Answered Prayers from the St. Therese Novena, 2015

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St.-Therese-webThank you for joining us in praying the St. Therese Novena!

If you had any prayers answered during this novena, please share them with us all below!

If your prayers were seemingly unanswered, please do not give up hope or faith. God is certainly with you during these trying times. As hard as it may be to feel it, please believe it — He loves you.

If you’re struggling with your unanswered prayers, you’re not alone. Here’s a post I wrote that I hope can help:

Unanswered Prayers

Thank you for joining us in prayer. We hope that God will continue to bless you and be with you in your every need.


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  1. After the novena, i went for an interview and was promoted. Thank you God because after my hubby’s death, I was left with little for my 4 children. Praise Him!

  2. My husband has had stomach pains for months. All the medical tests, xrays, blood work came up all normal. Thank God. Doctors still couldn’t figure out where the pain was coming from. I prayed to St. Therese to heal his pain. She did just that! My husband felt that he was feeling better. He said” I think I’ve been healed”, and he was!! Thank You our beautiful St, Therese!! When the doctor called to give us the final ultrasound result he said “everything looks real good, what have you been doing?” My husband said ” nothing, God did it”. Amen

  3. St. Therese of the Child Jesus have been one of our favorite saints among the family that we regularly ask for her intercession to pray for us. When my youngest daughter received the Sacrament of Confirmation and was asked to choose a name of a saint, without hesitation she chose St. Therese. She continually guides and blesses us especially my two daughters who are working abroad. My daughter currently passed her thesis with flying colors which qualifies her for graduation in her Masters in Communication. During the week that I prayed the Novena, St. Therese again answered my prayer — to give me a job that I am so happy and contented with and this will be the last job that I am looking forward to until I retire . THANK YOU so much ST. THERESE!

  4. I prayed the St. Monica novena for God to show me what was the best career path/new job for me. I have recently found out I was pregnant and due to my health and personal preference, my fiancé and I decided it was best I no longer work at my current job as it requires a lot I travel. In the middle of the St. Therese novena, I was offered the job I was hoping for with my current employer! God is so amazing! Also – our little baby is so far perfectly healthy. Thank you for teaching me to give my worries to God. He deserves all the praise.

    – Kallie

  5. My prayers where answered.I was praying for my situation to get better at work,with my managers and things are very smooth for me.My son was not doing so good at school and I prayed that God blesses him with wisdom and he brought better results this term.Thank you Jesus.

  6. i was having difficulty getting some documents signed and on the eighth day I cried out to St. Therese and almost I got the idea of what to do; I did it and got the documents signed and stamped.
    Thank you st. Therese for helping me out. I prayed:
    Little Flower,
    Show your power’
    In this hour of my need.

  7. I have been praying to St Theresa for my family and my friend to be protected. And I believe that it is through the novena to St Theresa that one of my friend was suddenly sick but thank God they find the sickness and he is beter. And my relationship with God became deeper, I just feels a change in my life. Thank God.

  8. I have submitted my marriage annulment paperwork at the beginning of this year. The 3rd witness has taken a very long time to complete her paperwork required to start the process. I prayed the novena for her to be able to complete the form after all these months. Four days after the end of the novena I received a call from her apologizing for the time it took her to complete the form and that she will mail the papers out this week. Thanks St. Therese for your intersection! Praise God!!!!

  9. I asked for intervention for a young man named Patrick who had a 10% chance of living 48 hours. He even was recommended for hospice even after he made it passed his 48 hours. His parents insisted they try everything possible to save his life. It was recommended by an outsider that he should have kidney dialysis. Two days later he was discharged home. He continues to have kidney dialysis and his doctor said with prayer and hard work he could have a full recovery. Thank you see Teresa for your intervention. Praise His Holy Name! Thank you to all who prayed for him.

  10. Thank you Lord and St.Therese for an answered prayers, my Daughter won 1st place in their inter school competition secondary level vocal solo singing contest….Thank you so much and may you continue to grant our prayers….To God be the Glory! ( Thanks also to my Dad in heaven who help us prayed and whisper to our dear Lord what our heart desires.)

