Answered Prayers from The Christmas Novena, 2023

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Thank you for joining us in praying The Christmas Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all here.

We’re praying for you!

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  1. All Thanks and Praise to My Almighty God.
    All My Prayers are being answered. Some in the moment and the balance when My Father deems it’s the right time.
    I know his time is perfect.


  2. I prayed for my daughter a single mother of five. I prayed that she would be employed during this time as her job closed off until the new year. She cooks so she has been and contiues to be working during this time.
    I give God the the praise the honour and the glory for this blessing that was received in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  3. Praise God! My non Catholic husband has turned to our Lord. He has prayed the rosary with me everyday for the last 2 weeks.

  4. I prayed for help, for my daughter to be able to find a place to rent. With an eviction on record it has been hard for her to rent anything. Jesus made if possible by bringing me together with a friend I had not seen in a long time. My daughter has been able to rent an apartment. Thank you Father for what You make possible and provide.

  5. I prayed for my daughters conversion. Despite being raised Catholic and attending Parochial school,she processes not to believe in any God.
    Yesterday she posted a picture of her bedside table with a picture…the focus of the post. However, around the base of her lamp was a Olivewood rosary I had given her some years before. Proof that she has not truly given up on God. He is still in her life
    ..patiently waiting to be invited into her heart

  6. This is at least my third novena praying for my son to return to the church with his young family. Tonight, Christmas Eve, he sent me a photo of him sitting in church with his wife and older, toddler son. Praise God! Never give up.

  7. After her mothers death and past 4 mos of outpatient drug rehab that was fsiling,our niece allowed herself to check into inpatient detox program and then inpatient residential treatment program 2 night’s ago. Thank you Lord.

  8. God has been good and answered my prayers. My family and I are alive and healthy. I am certain HE is not done with me and my family yet. I am very optimistic and hopeful in this coming year, THANK YOU, GOD!!

  9. God has been good and answered my prayers. My family and I are alive and healthy. I am certain HE is not done with me and my family yet. I am very optimistic and hopeful in this coming year, THANK YOU, GOD!!

  10. I was praying for a new refrigerator and oven and I was blessed with both of them.
    I was also praying 🙏 that my son would be able to come home for Christmas and was able to get off work and came. Thank you all for your prayers.

  11. I’ve never prayed for anything specific during any of these WONDERFUL novenas but this time I was praying that our grandson , who’s stationed in the army in Fairbanks Alaska would be able to get leave and a flight out for Christmas. Prayer is so powerful!!! We picked him up last night… he’ll be here for two weeks! Soooo blessed! Thank you for all you do! And Merry Christmas!

  12. Lord thanks for letting us see Casa Familia through social media last Tuesday and I pray that Anay calls me sometime next week. In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  13. I have been praying for the gift of conception with my husband, I continue to pray and believe that two weeks from today I will test positive for pregancy through christ our lord. AMEN

  14. I prayed to Jesus and Mary for my frozen shoulder and my vertigo to be healed and I am so grateful and praise god for answering my prayers,

    God bless and merry Christmas to all

  15. I’m glad I moved into my apartment and now I pray I get that job at UNICEF.

    Please continue praying for me and thanks!

  16. I’ve been asking for peace and reconciliation with my husband, my children, my siblings and in my heart and soul by releasing my expectations and discouragement… and I can already see the results.
    Thank you for all your prayers 🙏

  17. I prayed for our daughter and son-in-law to sell their townhouse in order to buy into a home with her brother. The sale closed Friday and they will be making the investment with Joseph her brother. No more throwing good money after bad paying some one else’s mortgage. Thank You 🙏🏽 Lord

  18. I see a lot of improvement in brother ‘behavior.
    I praise and glorify my God, His Mercy endureth forever. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  19. Please pray for our daughter Elizabeth. She needs to have her gallbladder removed but her health is compromised due to liver failure.

    Thank you and God bless

  20. Der Lord, On this Christmas Novena, I asked you to grant my brother peace & stability in his life, he suffers from bio-polar illness & he seems to have calmed down a bit. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Amen

  21. Oh my Dear God my creator and my savior 🙏
    Thank you so much that after 14 long years my Family were all together this holiday season. Gradually all my wishes was granted though even if it’s one day at a time . I patiently be waiting for the most requested that Ive asked from you Dear God to be granted by you my Lord .and my God I know it depends on your will … Amen

  22. Today my son, who typically balks when I ask him to do things for me, responded very lovingly hen I asked him for help after our flight was diverted on this AND, he & his girlfriend are coming to Mass tonight. Praise God!

