Answered Prayers from the St. Therese Novena, 2021

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Thank you so much in joining us in praying the St. Therese Novena!

If any of your prayers have been answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below. To God be the glory!

We’re praying for you! Don’t give up on hope. The Lord is near!

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  1. My novena request was answered for my brother to be transferred to a much better room in his assisted living residence. Thank you St. Therese!

  2. During this novena I prayed for my husband who was diagnosed with cancer. The doctor decided 2 months ago not to give him chemo but had him return for tests yesterday. The cancer has stopped growing and the doctor doesn’t want to see him until February. Praise God!

  3. My nephew has suffered with open leg sores for 5 years and has received wound care the whole time. Since beginning this novena and praying for the wounds to heal, my nephew told me that finally the sores are showing improvement. Thank you St. Therese and please continue to ask Jesus for his help with my nephew.

  4. After Mass today, members of the congregation had an opportunity to approach a relic of St Therese on the altar. I was praying for each one and then suddenly I understood that my daughter’s depression as a special gift from the Lord Jesus. It will bring her very close to Him one day. What a relief! What consolation. My mother’s heart had been in such anguish, believing that somehow she bears the price for a bad decision on my part long ago. Quite the contrary- I am confident that the Lord Jesus loves her very much. Five years ago, She choose Therese as her confirmation name.

  5. After Mass today, members of the congregation had an opportunity to approach a relic of St Therese on the altar. I was praying for each one and then suddenly I understood that my daughter’s depression as a special gift from the Lord Jesus. It will bring her very close to Him one day. What a relief! What consolation. My mother’s heart had been in such anguish, believing that somehow she bears the price for a bad decision on my part long ago. Quite the contrary- I am confident that the Lord Jesus loves her very much.

  6. Thanksgiving for the wonderful outcome of my husband’s surgery this past Wednesday. Praise God!!
    I love you Jesus❤️🙏🏼

  7. Dearest St Therese thank you for answering my prayers and sending me roses from your heavenly garden. I will always be in your debt.

  8. I prayed for work for our son in the new industry he is in and he has jobs lined up. Thank you so much and God bless.

  9. My ex and I broke up on July 29th this year. My heart was literally bleeding. I asked God during this novena, that if it is His Will- He helps us reconcile and that our rshp moving forward be to represent His will & interests. My ex texted me on the 8th day of the Novena . We are not fully there, or even back together, but i thank God for His mercies and just letting him be kind to me.This break up has really cost me my mental health, but I am learning leaning on God’s Will is better

  10. My ex and I broke up on July 29th this year. My heart was literally bleeding. I asked God during this novena, that if it is His – He help us reconcile and that our rshp moving forward be to represent His will & interests. My ex texted me on the 8th day. We are not fully there, or even back together, but i thank God for His mercies. This break up has really cost me my mental health, but I am learning leaning on God’s Will is better

  11. Thanks so much to my darling St Therese, I had some level of financial breakthrough which I prayed for.

    And she indeed sent me other Roses… I saw a Rainbow on the eighth day of the novena❤️.

    A very big thanks to JohnPaul and Annie.

    Deo omnia Gloria…

  12. I praise God for his answers to my prayer and thank you St. Therese. Martin is home from hospital after his heart attack and was treated with stents and medication and is doing well. Laure sold her property at a good price. Praise God!
    I pray for her healing.

  13. Our daughter is currently hospitalized and in need of healing. We needed to find important paperwork for the insurance that had gone missing. I prayed for help and went into the bedroom, my eye caught her backpack, inside were three folders, one had the paperwork we needed! Then I went to gather up clothes that were on the floor and there was a large picture of St. Therese on the floor, underneath the clothes. You can imagine my surprise and delight to receive such a sweet reminder that heaven is hearing our prayers.

  14. Thanks and praise for the intercession of St. Therese, our Mother Mary, and the ultimate physician, Jesus Christ, that my mother’s heart condition has improved and the heart cath showed no blockage! Praise and thanksgiving to our Trinitarian God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, along with the intercession of St. Therese, through this Novena prayer, and the intercession of our Holy Mother Mary.🙏🏻

  15. I am so grateful for this Novena. I have prayed lots of Novenas with you. I am not saying my prayers have not been answered during or after them but it is just that I haven’t actually noticed them except for this one. My son has been on furlough and now it was is over I prayed this Novena for my son and all those who were on it and also for those seeking employment. Anyway today a few hours after the final prayer my son told me he got a phone call to come back to work. I want to thank you so much for allowing me to pray the Novenas with you. Hopefully when things are better I will donate something towards the cause.
    Thank you St Therese

    V C Edwards

  16. My daughter ( whose middle name is Therese after the little flower) has been studying hard for a series of exams that will make a huge difference in the course of her future. I’ve been praying for her to do well but most importantly, not be overcome with fear and anxiety in this process. Today was the second exam and she feels confident about how she has done so far. But the really great thing is that she volunteered that she has felt the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit in this process and shared a story of evidence of God’s presence through the Spirit. I am so grateful, for answers to my prayers, and that she finds cofomort in her faith.