  11. I feel St. Therese was somewhat of an inspiration, at the end of each day we take down our flags at work. I brought down one flag and noticed something in the corner of my eye, thinking it was a book that someone tossed away I went to pick it up and noticed it was a 2016 St. Fatima calendar. I now hold both St. Therese and St. Fatima close to my heart.

  12. I prayed for employment for my son who has been unemployed for over one year. Thank God, who is working through St Therese, my son has got a job and he is loving it.
    St Therese send more Roses from the Heavenly garden to my first son who is waiting for results of his Board exams

  13. Thank God and thank for the powerful intercession of Saint Therese.My ex fiance left me without a word last year I’ve been so hurt and broken.For 1 year,I’ve been Lifeless.I longed for peace of mind and happiness.I prayed and ask Saint Therese to help me find the right man that God has destined for me.Someone who will bring another joy into my life.A man who will fill my emptiness…Who will help me renew my trust in Love and will throw all my doubts. And to God be the glory.Through the powerful intercession of Saint Therese, I met the man I prayed for.I met him October 2 and now we’re getting to know each other.We don’t want yo rush things…We are surrendering everything to God’s hand for he knows what is best for us.Thy will be done.

  14. I have not had my prayer for a job answered yet, but I have received a LOT of roses via pictures on books (I volunteer at a bookstore) and just seeing roses on customer shirts lately. Plus, on facebook I looked at a forum that I am in that I don’t always go to and it had a picture of St. Therese holding a rose out. I took it to mean she is going to find me a job. I really don’t know the timing of God, but I have had my faith increased. Thank you St. Therese and John and Annie for this great email ministry!

  15. I will always remain grateful to God who has sustained me. He has led me through the past novenas by directing me more to believing and trusting in Him for all my cares and needs. I have a big financial need which has caused me much pains and anxiety. For many months there has not been any indication or sign of relief. After praying the previous novenas, it seamed as if I have not started though the Holy Spirit will give peace to my heart. When we started the saint Therese novena, I reminded her what she did for me some years ago when I sought for her intercession. Before the 9th novena, a sister in the church employed me to keep her house. Though the pay is little but I believe that our good God will surely offer me a better one soonest. Thanks to all in the prayer team. I appreciate and thanks to saint Therese for her powerful intercession.

  16. I recently graduated from college, which had been a very long journey. I was looking for a position and praying about it this novena. Two days into the novena a friend told me about a position that was open. On the 9th day of the novena I was offered the position which is a full time position. Being a single mother I really needed that! Thank you Jesus!

  17. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers, I sent in a prayer intentions during the novena of St therease about my school fees. I’m in medical school finding it difficult to pay my fees . God has started the good work I have paid for this semester still hoping for more miracles. Amen.

  18. May God Bless all the people who need help for food ! Bless the people who loss their job and people who are sick !

  19. Thanks for the healing of my sister who is improving tremendously with her treatment for cancer. many novenas were done, and today I feel confident prayers never fails. Thank you. May God continue to bless you both.

  20. I prayed the novena to St. Therese that my son would find a job. A few days before the end of the novena I was walking my dog early in the morning and as we rounded the corner, a red (silk) rose laid on the ground in full sight in my walking path and I knew my prayers would be answered. My son had two job interviews during the novena and accepted
    an offer today 10/07/2015. Thank you for praying the novena with me.

  21. I asked Saint Teresa to bless my medical team and that I would have a successful surgery and recovery. My prayers were answered and after a 3 level fusion on my cervical spine I no longer have fingers and hands going to sleep, no headaches thus far, no stomach issues, and no back pain. I am so great full and feel so blessed. It hasn’t been quite 1 week since surgery and I am almost winged off my pain meds! Thanks be to God!

  22. I prayed to St Therese for my father to have good lab results. His results were very good. Thank you St Therese for your intercession to our Lord and Savior on behalf of my father.

