Answered Prayers from the Novena for Marriage & Family, 2023

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Thank you for joining us in praying the Novena for Marriage & Family!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all here.

We’re praying for you!

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  1. Please continue to pray for my husband who is a functioning alcoholic. He won’t admit there is a problem. Since starting this novena, he has slowed down, still an issue, but not how it’s been. He will not get help and only with God’s intersection will he stop. He spends upwards of a $1000 a month in alcohol plus time lost at work, I don’t get help paying bills and my credit cards are maxed out. I need to get a loan I hope to pay them off and not use them again. Please pray for me as well. I have this week, received money from State refunds that I needed to pay bills, I thanked God for His help.

  2. Thank you Jesus and Mother Mary for curing my daughter’s stomach bacteria. We got the good results after making this novena. With God all things are possible and prayers move mountains. Jesus we trust in you.

  3. I always pray for my intentions, That the Heavenly Truths will show and prevail throughout the World. Watching sports last weekend I saw a highly charismatic coach, whom was a huge underdog take a team in their first game and win. When this coach was interviewed his first words were to praise Jesus. He also thanked God and said God is great. He will continually be an up- front story throughout the College football season. I’m anticipating his God loving and Christian comments to continue. This is great to see and an answer to my intentions!!

  4. I have been praying for God to send my husband and I a child. After several months of negative pregnancy tests, this morning, on the Feast Day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I had a faint positive pregnancy test. Thank you, Mary, for your intercession! God is good!

  5. Answered prayers:

    – for my music video that it will go exceedingly well.
    – dunsin & Nathaniel for the outpouring Canada concert to go well.
    – for love within my family especially as my dad comes back.
    -for healing from my cold and to be able to record if possible

  6. Our son started his job today! One specific request I have been praying with this novena is that our son find his true career, and he was offered a job this week. His first day on the job is today, the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. Thank you God, for all the blessings and graces you shower on us every day and we don’t realize them. Please help me surrender to You, and trust You with everything. Please help me love you more and more each day. Thank you!

  7. I prayed in this novena for the safe delivery of our granddaughter. She was born yesterday! Both she and her mommy are doing well. Thank you Jesus!

  8. I want wat to give thanks to or Lord and the intercession of our Blessed Mother for answering my prayer. My son Robert got a small project in what he studied. He graduated from Texas A&M in visualization since May and this is his first job in what he studied. Thank you Jesus, thank you Mother Mary.

  9. I have been praying for my children’s conversion and right after I started this novena my daughter texted me and showed me a picture a Miraculous Medal bracelet and asked me if I liked it. Well of course I said yes, then she asked if I would wear it and of course I said yes. Then she said she would be buying 2 of them, one for me and one for her!! Then I asked her if she would wear it and she said yes, I love it!!! This is a girl who has shown no interest in her faith at all for years!!! Thank you mama Mary and Happy Birthday. I love you.

  10. Dear Jesus and Mary, thank you for hearing my prayers🙏, and answering them in Your time, not mine.

    Thy Holy Will be done.

  11. Thank you Abba Father for answering our prayers on our son’s job situation. Thank you Mama Mary for your intercession.

  12. I am getting stronger in my Broken Heart sudden death is very hard Joan
    Left is broken Joe PATRICK IS A BIT stronger. Rachael ate a tiny bit of
    Good still feeding by tube praise God
    Mama Mary thank you with lots of love you. Thanking all of you praying
    For our Int. Joe. Pat. are Joan’s Sons.
    She six kids. May sweet Jesus Bless
    You all for me. Rose 🌹

  13. Thank you for allowing me to pray with you. My own marriage is stronger because of this and I hope my friend and his marriage is stronger for it too.

  14. Was offered a job and the reference that was missing talked to me yesterday and she will give me the reference. Glory to God. Amen.

  15. I give thanks to God for all His infinite Mercy and blessings during this novena especially His miraculous healings upon my wife, my mother and myself. I thank Him also for granting us Visa to travel for the purpose and good intentions He has for us. May His good work continue to reign supreme in our lives. AMEN.

  16. Thank God for my little girl who struggles to sit calm at school, had a good day at school today. May God and our Blessed Lady continue to have mercy on her. Amen.

  17. Thanking God that I was able to participate in this Novena and to be part of a prayer group and for answered prayers.
    While I am still waiting for Nswers to my prayers, I am at peace because I know God hears and answers prayers. His time is the best. His ways are not our ways. He is able to do exceedingly beyond our expectations. I place my trust in Him. Mother Mary pray for us.

