Answered Prayers from the St. Peregrine Novena, 2021

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Thank you so much in joining us for praying the St. Peregrine Novena!
We will continue to pray for you & your intentions. The Lord is with you and we ask Him to bring you comfort and healing.

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below.

We’re praying for you every day.

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  1. I have been praying for my son Steve who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Then this Nivena came in my e mail so I started praying that too. Well Stevevwas suppose to start chemo this last week, but when he went tinted oncologists she said his red and white cells were looking good so she would hold off starting the chemo !! My son was so elated !! Thank you Jesus !! Now I am hoping the news continues to get more promising as we go along !! Praise God !

  2. I had colon cancer and did a surgery in December.recovered and was stage 1 all my lymph nodes were negative Praise the lord!I was praying to St.Peregrine every day and wearing a medal too. I Thank you all for prayers 🙏
    I need more prayers now my reports found I have a lung cancer too.need to go for Surgery please keep me in prayers and I am continuing praying to St .Peregrine too🙏
    I thank you Jesus
    God bless you all 🙏❤️

  3. I want to say thank you for praying for me. My test for my tumor marker, my lungs and liver are all ok and my tumor marker is back to normal. God is wonderful in deed. Thank you

  4. Please pray for me and the journey l’m taking. Also pray for my love one’s and everyone else who’s suffering.

  5. I have been praying for my grandniece and she is showing signs of recovery. Two weeks ago they told us there is nothing more that can be done. Yesterday I heard they are starting new treatments on her because she is showing positive signs. Thank you Lord! Thank you Dt Peregrine and all the saints who I have prayed to for their intercession. Thank you to all who have prayed with me and for my grandniece.

  6. My brother had triple bypass surgery 2 weeks ago and had too many complications to count, leaving him on a ventilator, unresponsive and in critical condition. Thanks to this prayer as well as prayers to Saints Therese, Jude, Rita, Padre Pio, John, Joseph, Martha and Anthony, he is awake, talking, doing PT and has now been moved from ICU to the cardiac floor. THANK YOU FOR THE PRAYERS. The power of prayer continues to amaze me. God bless all of you in your intentions.

  7. While struggling with COVID, my colitis went into remission. Many prayers from people have helped me and were answered.

  8. For my daughter, Crystal Johnson, who has retina detachment on her 1 eye. Pray for healing to that eye or at least the stability of her eyesight condition, that her eye condition will stay status quo and not worsen anymore. Also for her total recovery and normalcy of her neck condition due to a bad accident in the middle of last year. Thank you.

  9. We prayed that Jay’s cancer would be healed and our prayers were answered. Every test has come back negative! Thank you, St Peregrine, on Jay’s behalf. And, thank you, Lord God, for hearing and answering our prayers!

  10. The pet scan results show that my husband’s tumor in his lung is gone. He is in remission after much Chemo and radiation treatments. MRI will be performed next month to make the brain is still clear. We found out this good news last week while saying this novena. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME ✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏

  11. I realize that this is not physical healing but I’d like to thank God through St. Perigrine that the healing of our nation, the United States, has begun with President Joe Biden. I pray that President Biden listens and follows God’s wisdom, compassion and guidance.

  12. My brother has been in the ICU with Covid and suffered a stroke as well. We really hadn’t had much good news since he went into the hospital almost two months ago. However, for the last eight days he has been making a lot of progress!! Thank you St. Peregrine for your intercession! Thank you Jesus. Please continue to pray for Randy. He has a long road ahead of him. Please pray for his physical healing and that mentally he is able to stay strong and encouraged throughout his rehabilitation. All of your prayers are very much appreciated.

  13. I thank God today that I was tested negative for COVID 19 and am feeling better after 3 days of dizziness!!!! Praise God!!!

  14. Please pray for Rosalba. Young lady who is having surgery due to colon cancer. Thank you and God bless you all.

  15. Glory to God and for St. Peregrine, our Mother Mary and all saints in heaven!! My sister in law, Ana, is beating some huge odds in fighting Covid!

  16. God always helps me when I get in a stressful situation. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide my daily actions and words. I still mess up too many times with my words, like I did last week. God has protected me from my mistake. All praise honor and glory to God, King of kings, Lord of lords, Creator of all things, my creator.