  23. We were praying for my grandson who has ADD and wasn’t able to focus in school. Well my prayer has been answered he participates in class now, comes home want to do his homework and very helpful at Home. Thanks to all our prayers and St Terese

  24. The power of prayer and the beauty and peace in having the Blessed Trinity and all the Angels and Saints in our lives. St. Theresa is my patron saint. During the Novena I was praying to help get my home sold or at least rented. My home had been on the market since last October with a few offers but nothing worked out. I have been paying the mortgage and was losing sleep and not myself due to the worrying and stress with an empty home and having to continue paying the mortgage and all utilities. The last day of the Novena I had two separate families contact me interested in renting my home. The family moved in on Sunday. My life has been filled with so many gifts from our Heavenly Father and I am grateful everyday for knowing Him, the gift of our faith, and all the Angels and Saints that continue to watch over and protect us. May the peace of Christ be with you always.

  25. Praise be to God! I am so very grateful. My son and I prayed the Novena to St. Therese. He had moved back home from the Midwest with his wife and four children. He had some jobs but nothing with which he could support his family. After months of interviews and the last day of our Novena, he received the call for the job he wanted so desperately! I am so very appreciative of all the prayers sent up for my son. This is a dream come true for all. Thank you for your prayers and thank you Saint Therese!

  26. I have been trying, for many years to refinance my home and have been praying all the Novenas. With each Novena. I saw more good chances of getting my home refinanced. I have never lost hope because I knew the Lord would do what was best for me in His time.. not mine. Finally. it happened. I received the news that we would get very soon a date for closing on the refinance. Thanks St.Therese for interceding and getting that favor that I so much needed to be able to keep my home. Amen

  27. I asked for fa. peace, although we have not been all together the person that hurt us wrote an apology, so its the beggining, I know St. Therese will take my petition to conclusion ! St. Therese, pray for us ! and plase to all who read this, pray for all the unemployed, my husband has been since December !, thanks to all

  28. I have been recently diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer and have been praying very hard for a miracle — complete healing.

    I started my novena on the 30th of September and on my birthday, the 3rd of October, I received a bowl of white flowers – daisies, lilies and yes, roses from my children. The one of ordered it did not know I had started my rose novena nor does she know the story behind the roses from St. Therese.

    I saw my oncologist on the 5th of October and she said my tumors have shrunk and I am responding well to the treatment.

    Thank you, St. Therese!

  29. During the past six months, I have been trying to find a job. Thankfully, I received plenty of interviews, but no offers. I have tried to faithfully pray all of your novenas for the past year, and while praying to St. Therese, I received a good offer with an organization that felt right to me on multiple levels. I gratefully accepted this offer on October 1, St. Therese’s feast day. The greatest lesson that I learned is that all things happen in God’s time, not ours. That was a very difficult lesson for me to learn. I thank St. Therese for her intercession.

  30. My prayers were answered. Neil who is very ill and in ICU came home getting stronger . And the quilt money has been found. Thank you St. Threase.Im so thankful.

  31. Before praying St. Theresa novena I was starting to fall into a depression after losing my great aunt in late July. The last days of July and all of august and September I was very stressed and hiding my grief because I did not want my mom or grandma to see me depressed or crying. This was my grandmothers only surviving sibling since I am my grandma caregiver I was very scared that my grandma could get sick and depressed. I also was worried about my mom who was very close to my aunt. Sadly years ago my grandmother suffered a stroke that affected her short term memory so there are times she remembers her sister is gone and times she thinks her sister is still alive. With all the stress I was under it effected my health. After praying this novena I felt a sense of relief and felt peaceful. Yes I miss my aunt so much but I know she is in a better place were she is finally loved and doesn’t feel disowned by her children and grandchildren. Now I pray that my health will be restored so I can continue to take care of my grandma and mom.

  32. After struggling with pain, day and night after a kidney stone removal for several weeks; in which doctors could not find an explanation, I received complete healing, I’m pain free NOW thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ and praying the novena to St. Therese. Amen.

