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Here’s Day 3 of the St. Jude Novena!
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Please, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, please join and pray this Election Novena.
Our USA so sorely needs it.
Dear St. Jude, Please help everyone that needs a job, help me talk and don’t get confuse. To be bless by Jesus, Blessed Mother, St. Joesph and you. Let my husban
d have more love for me. Please help my in-
laws come over. I plead the blood of Jesus
over me and my family. Please increase our
faith. To heal me complete. Please forgive our sins. Please thank you all for all your blessings. I love you all. Amen
Dear St. Jude, thank you for coming tonight to hear our prayers and concerns and issues that we are facing.
We pray for all on this Novena tonight.
St Jude, what is wrong with Pope Francis supporting Gay civil unions?
OMG !!!
I know we are not to judge.
St.Jude, the world is gone crazy.
We need help here on earth.
I’m not mad at Pope Francis but..
We pray for all whom are unemployed and lost everything because of this China virus.
We pray for all.
We pray for….
Poor, sick and the dying.
End Abortions forever .
End Hunger, starvation and all types 6cancers.
St. Jude HELP US !!!
Lord Jesus son of God have Mercy on me a sinner.
St Jude with us during this time of need and seek out the children that need your help.
St Jude pray for healing of my daughter that suffered a terrible accident that have brought her and us (father & mother, caregivers) painful struggles during this 4 years. Being an apostol of Our Father that works with difficult cases, see into our lives and through Our Lord heal my daughter. Amen 🙏
Wednesday October 21st, 2020. My Praise Report and Persistent, Persevering Daily Prayer Request to My Almighty Heavenly Father My Lord, SACRED HEART OF JESUS CHRIST THE KING, THE RISEN GOD, HOLY SPIRIT, THE PARACLETE, BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UNDOER OF KNOTS, ST. JOSEPH, ST. PEREGRINE, ST. RITA, ST. JUDE, ST. ANNE, ST. THERESA OF CALCUTTA, ST JOHN PAUL 2ND , ST. MONICA, SACRED HEART OF JESUS, PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS and All Ye Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints. l implore Your Providential intercession with all my prayer requests to the Almighty God. O God I am so Grateful to You that My soul is so satisfied in You.
Please Lord accept my daily conversation with You. Please God hear my daily cries, have mercy, compassion and pity on me and let my cries and the silent meditation of my heart and the words of my mouth be Acceptable to You O My Lord Jesus. I am knocking please Lord always open me, l am seeking You please Lord let me find You always, I am asking You please Lord answer me always. I place all my Trust in You Jesus. l Know, l Believe and l have Faith in You my Lord Jesus that You do Miracles, the Impossible for me. I know You will take of me and make a way for me. I Thank You Lord. I Praise You my God. I Love You Father, my Sovereign God, my Master. I beg You Lord Jesus. Please look upon my tears, Hear my cries always Master and answer me in my humility. Eternal Father please do not forsake me. Please Lord take care of me and keep me beneath Your wings far away from my enemies who wishes harm on me and my family.
Dear God Almighty, HOLY SPIRIT, The Paraclete, my Advocate , PRECIOUS, ROSY BLOOD OF JESUS, ST. PEREGRINE, ST. JUDE, ST. ANNE, ST. MONICA, HOLY MOTHER MARY, UNDOER OF KNOTS, please undo the snarls of knots in my life. I Thank You God for healing all my sufferings; my stomach ailments and all my discomforts for Your Glory and my Salvation. Lord Jesus my God. Please do not allow the diseases to return. I beg You. l Thank You My Lord for all Your Healing Miracles and Benefits for me and my family. ALL YE HOLY ANGELS AND SAINTS I implore your aid, intercession, grace, discernment, and providence into my soul and for my intentions listed here in my daily, rambling petitions for myself, son Christopher, mother Margaret, siblings especially Paa, Edwin, Fred, JB, all my relatives, friends, loved ones, the sick and the suffering to whom this Daily Novena is intended for and the whole world. I Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for hearing me and taking care of me in Your mercy and answering me for Your Glory. All Ye Holy Angels and Saints please join me in Thanking and Praising God.
