Answered Prayers from the St. Anne Novena – 2014

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St. Anne ChurchWe had a great time praying the novena the St. Anne Novena! Thank you so much for praying with us!

Please post your answered prayers below!

Here are two we already received:

“My husband and I prayed this novena two years ago since we struggle with infertility. I got pregnant the following month in August. My little boy, Anthony, just turned 1 last month :) We are hoping to add to our family and will be praying it again with everyone.”

– Leah

“Last year I prayed this novena with you guys for the specific intention of meeting my spouse.  I met him during the Novena and we’re getting married on July 19th.  Will pray it again this year in thanksgiving.”

– Brook

If your prayers have been answered, big or small, please share with us below so that we can praise God together!



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  1. I prayed this novena with the intention for my nephew for him to communicate. He is over two years and non-verbal. My sister-in-law just texted me today that he said “bye bye”!! This is amazing! Thank you for the novenas, and I will keep praying them.

  2. Hello,

    I first prayed the St. Joseph novena when my husband was looking for a job. The actual feast day (March 19) was a tough day of interviews and waiting. But he ending up getting the job and starting only weeks later.

    In hopes of having another child, I prayed the novena to St. Anne. Originally, I prayed it with the request of patience as I was not sure how long it would take. Literally the day after the Novena ended, I took a positive pregnancy test!

    I sincerely believe that these are not mere coincidences. I thank you very much for this service. I frequently email this website out to my list of over 100 parishioners in hopes that they join in and I am SO grateful that you are having a novena for religious freedom as I think it is something our country and our generation all too easily takes for granted.

    Thank you again for all the hard work you do and God Bless!

  3. I prayed for my son during this Novena. Asking for confidence and direction for him. To be able to find a job. To help him with his anxieties. Today my son came in all showered and dressed and said he was off to go in job applications. His attitude was possitive and it made me feel so good inside. Thank you St. Anne.

  4. I had two special intentions for St. Anne novena, one was answered on the second day…my son got his drivers license, I didn’t think he was ready enough to pass but he did and I’m grateful. The second request is a huge one that I have been praying over 3yrs. for my daughter may God guide her out of the reckless life shes living and bring her back home to her family, I will continue to pray every single novena on here for her, I have faith, I Believe in Miracles before they happen! Thank you for helping me pray.

  5. I have been praying for a partner and after a particularly bad 4 year relationship I thought I’d never find one.

    I met someone about 3 months ago but just a week or so before the Novena began I told him we could no longer see each other as I felt he did not take me seriously enough to declare his intentions. We mutually agreed to stop speaking.

    On Day 5 of the Novena he contacted me again and properly declared his intention to be in a serious and committed relationship with me, and in a short time the relationship has grown in leaps and bounds.

    I don’t know yet if this is my husband yet but somehow I feel deep down in my heart like my prayers have been answered.

    Thank you St. Anne, thank you my Lord Jesus Christ.

  6. I prayed for my sister who has been sick and had become malnourished. Yesterday I spoke to heron phone and she told me that she’s healed and had started eating. This Novena is very powerful. I’d pray the same when my daughter would fall sick and by the third day, she would be healed. I treasure St Anne and the mercies she’s bestowed on me and my loved ones.

  7. I’ve been through so much financial stress and during the St. Anne Novena, I asked for financial breakthrough. A few days after the Novena my daughter gave me some money. I am grateful to you Mother.

  8. I prayed the St. Anne novena to have God open the doors for my elderly parents. They have been planning a move and things have been stressful and seemed unfortunate. After praying this novena God has opened the doors and answered prayers!!