  17. Thank you Satin Therese and God for helping me heal from Covid and all viruses. Thank you for helping me to find strength in You and Your love for me and my family. Amen.

  18. We prayed for our daughter’s ultrasound to be all normal ,and thank you St.Therese for interceding and thank you Jesus for having mercy on us.
    We got a very clean result and all praise and Thanksgiving to you Lord

  19. I was praying for good results from a recent heart echo and carotid study and both came back unchanged which was a huge relief. Thank you St. Therese for your intercession.

  20. Father God, please continue to lift my father, bother John, sister’s Anna and Margie, my daughter Elizia and Sein and families and friends in my daily prayer. I pray for my brother’s and sister’s to stay healthy from Covid 19. I’ll continue to pray and walk the spiritual path with you Lord.
    I love you!

  21. My prayers have been answered. My son has stopped drinking and is back in recovery. I continue to pray for him to stay sober.
    Thank you, St. Therese

  22. Thank You St.Therese Novena! For this amazing experience in my life, I feel so excited & happy to have joined St.
    Therese Novena, for 9 days in a roll it really was a beautiful blessing & experience for me that I would recommend anyone to join its, it’s free & also it motivated me to become a better person and I am so grateful for that!!

    Thank You,
    MV :)

  23. Thank You John-Paul & Annie! For this amazing experience in my life, I feel so excited & happy to have joined St.
    Therese Novena, for 9 days in a roll it really was a beautiful blessing & experience for me that I would recommend anyone to join its, it’s free & also it motivated me to become a better person and I am so grateful for that!!

    Thank You,
    MV :)

  24. I have been praying for a renewed spirit of trust in our Lord. Lately I have felt that there is no plan in our lives. But through this novena I again feel lifted out of those thoughts, and am willing to believe in the providence of our Lord’s care.

  25. Continued healing for a fried with covid pneumonia as he did not get vented and is almost off all oxygen except Camille and continues to improve daily

  26. I had quite a few intentions for this novena, but I’ve already seen some of them answered such as 1) protection from cuts (I kept accidentally getting hurt, so I thought I would ask for help with that). 2) for my parents to rest, which I’ve seen a little bit. 3) for the propagation of devotion to Mary and St. Joseph – which I see a lot now for October, yay! 4) but the most significant change I’ve seen due to her intercession has been help with my family as we prepare to move, so many huge blessings!

    Thank you all so much for sending out this novena to us all. It has been so amazing praying novenas together. I really appreciate this community.

  27. I smelled flowers today in the garage (and we have no flowers in the garage). I know that is a sign my prayers are being heard. This is the second time I have experienced the smell of flowers after praying this novena. The other time was in the middle of winter outside with snow on the ground. That kind of spooked me out because I thought someone was outside or a burglar. When I could not tell where the smell was coming from, I finally figured it out and it was near the statues we have of St. Joseph and Mary. You can make your own judgement and call. I have nothing to hide except for the hope that my son returns his soul back to God, Jesus, the Catholic Faith and he is healed from every disability and mental block he is experiencing along with asking everyone in heaven to get Satan and Division out of our lives. I also prayed for my entire families conversion back to the Catholic Faith.

  28. Thank you Heavenly Mother for interceding during this novena. I prayed for an appeal regarding my daughters graduation for her bachelors to be looked at thoroughly and hoped that committe would accept all the hours she had put in and allow her to graduate this fall as planned. She received a confirmation letter yesterday that it was approved. Thank you for hearing my prayer and for others who had their’s answered.

  29. I’ve been praying that my 2 sons could get jobs. They live in 2 different cities. One son has been out of work for a year. The other was taking jobs in restaurants while trying to find an opening in his field. During the novels, both were contacted by recruiters they knew in the past. They are both employed. I am so grateful. Praise God!

  30. I prayed for a negative result of the covid test for my son and granddaughter and it was granted yesterday.
    I prayed for booster shots to be allowed after 6 months of the 2nd shot of pfizer vaccine and it was allowed.
    Thank you Saint Therese for praying for my petitions.