Blessed Holy Mother Mary with your intercession and that of All Your Holy Angels and Saints The Merciful God answers all my prayer requests. God delivers my soul from death and honors me with all my daily needs. I Thank You Lord. Praise the Lord O My Soul and all that is within me. Praise Your Holy, Glorious Name. I Thank You Lord God Almighty that My Soul is so Satisfied in You. Amen
HOLY SPIRIT, my Advocate please descend upon me and endow my Heart with the power of God, so Your Spirit will flame the fire in me and The Almighty God will hear my cries and render me His Salvation, Blessings and continuous Healing Miracles. Intercede for me HOLY SPIRIT. I need Your Healing Hands on me right now Jesus. Please Lord Do it for me right now. I Thank You HOLY SPIRIT.
Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, OUR LADY OF LOURDES, Blessed ST. JOSEPH, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, ST. PEREGRINE, ST. MONICA, ST. RITA, St. Jude, ST. ANNE, Blessed ST. PADRE PIO, All Ye Holy Angels and Saints. l invoke your names to please Entreat God’s favor on my behalf to forgive my sins, to have mercy and pity on me and to please accept my constant, unceasingly, daily Thanks and Praises. Ye Angels and Saints please Entreat God’s favor to hear my constant, persistent silent cries and continue coming to my aid. I need you desperately God. I Knocked, l asked and sought your HELP Jesus. I have no other God apart from You. I trust and believe in Your WORD that by your Stripes l am healed and You O God HEALED me. YOU CURED ME with the surgery. Almighty Father, You had pity, compassion and mercy on me just like You did for Hezekiah when he cried unto Thee. You have always been Good to me Lord. I Thank You my Lord Jesus for hearing and answering my cries and wiping away my tears in spite of all my sins. I adore Thee my Lord. l love Thee my God. l Praise and Magnify Your Holy Name Lord Jesus my Savior. You are the Best Thing that ever happened to me.
All I want to say to You God every moment and every second of my life is THANK YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, LORD JESUS CHRIST for bringing me through the surgery and CURING ME. Oh God I am so Grateful to you For giving me another chance in life for Your Glory; For allowing me a place in the land of the living. For healing my mother from all her illnesses and delivering her from death. For giving her eyesight back after her eye surgery. Praise God. Thank You Father. Please Lord Jesus, continue to heal her with your Precious Blood from your wound and water from your side for by your Stripes we are healed. Please God heal the high pressure in mother’s eyes so she will be able to see again. Please God do not fail her. Please God forgive her sins and deliver her soul from the devil’s grip, satan her enemy, the evil spirit and from death of her soul. Please God, in your mercy grant her your Supreme healing miracles, strength and good health for unto You she daily lament. Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing my cries and healing her eyes again. Amen. Alleluia
Thank You God for heeding my sighs and moaning. For listening to my supplications and driving away all my fears and anxieties. For answering all my Prayers and delivering me from dangerous pitfalls, toils and the snares of the devil, my enemies. For fighting my spiritual and physical battles and allowing me to defeat my enemies and oppressors, for delivering me from death and keeping me in the land of the Living. Create in me a Clean Heart O God and renew a steadfast Spirit within me. Please Lord do not take Your HOLY SPIRIT away from me.