  9. Thank- you Jesus!! I prayed my sister’s surgery would go well with no spreading of the cancer…it went very good with a great prognosis :) Jesus I Trust in You

  10. My wife was found to be unexpectedly pregnant a few weeks ago, after being told conception would be extremely unlikely due to a health problem. I prayed this novena so that the pregnancy would go well, and the child be in good health in the womb. We had the first scan yesterday – and all is well, we even heard its heart beating

  11. I was praying for how I should best help/teach children. On the ninth day of the novena to St. Anne, I was sitting in Adoration for just a little while when the answer came to me. I now have a direction to take. On the next day (the feast of St. Anne) my decision was confirmed in counsel with my mother. Thank you St. Anne, Powerful Intercessor with Christ! The other half of my petition (for my future spouse) was answered too I’m sure. Someday I may hear it from him, exactly how. :)

  12. I prayed for transfer, then I met with my senior leaders after doing a wonderful assignment and the suggested to be transferred soon so thank you for your prayer to me through St Anna. God bless you all and keep praying for me. Amnen

  13. I prayed that the child I was carrying would be physically and mentally healthy. I miscarried 2 days after the novena ended. God is good, even when we don’t understand his ways. Prayers for my family are much appreciated!

  14. I am so grateful to the Lord through Mother Mary, the sacred heart, Holy spirit and st Anne intercession BECAUSE he has blessed me with a better job with better working conditions. Since i started praying The Novenas in the last two months, God has answered me and i thank God for this NEW Job offer AND CONTINUE to pray for his favor at this new place of work that i will report on 1st September and to continue to be patient for his answering of my prayers .

    God is so Goood and that his nature. Amen

  15. We have been experiencing great financial difficulty, and in the middle of our issues, my husband was going to lose his job. On the last day of the novena, he was reinstated in his job! God is great!

  16. I have been praying for my wife to find a new job and for our house to sell while we relocate across the country. Midway through the novena, my wife did have an interview and was offered the job shortly after, thank you St. Ann.

    We are still waiting for the house, but The Lord is good and we will continue to trust.

  17. My Husband and I did the novena. During that time we experienced great turmoil however we persevered.

    At the end of it My husband asked for a meeting with the family and in tears he asked for forgiveness for himself and me of the children and he asked forgivness of me and I did likewise.

    We prayed we have been to church each day of the week and I have a new respect for him and it is all the honour and Glory of God under the divine Blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

    May God richly bless you for sending the novena.

  18. I am grateful that in everything i do i now have God’s peace which surpasses and goes above and beyond. I will now collect my documents from campus,dad is fine and healthy after a successful surgery and am at peace with my relationship with my spouse.

  19. I prayed and asked for God’s divine intervention in my marriage and it’s been granted, my husband has started attending mass again and we are talking now. We are a work in progress but God is faithful to complete that which HE has started.

  20. Dear John-Paul and Annie
    I don’t know how else to contact you. Please would you research St Philomena the Wonder Worker, a 1st century martyr in Rome with a view to doing a novena to her. She has been loved by several Popes and the Cure D’Ars himself was a huge fan. I think it was a Pope who gave her the title Wonder Worker – I’ve given away my book about her so can’t be sure.
    God bless you and all your work.

  21. Good morning everyone

    I am so so grateful to Saint Anne and Saint Joachim. From the first day of the Novena, I prayed for two most important requests a husband and my mother to allow doctors to give her ARVs. She was diagnosed with HIV in 2011 at the age of 65 and she was so angry she never ever wanted anyone or any counsellor to tell her what to do. Ever since then because of her stress and disbelief as to how and why she got the disease, her health deteriorated to an extent a Priest was called in to give her that last prayer and blessing. St Anne interceded in a most amazing way and I will be grateful forever. Over the weekend, my mother was much much better and she agreed to start her treatment when she met the doctor. To everyone out there who have their loved ones struggling to cope with any disease my prayers and thoughts are with you. I will give an offering to church to thank the amazing LOVE God showed our family. As for a husband, I believe I will have a warm, loving home with a man who will bless me and vice versa.
    Good bless you all.

  22. Thanks for the novena, I prayed urgently for my friend to sell her house that was on the market for 3 months, before the 8th day of the novena, my prayers were answered we got good news of her HOUSE SALE.
    Thanks to your prayers.
    God bless u always

  23. God answered my prayers, I was healed during the Novena of Ulcer. And my God have been faithful to my family.thanks be to God.


    i was praying for healing, i had a terrible backache for over a month and all the medicine i used seemed not to help at all.

    in the process of the novena i went to another hospital and the medicine they gave me for 10 days showed me a big improvement on the first day. I am now fully recovered.

    i know this is God’s doing.


