Answered Prayers from the Mary, Undoer of Knots Novena, 2024

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Thank you for joining us in praying the Mary, Undoer of Knots Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below.

We’re continuing to pray for you!

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  1. Dear mother Mary, I truly thank you for your intercession for miraculously granting me the finances to be able to take care of myself. I am confident that God’s help is closer than the door and I am grateful and excited to serve God and to continue to deepen our relationship.

  2. Praying for Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots to untie the knots between me and my family regarding my relationship with my boyfriend. Also praying for the restoration of relationships with my family and boyfriend following a difficult time.

    Secondly, praying for Mother Mary’s intercession that a family member’s complications from diabetes no longer exist, and that they are healed from diabetes completely or at least their condition improves significantly.

    Our Lady, please pray for me and the whole world. Thank you in advance for blessings received by God’s grace in relation to these two petitions.

  3. Thank you mother Mary for your intercession to our Lord Jesus,I was praying to get a new job of monthly payments and also my also my contract to be signed and God granted my wish.thank alot🙏

  4. During this Novena I prayed for a very difficult coworker that does her job well but stirs up arguments out of nowhere with another coworker and myself. Since praying this novena she has been very pleasant and easy to get along with. Thank you dear mother and merciful Lord for bringing peace to our little office environment. I love you and trust in you!

  5. I was preparing for my professional exam, but it was hard to study with my new job and family commitments. Then to add to that I encountered some problems in the exam process on the day of the exam. I knew I needed a miracle to pass. I prayed fervently and did the Mary Undoer of Knots Novena. Today I stand to testify that I passed my exam against all odds. To God be all the glory who answered my prayers through mother Mary.

  6. Thank you so much for joining in my prayers. My son was granted his citizenship. At first some of his records of stay were not reported so they had to file an appeal and he had to reapply but after some weeks the lawyer informed him that his citizenship was granted and their appeal not even read yet. The government corrected the error. Thank you Lord and the powerful intercession of Mama Mary and St Jude🙏🙏🙏

  7. After praying the Novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots, I’ve finally received the positive pregnancy test that my husband and I have been waiting for. Hail Mary! Praise God!

  8. Dear Mother Mary thank you for praying for me I have won the court case in Freetown about the house that God gave me by doing this novena God rule in my favor and I have one more which I know that God has already ruled and settled in my favor I am just waiting for the time in Jesus Christ mighty name amen

  9. My granddaughter and boyfriend are both working and trying to budget for themselves. My family is working toward health and happiness. Thank you for your prayers

  10. Mother Mary, thank you so much for answering my prayers… my daughter’s medical tests just came out and she doesn’t even need surgery!!!!
    Thanks for undoing knots in our relationships.
    Mother Mary pls continue to undo the knots of our life…
    And thank you once again!!!

  11. Dearest Mother thank you so much for answering my prayers and those of us praying this novena.🙏 Thank you for keeping my son safe and in rcovery

  12. I had a lump, a physical knot in my body, that was causing growing anxiety for me. By the end of this novena, it was greatly shrunken and nearly completely gone. Our Lady intervened for me physically and also mentally because the anxiety is greatly diminished as well!
    Many thanks to Annie and John-Paul and all in this community for promulgating these novenas! I pray each novena as it is introduced and this one was answered! I will “pray it forward” and offer my prayers for everyone else in this community.

  13. Thank you dear Mother, through your intercession, the knot of delay in my Husband’s career progress has been undone after concluding this Novena. Thank you for answered prayers.

  14. A long running family problem has been somewhat resolved after praying this novena.
    This little bit of healing feels like a miracle.

  15. Glory & Thanks be to God the Father!
    The very last day of praying the Mary Undoer of Knots novena, my daughter whom hasn’t spoken to me since last Fall (late Sept 2023) finally called! Truly God is good, all the time!

  16. Dearest Mother Mary, thank you so much for answering my prayers.
    1) My sister’s cataract operation went on smoothly and successfully and with stable blood pressure.
    2) Another sister has started to sleep earlier now.
    3) For answered prayers of all who said this Novena with me
    God Bless

  17. Dearest Mother Mary, thank you so much for answering my prayers.
    1) My sister’s cataract operation went on smoothly and successfully and with stable blood pressure.
    2) Another sister has started to sleep earlier now.
    3) For answered prayers of all who said this Novena with me
    God Bless

  18. Dearest Mother Mary, thank you so much for answering my prayers.
    1) My sister’s cataract operation went on smoothly and successfully and with stable blood pressure.
    2) Another sister has started to sleep earlier now.
    3) For answered prayers of all who said this Novena with me.
    Thank you Lord and thank you Mary Undoer of Knots.
    God bless you, John-Paul and Anne

  19. Hello

    I would just to say my novena to Mary undoer of knots has been answered thank you to everyone who prayed along with me x
    God bless

  20. On the second day of the novena my daughter started expressing herself about her college options. On the fifth day she had made her decision of where to go to college. This had been such a heavy burden on her and with this novena our Mother and Jesus heard our prayers. Jesus I Trust in You.

