Answered Prayers from the St. Joseph, Husband of Mary Novena, 2016

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St. Joseph NovenaThank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Joseph, Husband of Mary Novena!

As this novena comes to a close, if you’ve experienced any answered prayers, please share them with us all below!

If you haven’t, please don’t give up hope. We’re praying for you, and Jesus is very close to you as you suffer.

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  1. I have had several prayers while praying this novena…one for my son to fid the right internship…this prayer was granted, as he was 1 of 110 applicants for 3 positions and he got the job, one prayer for my son who struggled in school and has now turned the school year around and made first honors, and especially for a dear friend who will be married April 30th and recently found out she had colon cancer. I have an amazing peace about this and feel she is already healed in God’s time, and this will manifest soon here on earth. I have also continued to pray for my husband as he struggles with a very stressful job, but he is finding his way. Thank you, Lord for all these amazing gifts!

  2. I made this novena to Saint Joseph for my grandson to find a good job with good opportunities as he was out of a job for a few months and my prayers were answered,he now has a good job with opportunities for his future,so thank you so much dear Saint Joseph,you never let me down.I think everyone should pray to him for guidienc and help as he is very close to our Lord.
    Thank you too my beloved Jesus!!!

  3. I have been a devotee of St. Joseph for a few years now. He has helped me in one of the lowest points of my life. When I almost lost my license due to somebody else’s incompetency I started doing his novena and he helped me clear my name. Over the years, I try to do his novena everyday aside from my daily rosary (there are times though that I just cannot physically do it but I always go back and do it again). For 3 years too I asked for my son to be accepted by the RAF as it is his childhood dream to join but they keep telling him that he is overweight even though he has shed all his baby fats and he was already so skinny! In the end, we accepted that God’s plan is not for him to serve in the forces. At the moment, my son is still following his dreams of working with airplanes and with St. Joseph’s help I am confident that my son will achieve his goals.

  4. I sent a request for help on praying for a divine and secure job and at the same time be spared from being sacked on my current job, miraculously, I was spared even though I am not doing the same job that I am used to, THANK YOU FOR YOUR prayers. However I still need more prayers for that secure and better paying job to pay for my son to complete his university and to pay for my niece.

  5. My sister in-law has been sick for a year since last year April after loosing her unborn child, in July we lost our brother her husband and the sickness only got worse. she was in and out of hospital and her health was only getting worse. in February i prayed the novena and she is now fully healed. I will praise my God forever.

  6. Thank you St Joseph for answering my prayer for my daughter. On feast of St Joseph she met a lovely young man which we had prayed for. Praise be to God.

  7. I always pray that there will be peace in my family as my husband always has something to complain about, we can never do anything right in his eyes but since I prayed the St Joseph novena, he seems more peaceful and does not complain much. Thank you St Joseph, I hope this peace lasts for a long time.

  8. I prayed St. Joseph Novena for my daughter and her husband’s business, and she confirms that they have seen considerable openings for the business. They are able to pay for the house and to put food on the table. I am still confident that there will be more openings for them. St. Joseph did it for them and my daughter and I still talks to St. Joseph even now that the novena is over.

    The Divine Mercy novena opened a way for myself. I was praying the novena asking that I get a tenant for my apartment, and one man showed interest. Although we did not agree on some things, this is a sign that Divine Mercy Novena has started to line up interested people for the apartment. I am sure that as we continue to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet everyday, our Lord will send down his mercy upon us. Thank you for these novenas and may you be blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you again and again.

  9. My friend found affordable housing for her and her little 19 monto old little girl. Thanks be to St. Joseph’s prayers Our Father granted the place she really wanted and needed.

  10. My friend and I prayed this novena for her husband to get a job after being laid off from his previous employer.
    Last week he was hired and has started his new job!!

  11. During the St Joseph novena I was experiencing some difficulty at work -but I kept on praying the novena -then all of a sudden the problems literally disappeared and I did not have to go to the extreme measures I thought I might have to do to make the problem go away.
    God is so wonderful and I thank St Joseph for his divine intervention to help me so I could work in peace.

    Thank You Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I asked st Joseph to indeed for me so I could pass my exam and I did. Thanks,these novenas are wonderful.God bless you!

  13. I thank God for the answered prayer, for giving me another chance to stay in Canada, I only expected 1 year of valid work permit but God granted me 2 years this would be great opportunity for me to have a longer time to work on my permanent residency on the next coming months. My heartfelt thank you for the wonderful blessings.

