Answered Prayers from the St. Joseph, Husband of Mary Novena – 2015

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st. joseph novenaThank you for joining us in praying the St. Joseph, Husband of Mary Novena! We hope it was fruitful for you!

If any of your prayers were answered during or following this novena, please share them with us all below!

God bless you!

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  1. I pray for my son J, for him to find peace. May God’s light shine on him and may we put our differences aside. I pray for our Pope. I pray for our car problem to be solved. Thank you Blessed Mother Mary and God our Father. Amen

  2. Please pray for my son who is in dental school. He has 14 tests to do in the next two weeks. Please pray that he passes & does very well. Also that he keeps his health because he loses a lot of sleep. Please pray for me that I can continue to take care of his children while he is in school & his wife works 12 hrs. on weekends to pay for insurance. Please pray that I won’t be so depressed from the loss of my husband & concerns for my children & family. Pray for healing of my other son from terminal cancer & that he & all of us can be reasonably happy. Please pray for my daughters & all of my loved ones that when Jesus calls each of us that we will all be with God in Heaven. Amen

  3. My son has been ill and out of work for several years. He had a Social Security disability hearing this week and was approved. I have been praying for this result for a long time

  4. I owed someone some amount of money and desperately had to pay back at an agreed time. There was no hope of me paying back and the consequence would be back for me. I carried my worries throughout the novena and midway the Lord gave me money to pay back the loan. I am grateful to Him. My prayer is that I dont get into such troubles again.

  5. Mother Mary I pray for the protection of our holy Father Pope francis.
    I pray for peace and unity in our family.
    I pray for my son Jonathan that he does well in school this last year and get accepted I’m a good university.
    Thank you dear our Lady of undoer of knots.

  6. I prayed for money to deposit against my loan in Stan Chart and God granted it through Blessed Virgin Mary

  7. I was praying that my body would start ovulating, since it had not for a while and we were hoping to conceive. On day 4, I ovulated and I know this because I use a monitor to chart. Thank you Saint Gianna!

  8. My Mother, Mary Undoer of Knots, I want to thank you for sending my Grandson to me. He reached out to me and I am so very grateful for your intercession to your Beloved Son, my Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord Jesus for answering this prayer for me.

  9. I thank Mary undoer of knot,i thank you for untie the knot for other people, I believe my prayers and blessings will one day be answered . I trust in you and your kindness for a miracle and testimonies. Yes Lord , there is no knot that you cannot untie. Amen. Mary! Mother of all sorrows and,fears , and difficulties do it for my unlaw,my son and my self, if it for our good.Amen.

  10. I pray for Pope Francis, his intentions and for the Church. Holy Mother, Undoer of Knots, undue all the knots that keep from doubt, and egotism. Thank you, Blessd Mother. I pray also for my son that obtains employment. THank you. Amen.

  11. Our was not doing well in school so I kept praying. He is doing so much better. We are so pleased our prayers are ansewered. Thank you

  12. Mary, Undoer of knots has opened my heart to love, has allowed me to embrace the love of God in others and undone my selfishness, has moved me to love others for this is God’s will and to do it because I love Him! We must dedicate our lives to loving Jesus!

  13. Yes my prayers for unity and peace for my nephews has been answered siblings loves in their hearts is a grace from God.
    Thank you St. Mary Undoer of Knots.

  14. Thank you lord for all your blessings family and friends, bless them and heal the sick. Intercede for me with my project work for a good result. May your will be done in my life. Bless me with a wife and a job to the glory of your name. Mary undoer of knots pray for us

  15. I have prayed novena after novena for several years for my son. Finally he is getting over his additcts, knots and has has a job. Praise the Lord. God is so good. Thank you for sending these novenas to my email and making it so easy and convenient to pray in this fast pace world. I’m going to keep on praying these novenas.

  16. Thank you Blessed Mother!
    I have been praying for RG and his family to find a place to live and on the 3 rd day of this Novena they found a nice home and are moving in this weekend!
    I have also been praying for my teenage son to stay focused on a good path , stay away from negative influences and to control his anger when things do not go his way. During this week of Novenas I have seen wonderful changes in him and I pray that this continues in the days to come. I no longer feel the despair that I was carrying around for I know prayers are being heard and will be answered.
    Thank you to my friend Sandra who sent me this information on these wonderful Novenas . Now I will forward this info to other friends and family in need of prayers.
    God bless everyone who has been praying during these last 9 days. I will keep praying for all of you as well.