  21. Dear John-Paul and Annie,

    Just wanted to let you know of the positive impact your novenas has brought to my family. Thanks to Pray More Novenas, my family is able to get together to pray as one even if we are in different locations.

    We prayed the Mary Undoer of Knots novena particularly for the challenges my eldest daughter was facing in her job. Mama Mary answered our prayers and gave clarity to my daughter’s situation. She received discernment and a way forward to overcome her situation.

  22. Through this Novena my prayers were answered! My recent blood test shows no residual cancer cells in my blood. Glory be to God, Jesus, Mother Mary, and all the saints!

  23. I started the Novena on May 1. I had a knot blessedly untangled on May 7th. Thank you Mary, God and Jesus.

  24. Through this novena, my prayer for a positive outcome as I was interviewed for a job was granted.

  25. Miracles do happen and a big thank you for this Novena Community and blessings to John Paul and Annie. My name has been on a list for an affordable senior apartment for a long time. I just learned that we have been moved up on the waiting list.
    My husband has been in rehab due to a stroke. He is now home and we are looking forward to this handicapped friendly apartment. God is good and I continue to pray for all of your intentions.

  26. Thank for you so much for the novena and prayers.. I was desperate for my child’s school fees and God came through. We serve a living God and I’ll continue to thank Him as I continue to pray for permanent financial break through and good health.

  27. My daughter got what we have been praying for,it is truly a miracle.
    Honour,might and power belongs to God
    Thank you Mother Mary for untying this knot for my daughter.Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us.
    Love you Mother Mary.
    Glory to God Amen

  28. Thank you very much for the prayers. I am now healed of my lymphoma cancer. Thanks to God through the intercession of Mary doer of Knott’s and to all of you who did this novena . Thanks to pray more novenas. God bless us all

  29. I was under going cancer treatment and all of a sudden a new lump noted. I prayed the Novena requesting Mother Mary to untie the knots of my illness. The lump was biopsied and the results came back as benign. Thank you Mother,thank you for your loving intercession and untieing this knot. Cover and protect me in your blue mantle.

  30. Dear Blessed Mother, The Mother of Jesus and Our Mother thank you for all the blessings to give us. I ask these petitions to you in Jesus Name Amen🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️

    John Paul and Annie thank you for your blessings please continue to pray for us and in the world.🙏🏼❤️

  31. I’m very grateful and very happy that through the intercession of the Holy Queen, my prayers have been answered. I asked God to grant me financial breakthrough and help me grow my business. He has brought me new clients who give me multiple orders all in the Glory of God’s name. Lord, your child is grateful 🙏🙏🙏

  32. I was praying for the knot of rejection as I seek attachment in my third year pf my 5 year undergraduate program t be undone by the Blessed Mother and after completing the Novena on Monday, I received a call on Wednesday that I should report to attachment next Monday. Thank you our Blessed Mother.

  33. During this Novena, MARY UNDOER OF KNOTS, I had a CT scan of my chest and abdomen since I had breast cancer last year, my oncologist wanted to check and make sure all was clear to remove my port. The radiologist noticed a ‘worrisome’ lesion, so they scheduled a PET scan, a mammogram, and an ultrasound, that I had during this Novena. Also during this Novena I had an appointment that was canceled mid April and rescheduled for May 1, with a nurse practitioner to go over my nutrition, emotional well being, etc. Usually they call to remind you of the appointment but no one called so I called them and they had never heard of her and said I did NOT have an appointment. I called again, later in the afternoon because I knew I had an appointment as I write everything and all appointments on a calendar to keep it all straight. I still have the page where my appointment was canceled and I have the rescheduled appointment written on May 1 to see the nurse practitioner. This particular receptionist did know the nurse practitioner but still insisted that I didn’t have an appointment. Since they said I didn’t have the appointment I thought to myself, well maybe this is a sign that my tests are negative and I don’t need to talk to her because I was so worried. The next day I got my results and all my tests were negative! Oh, I forgot to tell you the name of the nurse practitioner…’s MARY KNOTTS!