Glory and Praises be unto Thee Lord God Almighty. How can l thank Thee Lord Jesus. I will call upon Thy Holy Name to Glorify Thee. I will exalt Thy Blessed Holy Name, I will testify to All Nations for what you Lord have done for me. You made me an instrument of Your Devine, Supreme Healing Miracle. I am striving to do your Holy Will for Your glory. I extol You and testify Your wonderful deeds to ALL that I did not die. l shout Your Mighty Name to the world and testify to them how Good You have been to me. I Thank You SACRED HEART OF JESUS. Praise the Lord O my soul. I Thank You Holy Mother Mary, l Thank You Blessed St. Joseph, ST. PEREGRINE, St Anthony, ST. JUDE, ST. ANNE, St Bernadette, St Benedict, St Faustina, St Teresa of Avila, ST. MARIA GORETTI, St. Margaret, St Thomas, St. Francis, ST. PADRE PIO, St Michael the Archangel, St. Gabriel, St Raphael, St. Uriel, St Therese De Lisieux, St. Agatha, St. Lucy, St. Catherine Laboure, ST. MONICA, St. Veronica, St. Gerard, and All Ye Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints for interceding on my behalf to the Almighty God. Please continue to pray and Entreat God’s Favor, strength, God’s corporal and spiritual healing miracles and blessings for me, my son, mother, siblings, family and friends. Dear God, my Devine Supreme Physician please help me to retain my nutrition so l can continue to gain weight. I lost so much weight after the surgery but You God know all that already. I beg You Lord Jesus please help me. I am pleading with You Jesus. l am praying to You without ceasing like You said to do. I thank You always Lord Jesus for everything. I also thank You for All Your Blessings to me, to my son and my family and for allowing me to receive all benefits to achieve my fulfillments for my crown of Glory. Glory be Thine. Praises be unto Thee. Please God grant me Your protection from the devil and please pour Your amazing Grace and Anointing Oil upon me, upon my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters, family, friends and all my loved ones, all those who have ask for my prayers and all Your people on this earth. I Thank You Lord God Almighty.
Blessed Angels and Saints please do not leave God’s side until God hears Your prayers on my behalf. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
Please God forgive the sins of my son Christopher and in Your mercy, please God Bless Him. I Thank You God for his life and all Your healing mercies, benefits, fulfillments and Blessings to Him. I Thank You Lord for Guiding, guarding and protecting him all the time in all his goings and comings and bringing him back home always safely under Your protective watchful eyes and care. Please God, continue to guard and guide him in all his goings and comings and in everything he does. Please Father discern and Bless him with a God fearing spouse of Your choice, a prayerful, pious, virtuous, Christian woman of Your choosing. Merciful God please continue to help, protect, defend, strengthen, guide and guard him in all his ways. HOLY MOTHER, EVER-BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, OUR LADY OF LOURDES, ST. JUDE, ST MONICA, ST ANNE, ST JOACHIM, ST RITA, please Entreat the favor of the Almighty God with all my petitions in my Heart for my son Christopher. I thank You Lord Jesus CHRIST THE KING for Your protection every day of his life. Please God deliver him from the devil, and protect and guide him with his job, finances and in all his endeavors. Please God make him WISE and to grow in Grace, Age and Wisdom. Please Jesus bless him with the Government job he is seeking, for with You God nothing is impossible. Thank You my Jesus. Please St Joseph intercede with all my prayer request for my son Christopher . I Thank You Lord🙏
Please God lock my son Christopher’s heart to Yours and keep him safe beneath Your loving protective, wings. Please Jesus direct his ways and lead him to the path that You Lord have laid down for him to do Your work for Your Glory and for his Salvation. Jesus please make him obedient to Your Precepts. Please God protect and shield him from his enemies, diseases, sicknesses, accidents, anxieties, bad news, bad decisions, fears, woes, death, spiritual warfares, natural disasters, Coronavirus, influenzas, and calamities. Please God bless him with good health, longevity and Your Amazing Grace. I Thank You Father, l praise You Lord Jesus Christ for his life and all that You have done and still doing for him. I Praise Your Holy Name Jesus.