  31. All honor and praise to God. My daughter accepted a job offer after a year and a half of interviewing and searching. My heart is whole again. Thank you Blessed Mother, all the saints and Almighty God.

  32. For a number of days prior to the novena I had been experiencing cramping in my lower abdomen and back, primarily on my right side. I was too afraid to consult a physician out of fear of the diagnosis so I decided to include a request for healing during the recitation of the novena. The pain became severe in my entire lower abdomen for a short period of time on the evening of the eighth day of the novena. Then it just dissipated. Thank you, St. Therese. Perhaps my healing was your rose to me. God bless to all who participated!

  33. My husband has been waiting for two job postings to be posted so he can pursue them to provide the best for our family. A few moments after I was done praying the last prayer I received a text from my husband saying the jobs had been posted! We will continue praying novenas and prayers every day for that God’s plan for our family may continue to unfold.

  34. When I saw that the St. Therese novena was the next novena to be prayed, I did not hesitate to participate. I am 17 years old, applying to college, and have high hopes for the future. What better to do than turn to prayer? On day 8 of the novena, I received a bouquet of red roses from my boyfriend for our three year anniversary! Saint Therese the Little Flower sent me a bouquet of rose with 7 times 70 prayers answers.

  35. We had to move from a leased home on a Military Base due to neighbor stress and neighborhood ruffians not being delt with by MPs and their parents, we prayed endlessly and went through a few losses on offers we submitted but finally and quickly received news our last offer in a new home was accepted. Praise God for our prayers were answered. We thank God for quickly helping us and we offered up our grace! Thank you St. Therese for your intercession with our prayers!

  36. St Therese granted my intention on the 9th day of the Novena. My intention was for my nurse daughter to get an exemption from the church regarding vaccine mandate. Last night the hospital she’s working at accepted the exemption and today, a friend of mine in Church gave me a bouquet of roses and I asked her permission that we both offer the roses to St. Therese and we did🙏🙏🙏
    St. Therese was a very humble person and so I say TO GOD BE THE GLORY🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹

  37. My daughter has been able to handle her breakup with her fiancé with a position attitude thank you for answered prayers. I continue to pray

  38. Praise and thank God through the intercession of St Therese our family is safe and protected from this pandemic. That inspite of financial hardship we’re able to survive. Lastly the smooth transition growth of my 5 month old granddaughter Candice 😇 my first . Thank you !
    Glory be to you Lord and may God be praised 🙏🏼.

  39. I prayed this novena for my mom who recently was diagnosed with breast cancer. I asked st Therese for the doctors to be open to some of her wishes regarding surgery. Yesterday which was day 9 of the novena we went to the breast clinic and met the oncologist who not only agreed 100% with her wishes but also gave her a pretty good prognosis! At the end my mom was given a folder of information. There was also a letter in there from a former patient and the first line read “Dear sister, life is like a ROSE…” so I KNOW that was St Therese showing herself to us! I continue to pray for my mom and for a good outcome. Thank you for this novena!

  40. My husband had an amazing job interview and it sounds like he will be offered the job! My 20 month was old son has started trying to talk much more too. And I noticed a rose Bush in our back yard today that I had never looked at before when we went out on a walk!

  41. Thank for all these Novenas that aid us in the struggles of this life.
    Without out Jesus and Mary and all the Angels and Saints who would we go to and where would we go?

    John Paul, Anne and All who pray with us, Thank You!

  42. I have very bad back problems. Originally, I was getting acupuncture but it stopped working. I was supposed to get an epidural which I wasn’t too happy about. I prayed this Novena everday and asked St. Therese to intercede on my behalf to God to please protect me through this epidural or find something else that I can do with this back problem. I know my prayers were answered, because I ended up getting a trigger point injection instead. Jesus, I trust in you.

  43. I have been praying for a financial breakthrough to put on the roof ceiling for the past four yes. It happened today the ceiling has been delivered for all rooms. Thank you Saint Theresa for your help.Continue to bless many more.

  44. I asked for my new small business to be successful and I have received three new clients since the start of this novena. I am in complete and humble awe of St. Therese and her roses of blessings! Thank you dear beloved St. Therese!

  45. I was a substitute teacher at high school but yesterday was given a permanent substitute position, which mean more security and better pay. Thank you St. Theresa

  46. Thank you Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit for giving St Therese of the Child Jesus such a sweet, giving, loving heart and thank you St Therese for your intercessions from Heaven Thank you for answering my prayers!!!

