Answered Prayers from the Divine Mercy Novena, 2024

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If you had any prayers answered throughout the Divine Mercy Novena, you can share those with us all below.

We’re praying for you!

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  1. Thank you Divine Mercy for answered prayers. My daughter passed the medical boards exams, it is the start of many, so I pray for your continued direction. For I believe the medical field is doing your work here on earth. All for your Glory Lord. Amen.

  2. I have been praying the novena for financial freedom.

    I have not received the answer to my prayer but every month i find the money to pay the billls to get by. I understand some answers are answered in this small way but make a big difference I pray for the financial freedom so I can live a better life and help others in need. I cry and pray every day when I can I pray for the soles in purgatory and hope soon my prayers are answered until then I will part for all those in real need of prayer I believe in Mary mother.

    If this never gets published on this site I pray for those who need my prayers more than I

    I believe god is watching and guiding me every day


  3. Been praying for another child and trying to conceive for 2 years now. With God’s grace, I’m pregnant at 42. Thank you Jesus, Mary, St. Rita, and all those who intercede for me. Please keep my family safe and guide us always.

  4. I have been praying to be blessed with a child after two miscarriages, and God answered my prayer and I have a beautiful baby.

    I also prayed for my partner to get his citizenship and he has finally been successful.

  5. I had a hole in the macula and I was going to be scheduled for surgery.
    I did the Divine Mercy Chaplet Novena starting on Good Friday, a good friend advised me to do it and finish it and expect a miracle. I got such peace from the Novena and I trusted Jesus completely. When I went for my appointment after Easter to see the surgeon he told me there will be no surgery for now. The hole had miraculously closed. I told him and the nurses it was a miracle and they all agreed. He wants to see me in six months but I’m sure Jesus healed me. Amen believe!

  6. I was praying for a safe journey for my 3 kids who were travelling as unaccompanied minors. God heard my prayers, they reached safely with all of their luggages. They had a great and enjoyable journey with the flight team. Thank you Jesus for your mercy on us

  7. My daughter has been married for 4 years and they have been praying for a child. She had an ectopic pregnancy a year ago and one of her fallopian tubes was removed. She was scared that she couldn’t be pregnant again. But she did and is due to give birth this September 2024. Thank you dearest Lord for granting this request. And of course to Mama Mary for her intercession.

  8. A few months back I had been fired from job and very ashamed. I was depressed and hardly left my house. The novena then kept me sane for a whole week. Found a new job with the government almost immediately. Thank you for this platform. I sent a prayer request and it was answered. May Mary mother of undoer, undo the knots in our lives.

  9. My Insurance Fine is completely waived, my UAE Visa is finally done and my EB3 approved!
    And I finally got a new job! A job with salary after working for 8months from last year being UNPAID by my employer. All Thanks and Glory to God!

  10. I have been struggling with finances and I had unpaid bills that were due, I prayed for a breakthrough and God answered, I’m so grateful. Thank you Lord.