  33. My daughter has been struggling to finsh school and been redusing to go and even spoke of suicde . On Monday of this week we got news that she could finsh all her classes on line and perhaps even graduate in dec . She is now motivated to go to school and try ans finish. Thank you Jesus and St Therese

  34. I prayed for guidance in careers for both my son and daughter and a positive outcome to the sale of my husbands late fathers house (he passed away earlier this year) and positive outcome to our own house purchase. I repeatedly smelt flowers around the house and had none indoors and the rose bush outside started blooming again but, most importantly we had a surprise call from the solicitor to say that the house will be sold this Friday, our house purchase is moving along in a really positive way and most of all my son has announced that he now has a clearer idea of his future direction! ! We feel truly blessed and thank God for the Little Flower. I’m sure when I speak to my daughter in a few days I will also hear good news. Praise God :-)

  35. We have been praying for something special and God is granting our prayers! Thank you St. Therese and all the saints.

  36. Prayed for two very important intentions! Release of a stressful situation my husband was suffering with career and financially! Husband was found at home early morning unresponsive and the worst was presumed. After anointing and prayer with loved ones surrounding him in the emergency room he suddenly started to improve. Over time tests came out normal and he will be receiving excellent care which will help him cope better. Family and friends rushing to his side to assist him in countless ways! St. Therese is the best!!!! The other intention will soon follow with Gods abundant blessings and love!

  37. One of the things I prayed for was a better car than I had(it was 20yrs old). My friend, whose car is only 14 yrs old, gave me her old car. She got new one. This car is so well kept, it feels like a new one to me. My other petition didn’t come thru but I believe it will happen for me.

  38. My daughter had been in an relationship with a man who demonstrated true sociopathic behavior. I prayed for her safety and for something to intercede preventing this relationship from continuing. On the final day of my novena to St. Therese, he ended their relationship. Thank you St. Therese for hearing my prayers. Not only did she come home but she is now in the process of healing from the psychological damage he has done to her.

  39. Dearest St. Therese;

    Thank you for answering my prayers; when my husband went to court today, the unfair charges my neighbor brought against him charges were all dismissed. Thank you for answering our prayers and helping us out if a bad and unjust situation. Amen,

  40. I had been praying my last two novenas for the same intention. However my mom had been praying the same two novenas for me for a different intention. Her intention was answered! I have been unemployed for almost a year and I landed an interview on St Theresa’s feast day. This week I was officially hired for the job. I have truly learned that prayers are answered in Gods time!

  41. I prayed for my husband to find a job that was emotional rewarding and satisfying to him and helped to me our family’s needs. He has a interview tomorrow for a position he is excited about! Praise God.

  42. My husband and I have been having serious problems that I even considered separation but we have 4 kids and we both said this novena and things has gotten so much better than its has been for the past 2 years. I believe that God has answered our prayers through the intercession of St Therese. I am ever grateful to him for always seeing me through any difficulty.

  43. I had been praying that my daughter’s work transfer would take place soon. There has been a lot of nastiness and turmoil involved and no definite times mentioned. The last day of the novena, she was given her transfer date – and it is soon. Thank you, God, thank you, St. Therese!

  44. I prayed and asked God to help me through the intercession of St. Therese of Liseux to get a job. After praying that novena I got a part time job. Please thank you guys for praying for me and sharing this novena with me. Glory be to God. Amen.

  45. My sister and I prayed the novena to St. Therese for healing of a wound I have had for months PTL. God is good!

  46. I prayed that my son would meet a nice girl to date. He has now been dating for a few weeks! Thank you very much St Therese

  47. I had prayed 2 intentions during the St. Therese Novena. The first was for a sensitive issue with a friend, and the second is that I may conceive a healthy baby (I have had two consecutive miscarriages within the past 10 months). Not knowing I was praying this novena, two friends of mine sent me some flowers and I received them on the last day of the novena. Within the bouquet were exactly 2 roses. While it is still too early for me to try and get pregnant again, and the issue with the friend is something that will take time, I felt comforted that my prayers were heard via this “Godwink” from St. Therese and Jesus!

  48. I asked St. Therese to help with some very deep and difficult problems in our marriage. On the ninth day of novena, problematic walls came down and communication opened up. We both can breath and see things much clearer. I also received a beautiful bouquet of roses that evening. Thank You Lord!

  49. I prayed to St. Therese for greater strength in fighting obsessive waves of thought which cause me to feel evil and damned. I suffered since childhood until I.was diagnosed with bi-polar at the age of 64. Now I am closer to Jesus and feel a blanket of loving warmth. Thank you, St. Therese!

