Answered Prayers from the St. Therese Novena, 2023

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Thank you for joining us in praying the St. Therese Novena! If you’ve had any prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with all of us below.

We’re praying for you! God bless you.

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  1. St. Therese of Lisieux — my precious friend, and sister. It was October 2021 when we first met. I moved out of my parents house at 23 years old. It was very hard for me, the growing pains. That’s when one day, I opened my Catholic prayer book, and wasn’t trying to start my very first novena to Saint Therese. I was going to get married a few months later, I knew that I was deep in love with the man I believe God sent me, but I needed her intercession to confirm it.Within the fifth day of the novena, at my new apartment I was on my way to work, and in the alleyway, I found the most beautiful, pink rose petals, which I believe are from heaven above. I picked up a few rose petals, and rat up my apartment staircase. I smelled one rose, petal, and that rose petal smelt of 12 dozen roses. I began to cry. This was the first of many occurrences that Saint Thérèse came directly to me in my life.

    One of the other most memorable occurrences was when I started my new job, which was for a French company. St. Therese was also French. I remember I was chosen for a new role at work a new position, I was very frightened and scared that I didn’t have what it took to accomplish the tasks. I prayed a novena to Saint Thérèse, and she showed up to me at my work. On multiple occasions. The first occasion was one of my passengers, one of the final days of my novena, my passenger pulled out St. Therese❤️🌹 showed me her out of the blue. I had tears in my eyes, but that whole day I was full of joy. I knew she was looking out for me.

    Another occurrence was when I took on this new position and roll, I pray to her for bravery and courage that her and Jesus would give me… as I was performing my new position and tasks, (keep in mind at the end of my novena) Saint Thérèse appeared on a young man’s sweatshirt as he walked up to me. I have photos for proof. That was one of the most craziest experiences. Another experience that is dear to my heart, would be one of the most recent ones. I got married in the Catholic Church July 22, 2023 in beautiful Split, Croatia. On my wedding day I had to go use the restroom out of nerves. To my surprise as I went to the church is restroom, I found a huge lifelike statue of Saint Thérèse. I had known that in this moment that everything was perfect. Everything was according to God’s most beautiful will. There are a few more experiences that I could go on and on about. For now, I must say thank you God for a lovely friend and sister, who is constantly listening to our tears, worries, and prayers. God, we left everything up to you, and St. Therese❤️🌹, pray for us.

  2. Thank you St Therese for another sign today.
    My husband surprised me with a bouquet of flowers for me earlier tonight. The bouquet included red roses among other types of flowers. He had not purchased flowers for me in about a year and the surprise was random. My husband does not know I recently completed a St Therese novena and he does not know about any of my signs from St Therese of seeing roses recently. I did not tell him about yesterdays sign of seeing real yellow roses right in front of me in my supervisors office.
    Thank you St Therese for letting me know everything is okay and in God’s hands.

  3. Thank you St Therese for showing me a bouquet of real yellow roses sitting on my supervisor’s desk when I voluntarily walked into her office to talk to her. Where I decided to stand I looked down and they were right in front of me. I did not expect to see the roses on my supervisor’s desk but they were there as a gift for her leaving the office. I know at that moment, me seeing the roses was a sign from you telling me not to worry and according to Gods will, what I petition for will be answered in his own way at the right time. Thank you St Therese.

  4. Thank you St.Theresa of Lisieux for your intercessions on my behalf. As you do hood on earth look down upon me often, and shine upon me the grace of God. Thank you dear Lord for the saints you have sent to show us the way, to intercede for us when our voices are tired and weary and we are not worthy to come before you. I love you Lord. For your continuous mercies, I thank you.

  5. I do believe St. Therese’ intercession throughout this Novena has helped keep me safe from harm. I am mindful that she is doing good on Earth while in Heaven, and I have had encounters with roses 🌹 during this Novena which tells me my prayers are heard! Thank you as well St. Therese for your Little Way of making daily life holy. 🙏

  6. St Joesph, thank you for inceding on my behalf as I have completed this Novena. Praying for mental health and wellness for my family, making good decisions for heart, mind, body and soul. Prayers for my chilren’s return to going to mass on a regular basis, prayers for finding holy spouses to bring them closer to our Lord. Prayers for my daughter to get on a new job soon as to find a job that brings her joy. Prayers for my son to have done well and passed his exam this past weekend and prayers he will pass the next exam this coming weekend. Prayers that my mother overcomes her anxities and enjoys her life in her new normal and prayers that we embrace what the Holy Spirit has in store for all of us.

