Answered Prayers from the Christ the King Novena, 2016

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Thank you for praying the Christ the King Novena with us!

If you’ve had any prayers answered during this novena, please share them with us all below!

God bless you!

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  1. I thank God for healing me.
    I have had a very painful lower abdomen for the past 5 days. I prayed the novena and I feel so much better this morning and I am able to go about my day’s activities.
    I praise God for healing me.

  2. Our new young priest came to our home for a visit which was very pleasant
    He gave my Mom the anointing of the sick
    My Mom is 90

  3. Christ the king, thank you for the wonderful blessings you gave me at the 1st day of my novena to you, for giving me a job @ CT Freight . You are amazing God, you are always on time for the rescue. Thank you for your faithfulness.please continue to reign to our body mind, heart and soul and to every way of our lives. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

  4. Thank you Christ My King for the successful skull surgery on my great niece, Blair. She is only 11 months old. God is good.

  5. I had been praying for successful resolution of my disability claim and earlier this week I was informed that it was approved. Thank you Lord Amen

  6. I prayed the last novena that our son would find full time employment in order to provide for his family. He was given full time work and is now the head wine maker!???????????????? . I will continue to pray for my children to return to church.

  7. I have been praying to find me a job; yesterday I received a phone call with a job offer. I should be starting Monday. Thanks my Father for answering my prayers and for your intercession .

  8. I Thank You, Heavenly King for your continued blessings. Thank you for healing my Father from all sickness. We were told he had skin cancer when he had a tumor removed and when we went back for results after more testing, his report stated that no cancer was found anywhere. We all came before Our Lord in prayer and Our Almighty King heard us and healed my Father. Thanks be to God. Amen

  9. It’s not an answered prayer but this poem did come to me:

    What gift do I have for my Savior and King?
    What treasure is mine that is worthy to bring
    in the finest of gift wrap to place at His throne?
    What pearl of great price can I say that I own?

    The answer, of course, is that nothing is mine.
    All good is from Jesus; all good gifts, divine.
    So I offer myself to my Savior and King;
    the least of the little, this gift that I bring.

  10. Please pray for my granddaughter Gissy who has Bronchitis, please make her well. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Jesus I Trust in You! Thank You & may God Bless You!

  11. This summer I learned that I would not be eligible to receive bursaries in my university program. I have been praying for help for this financial problem and yesterday (day 8 of the Novena), I received a notice saying that I had won 3 significant bursaries for my program of study, even though I had not been eligible for it! I feel so incredibly blessed and thankful that God has answered my prayers. Nothing is impossible for God! Thank you Christ the King!

  12. After 2 siblings underwent open heart surgeries in last 2 months, I underwent Angiogram expecting same, but prayed for good results. In Awe of God’s mercy, NO BLOCKAGE! All clean! Thank you sweet Jesus. I will forever glorify your Name. TTM

  13. I have been praying for help in financial problems. Praying to Christ The King novena my prayers were answered . An uncle who died recently left me some money that I never dreamed of that would ever happen. I am truly blessed. Thank you an I love you always an honor you.

  14. My brother was very sick and in kidney failure when I began this novena.. he has improved and there was no damage..thank you Christ the King for ruling over my life and answering my prayers!

  15. Please pray the Christ the King will reign in each of the hearts in my family, all in our lives is some way and connection and all families. Also, that Christ the Kind will come to reign in the hearts of my husband and mine and heal our relationship, our marriage, and all marriages in our families and all other marriages also.
    Thank you and you are in my prayers.
    All for the honor and glory of God.

  16. Our Lord has been so good to me, showing me many ways i would never have seen before. Thank You, for taking me into Your Kingdom, Lord. i look forward to seeing all the ways You will continue to lead me along, soon AMEN

  17. Praise the lord for he answers prayers.I experience peace within me and comfort knowing that he is hearing my prayers. I feel blessed by his grace and have hope that all my prayer will be answered real soon. I love you lord. Thank you for being my guidance.

  18. I didn’t specifically prayer for healing of my health with this novena but during this novena I have receives confirmation and answers of healing that is taking place in me. I have been having gall bladder and some anxiety issues since June. I have been treating it with naturopathic medicine and finally decided to go to a gastroenterologist and had the apt during this novena. I prayed for good results but also answers if they come back negative. Well all the tests came back negative this week praise God. But the Lord revealed to me that during. A healing Mass that I went to 3 weeks ago with Frank Kelly and I was given 4 Saints to pray to and to do novenas to each one I realized that God had already healed the gall bladder about 2 weeks ago because my pain was gone for my back and arm. Praise God again and the chest tightness I have realized that it is from anxiety and stress from all the health issues and work stresses but he has again revealed to me this week through the mystery of the Eucharist that this too will be taken care of with my trust and faith in the Lord. Praise you Christ the King for answering my prayers in your time and helping me to see you in this life as I wait to meet you in the next.

