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This is the introductory ‘episode’ of the Pray More Novenas podcast!
As Annie mentioned here, we are going to start providing audio and video novenas here, on iTunes and on Youtube. I won’t say much more because you can listen to Annie give the introduction in the podcast below.
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Audio Podcast in iTunes
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I am one of your monthly contributors and somehow you have taken me off the email list. I even tried signing up again to no avail, I’m still not being included. I would appreciate being added back to your email list.
Blessed Mother help me. Help my earthly mother and sister see what they are doing to me…appear to them with direction as to how they too are the blame for all these problems within this family. Mother speak their hearts to end this hateful behavior and they we join as family together. Show them their part of the blame so we can all reconcile these differences. Dear Mother hear my prayers and speak to their hearts sooner than later. Amen
Please pray that God leads us to our new home in the next 10 days. We have to be out of thus place we live in now by the 28th of Dec. Thank you.
Please God bring Gary and I back together again I know he loves me and I love him. So lonely without him.
Natalie is a young mother of six who is courageously battling ALS. Her faith and love of God inspire all who know her.
For My children to have a desire in their hearts for you Lord & return to the church.
For A to have meaningful relationships and be able to trust.
That she can put forth the needed effort to do well in her studies & feel confident & obtain her degree.
For P that he continue to do well in his work & relationships.
In thanksgiving for all the blessing you continue to bestow on my family.