Lord Jesus please forgive all our sins, cleanse our hearts and fill us with Your HOLY SPIRIT, Encircle us with Your Holy Ghost Fire, Wash us with Your PRECIOUS, ROSY BLOOD from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet. Heal us with Your Stripes. Safeguard, strengthen, guide and protect me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters, family, friends and all close and dear to my Heart from all evil, satan attack, the devil, our enemies who are prowling around us to ruin our souls. Please God keep us all safe from our enemies, diseases, sicknesses, illnesses, calamities, disasters, Coronaviruses, influenzas, dangerous pitfalls, snares, accidents, fears, anxieties, bad news, night terrors and bad dreams, woes and death. Deliver us all from our enemies, satan attacks and spiritual battles. Fill us with Your Love, Mercy, forgiveness, good health, strength, perseverance, wisdom, prudence, knowledge, kindness, charity, purity, humility, meekness, patience, endurance and compassion for others. Please God bring my estranged, fractured, divided family together, closer to each other and bind us with Forgiveness, Humility, Meekness, Love, Peace, Wisdom, Prudence, Knowledge, strength, Kindness, charity, compassion, Understanding, clarity and Unity.
Let Your Superhuman St. Michael the Archangel and all Your Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints safeguard, protect, shield and defend us all from our enemies the devil, satan the evil spirit. Bless the devil and all his followers dinah, and all our enemies, both visible and invisible. Let our enemies fall into their own traps, nets, snares, pits that they have dug for us and let them fall way down to the bottom of that infernal abyss of the fiery, miry pit trap, the same hole they dug up for me and my family whiles me and my family escape unharmed. Please God let our enemies RISE UP NO MORE. Please God make our enemies our Footstools. Please Lord return all their evil deeds, wicked plots, works and intentions back to them and their offsprings.
Please God Bless me Edith Thy poor, unworthy, wretched servant, my poor son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters; PM, D, F, M, JB, E,YO, N,E,J, all my loved ones, family and friends with good health, peace and longevity. Please God grant us all a piece of Your Kingdom. ST. PEREGRINE please Entreat Your God and my Lord’s favor on my behalf and my brother Paa, his son Marfo, Fred, JB and sons. Whatever is going on with our health and lives, whatever ails us, please Lord take control. Please ST. PEREGRINE Ask Your God and My God to Forgive us our sins, to help us and heal us of our afflictions; both physically and emotionally. Thank You Lord Jesus.
Lord Almighty, Eternal Father l entrust into Your loving care and hands all the clergies, Pope; Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict, Monsignors, Archbishops, Cardinals, Bishops, Fathers, Deacons, priests, nuns, friars, the Franciscan, Dominicans, Marian, Claretian brothers and sisters, monks, Seminarians, all Your Holy Catholic and Apostolic churches, EWTN and Staff, Sister Michael, and all the Sisters, all church members, the Laities, all prayer warriors, the sick, my mother Margaret, CO, SA, Gloria, GA, the dying, the forgotten, the marginalized, the destitute, the barren, expectant mothers, unborn babies, children, parents, the old and elderly, the young, the poor, the orphan, the widow and the widower, the vulnerable, the prisoners, the innocent, the persecuted ones for Your sake, atheist, agnostics, all hardened souls, those that blasphemes against You, the lonely, blind, mute, deaf, crippled and the maimed, the homeless, addicted, abused, the refugees and the migrants, unemployed, the weary travelers, those in mourning, especially my cousin Kojo and her family, Liz, Aggie, Eunice, everybody and everything under Your Sun, all Your earth’s exiles who are calling on You with our Daily Novena needs and worries that we place into Your loving hands and care,
Please Lord have compassion, pity and mercy on us and please love us, hear our prayers and grant our needs according to Your Will. Please God grant us Your Peace in our Hearts and in our Days. Thank You Lord God Almighty.
