Answered Prayers from the Novena to Our Lady of Fatima

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Thank you for joining us in praying the Novena to Our Lady of Fatima! If you had any prayers answered during this novena, please share those with us all below!

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  1. Praying for my daughter to return to the Church and a conversion of her heart. Last week she joined us at Mass! I felt the graces flowing and continue to pray that she may find her way to knowing and living our Lord.

  2. I thank God for answering my prayer through Our lady of Fatima novena. The first day of novena I pray for the soul of my daughter, the Lord whose our way is not his way did it as he wanted. My daughter went for her board of nursing exam that 4th of this month we started this novena and she passed after 4 times of taking it. I thank God almighty who made it possible for her to pass. I know God who started fighting her battle will finish it in Jesus name amen and amen. Also I thank God almighty for my family protection may his name be glorified. Our mother, our lady of Fatima thank you very much.

  3. I have been praying for a healing for my daughter in law’s niece. She was born prematurely and has so many health issues. The baby has been in the hospital since she was born. She was scheduled for brain surgery this past week and the doctors decided she did not need it at this time. Praise God. She still has other pending surgeries but she is a fighter. Thank you Our Lady of Fatima for your intercession.

  4. Two weeks ago both my wife and I were sick to the point that we did not think that we could travel and make it to our son’s very important promotion. One week before the date we both got well and were able to travel for the promotion. Our Lady of Fatima answered my prayers and healed us. Thank you Dear Lady, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

  5. One of the four that I was praying for, her husband returned home. Wonderful. The other three I’m still praying that my prayers will be answered. Thank you for your prayers too.

  6. Under some very stressful situations while packing and arranging for
    my move I have experienced the peace that passes all understanding
    thanks to your prayers….thank you for your prayers.

  7. When I was away in Flordia I went to a religious store and bought a cd on how to say the rosary and I also bought rosaries for my 3 grandchildren. My daughter lives in Australia and I live in Canada. So when I got home from my trip to Flordia I mailed the package with the cd and rosary beads. The cheapest way to send it was by boat. I sent it at the end of Fedruary. I kept asking my daughter if she received the package. Towards the end of April she still never got it. So when I was saying this Novena I prayed to Mother Mary that she would help that the package will get there. So I prayed to here a couple of days ago and the very next day I asked the blessed mother my daughter told me she received the package. I really feel mother mary answered my pray. I really hope my daughter teaches my grandchildren to say the rosary and for them to grow up having faith in Our Lord and the blessed virgin mother.

  8. I pray to our sweet Lord Jesus, that I would not have cancer in my left breast and in my lungs. I DO NOT HAVE CANCER. Thank you Lord Jesus. I trust our Lord Jesus.
    I prayed this over and over.
    I pray with this Novena as well
    My test where done last Friday, that’s when I found out everything was GOOD.
    I am praying for all of you that your prayers were answer.
    Always trust in our Lord Jesus.
    God has other plans for me. It’s always in Gods hands.
    God bless all of you.
    Thank you.

  9. Our lady of Fatima, thank you. My prayers for family harmony and workplace harmony were answered. A conflict in each of these areas ceased. Please bring my son and daughter back to the faith and help me to get a promotion at work.
    Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

  10. After 9 years, my sister had a re-occurrence of cancer. 2 days ago she had a successful surgery and the physician is very optimistic. Continued prayer for her recovery as well as spiritual graces. Thank you Mary and Jesus.

  11. After foot surgery I went from pain pills every 4 hours to no pain in two days. I’m getting stronger and more independent each day of the first week.

  12. My boyfriend has had his house for sale since last July with not one offer. After praying this Novena he received an offer today on the 9th day. Praise the Lord. Once the house is sold we are buying a place in SC. Hopefully all will go well and he will get the house sold and we can move on to a better future together. Thank you Our Lady of Fatima!!!

  13. prayed for healing of husband’s health issue and he got encouraging news yesterday. Thank you Our Lady of Fatima

  14. In early March I had two emergency surgeries within 4 days of each other that required a total of 9 days in the hospital. The thought of the mounting medical bills brought a lot of stress to our family. One of the things I prayed for was for help with the medical bills I knew we would get. On the 5th day of the Novena, I received a letter from the hospital saying one of our claims (in the 5 figure neighborhood) was denied so I called the insurance company to inquire. Not only was the claim being processed, but the problem had been fixed and that the hospital stay had been 100% covered. We will still have some bills from this but they will not as big as we feared.