  25. Hi All,
    Praise to our God almighty. I am writing this for my wife Sonia. She had a big fear that she can’t pass her English exam for her license for registration. We asked for the intercession of St.Anne and St. Joachim during this novena.

    By Gods grace she passed her exam. We want to acknowledge this miracle from St. Anne n St.Joachim in this. Thank you Jesus!
    Arun and Sonia

  26. I prayed that the man I love (my soul mate) and me would become more committed to one another, get married, start a family without any complications conceiving our children naturally and staying close to God.

    On the six day of the Novena, we started talking more openly with a level of sensitivity and love that was not apparent before. I look forward to getting married and starting a family with my future husband and for all of us to stay close to God. I prayed to St. Joachim, St. Jude and St. Antony as well.

    I also prayed for my co-worker and her husband to be able to conceive their baby naturally. I am waiting to hear the good new! This was my first Novena to St. Anne and I am eternally grateful!

    In Jesus name! Amen!
    Thank you Lord, St. Anne, St. Joachim, St. Jude and St. Antony!

  27. I want to God for turn around in my business after the st Anne novena. I also thank all those who pray this novena with me.

  28. Recently had a relationship end and it was very difficult on me. However, him and I had still been talking back and forth for a couple months. Part of me wanted to continue with the relationship and another part of me sensed it wasn’t a healthy one to stay in. I prayed this novena and asked God to either take this anxiety and uncertainty/give me some type of clarity on the situation. During the nine days, I made sure not to communicate with the guy and solely turn to prayer for guidance. By the ninth day, a feeling came over me and I was so sure he was not the one I should be with. But more surprisingly, I felt a huge sense of relief I hadn’t felt in months. So thankful and happy for this novena!

  29. thanks for your prayers my son called for a job at standard bank he wil start soon thanks again god is good all the time

  30. During ST.ANNE’S Novena I was praying for my daughter who had taken her medical Step 1 Exam which was really hard for her ,but today she got her Result and she passed her exam by God’s Blessing.May the Lord Almighty bless everyone who has faith in him& Trust in him.Praise The Lord”.


  31. I’ve followed and prayed with John-Paul and Annie in their PrayMoreNovena “crusade” and I must confess; its such a miracle worker!

    Virtually everything I prayed for have come to pass and all prayers answered!

    In the last Novena, The Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena, I prayed for a personal office (because I’m into professional Graphic Designs & Animations) and now I can boast of one of the biggest graphic design/press in Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria, called Barcode Infinite and it was blessed and formerly opened and commissioned by Rev. Fr. T. Onoyima (Monsignor) on July 19th, 2014.

    In the St. Ann Novena prayer, I prayed for series of things amidst thanksgiving and praises and now I can cofortably and confidently say that they ALL came to pass! Anyone that hears about my company must rush to see for themselves and patronize us.

    We are still full of praises and overjoyed and that may God continue to guide and bless John-Paul and Anne for their wonderful work and time and that He may equally answer the (good) prayers of others who vehemently do the novenas

  32. Prayed for work oportunity for my daughter. She found out soon aftrr ne novena about a job possibility and she has an interview tomorrow. Thank you St. Anne.

  33. Friend delievered twins early but they are very strong and healthy and she is doing wonderful. Praise Jesus!

  34. I thank God and St. Ann and St. Joachim for giving me back my daughter. I prayed to our holy mother to intervene for my youngest daughter who was going through a very difficult teenage years. On the 8th day of the novena, she came to me to apologize for her behaviors and promised to change. I am very hopeful and I thank everyone who prayed this novena. I hope that St. Ann will still answer our prayers along with her blessed daughter Mary. God is good, all the time.

  35. You know, I have been praying these Novenas with you since after the St. Padre Pio Novena. I am wondering why I put myself through the trouble! Why do I say this?! Not one Petition has ever been answered! NOT ONE! Will I stop praying? A part of me says “No.” & a part of me says “Yes, why bother?”. But I tend to be foolishly obedient. “Pray without ceasing.” we are told to do so I shall continue to do so…out of obedience.