  17. During this novena, I prayed for healing of a growth in my mouth and for God to restore my marriage. This growth in my mouth is becoming less painful and my husband is willing to discuss with me now. Thanks to St Peregine for answered prayers.

  18. Thanks to your prayers my friend Tony has come through more chemo, removing many liters of fluid from his lungs, stents for 3 blocked arteries in his heart. His attitude remains strong through it all and he looks better than he did 2 weeks ago. Please keep praying. The cancer is responding to chemo but now he needs a major heart valve replacement surgery. Pray, please, for his ongoing treatments, his sense of humor to not desert him, and for his family support system.

  19. So very grateful to God! We found out yesterday that my husband has a “fighting chance” Praying that God continues to bless him and that the therapies and treatments help rid him of this disease- and that his life gives glory to God’s love and mercy!

  20. Praise God That He revealed to me the real cancer underneath the physical cancer and freed me from a life long emotional wound. I am so much more free and as far as my present cancer, Gods will be done. Thank you for your ministry.

  21. All praise and glory to Our Lord Jesus for getting me through Covid and helping diagnosis another illness after medical tests. Many thanks to St. Peregrine for his intercession.

  22. My friend and neighbor has recovered from COVID after 3 weeks in the hospital. Thank you for your prayers.

  23. My friend had surgery to remove cancer, it was found early and she does not require any other treatment. Praise God!

  24. I prayed this Novena for 2 young girls and 2 mothers all with cancer. One 12 year old had a brain tumor that was considered 100% fatal. With chemo and God’s healing hand the tumor has disappeared and her prognosis of it returning is down to 67% but I believe God has a plan for her life.

  25. Thank you St Peregrine for prayers answered. My Granddaughter’s
    husband has been battling chronic myeloma leukemia for quite a while know and we just found out this week that he is in clinical remission. That type of cancer is never actually gone but if his numbers stay down they can reduce his medicine. So I will continue to pray that it stays like that or by God’s will, will be gone forever.
    Thank you for all who prayed for all of us.

  26. i have a cousin who has struggled for a long time with her cancer…i prayed to st peregine to ask the Lord for a healing or to subside her suffering so, and yesterday heard thru a friend that she has found a med that significantly eased her pain, so PRAISE GOD!!!!

  27. What they thought was Ewing sarcoma on my 11 yr old niece leg was instead osteomyelitis still serious by not cancer praise the Lord Jesus Christ! Continued prayers appreciate

  28. My sister-in-law’s 3-month check-up was hopeful. Thank you, St. Peregrine!! Please give her continued good health.

  29. I have been praying to St. Peregrine ever since my 4 yr old son Marty Brogan was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. This novena came at a great time because Marty had routine scans on Monday. Yesterday we found out that Marty is officially 3 years cancer free. We are so thankful to Our Lord, to St. Peregrine and all the Saint and Angels.

  30. After praying that my son in law return to Mass regularly,he has begun to watch Sunday Mass from their local church with my daughter.I am still praying for the grandkids and my son,that this terrible time leads them back to the Church.Thank You.

  31. Throughout this week my mother’s health reports have shown small and good signs of regaining strength. Each day our family hears of healthy baby steps following her miracle surgery at age 94.

  32. For my sister n law Sue who’s cancer has returned please heal her oh Lord. For Cooper who has brain cancer please heal oh Lord.

  33. 🙌🏼We still have a roof over our heads
    🙌🏼We are all in good health
    🙌🏼My faith is still strong within me

  34. Lyndsey is surviving COVID. She has been taken off ECHMO and getting weaned from the ventilator. Continue to heal this beautiful girl. Thank you God for your healing.

  35. Someone special to me
    Has suffered from severe depression all her life. I offered up my novena for her and some of her depression was lifted temporarily.

  36. During this novena I prayed for my daughter who is pregnant but who has lupus. She is doing fine and has experienced a noted lack of pain and discomfort during the time of the novena. Thank you for all that you are doing.

  37. My friend just had a CAT scan which shows her Stage 4 cancer has not grown in size or metastasized. She herself, who also prayed this novena, has said she considers this a “minor miracle”! Thank you St. Peregrine, those praying this novena and you, Lord Jesus.