    Many thanks to Our Lady of Fatima. She has always been my favorite apparition and this is not the first time she has interceded for us. We have a miracle baby who is almost 5 years old that is the work of her intercession. We are forever grateful!

  15. Glory be to God, one of my intentions for this novena was the health of a friend’s grandson. He is six months old and underwent open heart surgery on Monday, May 8th. Today I saw his picture smiling! God gave him that miracle!

  16. Thank you Dear Lady of Fatima. My daughter in law just became employed this morning. My daughter also has an interview with a company for a job. Her first interview went very well. I pray that this is the job for her. I will keep praying novenas for peace in the world and people will bring God in their lives.

  17. Thank you, Blessed Mother! Through your intercession, we ate given clear direction on how to help our little boy thrive in school. We pray for the diligence and grace to follow through.


  18. Thank you Lord! We received news last night and was confirmed today that one of the tumors that was in my nephews skull is miraculously no longer there! The doctors informed my sister that plans to operate today have been canceled… Praise the LORD!!!! Through the intercessions of the Blessed Mary and St. Jude… the Lord has answered our prayers!!!! I pray for continued miracles and to forever rid my nephew of CANCER!!!! AMEN!!!

  19. A million Thanks to our Lord Jesus and our Blessed Virgin Mary for saving my life in a car accident.
    My car is a write off however I got out of my car without a scratch
    Thank You for showering your graces on me

  20. I thank God for hearing my cries through the Divine intercessions and Prayer of our Blessed and Holy Lady of Fatima. Though will not yield immediate results but I am Trustee and waiting Hopefully upon GOD’s Divine and perfect Timing and Ways to deliver and restore me financially back to HIS REASON AND PURPOSES.
    My son and daughter just got jobs this month. What A Wonder Mighty Miracle Worker God we serve!!! Praise and Blessed BE GOD THE FATHER! GOD THE SON my REDEEMER!! & GOD THE HOLY GHOST SPIRIT my Sanctifier NOW AND FOREVER MORE. AMEN! AMEN!! & AMEN!!!

  21. I prayed for my daughter. And like a miracle, that which I have asked for, has been granted. My faith is stronger now. Thank you, my most Blessed Mother, I will be forever grateful.

  22. My marriage was on the verge of divorce. My husband did not want to change or work on the issues of our marriage. I basically said that he left me no choice but to leave with our 2 children and I was praying this novena for him for about 5 days. He asked to go for a drive and to talk and he said he would do whatever it took to save our marriage. He agreed to work on the four specific areas that I expressed and I agreed to work on the areas he wanted. God is so amazing and really does listen to our prayers! Praise God!!!

  23. Thank you SO MUCH, Lord through the intercession of our lady of Fatima my son passed the UPIS exam and I got promoted also.To God be all tje glory..May you continue to bless,guide, protect and heal our family always Lord.amen

  24. Been praying for my cousins wife Kelly who we thought had uterine cancer. The surgery went well and yesterday she got the news that the biopsy was benign No sign of cancer. Praise God. Thank you mother Mary. Amen.

  25. The scheduling of eye surgery for Matt. Grandson Nate off of alcohol and pot. thanks be to Our Lady’ intercession with Our Lord.

  26. I was praying for my financial freedom, and for the debts that have been stopping me from going on with life, i received an email that one judgement was cancelled. I am offered a loan to buy a car as we have been struggling with transport. Thank you Our Lady you truly hear our prayers. Continue to Bless me and my family, i am waiting for the approval of the loan and i have found the car.

    Our Lady of Fatima Pray for us. Amen

  27. I can’t thank the Lord enough for his blessing in my life and families life. His been a faithful God all through. After praying St. Peregrine novena both of my parents are healed. My dad was in the 4th stage of non Hodgkin lymphoma when is novena came out, along with my mom who also had a stage two breast cancer as well. It was hard on us, But with the help of prayers to God, Mary, St. Peregrine they are healed. GOD used the Doctors, Nurses, medications, and prayer to heal them. They are done with their treatment. Praise God.