  14. I have been praying for a reconciliation in our family and included that intention in my novena to St Joseph. I thank my patron saint’s intercession that i could now again feel the love for each other in our family again.

  15. I would lile to thank God for hearing my prayers…i prayed for many things among which was inner peace n joy…as i prayed the novena i hv experienced peace until nw and have faith God os working all things for my good…i pray that God answers all your prayers …thank you Jesus….

  16. I prayed to St. Joseph that my child will receive a sign that the company he wants to join will contact him for confirmation regarding his entry. The Director called him up to ensure him that the process is still ongoing. A sign that he just has to wait for some more time and that he is not being turned down or he would have been told outright.
    Thank you, St. Joseph for manifesting your help and support in my anxiety.

  17. I was praying to da lord through st .joseph that I get healed of six months illness,,and in the middle of it,,I was healed,,I thank God that favour

  18. I was praying st.Joseph novena and the last day of it a lady inboxed me informing me that my wife of ten years has been cheating with her husband.I confronted her and she gave in and I chose to forgive them Thex to God it was two weeks of bad quarrel but we are coming in terms and loving each other as before

  19. Thank you st Joseph for hearing my prayers for my husbands work situation. Thank you for his situation which is getting better. Thank you for hearing my prayers.

  20. I pray through St. Joseph to our Lord Jesus, that I would get a job to help my Husband pay our bills. Soon after this Novena was done I got a great job. Making great money to help my Husband pay our bills and more. Thank You Lord Jesus. Thank you St. Joseph. Through Jesus name I pray. I love you so much Lord Jesus. Amen.
    God bless al of you.
    Keep praying for your needs. Keep your faith. Our Lord Jesus listen.
    Thank you John Paul and Annie this Novenas have been a blessing to me.

  21. Our daughter overseas called that she was sick with a lot nausea, vomiting for no reason and could not eat.
    I was very worried that it could be a bad illness, l prayed the St .Joseph Novena and the following week she informed us that the illness was not serious and had gone.
    Thank you St Joseph.

  22. I have been praying for the conversion and love for each other and job for my children My youngest son got a job and whats more unbelievable thing that happened he right away went to church to thank the Lord. He got the news about his new job on the feast of the Divine Mercy. Thank you so much Our Lord of the Divine Mercy and to St. Joseph to whom i pray for my children to be a father to them and protect them together with St. Anthony Thank you again.

  23. I started praying with Pray More Novenas while my fiancé and I were several states apart and he was looking for a job in order to move to where I live. He had been looking for awhile while we were dating and wasn’t having much luck. After we got engaged, we wanted even more for him to be able to find something to move here and be settled before the wedding. He ended up moving here about a month ago without a job and we were prepared to work through the situation together for however long he may be out of work. Shortly after praying the St. Joesph Novena in March an incredible opportunity came along for him–almost out of the blue–and he landed the job. He starts working shortly after we get back from our honeymoon in a few weeks. What a huge blessing! When I looked back to see when I had actually joined Pray More Novenas, I realized that the St. Joseph Novena last March was my first novena. Many many prayers have been answered in his finding this job.

  24. I prayed for the sale of a property overseas as we have a lot of debt due to the crisis that happened in Europe. We managed to sell the property and everything went smoothly. We also managed to resolve a situation in connection with my husbands inheritance. This has really given me hope and so much relief. Thank you God for all that you have helped us through!

  25. I prayer both the St. Joseph Novena and also the divine mercy novena. I’m grateful to God for answering so many of my prayer. I passed my exam and also helped my clients find a home. Thank you Jesus

  26. I was praying for my father and my brother during the St Joseph Novena, both of whom are far from the Catholic Church: my father is not Catholic and my brother does not practice (as far as I’m aware). On Divine Mercy Sunday, a non-practicing Catholic friend of my parents visited them and wanted to go to Mass, so my dad went with them. It wasn’t until I read the other prayers that were answered that I realized that Christ is bringing my dad closer to Himself…but not only my dad! Other wayward children too! Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

  27. I had said many novena’s over the past year for trying to get pregnant. Over lent I really had to put all my faith in God, put aside the Internet and trust that everything would work out in Gods will. So I did that and prayed the rosary every night with my husband and said this novena. Towards the end of lent I ended up finding out that I was pregnant. Took me a year to finally trust in God. But hey I became stronger from this trial. God is so
    Good and it may seem like he doesn’t hear your prayers but he does. Sometimes the best thing to do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breath, and have faith that everything will work out for the best! Makes life a lot less stressful:)

  28. Thank you for the answered prayers of health and overcoming of chronic illness of two children I love dearly.

  29. Our daughter was laid off at her job I prayed toSt Joseph to help her find employment and she got a new job where she is very happy. Thank you God and dear St Joseph ! The name of the new church she will be attending is St Joseph the worker! Prayers are truly answered!