  18. In this novena I prayed for my sister’s marriage and we have seen God hand and there are alot of improvements and peaceful talks may might God continue to guide and direct them Amen Amen.Thank you Mary and John

  19. I have seen an improvement in the situation with my partner and he is communicating more and being more understanding. I pray that this can strengthen our bond and greater a stronger relationship

  20. Dear Mother Mary thank you for bringing my intentions and those of all who have prayed for us to Jesus. Thank you Dear Jesus for always hearing our prayers. Thank you Lord for always answering our prayers in a way that is good for us. Love you Dear Mother and Dear Lord Jesus.

  21. Thank you for all your prayers and for the novenas. I always kept my faith in God. My son was able to finally find employment. It truly is not in our time but it is always in God’s time. Thank you. May all the others seeking gainful employment will also find what they seek.

  22. My prayers were answered with my sister’s family having a peaceful weekend with their son. I continue to ask Jesus to work in the lives of my niece and her husband.

  23. Praise the Lord, my daughter Therese has been calm and focused in school lately. And she interacts more with other people.
    Thank you too that my health has been so good in spite of my new assignment in midnight shift. The vertigo and dizziness is gone, in Jesus’s name, Amen.
    Thank you for God’s mercy and love that surround my family always 🙏

  24. I prayed to Our Holy Mother Mary that our granddaughter be safe and unharmed and make it safely back to her mother during her cross-country trip to a certain part of CA. And I prayed and asked that her automobile would hold up and be safe for her and help to get her safely to her destination . The Blessed Mother (And Saint Joseph too and other wonderful saints in heaven) answered my prayers. Our granddaughter’s car was safe and held up and my granddaughter made it safely home to her mother. Thank You my precious Holy Mother Mary and Saint Joseph And Dear Lord Jesus.

  25. My back pain has been completely healed. Thank you Jesus, Mary, and all of you- the prayer warriors.
    ~ We do everything in Jesus’s name, Amen

  26. It is true that in this novena, I can see that my husband has changed, we are more like before, the earlier years.
    Thank You So Much to You and Our Lady the Virgin Mary

  27. The family that had multiple crisises going on have had a improvement in their health. Thank you Blessed Mother for intercession as well as those praying this novena.

  28. Praise the lord
    I have gain everything through this novena
    My son got his job and he his doing very well
    My wife is working now with good healthy life
    I am working as well with a very good success
    Thank you Jesus
    Thank you mother mary
    And thanks to you guys for all your efforts in organising this novenas
    May God bless you abundantly

  29. Our baby boy was born two weeks ago and was transferred to NICU after experiencing seizures. He had many complications, tests, and my husband and I were terrified. Shortly after the start of this novena, praying for healing and recovery for our boy, he started to improve and is home with us now for his third day! We’ve never prayed a novena together before but this fell right in our laps and God has used it to bring us closer to each other and to Him. We are so blessed to have our little guy home with us and doing well. We have a journey ahead of us and will continue to pray but the incredible turn around he had was absolutely an answer to our prayers!

  30. We received our email with the immigration interview date for the end of October, which with Our Lady continuing to watch over us and pray for us, we could make it back home in time for my parents to be with their granddaughter for her first birthday! :)
    Thank you to Our Lady and Our Lord, as well as for all of the prayers of all of you good people here! :)

  31. I have been praying for my son throughout the novenas that we have been praying together and finally a new door has opened in his life. His whole life has changed and he is finally enjoying his life after going through very tough times. I want to thank Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and all the saints. As a mother who has been suffering silently, I am in awe of the love that our Father has for us and will keep thanking our Lord for answering my prayers.

  32. Dear Mother Mary, one last plea for a miracle of healing of body and soul for LM. She desperately needs your help and that of all of Heaven! I love you so much and thank you for all you’ve done in my life!

  33. Prayers of Thanksgiving for our healthy new grandson born today-Linus Stephen. A very precious gift of new life. We are blessed. Also for dear friend Tom who is recovering from major heart,lung surgeries and also from a stroke. Prayers for healing and peace for he and his family.🙏🏻

  34. Dear Blessed Mother,
    Thank you for your prayers and intercessions.
    Thank you and please watch over and pray for my son. Please watch over and protect him as he travels and attends events.
    Please pray for my sisters and family. Please watch over all in their travels.
    Please pray for those in my healing prayer, Annie and John-Paul, and for all praying this novena and their intentions.
    Thank you dearest Mother. I love you.