  36. Thank you St. Anne in bringing my son and husband together sufficently that they did speak briefly by phone on our son’s birthday- something they hadn’t done about 15 months because of bad feelings on both sides. I continue to pray for family harmony- thank you St. Anne

  37. I just typed out a prayer granted and the computer told me I had
    already sent my story to you instantly… How does that happen
    when it has only just happened to me, is someone watching me
    write to you, besides GOD?

  38. I am so grateful for all of God’s blessings, and I pray never to take them for granted. St. Anne, thank you for praying to your grandson for us, and I know that He is listening.

  39. Yes God is good From with a very grateful soul I would like all who has been praying for help for many many reasons and many
    other souls in my life. I have been suffering from a fractured neck for three years since another lady ran a STOP sign and wrote our beautiful car and nearly me off, I sit here today and everyday eager to pray with all who are eagerly awaiting Gods answers with complete confidence GOD is ever present!!!! My Son has given up drinking and is a different person, we have always been very close and he says he is praying everyday and thanking GOD for his life and he has gotten engaged to the mother of his 2 children I am so happy I have always believed so sincerely our children are GODS’ greatest blessing! I am still praying for my other son and grandson and I know GOD is with
    them and it will indeed help them in HIS time! Thank you all
    for praying with me and BLESS you all, just have patience and
    keep praying with a sincere soul, I will forever!!!!!! Kay

  40. St Anne’s Novena really made a great change in my life n’ I beleive in no distant time to share many testimonies for her wonderful work in my life, loved ones and to all dat said n’ believed in her for help

  41. My novena request was that the surgery that I had scheduled on July 26, the Feast of St. Anne, would be successful and that I would have a quick recovery. While the surgery ended up being more extensive than I thought it would be, it was successful and I am already well into recovery mode. The pain has been tolerable and I feel that I have healed much quicker than I anticipated that I would.

    Thanks for having this ministry. One of the best things I have encountered in a long time.

  42. I prayed that a pending legal matter would not break up my family. Today things went well. Since it is just the first step, I thank St. Anne and I will continue to ask for her blessings until all is resolved.

  43. My boyfriend and I have been praying the novena to St. Anne. To days after finishing the novena and lots of studying, we found that he passed the test with very high score. Thank you St. Anne for your intercession.

  44. I was praying for my son and daughter-in-law’s marriage. A few days in to the novena, my daughter-in-law invited my son back into their home and they are getting counseling. They seem to be back on track.

  45. I prayed the St. Anne novena for a particular situation in my life. On the 8th day part of my petition was granted and I will continue to pray to see the other half through. Thank you St. Anne for you mercies. Please continue to intercede for me.

  46. I prayed for my daughter that has been out of work for ten months and she was given a part time job at a local hospital and we were so grateful but really searching for a full time

  47. I prayed for a partime job, and a new car that I could afford. My prayers were answered after a few days.
    Thank you St. Anne and St. Joachim.
    God is good!

  48. I prayed for unity for my husband and me, for greater unity in the Spirit and unity between each other. I believe God granted this. It is a process, and it is ongoing. I prayed that he would be willing to attend a marriage retreat even though he is overwhelmed with responsibilities at work right now and this would mean taking time off. He was on the fence, but as I was praying one of the novenas, he said, “let’s do it!” I am so grateful. I continue to pray for greater unity on the topic of my work and what I will do and am encouraged to press on in faith.

  49. God is so good and St. Anne is a wonderful intercessor and Grandmother to us all! While this was not an intention per se during the novena, it was still an answered prayer as we had prayed for this to happen. During the Novena, my daughter who will graduate college shortly, was offered a job to choose between three locations. She chose beautifully and I know God was with her in her decision! God is good – All the time!

  50. I asked that my daughters house would sell and the second day of the novena it did. I also asked that my grandson would be accepted at a particular college and he was on the last day of the novena. I am a senior citizen and my mother could not conceive a child and she prayed the St. Ann novena and I was born. I was named after St. Ann and I have prayed to her all my life. That St. Ann Novena is a very powerful novena. Many miracles in my life. I thank Our Lord and St. Ann for many blessings.