  30. I have a family member who was diagnosed with cancer. I prayed that he and his family would have a few more months of quality time. This week, the news that treatment was successful for now. I have never prayed a Novena before. I do believe!

  31. Thank you to St Joseph, St Jude, the Holy Spirit & the Blessed Mother. We prayed to all of you for an answer on our home & I still cannot believe how God has blessed us with an answer to our prayers. We didn’t think it was possible but God came through & did the impossible for us.!

  32. My husband and I have been trying to sell our home for a few months. We received word on April 6th that we had a buyer. Thank you St. Joseph for interceding for us.

  33. My grandson, after being in the picu for 2 weeks, got out just days after Easter. He is getting along fine. God is so GOOD!!
    My son, struggling with alcoholism for more than 2 years is on the road to recovery.

  34. Dear St Joseph, I have always gotten an answer to my prayers. After two years of prayers and hard work & lots of money spent, and taking advise that I often did not agree with, I have sold my house at a GREAT LOSS. I do not understand this at all, but I must leave it in your hands and in the Divine Will of God. Please help me understand and please help me have enough money to live out my life at 86 years. I am sad at this answer, but I accept it, as your answer and God’s Will. Amen.

  35. Please pray for us that we sell our home before it goes into foreclosure. I need the money to help pay for my daughters wedding this summer. We are having an open house this weekend.
    I pray we get a good offer to sell it. Thank you.

  36. My son and daughter-in-law have been unemployed since last August. I have been saying the Novenas to St Jude,St Joseph, Our Lady of Lourdes and Divine Mercy. I just received word today that my daughter-in-law Christine got a job. I will now prayinghanksgiving,and continue praying for Andrew. Prayers never fail. Thank you all for praying

  37. I was praying hard to land a job were my experience and expertise can be harnessed and recognised to the fullest. It was a long and difficult journey but I finally found what I want….a very supportive and kind hearted employer. God is Good!

  38. I have been constant with my novella prayers, and my wishes have come through. I thank all who prayed for my abnormal cell problem ,and my
    Results Are good. I thank god for my answered prayers and is looking forward for the novellas to come. Thank you.

  39. My prayer to St. Joseph for a smooth real estate deal has been partially answered. But I still say thank you to this wonderful Saint and ask him to stick with us. All praise to God!

  40. I prayed for my daughter to get an impossible admission into a very expensive school. She passed the exams and miraculously the fees are already paid. I prayed for our family debt to be paid off. It has started off well. I prayed for peace and it is happening in God’s own way

  41. My prayer was to receive summer employment that would fill in for the hours I currently have at a nearby school. As the school year entered spring, I was concerned about how I would make payments for the upcoming months of June-Aug. A wise person in my life, encouraged me to do my part and seek out assistance from the resources around me first. So by the time the novena began, I have already sought out family that could and would help me out financially. During the week of the novena, God provided many messages and opportunities for me, and with my mind open, I considered whether they were good for me or not. I was able to get a part-time job for the summer. Same pay as I currently have and possibly the same amount or close to the same number of hours. God is good! I prayed to St.
    Joseph during the week of he novena, but wasn’t able to get all the prayers in. Yet my prayers were heard and answered. I truly hope the new job works out.Prayer will help me with this next step.

  42. My prayer was for my Daughter to find a job close to home. Im so grateful she found a job 16 minutes from her house thank you.

  43. We prayed for the recovery of my Dad’s kidney which was in acute failure after a surgery. Since his name is Joseph it seemed like a timely novena. It started showing signs of improvement during the novena. I continued on with the Divine Mercy novena. By the Monday after Divine Mercy Sunday the doctor’s office called to say he could stop dialysis. God is Good!

  44. I was praying for my oldest daughter to find peace and get a different job. It finally happened two weeks ago. Thank you Lord.