  7. St Theresa,
    My younger son got a job, I am really glad to help him, thank you Our Loving God, I am just waiting for a few more miracle, I need my older son get heal from depression, anxiety, addiction and find a job. Help all my in-laws have peace, love and let them live with closer and care for each other.
    Please continue to heal me especially my right foot. I thank you very much for all you have done for me. In Jesus Name Amen🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️ Thank you

  8. Thank you from the depths of my heart to you St. Theresa for your Sacred intercession and Novena answered🌹

  9. Thank you from the depths of my heart to you St. Theresa for your Sacred intercession and Novena answered🌹

  10. Thank you st Therese for intercessiding for us, Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers, i got my refund and some financial breakthrough, although im still waiting and trusting God for the final visa grant, im grateful.

  11. Thank you st Therese for intercessiding for us, Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers, i got my refund and some financial breakthrough, although im still waiting and trusting God for the final visa grant, im grateful.

  12. We just found out that our sweet niece and her husband are expecting a child. We have all prayed that the Lord would bless them with another child. This prayer took along time for God to grant but his timing is perfect and we give all glory and praise to our savior Jesus Christ

  13. I just finished with my university two weeks ago. I started the novena, and on the second day of the novena, I got a call from a real estate firm to come for an interview.
    I went for the interview and did my part well, thanks be to God.
    On the last day of the novena, I got a call from the firm where I have been employed.
    The miracle of getting a job without having my transcript or even going for service (NYSC)
    Thank you for the prayers. God continue to bless you both in Jesus name.
    Amen 🙏 

  14. Please note: a monetary donation from my Edward Jones SEP is being forwarded this week. Thanks for all you do to share these periodical Novenas.

  15. There are some prayers answered and some not immediately granted; however, God in His infinite wisdom knows when/where to answer. We may receive an answer; however, possibly not the answer we desired.
    Prayerfully many of the participants had a portion of their prayers answered.

  16. I prayed for a job at the beginning of this novena and I was called days into the novena today the 4th October 2023, I started job training.
    I thank God for the blessings. I thank my Jesus for loving me. I believe Him for even more mightier miracles at this new work place. I believe for a smooth run, favour, wisdom and inner peace and happiness. Amen 🙏🏾
    Keep believing just like St. Theresa believed in Jesus, His works are so amazing. If you had lost hope, get back on your knees, He is Able.He does mighty things, Glorious things.

  17. Thank you for praying for my family and me, we have been blessed throughout this novena with some positive health reports and by love for each other and some great times of togetherness. I promise to continue praying for you too!

  18. Prayers were answered with a YES! With our prayers and the intercession of St. Therese, our daughter Louisa’s patron saint, Louisa has been accepted into nursing school.
    Praise God!

  19. One of my intention during the novena is for God to assist my family to raise funds for our mortgage down payment. All glory be to God for divine providence and assistance as we have gotten the funds needed. I want to return all glory to God and thanks to St Therese for her intercession.

  20. Our prayer for my husband to get a new job was answered on the first day of the novena. Thank you St. Therese for your intercession.

  21. One of my intentions was for blessings for a safe trip back home and I was delivered from a very serious situation where my car went out of control because of another driver. I was able to get my car back without any injury. It was a CLOSE CALL! And would have resulted in a serious accident. Praise God through the intercession of St. Therese!

  22. I have prayed all Novenas. This is the first time I noticed some positive signs. I battle from an autoimmune condition called lichens planus. In June I started another more severe breakout. The condition has been dormant for about 20 years. I’ve tried everything for relief but after praying this novena, two days ago my condition started improving with the help of a dermatologist. Thank you Jesus.

    Also, my 11 year old grandson has been in a mental crisis and I also included intentions for him. We are seeing light at the end of the tunnel as he finally has an appointment with a psychologist this morning. Let his healing begin. Praise God.

  23. Today I go for an ultrasound to make sure I don’t have breast cancer. Please pray everything his clear and pray for everyone who is fighting cancer.

    Thank you so much!!!

  24. I have been trying to let go and let God. During this novena I have felt more trusting of God’s plan and have been able to just let him lead me in the right direction. Thank you St. Therese for setting the example we should all follow!

  25. Please keep my family 🙏 safe and healthy. Watch over my great granddaughter Carmela and my grandsons. Thank you for all your blessings Lord. Let me get some work here and there to keep up with my rent. I’m truly blessed with a loving family and wonderful grandsons and great granddaughter Carmela ❤️. Thank you Lord.