  35. Blessed Mother Mary, thank you. I prayed to conceive and it has happened by Your Grace and that of Holy St Monica.
    Thank you,

  36. Want to thank and praise the lord for our blessed mothers intercession for our granddaughter who has been looking for a job she will start soon in this new job praise the lord. Thanks for opening the door to our petitions and prayers.

  37. I thank God for blessing me with the opportunity to work for extra money to provide for the family. I believe Racheal Charlotte will get a scholarship with cancer institute to do her masters course , Amen.

  38. At the beginning of this novena, I had made a list of petitions but every day I could see a lot of intentions as the days went by.
    I haven’t even finished the novena and one of my intention was granted.
    My friends niece was looking for a job and I am so glad she got a job within a day or two into this novena.
    Thank you Jesus and Mother Mary!!!!
    There are a few more intentions for good health for family members, for my kids exams, for my cousins marriage, for my parents good health and I know God is working on them while I give thanks to Him,

    An offering of thanks in advance for all the blessings received through this novena.

    Thank you Jesus, I trust in you.

  39. I am grateful for the intercession of our Lady and faithfulness of the Lord. This month end of August I had no source of income and truly didn’t know where my house rent money will come from and just yesterday on the 8th day I received 2 messages offering me some cash just enough to cover the rent as well as an obligatory monthly debt repayment. Glory be to God.

  40. I got my confirmation which has been delayed by about 7 months – though didn’t come with promotion as agreed. I still praying for the promotion

  41. my brother had been very distant from our mom. my mom and i both prayed for communication from him! i thought this family rooted novena would be perfect; especially as we honor our spiritual mother, Mary. our prayers were answered by day 3!!! he called Mom more than once that day and has been communicating ever since (with compassion). i am so grateful and filled with joy! i know that it helps our mom feel acknowledged and cared for. bless all who participated in this sacred novena and thank you for providing them for us to follow! Thanks be to God!

  42. Thanking God that my son has started saying he wants to use the toilet. He used to poo on his cloth but he has stopped.
    Thank you Jesus

  43. My husband went to Confession after procrastinating for several weeks. He was late, and the priest almost cut off confession, but changed his mind and heard his Confession!

  44. My regular novena – God willing I am pregnant now. A true miracle. Praise God Jesus Christ. Million Thanks to Mother Mary’s intercession.

  45. Andwered Prayer
    One of my prayer request was for my husband. I was praying for his delivery from alchohol and how this has made our marriage to be troubled. Through this Novena my husband confessed that he need to change. Praise be to God!
    I continue praying for him and for his job.
    Thank you all for your prayers!

  46. Thank you Jesus and St Anthony fit finding my sisters wallet. Thank you Jesus for my mom and her sharing her faith with me. I am nothing without Christ Jesus.

  47. Praise God.
    I have been praying this novena to get second born. Today being the ninth day my wife has tested at home and it has turned that she is expectant. Thank you God once more for answering my prayers. I will trust in you forever. Amen

  48. I had two prayer requests answered during the St. Monica Novena. I have two sons who have struggled for the past 15-16 years one with alcoholism and the other with PTSD.
    Even after rehab, both have fallen back into their struggles. As I prayed the St. Monica Novena, my son who struggles with alcoholism decided to stop drinking. He regularly attends AA meetings and has rededicated himself to his family.
    My other son has also made a positive turn around in his life. He has finished his probation period, has plans to use his GI Bill to go to college and work with veterans who have struggles like him.
    I have seen both of my boys in this stage of improvement before but the biggest difference is the power of prayer through the intercession of St. Monica, St. Joseph, and our Mother Mary. I can see and feel the difference this time. Even if they do have a set back, I feel they now have the power and ability in their lives to bounce back.
    Praise Jesus!! Amen.

  49. Praise the lord
    By god’s grace I’m 21 weeks pregnant now. On the 13 weeks NT scan was done in that scan doctor said there is heart problem in left ventricle. I and my parents and our team prayed a lot and I also attend these daily novena prayers yesterday i went to another doctor for echo scan for baby doctor said all are normal and all is good. Thanks to Jesus mamma mary and for all the intercessors Amen

  50. During the third day of the Novena, on our prayer walk, we asked God to show us a place to buy in a beautiful environment. The next day we walked to another location which looked peaceful and beautiful and we prayed for God’s Will to be done if He wants us to live there. On the fifth day of the Novena we met someone who told us that someone has a house for sale and he showed us the property which turned out to be very beautiful. Please pray along with us for God’s Favour!! God bless you.

  51. Praise God and many thanks to St. Monica for prayers have been answered for a wayward, prodigal son who has returned home. He still needs many prayers for his spiritual growth and healing.