  45. St. Joseph has always been very special to me. My prayer intention for this novena was our finances and our marriage, our good St. Joseph has answered both these needs, we initially received a refund from our insurance company and then we received an inheritance check from a claim 2 years old. My husband and I are continually working on our marriage and place God in the center of it, but there are times we forget this and we trust in ourselves instead of God. St. Joseph guides us to be a holy family. With a grateful heart, thank you St. Joseph. Praise God for St. Joseph.

  46. I was praying for my son who works in the oil and gas industry to keep his job during these difficult times of high lay-offs. Thank you , St. Joseph through your intercession, he is still working even though many people around him have lost their jobs.

  47. I seldom thought about prayers to St. Joseph. I thought that would be a good thing for the young men in my family. Several of our men have lives that are facing some kind of crisis.. Within the first 48 hours, I received word that there had been positive shifts in the lives of some of these men and boys.. We have further to go here in this family, but I am grateful for all who pray with me, and especially to St. Joseph for looking out for these young men and the obstacles they have had in front of them.. Thank you St. Joseph, thank you for the opportunity to pray with others through these novenas.

  48. I have been having the Vertigo (labyrinthitis) for 26 years and it kept coming back, sometimes it lasted for 6 months. I did look up on Internet and know that this vertigo is caused by the crystals floating in the fluid of the inner ear. There was no cure for this and the medications just reduced the symptoms. Few years ago when I had it my doctor referred me to a specialist and he gave me the same information that I found on Internet. My doctor also gave me the Eply maneuver exercise and told me to do it. With this illness, every move of the head could trigger an episode of spinning of the head,who would dare to do this exercise. Recently some medical doctors or physio therapists start to applying the Eply maneuver as treatment for this vertigo and very effectively. I did not know that. This time when Inwas sick, I fell twice and very scared. I prayed to St Joseph and it led me to a friend who gave me the information that lead to a cure for my illness on the 8th day if the novena.
    Thank you St Joseph.

  49. I am 46 and have been praying to meet a good Catholic man like St Joseph for many years.I was giving up hope but met a wonderful man 10 months ago, thanks to St Joseph. I pray everyday that St Joseph will unite us in Holy Matrimony, if it is your Divine will.St Joseph thankyou for your intercession.

  50. St Joseph helped my husband to continue his stay at MIT, we are from Mexico and had some visa issues regarding my husband’s stay, our sons had already started their 7th and 9th grades in Somerville MA on September 2015 and we were very much afraid they could lose this academic year. St Joseph arranged everything just fine, the visas were approved and now we can conclude our stay in MA and go back happily to Monterrey Mexico in July.

  51. I lost my cross during the way of the cross on Good Friday and there were so many people and couldn’t pick it. In church during the mass I saw someone handling a cross to one of the ushers but didn’t know if it was mine. So after mass an accouncment was made in church for anyone who had lost a cross during the function and there it was , my cross. Thanks be to God , Amen

  52. I have pancreatic cancer that was diagnosed last August. After praying the St. Joseph novena I had a cat scan and the tumors have shrunk considerably and I don’t have to go back for two months and am feeling so much better. Thank you St. Joseph .

  53. I have been praying for reconciliation with our children.

    The youngest has started to go to a therapist and reconciled with her father.

    Nothing has changed with the oldest and things seem to be worse with our son. But we continue to pray.

  54. As Protector of the Holy Family I asked St. Joseph to intercede for my daughter in her housing confusion. He came through completely!
    I asked his help as Master Carpenter in closing several doors that would not be peaceful housing choices for her – done every time!
    She is learning to pray before taking rash action.
    Thank you for protecting her, good St. Joseph!

  55. My friends had hoped to buy my old place in Tennessee. Alas, they could not get the loan they needed. So they found a smaller place and moved in. I prayed that I could sell the home quickly, to release the financial burden and be able to live with a smaller budget. St. Joseph answered my prayers, as soon as I started the Novena the news went from low offers to our asking price. Praise God! My family prayed with me and the sale when through very easily and quickly!

  56. I prayed that my husband may find gainful employment and on the last day of the novena, my husband had a call offering him temporary employment for a month. I believe that the almighty father is keeping a close eye and things will smooth out.

  57. In January, we suffered a devastating fire in our home. We asked St. Joseph to help us find suitable emergency housing and he did, two doors away from our home. When it became necessary to find more permanent arrangements while our house was being rebuilt, we prayed the St. Joseph Novena. On his feast day, I secured a month to month lease in an apartment right next door to our property, where we will be able to enjoy our garden and oversee the rebuild of our home. Thanks be to God for the intercession of our good St. Joseph.