  51. I have been looking for a job for a while now. When i heard about the St Ann Novena something inside me told me this was a special saint who would intercede on my behalf..really excited about it i joined and at the end of the interview i applied to a company i have previously applied to in the past but was never called in for an interview….. but this time around i received an email inviting me for one. I am so grateful for this call alone and i believe more wonderful things are yet to come. Praise be to God, honor to Mary and Thanks with big hugs to St Anne and Joachim.

  52. I prayed to find a new compact car that was in my budget and on the last day I was able to get a car dealer to come down in price! I now have a new, reliable, gas saver car! Thank you St. Ann and St. Jochaim

  53. I prayed that my son would be giving a good insructor in his flying school and God bestowed his mercy on him in such a little time. He his doing well with his instuctor now and am really greatful to God and i thank St Anne for her powerful intercession.

  54. I’ve been praying to have a renter for our 2 vacant room in our basement to help us financially because my employment insurance will be over soon. During the course of St. Anne novena my insuranse stop and at the same time I got 2 person interested to rent my room. To God be the Glory… For with God all things are possible. Thank you all for praying with me.

  55. I asked St. Anne to return our grandson to belief in God and to the faith. The day after the novena was the first time we had talked with him about God and, for the first time we were able to actually converse with him and are looking forward to his return, as his heart was amazingly open. Thanks to Jesus’ Grama!

  56. I prayed for a friend to get the medication she needed. On day 7 she called to say that the insurance company had agreed to give her the medicine. Thank you St. Anne!

  57. i want to thank God for his great miracle and thank St Anne too for her intercession, i prayed for successful fibroid operation and because the fibroid was too big i prayed for no complication. thanks to God everything went well and there are no complication, and am getting better with the help of two couples who are not even related to me. I can’t thank GOD ENOUGH.

  58. On the 8th day of the novena, my Mum was involved in a ghastly auto crash and had an emergency surgery due to internal bleeding in her stomach , but God spared her life. Thank you St. Anne and all the Angels and Saints of God. She is recuperating from her surgery. She still needs our prayers for total healing. Thank you all for praying this novena.

  59. I am called Juliana was praying for a husband but my prayers were not answered. But I thank St. Anne for all those people she intervened for to her grandson Jesus christ and their prayers were answered. Thank you St. Anne and may Jesus’ name always be praised.

  60. I prayed the St. Anne novena for a job, and for everyone else that was praying the novena with me. On the 4th day I was offered a great job.

  61. I was praying for my papers in the home office,i was praying for our wadding and we finally got married on the 23/07/2014 praise God,also i was praying for financial breakthrough ,i was praying for my daughter to finish the university in flying colour ,i was healing and challenges in my family and i know that my prayers will be answered amen.May God bless you all for the wonderful job you guyz are doing out there

  62. Thank you St Anne. My husband & I had not seen our daughter or our grandsons in almost two years and before novena to St Anne completed we visited with them!! What an awesome answer to our prayers as grandparents missing their two grandsons. And thank you to St Joseph also.

  63. I prayed that my future daughter in law would find meaningful employment that would utilize her many skills and talents. She was offered a position (with benefits) earlier this week. God is good.

  64. I am so grateful to St. Anne and her prayers for me as a grandmother. Two years ago, our oldest granddaughter was not speaking to my husband and me. I began asking St. Anne while praying your Novenas to help us and bring peace to our family. Holidays were extremely tense and painful. This last Christmas healing began in our relationship and we recently returned from a week vacation with our 3 granddaughters and great grandson. We are building new memories and very excited. St. Anne’s intercession brought healing to our granddaughter and we believe we are learning to be better grandparents.

  65. I don’t know if this is significant enough but I’m urged to post it. I was at the edge of walking away from my marriage of many years. I”m being persuaded by all arguments that its the best thing as I was particularly in fear of abuse. I prayed for peace in my home and new beginnings and particularly for peace when I got home from work last week as I feared I had to involve the police. But I did not want that at home. I had the peace but vim still waiting for the rest of my prayers.
    Please remember me and my family in your prayers. Finances are very tight also and everything seems to work against our progress.

    Please pray for us

  66. No answer yet was feeling very hopeless yesterday but but after spending time in prayer today. It is still a blessing to hear the answers of others and who every shared the picture that was so nice. May all be blessed with God’s graces this day and every day. The Love of our lord be in all our hearts.

