feast of St Joseph, I signed my job contract and my husband and I signed the purchase agreement for our new home. ????????

  30. I prayed for my son to sell his home.It was listed on March19, and sold on March 26.Thank you St joseph, and all those who prayed the novena.

  31. Sorry, this really is to praise God for the intercession of St. Peregrine. Me and many of my friends prayed the St. Peregrine Novena as I went thru threatment of Stage IV Metastatic Melanoma. I just received the results of my PET scan and there is no evidence of disease. Thanks be to God!!!

  32. Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ and Blessed Mother Mary ,St Joseph and and the saints for when we pray and believe we shall receive, I had been praying for many blessings in the past few months asking Hod to hear my prayers I started the Novena prayers I started going to churches all around the state I live in that I didn’t even know that they existed .I made it my mission to get a group of family members and have them join me in our time of need when ever and where ever I went they followed me all asking for our Lord Jesus to hear and answer our prayers in our time of need in this difficult life that we live in and so many illnesses and disease surrounding us and unexplained miracles do come to those that pray and believe ????????one of my biggest prayers was answered in Jesus name Amen ???? my baby sister had cancer two years ago 2015 and was in remission but earlier this year we found out that her cancer was back and spreading, the doctors only gave her 20%of survival even after chemo she had no room for radiation from previous treatments the tumor she had could not be removed it by surgery .
    We never gave up went our journey and said to the doctors Our Lord is bigger then 20% he is our hope and healer we will do chemo and trust in him she had a PET scan in January that showed the tumor and that it was spreading to other body organs ,I had done a lot of research on the internet about cancer and couldn’t get a good night sleep just trying to do anything for her to stop the tumor from growing and spreading .
    We lost our mother in December of last year and I lost my thirteen year old daughter nine years ago and I pray to My God that I can’t loose my sister my friend please help me and heal her,with the greatest blessings and miracles of our Lord Jesus Blessed Mother Mary and all the Saints just last week on the 22 nd of March she had another PET scan and we were waiting to get the results to compare to the first scan
    When we went to her doctors appointment 2 days ago and the doctors told us that there is no sign of tumor in her body and nothing that showed before that was spreading the scan was clear of all cancer and tumor
    My Lord Jesus Mother Mary and all the Saints
    We’re in disbelief we praise you for your mercy I was waiting for the doctor to tell me the tumor is shrinking but even better with Gods miracles it’s all gone as if nothing was there , we thank you for your blessings and prayers ????✝️
    Keep my sister and family in your prayers to keep all cancer away from her and keep her healthy to enjoy and live life to the fullest.In Jesus name we pray Amen ???? Amen ???? Amen ????

    Never give up hope
    Believe in the power of prayer ????

  33. My prayers were for my daughter to pass her tests she needed to in order to graduate nursing school! She did it, thanks be to God! Continued prayers for her to pass her NCLEX!

  34. I have prayed the novena and I am very grateful that some funds came in from a bad business decision I made years ago was paid back to me. Thank you Jesus!

  35. I prayed that my son would find a job that he loved and he called last night to say that he should be starting his dream job next Wednesday and we will be going downtown to do the preliminary background checks, etc. today. I also prayed that I would be able to experience the next level of my career and on March 16, I was offered that opportunity.

  36. The construction work that my husband had been doing finished miraculously on time and all of the workers were safe and could provide for their families. Praise God and thank you for the intercession of St Joseph!

  37. I have been praying for my husband’s conversion, and he spent the weekend at a spiritual retreat and came back a “new” man!! He went to confession and received Jesus for the 1st time in over 30 years!! Thanks be to God and to St. Joseph for hearing and answering my prayers.

  38. Thank you St. Joseph that I was able to write an assignment after many tries that dredged up bad memories. The finished product brought a great blessing in that my husband liked it enough to join me in discernment of belonging to a Catholic Fraternity for which I was told to write it.

  39. My prayer for full-time employment has been answered with a job offer on March 21st. Thanks be to God through the intercession of St. Joseph!

  40. Although the answer did not come till this week, my prayer for employment for my son was answered and he leaves today for his new job. Thank you, St. Joseph! Help us remember that our ways are not God’s ways, and that God has a plan for all of us, and it is all good!

  41. I had been without a job for 4 months, trying very hard with no success. Last week, the perfect job literally fell in my lap without me trying. It couldn’t be a better job. And only a few blocks from where I live. Thank you St. Joseph for your intercession in my life. I am forever grateful, and thank you my dear sweet savior for granting me this opportunity.