  19. I was really down Financially.
    GOD assigned Angels who are coming to me, the more I assist them the more I am also Blessed.
    Christ The King Novena Had Make me to Smile.
    Thank you Jesus My King.

  20. It was my prayer to mend the tensions in my family. Jesus listened. Thank you… may it always continue and we live and love and be peaceful together. In Jesus name I pray. ????

  21. I continue my prayer to St. Monica for the return on my childen to church….my son recently emailed me to tell me that he does believe in the teachings of Christ but…the but has me continuing to pray to St. Monica.

  22. Thank you Christ the King continue to reveal yourself and rein in my family as we go through trials and tribulations.Strengthen my children in their spirituality and provide them with good friends. Help Aqua find a job near home in her applications. Thank you Christ the King

  23. Thank you Lord for making it possible for me to purchase a new home.
    After my heartbreaking divorce, and having to sell our beautiful home I was devastated to find out I could not secure a loan.(even though I had money from the sale of house) Banks won’t lend money to stay at home moms who haven’t had a job producing income in the past three years.
    Wow… somehow God put the right people in my path to make it happen. We close next month… thank you God.

  24. Every time I say these novenas I feel God answers my prayers in some form or fashion whether I realize it or not. This was no different! Praise and thanksgiving to God our Father, hallowed be His holy name!!

  25. Gid truley answer prayer for my grandchildren to better wuth their behavior in the home. I thank God for this, peace among children in the home. Seem like God was working on what needed the mostt the. Childrens to be better. I know the rest of the prayer petition will be answers in order of the Lord. Thank for your faithful prayers.

  26. Dear Christ The King, i pray for forgiveness, ask you to save me a sinner, i have been battling with ‘igg’, a case that is becoming serious, my health is poor, am deppressed, lord come to my rescue and my colleaques, heal my sickness and help me come out of financial crisis, i have no shelter in home/village , i pray for job that will enhance my spiritual growth, thank you for always being with me. Amen / George

  27. After completing the recent St. Jude novena and now the Christ The King novena, my husband and I are growing in intimacy, awareness, and appreciation of one another. Thanks be to God!

  28. I prayed for success in all aspects of a medical mission trip with 4 of us health workers in Guatemala. Success and blessings were overwhelming and we helped hundreds of very poor people in Olintepeque. Thank you Jesus.
    GOG IS GREAT!!!!!

  29. Prince of Peace, Christ Our King,

    Help us to heal our country and unite us as Americans, not Democrats or Republicans, but Americans. Help us to work together towards peace and unity. Amen <3

  30. Christ the King, thank you for answering my prayers- Your continued blessings, the protection, the guidance you always given to me and my love ones.

  31. “Many are the plans in Marc’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

    Lord, we block any being or demon or any man who stands in Your way to our marriage restoration, Lord we bind any plans that the enemy is planning against us. Lord, you say that any weapon forged against us will not prevail. Lord let no harm will come near our tents, our Lord is our protector and Vindicator….to You all the Glory forever and ever and ever and ever.

    Lord, block Marc’s path with thorn bushes. “Therefore you will block his path with thorn bushes; you will wall him in so that he cannot find his way. He will chase after his lovers but not catch them; He will look for them but not find them. Then he will say, ‘I will go back to my wife as at first, for then I was better off than now.'” Hosea 2:6-7

    In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

  32. Lord I pray that you bless my family with your love , hope , faith and grace. That we may overcome all the challenges and hurdles that we are faced with.Lord I pray for health, happiness , success , peace and joy.

  33. My son had been laid off of work for a month and I was praying that God would place him where he wanted him to be. On the 7th day he got a call to go to work. All glory to God.

  34. Thank you Christ our King for answering our prayers for Elizabeth.

    More than we had even hoped for was given

    Thank you to all who prayed with us

    Let us always know God answers our prayers

    Praise be the Holy Name of Jesus now and forever

  35. Thank you Jesus for helping my husband realize that we’re a team and that he’s not alone, that sharing health and work concerns can be very beneficial.

