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Here’s Day 4 of the St. Jude Novena!
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Dear ST Jude
Thank you so much for answering my prayer.
I prayed that Meret gets matched into her hospital of choice for her residency. And on the fifth day of praying this novena, my prayer was answered.
St Jude, everything is possible with you.
Please continue to intercede for my other intentions
I pray for financial stability.
I pray for the success of D in his job.
I pray that Joseph gets his internship.
I pray that Andrew and M get back together.
I pray that Andrew will love her always.
I pray that love will prevail.
I pray for health.
I pray for peace.
Please pray for my daughter so she can see how important it is to spend time with her children. I also pray for my friend’s special need. For my children to return to the faith and baptize my grandchildren. For everybody that has asked me to pray for them and for God’s Will in my life in Jesus name . Amen!
St. Jude please intercede for me that the pain on my right foot may heal with the treatment the doctor is given me on a weekly basis so that I don’t have to go through surgery. These treatments are very painful I thank God for giving me strength and courage to go through this every week next week will be my last one and I pray that I’ll be pain free. It’s been almost a year and no relief as of yet I won’t lose faith.
Pray for my family that they may find hope and continue t be blessed daily. . Pray for me and my husband as we have struggled while trying to get pregnant for 8 months now. Pray That we may have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby soon. Also pray for spiritual, physical and financial health for my family.
I pray that more homeless people have homes and they find shelter. I am 8 and this is my first novena.
I pray that things will go better for me at work. And that my boss will see that I do contribute and will begin to appreciate my efforts.
Dear St Jude
please intercede on my daughter’s marriage, I pray that there be peace and stability in the family,I also pray for his conversion to belong to the catholic family
I really need prays now to collect the money that I work for on a big job.. I did the contract and they breached the contract took work and trying to charge me for it at 3 times the price I bid it for.. With NO notes at all in any kind of righting.. Then work that wasn’t even in my contract the asked me to price it out for a change order.. I did any the got mad that my price was higher then a different contractor so I said go with them.. And they did.. But then they are trying to back charge me for the work.. I can’t believe how some people can live with themselves and try to steal from a small hard working man such as myself.. Now I lien the property And they Bonded around it.. This is example how the rich want to take from the poor or hard working small business man that worked hard for everything I’ve gotten in life.. And they know I’m not going to have to money to take them to trial court I will need to to get paid in full.. Please pray god will take care of this.. Thank you and God bless..
This sounds similar to what is happening to my brother in law who is being sued by a rich man who owes HIM a lot of money after asking for many upgrades to a house being built for that man.
I pray that God bless and protect you both.
Dear St. Jude, please lift my daughter, Emilia, from the sad effects of chronic childhood PTSD. If it be the holy will of God, may His grace lift the scourge of mental anguish from her and restore her to wholeness and health of body, mind and soul. May she enjoy the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, the peace of Christ Jesus and the protection of St. Michael and Our Blessed Mother as she journeys to the next therapy placement on her healing path. I pray for the conversion of her heart, for the conversion of her biological father, and for the Holy Spirit to guide, enlighten and strengthen me. Please St. Jude, I beg your intercession for my daughter.
Please pray for my friends Josie, and Debbie that God may touch them with his healing hand and cure them of the cancer that is in their bodies. Please pray for my son and nephew that GOd may clear their names. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN
For the repose of the soul of my friend Elisabeth who passed Monday, and for comfort for her family.
Pray that my son get the correct help for his dental problems
Oh St. Jude, please pray for me that these fibroids that has afflicted my womb for al theses years and refused all medications and caused me barrenness all these years after marriage will be cleared off and be converted to fine boys so that I will testify and dedicate my children IJN.
For loving companions for my children. For the right job to present itself to my son. For all the lonely and isolated people.
Dear St. Jude please pray for:
I pray that you will lift up all the homeless, hungry, and the jobless. St. Jude, I pray for my disability hearing to go through and show favor for me amd my family. I pray for my daughter and her salvation and a job that has the potential for a career. I lift the world up in pray for all who may be suffering. I pray for peace, comfort and strength for all who are struggling. Amen
I pray that D.L and A.L love each other and not let anyone get in the way of their relationship.I pray he wants to stop drinking and partying.Please St Jude help them and intercede for them.
I pray that D.L and A.L love each other and not let anyone get in the way of their relationship.I pray he wants to stop drinking and partying.
Dear St. Jude please Pray for:
DTS who has struggled with mental health issues for years, pray for her family who struggle with it as well.
