Answered Prayers from The Pentecost Novena, 2016

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Holy Spirit ebookWith the Pentecost Novena coming to a close, please share any answered prayers you’ve had from this novena with us all below!

Praise God for these answered prayers!

If your prayers have not been answered during this novena, please do not give up on your faith and on hope.

Jesus is always with us, and is especially close to us during our struggles and sufferings, and moments of what seem like Unanswered Prayers.

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  1. Please, Holy Spirit, restore the broken relationship between Wayne and I. Please bring us back together with never ending love for each other and with forgiveness, and the desire to make our union work and be stronger than ever before. That God will always be at the center of our lives and we will live giving thanks and praise to Him.
    Please let me hear from him very soon. It has been many, many weeks now, and I have Prayed so many Novenas asking for this miracle. Please hear and answer me swiftly so that we can come back together in love always.
    I love you Holy Spirit.

  2. Holy Spirit, please hear my cry, help me in my desperate situation and fulfill my heart desire. I entrust all my worries and anxiety upon your feet.

  3. Thank you very much praymorenovenas for your unconditional love and prayers as a family that pray together the mountains are moved. I have been praying for my daughter to pass very well in her examinations and she has made it thru thank you Lord. I earnestly pray once more for her to get a job so that she will be able to make ends meet. I also pray for our family for financial assistance.

  4. Thank you for prayers answered.
    The novena to the Holy Spirit couldn’t have come at a better time.
    My husband passed his psychiatric fellowship exams .
    Thank you Holy Spirit
    Please be with us in all our other exams
    Thank you Holy Trinity in one God!

  5. It is amazing; the young man of 14 for whom I have been praying to enter the church after some long resistance toward his single dad’s prayer that he would have a change of heart and come into the Holy Roman Catholic Church after he had been exposed to a
    non Catholic church, entered the Holy Roman Catholic Church on Pentecost. PRAISE BE TO THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!

  6. Still praying for employment for Joseph.
    Thankful for Teddys’ continued employment.
    Thankful for a blessed retreat for my son and his team.
    Rejoicing David’s journey on Earth has ended and he’s resting with his Savior.
    Thankful for all Gods’ blessings, mercy and love
    Prayers for all

  7. Still praying for employment for Joseph.
    Thankful for Teddys’ continued employment.
    Thankful for a blessed retreat for my son and his team.
    Rejoicing David’s journey on Earth has ended and he’s resting with his Savior.
    Thankful for all Gods’ blessings, mercy and love

  8. Good morning, what's going on I don't get my sacred Heart of Jesus novena please send it forme says:

    May you send me the Sacre heart of Jesus novena

  9. I want to thank The Holy Sprit and this novena I said it twice I asked for a not guilty for my son on May 24 th and at 1 o’clock the verdict was in not guilty I cried for awhile then praised the lord I want to thank all who prayed with me and we shall keep praying for those who are still waiting again thank you all God bless us all Amen.