Lord please be in our midst on this earth and where there is sickness, despair, brokenness, emptiness, loneliness, sadness, weakness, sorrow, suffering, war, Disasters of nature and Calamities of CORONAVIRUS & Influenzas , grant us your Peace, protection, grace, deliverance, healing mercies and mercy. Have pity on me Eternal Father Almighty Lord, Jesus Christ my Savior. Sanctify my Soul for in You do l take refuge and wait. In Your Infallible WORD l trust, believe, depend and watch. Your WORD that shall never Pass. Please Lord Order and Direct my Steps,Talk,Thoughts and Being in Your WORD. Please Lord, Fortify and Purify my Charity, Increase my Faith,Trust, Believe and Hope in You Master. Please Father, do not allow my enemies, the devil, satan the evil spirit to defeat, shame, gloat or laugh at me. Please God put satan under my feet and make him my Footstool. Jesus please defend me from the malicious enemy. O Good Jesus please hear me, within Your Sacred Wounds, please hide me. Lord please listen to all the prayers and the needs of all those who are calling upon Your Holy Name with their Daily Novena prayer requests including me Edith Your poor, wretched servant. In Your mercy, please Lord God hear and answer our prayers according to Thy Will. Please do not look upon my sins or the sins of my parents, child, Siblings, family, loved ones, ancestors or forefathers but in Your mercy please Lord forgive us all our faults and hear my cries for I place all my Trust in You Jesus. Please have Pity and Compassion on me. Thank You Jesus for allowing me to gain some weight. Please God continue to bless me with more weight gain. Thank You Jesus.
Please Lord Bless and guide me at all times and please do not leave my side as l strive to do Your Holy Will. Please God direct my paths to Your Ways so as to Serve You. Please God the World needs You. Your children and I are yearning and pining for You like a dry, patchy land thirsting for Water.
Lord Almighty God, Eternal Father, in Your mercy please bestow Your perfect peace, joy, light and eternal rest upon all Your faithfully departed souls including my father Joseph-Benjamin, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, especially Ruth Bader Ginsburg who joined You in Heaven recently, my friends, all loved ones, CORONAVIRUS victims and all Religious clergies. Please Lord grant them a piece of Your Kingdom with Your Holy Angels and Saints in Heaven. Please console all the bereaved families left behind.
Thank You Lord Jesus for listening to me, for being merciful and answering me, a poor sinner. Praises be unto Thee. Thy Will be done. BLESS THE LORD O MY SOUL AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME. PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME JESUS. Amen
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ. My Sovereign God. I give You the Glory and Praises. I exalt and magnify Your name forever. I Adore Thee.
Please God forgive my sins and hear my cries in my Humility. Please Jesus have pity and mercy on me and grant my heart desires according to Your Holy Will. All my Hope, Faith and Trust is placed in You my Sovereign God.
Thank You again and again Father from the depths of my heart for healing my stomach discomforts and please do not let the symptoms return. I beg You Father. Please God, Guide, guard, defend, direct, protect and deliver me from all evil, bad dreams, night terrors and sicknesses. You are a Good God that never fails on Your Word and Promises. A God that cannot be deceived nor deceive. I Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for answering all my prayers and rendering me normal results on all my medical tests for Your Glory and my Salvation. Praises be unto Thee Lord Jesus. I Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for rendering me a successful endoscopy procedure with Your Good Report. Glory be Unto Thee. Thank You Angels, Archangels and Saints for protecting me during my procedure.Thank You Father.
Bless the Lord O My Soul and all that is within me. Praise Your Holy Name Father. Let the whole world Adore, Exult, Magnify, Praise and Worship Lord God Almighty with me for God’s Never ending Favors, Kindness, Unfailing Infinite Love and Devine Mercy endures Forever and Ever. Amen 🙏
St Jude, Praying for my daughter safety as she is alone at university, I pray that her roommates move in soon with her so that she is not alone as she needs at least one person to move in, as we are not with her and I worry about her. Keep her in your protection and keep her safe in your care.
St. Jude helper of hopeless cases of things almost despaired of, I beg you to please intercede for a quick resolution to a court case I had to file because a former employer stole my wages. The employer has been dragging it out for more than a year. It has been very taxing on my family financially. Please intercede that all those deliberately destroying and impoverishing my family to enrich theirs be brought to justice for their jealousy and envy. Thank you!