    Thank you for all of these Novena’s that help us and others grow closer to God. I pray God will continue to inspire you and that you may continue to encourage and inspire others.

    With this Novena for the Birth of our Blessed Mother, I am praying for a miraculous healing of my son’s marriage.

  52. Thank you Lord for my new job and for my daughter’s prayer for being well settled in her new place. Amen 🙏🏽
    Thank you to all of you praying these Novenas as a Family Amen 🙏🏽

  53. Thanks and praise to God for helping us successfully get my child moved into college despite many obstacles. God provided miraculous help & recovery from a crime. Praise God that despite this incident the school year is off to a good start and I pray for continued protection & immeasurable blessings going forward. Amen

  54. I wish I had answered prayers but sadly I don’t I understand that Jesus has these trials to show how much I am committed to His will. Please pray for me. I know when Satan is temping me with all his demons. I try to fight back very hard. He knows my love for Jesus will never fail. I pray all the time to have Satan behind me in the name of our Lord. When I am exiting my bedroom I have a statue of Michael our Arch Angel with pushing Satan’s head against the ground. My whole life has been one trail after another. And with prayer I have over come most of them This is regarding my husband David and my two grown children Ryan and Jessica. The respect isn’t there and when I look back over my life I can’t see it anywhere. I know how Job felt when Jesus and Satan had Job in the middle testing Job to see if he stood faithful to our Lord. I feel I am losing Jessica more that Ryan I have 3 grandchildren, Nick, Jake {Jessica’s grown sons} and Rhiley Ryan’s son. All I am praying for is a warm and loving embrace and throw some kisses in there too. I am 69 years young and I don’t want them to have any regrets when I die. I am living a trail right now. All I ever ask for is love and kindness. The 10 commandments are written “Honor Your Father and Your Mother” it states nothing about honoring your sons and your daughters. Ryan has 50/50 custody of his son Rhiley. Plus Ryan lives at home and pays rent. I have seen Rhiley get attached to my husband more than me and when I kissed him goodnight the other night he wiped the kiss away. I saw it out of the corner of my eye. My daughter is going thru a grueling divorce from her husband. There was a time when we didn’t speak for over 2 years then she called me out of the blue one day and told me about her divorce. I think that was the reason she called me. With both of my kids on the phone I always say “I love you and my grandchildren and I barley get an “I love you back” I know you will email me back for taking up so much time to write this and please accept my apologies. I have no one else to turn to. Tears are coming God’s Blessing to you and yours. Pattie Kelly.PS my husband is a story for another day.

  55. help me Jesus change my thoughts Now I beg thank you New day new beggining thank you 101.5 JOYCE chuck tommie tanner chuck bernice everyone thank you 101.5 CHUCK bernice

  56. Thank you Jesus and Blessed Mother 🙏 for all the Blessings you have bestowed upon my family and I.

    Thank you for the wonderful Marriage my husband and I share.

    Thank you for sending a good, Catholic girl to our son as his future wife.

    God is good.

  57. Thanks for the prayers….our daughter-in-law, Heather came through her brain cancer surgery. In fact, less than a week from surgery she’s home already. They got all but 95% of the cancer again this time (her 2nd surgery in 11 years). The doctor told her he was going to try to give her another 10 years and I think there’s a possibility of that happening. She’s a strong person and before surgery was walking 10 miles a day and riding her bike almost every day on top of that.

    If you can, please keep her in your prayers for a little longer as she wades through rehab–physical therapy and occupational therapy.

  58. Prayers were answered for my sister and brother-in-law. Their marriage was in severe trouble and divorce was being talked about, but she has decided to get help for her mental and physical health issues, and they are going to a therapist. God answers prayers so fast! And, because of these novenas, we are all two or three gathered in His name, praying. Thank you for the work that you do so that we can all pray together.❤️🙏🏼

  59. I thank God through the intercession of our Blessed Lady and her Son Jesus for the blessings bestowed upon my eldest daughter. Her boyfriend proposed to her last Friday. I now ask Gods blessings for an intervention and Holy Spirit guidance in this relationship going forward, All glory, honor and praise to the Holy Family, Amen.

  60. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ and Blessed Mother for the favour granted. I was able to signed my service contract after 5 months of struggle. Thank you Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus. Alleluia. ❤️🌹🙏✝️

  61. After a long search we found a good proposal for my niece on the very first day of this novena. Please pray for us that everything works out smoothly as per Almighty God’s plans and blessings.
    Thanks for your prayers.

