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Thank you for joining us in praying the Immaculate Conception Novena! If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below. We’re praying for you!
I prayed that my youngest son and his wife would be able to conceive a child as they have been trying for over a year and we got the greatest Christmas gift of all, they are expecting this August! God is so Good!
Thank you our Dear Mary Immaculate Conception for praying for me and The Lord Jesus answered my prayer.
After one year and six months without a job and going thru several financial difficulties, I am now finally working, not just an ordinary job, but a job that I was asking that will match my skills with the needs of the company, so I will be able to do the job that I can really do well. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ,all praise and adoration I give.
Thank you Pray More Novenas people who also prayed for me. God bless us all!
Dear Mother Mary than you for praying for me I won one of the court cases and my house will be awarded to me than you Jesus thank you God
Thank you for this novena and all that you do through this platform. My pray of getting a job was answered and I praise and thank God, and Mother Mary for Her intercession on my behalf! GOD BLESS!
Thank you for your prayers. My ex sister in law was released from jail. May God guide her to be strong and not drink. I also want yo thank you for praying for me because I found a roommate. God is great
Blessed Mother of the Highest, I ask You to answer my prayers, I hope to tell people of my answered prayers, thank you for listening to me, Amen.
I was able to grow in a significantly greater devotion to St.Jospeh as I requested, and was able to love Our Lord more despite having unfulfilled desires as I requested! For His Glory! Thank you, I am sure Our Lord will continue to use this novena to answer many of these prayers. Thank you for all that you do
I was diagnosed with colon cancer in October and prayed that the colon cancer had not spread. All reports to date have been good, and I will have my operation next week to remove the part of the colon that has cancer.
So thankful for prayers answered and praying that the operation will restore me back to complete health so I can continue to do God’s work.
I prayed to be reborn of the Holy Spirit and for God’s will to manifest in my life.
On the 4th Dec. I prayed for quiet to listen and to live with the living because if the brokenness I felt. The parish Priest asked me to be in charge of Adoration on the 8th Dec. I did, it was when I got home and I reflected did I realized that God had answered my prayer. He is there in the Blessed Sacrament to be quiet and listen and He is the living God who gives life.
Bezgrešana, tebi zahvaljujem na uslišanju molitve da se započeto dovrši. Neka se vrši Božja volja
I have been praying for a year or better for my daughter to find someone to spend the rest of her life with, and start a family. She has an early childhood degree working in the schools with the special needs children. She would be an amazing Mom. Praying your Novena’s off and on, the last 6 mo prayed them pretty regular for God’s answer as she is going to be turning 30. Just before Thanksgiving she announced to us she has a boyfriend, they have been seeing each other since August. Haven’t met him yet, but seems like he will fit right in with family!! Thank you for sharing your Novena prayers, I am a true believer! God is so good!!
I will continue my prayer it all works out for both of them.
Hello, I was praying for a financial breakthrough. God has been gracious to me because He has given me the financial breakthrough. I give praise and glory to Him and I thank our Blessed Mother Mary for her intercession.
My daughter had a bad fire at her home, but they were all safe, as I have prayed that they stay healthy and safe.
I prayed that my mammogram would be normal and the test came out normal. I praise and thank you Lord!
Very grateful for my grandson’s recovery from extreme headaches – after affects of Covid.
Praise be to God and profound thanks to Blessed Mother for her intercession.🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Ever since I started praying the novenas, things are changing for the better. God is listening. Last week, I prayed for financial help with safe and affordable housing. Today, I found an email from my local housing assistance agency offering— you guessed it—assistance with housing. Praise the Lord for He is good! His mercy endures forever!
My Novena request was peace in my family, my Son has been minimal contact since his Dad died 4 years ago. Very angry that his Dad died, I just asked that he come back to the family and just interact. 2 days ago I got a text from my Son, telling me he loved me, and he has been in contact every day. Every day, even if the reason was just to share a moment in his day! He moved away after his Dad died, and said he was tired of his sister and I. His Dad left him a wood lot and he deeded over to his sister, saying he wanted nothing.