    Please Lord answer the prayers of all who pray this novena, and that by doing so, more will follow you.

  36. Thank you for answering my prayers. I know you are listening to me and it fills my heart with love I will forever spread your word for you are the most glorious and most powerful. I begin and end the day with you in my thoughts and heart

  37. God, I pray that my friend heals from her heart attack and you aid her in her continued recovery. I also pray that you help my friends heal with the loss of their dog. I need you in my life God, every moment. Help me to continue to grow close to you and do good in the world. AMEN

  38. My son has been experiencing major stress and anxiety, one issue that was brought on by this anxiety was resolved, better than expected. so I thank Jesus and all of you for praying for my son. There is more to resolve, but with the help of my novena daily and your prayers, this too will be helped.

    I hope all of these prayers have brought peace to all of you.

  39. In thankfulness for the outcome of the election. May the Lord guide those elected to restore peace and equality for all.

  40. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this Novena. Yes prayers are answered. My daughter lost her baby early in her pregnancy last March. This was her second one she has brought to term. But with prayers with this Novena and my SLBG ( Sisters Loved by God) Bible group they heard a strong heart beat this week. My prayers are that God in His loving grace grant this little one to us this July.
    Amen ????????

  41. Our grandson is now at a halfway house after his second bout of addiction and two treatment sessions. It’s been a long journey but he’s made it that far and is seeking employment. Praise the Lord. I ask continued prayers for those with addictions and their families.

    • In thankfulness for the outcome of the election. May the Lord guide those elected to restore peace and equality for all.

  42. Christ the King, please help us to all evil fill our hearts with love for each other.
    Pray for my Health
    Pray for my husband drug habits that he stop using it.
    Pray for my daughter that you Guide her to the right Direction and make better decisions in her life and heal her from her kidney infection.
    Pray for my son that you guide in the right direction to work in the medical field or work at arrowall company.
    Pray for my grandchildren that you help them with the divorce of there parents that you fill there hearts with love and laughter

  43. Pray the doctors will figure help my 80 mother to see what is causing her low blood and anemia and she will not have any cardiac problems

  44. Thanking God for my son’s full time job. It brings joy to my heart to see how happy he is at his new position. We are so blessed and so grateful.

  45. Thank you to Our Lord & God, my guardian angels and all who heard my prayers to help me get through the burial of my son at Arlington National Cemetery. Very emotional and know I had their blessing & help. Love these novenas.

  46. Christ the king has answered prayers for my brother. His brain hemorrhage stopped bleeding, the bruising already healing and physical therapy has begun all with in a week! God is good! Thank you dear Lord!

  47. Thank you, Lord, for the good news for two young ladies who have had surgery and treatment for cancer.

    Thanks to all who have prayed for my intentions. May God bless you.

  48. Dear Lord,
    Thank you for granting my son an interview to medical school. If it is your will, please allow the interview and application to be successful.

  49. I have been interviewed twice and now waiting for result l. Thank you God the good chance You have given and I believe I have got the job.

  50. Dear Christ The King,
    I pray today that all my business transactions are closed successfully & that I will reap some financial reward.

    I pray also for the 12 yr. old..(Sophia’s niece) with the cancerous brain tumor that you may bring her healing in whatever way you deem fit.
    I pray for strength for her parents & other members of her family so that they can give her as much support as possible.
    This we ask in your name…through Christ our Lord…Amen!!!

  51. I want to publicly thank Christ Our King, Our Holy Mother Mary, St. Anne, St. Joachim, St. Martin, St. Therese, St. Jude, St. Joseph, Padre Pio, all the Angels & Archangels & my Guardian Angel for all the help in guiding my dentist and his team through all the difficult dental issues which I have had since September, following the passing of my youngest sister. The dentist pointed out that the stress of losing my sister is taking it’s toll on my mouth, gums and teeth.
    The pain was reaching an unbearable level and getting me very down as it was affecting me in so many ways. It was difficult for the dentist to pinpoint exactly the pain was originating from and each time he felt he found the source, the pain returned with greater intensity.
    I have been asking Christ Our King and His entire team for Heavenly help in guiding the dentist towards locating the source of the pain and helping him to numb the tooth in question, which refused to be numbed in previous visits.
    Thankfully the dentist was able to numb the tooth long enough to remove and old filling and insert a sedative filling to calm the nerve. And thanks to Christ Our King, the pain has eased tremendously and I pray that it continues to work and that I eventually become pain free.
    Thank you Christ Our King, Our Holy Mother Mary and all the Angels and Saints for helping me in so many ways, every single moment of my life.
    I pray that everyone else praying this Novena to Christ Our King and looking for help, will receive it. Thank you all for praying this Novena with me. I am beyond grateful. Wishing you all health, peace, and happiness.