  50. My daughter (who wanted to be a Nun almost all her life) stopped going to Mass about 8 yrs ago and 4 yrs ago she married a Baptist man…they now have 2 children a 2 1/2 yr son and a 7 mt old daughter…who are not baptised. I prayed so hard for her to come back to her faith and about 2 mts ago she started going to other religions looking for a “Chruch to fit her Family”…her words…this really broke my heart and I prayed this Novena and on the 8th day she took her children to Mass and has been going to Daily Mass!!! She also went talk to a Priest about blessing her Marriage…THANK YOU St. Theresa!!!!

  51. There is a change going on at my working place with people being made redundant or being offered a salary cut if they wanted to stay on. I prayed to God to let his will be done in my life and career and last week Friday I was told I had been given a bigger role. God is really good

  52. Thanks to the intercession of St. Therese, I saw and hugged my daughter Theresa (named after the little flower), after 5 years of misunderstandings. Thanks to the prayers, and the novena, I was ready to ask for forgiveness for what I had done and for what I had failed to do. She open her home and her heart to me and my husband on October 1st the memorial of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. One of my favorites saints!!!! Thank you so much for this great miracle of love.

  53. I prayed to have a job and it was granted. My aunt told me to pray St. Therese novena and ask for petals of roses as a sign. Oct. 1, we are about to drop our daughter from school when one of the elevator from our apartment opened we saw three red petals of roses on the floor. That same day somebody called and told me i got the job. Thank you so much! God bless everyone!

  54. I prayed for my son to find a job. He was offered a substitute teaching job 4 days a week. Thank you Saint Therese.

  55. Thank you little flower for your intercession. I prayed this Novena faithfuly as i have been doing since a year. My sister got a new job on 1 oct after she quit her old job. And i got transfered at my workplace to more responsibilities Indeed, Prayers work. I will continue praying Novenas @ sharing them to my contacts!.

  56. I prayed that my daughter would get my 5 yr. old granddaughter baptized. She has now decided to get her baptized after being so indifferent to this. I am beyond grateful and happy. Thank you St. Therese!

  57. Through the intercession of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (my santos nga sangay) one of my prayers was answered. I prayed that my husband’s reimbursement from travel expenses will be paid off to free us from financial burdens. And it did after 5days I finished the novena. It’s not kind’a late though because we did not expect it to happen that soon. Thank you St. Therese and to those who prayed for me too. Looking forward on our next community novena prayers. Thank you and God bless…

  58. My husband and I prayed that our son have a successful LTO. To date he has been doing wonderfully. On the feast of St. Terese, my mom found and returned to me, a prayer card that my kindergarten teacher had given me over 50 years ago! Two years ago St. Terese interceded on my son’s behalf so he could have a successful spinal fusion. Two years later, he is strong and healthy. Praise be to God, our Lord and Saviour!

  59. Been praying that my oldest daughter would get a permanent job as she’s been working as a temp. She was offered the permanent full time position. She also found an apartment that was within her budget! Thank you St. Theresa.

  60. I thought my prayers had not been answered: for the healing of my family, then in the middle of the novena I had surgery and was not able to complete the novena. I began to read today the prayers answered from St Teresa and was sad because I felt my prayers were not answered.
    Then I realized that on the feast of St Teresa, my sisters who had not talked to me in months came in with a a bouquet of flowers! and now healing has began.
    Thank you St Teresa and thank you Heavenly Father for giving us such a great saint

  61. I had been praying for my friend’s daughter whose father was opposing her forth coming marriage because the man was from another ethnic group. On the feast of St. Theresa she told me that her father had now given her consent to the proposed marriage.

  62. I have been praying to God through the intercesions of the saints requesting God for a miraculous healing upon my health and that of my sister. I went for my regular check-ups and for the first time in a period of more than one year, my blood pressure read normal. 120/80. Iam so excited, I can,t thank God enough. Iam still trusting God for many more works upon my life and that of my sister. I will continue to testify. Thank you st. Theresa, st. Monica, st Philomena and all the host of saints. Whose intercession i,v always called upon. And for all those that prayed with and for me, God will surely hear us all. Thank you.