  47. My son and daughter-in-law had save travels to and from Greece.
    I had save business and personal travels.

    Thank you for this websites and the ability to receive the daily emails. God bless, Patti

  48. I Prayed for the conversion of my sister and my brother, I Pray that the situation that my sister is going through God shine his light and take care of her and the baby growing in her, I Pray that she will no longer fall into Sin again. I pray that my brother would stay away from alcohol and bad peers and not stary away from the church. My family is going through lots of hurdles and trials and if it means carry my cross for their conversions I will carry it with no regret or remorse if that is God’s will for me.
    Please 🙏🏻 pray for my family conversion

  49. My heartfelt gratitude St. Therese for interceding for my long awaited promotion at work. You have answered my prayer even before the end of this novena. To God be the glory!!! Thank you so much St. Therese.

    Maria S.

  50. Thank you Jesus for your unconditional love for the whole world. Thank you for reuniting my family and intervening during some most difficult times in our lives, continue to guide us and mold us into the your most holy beings. In Jesus Name I pray. I continue to ask for your prayers for my family/grown children. Lord have mercy on us. Amen.

  51. Thanking God for the prayers answered through the intercession of st. Therese.

    His protection
    House search commencement
    Redirecting my children’s steps and most importantly for the gift of life.

    May his name be praised always 🙏

    St. Therese pray for us

  52. My prayers have indeed been answered for previous novenas where I prayed for the release of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, two Canadians being held in Chinese prisons in a political tug of war. They have safely returned to Canada and I thank God with all my heart.

  53. Peace, tranquility and harmony and strong faith in our family. Everyday these prayers are prayed and answered by my dearest Lord and my beautiful Mother Mary and Saint Therese. I am filled humble gratitude snd love! Thank you dearest Lord, Mother Mary and Saint Therese for loving me and blessing me with loving you!

  54. My brother has glioblastoma brain cancer. The doctor wanted him on a new medication which was denied by his insurance company. My sister-in-law checked their mailbox last week and there were 60 pills that were sent to my brother. Praise the Lord.

  55. Uneventful heart Cath this morning. Just a little heart disease found, doctor said nothing to worry about. Told Dr that lots of people were praying for him and me.

  56. Many of my prayers have been answered recently and over the years with this amazing novena!
    Most recently, I was praying for good test results from a health scare and my prayers were answered. I pray each and every prayer request is heard and answered for all who are praying with us.🙏

  57. Prayers were answered for me that my procedure that I was having done came out Negative! It was thank you St. Therese!
    Thank you Lord!
    Praying that my prayers for my husband will continue.

  58. That my niece’s gestational diabetes went away and baby was in the correct position for delivery and not breach

  59. Prayers were answered for me that my procedure that I was having done came out Negative! It was thank you St. Therese!
    Thank you Lord!
    Praying that my prayers for my husband will continue.

  60. I let God take the wheel and he drove us to the right property which we signed for this morning. We had been searching for 7 months.

  61. Prayers were answered for my family members were able to talk and share some happy memories Family members were able to be blessed with some help after the hurricane

  62. For my husband’s job that is changing, for the healthy, happiness and safety for my family, that our home repair goes well and in a timely manner.

  63. I have been praying that a dear friend of mine receiving re-engineered stem cells for Mantle Lymphoma recover and return home. He left the hospital yesterday. Praise God, prayer is so powerful! We continue to pray for his complete healing.

  64. After failing my CDR exam the first time, I have successfully passed yesterday on the 9th day of the novena and I am officially a Registered Dietitian! Praise Jesus and all that he has provided. Thank you for St. Therese’s guidance and intercession while I studied for the last 1.5 months!

  65. I broke my ankle while pulling a weed in my Mary Garden (of all places). Our lawn care worker brought me a beautiful dahlia from our yard with no explanation. I think my broken ankle is a gift from St Therese during the novena. Surgery to repair the ankle is on Oct 4th. I wish I coukd include a picture of the flower!

  66. An Adoration Chapel was just opened in one of our parishes. We committed to one hour each week. My husband found it very peaceful there and is committed to this hour going forward! Thank you Jesus for strengthening his (any my) faith!

  67. O glorious Saint Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and counsel mankind, I implore your Miraculous Intercession.
    So powerful are you in obtaining every need of body and soul our Holy Mother Church proclaims you a “Prodigy of Miracles…the Greatest Saint of Modern Times.”
    Now I fervently pray for my family’s safety and protection from diseases and any harm that can threaten our family. I pray for financial blessings that my father’s business loan applications will be approved, I pray for my siblings’ studies that they may finish their course, and I pray for my friends’ thesis to be successfully defended. I also pray for the repose of the soul of Jessa and Annabelle’s fathers. I pray for my friend’s exam, Abraham Kang that he will be able to answer completely the tests with all his knowledge, I pray for job opportunities and my Canada Visa Application to be successful, and lastly for my vocation that I may find clarity and peace of mind.
    These are my humble requests and intentions. In Jesus Mighty name and glorifying the love and sacrifices of St.Therese.