  42. My husband James Cruz was a Jehovah Witness and I’m a Catholic. You already know the rest. Started to pray St. Joseph soften his heart and at least go to Mass with me once. Well for Ash Wednesday as I was getting ready for Mass he ask if he could come. Well, not only he converted but he also stopped drinking after 30 years of it. Our God is a AWESOME GOD, just believe with all your heart and Soul…

  43. My husband and I were praying this novena and asking st Joseph to help us find a home to buy… during the novena we signed the lease on a cute house that is perfect for us. Every house we had looked at preciously was terrible. Praise God and thank you st Joseph!

  44. All Praise and Honor to God.

    Among many blessings received, as a result of the St. Joseph novena and daily prayer and devotionals I was offered and accepted a job, discovered that a very good priest friend of my current spiritual director is a parish priest in the community the job is taking me to, received an affirmative decision from a bank that is important to our move, and received notification from my Diocese allowing my marriage to be blessed by the Catholic Church.

    Thank you Saint Joseph for your constant intercessions on my behalf and on behalf of all who prayed this novena with me. Thank you Lord for these blessings and the blessings yet to be revealed.

  45. Thank you St. Joseph for your Miraculous Intercession. My Prayer was Answered in March 2017. I Received a Job Offer and a 2nd job offer yesterday within the Same organization. I am very Grateful.

    Thank you Heavenly Father.

  46. I was praying for the safety of my son who was on the other side of the world and encountering difficulties, that his journey home would be safe and he has returned safely. I was also praying for safe travel of all my family members who were travelling at the same time. God has answered my prayers, praise be to God and thank you St Joseph for your intercessions on my behalf!

  47. Through the intercession of St Joseph I went for an interview yesterday for a dream job… Hoping and praying that I will be offered the job… Thank you St Joseph

  48. On the last last day of the novena, on St . Joseph’s feast day, our son who was making terrible decisions in part due to his girlfriend, had a very dramatic ending to this bad relationship.
    Praise God and blessed St Joseph.

  49. An apartment I had for rent was leased by a tenant even before the novena was finished. Thank God. Thank you St. Joseph.

  50. Thank God for this novena i prayed for a job and God answer my prayers his name will be honored all days of my life

  51. Since I started praying the Novena to St.Joseph, I feel a lot better. I was having many cysts/fibroids in and around my uterus and this has been giving me alot of trouble. I have gone in for numerous tests but somehow the doctor is not able to diagnose the result. I have been asked to wait for some more time to see if they disappear with time. I am also having pain on the left side. May St. Joseph heal me through Jesus. Thank You St.Joseph and Jesus.

    One more miracle is that my daughter has been trying to migrate to Australia for a long time . But somehow things did not work out well. Now since praying the Novena she got a chance to visit Australia for a short while. This was totally not expected by us. We have applied for the visa. May St Joseph intercede to the Lord to grant my daughter the visa in time. All glory to Jesus. Thank you St. Joseph.

  52. I prayed the novena for my husband James. He was miserable in his workplace and I asked St. Joseph for his intercession for him to get out of that place and get another job. He got a call from the county and is just waiting on the email now to tell him of his start date. He’s going to be at a school’s cafeteria as a sub but I know and trust God will place him there and he will become a regular employee soon. Thanks to St. Joseph and to God for my answered prayer.

  53. I have been praying for my son to get into his chosen program of study and he has been accepted! It has been a work in progress for him and God has guided him along the way. Thanks be to God, and thank you for your intercession, St. Joseph!”

  54. Planning a move, my nephew was offered and accepted a job transfer and promotion. Thank you St. Joseph for your intercession.

  55. I prayed the novena to St Joseph and he answered my prayers.My nephew was returning home after studying abroad and he arrived safely home after a journey of 6 days.Thankyou st.Joseph

  56. St. Joseph is my constant saint. He has helped fulfill many prayers of mine, for me and my family. He helped to save my Mom’s life. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all you have done St. Joseph!

  57. I was praying for retreat and renewal for my husband and I snd he agreed to attend the retreat which is next week. Bless God, thank you St. Joseph.

  58. Throughout the period of the St. Joseph Novena, I have been praying for quick recovery for my mother who had a fatal accident that even required stitching on her head down to her forehead and her leg… I want to thank God for her survival and quick healing/recovery. Glory to Jesus and thanks to St. Joseph for interceding for us. Amen!