  23. I have been praying novenas for my husband’s recovery after his fall after spinal surgery. He has gone through a lot but thanks to prayers he has been recovering slowly. He still can’t walk but I can see his progress every day. The novenas have given us much hope. Thank you for the novenas!

  24. My husband RGS started PT, is a positive step. Thank you for your prayers Thank you Dear God, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and the Holy Spirit foe guidance. Mary Christmas and Happy New year.
    Also my Colonoscopy prep was Easy I done know the results yet, but my daughter was very helpful.

  25. I thank God, I Got my soul mate who cares and loves me unconditional, after suffering abused relationship (marriage) for 19 years.

  26. My friend Carolyn and her family face a devasting incurable illness that impacts numerous aspects of their lives. I “accidentally” discovered a 2023 library book addressing this topic. I email her the book’s resource references for additional knowledge and support.

    My friend Carol was accepted into a prestigious advanced paid training program for her job.

  27. I prayed for a peaceful and joyful Christmas celebration with difficult family members. Jesus thank you for a beautiful afternoon with my family 🙏🏻.

  28. My great granddaughter was baptized!

    My eldest daughter and her sister spoke over the telephone; they have been estranged for some time.

    Praise God for prayers answered.

  29. My son was informed his job was to coming to an end at the end of December, I have been praying the Christmas Novena that he would find better employment. He called me on December the 22nd to say that he was just hired by a more secure company with a substantial pay increase.
    Thank you Lord Jesus for all of your Blessings throughout my life.

  30. My wife and I have been surly Blessed with Food,Gift cards, and Personal care items! We have been given so that we were able to Bless other folks who had little or nothing. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR Daily messages that not only cause us to ponder but also to grow The aHoly Spirit within our ❤️! Peace and Blessings and MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Blessed 2024!!!

  31. I had my scan done to see the progress on the cancer, and it appears that the cancer is gone, or nearly gone. I appreciate everyone’s prayers are so very very much. I truly believe while doing many things to try and get the cancer to go away, it is all the prayers to God our Holy Father and Jesus Christ our Savior who has helped me get to this point. Please continue to pray that the cancer never comes back. Thank you very much and a very Merry Christmas to everyone.

  32. Since covid i have suffered so much anxiety and fear. So much so, that I pretty much stopped going to mass. Well, Thursday I went to confession & mass. Praise be to God

  33. Thank you Lord Jesus Praise be to the Father Son and Holy Spirit. Thank you Blessed Mother.
    Please watch over protect and pray for my son.
    Please protect my sisters,family. Please protect my grandson.
    Please pray for all in my healing prayer, Annie and John-Paul, and for all praying this novena and their intentions.
    Thank you for all of your blessings. I love you.

  34. Thank you to my Lord Jesus, Blessed Mother, and for Saints’ intercessions for some answered prayers re my husband. I continue to pray and ask for good health for my little grandson and wisdom and peace for his parents as well as his doctors, at the same time always trying to accept God’s will. Amen.

  35. I was afraid that I was not going to see my grandchildren this Christmas due to some family issues. But now they are coming and I can’t wait to see them open their gifts.

  36. I have been praying so long for peace in my life as a very abuse wife and mother. . I ask god to forgive me for getting a divorce but it’s not my fault. I have begged God over and over again to give my soon to be ex. Husband a heart and a memory So that he would remember how horribly was to me. How he wished my unborn child to be dead and then she died. How he put his hands on me and told me to kill myself at least fifteen times a day. I want vindication but I will not get in it instead. He is winning in every way. Even my children are spending Christmas with him. And the man is jewish and doesn’t even celebrate christmas. I beg God to have mercy on my soul and to let me find love again and finally be v indicated. Because I have been tortured for too long. I doubt it will ever happen. I guess it is God’s will for me to live like this for the rest of my life.

  37. On 12/20/23 I was hospitalized with low heart rate with pauses (heart stopped). today I am home. Pulse is fine . Thank you

  38. My PET scan came back clear for all of my body except for the small tumor in my breast for which I’m going through chemo. Praise Jesus that the tumor hasn’t grown and that the cancer hasn’t spread.