  68. I had 2 miracles this week after praying this Novena
    My marriage was restored and I was able to break a lease on a rental that I signed to move out from my husband before we reconciled.
    All in 24 hours … Amazing turn of events.
    Jesus took What the enemy meant for evil and turned it to good!

  69. Thank you dearest St. Therese and all the saints. I gained admission into law school. I have been praying for this for a long time. I am so grateful and thankful to God. I pray that I will sail through successfully. Thank you St. Therese for your intercession. All glory to God the Almighty, forever and ever, Amen.

  70. Thank you my son put his pride down and decided to come back to my parent’s home, not knowing where or how he was out there being homeless. Through your intercession he’s back home it’s been 1 1/2 weeks and now he’s looking for a job. Please continue till he finally gets his 3 children back to a home he’ll provide. In Jesus name Amen 🙏❤

  71. Yes, my husband secured a great job, after a long long lapse. Peace, was also giving to our family. Thank you “little flower”

  72. I was praying for my sister-in-law who has congestive heart failure- that a bed in a nursing facility could be found for her. Right now she is hospitalized but happy to be being taken care of. I feel confident that an opening will become available soon in a good facility thanks to my prayers to St. Therese.

  73. My husband had major surgery on day 9 of this novena. He had colorectal surgery done robotically for a large cancer in his colon. They got it out and he doesn’t have a ostomy bag and they don’t think he will need chemo. Continued prayers for that because the final say will be when pathology report comes back. God is GOOD! Thank you for answered prayers

  74. My spiritual journey began with St Thérèse where I ended up visiting her beautiful birthplace and cathedral.
    I prayed for a loan to go through which was causing much difficulty for myself and my husband. We are handling my bedridden father’s financial issues which have been chaotic and he has been living with us. Yesterday, the 6 month extension was approved and my husband was more at Peace. I saw cards and pictures of 3 roses and a license plate that said “ROSE 1” Thank You Beautiful Little Flower 🌹❤️😘🙏🥰❣️

  75. Major, major, major breakthrough in my marriage. We have struggled for years and I wasn’t sure we were going to make it. There has been miraculous change of heart, and revelation from God. I can’t even begin to relay the incredible change on the seventh day of the novena. Thanks be to God who is ever faithful, loving and good. Glory be to the King of kings and Lord of lords forever and ever.

  76. A young husband & father has been given a much better diagnosis & a much better prognosis for his newly found cancer. This is an answer to my prayers. Thank you St. Therese and thank you Jesus!

  77. I prayed for a resolution with my adult daughter, who was upset with me and hadn’t talked to me in about 2 weeks. On the 9th day, she surprised me by coming to town for an appointment and we were able to work out our differences and even spend the day thrift shopping, something we both love to do. So grateful to be at peace again!

  78. Prayed to pass an exam for a job n got notification this morning I was successful. I will continue seek prayers for my interview on 8th October.

  79. My mother-in-law has been battling leukemia for the past 3 year and began a serious decline in the last few weeks. My wife has been her constant aide and support. I prayed this novena for her, to give her strength and the courage. St. Therese guided both mother and daughter through this difficult week with peace and humility, culminating with her mother’s tranquil passing last night – a true blessing and prayers answered. Thank you, St. Therese, for giving us an example of simple humility and great love!

  80. The Perfect Gift. Every month or so I receive an email from Pray More Novenas announcing the next 9 day novena which I do.This one happen to be to St Theresa. Knowing our granddaughter delivery date was close I prayed for a healthy delivery for mom and baby. Thank you Jesus for that gift. I save all the roses I receive from answered prayer. Dry them then add to large containers. Our new granddaughter was born 9-28-21. 8lb 8 Oz.. a big baby for Becca’s 100 lb. over due and breach, 3 doctors tried to turn her unsuccessfully. Thus doing a C section. They had named her at the first ultrasound but kept that private. Who knew that the answer to my novena would come in the form of the person I was praying for, Rosalie
    At another place and time they both would have been lost. God knew all this and provided this special novena to shower us with his grace. And allowing us to see his hand clearly. To in rich our faith and believe in the saints intercession and his great love for us all. Praise Him now and forever. Amen