  52. I give praise and thanks to Christ th King.
    I prayed for healing for my lips and my lip has been healed thanks be to God Amen

  53. I am so grateful to God because he answered all my prayers. I asked for my paper proceedings to go smooth, and he did it for me. I asked for a job, and he gave me one. I asked him to give my father good health and he did it. I can’t thank God enough. I also thank everyone that prayed along, and I pray for God to grant each of us our heart desires amen.

  54. Dear Jesus, i pray for my daughter to have work and love , please inspire her and guide her to do well in her interview , she needs it as soon as possible, thank you

  55. Dear Lord Father;
    I facing 3 problems during this time .
    It is so hard for me. husband hiding something from me. work place situation is not good for me.something happening but I can’t understand.
    3.My son’s marriage is also dragging.
    But I know my dear Jesus Christ only you can settle this situation.
    Please help me Jesus.AMEN!!!!

  56. I give thanks to Almighty God for answered prayers.
    I have started to recognise and acknowledge all the many. positive and good things God is doing in my life and the lives of my children and grandchildren and focusing less on the insignificant negative ones and .
    I am not allowing my present temporary ill health to cloud my judgement .I offer my limitations for my sins and for the sanctification of my soul , with the sure belief and faith that I will get better , if it is the will of God . Christ the King , your Kingdom come.

  57. My husband finally found a job in his field thanks to Christ the King, I love and adore Him. I pray that he will do well and keep it, please help him Christ the King. Please grant me the rest of the favors asked if it is Thy will.

  58. I prayed for God’s protection on my family from evil Powers. On the six day of the novena prayer my younger brother was delivered from evil attack. I give all glory to God. Christ the king! Your Kingdom come!!

  59. My brothers and sisters in Christ, join with me in Thanksgiving to the Lord for given me the help I so needed in order for this new page in my life to start.
    The Lord guide me every step on the way to achieve this blessing and I am so greatfull for it.
    Thanks you Lord
    Thanks you my glorious Mother Mary for guidance.

  60. Praise God my trip to Egypt came through. As I travel to the land where The Holy Family of Nazareth took refuge, I pray for mercy and God’s blessings Amen

  61. Good day,my brother’s and sisters in the Lord.I want you all to join me in thanking God for His mercies upon my life and family. I used to have challenges in my marriage,communication break down between me and my spouse and so on.This affected our relationship. At the moment(since the beginning of this novena)our relationship has improved. There is peace in my home. This is a priceless gift from God ,I cannot thank Him enough. I encourage everyone to participate in this novena and subsequent ones.Praise be to you, Lord Jesus , Amen and Amen!

  62. Alleluia Praise be the Lord! My prayers have been answered. I was successful and got a job confirmed on Day 6 of this novena. Christ my King, I love & adore you!Finally, finally, 10 months of deep pain is over. Thank you Christ the King. Thank you Jesus. I will forever be grateful and stay close to you. Thank you to my family and lovely friends, everyone who kept praying for me not to lose hope. Jesus, I trust in you. St Therese & St Jude my special patron saints, thank you for keeping me going. Amen

  63. Jesus my saviour, I thank you for the answered prayers. You have made me stronger now, removing every anger and bitterness I had for Magnus and his family. I am grateful to you. I know in you I have been set free from all the bitterness I would have suffered in that relationship. Thank you for your love in this new beginning and watch over all my life dealings especially in the choice of my life partner, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.

  64. On the first day of the novena Christ the king answered my prayer. I did something stupid that made my fiancée doubt my fidelity and he called off the relationship. I cried and begged for days and he refused to let it go. After saying my novena on the first day and asking God to let his will be done in our relationship , my fiancée called me that morning , I was shocked and happy beyond words. Thank you guys for this platform.

  65. I started this novena with a request for possitive changes in the life of my daughter ,my grandchildren and my self.Things have been very hard for my daughter and I since the death of my husband 10 years ago.Her children have mostly seen and felt negative things since they were born.
    On the second day of this novena,my daughter got e-mail from her boss saying that they were very pleased with her work and would like to discuss a salary increase with her.She just started this job in January and was earning minimum wage,and I ,a pensioner often had to help to make ends meet.Things were extremely tight! Hope that with this blessing a bit of the burdens/negative will be eased and soon we will be out of the darkness into the light!