  17. On the third day of the Novena I received good news about my sister. She needed to make a very important decision regarding her own health. I asked our Lady undoer of knots to guide her. My sister, who was entangled in the knots of fear and depression, made the right decision toward taking better care of herself. As a result she underwent a few more tests and found out that her diagnosed
    breast cancer, turned out to be a pre cancerous mass.

  18. I thank mother Mary for her intercession and intervention in my financial needs. I prayed for others needs during the novena and I believe she will undo those nuts. Amen

  19. Thank you for prayers answered. I have battling to find an agent who can process my papers for further study in Australia. I have found one and she is very efficient. Can you please pray for me that the process doesn’t take too long. Thank you Mary mother of Jesus.

  20. I have prayed for our family’s finances. And although I do not know how it will turn out, my husband’s boss told him that a re structuring of his department, should be very good for him. Thank you Mother and Jesus. We trust in you!

  21. Thank you Mary for answering my prayers. It has been a challenging month and as it comes to a close my heart is feeling lighter after saying this novena. Thank you Mary!!!

  22. On 21 April, our daughter in law was told by her doctor that something was wrong with the unborn child that she was carrying. The baby, who due date was 13 May 2016, had not gained any weight from the previous ultrasound the month before, the babies diaphragm was only moving once in 20 seconds instead of moving for constantly for 20 seconds and then stopping and the babies head was small(2% for the age and they mentioned the possibility of micro cephaly). The next day the Novena Mary of Knots started and I prayed to Our Lady for our Grand baby to be protected my Her. The doctors decided to induce our daughter in law and our beautiful grand daughter, Maggie, was born on 28 April. She was tiny 5 pounds 2 ounces, has a small head but no signs of micro cephaly, and her diaphragm is working just fine. The Virgin Mary
    wrapped her arms around Maggie and protected her! My prayers were answered and I am humbled by knowing that God works miracles and we were the receivers of one!

  23. I am short of words…. My dearest mother Mary has given my husband and I a new beginning. What seemed impossible became possible. It still feels like a dream to me ,because,she untied the knots so fast. Just today that we ended d novena,my husband came back home after a long while. I can see the smooth reunion already. Thank U Jesus,Tnk U Mother Mary!

  24. It’s hard to believe it has only been 9 days, as my outlook is so different. My most pressing petition was resolved and strained family relationships are improving. I feel closer to Mother Mary and to our Lord.

  25. for going to one year now, my menses stop to flow but on the eight day of the novena, Mary undoer of knot it started flowing. please follow me to thank Jesus through Mary our mother

  26. It appears that the fear I had about my wife’s health scare had subsided. We feared a cancer and now that scare seemed to have been overblown and thankfully the indications of a problem represented a lesser problem. Thank you, Mary.

  27. Our first prayers for Our dear Pope Francis that all his prayers are answered. Thanks to our dear Virgin Mary for helping us with all our knots in my life

  28. My prayers have not been answered, yet. But I continue to pray and ask you to pray with me also for new employment. I have enjoyed my job for quite a few years, but have recently been experiencing negativity, a lack of appreciation, belittling especially in front of others and for no just reason.
    I first pray that I can be positive and encouraging to those who are willing to accept it from me. And am praying for new employment where I can work with a good group of positive people, where I can be encouraged and appreciated, where I can enjoy and especially where I can be of help and service to others.

    Thank you Blessed Mother and others for your prayers

  29. Thank you dear Mother Mary for listening to my prayers and bringing them to the heart of Jesus. Knots are being untied in family matters. I believe you are helping me to see myself and make changes that I need to make to be a more loving person. Thank you for undoing knots for me and all who are saying this novena.

  30. My grandson was in possible liver rejection and his numbers came down on Friday. I am been praying this novena all week asking that his numbers would go back in the normal range. Prayers have been answered.

  31. Thank you! One of the knots in my life has been unraveled by our blessed Mother. I will continue to pray these novenas.

  32. My prayers have not been answered yet but I have faith hopefully GOD and the MOTHER MARY will answer it soon!


  33. I prayed for relief from the 24/7 pain of my wrecked arthritic left knee.
    Total knee replacement surgery is Tuesday May 3!