I am so greatful to Jesus, the Trinity and the Blessed Mother for this turn around!
my daughter-in-law and unborn baby were both in ICU after emergency c-section, She was having seizures and both mother and baby were not expected to survive.
They are both now out of ICUs and progressing well. our first grandson is premature but alive
Thanks for the prayer support. and
THANK GOD for his blessings!!!
I had asked for accommodation for my younger sister in UK and God answered us on the feast of Immaculate conception, I am grateful. As I continue to ask God to grant her/them a better Job
Thank you Blessed Mother Mary for all the blessings I have received and for the Novena
John-Paul & Annie thank you for this Novena. Thanksgiving for our prayer in this Novena and always in Jesus Name Amen.
In thanksgiving for my prayer intentions for my son James being answered.
In thanksgiving for my prayer intention for my daughter Amanda being answered.
I prayed for my sister in law to get a good job since she just got her RN License and my prayer was answered.
I prayed for a friend who had an accident and was unconscious, now she has woken up and she’s even talking. Her healing is still in progress, may it be permanent In Jesus Name!
Thank you Jesus for answered prayers and thank Our Mother Mary for your prayers and intercession always.
Thank you Blessed Mother Mary for this novena & answered prayers.
My BIL will has finally been settled & his 3 adult children are happy with the outcome. There is finally peace between 2 children living near to their 82 year old mother to enable them to work together to provide the care & love she needs.
I will continue to pray for my family to have my grandchildren baptized a for all or some of them to return to church.
Amen & thank you for being my guide & support.🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Thank you, dear Mother Mary for protecting my parents and family and thank you for making me get certified during my today professional development interview.
Thank you dear God and Holly Spirit.
I’m so over joyed. My testimonies came before the novena ended just like I prayed Our Blessed Mother to intercede.
My family got invitation to apply for permanent residency
My application was approved speedily and I got nominated
My husband got a job
Our visa extension was approved.
It all happened so fast in a space of 3 days. Miracle exists indeed
So numerous,I’m so happy. Thank you my blessed Mother. I will forever remain your daughter
Thank you dear Mother for always taking care of me and my family. I know you are always watching out for me. and give me peace and understanding in all that has happen in my life. You are always watching over me. And thank you to your dear Son.
Thanks for these novenas.
After failing an exam six times i finally succeeded while praying this novena. I thank God for He answered a prayer that I have been praying since January this year. May His Name be glorified 🙏🙏
Last year I prayed this novena for my brother in law, whom I was upset with and believed was alcoholic. I said nothing about the novena or the issue. Later, I learned that he had quit alcohol successfully soon after the novena ended. His alcoholic symptoms had become life threatening and he still has to manage the physical effects today. It’s possible that this novena helped save his life.
We are thankful that Christina is home now and gaining strength so that she can continue chemotherapy treatment. And, that her spirits are better.
I thank mother Mary for her prayers and intercession as our relocation plan has been approved.
Thank you my mother Mary, thank you Father, Son & Holy Spirit for answered prayers. Amen
Thank You for all answered prayers and those that will be answered!
Thank you Jesus and Mary for my husband’s safe travels abroad.🙏
God is good.
Dear Jesus,
Thank you so much for giving us Your mother to be our mother ever ready to help us, comfort us at all times. Thru her intercession we got the best gift this christmas – approval of my eldest son’s student visa for Canada.
We hope mama Mary will continue to protect him in his new journey and sorround him with nice and beautiful people in his new environment.
Please Jesus grant my son peace, love and joy in his heart as he embrace new challenges. Increase his faith, hope and trust in You. Teach him to be grateful to You oh God at all times and keep him always safe and sound.
My grandchildren have the Creche I collected pieces of when my children were very young, that we used in our home. They needed some religious items to combat the secular commercialism that has become preparing for our Savior’s birth. My offer was accepted by their parents, and for that, I am so very grateful 🙏 ❤
Fighting temptation and overcame a certain situation using Mother Mary as a role model.