  63. During this novena i prayed for my son’s success in his 11 plus exams. One result came today and he passed, more results are coming and I am confident that he will pass all the others through the interesection of St Therese. Thank you Jesus

  64. My fiancé ha been so financially challenged, I attempted to remedy the situation by giving him money to start buying and selling cars, so he could make ends meet from his profits. He has two cars standing for a long time with no buyer coming forth. On the last day of the St Therese novena, he told me one car has been bought, and he now getting a similar car which the buyer demanded, and I know this is just the beginning of many answered prayers. Thank you dear St Therese for for presenting my plea and many others before God. Please, get my fiancé into the Catholic Church. I believe you have done it already thank you well in advance,

  65. I asked st. Therese to intercede for my sick brother. My brother has so much improved and is able to eat some food. I believe that his complete healing will come gradually. Thank you st. Therese. Thank you John Paul & Anne I really feel closer to God through these novena prayers.

  66. In the beginning of this Novena I started in with my normal daily life. In the middle, we had a huge family event take place that was a total negative among us all. All the while, I continued the Novena and really have dug deep to connect within my prayers about our incident. Now that it is over, I am reluctantly reporting that my husband is now 11 days sober. This is still a very sensitive issue and I’m scared to death, but I only take things 1 days at a time and a step at a time in between. Please pray for us!

  67. My daughter has been looking for full time work for a year. After interviewing for a job, she got an email that she will be called back for a 2nd interview in January. So we are hopeful and thankful that she made the 1st cut. Thank you St. Theresa!

  68. thank you st therese for your intercession my son and his wife are now back together after their seperation please pray for their happiness thank you

  69. We prayed for my elderly mother-in-law to return home after poor post-hip-surgery rehab and a subsequent trip to the hospital ICU. She was finally transported back to her own place on October 1st. There was a bouquet of flowers (including some pink roses) waiting for her. She is finally beginning to eat and become more alert. :)

  70. I was praying for over 10 months for a good job for my college graduate daughter who’s birthday is St. Therese’s feast day. I have done lots of novenas and have had many people pray for her. St. Therese was the kicker – two days before the feast day she got an amazing job offer and on her birthday day and the feast day she accepted this great job and received a beautiful bouquet of flowers with three roses. Thank you dear St. Therese!!!

  71. Please St. Therese pray for me please in the name of our God Jesus heal and protect me from Prostate Cancer and Stoamch infection which I have been suffering for long period . Thank you everyone who is praying for me may God bless you.

  72. I started the novena to St Theresa. She is known to shower down roses on those who invoke her. The very next morning after praying the novena for the 2nd day I went to church. I was praying before Mass and a visitor came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and she gave me a beautiful bunch of red roses. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I thought I was dreaming! I nearly burst into tears! What an amazing sign from St Theresa that she heard my prayers! I am in awe! I told the visitor that I had just started a novena to St Theresa. The next time I saw her at Mass, she gave me a St Theresa rosary and a pretty candle holder with her picture on it. I feel that St Theresa blessed me with a greater understanding of her path of simplicity and child-like trust, and hopefully imparted more child-like trust in God to me.

  73. I have prayed this novena hoping my son will study hard in his high school preparing a good result for the last two years entering university. Thanks St. Theresa to pray for us that I really see his change to study hard for the test and put aside his online game, and achieved excellent result.

  74. Praise be to The Holy Trinity.
    Thank you St. Therese for your intercession. My youngest son who so desperately needed your prayers in directing him towards a path, Is being shown and led in ways only Mercy and Grace can do.

  75. Praise God,

    So I stayed true to st therese novena, had read her book story of a soul and was moved by the kind of love she had for God… so I started to pray for God’s love and lo and behold I started to feel the love of God in my heart that when I started out on my stations of the cross I could imagine the passion of Christ when I got to the third station I was lost in the picture for a moment and afterwards when I got home doing my dishes I began to cry asking God to open the heart of the young people to accept His love for them…. I’m so grateful I thank st Therese for her powerful intercession and I also got a rose…. all thanks to God

  76. I am greatful because God answered my prayers.I tried many times to do my theory test and I got it just one day after finishing this novena.