  26. I prayed St. Theresa’s novena for my sons day care that he should adjust well. He had problems with previous day cares and was not able to be there. Praying he should stop crying and be happy there. He still cries but it got a lot better after praying the novena. Thank you

  27. Wanted to give thanks for prayers answered. We have been waiting since last year and finally received the financial blessing that was lost due to fraud. Praise God.

  28. God work his mysterious ways, from the 13 to the 28 of September, my husband RS was in and out of the hospital ER, ICU and more, The last time I ask him if he wanted to go to the hospital where we had been trying to establish all his medical care, he said yes it was night and it was late, I was scare but I took him to the ER at the hospital, it was a blessing in disguise, he was hospitalized several days and I dint wanted to miss the appointment we all have been praying for. God send The Doctor to come to his room, and he also ask my husband if he wanted to go on the Transplant list. Please pray for us and the doctors to make the right decisions. We have an appointment the 17 of October, He is in the transplant list, and they started testing his thyroid situation.
    Thank you for everybody’s prayers, God bless everybody, please continue to pray. you all are Awesome! God bless everybody.

  29. I have had several health problems this year. Yesterday on the 9th day of the novena I felt better than I have in many, many months. I feel this is only the beginning of good health for me. Thank you St Therese for your intercession. Amen

  30. Prayed for protection and safety for my kids. Got into a car accident today—my kids were in the car—and praise God there were no injuries.

  31. My daughter got response from the relevant unit. She hasn’t gotten her work permit but it seems she’s about to soon. I thank St Therese and the other angels and saints for their intercession.

  32. Thank you St. Therese for your intercession. I was told by my dermatologist that the spot on my head is benign. Praise God. Continued prayers for my husband to return to the sacraments.

  33. St. Therese of Lisieux has been a favorite of mine for years. While praying the St. Therese of Lisieux novena I made a vow that while I was praying, I would attempt to reduce my O.C.D. symptoms. Barely in the beginning of the novena, I noticed it was much easier to reduce these symptoms. I truly believe St. Therese was guiding me since she also had O.C.D. tendencies. Thank you St. Therese!🙏

  34. Thanks be to God that the surgery of my niece Ma. Theresa was successful. Thank you St. Therese for your prayers and our heavenly Mother Mary, and all the Holy Angels for watching over her.

  35. Praise God! I’ve never received such a clear message before that St. Therese has heard my prayer requests and has prayed for them. I clearly did yesterday. Prayers were answered:
    My daughter came to our house yesterday for a gathering we were having with family and friends for our house blessing with our pastor. She didn’t come for the blessing but came to visit family and friends. This is huge! May my daughter continue to be open to God’s saving mercy and grace.
    My son who has been estranged with us since covid has spent a few days with us with his family. This too, is huge.
    Thank you dear Lord, and St. Therese for your prayers of intercession.
    I am deeply humbled and grateful.

  36. My best friend from college called me to tell me about her daughter, “Rose,” on the last prayer day of this novena. I believe it was a sign from God that she is okay and healthy :)

  37. Thanking God that my husband’s surgery was successful, despite the delays, eventually it was quick and easily done yesterday to the glory of God. Thank you st Therese for interceding. We thank our mother Mary and the heavenly hosts for their prayers, love and support. Thanks to all our praying friends of the pray more novenas family. God bless us all. Amen

  38. I have had many prayers answered for my husband’s heart health. He is stronger than ever and recovered from heart failure. The doctors were even surprised.
    I have also been very blessed to have prayers for my daughter answered. She is happily married now and she and her husband are expecting a baby girl in March. I am beyond thankful for all of the prayers for my special intentions. I love praying these novenas that have brought me spirituality closer to God and His goodness.

  39. I was thinking that our prayers were answered…things were looking promising, but yesterday and today, our situation is worse than ever… I do pray that God has a way out for us…St. Theresa please continue to intercede… the way looks very bleak…I surrender all….your Will oh Lord, not mine.
    I continue to serve you Lord, but you are the potter…I am only the clay…mold me…make me in your image….ThankYou ❣️

  40. I prayed for St Theresa’s intercession for my daughter who is having a difficult time at school- I had a meeting with her teachers mid way through the novena and they have agreed to move her classes which my daughter is delighted about and is now much less anxious than she was. Thank you for your intercession StTheresa! Thanks be to God our loving Father.

  41. From the beginning of this Novena I have been praying that I get a place to rent so that I can leave home. I thank God that thru St.Theresa’s intersession I have gotten a house that has features I imagined after looking for one for 2 months. I paid my Rent today.