    So blessed to have insurance, access to excellent medical care, superior surgeon, family to assist afterward, personal fortitude to make it successful!

  34. i want to thank our lady for granting us our hearts desire even as we wait for every one of the knots in our lives to be completely undone through your intercession
    Thank you Mother of our great king

  35. My daughter is not completely healed but she is eating solid food, she is talking over the.˙´phone,writing e mails she is able to stand holding the walker,she is asking for a small bible and prayers . And for this I
    thank Mary UNDOER OF KNOTS because my daughter was gone.

  36. Our prayers about our son have been heard. My son M with social anxieties and depression would not see a psychiatrist. Now he found a compassionate, cool, easy-going doctor he is comfortable with and sounds happy and optimistic with great support from family and friends. Our Lady, undoer of knots, we are eternally grateful for undoing the knots in my son’s life. We love you Mother Mary :)

  37. I have been trying to stay away from my addiction and had been struggling and finally now that I have done this Novena to our Blessed Mother I have been able to control my desire and I’m feeling so much better and closer to my Jesus. Thank you My Blessed Mother
    Please keep me on the right path.

  38. Thank you for praying with me , my husband is starting to get clients, so with your continued help in praying, he will be able to get more.

  39. i prayed to be delivered from the anger and confusion within my heart from the first day, today i feel like 10 pounds has been lifted from my heart. thank you Mother Mary.

  40. The day before the novena started, my Indonesian maid informed me that she needed to go home urgently for about 4-6 weeks. As a working mother, it is very difficult for me to get so much time off. Wondering how to manage this time off & her request for an advance on her salary to settle some matters at home, I started the novena, surrendering the matter to Our Lady.
    Yesterday, on Day 8, my maid informs me that she has found a solution that doesn’t require her to go back & we only need to send half of the money she had wanted as advance,
    Thank you Lord & thank you Mary for undoing this knot!

  41. My prayer was about the knot of financial rejection: in the past few days, I rec’d a book contract retaining the film/tv rights if I produce, almost 4X what I was expecting re an insurance settlement I’d almost given up on. More importantly a book on underearning (Loaded by Heather King) was released and I devoured it in a day – it showed me the ways I self-debt, plus another book showed me how my childhood trauma warped my relationship to money. The financial knots are well on their way to being unknotted for the glory of God. Thank you, Lord, thank you, Mary, Undoer of Knots, and thank you to everyone praying this novena!

  42. I am still waiting for answers and direction regarding my job. Blessed Mother Mary, please point me in the direction I will need to go regarding my job next year. Lead me to where I need to be . Fill me with an extra dose of patience and hope that Our heavenly Fathr will lead me to where I should be in His timing. Mary undoer of knots please pray for me.
    Also blessed Mary pray for my son Eric. Lead him away from his addiction and self destructive behaviors. I pray that he will
    Know in his heart Gods love and mercy for him.

  43. Thanks for opening an opportunity to pray with others in the body of Christ for a brain tumor to untangle from a nerve, shrink and disappear. Mary, you are my newfound mother and I am eternally grateful for your response to this novena prayer.

  44. Thanks to Mary, Undoer of Knots and for all who prayed together for her intercession. My daughter is well on her way to do God’s work after her graduation next week.

  45. During one of my dark and panic stricken moments of anxiety, right after I prayed the novena for that day, I felt the darkness and panic completely lift off of me. It was the first time in several days that I felt like I could breath again. Even though we still don’t have the results of my husband’s lab tests back yet, I know that with God’s grace and Mary’s prayers we will have peace.

  46. I want to appreciate the love of our Mother Mary. I experience some improvements in my health. I believe all the knots will be removed by the grace of God in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you my Mother Mary.

  47. Thank you so much for the prayers
    My wife and I are enjoying some time togeather with our grandchildren after two years of separation it’s been two years
    Praise God Jesus and mother Mary

  48. I have been ????????praying for 1 year & 1 month all the Novenas (along with the Rosary daily) for a job (I have been praying the Novenas prior to losing my job) and Thursday afternoon I finally got the call and was offered a job!!!! Praise be to God!! Patience is not a virtue I possess so the past year has been extremely difficult for me! I just want everyone to know that you can not give up if your prayers have not been answered! God will answer your prayers but not in your time & His answer may not be exactly what you asked for but ALWAYS TRUST IN JESUS! When things are not going well, turn to Jesus and just pray “JESUS I TRUST IN YOU” over and over again — His words spoken to St. Faustina – those are the words Jesus told St. Faustina to place on the Divine Mercy Image.