    God is good.

  77. I said the novena for my two sons to have a better relationship. The day after the novena finished, they were at my house. They went to run an errand together and later that day my son text me to say that it was really nice talking to his brother!!

  78. I am so happy to read about your answered prayers . I pray for all and your intentions. As I do I ask for our beloved Saints and Lord that my daughter will meet a wonderful man to become her husband Amen

  79. I prayed for financial blessings for my family and blessings are coming in!! Thanks St.Therese and please keep praying for us!!

  80. My nephew was involved in a terrible car rendering him a quadriplegic. My brother has the job of taking care if him. I prayed that the saint of little things would help them bare all there daily tasks with a greater love for one another. On my last weekly visit, I heard them speak to each other with tenderness. I thank you fir prayers answered.

  81. On the Feast of St. Therese my roses in the front yard absolutely burts open with the most beautiful blooms of the year. They have been lackluster all summer…just waiting to show their radiance on the the feast of The Little Flower. I was able to cut two and send them with my two oldest daughters down the street to a neighbor who is named after St. Therese. It was a lovely experience for my little girls and I think my neighbor was touched. Thank for opening your radiant blooms for us to see St. Therese.

  82. I have been praying CONTINUOUSLY for a year. I knew the Lord would answer my prayers. I know now I will not suffer the abuse any more. Thank you Lord. Praise be to God. My guardian Angel and I will make it now. Have faith, God will not forget you.

  83. I prayed during the St Therese novena for a new closer to my house and on the eighth day of the novena I got a job offer. Thank you St Therese, Thank you Lord.

  84. I prayed to Saint Therese for a job I had applied for 4 months ago that I really wanted but didn’t get an answer to. I prayed for a white rose for this great job. When I went to church I saw a white rose next to the statue of Saint Therese. On the last day of the novena I got an email with an offer for the job I waited so long to hear about. It is a great relief since I desperately needed the job and income now. My prayer was answered with the offer on the last day of the novena with the white rose I requested, just a miracle! Thank you Saint Therese for prayers answered! Karen

  85. I have parted the last 2 novenas for help in my marriage. After the first one my husband started to open up to me about what the issues are. One week after this novena he stated he does not want to leave and wants to put this family back together again.

  86. My prayer was answered on the 1st day of the novena! My papers were acknowledged by Homeland Security and I am just awaiting my Biometrics appointment. God is awesome! Thank you St. Therese for the intercession!

  87. I have prayed for over a year now that my mom will be diagnosed properly with her mental illness. Half way through the novena she ended up in the hospital and first thing in the morning on St. Therese’s feast day I saw paperwork on the counter with her diagnosis. It is definitely a step in the right direction for my mom’s healing and proper treatment as well as a closer relationship with her. I feel really blessed!

  88. I thanks st therese for helping mi out in my marriage I now have peace in my marriage and love. That’s exactly my request even though I didn’t finish the novena but God answered my prayers

  89. God is good.

    On the second day of St. Therese novena, I got a job I was longing for.

    Thank you God.

  90. Me&my fiancé have been praying our pray more novenas constantly we have both been praying for help& guidance in employment! My fiancé is currently unemployed & I am in an unsteady job. But thankfully this week we both received word to come for interviews in jobs we want next week:-) so thank you for the prayers and we will keep praying xx

  91. Thanksgiving to St. Therese for her intercessory prayers. Apprehensive about my visit with Dietitian and Nurse concerning sugar levels. Visit went excellent.

  92. I have been praying for my daughter who is not doing well in her studies. By the end of the novena she s ired very good marks in her exams. Thanks be to God. St. Theresa thank you and keep praying for her to succeed in her final exams which are due next month. Amen.

  93. I was given the beautiful spiritual bouquet of a free trip to a retreat/conference for my profession in Philadelphia! Thank you St. Therese, Jesus and the doctors who selflessly funded me to make it to this year’s Catholic Medical Association conference! I got to go to mass everyday, and I was able to be surrounded and supported by professionals who share my pro-life beliefs.