  58. I Have bn praying for a Financial breakthrough so I can pay some of my credit card .God is faithful he blessed me on Wednesday and I managed to pay off most of my credit cards .I know this only the beginning of Good things are underway to happen to my family husband and I are strong and we been through a lot of tough time.we starting a fresh since his business went down..and am confident that we will make it back to the top once again. This time with a bang..God is my Hero and my Strength at all time ..His name is glorious

  59. My husband finished his master’s degree six years ago and has never been able to find a job in his own field. Thankfully he has always been employed, but his job was unfulfilling and left him depressed. A few days into the novena, he received an email from one of his friends from graduate school letting him know about a job opportunity. He accepted the new job on St. Joseph’s feast day! So far it feels like exactly the opportunity he needs, and he is much happier than he has been in a long time.

  60. My son’s business was not doing good at all. He could not find good employees and was losing money monthly. He was having health issues because of all the stress. I prayed the St. Joseph Novena and he now has a great group of dedicated employees and business has really increased. Thank you St. Joseph for answering my prayers!

  61. Prayed for Carrie and family that go back to church on good Friday. They finally went on that week after Easter. Praise you, Jesus. Please continue to guard their hearts and help them get closer to you.

  62. Some prior few novenas I’ve been praying for my nephew, Stephen to figure out & to become motivated with what he would like to do career wise. He’s 29 years old & has bounced from job to job. About a month ago he announced on Facebook that he finally applied to attend a local community college & hopes to get a certificate in physical therapy assistant. Praise be to God!!
    Now I’m praying that he follows through with this & that his grades are awesome & completes the program with the most perfect job for him at the end.
    Thank you to everyone for your prays.
    Blessings Jane

  63. A cousin I have been praying for with ovarian cancer and on her third round of chemo was told yesterday her blood work is finally coming back showing progress. Thank you Jesus. My adult daughter with multiple health problems was stopped from surgery because a scan showed a liver duct being compressed. We will know next week if this is hereditary or her endo returning. Surgery with this liver duct issue could have killed her. God is a good God. Thank you to the Trinity & St Joseph and her exhausted Guardian Angel !

  64. I have been praying for my son to be healed of all cancer Tumors and side effects. Since he started this new treatment he has been responding a couple of the tumors have shrunk enormously and the side effects are nothing. Also he has been able to return to school part time. Also his appetite is retuning and his energy! Thank You for all the Novenas I have been praying all of them. God Bless you All

  65. I prayed the St. Joseph novena for the closing on my house to go smoothly, as St Joseph already answered my novenas for selling the house.I have continued praying to St Joseph to help my youngest son get a steady job, n help him get himself back together. He has a couple of promises for work in his small business.Ironically his middle name is Joseph, in honor of St Joseph. May he always shine his light on him.

  66. Never cease praying for those whose prayers not recently answered in St. Joseph Novena. I have recently had one Novema prayer answered for a job offers this week from
    St. Joseph Novena over a week ago. I sent my resume after phone calls to District Manager of a company. The independant contractors were of 7 who contactrd me for interviews this past week. I had 5 interviews in one week and 3 job offers- I got to choose the best fit for me. And, have been praying for two and half years this email Novena for a great life companion and hopefully he is God’s choice for me. Answered prayers finally because I see this man who is in my life a perfect fit for me practicing Catholic with me and we pray for each other. Thank you, God, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and all the Angels and Saints for loving me so much in hearing and answering my prayers! God Bless

  67. I was laid off from my job the Monday before Ash Wednesday and went to mass everyday fervently praying that the job that I applied to would send me an offer. A priest friend told me for us not to pray for any job that comes along, but to pray for one that will make me happy and would bring out my talents. I thought hard about what he had said to me, I asked myself the same question. I wanted work that would let me travel to my home country where I can visit family and friends. Later that day, I got a call from CEO who was very interested in my background and offered me the job on Friday. I am thankful and blessed. Pray! God hears us! Glory be to God!

  68. My parents have been searching for a new home for the past 16 years. WE have been praying they would find one close to us as they are now in their 80’s. On the final day of the St. Joseph Novena, we got the news that a house on our street that we had been hoping would become available, was ready to be sold. They just completed their agreement of sale. Thank you, ST. Joseph!!