  49. mary please help me to get over my disappointments in relationship that failed. Help me to still love others and to still trust, with Gods guidance and his wisdom. help me to forgive myself for being so naïve.


  50. I was praying that my son would come back to Christ and on the third day he told me he was going to church and his wife was going with him. Thank you Blessed Mary Undoer of Knots.

  51. My son suddenly started focusing more in school and his grades improved. He is also happy to share how well he’s doing, so he cares to do well. Glory be to God!

  52. One of my intentions for this novena was for my 20-month-old to start speaking. He has very few words and I have been concerned because he has a cousin with autism and I know that a lack of language is one of the first signs. But my little guy has really been engaging this week and yesterday he said “baby” while looking at a picture of a baby. He said it many times joyfully. My fears are put at rest. Thanks be to God. Thank you, Mary, Undoer of Knots!

  53. Thank you Mary Undoer of Knots for the blessings you gave me this morning. My financial problem will be resolved, my husband asthma go away and he feel better. Thank you For the good morning and happy family. Thank you Mary I feel better physically and mentally. Amen.

  54. I prayed one of the novenasite for my nephew and his performance at school has improved greatly. I continue to pray that the good Lord continue to bless, guide and protect him and that he will continue to shower, the gifts of knowledge, wisdom understanding over him. Amen

  55. I prayed for money to pay my son tuition fees. I received the blessings and the fees was paid. I was also praying for students accommodation for my son and I also received that blessings.
    Thank u jesus, Thank u blessed mother.

  56. Thank you for all the Novenas. I pray almost all, so when my husband returned to Confession and Mass after 19 years I wasn’t quite sure who’s intercession turned his heart back to Jesus. Then I saw him wearing something new on his neck and asked him what it was, a St. Joseph’s medal, I had my answer. Thank you Lord Jesus, Blessed Mother and St. Joseph!! God bless you for this beautiful Novena site.

  57. Dear mother Mary thank you for answering the prayers of those who made this novena. And even though our prayers are not answered today God will provide all our needs

  58. Giving thanks and praise for undoing the knot of deliverance from the bondage that I have been experiencing in my life for over 5 years now. By day 3 of this novena I have been delivered free …thank you Mother Mary for interceding for me.

  59. On the 5th day I prayed for everyone financial burden, I included myself because I am under that exact same position, and for the Glory of the Lord and intercession of the Virgin Mary I received a full time job on day 7 of this novena. On the interview they mentioned to me only for a part time weekend position but when I contacted the nursing supervisor , he told me they agreed on a full time LPN wound care nurse position! I was so happy and knew that must’ve come from God. Glory be to God!

  60. My daughter and family needed to sell their house and find a new one. They sold their house the day it was listed and bought a house the next day. I am so astonished and grateful that this was done so quickly and easily. Our prayers were answered in 48 hours. Now we are praying the inspections and closing so smoothly. Prayers truly works. Keep the novenas coming. I am so happy you have made them available.

  61. My heart is filled with gratitude! I am leaving the nursing home today. I have been in the trauma unit in the hospital, then rehab, then skilled nursing since January 15. My Social Security Disability Insurance claim has already been somewhat approved. I will receive my first “provisional” check 3 days after I leave the nursing home. I understand that status is quite rare. I will also receive a check from unemployment compensation because the state agreed that my firing was unjust. These were all knots of such challenged I was tempted to despair. But our loving God and merciful Mary would not allow me to even visualize myself as a homeless woman. Thank you for praying with me.
    All glory be to our God!
    Margaret Park

  62. A place to live and work. (Son)
    Better employment (Son)
    Kids going back to church and their faith.
    Peace (me)

  63. My prayers to put down my guard and be able to show my husband my love, the love he deserves, have been answered. Mary is miraculous indeed! Praise the Lord.

  64. Peace and good day!

    I just want to inform you that there seemed to be a problem in the emailing of this novena. I only received days 2, 4, 6 and 9. The other novenas didn’t have any problems. I received the complete prayers. Thought you might need to know. Thanks and the Lord hear our prayers! God bless

  65. Thank you, Mary Undoer of Knots, for taking away my anxiety and the things it was doing to me mentally and physically. Thank you for helping me with me struggles. Your love and compassion is a true blessing and gift to me.