  59. Dear St. Joseph,
    I am. Praying for my cousin, Bill. He has a very serious, life-threatening heart condion. Waiting for appointment to see heart surgeon in Boston. Time is really of the essence but can’t get one until May. Please help him to get in soon enough to save and heal him.

  60. Greetings beloved family, prior to the novena of st.Joseph I had lost hope and confidence of finding employment but because of God’s mercy through his humble servant st.Joseph I have restored that courage and hope that I shall be blessed with a good paying job soon as I know God will never foresake his own. Am not yet employed but I remain strengthened through prayer knowing that all is well. Glory be to God and so grateful for the beautiful novena to st.Joseph our father.

  61. I prayed to St. Joseph for the relationship between my son, my grandson, and myself. When I would come to visit he would stay in his room, the last time I went over, he hugged me and we three went out to eat. We have a road trip planned for April!

  62. Praise God! Thank you St. Joseph. I was praying for my husband to come closer to God and to have a real relationship with the Living God. He has agreed to come on a pilgrimage with me that involves daily mass and prayer. What an amazing change! God in His goodness has heard the prayer of my heart. Thank you St. Joseph for your powerful intercession. I thank you God that there will be many more miracles in my husband’s life. Praise You Lord. Thank you all for your prayers. God bless you.

  63. I had two answered prayers.

    1 My son in law who had just lost his job a month before this novena started got another job aster praying to St Joseph.

    2 My brother died a happy death.

  64. My granddaughter just received a liver transplant. The Drs said it was a perfect surgery, no blood transfusions required and she has had no complications. All of her lab numbers are perfect. The Lord surely had a hand in this. Praise the Lord!

  65. This time two of my intentions were answered. My daughter has sold her house and my friend’s son got a new job. Thank you St Joseph.

  66. I was praying to forgive and sundanly came to me to say at the same time the prayer …forgive them Father cause they do not know what they are doing and I felt lots of power with miséricorde to forgive.thank you to St. Joseph and our Lord Jesus Christ ,to you and every one praying.

  67. My daughter was matched at the first hospital of her choice for her Residency!!! Thanks be to God and St Joseph and St Jude and all the saints in heaven!!!

  68. Our Catholic school lost a wonderful principal to cancer. He had a devotion to St.Joseph so soon after his death I prayed to St. Joseph for guidance for our school in hiring a new principal. They announced the new hire on his feast day! May St. Joseph help him to lead out school with zeal, humility and joy!

  69. I prayed for St Joseph to intercede in a dispute between me and previous employers that was causing me a lot of stress and anxiety.
    My prayers brought me much peace and although I haven’t heard from these people again, I know St Joseph has my back.
    He has always interceded for me and I find peace when I ask him to pray for me.
    Thank you St Joseph

  70. I was looking for a job as a Medical Assistant for awhile but I couldn’t be hired in any place so I went back to school to improve my skills and I started praying the novena to San Joseph so as soon I finished my internship I got a job. Thank you for your intersection San Joseph.

  71. Praying for my son who was offered a job but the school records show he may be short a class for his associates but he misunderstood and thought he had an associates. The job offer would like a copy of his associates, I’m praying that his new transferred classes count for the one missing course and he can start his new job.

  72. Thank you dear St. Joseph for answering our prayers towards securing our immigration visa’s. We received it on the 6th day of your novena. We are ever so grateful for your intersession and thank the Lord and mama Mary for watching over us.

  73. I firstly would like to thank God for bringing people like Paul and Anne into our lives for coordinating these praymorenovenas programme so that we should join hands and hearts in prayers. I have grown so much since I signed up for these Novena Prayers. My husband and I have embarked on a forty days partial fast during this Lent and first I thought it was going to be a very difficult excersise but let me tell you, it going on very well due to St Joseph Novena. Thank you, thank you St Joseph.

  74. I prayed to st Joseph that my niece and nephew would get the jobs they applied for and our prayers were answered.also prayed to get my daughter through her marriage break up and she is doing really well.thank you st Joseph and all the angels and saints and praise be to God for all our blessings.please continue to pray that I don’t loose my home and all those in the same situation.please grant us pease of mind.

  75. Thank God through the glorious intercession of st Joseph for granting me a job that I had lost and was , and also for sustaining me via out the period of joblessness.

  76. Thank you St. Joseph for interceding for me. Just after I finished saying the novena, My business has picked up greatly and i believe it will continue growing.