Thank you all in my prayers this is not the first time the statue of Mary have move when I finish my novenas. I was told many times I am gifted ,when I was younger I had a dream that the lord came to me and we were in the clouds and I kiss his feet for many years I had 2 circles in the palm of my hands . THANK YOU LORD as you continue to bless me and my family!
the Virgin Mary her statue move she was facing forward and now she had turn to the side anyone knows why ?
Tom’ship fracture well healed and he is coming home today, the Feast of the Imaculatr Conception!!
After 7 years of poor mental health my son has begun to awaken his true feelings again. For the first time he has given me hope that he will return to normalcy. I am amazed but know Mary has never failed me. Thank you Lord!!
In thanksgiving for the continued pregnancy, but also for dear St Joseph to turn the heart of the bitter and angry father. Please pray for the family to be reconciled.
My son started his new job
My special request was answered! Praise be to Jesus! His Mother always prays and advocates for us! Do not lose hope.
My aunt and godmother was unexpectedly diagnosed a few weeks ago with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, much to everyone’s horror.
I dedicated this Novena to her recovery. Toward the end I learned her platelets were risings, and soon afterwards her white blood cells and hemoglobin levels increased. Then one of her sisters proved a match for stem cell transplant!
Things are looking so much better. Praise the Lord!
I havebeen praying that my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren return to the church.
We received information that the youngest greatgrandchild will be baptized soon.
Thank you dear Lady and Jesus.
Hello John-Paul & Annie,
I am glad to inform you that i finally got my study visa to further my education on day 6.
Thank you Holy Mother and thank you all.
“In trial or difficulty I have recourse to Mother Mary, whose glance alone is enough to dissipate every fear.”
– Saint Therese of Lisieux
I was terrified about a medical test l was asked to do. I asked for a successful procedure and normal test result.
I found out at the hospital the procedure was simple, non-invasive.
Above all, the test result was normal.
Please glorify the Lord with me.
Our granddaughter was diagnosed with sever scoliosis in need of surgery, this week at her checkup, the dr said he could not explain what he observed, her curve had reduced to such an extent that there is now no consideration of surgery. Praising God… thank you Jesus, oh Blessed Mother you are never to be outdone in your mother’s care and love and generosity.
Thanks to everyone who together prayed for each other’s intentions during this novena.
I received God’s favor concerning my petitions with my decisions following years of my husband’s serial cheating.
The Lord showed up at every point in time.
I received God’s favor concerning my petitions with my decisions following years of my husband’s serial cheating.
The Lord showed up at every point in time.
Thank you, Mother Mary, for interceding for me. I passed my Citizenship test with a perfect score. And two others requests were granted. Please continue to intercede for me. Amen.
I surrender Ibrahim and the lady he is with to MOTHER.
If they aint mearnt for each other. Give them the choices that best suit YOUR purpose in their life.
For todays Solemnity.. May mother gift me with her protection, ladyship and virtue.. So i can bring more souls to her son.
For a job that suits my timing and health. That provides my need and sustains my virtue.
Our Blessed Mother of the immaculate conception. Pray for all sinning soul on earth and blessed souls in Purgatory.
Every novena I pray about my daughter’s marriage and for her to pay off a big financial debt . Thank and praise God she is at peace now in her marriage and after this novena
she got a bonus she was not expecting to help with her debt. Praise and thank God for his mercy and blessings for receiving all our intercession 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
My husband and I decided to pray this novena and ask for Mary’s interception on our 2 month old son being able to sleep laying down on his crib. Until now he only slept on our lap 24h a day. Today, the last day of the novena, he slept the entire night on the crib! Blessed Virgin Mary!
Thank you Mother Mary for your intercession. My daughter got engaged and they are planning to get married next year. They have been living for a long time together and I wanted them to get the marriage sacrament.
Thank you Jesus, thank you Mother Mary. God is always good. Amen
Thank you Mama Mary for praying and interceding for me. I have been given another chance to sit the applied knowledge test. Please continue to pray for me and i tercede for me that I will successfully pass this exam. My work depends on it.
Dear God, thank you for this opportunity. All honour, praise and glory to you. Please help me to be successful in this exam. I lift to you all my worries.