  39. Through the last 2 novena’s I was praying for my son to get a job, and he DID! Thank you all for the prayers!

    Merry Christmas!

  40. Praying for my friend John who has received Last Rights yesterday and leaving behind his 17 y/o daughter who has battled cancer twice . John was diagnosed just two weeks with cancer . Dear Lord , hold MaryAnn in your arms and your son as he prepares to enter your kingdom , Amen .

  41. We have for the longest time being trying to toilet train my autistic four year old grandson. This has been the most taxing experience. But a month and a half and 2 back to back Novena to the virgin Mother we have had a major break through. It is not perfect but we are almost there. Thank you Lord.

  42. Thank God for prayers answered!!

    Diagnosis for baby SM was not cancer 🙏🏽🙏🏽 and keeping everyone safe.

    Thank you Jesus!

  43. Prayers answered are
    My son arrived safely from NC
    My cousin with tongue cancer decided no radiation just hospice care
    Baby Georgia with leukemia is home for Christmas with mom, dad and brother.
    I’m so grateful for these novenas

  44. So thankful for my husband’s sobriety and help with house. Thank you Jesus and Mary!!
    I love you God. The Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit!!

  45. I am so thankful that my prayers were answered about my sister in law’s results of pet scans. News could have been a lot worse. Praise be to God St Mary and St Charbel for listening to our plea. May God bless everyone who prayed along and hope that he grants all the wishes through prayers. Thank you Jesus

  46. Prayers of thanksgiving for answered prayer.

    Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, who light all roads so that I can attain my goals. You who gives me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me, and in all instances of my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things, and to confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you, even in spite of all material illusions. I wish to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine.

  47. Please Baby Jesus help me to heal frog illness snd please give my husband the strength to take care of me. Please cure me of my Parkinson’s disease so I can be a whole person again. Thank you for coming to save the world. Blessed Christmas to everyone.

  48. In Thanksgiving for the safety and health of our family and friends, as they travel work and in their every day activities. Thanksgiving for two healthy granddaughters. And Thanksgiving that my husband’s been relieved of nerve pain through the last surgery, and that he will continue to have relief. In Thanksgiving for Ryans successful recovery, after his brain aneurysm, God bless, Harry and Joe, please guide me to make the right decision as to my prolapse.

  49. The Day 5 prayers included praying for families who have lost a child. The next day I heard from a friend who had lost an adult son to suicide last year that she had let go of feeling morose and opened up to feeling the Light of Hope and Joy. She realized that she cannot change the past nor change the path of the future by giving in to hurt.

  50. PRAISE REPORT!! We have been Praying for so long that my daughter would wake up and realize the guy she was seeing was NOT the one for her! He was a user and pretender, plus an Atheist (who walked that back pretending to really be a Christian) trying to reel her in just because she was lonely. We were Praying God would open her eyes and show her who he truly was AND HE DID! THANKS BE TO GOD! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! She saw him for what truly was and they broke up! She says she now sees he was never the one for her (we ALL saw that from the beginning but it had to be her to see it for herself). We are truly grateful and are Singing the Praises of God. Thank you to all you Saints who Prayed with us, for so many times I requested Prayer about this! Thank you all! Merry Christmas!

  51. Answered prayer that my grandson decided went to go to confession for Christmas. And that his father replied positively to my text message yesterday. And that my grandchildren and DIL have overcome their sicknesses and are feeling healthy today.

  52. New grandson born early, but by the Grace of God, healthy and doing well! My son and his wife are doing such a wonderful job as new parents, living and humbled by the miraculous miracle of new life they created. May God continue to guide them as they journey the road of parenting!

  53. In July of 2020, my daughter and I did the novena to Sr Anne praying for her to meet o nice man. A few weeks later she did indeed meet someone. I have prayed for a marriage for her almost every novena since then. This past week they became engaged.thank you for this gift for her.

  54. As always thank you John-Paul, Anne and everyone that prays with us for each others prayers and petitions. My wife and I have had many medical issues but with the prayers of everyone we have had the Grace of God to receive good results. Thank you for your prayers, Amen!

  55. We had been praying for the daughter of good friends who has cancer. As of last week, she tested cancer-free. A Christmas miracle!