  28. I prayed for success for my mom’s interview, my prayer was answered. She was successful in her interview and was granted a visa. Praise the Lord. Forever and ever. Amen.

  29. I prayed that my son would get hired for an internship, and he got one, on the first day that I started the novena!
    So thankful for all the blessings Our Lady has bestowed on my family!!

  30. I prayed this Novena for help in finding a job and I received a job offer and I have two more interviews. I also prayed my husband and son would return to the church and my son went to reconciliation two nights ago. I am so thankful and blessed. Thank you for your prayers and intercession Our Lady of Fatima and for everyone praying here.

  31. My friend was CURED of her cancer. All signs of cancer are now gone. She was under strong medicine and it worked.

    Thank you God!

  32. All Glory and Praise be to God, Our lady of Fatima has answered the prayer for my son and he received a job offer yesterday, I am eternally grateful, may you always watch over him, my son and yours. Claiming the victory and eternally grateful. Amen!
    God is good, All the time

  33. I’ve been paying about our financial situation. With baby #6 on the way, not returning to work next school year. You’d be okay on my husband salary, but we wouldn’t be able to make any progress on paying off debt with me not working. Two days ago, has my husband received a call out of the blue. A Private Hospital in our area is trying to recruit him for the director of nursing operations! It would mean a pay raise and great hours. Thank you for your intercession, lady of Fatima! Praise God!

  34. I prayed for my friend, Nadine. She has a rare form of cancer. She has been battling for almost two years now. She went to California this week for one last try at healing. She found out yesterday she was accepted into a trial!! Thank you Jesus, thank you Our Lady of Fatima for hearing and answering our prayers.
    Please continue to pray for Nadine to have a complete earthly healing, so she can see her babies grow up, and grow old with her husband. Thank you and God bless.
    You can follow her journey at or follow her on FB Team Nadine.

  35. My son’s friend in his 30’s found out he had colon cancer after many months,of stomach issues and lots of test. He had surgery last Thursday when we started this novena, so of course these prayers were for him. The Doctor has told them he will see an oncologist just to review, but all the test came back that it is gone and no signs of any spreading anywhere. Please continue to pray, but all looks good. God is amazing.

  36. Thanks to our lady.i prayed this novena for my dad who was dying with lung cancer which had spread to his brain i prayed i would be there when he passed and he passed this morning at 9.45 just 10 minutes after i arrived.i had just said my last prayer of the novena for him.our lady granted my prayers.praise and glory to her and her son jesus.

  37. I want to thank God for answering my prayers on helping me finally call you, He has been more than faithful. Also for good health, as I believe Him to grant all my heart desires that is according to His Holy will

  38. My granddaughter suffered a severe traumatic brain injury almost 5 years ago. She has made a miraculous recovery and was able to pass a very important exam during this novena. Praise you Lord!!

  39. My husband attends Mass weekly but is uncomfortable with praying together in our home. I asked him if he would listen while I read aloud the Lady of Fatima Novena each day, and he said yes. For the first few days he would act very distracted. He would walk around, stick something in the trash, put something in the dishwasher, shuffle papers. By day 4, he stopped moving around, and by day 7 he was sitting on the couch next to me while I read. It’s a beautiful start. Thank you to Our Lady of Fatima for answered prayers.

  40. Praise Jesus
    Thank you Jesus and Our Lady of Fatima
    I have a wart / mole on my cheek. It was tiny but now has grown. I was afraid it would be cancerous. Yesterday i went to see a doctor and he told me not to worry it is not cancerous but with a minor surgery it will be taken care of. All this during the Novena to Our Lady of Fatima.
    Next my daughter is going through a divorce – the custody of her daughter is going well.A long way to go still. I trust in Our Lord. All of you and myself have been praying that this journey ends amicably and quickly so that they can move on with their lives.
    Also pl pray continue to pray that both my children turn back to Our Lord.
    Thank you for praying.
    God Bless always

  41. A prayer answered! Thanksgiving that Rececca’s scans came back with no evidence of disease. Praise God!

  42. We have been praying for a solution to severe financial issues with my husband’s business. Last night, he was looking at his account, and funds he had been waiting for a long time were deposited, almost mysteriously. Today, he is paying bills and rejoicing! Praise God! Thank you, dearest Blessed Mother and St Joseph!