  66. Dear Mary,
    Thank you for undoing my knot of unemployment! When I began this novena I had no job or job prospects, within the nine day novena I’ve had two job interviews and now a job offer. Praise you dear Jesus and Mary!

  67. Mary undoer of knots you untied my knot I’ve been caring around for over a year. You’ve taught me during this novena to give up worry over what is going to happen next year and just place it all in Gods hands. I have absolutely no control over the situation but I can let go & pray it will go according to Gods will. I Love you my Mother

  68. I’ve been praying for my parents. They are so negative about everything in their lives and in mine and my children’s. It seems to have gotten worse since I started this Novena. I know it has to be the enemy trying to keep the negativity in our home. Please pray for us.

  69. My daughter Megan was desperate for a job. I prayed that she find one and on the 5th day of th novena my prayers were answered. She now has something that will at least tide her over until a better job comes along. Thank you Mary.

  70. Re: Mary Undoer of Knots Novena
    My sister sold her house at their first open house , so now she can move to be near our Mom in June.
    My mother’s health is improved.
    I am getting better from my pneumonia.
    These are answered prayers.

  71. Mother Mary, undoer of knots, I beg you to intercede on my brother’s behalf. I pray that Abiola’s PhD thesis will be approved. Lord, your will be done, Amen.

  72. My adult daughter has been struggling with depression & anger issues for some time, making the whole family miserable. I’ve prayed this novena to Our Blessed Mother, in faith, and this week my daughter decided to restart her antidepressants. She is calmer, more rational, easier to talk to, & her sons are happier. I know she will occasionally fall, but I trust Jesus, with Our Lady’s intervention, to help her stand again
    Thank you, Mother, & thank you prayer partners

  73. I prayed my resigning from my job in a parish, to be blessed and clearly the right thing. She undid the knots of pain the struggle with the decision. Thank you Mother Mary!

  74. After 19 years, my prodigal child came together with siblings and other family. My joy cannot be fully expressed or my gratitude.

  75. Thank you sweet Mary for helping me with the knot of anxiety!
    This has plagued me throughout most of my life. It has robbed me of peace and joy. I worry most of the time, and I anticipate the worst! I have gotten some relief through this novena. I am grateful to the Blessed Mother and to this site!

  76. Have been praying these novenas for 15 months that my daughter get the right job before she ran out of money. She just ran out of money and got two interviews and was hired! Thanks be to God. I know that in our despair all the prayers finally led her in the right direction. I am grateful and will continue the novenas in thanksgiving

  77. It’s a long story, but I will make it brief. Since I was a little girl I have had faith in our Lord and a growing love for our blessed Virgin Mary. Like all families, mine and my husband’s have been challenged with serious (awful cancer) illnesses, breakups and so forth. However, many of us have prayed ardently, some have come closer to God, some met him for the first time. However, I have been praying much for my 20 year old daughter who has always been extremely smart, athletic and beautiful. Yet, everything in the last two years has been become harder for her, tougher full of obstacles. She seemed to meet some wrong people.. not bad (just wrong). I prayed to God to take them away and he did, sometimes. I prayed to the Virgin to intercede for her. My daughter prays (sometimes she says) and I was worried about her faith. She has been studying very hard to get into a very tough nursing program, not sleeping for nights at a time, when the door seemed to close I stood in front on my church’s huge wooden cross and I begged the Lord to have mercy on her because she was despondent, a prior Novena popped in my, email, I did it. Things began to change, a young man who seems right for her appeared and her Anatomy grades began to get better. Now with untying of Knots Novena, she earned a 95 in a super hard exam, that would make or break her entrance into the program, all of a sudden she has major clarity. She seems so at peace and knows she belongs in medicine, I KNOW that the Virgin Mary has prayed on her behalf because we met a an elderly woman yesterday who told her that her hands would be an instrument of God, that it was important to be smart, but more important was to have faith and believe so that God may work through her in order to help people. My daughter stayed very quiet and these “miracles” are bringing her straight into our Virgin Mary’s arms. I know the obstacles have been to teach her to rely on our Lord. Thank you for the Novena’s. PLEASE keep them coming.