  34. Praise god,
    I had been praying both st Jude and mother Mary undoer of knots novena for my osce results where I thought I had really messed up as it was really difficult for me but god showed me that nothing is impossible with him and just to trust in him at all times because he can do miracles and he did! I got the results today and passed every station. AMEN🙏🏻

  35. Blessed Mother – thank you for intervening in my life, again. You have always been the refuge for my family and me. During this novena the Blessed Mother intervened with her Son and our Savior who answered my prayer for employment. Jesus gave me – and my wife who has been retired for several years – offers for great jobs. Thank you! All the glory belongs to God!

  36. Thanks to Mary the undoer of knots, my depression is much better and I feel happiness (sometimes, but I’m generally much better now!)
    Praise the Lord!

  37. Peace be with you!
    I have been praying that the knot of struggle be untied from my life and the father to my son stepped up this month and sent us a good amount of money for support. I’m so grateful to Jesus and Mary. Praise be the name of the Lord.


  38. Mama Mary, thank you so much for your intercession. My daughter has been doing well in school. Please continue to pray for my intentions for MG, G, and Lala. 🙏

  39. A prayer was answered today. God has shown me Mercy & kindness in my present trouble. I am so grateful for this answered prayer.

  40. On the day of the final prayer of Mary Undoer of Knots we received the beginning of an amazing rain in our drought stricken area in Western Canada. So very, very grateful. Thank you Lord❤️🙏

  41. A friend of mine sent me this link and I’ve been following and praying the novena.

    It’s has not really been easy for me lately.
    But the 5th day of our lady undoer of knots novena was definitely for me. We prayed for all those unemployed and people struggling financially.
    God really answered me in a very big way.
    I got a job offer that I’ve been waiting for several weeks/ months, also got a reasonable amount of backdated payments from the government and one of my sisters assisted with paying one of the bills that has given me sleepless nights, I also got a free takeaway lunch all in one day.
    1st of May was really a blessing for me and I’m here to ask you all to help me thank God and our mother Mary.

  42. I prayed that Our Lady would undo the knots of confusion with my son due to his learning disabilities and that he will work with his teachers to pass his college courses and it looks like two of his 4 courses are coming along. Thank you Our Lady Undoer of Knots. Ivwill continue to pray to you for him.

  43. I’m going thru a depression and take meds. But I still have down days. Saying these prayers I have been feeling pretty good. I do not miss the novenas, I love praying novenas and can’t wait for the next one. I know God is with me and answers my requests.

    Love you dear Jesus.

  44. Hi, I just wanted to share that I have been praying the novena for a while. During this last week I pray to Mary for the purchasing of my home and God blessed my husband and I to close on Friday May 3,2024. Iam very grateful for you all sharing these novena with me. I will continue to pray for my husband return and my kids salvation.

  45. I came to this novena asking for help to financially provide for my family – we had started a brand new business and it has been a very slow start. Right at the end of the novena, we finally made a significant sale. We have a long way to go before we hit financial stability, but this was a major milestone and we felt Mary, Undoer of Knots, was with us.

  46. I asked Mary to help with my medical bills which are piling up. Out of nowhere, we received a card from a breast cancer support organization showing they made a sizable donation to the hospital to help us. Thank you Mary! Thank you my Lord and Savior! Thank you pray more novenas.

  47. Thankyou Mother undoer of knots I find my work an enthusiasm even when there is alot to do.I manage things well.My health is good and especially my BP is awesome.

  48. Mamma Mary pls untie the knot of my only son Savio getting involved in past life regression and counselling people . Lead him to Jesus and help him get involved in all that is of God’s Kingdom.
    He has a broken marriage. No proper job though he is middleaged, has a disoriented family life, no prayer life and does not believe that JESUS is the answer to all problems. Please bring him back to the Catholic faith. Mother please undo all the knots in his life.

  49. I have been praying to be removed from the bandage of my husband’s family, which is an abusive home with and abusive father. I feel liberated and I feel like I don’t have to be attached or part of the problem anymore. That I am free to go my way, even if it is alone.

  50. I have been praying for my son wellbeing and his willingness to
    communicate with me. I have been texting him without any feedback. I have been worrying sick . And on the last day of the Novena I received a text from him saying that he is fine and thanking me for asking.
    Thank you Mother Mary. God is good all the time.

  51. My dearest Mother Mary thank you with all my heart for undoing a knot that was devastating me. Two of my daughters were very angry with each other and after 9 months of bitter feelings and no communication the one who seemed least likely to apologize did so in a heartfelt manner. God be praised, I cried with relief because 9 months can turn into 9 years. Thank you again and again. Alleluia! Amen.