  42. The Presence of God is Evidence in my Daughters Success in Her Nursing Certification Exam.I Thank God For this Answered Prayer next bus stop Good job and her Bachelor’s .Thank You Jesus through the intercession of St.Therese.

  43. Thank you St. Thérèse!!! First, because of your Intercession, Miss Kemp is now resting in peace after a difficult agony. In the middle of the Novena, she went to met the Lord!!!
    Then, my niece asked forgiveness to her mom. And the last favor is that my adopted daughter whom I baptized with your name, is getting close to return to our Catholic faith. I love you Santa Teresita ❤️

  44. My daughter had to take a very difficult 2 hour test in order to keep her job. After praying the Novena to St Therese, she passed it on the first try! Thank you St. Therese and Praise the Lord!!!

  45. I’ve been praying to St. Therese of Lisieux for our troubled marriage. My husband joined me at Adoration during this novena. Thank you dear St. Therese.

  46. My family has had some unnecessary discourse for several years now. Two weeks ago I received news that due to something I said as being used as an excuse to once again keep my husband and me from spending time with 3 of our grandchildren. This tactic is repeated often. This time was different. I did use the words that I was being accused of but not in the context generally associated with said words. My son and his wife look for any reason real or imagined to twist my words or the intended meaning to support their narrative.
    For two weeks, I have been praying for direction on how to respond or whether to respond OR trust that God will bring this situation to a peaceful resolution.
    After two weeks of prayer, meditation, and trusting in God’s Divine Mercy, I sent a text and asked my son and daughter-in-law if we could facetime or get together. The response came within minutes…We are not able to facetime now but would you like to join us for the Harvest Festival this afternoon.
    We had a very nice time and no indication of any previous discord.
    This novena was all about letting go and letting God. Trusting in God at all times. You could feel God’s presence among us.

    Thank you and Praise God!

  47. Heartfelt thanks to St. Therese of Lisieux. My colleague’s husband has now come out of the Coma he has been in for the last 5 weeks. He still has a long journey to full health but with the prayers of St. Therese I know this will come about. Thank you again Little Flower.

  48. Thank all who prayed this novena together. May we have blessings and know God’s love in trials and joy.

    I continue in prayer for my son and myself

  49. I asked to please let my husband that has dementia to please let him be able to stand with walker long enough to be washed by hospice cna and CNA I pay for . He sleeps on sofa recliner. Last night it was a miracle. He was not only able to stand but he walked to dining room with walker. 3 nights ago he had lost use of this legs. I continue to pray he can always stand long enough to be washed especially his private areas.
    I also asked for my new med to kick in for my low abdominal pain /colitis and it did thank God. I pray I am pain free and diarrhea stops

  50. We have had drought in our part of western Canada for some time. I had been praying for rain for some time but on the 9th day of the novena we received rain. Thank you for interceding St Therese❤️🙏

  51. I thank you dear Lord, all the saints and angels, and sweet Saint Therese de Lisieux for helping my mom after her fall. Her arm is healing and so is her spirit.

  52. My son’s liver testing revealed NO REJECTION! Praise God! No evidence of why labs were abnormal, but continue to pray that it can be diagnosed and remedied. Thank you!

  53. Praise God, I wish to thank everyone for praying for my one year old granddaughter. I asked for prayer for healing of her eyes, After seeing her specialist for a reevaluation she does not need surgery on her eyes. She will need to wear glasses and continue to have check ups, but the surgery has been ruled out.

  54. Younger Granddaughter baptized✅
    Older granddaughter scheduled for baptism this month in Catholic Church✅
    Older son, who we hadn’t heard from in over 5 years, texted his brother ✅
    Found out where same son now lives (last mail was returned address unknown)✅
    God is so good! Thanking Him endlessly!✅
    Continuing in prayer for same son to come home to the Lord (and to return his mom’s messages 😢💔)✅

  55. My prayer of helping me to be more merciful and forgiving of family and friends made me more aware. I shared my feelings of forgiveness with a friend who needed to forgive and I think she realized she needed to forgive friends also.
    Thank you Lord and everyone who prayed this
    Novena with me.

  56. Dearest Jesus, Mary and St. Therese of Lisieux, thank you for bringing our wonderful son and his fiance safely home from London.

    God is good 🙏

  57. I learned my Dad has turned to prayer and is practicing forgiveness since my mom passed away earlier this year.

  58. I prayed for intercession of St Therese that Lord would help my parents to find their place in a new country (they are refugees).
    Esrlier this week, my father got a job!
    Thanks be to God!