  69. I have been praying for two years for my son to find a job. During the middle of the St. Joseph novena, he got a wonderful job…exactly what he was looking for all along. More importantly, he changed in so many ways and I learned to trust the will of God.

  70. I cannot express in word how powerful Prayers can be. Our son was getting married. There had been some family disputes and it was sure not going well and there may have been unpleasant moments. It was a miracle everything turned out to be more than expected and it was a very happy event and celebration. Even the weather was so beautiful and could not have asked for more. Ask and leave to our Dear Lord and our Saints to do the rest.

  71. I prayed for more love, demonstrative love, during the St. Joseph novena. The day after I finished, on St. Joseph’s feast day, I attended a diocesan retreat on Mary and Merciful Love given by Fr. Gaitley, Marian Missionary to Divine Mercy. St. Joseph acts quickly. I was convicted then to do a Do-It-Yourself Retreat, that is, 33 days to Merciful Love. On Divine Mercy Sunday, I consecrated myself to Merciful Love. I am consoling the Heart of Jesus in place of those who don’t want His love by being an open vessel for His incessant love, and following the “Little Way” of St. Therese.

  72. I had prayed that my son would have a deeper conversion to God, and I feel that all of the sudden he is much more receptive to talking about him and he is acting kinder with his sister. Thank you so much Saint Joseph for your intercession!!!

  73. I thank the Lord everyday for the blessings we have received since I prayed to St Joseph. What seemed like insurmountable feat for my daughter and myself has drastically changed for the better. Since the move, she has been praying, has shown strength and courage on day to day basis. I can see the wonderful and positive changes that is part of her new life. We continue to pray to make the whole transition a positive experience for everyone involved. Again St Joseph is my patron for family life and will continue to pray to him.

  74. I have been praying to ST Joseph to help sell my house. I am unemployed and I want to move back up north near my friends and where they have jobs that pay decent wages.

    I am scheduled to close on this house next week, thank you St. Joseph, I am on well on the road to having my prayers answered.

  75. I have been waiting for my work authorization for so long and has been depressed with everything that is not going well in my application. I prayed the novena to St. Joseph and receivef my work authorization just in time when I was almost through with the novena. St. Joseph has always been very helpful in my life’s journey.

  76. Please pray for our neighbor that his tumors and cancer will be diminished and he may continue to lead a full life.
    Also for my sister in law and Mother that their cancer will continue to be treatable and kept at bay for years to come.
    Thank you Jesus and St. Joseph

  77. My father was agonizing the week of the Novena of St. Joseph and I prayed for him to have a peaceful death. On the sixth day, the novena was for all those who were suffering and in agony to have a peaceful, happy death. I sent it out to all my family. After finishing the ninth day of the novena, he died peacefully. Thank you St. Joseph for your intercession!”

  78. Thank you St. Joseph. My husband lost his job 14 months ago.
    The cross was heavy. After many months of Novenas, Prayers, Holy Hours and endless hours of job searching. He received a call from someone he didn’t apply to . Phone interviewed in the morning, called in for a face to face interview in the afternoon. Offered a job was to work the following day. Thank you St. Joseph for your intercession.

  79. During the Saint Joseph novena, I was praying for the health of my husband. He has been carrying an ‘invisible illness’ for years that could not be fully diagnosed until he became symptomatic, and could result in cancer. His symptoms finally manifested, and during the Divine Mercy novena, the diagnosis came. The strain of disease he carries is not cancer-causing. Praised and blessed be Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!

  80. Had 3 intentions. I prayed through the divine mercy and our Lady of undoing not since I missed that of St Joseph. All the intentions were answered. There was a funny delay in 2 payment of supplies and a water project. All these are now successful. Thank everyone for your prayers

  81. I am thankful for prayers answered through St. Joseph Novena and Divine Mercy Novena. My daughter got a nice job and a car and my son is on his way to recovery/healing from serious drug addiction which he has been battling for over 25 years.
    Thank you St. Joseph. Thank you Divine Mercy.


  82. I prayed to St Joseph for a peaceful and happy passing for my uncle who had been suffering with dementia, he was in his final stage and being his caretaker, I was heartbroken. He passed peacefully in his sleep on Holy Thursday and being that this is my favorite day of the year, I knew my God was listening to me. Thank You and thanks be to God.