  43. Please keep in mind my intentions especially for my fiancé who has been out of work a long long time. For our finances together not to put a strain on the relationship and still enable us to marry and find a place to live once we do. Also, for my chronic back pain to be relieved. And a special intention for my own spiritually to grow and know God’s will. For a stronger will to do His will.

  44. I want to thank God for the healing of my parents through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  45. I pray that my children become closer to God and that my grandchildren are baptized and my son who is going on a long trip for business and comes home safely to us.I also pray for another one of my of my children gets a job that he needs because he’s been not working for a long time. I’m asking for Mary Mother of God to intercede for me to Jesus and I pray that God will answer my prayers.

  46. Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this nation.
    Heal the wounds that separate us – bind and silence those who
    seek to divide us as a Christian Nation. Convert non believers
    Bring the fallen away back to the fold…..

    And pray that Shibu finds permanent employment.

  47. Thank you Mary you answered my prayers.

    Mother Mary I was praying for my daughter to get pregnant and our lady heard our prayers with this Novena.

    Thank you Our Lady
    Thank you very very much.

  48. I had dizziness often. I gained weight in the last couple of months and I thought my colestrol level would have gone up a lot. I don’t have dizziness in a while. Yesterday (Day 8th of novena), my blood result came to be normal within the border level. Thank you Our Lady of Fatima!!! This is the first time I did Novena!

  49. I have been blessed with four sons but unfortunately, one by one they have stepped away from coming to church making me feel upset and very sad. I prayed this novena for my children to return to church. Yesterday, my second son, late at night, said, ” I will be coming to church with you on Sunday”.. He was the first to step away and he is the first to come back…..Joyful time for me.

  50. I just found out I am pregnant and my partner was not supportive of me and this pregnancy. Through the intercession of our Lady of Fatima and the Holy Spirit, he has become accepting and supportive. Thank you to Our Lady. I am forever grateful.

  51. Prayer for a resolution to our precarious financial situation answered by a job offer that even delays the start time until a course of chemo is completed and the doctors say the patient is ready to go to work.

  52. My daughter had been looking for a job for sometime. She filled out applications after applications. On this last application she decided she was done and didn’t want to complete it but something kept telling her to apply. Well to make a long story short they called her for an interview on Friday and called her back on Saturday to job shadow on Monday and they called her on Tuesday to offer her the job. If that wasn’t god then I don’t know what is. Thank you Jesus and thank you all for praying with me.

  53. Thank you our Lady of Fatima and Our Almighty God , through the intercession of our Mother Mary I got a job I have been looking for since February, God is Awesome and our Blessed Mary is great.

  54. Our prayers were answered! I’ve been praying for 9 months our son in law would find work. During this novena he was offered a job. He is also going in for a 4th interview for a position he truly wants. I continue to pray thus offer will be made to him. Thank you for all your prayers.

  55. I am 2 weeks today into a broken ankle. I prayed that I would not need surgery and hat I will heal fast. I went to the doctors yesterday and he said I am healing extremely well, no surgery is necessary and they took my cast off after only one week and put me in a walking cast! Thank you Blessed Mother for answering my prayers and all those who have posted here!
    With Love and gratitude,
    Your daughter,

  56. My prayers were answered yesterday. I prayed that I would feel better I have been feeling tired and I did start to feel so much better!!

  57. Our Lady of Fatima,
    Thank you for your powerful intercession. My son got the job he wanted. I love you. All praise and glory to you, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

  58. I have prayed for my 92-year-old father. Even though his mind may be failing, I prayed his soul be always united with our Lord. The other night my mom woke in the middle of the night to hear my father praying the Our Father in his sleep. Prayer answered!

  59. I prayed that my grandson do well on his finals in his senior year ! He made 3 A’s and 1 C! Thank you Our Lady of Fatima! I also prayed that he get the summer job he applied for and that was also granted. He will be working 40 hours a week with good pay! Thank you again Our Lady! I am so grateful to you!

  60. Our daughter in law insisted a nice conversation with us and I prayed that she would open her heart to us. This is a good beginning. Thank you.