  38. Thank you St Peregrine
    My friend’s daughter is coming home from the hospital after very serious complications from cancer. My son has cancer and St Peregrine and God support us every day. May both A and E continue to feel God’s mercy and live long, healthy lives. I am full of gratitude

  39. For a friend who went in to surgery with a brain tumor and Drs were suspecting cancer…The tumor was benign and he is doing well.
    Thank you St Peregrine!

  40. Our family has been riddled with cancer….In 2017 I lost my sister 11 weeks later I lost my brother…..2018 I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer…..2019 lost my youngest brother to bowel cancer….. Febuary 2020 my daughter was diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma and later the same year my brother in law discovered he has a glioblastoma….. this is when I started doing the novenas.
    The good news is my daughter is slowly recovering although still has some facial paralysis and my brother in law was just told yesterday that the very aggresive tumour has not grown since the last scan…..and me…..I’m doing fine….prayers definately work……..

  41. My brother’s melanoma biopsy’s (14 lymph nodes, parotid gland and original melanoma spot) were are all free and clear of all malignancy. This Novena arrived in my inbox the day of his surgery. I didn’t sign up for it. I’ve prayed for St. Peregrine’s intercessory prayer over the past several years for many suffering from cancer. How do I thank God enough for all His blessings and St. Peregrine for all his intercessory prayers for my brother? All glory, honor and praise to God for freeing my brother of cancer.

  42. Please pray for physical and mental health for my family. A successful surgery for my mom. And family health and unity.

  43. Neal’s miraculous news after having an unchecked PSA that was runaway! No metastasis on scan🙏🏻🙏🏻💗positive outlook/ outcome for him his family and friends in 🇨🇦

  44. Thank you for the novena.
    During the course of our prayers, I received good news that there is no cancer in my nodes. That is an answered prayers for sure.
    Thank you, St. Peregrine.

    Can I continue to pray the novena for friends who have cancer?


  45. I thought I first I had no special “cancer” intention to pray for. On Day 3 I remembered “Sheila”, who our Sunday Community had earlier asked us to pray for, she sounded near death. Shared you and the novena link with them, and they are now uniting individually at 7 pm to pray for her and for the next 12 (?) days.

    A much more “taking up” than I would have thought, and Sheila has been “stable” for the last month, and she read it too and they thanked us, so maybe SHE is doing your novena with us. :)


  46. Just got results of my breast biopsy last night. Benign! No Cancer! I am so grateful for these results. GOD IS GREAT!!

  47. For all Doctors, nurses and all those in the medical field who have studied and worked and continue to do both in order to help all their patients with their medical issues. May the most Holy Trinity in the person of Jesus Christ, the greatest healer for all, be with them and continue to grant them with calmness of spirit, steady hands, and trusting hearts when caring for each of their patients.

  48. In the first day of this novena, my (lukewarm to non existent to faith)son texted me and told me his GF mother’s cancer came back and maybe worse than before. Could I please pray for her and have our church prayer chain pray for her. (St. Peregrine was already at work)
    I told him ( not so ironically) that today happens to be the first day of the novena to st. Peregrine, patron saint of cancer victims.
    He asked me to forward the novena and all subsequent days! He has prayed each day and looks forward to his part in helping his GF mother through the intercession of St. Peregrine to be healed, body mind and soul. His GF mother is Buddhist! I look at his coming back to faith as the first miracle in this healing process

  49. My sister had this awful cough for so long and now it is getting better. Thanks to praying this Novena for her . Thank you

  50. My friend’s daughter was told she had cancer of the pancreas from what they could see on her tests. They did a biopsy and now say that it isn’t cancer. She will still need surgery, but she will be okay. She’s only 39 years old with 2 autistic children…one 3 and one 5 years old. Thank you đź’“.

  51. A cousin had surgery for uterine cancer …she just got her test results back and was told that ALL the cancer was removed and it had not spread to her lymph nodes. She does not need any further treatment Thank you, Jesus.

  52. I prayed this novena for a friend that her biopsy came back negative for breast cancer and it came back negative. Thank you thank you St. Peregrine for you intercession to our good Lord for Trish.

  53. Need continued healing daily to press thru food issues. I beg. Help me Jesus get myself off my mind. Total healing 101.5. Surrender your will Jesus. I trust I believe. Thank u.