Dear St. Jude,
Please pray for all the homeless around the world.
Thy will be done!
Dear St. Jude, intervene for me that my son stops smoking bhang be and to concentrate on his studies. Also that my brother may stop his violent behaviour. Also pray for me that my painful hip joints may get well soon. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Dear St. Jude pray my nephew and niece will return to the Catholic Church/Faith with full participation and they will baptize their son/children and bring him/them up in the faith.
Dear St. Jude pray Samyra gets a good job to fulfill her career.
Dear St. Jude pray my choice of candidate is elected for president..
Dear St. Jude pray for my nephew and his family move closer to us.
Dear. St. Jude pray for all who are ill, in mind, body and spirit.
Please pray for my country and it’s citizens. There is currently a problem with our policing system. The citizens, especially the youth want one part of the police to be dissolved and they also want a total reformation of the police. The government has heard they cry, but some of them are not convinced that the government is sincere.
Also, please pray for me and my fellow parishioners that God will lead along the path to heaven.
Lord, I pray for a miracle that my cancer will be healed and I don’t have to go to surgery again. In Jesus name amen.
Holy Saint Jude, I continue to ask to accept my prayers and tale it to Lord Jesus. For deliverance from 105, 106 Ungodly people to leave our neigbourhood soon. For Godly people in our lives. For Natalia to find her ear phones soon. She is your child and she is devastated, so you know her pain, consider her petition and I will make known to her and her mom of you St Jude. For my friend Amy to be totally healed from cancer. For my son to be blessed with a good christian, church going, Jesus accepting girl as his gf and spouse soon. Please bless. Thank you for all the contracts at work, please increase so that business will flourish and I can keep my job. Thank you St Jude for constantly being there for me and listening to my requests and fulfilling them through Jesus, Amen
Dear St. Jude, please pray to God the father on my behalf, I ask for his healing of my recent surgery. Help me lord to be patient that I may fully heal, in Jesus name I pray 🙏.
Lord please protect us from the Corona virus, help everyone to take the necessary precautions so we may see an end to this pandemic. In your blessed name I pray o lord 🙏 🙏🙏🙏
St. Jude, please intercede with Our Lord to bring me relief from chronic anxiety and worry over health matters and finances.
Please pray for my family and keep them safe.
Please pray Covid-19 can be eradicated very soon.🙏🙏🙏
I pray for all suffering depression and anxiety including my son J and me. And for those with addictions.
Please pray for my family, especially my teenage children that are struggling with the temptations of this world and depression. Pray that I have the wisdom and strength to guide them and keep them holy & safe.
Thank you.
Dear St. Jude
I pray to you today for all those that suffer from anxiety and depression especially my mother and son.
Please bring them blessed thoughts, peace and joy all the days of their lives!
I ask you this in the name of the Son and of the Father and of the Holy Spirit
Amen Amen
Thank you papa lord amen pls st jude heal my twims sister ave ramasta amen
Please help my sister Karen through depression and find her way to you.
Help her to find a new better paying job with benefits so she doesn’t need to work 2 jobs.
Please help me with focus and clarity. Please stop the evil ones distractions in my thoughts.
St Jude, intercede for all those who are job seekers, those who are underemployed and those seeking for better opportunities or options. With God nothing is impossible and there are abundance for everyone. May God feel with grace Guy-Benoît, Kareen, Mariette, Sandrine, Aïcha, Nancy and all those have not been able to list. In Jesus name, we all pray🙏🏾
Dear St. Joseph, please beg the Lord our God for me to please, heal my heart, body and soul. To please, resolve the manipulation and distortion of my thoughts and emotions by the devil in my heart and thoughts.
As Christ ambassador(By His grace), may the fruits of the Holy Spirit and discernment be my constant companion so I will always exhibit the Image and likeness of Christ my savior.
May Christ’ peace which surpasses all understanding return back to my life now, in JESUS’ Most Holy Name I pray!🙏