Pray for ME who has severe depression & medical issues
Pray for JS who needs healing from divorce and issues with depression
Pray for JM who had turbulent abusive childhood issues
Thank you and blessings to all
I love the audio version.
St. Jude, I pray for my financial struggles and for debt relief.
I no longer wish to be a slave to the lender. Proverbs 22:7.
I pray to you St. Jude that I will see financial blessings and debt relief and have a rich and abundant life. John 10:10.
In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Dear saint Jude, I know what i ask is impossible. (Day 4 of novena) Would it be possible for you to help my Eldest daughter to grow taller she is very small for her age. Also my business has hit a bit of a slump recently could you help to make it busy again. Thanking you.
Love the new audio version!
Blessed St. Jude, I pray for my marriage and our family that I am able to conceive and deliver healthy children as we both plead to the heavens for fruit of this marriage. I also pray financial breakthrough to service our debt particularly home mortgage and student loans as we journey through this life. St. Jude, our Lord and saviour taught us faith of a mustard seed can move a mountain so I offer up our faith and my plea to God our father with your intercessions. In advance I say thank you for hearing me and my husband, Thank God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for answering my prayer.
Please pray for my father, told this week that he has the initial stages of congestive heart failure.
Please pray for my sons and their wives and my granddaughter, that they would come to fully embrace and engage the faith.
Please pray for reconciliation for my siblings.
And please pray for Elizabeth.
I pray this novena for my family that struggle financially.
Dear St Jude
Please intercede for my husband, He is being victimised at work. Everybody is turning against him. Lord have Mercy on him that he may sustain his job. St Jude please keep my husband in your prayers for impossible and hopeless causes.
Dearest St due please intercede for me that I may be promoted at work, I am in debts, and my hope is for me to get a promotion to be able to put my life back in order.
God has been so good to me and my family, when I look back to where I’ve been, I just wanna praise God more and worship Him all the days of my life. He’s been so good to me. Devil has no power over my life, I have God on my side. Amen!
I pray for my heart to heal and understand that I have no control over others treatment towards me and to continue to pray that their hearts open and receive Christ. I worry or their souls, but allow me to proceed and reflect my love towards them to show them the grace that is giving through my own faith and love in Christ.
Dear St. Jude, I pray for my immigration case, that I may come out victorious. I pray for Carole and the husband that they may stop threatening me and my job. I pray for a life partner and a complete breakthrough in my life. I pray for my little brother that he may find direction and guidance in his new venture.
holy St. Jude i pray for my brother inlaw who has just gone blind today because of high sugar level and has to under go an operation please st Jude pray for him to be well and be able to see again. Help my sister who is being victimised at her place of work, intercede for her to triumph over all her trials she is passing through. Help me as wel to find a secure and permanent job, have been struggling for years now pray for me and these my petitions. Pray for Simon to find his way back home despite the difficult obstacles he is encoutering on his way. Beg God on our behalf to pardon our sins and grant us the deliverance and breakthrough we desire. St. Jude pray for us, amen!!
holy St. Jude i pray for my brother inlaw who has just gone blind today because of high sugar level and has to under go an operation please st Jude pray for him to be well and be able to see again. Help my sister who is being victimised at her place of work, intercede for her to triumph over all her trials she is passing through. Help me as wel to find a secure and permanent job, have been struggling for years now pray for me and these my petitions. Pray for Simon to find his way back home despite the difficult obstacles he is encoutering on his way. Beg God on our behalf to pardon our sins and grant us the deliverance and breakthrough we desire. St. Jude pray for us, amen!
I pray for me and my partner and marriage. I pray for healthy children and at that I am able to conceive and delivery healthy children. I pray my eggs are viable and that I can have children immediately after marriage. I pray I get pregnant right away- I pray for this impossible miracle and the miracle of a job for steven. I pray for the blessing of my healthy and that all my pain be removed my my abdomen and body. I especially pay that the pain I feel I my stomach go away as I have suffered far to many years. I also pray that this lump in my left breast is nothing to worry about. Heal this lump and pray it disappears Amen
Dear St Jude
Pls pray for Carl’s return…save my marriage
Pray for my daughter Jessica to live a righteous life…may there be a conversion in her life…she is leading a homosexual life at this moment…pls save Jessica
Pray for my son Daniel n his wife Sandee to hv a happy marriage
For myself to persevere n grow in faith n trust in God…amen
Please pray for my business success, this has been a really long tough time for me, all business avenues has shut down and close it doors on me, I’m keeping faith that things will change and by Gods grace be successful.