  83. I prayed the novena to St. Joseph for our son and daughter-in-law so that everything would fall into place for them to move back to the area we live in. They have been living in another state for seven years. Recently they had their first child and our daughter-in-law can now work from home so they can live in any part of the country. The one glitch they had was there are no clinics in the area that accept her insurance. We just found out two days ago that her insurance company has contracted with a hospital system that’s only 20 miles from where we live. So now they will be putting their house on the market and preparing to move here in the next couple of months. So grateful that our prayers were answered!

  84. I prayed to St. Joseph to intercede for me and my husband find a job….. I found one on the first day of the Novena. I interviewed for it and got it on that same day! My husband also was rehired from the job he had previously left because of problems with a bad manager….the manager was let go and he was rehired!
    God is good! Thank you St. Joseph!

  85. I prayed to not have to worry financially and be able to find a job and go back to work. Shortly after the novena an opportunity came up in my email. It was a quick process and I was offered the job the next morning! Thank you.

  86. I have been praying for my autistic son. In the last few months I am so happy especially right now on how he has come along.
    I just read on line about the new medication he is taking propranolo, The article stated that this could be a cure for autism. Of course i don’t believe…but i hope it is…however after 17 yrs of different medications and doctors this Beta Blocker used to prevent heart attacks is also used for anxiety. Recently this has made my son the best that he has ever been. Thank you Jesus.

  87. My grand daughter lives with me, she is in 1st grade. I put my house on the market one year ago in April. I prayed all the Novenas asking for a quick sale and a new home in another state. I was concerned about disrupting my little ones education and moving to unknown area.
    Everything is always in God’s time, which is perfect. 2 months ago I showed the house to first time home buyers, they came back we went into contract march 8. I asked for time for her to finish school and they granted it. I did not give up and continued the Novenas as you stated in your e mail, do not give up! God is good and merciful, he also answered my prayers my son would be more involved in her life. He is moving with me!
    Amen, I say to you, Jesus hears our prayers, but it is in his time not ours when he will grant our request if it is for our good. Thank you Jesus!

  88. Good day,
    I am recently returning to the practices of my faith and this is the first I have ever heard of a Novena. I prayed the Divine Mercy one but I didn’t know I could pray for myself or for a family/friend member. Are all novenas like this?
    Thank you

  89. I had been discerning God’s will for my vocation for quite some time. I prayed that St. Joseph would help me to know God’s will for my family. During my prayers I would think about ways that I might come to understand God’s will and one actually happened. On the feast of St. Joseph, after Mass, a woman from my church asked if she could show me some resources she thought maybe helpful for my family. The resources had to do with the vocation I had been discerning. This woman was aware of my discernment (which has been going on for the past year) but for her to bring the resources that day was so wonderful. St. Joseph thank you for your prayers! God is so great and he truly does care for us. If you ever feel that God has not answered your prayers keep praying, sometimes it takes awhile to prepare our hearts for the answer.

  90. My prayers were for my husband to stop drinking.

    He needed surgery and because of his physical rehab has stopped drinking. It was a long way around but God does his work in many different ways.

    Thank you, Jesus.

  91. Dear Saint Joseph, Please accept my gratitude for payer answered: I prayed for the health of my family life, among others, and my prayer has been answered: We are now experiencing increase in our prayerfulness, family bonding, and greater understanding between my spouse and l, which have been elusive in our almost 10 years of marriage. Our joy is really restoring. I prayed for increase in business opportunities, and now, more and more clients have began calling for our services. Thanks, too, for the praymorenovena ministry, as it were!

  92. I prayed the Novena to St. Joseph for my Nephew to get the job he was looking for. He had an interview on the 4th day and started to work on the 5th day of the Novena. Praise be to God!!! He is so happy with his new job. God is good.

  93. I was asking to work from home and to do clinical social work for at least the same pay so I could be around for my children more and devote more time to my domestic church. My former job was super stressful and I wanted to leave it. I prayed the St. Joseph novena and I got the job and everything I asked for! Thank you St. Joseph!

  94. I was praying the St. Joseph’s novena and daily rosary for my friend’s daughter who was expecting her first child and her husband was diagnosed with melenoma and going through radiation, that their child would be born healthy. She delivered a baby girl, on Wed. C-section and a little trouble breathing and had a fever, also the mother with fever.
    Praise God she will be coming home with baby today and all is well. Thank you St. Joseph and Jesus for granting my prayers.