  61. Praise and thanks to God Almighty, Our Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima, Our Holy Mother of God during this novena, my prayers are being heard and answered as peace is being restored within my family and my wife has begun to experience a transformation of heart and a desire for God’s love.

  62. Before this novena my wife Debra and I were having difficulty in our marriage On May 3Rd before the Novena I made a Promise that I needed to step up in being a husband and get back where Debra and I were before Every day during I’ve asked our Blessed Mother to come to our aid and uplift my beautiful wife and ease our fears With her help and our renewed commitment to each other Debra and I are now back to where we love each other even more The fire is lit again Thank you Mother Mary for helping us We are so ever grateful for your help Gracious Most Virgin Mary Love You :)

    Phil Debra :)

  63. Gods Mercy took my Dad Tues morning there was no struggle. Dad missed my Mother who passed 6 months ago and he died of a broken heart. After the anointing oils were given he knew the time was near. Our pray was for Daddy to be reunited into everlasting life in which he came. ❤️

  64. Thank you for asking that we see praying the rosary as a life-giving prayer rather than a chore. Praying the rosary is a privilege and a blessing , isn’t it?

  65. I prayed for employment and guidiance. I had a choice on employment and will start a New job next week.
    Prayers answered.

  66. My dsughter and her X husband
    Were having a custody battle and by the intercession of Our lady of Fatima, the motion that he filed (for primary custody) was done incorrectly (by his lawyer) and not valid. They will not be refiling the motion, but only have a sit down to discuss visitation.!

  67. Thank you to Our Lady of Fatima for her intercession to her Beloved son Jesus, who found my son a good job. On day eight of this novena, my son received a call offering him this very good position. All praise and honour to you Lord Jesus, and through the intercession of his Blessed Mother Our Lady of Fatima, my son who has been unemployed for almost a year will be working again. God is good, God is merciful and His love knows no bounds! Thank you God our Father, Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Blessed Mother Mary, the Holy Spirit, St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Theresa and all the angels and saints for their constant love and intercession on behalf of me and my family! All Praise, honour and Glory to God forever and ever! Amen!

  68. Praising God. I asked for prayers for my daughters, specifically for my oldest who is a single mom who has been struggling financially and emotionally. I prayed that she would make better decisions. This week the lady called from the child support office, my daughter spoke to her in length about the truth of her situation. She filled out the paperwork last night applying for child support and for assistance. She also disclosed to me that she has been depressed, and I encouraged her to see her regular doctor. Thank you God for answered prayers, mother Mary for your intercession, and all of you for your prayers.

  69. My daughter seems to be in a better place or hopefully moving in the right direction. Spending more time with her family. Thanks for the prayers and guidance of the Holy Spirit, Jesus and our Blessed Mother ????

  70. Prayers were answered about several financial issues we are having and I have felt at price with the situation as well as issues with my daughter. Amen

  71. I am in awe at the amazing answer to prayer that I received. On of my intentions was for my husband to be drawn back into relationship with Christ. Halfway through this novena it was like a floodgate opened. He went to Reconciliation, started listening to Catholic radio again, is saying a blessing over our kids before bed, and we’ve had so many wonderful discussions about the Church. I have seen him come alive again, and I know I am witnessing a living answer to prayer.

    My other intention was for discernment about schooling choices for our kids and I also have so much peace in our decision now.

    Thank you for this ministry and the encouragement to keep praying!

  72. My mother (Mary) has battled cancer multiple times. Thank you sweet Mother Mary that the most recent biopsy last week came back negative!

  73. I found out during this novena that I will be able to stay on at my current place of employment and not be laid off. My son also found an internship that should start in June. My mother-in-law’s health is also much, much better. There are still challenges ahead, but this must be God’s will. Thanks to God for answered prayers!

  74. During this novena.
    I made a request fo a connection wit my career.I hve bi receivin phone calls frm Law firms to apply nd da Embasy of america.I thank u fo all da this.Our lady of fatima..

  75. Our son’s administrative problem was resolved and he will graduate on Saturday as planned, probably cum laude.

  76. My husband is a self employed artist and has been struggling with his business for several weeks. This has taken a toll on his finances. I prayed that his business would pick up, and it did! Granted, he still doesnt make a lot of money, but it’s much better!