  66. During this Novena I have been asking Christ to heal my father and send me a partner. My father is healing, improving day by day, I thank the Lord, and I trust the Lord will also answer my prayer request for a partner.

  67. I asked for the arrest and conversion of my brother, Nwabueze, as God did on Saul. Four days into the Novena of Christ the King, God did as I asked Him for their changes in him now. May Christ the King continue reign in my brother’s life and in my family amen.

  68. Well, it seems more is being taken away the more I pray. Things are actually worse. There is more stress and worry than ever. So I sit here not knowing what prayer means.

    • Dear Yella,
      Please don’t give up, strive to persevere. And remember Gods ways are not our ways and he will deliver his deed to you in his time and according to His will. Let Christ continue to reign in your life both in good and bad times.

    • Yella, sometimes I experience similar situations and I force myself not to give up. The evil one is angry when we are praying and tries to stop us but we just have to remain steadfast and Christ will see us through. Let us continue on the prayer journey in faith

  69. Through life we find we have to let go of things that often were so much part of our lives, it’s not always clear as to why this is happening, but our faith in God tells us that He knows best and no matter what happens in life we are in His protection, Care and love at all times, and He brings everything together for our good. He is in control, He sees all things, Trust in Him for He is the Mighty One the King of all.All praise , Glory and Honor to our King, Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. I am so grateful for everything Amen.

  70. I work in a school that’s been under a cloud for the last 2 years due to poor reports. In the last 2 weeks we were re-inspected twice. I prayed part of this novena and the parish priest asked special help from St Thomas Moore.
    We are now out of special measures.

    Thank God and thank St Thomas Moore.

  71. I thank God for our lives and am asking Lord for his protection over myself and daddy and siblings and bika, I also need financial breakthrough, husband, accommodation, car,business partners, business opportunities, helper,sponsors on my reality show, close door of untimely death in our lives, abject poverty, failure, hardship, late marriage, disappoinment, disgrace, shame, struggle, limitation, family curse, spirit of snake, spirit of marine, spirit of debt, setback, nightmare in Jesus Christ name. Amen

  72. Lord God,

    Jesus Christ , our King, you are really the King of Mercy and Love. In behalf of my siblings and the daughters of my deceased brother, I thank You, that the initial step of the Sale Transaction of the Property we have inherited from our parents, run smoothly well. I am sure, that with your continued providence, the succeeding steps to the related Sale Transaction will be finalized and completed without any concern.

    Thank You for blessing us with loving and responsible parents, who are now resting in God’s Loving Embrace. Thank You Jesus, Thank You, Lord, for Your Providential Love.

    Your thankful child,

  73. Thank you Jesus for prayers answered.
    I prayed to have the strength to go through an interview (at an international level) which I did on 15 November and now i leave it to my God for the outcome according to His Will.
    I also prayed for my daughter who was going through her final exams in a medical school and I received a call last night that she has passed all her exams and has now earned the right to be called a Doctor. Thank you Jesus, Praise you Jesus – my King! Amen

  74. Praise God with me for He, mother Mary and brother Jesus have been faithful and have fought my battles accordingly. May the Heaven be ever visible in my life and my home. I am forever grateful!

  75. Thank God for answered prayers. I prayed that.God should restore love and trust in my relationship with my fiance and God answered my prayers
    Our relationship is waxing stronger now and she is also dedicated to serving the Lord and King.

  76. I want to thank you all for this novena. I have an answered prayer, for what I,v been praying for long. Thank You Christ The King Of Kings!!!!. Amen.

  77. Thank you so much for praying for me. I feel so healed, physically and mentally, thank you every one for praying for me

  78. From the third day of Christ the King Novena
    I have experienced answered prayers in several ways
    Even though I have not accomplished a roof under me and the children, my business is expanding and I am financially getting stable
    I know this is work in progress and I thank my God and my members for keeping me in your prayers
    Thank you Jesus

  79. Please pray for me my husband son and mother keep us safe healthy and patient and happy praying for my son Rocky he is successful in his new job and Grant me peace in my job and Grant me help with the job thank you for your prayers

  80. I applied for a Canadian visa since 17th of June but no reply I have been waiting for reply during this novena I prayed abt it on the 15th of Nov I got approval for the visa.