  77. My prayers for the seemingly impossible were answered, against all odds & just under the wire. I am so very grateful to St. Joseph, to all who stepped forward & to those who prayed. Blessings to all.

  78. I would like to thank Anne and John for these Novenas that have become part and parcel of my life each Novena comes with its blessings for me and my family.God is wonderful and does things in his own ways.I had asked St Joseph to intercede for me to buy a house instead God gave me a car. Thank you Jesus. Thank you St Joseph.Jesus I trust in you.

  79. My oldest friend, with whom I have been friends for 63 years, was in great need of being accepted by Medicaid. On the feast of Saint Joseph we received a notice from that office that he has indeed been accepted Thank you, St.Joseph.!

  80. I joined in the St. Joseph’s novena, asking for God’s instant & permanent healing from an inexplicable niggling sore, scalp pain & a diagnosed benign multinodular goitre; God’s instant & permanent healing for my daughter’s intellectual challenge; academic breakthrough for all my children; job offers for my husband, my son & myself; God’s divine victory, uplifting & protection from enemies and forces of evil, through the intercession of St. Joseph. The Almighty God, our omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Father answered my prayers far beyond my requests and expectations. Today, the stubborn scalp pain that was defying most pain killers, has completely vanished, that I do not have to depend on any pain killers again. The report of the CT scan I did, came out as excellent, nothing to worry about. My doctor is yet to check up on the multi-nodular goitre, but I’m trusting our Almighty Father, who never leaves His miracles unfinished, to conclude His miraculous work on me. In continuation of our Lord’s unfolding miracles for my family, my daughter’s intellectual challenge is virtually dissappeared, her mental / intellectual ability is suddenly rekindled & glowing. My son’s academic performance is up on mountain tops, with a sudden job offer for him; while my youngest child is topping / leading her class / year mates in academic performance. As if these giant miraculous strides for me and my household are not enough, the good Lord is opening up lucrative, neat business opportunities for my husband and I. Our sweet, merciful Father above, is indeed awesome, miraculous and too wonderful for our comprehension. I and my household will continue to serve and glorify His holy name all our lives. Thanks immensely to St. Joseph for his intercession and great thanks to our divine creator, mentor, our all in all, through the mighty, precious name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen. Ng

  81. I had prayed for my son to receive employment and my prayers were answered. He received a job and is in a much happier place in his life. Thank you St Joseph for interceding for me. God is an awesome God.

  82. I prayed this novena for my friends son’s visa renewal. It was pending for a long time and about to expire. It worked while praying the novena. Thanks to St.Joseph for his intercession.

  83. I prayed the St. Joseph novena to seek clarification in my job and was given a very clear picture about an opportunity. Thank you St. Joseph!

  84. I prayed the novena for the son of Maria– a woman who is like a second earthly mom to me. Her son has been dying for the last 60 days prior to this novena.

    Not only that he lived 2000 miles from her and his father. She has had 2 major heart surgeries.

    She was able to see her son for 3 weeks and he died with his father also visiting him on the day of St Joseph which this year happened to be in the 20! I love u St Joseph! Always did but a heavenly response! God bless you for this meaning it was for me very Holy Spirit inspired! Lourdes born on the Day of Lourdes
    His name Mauro Perez.

  85. I Pray for financial help so that I may travel to see my daughter and grandchildren. It has been long. St Joseph please intercede for me to the most high. I give all honor and glory to God.

  86. Our nephew’s 4 month old son had a stroke recently! He is now eating and moving all extremities after being hooked up to all kinds of tubes. Doctors are still running all kinds of tests to see what caused his stroke. Thank You, Dear God & Saints for helping Keenan get through this.

  87. I’ve been praying novenas faithfully and I feel God is opening doorways in my life. I’m moving to another state and it’s truly been remarkable how flawless it is going-selling/buying a home, job opportunities…. Thank you for the intercession, St Joseph.

  88. Thanks be to God. After participating in the St. Joseph’s novena, I found a title deed that disappeared in August 2016 after my Father’s death. It is for a commercial piece of land shared between my father and his late brothers. The brothers grab all the land and my father got nothing. They are all dead (may their souls rest in peace) but the family members had denied us our share. With the title deed, they will listen to us now so that we get what belongs to us. Thanks be to God.

  89. Thank you, Dear Lord, St.Joseph, St.Jude, and our Blessed Mother. Finally, after 3 years out of work, my son has a job! Prayers do work. Praise God!