Day 7 – St. Peregrine Novena | 2025

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Here’s Day 7 of the St. Peregrine Novena!

We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world!

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  1. My resident who was in septic shock from acute respiratory failure and pneumonia was completely healed and discharged back to our facility. She is looking great and healthy again. I am thankful to God and St. Peregrene for his intercession.

  2. Our parish priest was diagnosed with stomach cancer and started a medical leave
    on Deceased 16, 2024. Our parish community has been praying for him and sending prayers and encouragement weekly. He recently sent us a note stating his cancer is responding to chemotherapy and is able to take chemotherapy in pill form. Fr. Danny is a very good priest and we continue to pray for his return to us. Thank God and the intercession of St. Peregrine!

  3. I ask and pray for the cure for my nephewโ€™s sight and the continued health and happiness of my family. I pray for the souls of my father and uncle. Finally, I humbly ask if it is Godโ€™s will, for the release from all the pain and sufferings that I endure due to my disabilities and that I may find a better job as well as my future wife and soulmate. I pray for Peace in the Ukraine and the Holy Land, the end to gun violence and abortion. I ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen ๐Ÿ™ โœ๏ธ