  59. That Exam I pray for Success In I made it ooooooo now I am a student midwife. Thank God Happy New month

  60. I unexpectedly received some beautiful roses from my daughter on the 7th day of the novena! My prayers are for events happening in October so I am confident that St Therese will intercede and ask Our Lord to take care of everything ♥️

  61. My phone fell inside water and the camera and torch ligh stopped working and all that.
    I didn’t have money to replace it, I went for repair, they said it’s better to buy a new phone since it’s a cheap phone, I kept on using it like that and praying for a miracle.
    In the course of this Novena, I noticed the torch and the camera are working 3 days ago, because I mistakenly touched the camera n it came up.
    Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers. The phone worked without any repairs done.

  62. St. Theresa novena has been a blessing to me…I managed to get a BSN number.. it’s like a social security number here in the Netherlands… I thank all who joined in praying the St. Theresa novena…
    Glory be to God….

  63. Thank you everyone for praying the st therese novena with me
    My prayer was granted Thank you lord for everything that you have done for me and everything you have given to me. am very grateful to have the lord Jesus with me at all times Thank you Thank you

  64. I received a settlement against my company for compensation of and injury I suffered while on the job. Still praying that a job will come soon.

  65. My sister finally got a surgery date next week.
    She needs surgery to prevent sure sudden death. Very rare condition.

    St Theresa is a great friend.

  66. Thank you so much St Theresa for prayer answered.
    I got the miraculous pnp that I never expected but kept praying for. It was indeed a miracle. I pray for your continual intercession that the rest of the journey will be smooth.

    Thank you St Theresa

  67. I was praying for the possession of my flat and I ask St Theresa intercession. on 30th September 2023 on Saturday at 3:30 pm I got possession of my flat which I was suppose to get very late as the tenants were not ready to move out from the flat which I had purchased. St Therese of Lisieaux thank you for interceding to Jesus our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

  68. My prayers for my grandson Rudy to pass all tests necessary to obtain his National Paramedic license were answered. Thanks be to God. Amen

  69. Thanks for all the prayers and support I’ve received on this hard journey. Please continue to pray for my husband and myself.

  70. I know I have been changing to be more humble and peaceful. I work in customer service and I would always react to someone yelling at me, I know it’s not personal but I still would end up getting so upset. making it more difficult to resolve the problem they may be having I experienced this time I stayed calm did not react or felt myself getting upset I felt complete peace. One caller still stayed yelling at me but I just prayed for them in my mind and heart and helped the best I could and another call ended up calming down so much I felt they had peace about the answer even though it’s not always the answer they may want but have understanding and peace. It was a challenging week but I got the grace, peaceful wisdom to stay calm 🙏 Thank you our precious Saints..Padre Pio and our precious Lord and Guardian Angel.

  71. I prayed the novena to St Therese to clear the suspicious mass seen on the mammogram of my daughter Teresa. On the 8th day of my novena, the doctor declared CLEAR AND NEGATIVE!
    Will pray novena of THANKSGIVING this time.

  72. Maybe not specific answered prayers, but little St. Therese coincidences. Two days into the novena, my husband surprised me with flowers. And then feeling upset with my 4 year olds highly emotional behavior, I read about St. Therese’s sassy behavior as a young child and it sounded EXACTLY like my son. Which led to a nice advice-filled conversation with my dad who I had been meaning to call. I also read that St. Therese died at 7:20pm, my birthday is 7/20. So as I type this I realize that I did have answered prayers! And this is the first time I’ve truly felt connected to a saint.

  73. I wish to thank St. Theresa for bringing my prayers to the Lord and I thank the Lord for hearing my prayers and answering them as befits my good. I love you dear Lord. I love you St. Therese.

  74. Dear St Theresa,
    Thank you for these novenas, Thank you St John-Paul and Annie for all these Novena.
    Thank you everyone who gets their answer.
    Thank you everyone who did Not get their answer yet included me but I Know we will get our answer. Thank you Father God, we love and put our trust on you. In Jesus Name Amen. Glory to God Glory praise him Alleluia 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️

  75. My brothers health has finally turned a corner for the good. He has struggled for 3 years with chronic pain and has finally found a medication that helps control it. Thank you all for your prayers. God is so good!

  76. Our prayers were answered for much needed financial help and also for healing of relationships that had been very difficult for many years. We give thanks to God and our beloved St Therese for these and many other blessings.