  56. Greatfully thankful to see a ray of light and blessings coming my way. I have been invited to join my seperated family for the Christmas mass. My God and lord Jesus Christ continue to shower his blessings on my wife, kids, inlaws and extended family to forgive and forget the hurts caused due to my behavior. I ask for prayers that, my and my family continue to live under one roof with tremendous love and togetherness towards each other. This prayer I make through Christ our Lord. Amen. Thank you. Let this moment of going to church be constructive and loving. They will be done, not mine.

  57. At the beginning of the novina, the prognosis for my daughter in law was severe, as she has a tumor around the jugular and they feared it might have invaded the skull. Since then they found out it didn’t and they will start radiation in a few weeks. We continue to pray that that works and any invasive surgery won’t be necessary- she’s the mother of 5. Please continue with your prayers. I would appreciate it that you do not share this information . Have a Blessed Christmas and New Years.

  58. One of my intentions is for protection of our nation and President Trump. Throughout this novena President Trump and our nation have had many court successes continuing the Constitutional protections for him and our nation. Thanks be to God!

  59. My daughter is thinking about attending Mass and going to confession. First time in 4 years! Thank you Lord Jesus, please remain the truth she seeks and her highest Lord!

  60. I had asked For Prayers for Our Family friend Alegandro The Doctors said That Only A Miracle world save him
    Miracles Do Happen Alegandro Yesterday Celebrated his 80th Birthday ( Still in the Hospital but Getting better each day) Thank You 🙏 cm🙏🙏🥰🙏🥰🙏🥰🥰

  61. Been praying and saying the Novenas for a dear friend who needed a Kidney. Friend had been so depressed and tired of the treatments I would always pray Help him cope. Tuesday I asked for a kidney. He got a call saying surgery is at 5:30pm he is home and doing well.

    Thank you, Jesus and the Christmas Novena

  62. Thanking the blessed Mother Mary for the miracles in my life and Odile especially on our return to Lourdes. What a comforting feeling when prodigal children are treated as guests of honor. Lord thy will be done in us not ours. Amen

  63. After a lengthy period of estrangement our 2 daughters came together last evening and we had an enjoyable evening and dinner at our home.
    Thank you my good Jesus and mother Mary for this mercy shown to us. Please bless them and show them the way.

  64. My Wife had very severe back pain and her pain has decreased considerably. I thank Jesus, Mary and Joesph. Merry Christmas!

  65. Dad is finding his heart ♥️ his invited Nathan to Christmas lunch !
    Tom is looking at study/work in councelling
    Laurence is in his heart ♥️
    Nathan and I are going well in relationship
    I’m looking forward to diploma and being a room assistant in childcare
    My Aunty is coming round to her senses
    My other Aunty is expressing how she feels in a Christmas card .. amazing
    I feel my late mum in the Christmas card
    Thankyou for continued prayers !

  66. Dear Annie and John Paul,
    One of my serious medical issues has been much better! I thank The Prince of Peace for His Mercy and Love shown towards me during this Christmas Novena.
    I wish you Christmas full of peace, joy, grace and love!
    Your devoted prayer brother Thomas

  67. Received the miracle of “help” that I asked for!
    Eternally grateful to Almighty God for his blessings and my life which has been great.
    Thank you Holy Trinity!
    Thank you Jesus, Mary, and Joseph 💕

  68. The Peace of Our Lord’s birth has come upon our family and we have a spirit filled Christmas this year by the Grace of God

  69. My son in law lost his job. During this novena, he was offered a position he wanted to help the youth. Contract signed. Thank you Jesus through Mary for all to have a holy Christmas.

  70. My son in law lost his job. During this novena, he was offered a position he wanted to help the youth. Contract signed. Thank you Jesus through Mary.

  71. I pray continuously for my children to rediscover God’s presence and magnificence in our lives- and they are beginning to understand and see it, and actually welcome it. Thank you all for your prayers. We are all works in progress- all different parts of Christ’s body, all necessary to each other if we can only see that.
    Dieu nous embraces tous dans son amour parfait.
    That we may see Christ in everyone we meet, and treat each other with love, care, and respect.
    Wishing all of you a joy filled Christmas and 2024.

  72. My prayer for financial help has been answered. My son seems happier now and finding his way ! Thank you Lord for answering my prayers💜🎄✝️🙏

  73. I have been praying for my 17 year old grandson who is locked up in Juvenile Detention. This week he called to tell me he got his GED. Thank you Jesus.