  78. I was loosing sleep because I had no money for food, while praying this novena, a blessing came and I can now have food on the table. Thank you Holy Mother for taking the knots from my life. I the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  79. Our son is studying as a seminarian and has been struggling with bullying and loneliness. I prayed for his peace and clarity in his vocation and so many resolutions and positive outcomes have occurred in just these past eight days. Amazing!

  80. I have been having pains in my joints and having difficulty using my hands. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and told it has no cure but I believe that Mother Mary the undoer of knots will untie this knot and I will be cured and healed and that my healing will bring glory and praise to the Almighty God.
    I believe I will receive my healing and cure soon. Thank you Mother Mary for undoing this knot.

  81. My name is Leah Taylor I have stage 4 breast cancer, I have been fighting it since 2013, Over 2 weeks ago I was told I was coming out of remission…I went thru several scans again, my Dr. told me that my cancer was still dormant, the Chemo maintenance that I take every 3 to 4 weeks is still working, these 2 Chemo’s I take are ones that I need to keep my cancer from growing back..I have Her 2 NU breast cancer, With the help from my Aunt Barbara, she put me in touch with Frank Clear, a wonderful man who has been praying for me and lighting candles, I do believe in the power of prayer, and continue to pray for my life.. I also have a son who is 4 years old, my cancer has caused him a lot of anxiety….he is my life, I love him so much..Thank you for all the prayers you have sent me…Leah Taylor

  82. Just as Mary knows, the knot in my life originared from sin. I am trying to atone for that sin & to end the relationship involved in that sin without hurting the other person’s feelings. Through this novena, it became very clear to me as to how to accomplish that and to regain peace in my life. Thank you Mother Mary for your help & graces

  83. On the second day of this Novena, a family estrangement issue came up over an upcoming family wedding. The other party and I emailed each other back and forth, and I prayed to Our Lady and the Holy Spirit to make my words reflect the love of Jesus for her. On Day 4, her heart was melted and it turns out that she was also doing the Novena in book form. I continue to pray for this rift to mend completely, but we’re well on our way! Thank you, Our Lady Undoer of Knots, for beginning to unravel this huge knot in my family!

  84. Yes i have 5..1 yes….2 almost…and i can feel the other 3 in the process.thk u
    May all have their needs met, hearts desires Gods will, it shall.

  85. Please pray for my father and his entire medical team. He will be having open heart surgery on Tuesday, May 3. Please pray for a successful surgery and a quick recovery without complications. Pray for his surgeon, the fellows, the nurses and all those who will be providing his care. May God watch over them, my dad and our family.Bless everyone, protect them, keep them safe and out of harms way. May everyone’s guardian angels watch over them. Please keep my family who will be at the hospital healthy and give them strength. Bless my family who will be there in spirit and heat their prayers. God bless my family.

    Thank you for your prayers. May Gos bless you. Have a blessed week.

    Please pray for all those who are suffering and in most need of prayers.


  86. At the beginning of the Novena my son had a bad attitude and had no hope for his future. His attitude has changed and he is now looking to his future with a positive outlook.
    Thank you Dear Blessed Mother!!!!

  87. During this novena I’ve been asking Mary to give my daughter the confidence she needs while looking for a job! She had two great interviews this week and was called back for a second round! Thank you Mary and Jesus for answering my prayers! She is beaming with confidence!! I’m truly thankful!!! ❤️❤️ Amen!

  88. In working to get our financial struggles in check, we received a gift of an offer to purchase our home for full value, and it close this week, allowing us to downsize, reduce expenses, and put some money away for retirement. We know that this was a gift and answer to our prayers, and we thank you Lord Jesus, and to our Blessed Mother for her intercessions.

  89. Thank you holy mother for you love, care and intersession. My granddaughter is doing better. Please continue to assist her during those moments that cause her anxiety.

  90. The Virgin Mary has undone the knots of my sight. I can know see the Supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit in my life and have received the Knowledge that we are all together one body in the Spirit. When we are gentle, caring and joyful with others, we are in turn receiving that same gentleness and care in our Spiritual body. I now understand that to be uncaring or harmful to someome is being harmful to our own Spirtual Body in Christ.

  91. Blessing to my brothers and sisters in jesus name as we come to end of this novena let us give thank to the lord for Prayer answers,and if n’t get a snswers to our prayers don’t give up keep on praying the answersr when the time is right , God bless