  54. I asked that I get my surgery date this was a novena I did in nov I got a date and had the surgery all is well just I need prayers so I can keep loosing the weight so my health can improve

  55. Continued prayers for my brother that was diagnosed with kidney cancer. He went to the dr and the treatments are very promising. Thank u lord

  56. Thank you Saint Peregrine for praying for us and passing the massage to our Lord
    My family had contracted Covid 19 infection they are all recovering. Thank you please keep praying for us

  57. I am in the UK and I prayed the St Peregrine Novena for 2 elderly friends who were close to death with cancer. I also prayed because we have something in the UK called a “Do not Resuscitate” notice that Drs ask elderly/sick people to sign (which in theory you can refuse) but they can over rule it if it’s in the patients “best interests”. There is a whole pro life movement here against these as there have been issues of treatment, even fluids and food being denied. Also Covid patients have had blanket DNR’s placed on them in Nursing Homes without their knowledge and residents with Covid were not taken to hospital or treated and many died.
    Friend A was in a hospice as her cancer had accelerated quickly and she was on morphine. On Day 3 of the Novena her son came to tell us a visiting oncologist tending another patient overheard a conversation about A’s pain and intervened as he did not think her pain was behaving like cancer pain. He sent A fit scans and discovered 2 things, A’s cancer was stable but she had a broken hip, she was not dying. A has had surgery and will return home soon. The Dr told her son if he had not intervened his Mother would have died from the Morphine within 48 hours. Thankyou St Peregrine.
    Friend B has stage 4 cancer in the liver and oesophagus and also has kidney dialysis 3,times a week. On Day 4 of the Novena, Friend B had a cardiac arrest during dialysis but against all the DNR nonsense they did resuscitate him and currently he is recovering on the ward and able to walk about. Thankyou St Peregrine. I’ve learned about the goodness and mercy of God and that Friends A and B will leave this world when God calls them and not before.

  58. I was scheduled for stereotactic radio surgery of the brain on the 13th January and fulfilled the requirements including the Covid test (negative result.) But the day before my procedure, at the zoom meeting where my doctors were supposed to explain the procedure to me, I was informed that the MRI results revealed that the lesions have decreased in size so they were cancelling the procedure for now and to have a repeat MRI in April to see if the lesions resolve or further decrease in size. St. Peregrine pray for us🙏 Thank you St. Peregrine.

  59. St. Peregrine, I’ve prayed this novena, in hope & faith, I will receive my last dose of chemotherapy next week for non-hodgkin’s lymphoma. I pray that all disease is gone. I also have mentioned a few others who have cancer in my prayers, my aunt who begins treatment in February and my uncle who has just finished his radiation therapy. Also a young girl Naomi with a brain tumour who is having on going treatment and a friend who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, also a work colleague & fellow nurse also with breast cancer. Please please intercede for us all, if it is God’s will, let us be cured. Thank you St.Peregrine
    Sabrina Bernadette Kelly

  60. Thank you.St.Peregrine. I was very sick at the start of this novena.But to the Glory of God I am much much better and getting stronger by the day.I also just received my test result today I am Covid negative. No Covid .Praise God thank you St Peregrine.

  61. My dear friend Ann whom I have been praying to St Peregrine for since her diagnosis of stage four cancer and whom I did this Novena for had some good news yesterday ,her main tumour has decreased by 20%and some lymph nodes have completely gone,so ar present her treatment is working .A special Thankyou to St Peregrine and all who prayed this Novena .
    We shall be continuing to pray .
    Amen .

  62. I am grateful for the gift of life. Grateful for everyday miracle. Grateful for forgiveness. Grateful for mercies received. Grateful for my upcoming wedding especially the gift of a good and virtuous woman. Grateful for the gift of family and friends. Grateful to know and serve a living God.

  63. I recently got Covid 19 just then this novena came in and my request was for healing for me and God’s protection of my family. In God’s infinite mercies, I am healed of covid and all symptoms gone. Indeed PRAYER is the KEY.