  67. Thank you lord,St Anne,Mary,Jesus…I see progress in my happiness,career n quest for a marriage partner. Amen

  68. Several of my prayer intentions have been answered through good St Anne . I asked for help with employment and my business and I was promptly contacted regarding orders for my products by several people. My daughter and son were given a raises at work and I was given a raise as well. I believe more prayers will be answered and I thank St Anne for interceding on my behalf. Praise God for all His good Angels and Saints!

  69. Peace be with you

    I wanna thank God for the the gift of life, last year when we prayed the St. Anne’s novena I asked for the gift of a child and m happy to tell you that am expecting my 1st born due August .
    I pray that I became a good mother to my child.

    Praise be to God all the time! And thank u St. Anne

  70. Praise be to God! I was so excited for the St. Anne Novena, I literally counted down the days (like Christmas!) until Day 1. My (now ex) boyfriend of about six years were praying together for guidance from St. Anne. Knowing that St. Anne would direct our relationship so that it would be more holy and pleasing to God, I trusted that through her intercession, we would figure out where we were headed. We broke up and he resolved to work on some darkness pressing on his heart so that -maybe one day- he could be the spouse and the man that God wants him to be. I’m SO PROUD of him; the decision was hard, but I believe in him and trust in Christ Jesus.

    God bless you, John and Annie! Please pray for us!

  71. We were really needing a new vehicle, and just couldn’t see a way to make that happen at the present moment. Only through devine intervention could it have come to happen. We now have 4 vehicles. Two that don’t work, and to that do, and one of them is a new truck. This my husband had desperately needed for work. Also my husband just got a raise at work, and lots of opportunities for side work now that he has the truck. Thank you God and all the Saints that guide us in our faith!

  72. I prayed for my 8year old son who had a fear of swimming. I started the Novena and by the third day he was swimming fearlessly.
    Thank you St. Anne

  73. Dear St. Anne,
    Thank you for giving opportunity for Marie Therese, she is scheduled to be interviewed in Sofitel Hotel anytime next month of August. She had been waiting for this for the past 3 months. Thank you for listening to all our prayers.

  74. One of my prayer intentions was for my son to start attending Mass again. This past Sunday he went to mass, Praise God and thank you St. Anne.

  75. Thank you for all the prayers. There has been less fighting amongst my son and wife. It really seems they are trying to work as a family. He was offered another job and is starting today. They still need prayers. But I have seen where the holy spirit has entered into there life’s.

  76. On the first day of the Novena I prayed to St. Anne and Joachim that I would be a great spiritual influence on my family, especially my Grandson and Grand daughter, and for special blessings on my entire family. It was that same day, while driving in the car with my 23 year old son, that he told me (in the exact words I had used in my prayer) that I was such an example to my family and such a spiritual influence to them all, and I knew and was reassured that my prayers were/are heard and answered. Thank you, St. Anne and St. Joachim for taking the desires of my heart to the feet of your Grandson, Jesus.

  77. God is great! I asked for St. Anne to intercede for my daughter to receive her acceptance letter from the university. She received her acceptance letter today.
    A very grateful mother

  78. I was praying for a better job for I and my fiance so that we can facilitate our marriage plans,during the course of st. Anne’s novena,,,he got an appointment letter for a new job,I haven’t gotten yet but an hopeful mine’s on the way. Thank you st. Anne and Mary,Mother of perpertual help.

  79. Dear Prayer Partners;
    I also had my prayers answered, I was having some
    health issues and asked for prayers, that tests that the doctors
    were doing would come out negative, and with all your
    prayers, everything come fine. And I am feeling better,
    Thanks to all my prayer warriors. who prayed for me while
    doing St Anne novena.

    Linda Sancen

  80. I prayed that my husband would be offered the job he’d interviewed for and that my children would receive the scholarships they needed for school. We received news on the last day of the Novena that both kids were funded and my husband got the job. I am so grateful.