  62. A miracle has happened in our family! our two grandchildren who are siblings, 23 and16 have allowed themselves to be together for their grandfathers birthday celebration. For the past two years, they refused to be at the same home at the same time.. .Praise Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. Jude and St. Christopher for this miracle…its a start in the right direction for those two. Thank you

  63. I prayer for my son, for his family… I am seeing the changes I have been praying for throughout the novenas you have so graciously provided. Thank you.

    Praise be to God. Amen

  64. My grandson Damani Mills just got a job. I put the request in my prayer book on 6/9/23. I prayed faithfully and God answered my prayers. He got the job yesterday on 9/6/23. God is good!! I know that he answers prayers. 🙏🏾


  65. My sister has been distancing herself from the family for the last 3 yrs. I am one of 4 girls. Two have already passed away from cancer. I have been praying for her to come back to the family. Last Saturday she came to our nephew’s Labor Day party. We didn’t really talk, but she showed up. This is a start.

  66. Grateful for more peace in my home. Please keep praying the I find the right job or it find me. Thank you Mother Mary for watching over my son.

  67. To all who is praying this Novena , my prayers are a work in progress, they have not been answered but Jesus is working on them ! 🙏Amen

  68. My friend is being transferred to another administrative division for her job. This will translate into a better and safer place/apartment for her. She might even have additional money for her retirement 12 years from now. Praise and gratitude to the Holy Trinity.

  69. Praise be to our Lord and thank you to his mother for helping my husband and me. Right from the start of the novena, his attitude towards me changed and he started to be loving and attentive husband again. i am so very grateful.

  70. Thank you for my mother’s recovery. We were struggling to find out her ailment.
    We’ve since found out and gotten the required treatment.
    She’s doing so well, all thanks to our lord Jesus Christ.

  71. Greetings everyone.
    Is it me who has been doing it wrongly? I have been praying for each and every novena but nothing changes. How are you people praying that your prayers are answered? Please, tell me before I give up.💔

  72. Greetings everyone.
    Is it me who has been doing it wrongly? I have been praying for each and every novena but nothing changes. How are you people praying that your prayers are answered? Please, tell me before I give up.💔

  73. After our Mom and dad died 3 years ago, my elder sister took responsibility of I and my younger brother and even the first born child. It hasn’t been an easy road for us all, but things were a lot easier because of how loving and caring she is, she has been nothing short of a miracle. I’ve been praying and saying novenas for a breakthrough in her life, to get a spouse and a better job and just live a fulfilled life. Now she has a good man and they’re both planning their wedding. For this novena, I prayed they got a job they both applied for, and luckily he was called in today. It’s all a work in progress, but God has been faithful and things are getting better everyday. Praise be to Jesus Christ and all honour be to our Mother Mary. Thank you God so much 🙌 ❤️

  74. My son’s paralyzed arm is showing some improvement. His hand is now able to grasp things and type. Continued prayers for a total recovery. Thank you God.

  75. I did receive the prayer requested. Can you please pray for my heart, stomach, and a possible brain bleed. Thank you and God bless you.

  76. Good morning. This Novel have been a great help in my relationship with my wife and family I want to continue saying Novel the rest of my Life. Thank you. Have a blessed day.

  77. This Novena has brought many blessings and much comfort to my soul. The Lord has led me to a greater love for family and relatives and a renewed determination to be a prayer warrior for Him.

    I am providing a monetary gift for your ministry.
    Thank you!

  78. My son when to confession after more than 7 years yesterday and my daughter also went to confession last week after a couple years. My heart is filled with joy and happiness. Thanks be to God 🙏

  79. Prayed fervently for my school exams. It was a nightmare juggling 5 different papers alongside running a home and doing a part time job. And our Lady came through for me.

  80. I had several prayer intentions but the main request was answered.

    Despite the projected chaotic air travel during the Labor Day weekend, we had an uneventful flight and enjoyable and safe visit to the nation’s capital, Washington DC. It was a perfect holiday, highlighted with a tour of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and attending mass there.

    Praise God!

  81. Thank you. I was able to go to my grand-daughter and her husband’s new home for my birthday.
    They have a wonderful marriage and attend Mass every week. May they always love each other and have God in their life.
    I am grateful for their kindness to invite me to their home for my birthday and a birthday phone call from my daughter as I live alone and have no one.
    Praying this Novena for family and marriages was an answer to my prayers.
    Peace be with all in the name of Jesus Christ,

  82. I pray to feel better and to be there more for my family. I am confident that this will happen by the end of this novena.

  83. Greater calm and peace have settled on our family; our son has gotten a really good job and our daughter is making an attempt to reach out. Thank you, God for moving us forward.