  64. My dad has been unable to walk properly for nearly 15 years now and lately, even more difficult due to his age. My siblings and I have been trying to get him to accept physiotherapist help but he would always make up excuses why he thinks it’s he shouldn’t. I have been praying for his physical healing amongst others since I joined this novena and to the glory of God, my brother called that he is now willing to work with a therapist which I believe will help him to live a more independent life and will be a step to recovery. Thank you Lord 🙏. St Peregrine, thank you for your intercession. May God perfect his healing in Jesus mighty name, amen 🙏. My thanks also goes to all the faithful members of the praymorenovena group, let’s keep faith always!

  65. I was diagnosed with cancer in January 2019. I have been praying for miraculous healing of St Peregrine and to the glory of God, I had successfully completed chemotherapy and radiography. Just last week, I went for a PET scan and it came out negative, no traces whatsoever. I give God all the glory. I thank you all the praymorenovena family. God bless you real good. Thank you

  66. Thank you Lord for my mother and father’s test results came back negative and everyone who prayed for them.

  67. On day 1 of the Novena to St. Peregrine a friend asked me to Pray for a relative of theirs as they were due to get the results of tests following 1st round of treatment for Cancer. They phoned a few days later. The tumour has shrunk. A long way still to go but a start.
    Thank you to the Holy Spirit for prompting me to start this Novena.

  68. St peregrine plz pray for the heal ness of my eyes they are squint from birth I’m having Bad time looking. Plz heal them completely. I’m waiting for ur+ve response. Plz heal pimples on my face dark spots dark circles plz pray for me. Plz pray for heal ness of my cyst. Plz pray for me&my fiance & our families. I love you Jesus thank you Jesus praise you Jesus. Mother Mary pray for us all the angels and saints plz peat for us amen

  69. Thank you Lord,
    My cousin has been in ICU with Covid, we though we had lost him.
    With lots of prayers, he has not out of ICU and recovering.

    Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord almighty,
    Thank you St. Peregrine for Interceding for us.

    God Bless.

  70. We are thankful that my soreness and lower leg pain has reduced slightly over the week. The large ulcer has slightly tightened up .We are pleased with some progress.
    We were advised today that the mole on Lynette’s face is not malignant , for that we are very grateful.
    For all of the above we are most grateful
    We give thanks
    Neville and Lynette..

  71. The Lord called home a family friend on the morning of January 20th, a heavenly healing. Thank you for the heavenly healing.

  72. I am very grateful to God. My daughter, Janet met someone who loves her and is planning to marry her. Thank you all for praying with me.

  73. I have been praying Novena with you all asking God for a job. I got a job in November, 2020. Thank you Jesus
    I am asking God is give me another job and help my husband to get more contract, bring peace and harmony in my home, love, happiness, joy, bless my children – Amarachi, Chizaram and Kenechukwu.
    Bless Chinedu, Okwuchukwu, Obinna, Onyeka, Nkem, Ngozi, Oby and Vivian.

    Thank you Jesus

  74. My sister in law Catherine has spine cancer. My prayers have been answered as we received news her tumour has shunk by half. Thank you lord.

  75. Hi,

    Dear Jesus, Mary and St. Peregrine please heal my Father who is sick now due to liver problem. Please touch him and and extend his life more more years. Help him to recover from the sickness.

    Also, give good health to my mother who is taking good care of him. Give her more energy and strength. Keep them safe and away from covid.

    Finally, please end this pandemic and heal those infected.

    These all I ask thru God Jesus Christ, Mother Mary and Saint Peregrine.

    Thank you.

  76. Please pray for my daughter to be blessed with a husband and family. Please pray for the healing of Rhonda, George and Joseph thank you God bless✝️🙏

  77. I have a prayer request, please help me.

    1. When I read the Bible I fall asleep.I want to be more hunger for God’s word.
    2. Sometimes when Iam praying I fall asleep.

  78. Dear Jesus, Mary and St. Peregrine, please heal and protect my family and I. Please Bless us 🙏 Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Please heal us of fibromyalgia, parathyroid and kidney disease, diabetes, heart, cancer, depression, anxiety and colon problems.

    Please heal our fractured Nation, and help all people understand the evils of abortion.

    Please help my husband find a new job in another department.

    Please help our son with his anxiety and help him find employment with God 🙏 loving people.

    Thank you Jesus, Mary and St. Peregrine.