  81. My intention for the St. Anne novena was for healing in our family and the different relationships within our family. On the third day of the novena our oldest son, who has moved out and was angry, called to apologize for the last couple of years. What an answer!!!! On the last day of the novena, the general intention was for those seeking employment, and my husband who has been out of work received two separate calls for interviews. WOW!! What a powerful intercessor!!

  82. I prayed for my mother who was critically ill with cancer and pathological fracture and she was able to recover from this episode and is now home. My family is happy about this miracle and the extra time we have been given to be with our mother. We continue to pray for her conplete healing. Thank You and God Bless you

  83. I was having a lot if misunderstanding and issues with my husband. He was always busy with other things and never made time for us at home and didn’t help in any house work at all. Being a new mum this was really getting at me and would cause me to snap.
    Day three into the St Anne Novena, my husband called me and promised to spend more time with me and also promised to make time for helping out at home which he has been doing since then.
    Thank you St Anne for your intercession.

  84. I asked that my husband be able to find full time work. Things are really looking up and he is working for a company that seems to want him to keep working with them as an independent contractor!! Thank you St. Anne and St. Joachim. Praise be to God.

  85. Two of my children were not on speaking terms…which was heart-breaking for me. I asked for reconciliation and that happened by phone on the last day, then in person a few days ago! Thank you good St. Anne!

  86. I just connected with this online novena last week (at the beginning of St.
    Anne’s novena). I have been looking for part-time employment that would still allow me to be a mother to my five children and wife to my husband. I prayed the novena on day nine and no more than ten minutes after I finished I received a call for an interview. I was offered the position during the interview. It is perfect and will allow me to still be a mom without taking away from my family. God is Good and thank you St. Anne!!! I am so grateful.

  87. I asked St. Anne to pray for my family to be closer .. for certain things to come together so that my family would be able to have a home and so we cld be Blessed as one — a family through marriage and covered by the Lord in our home. The transaction started and looks very promising and I am truly thankful for this !!!

    Thank you St. Anne and thankyou Father for your Blessings and Mercies towards my family and for all the other persons who prayed this Novena .. May they all be Blessed and Comforted by you … Amen

  88. The power of prayer is evident in our lives daily. During and after the St. Anne novena, my prayer has been answered. My anxiety that was putting a strain on my daily life has been expelled. Thank you St. Anne for your intercession.

  89. My dear friend had been in the hospital for most of the summer with digestive/stomach issues. Doctors were stymied as to the cause but narrowed it down to either liver cancer or an adverse reaction to her long standing blood pressure medicine. On the last day of the novena, the tests results came back negative for cancer! She’s finally out of the hospital, off the bp meds, and slowly getting better! God is GOOD! Thank you, St Anne!

  90. Good St. Anne.
    well I prayed to her for success in my exams, I started the novena which miraculously ended on the 25th July (9th day) the day of my exam. i prayed for exam success because i needed a miracle to pass my exams since I didn’t have enough time to study due to nature of my work.
    during the exams, i said many Hail Mary’s and prayed to the Holy spirit and other saints St. Thomas and St. Albert the great (scholar saints). to my suprise when the test scores came I scored 80%. i have never scored that high during my studies and mock exams.
    so St. Anne thank you for your intercessions and i thank other saints too. and most especially God my father and Jesus my friend and Mother Mary. amen.

  91. Could you please post the steps to properly do a novena and the additional prayers needed? I am a returning catholic and want to get it right.
    Also, I can’t say any specific answered prayers because I join in just for the groundedness of being in a prayer. It’s given me plenty if peace of mind.
    Thank you!

  92. On the ninth day of the novena, the prayers were for people who were unemployed. I prayed for a friend of mine to get a job interview and that morning he received a call from a possible employer.

    Thank you Saint Anne <3

  93. I prayed for a friend that had been in ICU for over four weeks and had undergone 4 operations with various complications and near death experience . Last week Thursday she was moved into a general ward , there was no need for her to move to High Care which is the normal procedure and is on the road to recovery .

    Also a friend of mine has been experiencing difficulty with her daughter who has a problem with drug addiction . The daughter has admitted to having a huge problem and is prepared to get help and is take responsibility for her actions, finally after many months of tears and worries .

    Praise be to God for these wonderful blessings :)